
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

ラファサチン (アリルイソチオシアネート); -N=C=S: Expected to have the effect of suppressing the generation of ethylene gas, and the role of preventing oxidation and enzyme. Sinigrin(C10H16KNO9S2)contained in root and leaf cells is produced by the action of an enzyme called myrosinase(β-thioglucosidase). グルコシノレート (Pungent principle; Mustard oil glycosides): Secondary metabolite; It is divided into three types: aliphatic(Alanine, Isoleucine, leucine, methionine, valine.), aromatic(Phenylananine, Tyrosine), and indole(C8H7N)(Tryptophan), and is synthesized from different amino acid precursors. Hydrolyzed by myrosinase and decomposed into isothiocyanate, thiocyanate([SCN]- ion), nitrile(Linear molecular geometry), and sulfur(S). Starch digestive enzyme: Mainly works to help digest carbohydrates. Glycosyltransferase; 1837, Justus Freiherr von Liebig; Glycosidases that break down glycosidic bonds inside sugar chains are called endoglycosidases, and glycosidases that break down glycosidic bonds at the ends of sugar chains are called exoglycosidases. It seems to be present in almost all living things, from bacteria to mammals. It contains various enzymes such as enzymes that decompose polysaccharides such as starch and disaccharides such as sucrose and lactose to serve as nutrient sources, and enzymes that process glycoproteins.フラボノイド; Polyphenols with pigments, bitterness and pungent ingredients.

From 2020 to 2021, Miura City sought a benefit of 100,000 yen per farmer (agricultural cooperative member) in order to support farmers whose management was affected by the spread of the new coronavirus infection. As soon as preparations were made as part of the emergency economic measures, the application was accepted and it seems that it will be paid by the end of February. Demand for eating out is sharply sluggish due to refraining from going out and shortening the business hours of restaurants due to the spread of the new corona infection. I took advantage of other industries, but ... In addition to the large drop in vegetable consumption, the good weather and good overall growth also affected the decline in wholesale prices, and farmers' sales are now on the rise. It is still decreasing. Against this background, the Liberal Democratic Party Miura City Council requested Mayor Hideo Yoshida to provide urgent support to farmers. It is said that the city has implemented its own economic measures. The city expects 750 applications and has posted 75.33 million yen as a project cost including office expenses. I heard that in January 2021, the supplementary budget for the general account for 2020 was dismissed exclusively.

【Product name】
Japanese white radish
Raphanus sativus L. var. longipinnatus L. H. Bailey
【Production area, wholesale area】
Bishamon, Minamishitaura Town, Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture (Marutoku and Miura City Agricultural Cooperative)
【Origin of the name】
It is characteristic that the embryonic axis on the root rises greatly from the ground surface when it grows, and chloroplast(It can be confirmed that CO2 is easily permeated, but it seems to be selective for other metabolites. The internal feature is that there is a network structure consisting of multiple folded membranes called thylakoid membranes (where photochemical reactions occur in directly embedded photosynthetic dyes), which is NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) in photosynthesis. It seems that it is a field of photodependent reaction of C21H28N7O17P3) and ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate; biological energy currency) synthesis. The thylakoid membrane is known to float in the aqueous region of chloroplasts called stroma (equivalent to the cytoplasm of cyanobacteria. Fields for carbon assimilation, nitrogen assimilation, starch synthesis, etc.). It is clear that it contains soluble oxygen that reduces carbon dioxide to sugar. The aqueous region in the thylakoid membrane is called the lumen, and it has protons (also 50% nuclear spin) taken into the lumen across the membrane, with a mass of about 1.673 × 10-27 kg and about the mass of electrons. 1836 times. Protons form a nucleus with neutrons, the number of protons corresponds to the atomic number, and the sum of the number of protons and the number of neutrons corresponds to the mass number. Hydrogen nuclei are the main measurement targets of the NMR spectrum. Yes, this is called NMR. In the world of organic chemistry, the meaning of hydrogen ion (H+) is often used. Acid is defined as a proton (H+) donor) because it performs ATP synthesis. It seems to be the proton driving force of. Thylakoid membranes form stacked parts called grana (a membrane structure in which small-diameter thylakoid disks are stacked in layers) in which flat-plate vesicles are folded, or they protrude into the stroma and also have grana. It seems to exist as a single layer of linked vesicles. The thylakoid membrane region of grana that is not in contact with the stroma is called grana-lamellae, and the region that is in contact with the stroma is generally called stroma lamella. The components involved in photosynthesis embedded in the membrane are specifically distributed in granala lamella and stroma lamella.)is formed on the surface part exposed to sunlight and it turns pale green.
