
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Mythical Goto beef nurtured by the sea breeze: In the Goto Islands, Nagasaki Prefecture (Maru Goto: Kyushu consists of 11 inhabited islands and 52 uninhabited islands floating 100 km west of Nagasaki, and the beautiful sea and rich nature are impressive) It is beef from cows fattened in Japan, and the Goto Agricultural Cooperative has the trademark (regional collective trademark) right. When the age of a bovine tooth excavated from ruins in the city was measured, it was found to be from the middle Yayoi period and is said to be "one of the oldest bovine relics in Japan." Can be heard. In addition, the farmers of Goto have raised their beef with the same affection as their family since long ago, so Japanese Black Beef, a type of Tajima beef, has gained fame under the nickname 'Goto Beef'. In this way, the meat is raised with a lot of love and rich natural grass, and it seems that it is highly evaluated for its slightly different meat quality. Tajima beef is widely known as a petite and strong cattle that was born and raised with the people living here in the Tajima region of Hyogo Prefecture, which has many steep topography such as deep valleys. In addition, it has relatively thin bones, little subcutaneous fat, high-quality muscle fibers, and a perfect balance between lean meat and fatty meat.

In recent years, damage to crops and damage to the living environment by wild boars has increased. This makes it possible to visualize the damage situation on a map in real time, and it seems that it has led to results such as a significant improvement in capture efficiency. Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications supplementary budget for fiscal 2016. It seems that they decided to introduce a wildlife damage countermeasure system using ICT and implemented it from 2017. Okuura, Fukue Island, Goto City Wildlife damage countermeasures using a cloud-based geographic information system (GIS) in the district. We have installed 10 trap monitoring devices with notification functions and 10 monitoring cameras. By linking the infestation detection sensors and capture detection sensors of these devices with GIS, it is possible to notify and visualize in real time the situation such as the appearance and capture of wild birds and beasts. It seems that it can be done. Appearance detection sensor / capture detection sensor When the sensor detects the appearance of wild birds and beasts or the operation of a trap, it automatically takes a picture and sends an e-mail to the trapper registered as an address. It seems that the hunter will be able to quickly grasp the situation at the scene. GIS for wildlife damage countermeasures: Information from intrusion detection sensors and capture detection sensors is collected in real time and visualized on a map. In addition, by registering information on countermeasure equipment such as traps and fences, information related to wildlife damage countermeasures can be centrally managed.

【Product name

Goto Ruby (Frutica Tomato) 