【Major features】
Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture and Miura City Agricultural Cooperative have signed a disaster agreement by September 17, 2015. It seems that the pillar is that the agricultural cooperative will provide a cardboard box for shipping vegetables and a place to collect relief supplies in the event of a disaster. The signing ceremony is being held at the city hall on September 15. It seems that the city and the agricultural cooperative had already signed an agreement in 2005 for the agricultural cooperative to provide food and other daily necessities in the event of a disaster. It seems that new cardboard boxes can be used as a substitute for floor mats for evacuees, and agricultural cooperative facilities such as collection and shipping facilities scattered throughout the city can be used as a base for storing relief supplies gathered from all over the country. According to the city, there is currently only one emergency supplies collection base designated by the city, the Shiokaze Arena (Irie, Hasse Town) in the tsunami inundation area. Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, is famous as one of the leading outdoor vegetable producing areas in Japan, where radishes, cabbage, and squid are cultivated, taking advantage of the warm climate with an average annual temperature of 15.5 degrees Celsius and annual sunshine hours of 2100 hours. The Miura Agricultural Cooperative aims to establish distinctive agriculture that responds to competition between production areas and diversifying consumer needs through the development of new varieties, the introduction of production technology with less environmental impact, and the development of processed agricultural products. Seems to be. For example, Miura radish is famous for daikon radish, but we are working to expand the production of “lady salad”, which has been developed as a variety, in order to make a new daikon radish for small and tastier salads. Its characteristic is a beautiful red color with a pink tinge on the outside and pure white on the inside. You can eat the whole skin, and it seems that the size is 300-350 g per bottle. In addition, it seems that “Radish distilled spirits” using Miura radish as a processed product are also on sale. Since 1977, breeding has started with the aim of “expanding radish consumption” and “miniaturizing and better taste”, and “Lady Salad” was born, which was developed exclusively for salads (by application). This product was cultivated by crossing Miura radish with American and German radishes. By eating the whole skin, you can get more anthocyanins than white radish. It seems that about 140,000 cases have been shipped from mid-October to the end of March. In developing radish varieties for different purposes, in addition to lady salads, they are also developing “kozakura radishes,” “awazakura radishes,” and “new lady salads.” Within the jurisdiction of the Agricultural Cooperative, radish (about 786 ha: shipment is lady of pleasure Miura radish at the end of December, Japanese white winter radish from early November to February, spring radish from late February to early April), cabbage (Approximately 740 Hectares: Early spring cabbage Late November to mid-March, Spring cabbage March to late May), Summer watermelon (Approximately 386 Hectares: July to August), Pumpkin (Approximately 126 Hectares: June to August), Melon It seems that farming centered on open-field vegetables such as (55 Hectares: late June to July) is being carried out. Of these, winter-spring radish and early spring / spring cabbage are designated production areas of the country, and watermelon is a designated production area of ​​the prefecture. Recently, Wax gourd, Bitter ground fruit, summer welsh onion, tomatoes, etc. are also cultivated, and it seems that mandarin orange picking and strawberry picking are also carried out. According to the 2005 Agriculture and Forestry Census, the area of ​​cultivated land is about 1190 ha (of which about 1170 ha is ordinary fields), and of the 11.1 billion yen in agricultural output in the same year, radish is 48.5%, cabbage is 26.2%, watermelon is 12.4%, and pumpkin is It seems that 3.6% and melons accounted for 1.8%. Aiming for natural taste and healthy vegetables, in terms of sales, it is said that it is further focusing on special products in cooperation with Yokosuka Hayama Agricultural Cooperative. The Miura City Agricultural Cooperative Shipping Association is organized in 3 locations at the Misaki Branch, 9 at the Hasse Branch, 3 at the Kamimiyada Branch, and 3 at the Matsuwa Branch. Seems to hold. Of these, the spring cabbage shipping group “Matsuwa” formed a spring cabbage shipping group of 68 farmers in the Matsuwa area in 2002, and in collaboration with “Miura D.S.W Co., Ltd.”, deep sea water off Miura. Cultivated spring cabbage (irrigated during the seedling raising period and transplanting period, and sprayed on the foliage once or twice after planting in the field), and shipped with the indication “Use deep sea water off Miura” on the shipping box. It seems that it is. As an aside, Matsuwa mackerel is the brand name of chub mackerel landed at the Matsuwa, Minamishitaura Town, fishing port in Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture. I heard that it got its name because it was landed at the Matsuwa fishing port. Start fishing at dawn. It seems that a single fish can be put into an ice-covered fish tank without touching it. It seems to be famous as a luxury mackerel brand that grows in the Bungo Channel and is named alongside Seki Mackerel(Seki mackerel is one of the chub mackerels that can be caught in the Hoyo Strait, which was caught by a member of the Saganoseki branch of the Oita Prefectural Fisheries Cooperative Association. It is famous as a high-class fish created by differentiating the fishing method. As a result of applying for trademark registration and trying to foster the brand by manually tagging each fish, the taste of mackerel that can be eaten with sashimi has been recognized, and it has become a national district.), which is landed in Saganoseki, Oita Prefecture. It is said that July and after is the season when it is delicious with fat, but the catch is small and it is prized, and it seems that market officials call it “golden mackerel”. If it is sold at a fish store, it will be nearly 10 times the price of a regular Scomber japonicus. The Matsuwa mackerel season is from August to the end of December. Why don't you try it when you visit here? Now, let's move on and briefly explain the traditions and cultural properties of Miura City. Nationally designated cultural property : 諸磯の隆起海岸 : 天然記念物, 三崎町諸磯字石打, 昭和3年3月24日, チャッキラコ(Registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage on September 30, 2009.): 重要無形民俗文化財, 三崎, 花暮仲崎, 昭和51年5月4日, 赤坂遺跡 : 史跡, 初声町三戸, 平成23年3月8日, 三戸のオショロ流し : 重要無形民俗文化財, 初声町三戸, 平成23年3月9日. Prefectural designated cultural property : 菊名の飴屋踊り : 無形民俗文化財, 南下浦町菊名, 昭和30年11月1日, 刀銘津田越前守助広 : 工芸品, 初声町下宮田, 昭和32年2月19日, 漣痕(波調層) : 天然記念物, 海外町, 昭和32年2月19日, 城ヶ島のウミウ, ヒメウ及びクロサギの生息地 : 天然記念物, 三崎町, 城ヶ島赤羽根海岸, 昭和35年5月31日, 毘沙門洞窟弥生時代住居阯群 : 史跡, 南下浦町毘沙門, 昭和35年11月4日, 銅鐘 : 工芸品, 三崎, 昭和44年12月2日, 三浦市海外町のスランプ構造 : 天然記念物, 海外町, 昭和53年9月1日, 木造薬師如来及び両脇侍立像 : 彫刻, 初声町和田, 昭和53年11月17日, 城ヶ島漁撈用具コレクション : 有形民俗文化財, 三崎町城ヶ島(旧城ヶ島分校海の資料館), 昭和57年2月9日, 三番叟面 : 有形民俗文化財, 三崎, 平成7年2月14日, 海南神社本殿幣殿及び拝殿1棟ほか附棟札2枚 : 建造物, 三崎, 平成23年3月22日. City designated cultural property : 薬師如来立像 : 彫刻, 白石町, 昭和42年3月28日, 和田義盛の肖像(非公開) : 彫刻, 南下浦町上宮田, 昭和42年3月28日, 諸磯遺跡 : 史跡, 三崎町諸磯字新堀, 昭和42年3月28日, 埴輪(人物一体) : 考古資料, 向ヶ崎町, 昭和42年5月29日, 子持勾玉(一括) : 考古資料, 初声町三戸, 昭和42年5月29日, 笹塚不動明王像 : 彫刻, 南下浦町上宮田, 昭和44年3月26日, 切妻造妻入形横穴古墳 : 史跡, 南下浦町菊名, 昭和44年3月26日, 海南神社面神楽 : 無形民俗文化財, 三崎, 昭和46年1月21日, 鰐口 : 工芸品, 初声町下宮田, 昭和47年8月31日, 地蔵菩薩座像 : 彫刻, 栄町, 昭和49年12月10日, 地蔵菩薩立像 : 彫刻, 南下浦町金田, 昭和56年1月10日, 旧三崎小学校城ヶ島分校 : 建造物, 三崎町城ヶ島, 昭和62年1月30日, 海南神社夏祭りの「行道(お練り)獅子」, 無形民俗文化財 : 三崎, 平成4年4月30日, 阿弥陀三尊来迎図絵画, 三崎, 平成4年4月30日, 阿弥陀如来立像(非公開) : 彫刻, 初声町下宮田, 平成11年5月25日, いなりっこ : 無形民俗文化財, 三崎, 平成14年4月1日, 会津藩士とその家族の墓碑(37基) : 歴史資料, 城山町27基 向ヶ崎町2基, 平成18年4月1日, 白石町, 1基, 三崎町諸磯2基, 圓照寺文書2点 (北条氏規朱印状/ 向井政綱寄進状) : 古文書, 三浦市三崎, 平成18年4月1日, 大浦山洞穴遺跡の骨角器/ 貝製品と卜骨155点 : 考古資料, 初声町入江(三浦市文化財収蔵庫), 平成18年4月1日, 海南神社の大イチョウ雌雄各1本 : 天然記念物, 三崎, 平成21年4月1日, 擬宝珠 : 工芸品, 三崎, 平成21年4月1日, 向井将監一族の石塔群 : 歴史資料, 白石町, 平成25年4月1日. 赤坂遺跡出土品(第8次調査) : Excavated items from the middle and late Yayoi period-考古資料 : 初声町入江(三浦市文化財収蔵庫), 平成29年1月10日, 海南神社 夏例大祭 : 無形民俗文化財, 三浦市三崎, 平成29年6月12日, 三浦の農耕(業)関係用具 : 有形民俗文化財, 初声町入江, 令和2年3月31日. Nationally registered tangible cultural property : Former Hasegawa family house owner / stone warehouse / Garden gate and inner wall: Registered tangible cultural property, Mito, Hasse Town, December 5, 1st year of Reiwa. The genealogy of the rise and fall of the Miura Clan, which dates back to the feudal era of the Middle Ages, is nothing but the history of Miura's prosperity and rise and fall for about 450 years. The story of the clan's activities and sorrows, including Genji, Hojo, and Ashikaga, during the heyday of the Kamakura Period and the destruction of the Muromachi Period, is an honor of Military Family. The fierce battle with Soun Hojo-Ko at Arai; Misaki Castle, the Aburatsubo that became the end of the Miura clan, lasted for three years. Yoshiatsu; 道寸 Miura-Ko, Mr. Arajiro's parent and child's bravery, and the tragic story that most of the road dimensions and officers decayed into Aburatsubo Bay at the time of the fall of the castle are still in the appearance of a quiet cove. I'm keeping it. Ancient, Jomon, Yayoi, and Kofun period ruins are widely distributed in the city. In the early Kamakura period, the Miura clan, including Yoshimori WADA-Ko, was active. Also, during this period, three palace of cherry blossoms, camellia, and peaches were opened in Misaki, and many important people including Minamoto no Yoritomo-Ko visited. A banquet is held by planting cherry trees on Jogashima and Hozoyama in Misaki. During the Edo period, it was a busy port town and was gradually developed as a fishing port, which laid the foundation for the formation of a city as a pelagic fishing base in recent years. In 1590, when Mr. Gohojo was destroyed by Hideyoshi-Ko's attack on Odawara Castle, Ieyasu-Ko left the Tokai region in response to Hideyoshi-Ko's intention, and the former territory of Gohojo, the six Kanto countries Kozuke,. It is reported that the territory was changed to Kazusa, Shimosa, Sagami, Musashi, Izu and entered Edo Castle. Ieyasu-Ko placed the Hatamoto in a place that can be reached overnight from Edo, and in the distance, mainly selected the meritorious people of the Tokai era as daimyo and placed them on the Tokaido line. Miura District; The Miura Peninsula is under the direct control of all but some of the flagship territories, and Nagatsuna Hasegawa-Ko was invited by Suruga as the deputy head of the government, and a camp was set up on the shores of Uraga Bay. In 1594, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's