Solanum lycopersicum

【Producing area】
Matsuo, Tomie Town, Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture(JA Goto, JA Zen-Noh Nagasaki)
【Origin of name】
From the point that it is sweet like fruit in midi tomato. Large ball tomato is a loan word from the English word "tomato", and according to Ekiken Kaibara(女大学(四書五経): 和俗童子訓, 巻5の女子ニ教ユル法)’s "Yamato Honzo (published in 1709)", it was introduced to Japan in 1708. The English word "tomato" comes from the indigenous Mexican Nahuatl word "tomatl," which means "bulging fruit," but "tomatl" seems to refer to the fruit of the blader cherry. In Mexico, "tomato" is called "xitimate" and "xitomatl", and "xi" is said to mean "peeled" and "round". When the Spanish, a country of passion, brought tomatoes (xitimate / xitomatl) back to Europe, they called them "tomate" from "tomatl" in Spanish. Although it was "tomate" in Portuguese, French, German, and early English, the Spanish word form has many words with "-o" at the end, and the nutritious "potato" that we love. It is said that it was drawn to the shape of "토마토" and changed to "tomato".
【Major features】
The most important issue for Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture, seems to be countermeasures against population decline. At its peak in 1955, the population was 91,973, but as of the 2015 census it was 37,327. If the population decline continues at this pace, it is expected to reach around 12,000 by 2060. Therefore, in 2015, Goto City formulated the "Goto City Population Vision and Comprehensive Strategy for Vitalizing Town, People, and Jobs" with the goal of securing a population of 20,000 by 2060. Various measures are underway, including job creation, support for immigration, and expansion of the non-resident population. Temple 76: Seiryuzan Myosenji Temple, principal image: Jizo Bodhisattva, Shingon Buddhism Omuro Ninnaji Branch Temple. Founded in 1603. Morikiyo (1628-1679), who founded the Hizen-Goto Tomie clan, worshiped the mountain and made it a prayer temple. The origin of the mountain name "Seiryuzan" is said to be the auspicious sign from ancient times. It is said that dragons summon clouds and bring rain, so people prayed for rain at the summit of Mt. Seiryu. At the top of the mountain, there is a stone monument engraved with "Seiryuzan". Previously, a small stone shrine was enshrined inside the wooden building, but now the wooden building has decayed and there is only a small stone shrine. About one-third of the road approaching a shrine is steep, so stone steps are piled up. Behind the main hall is Bishamondo. Bishamonten is the guardian deity of Buddhism. He is one of the Four Heavenly Kings and protects the northern world. He is commonly depicted with a treasure stick in his right hand and a pagoda in his left, making him one of the Seven Deities of Good Luck. He is also called Vaisravana (one of the Four Heavenly Kings). In the first year of Kanbun (1661), Morikatsu (the 4th lord of the Fukue clan in Hizen Province and the 24th head of the Goto family) gave him 3,000 koku of rice in the Tomie territory by order of the shogunate. Goto 88 Kasyo Junrei: The 75th Zentsuji Domeizan Zuiunji Temple (Matsuo, Tomie Town) seems to have been built in 1611 as Zuigenji Temple. It was renamed to the current temple name in 1681. There is a sacred place for the feudal lord and wife at the family temple of the Tomie Goto family. In Nagasaki Prefecture, it is a sacred place opened for people who have difficulty in going to the 88 sacred places in Shikoku, and it seems that the beginning is said to be in the Taisho era. You can pilgrimage regardless of the time of year, but every spring and autumn you can go around with the guidance of the sacred place association, and at that time it seems that there is entertainment such as hot tea at each sacred place. Tomie Shrine regularly held festival is a festival that has continued for more than 300 years in the Tomie district of Fukue Island, Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture, and seems to be held every year from October 14th to 17th for four days. On the 14th of the first day, a festival will be held from 7:00 pm and Tomie shinto music will be played. On the 15th of the second day, the regularly held festival is held from 10 am, and the transferral of a sacred object from its place of en shrinement of portable shrine (carried in festivals) is held from 3 pm. It seems that Tomie Kagura is played in front of the portable shrine at night, passing to the temporary shrine in a unique way of kneading according to the sound of the flute drum. On the 3rd and 16th, a tour of the town will be held. Shinto music is played by visiting the garden of a house that was requested for a new construction celebration or rush of business, or visiting a group home and dropping the mikoshi. And on the final day, the 4th and 17th, portable shrine (carried in festivals) seems to go up to the shrine. NHK(Semigovernmental corporation Japan Broadcasting Corporation) announced the production of the late 2022 serial television novel "Maiagare!", And the Goto Islands have been decided as one of the stages. This work is the 107th work, and the time when it is drawn is from the 1990s to the present. It seems that the heroine is a drama of frustration and rebirth toward her flying dream while fostering bonds with various people in the manufacturing town of Higashi Osaka and the nature-rich Nagasaki / Goto Islands. In the story of the heroine aiming to become an astronaut, Mai-chan, the heroine, heads for a flying dream in the script by Ryoko Kuwahara. It was announced in the latter half of August 2021 last year. Goto City : Located at the westernmost tip of Kyushu, about 100 km west of Nagasaki Prefecture. In the southwestern part of the Goto archipelago, which consists of 152 large and small islands. The total area is 420.12 km2, consisting of 11 manned islands and 52 uninhabited islands. The western coast of Fukue Island is lined with sea cliffs due to the rough waves of the East China Sea. In recent years, damage to crops and living environment damage caused by Wild Boars(Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758)has increased in the city: Damage to crops caused by Deer(Cervidae Goldfuss, 1820)and damage to the living environment such as the collapse of stone walls are becoming more serious. City is steadily implementing conventional measures such as capture, protection, and environmental improvement. Introduced Bird and beast damage measures system using ict with the aim of confirming bird and beast damage and improving the efficiency of capture. This is because the amount of crop damage caused by wild birds and beasts nationwide has been around 20 billion yen annually in recent years. Decline of motivation to farm, abandonment of cultivation, increase of abandonment, and infestation in the living area. Crush etc. with the vehicle, it is a serious bottle neck in rural districts beyond the range that can be understood as the amount of damage. Established in 2007 due to widespread and serious damage: Bird and beast damage prevention special measures law(Law No.134), Support for proactively taking comprehensive measures to prevent various damages. Let's get back to the story. The cliffs of Osezaki and the volcanic sea cliffs of Sagano Island are especially famous. On the two islands, there are small groups of homeates (mortar volcanoes) and aspite (shield volcanoes). Its unique volcano shape is rare in Japan. The landscape of the entire island is very beautiful and