nationwide land survey was conducted all over the country, and Kokudaka of rice was seized in Miura District. His servant, Masafusa Moriya(Former Takeda retainer)-Ko, was involved in the inspection of Kikoba Village as a substitute for Nagatsuna-Ko, the deputy chief of each. It is believed that many of the indigenous people who have been indigenous to the area since ancient times have been incorporated into Ieyasu-Ko's Military and agricultural separation policy and have become village officials. On the other hand, the Shogunate placed four ship magistrates, Masatsuna Mukai-Ko, Kagetaka Ohama-Ko, Takanori Mamiya-Ko, and Magobei Chiga-Ko, in Misaki, the southern tip of the Miura Peninsula, as a restraint at the mouth of Edo Bay. Mr. Mukai(Mr. Imagawa, Mr. Takeda, Mr. Tokugawa)was given the position of magistrate of the ship, and his power was famous in the sea of ​​Sagami. In 1615, when the TOYOTOMI army was settled by the Siege of Osaka, the three were assigned to Edo, leaving only Mr. Mukai, who left the footsteps of the clan on the Miura Peninsula for a long time. “Misaki, Hashirimizu Guardhouse” : The Shogunate established various checkpoints to maintain security, and set up a maritime security action at Misaki and Hashirimizu as a maritime security at the mouth of Edo Bay. It is said that ascending ships were monitored in Misaki and descending ships were monitored in Hashirimizu. Direct retainer of a shogun acts as a magistrate at both bansho, and concentricity is in charge of the practice. The magistrate of Miura and Hashirimizu Bansho not only takes charge of all the work related to the sea, but also the deputy head of Miura District, Nagatsuna Hasegawa-Ko and Nagashige-Ko (nephew of Nagatsuna) died between 1596 and 1614. The camp is abolished. It is reported that in 1648, both magistrates also served as deputy officials except for a part of Miura District, and oversaw the village administration by paying the annual tribute rice under the direct control of the shogunate. As for the change of lords, the lords who rule here have changed with the times since Ieyasu-Ko entered the Kanto region. In 1590, Hideyoshi-Ko unification of the whole country and Miura District became under the direct control of Mr. TOKUGAWA. Land inspection is conducted in Nobi Village and Sugaruya Village in 1591. In 1600, the De Liefde was washed ashore in Bungo, and Mr. William Adams was sent to Uraga. Hemi Village to Mr. Anjin Miura (Mr. Williams Adams) from 1600 to 1614. After the fall of Osaka Castle (the destruction of Toyotomi) in 1615, Mr. Mamiya and others Misaki were withdrawn to Edo, and Mr. Chiga and Mr. Ohama were also withdrawn to Edo. Reconstruction of Shinbuji Yakushido in Numama Village in 1622. 1632 Tadakatsu Mukai-Ko, ordered to Hashirimizu number, Yoriki six horses, concentric thirty people are entrusted. In 1639, itabi-type Koshinto was built at Sogenji Temple in Kugyo Village (the oldest Koshinto in the city). 1641 Masakata Mukai-Ko, Otsu, and Morisaki were given 1,000 koku and became a Hashirimizu ship magistrate. 1660, Shinzaemon Sunamura-Ko begins development of Uchikawa Shinden. 1665, Shinzaemon-Ko Build a monument on the Yawata River tide embankment. 1667 Sunamura-Ko completes 585 Ishiyo Uchikawa Shinden. 1674 Mukai Shogen Masakatsu-Ko died (Tadakatsu's sixth son), buried in Otsu Village Teisho-ji Temple A fish wholesaler in Edo Odawara, Honmoku Kanazawa Territory and Miura 17gaura argue for entry and exit. 1679 Uchikawa Shinden divided into two (later Zenroku group, Yobei group). 1683 Takeyama Fudoson moves from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain 1688 Higashiurawa's Subashiri (fry of mullet) fishing is subject to 13 tax; 貫: 1300両= 13000匁= 約48.75 kg. 1691 Uraga Tomyodo's expenses are charged to the dried eel wholesaler 1692 Uraga is divided into Higashi Uraga and Nishi Uraga. 1696 Misaki and Hashirimizu magistrates are abolished. 1703 Minami-Kantou, Tokai earthquake, tsunami wrecked Uraga, Higashi-Uraga's dried eel wholesaler was damaged, and the gate of Daimei-ji Temple in Kanaya village was destroyed. 1720 The Shimoda magistrate is abolished and a magistrate's office is set up in Uraga. First magistrate Hori Okinokami Toshio-Ko, Yoriki 10 people, Concentric 50 people 1721 Inspection of kaisen begins at Uraga guardhouse. 1739 Higashi-Uraga's dried eel wholesaler, unpaid due to past luck, pleaded with Uraga magistrate's office again. 1740 Boso Mikuni's dried eels have been declining to the top of the hierarchy that they should be landed in Higashiuraga. 1750 Matsudaira Yamato no kami Tomonori-Ko occupies 32 villages in Miura District. 1777 Shogoro Edoya asks Uraga to open a laundry shop (prostitute business). After that, on January 1, 1955, Misaki Town, Minamishitaura Town, and Hasse Village merged to form “Miura City”, which continues to this day. “Minamishitaura Town Agricultural Cooperative" will be added on April 1, 1969. “Japanese ⌈Aokubi (greenhead)radish」”, It is said that it was first cultivated as Miura radish since the Meiji era. Initially, the surrounding area was from the sea, and transportation was carried to Tokyo by ship, but at the end of the Taisho era, transportation was shifted to automobiles. Along with the advancement of cultivation techniques under the guidance of agricultural associations, voluntary unions were formed by producers. Mainly on sale in the Tokyo market. In the latter half of the Showa 30's(1950s), the number of farmers who own private and transport vehicles increased, and individual shipments increased. Agricultural cooperatives will strengthen joint shipping and sales, and in 1978, 3 million cases, more than half of which will be jointly shipped, will be reflected. Introduced in 1979 in light of consumption trends such as miniaturization, weight reduction, and sweet taste. Since it sells higher than “Miura Japanese Radish”, it became mainstream in the latter half of the 1970s.)and agriculture centered on open-field vegetable cultivation in the suburbs of the Tokyo metropolitan area. “Japanese white radish” has increased due to changes in consumption trends, and it seems that 99% is now Japanese white radish. It is one of the largest radish producing areas in Japan in winter, and seems to boast a large market share from Kanto to Hokkaido. I heard that the sowing period is from early September to mid-October (ridge width 42 to 60 cm, spacing 18 to 24 cm), the harvest period is from mid-November to late March, and the yield is about 10,000 kg per 10 acre. 野菜生産出荷安定法,(Act on Stabilization of Production and Shipment of Vegetables), 昭和四十一年,法律第百三号,(Act No. 103 of 1966): We are striving for planned production and shipment such as vegetable price stabilization business. Radish grows lush even in winter and is shipped mainly from December to March. It is said that the shipping time is decided by dividing into the conventional Miura radish (White), Winter radish and Spring radish, and the cultivation method is decided for each variety. Producers strives for proper use of chemical fertilizers, healthy soil preparation, and soil conservation. Competitive plant, green manure crop planting, manure building installation. There is no dedication to ensuring a stable organic fertilizer. There are seventeen collection and shipping areas in the jurisdiction, and Producers bring in individually selected radishes. The staff in charge inspects and receives the goods, and the union decides the shipping quantity by market and transports it to the market. For vegetables in Miura, the producers are thoroughly booked in the control management diary. We cultivate open-air cultivation that makes full use of the warm nature of the Miura Peninsula to provide delicious radishes. Require an extraordinary effort and involvement. The boughs that bear most hang lowest. I think so too. The better the person, the more humble. Typical industry: Fisheries centered on the Misaki fishing port(Specified Type 3 Fishing Port; Designated on March 21, 1960. Act on Development of Fishing Ports and Grounds, Act No. 137 of 1950(漁業漁場整備法, 昭和二十五年, 五月二日, 法律第百三十七号,漁業法, 昭和二十四年, 法律第二百六十七号)): The term “Japanese port” as used in this Act shall mean those ports and harbors for which port and harbor area was publicly noticed, pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1, Article 9 of Ports and Harbors Act (Act No. 218 of 1950) including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph 2, Article 33 of the said Act, and fishing ports as provided in Article 2 of Act on Development of Fishing Ports and Grounds (Act No. 137 of 1950). In the Taisho era, a tuna longline fishing boat equipped with a diesel engine appeared, and it seems that the motorization and size of the fishing boat progressed rapidly. Kaneda Bay morning market: Direct sales of fishermen, farmers, and producers Seasonal ingredients and specialty products are crowded and crowded. Anniversary, every Sunday 5: 50-7: 30 May-September: Every Saturday 12: 00-16: 00, Ends as soon as sold out. December 29th (Sat) and 30th (Sun) at the end of the year, big sale at the end of the year (held from 5:50 as soon as there are no more products. Reopening date, from 5:30 am on Sunday, June 7, R2 (scheduled to be held every Sunday thereafter). A venerable place that has been held since 1987. Marine recreation, which shows a wide variety of areas, is also adding new attractions as a tourism product. Due to the influence of the Kuroshio Current, the winter is warm, with an average annual temperature of 15.5 degrees Celsius, annual rainfall of 1,500 mm, and annual sunshine hours of more than 2,100 hours, which belongs to the oceanic climate. The cultivated area is 1,791 hectares, of which more than 98% are fields (including orchards,2012). Agriculture centered on open-field vegetables that take advantage of the warm climate is active as a core industry. In particular, Japanese radish: Boasts the largest planted area, yield, and shipment volume in Japan,(Japanese radish with a greenish head)and cabbage(It is one of the best producing areas in Japan and produces autumn / winter cabbage and spring cabbage. It has the second oldest history after radish and is said to have started around 1890. In the olden days, winter cabbage was cultivated, which was flat and tightly headed. In the first half of the 1965's, the soft and sweet spring cabbage that has been cultivated until now was introduced in the winter cropping type. Raising seedlings on the ground is the mainstream. Compared to cell-molded seedlings, it takes time and effort to take measures against pests such as soil disinfection. However, since it does not require special facilities or materials, it can be manufactured at low cost. I heard that spring cabbage, which is planted in severe winter, which cannot be rooted by plug seedling, can also be raised. Since the optimum planting period is long, it is possible to plant plants even if the harvest of the previous crop is around due to typhoons or unseasonable weather.)are Famous as one of the largest production areas in Japan, and are famous as nationally designated production areas(1980). There are many vegetables and fruits, but recently, autumn and winter vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower are also produced. On October 1, 1965, “Hasse Town” and “Misaki Town” merged to form “Miura city Farmers' Cooperative.” Minamishitaura-machi Agricultural Cooperative will be added on April 1, 1969. “Spring cabbage” country designated production area ; Cultivation is the second oldest after Radish and is said to have started around 1892. Previous, the mainstream was the Toran(寒玉, 冬藍)Winter Cabbage, which was flat and tightly headed. The first half of the 1965's(Winter cropping) : Introduced the soft and sweet Spring cabbage that has been cultivated until now : Then, the cropping pattern with early spring was established. Spring cabbage is from 1965, ‘early spring cabbage’ is 1980. Seeds every year from late September to mid-October : Planted from late October to mid-February : It is expected to be harvested from early March to early May. It is characterized by being sweeter and softer than early spring cabbage. It is popular as a variety suitable for raw food such as salads. Cultivation at the right time for growth is essential for spring cabbage. The damage from pests is small, and the number of times the drug is sprayed is small. After spring cabbage, mid-early cabbage will also be shipped in mid-May. Root decay disease and damping-off are diseases that become a problem at the seedling raising stage. Drugs are commonly used to prevent this. Availability of solar heat as a resource conservation method with less burden on the environment-Part of the Miura Peninsula. In connection with that, we are working on a soil disinfection method. Soil solarization ; Apply fertilizer and maintain it so that it can be seeded. By covering the nursery with vinyl, the soil temperature rises. In addition, it can kill bacteria that are sensitive to high temperatures and control weeds. Cost reduction by using old vinyl used for cultivation of Melon and Watermelon. In addition, by covering, the surface of the soil can be kept moist. It becomes very good as a seed condition with summer wisdom. I hear that raising seedlings on the ground is the mainstream in production areas. Ground seedling raising ; Compared to cell-molded seedlings(plug seedling), measures against pests such as soil disinfection are required. This is a lot of work and effort. However, it does not require any special facilities or materials, so it seems that it can be made at low cost. Plug seedling - Spring cabbage that is planted in the cold season when it cannot survive can also be raised. In addition, the optimum period for planting tends to be long. Planting is possible even if the harvest of the previous crop is around due to typhoons and inclemency. In the area, three croppings in two years rotation cropping are performed. And the turnover rate of the field is very high. In order to speed up shipping, “Intercession” in part. It's a task that must maintain the system. For intercropping, the ridges of radish or cabbage are set wider than usual. Planted between ridges before harvesting the previous crop ; Spring Cabbage. The previous radish is harvested from December to January. The planting time is around mid-November before that : Before the previous radish is harvested, it is intercropped in the furrows. There is also an example of planting spring cabbage as an intercropping of early spring cabbage. Harvest ; The stock is sufficiently headed and pushed from above to harden, and this is done in sequence. It is divided into about 3 times to wait for it to grow to large(L)size. Pack the stock in a 10 kg cardboard box(8 pieces L size center)and go to the collection and shipping area. Everyone cooperated(Agricultural cooperative / Municipal / prefectural related organizations)in 2008 to promote and practice GAP(Good Agricultural Practices)- Formed a promotion subcommittee. Workshops have been held since the fall of 2009. Distribute check sheets to each producer. Raised mainly using organic fertilizer ; Surrounded by the sea, it is exposed to plenty of sunlight and is soft even in winter. Approximately 3.1 million cases (Approximately 3,500 large trucks) have been shipped. The union sells sweet, fluffy and soft spring cabbage on an online shopping site. The freshness is the best because it is harvested in the morning and shipped that day. By all means, everyone should try it. It was cultivated from the middle of the Meiji era, and increased rapidly from around 1957 due to the spread of grafting cultivation. The varieties are “Fujihikari TR” and “Matsuri Bayashi 11” for Otama Ball, and “Himekansen” and “Madderball” for Small Ball Watermelon. Wax gourd and Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida are mainly used as rootstocks, and planting is from early April to early May, and there are two cultivation methods: tunnel pruning and non-pruning “Okkabuse cultivation”; Cultivation method that simplifies ventilation work by cultivating in a vinyl tunnel with ventilation holes. In addition, in order to improve the quality, there seems to be some prior cultivation in which a tunnel is made at the tip of the vine during the fruit set period. The harvest period is from late June to mid-August, and the yield is about 5,000 kg per 10 acre. Watermelons on the Miura Peninsula have a crispy texture and a unique juiciness, and are highly evaluated by the market and consumers. “Small ball watermelon from Miura city”, The flesh is as crisp as a large watermelon, and the skin is dark green with thick stripes and clear. The pericarp is thin and about 3 mm, but it has sufficient hardness and tends not to crack in a few things. It is known as a variety with significantly less fruit cracking during transportation and physiological fruit cracking during growth. Little is in season in summer, and the quality of the second fruit is the same as that of the first fruit. It has a sugar content of 13 degrees or more and a strong crispness, and has the best taste. The varieties are mainly grown in greenhouses and large tunnels, but they are also suitable for harvesting in August for outdoor cultivation and October to December for controlled cultivation. It has few seeds and is easy to eat, it is sweet to the edge of the skin, and it is kind to nature because the skin is thin and there is little kitchen waste. From Marutane Co., Ltd., headquartered in Ebisunocho, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. “Miura Citizens' Folklore Series” : 海辺の暮らしー浜諸磯民俗誌ー, 三浦市沿岸(浜諸磯)の漁撈習俗緊急調査, 1985年, 2, 海辺の暮らしー城ヶ島民俗誌ー, 三浦市沿岸(城ヶ島)の漁撈習俗緊急調査, 1986年, 3, 海辺の暮らしー松輪民俗誌ー, 三浦市松輪地区民俗調査, 1987年, 4, 海辺の暮らしー三戸民俗誌ー, 三浦市初声町三戸地区民俗調査, 1988年, 5, 海辺の暮らしー上宮田 / 菊名民俗誌ー, 三浦市南下浦町上宮田 / 菊名地区民俗調査. 1989年, 6, ちゃっきらこ風土記ー漁師町の民俗ノートー, 内海延吉氏による国指定重要無形民俗文化財ちゃっきらこ, 1990年, 7, 海南神社の面神楽ー上巻ー, 三浦市指定無形民俗文化財面神楽について, 1991年, 8, 海南神社の面神楽ー下巻ー, 三浦市指定無形民俗文化財面神楽について, 1992年, 9, 城ヶ島村沿革各誌, 明治20年に城ヶ島村在住の加藤泰次郎氏が城ヶ島村の地誌等を編纂した「覚え書き」の原本コピー, 1993年, 10, 城ヶ島の御船唄上巻, 三浦市城ヶ島に伝承されてきた御船唄の調査, 1994年, 11, 城ヶ島の御船唄下巻, 三浦市城ヶ島に伝承されてきた御船唄の調査, 1994年, 12, 三浦相撲, 「第53回かながわ夢国体」の相撲競技開催を記念して, 伝統ある三浦相撲に関する資料の収集 / 展示を行った “三浦相撲展” の解説書, 1998年, 13, 三戸民俗誌2, 三浦市初声町三戸地区の子供組と若者組に関する民俗調査の報告, 2002年, 14, 三浦三崎のチャッキラコ, ユネスコ無形文化遺産 / 国指定重要無形民俗文化財 “チャッキラコ” についての解説書, 2009年, 15, “三浦菊名 / あめや踊り”, 県指定重要無形民俗文化財 “菊名の飴屋遅り” についての解説書, 2011年, 16, “三浦 / オショロ流しの三戸”, 三浦市初声町三戸地区の生産と生業(農 / 漁業)寺院と檀家についての解説書, 2012年, 17, “海南神社 夏例大祭”, 市指定重要民俗文化財, 海南神社夏例大祭, についての解説書, 2018年, 18, “旧初声村の暮らしと農具”, 市指定重要民俗文化財「三浦の農耕(業)関係用具」についての解説書, 2020年. Algorithm: For agricultural cooperatives, shipping distribution is one of the most troublesome tasks. It seems that it will grasp the amount of shipments shipped from farmers the next day, decide the shipment quantity for each delivery destination such as the market, and decide how to load the packages on which shipping company's truck. This work is basically done manually. In the case of Miura Agricultural Cooperative, the farmer first informs each shipping station of the next day's shipping schedule, and each shipping station contacts the agricultural cooperative. The agricultural cooperative entered the quantity received from all shipping offices into Excel, decided the quantity to be shipped to about 50 markets from Hokkaido to Osaka, and made a vehicle allocation schedule based on that. With the advancement of IT in agriculture, a system has emerged that significantly shortens the time required to create delivery schedules for shipments, which is one of the most difficult tasks of agricultural cooperatives. It takes only one second to do the work that took eight hours a day. It will be introduced by Miura City Agricultural Cooperative Association (hereinafter Miura City Agricultural Cooperative) and Cybozu Inc(Developed in collaboration with Cybozu Lab Co., Ltd. (Location: Chuo Ward, Tokyo, President: Teppei Sato, hereinafter Cybozu Lab). Temporarily implemented from April.)in Kanagawa Prefecture. It seems that it will be possible to schedule vehicle allocations faster and more efficiently than humans can calculate using a unique algorithm. I've heard that the part that takes the longest time is the part that schedules vehicle allocation. At the agricultural cooperative, it seems that the work of determining the shipment quantity for each market after grasping the shipment quantity of the farmer is completed in about 2 hours, but it seems that it takes about 8 hours for mid-career staff to make a schedule for dispatching the vehicle after that. Even a veteran takes 5 to 6 hours, which is a heavy burden, so I heard that this part was systematized in the winter of 2018 in cooperation with Cybozu. Ishii Food Co., Ltd., which manufactures and sells processed foods by additive-free cooking, announced on March 2, 2021 about hamburgers using cabbage produced in Miura City, which was developed in collaboration with Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture and JA Miura City, Miura City and Chiba Prefecture. It is announced online by connecting the head office of Ishii Food Co., Ltd. in Funabashi City. The tomato sauce hamburger roll cabbage way using Kanagawa Miura cabbage, which was developed to solve regional issues by commercializing fresh cabbage as a long-lasting processed food, was released on February 1, 2021. When it was first sold at some supermarkets in Miura City from January 22, it seems that the number of shipments per week reached about 20,000. The number is equivalent to about half of the total population of Miura City, and it seems to have been a precedent that contributed to the sales channel by increasing the fresh sales volume of cabbage while gaining popularity from local consumers. The news shows the popularity of local agricultural products.

As one of the representative vegetables in Japan, it has a high existence value. I heard from producers that the closer it is to the leaves, the sweeter it is for grated daikon radish and raw food, the lower it is, the more spicy it is for condiment, and the middle it is for food cooked by boiling.

ビタミンK: 2-メチル-3-(3,7,11,15-テトラメチル‐2‐ヘキサデセニル)-1,4-ナフタレンジオン: C31H46O2; Activates bone osteocalcin(protein)and arterial matrix Gla(γ‐carboxyglutamic acid: C6H9NO6; Produced by carboxylation of some specific glutamates of blood coagulation proteins)protein.Calcium metabolism in the body(Physiological effects through a series of cells that occur throughout the body)Helps regulate, maintain bone and artery health. クロロゲン酸: C16H18O9, Chlorogenic acid is a well-known antioxidative compound. We investigated the content and behavior of chlorogenic acid derivatives with DPPH radical scavenging activity in sweet potato prepared by various cooking methods. A significant correlation was obtained between the chlorogenic acid content and DPPH radical scavenging activity. While the content and activity in sweet potato cooked with water were substantially retained, roasting in a convection oven resulted in their lower retention due to the higher temperature of around 200℃. We propose that chlorogenic acid could be effectively taken in sweet potato when cooked in a microwave oven or steamed, and also simmered with the cooking water after boiling.(Institute of Nutrition Sciences, Kagawa Nutrition University with Kagawa Nutrition University, Journal of cookery science of Japan 2005). ペクチン: methyl ester: J.Braconnot,1825(Rf): Galacturonic acid:carboxyl group: -C(=O)OH. セルロース:(C6H10O5)n; The main component of plant cell sell stones and plant fibers, and the most abundant carbohydrate on earth. リグニン:Sphingomonas paucimobilis SYK-6:bacterium: Mineralization; Effective resistance to decay and feeding damage. C6H13NO2: 2-アミノ-3-メチルペンタン酸); Hydrophobic amino acid(BCCA). The role of promoting the uptake of blood glucose into skeletal muscle without an increase in blood sugar concentration. It works to suppress gluconeogenesis(A pathway that slowly reverses glycolysis from lactic acid, pyruvic acid, amino acid, propionic acid, etc. to produce D-glucose.)in the liver and to oxidatively utilize glucose. A zwitterionic compound having a leucine structural isomer and a sec-butyl group (-ch (ch3) ch2ch3) in the side chain. C4H9NO3: 2-Amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid): A zwitterionic compound having an Amino group (-NH2) and a carboxyl group (-COOH) and a hydroxyethyl group in the side chain. There are two diastereomers, but only the (2S, 3R) form is called L-threonine(Since it has two optically active centers, four isomers have been identified.). It has been suggested that it may compete with alanine, Branched Chain Amino Acids, phenylalanine, serine, tryptophan, tyrosine etc. I hear that it is the newest in history. Cysteine: C3H7NO2S; 2-Amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid: It works to suppress the production of Black melanin pigment and is abundant in trichome and hair. Inhibition ofthe enzyme tyrosinase. Drugs that suppress leukopenia due to skin diseases, antiallergic drugs, radioactive rays, etc.
The Miura Peninsula is long and narrow and extends to the southeast, and its inclination angle is the same. There are four seasons, there is little difference in latitude, and the impression of the terrain is boot-type. The area is famous for fish and shellfish caught in abundant fishing grounds surrounded by the sea on three sides of the south, east and west, and agricultural products that take advantage of the mineral-rich south wind and the slightly warm climate in the south.

Bishamon Cave Yayoi Period Residences: Not an ordinary sea cave. It seems to be a cave that has been used as a residence and grave since the Yayoi period. Japanese white radish Wholesaler Marutoku also seems to have a company nearby.

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