most of it is designated as Saikai National Park(The designated date of the Ministry of the Environment is March 16, 1955.). June 30, 2018: Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region. "Egami Village on Naru Island(It is formed by a complex coastline and hillsides on steep slopes. It is located in a slightly open terrain on the west coast of the northwestern part. "Egami Catholic Church" seems to have been built by creating a flat land on the southern slope of the terrain. Christianity may have been introduced in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. After the persecution of Christianity was issued nationwide in 1614, a crackdown order was issued to the hidden Christians in the Goto clan. It is possible that Goto disappeared from the archipelago around the 18th century. etc.)" and "Hisaka lsland Village(Located in the south, centered on Hisaka Bay, which enters the bay from the north to the center. Surrounding in a horseshoe shape, the circumference is about 52 km. Paddy filed, which was cultivated in accordance with the pioneering immigration policy(A farmer's migration agreement was established from the Omura domain to the Goshima domain.), and Rokuro, which became a place for fishing net hoisting work in collaboration with Buddhists. The graveyard of the hidden Christian (oratio), the place of repression after discovering the believers, the church built after the ban was lifted and its remains. Fukue Island, adjacent to the south side of Hisaka Island, by Jesuit missionary Luís de Almeida(葡)in 1566. etc.)" are registered as World Heritage Sites. The Goto Region is greatly affected by the Tsushima Warm Current, and has a marine climate with warm winters and relatively cool summers. The annual average temperature is 17 degrees Celsius, which tends to be relatively warm due to the influence of the Tsushima warm current. In 2018, the annual rainfall was 1863.0 mm. Below are the typical flowers, trees, and birds of the city. Camellia japonica L., Crinum asiaticum L., Ficus superba (Miq.) Miq. var. japonica Miq., Zosterops japonicus Temminck & Schlegel, 1845.It's clear how the city(island)is in harmony with nature and loved. Born on August 1, 2004 by the merger of 1 city and 5 towns. Agriculture production is centered on livestock and upland farming, including beef cattle and vegetables. In addition to the main crops, the production of leaf tobacco etc. is also active. Potatoes are also produced, and everyone loves the "甘古呂餅(It is still made in each household as a preserved food in winter and has been passed down from generation to generation.)" made from sweet potato as a special product. Current status of bird and beast damage: From around 1990, damage to agricultural crops such as paddy rice, forage crops, and soybeans caused by deer, and contact accidents with automobiles due to jumping out from the side of the road began to increase. From around 2010, wild boars dug up in the mountains, collapsed stone walls, and caused frequent damage to the living environment such as kitchen gardens. In 2015, it has expanded to crops such as paddy rice and sweet potatoes, and it has been confirmed that it appears in urban areas. Take urgent measures and the administration will play a role for farmers and residents. "Goto Paprika" : It has a strong sweetness with a sugar content of 8 degrees and a thick and juicy taste. It is made with reduced pesticides based on special cultivation. In winter, the daylight hours are short and the temperature is low, so coloring is slow and it takes time to harvest. Goto products are mainly shipped to markets such as Nagasaki City and Kitakyushu City, but they are also sold at JA's direct sales office direct market "Goto is delicious". If you drive about 30 minutes southwest of Fukue Port, you will reach Tomie Town, Goto City, which once flourished with coral. This town is a tomato producing area called "Goto Ruby Tomatoes". Members of the Goto Ruby Study Group in their 20s and 40s are cultivating medium-sized tomatoes (30 g or more and less than 200 g). It is shipped mainly in the Kanto region, has a high reputation in the market, and has many consumers. This excellent agricultural product has a sugar content of 8 or more (about 5 degrees for ordinary tomatoes) and is characterized by its sweetness and freshness. Sweet and delicious Midi tomatoes with low acidity and high sugar content seem to be cultivated mainly in Tomie Town, Goto City. The shipping time is usually from the end of September to the beginning of June of the following year, and it seems to be almost all year round except for the hot summer season. A new product with a brilliant crimson color and shipped as "Goto Ruby Tomato". We make every effort to provide consumers with the true taste of ripe tomatoes. Goto Ruby Tomatoes are produced in the Tomie area, about 30 minutes southwest of Fukue Port by car. In 2004, the planting of medium ball tomatoes (Hana Queen) began, and in 2006, 12 farmers established the Goto Ruby Research Group and began trial cultivation of Chutama tomatoes (Hanaotome). In August 2010, "Goto Ruby Tomato" was registered as a trademark. In 2018, one corporation and 10 individuals produced "Goto Ruby", the planted area in the same year was 188ares, and the yield per hectare was 10,550 kg. Sixth industry initiatives in the Goto region of Nagasaki Prefecture: 2013-present (ongoing). As a background of the efforts, The Goto area is one of the leading dry-field farming areas in the prefecture, and it seems that many crops such as forage crops, barley, and tobacco are being planted. Due to the geographic condition of being a remote island, transportation takes time and costs. In greenhouse horticulture, we have been working on medium ball tomatoes since 2003 and have shipped them as our own brand. Traditional processed products such as kankoro (dried sweet potato) and dried daikon are also produced, but the production volume is declining. In response to this situation, in order to increase the income of farmers, it is necessary to expand efforts on agricultural products for processing business. In 2013, the Goto Regional Processing Business Production Center Development Council was established by farmers' organizations, agricultural cooperatives, and related organizations, and seems to have supported the expansion of the production and production areas of vegetables for processing. Furthermore, from fiscal 2016, we have asked processing-related organizations such as the Goto City Local Products Promotion Association and the Chamber of Commerce to participate in cooperative efforts to support production and processing.
Act as parliament. The council promotes cooperation between production areas and actual users, promotes various promotion measures, etc., thereby increasing the income of farmers through the expansion of production areas, the development of a management body that tackles sixth industry initiatives, and the securing of stable shipping destinations. It seems to help improve In addition, the Goto Regional Processing Business Development Council was established, and as a secretariat, a group of related parties was put together to conduct a fact-finding survey of actual consumers, participate in matching fairs, conduct a questionnaire on the actual state of production, and establish a sixth-order management body. It seems that he supported the creation of a comprehensive business plan. In order to increase the processing capacity of leaf mustard and cucumbers of agricultural cooperatives, we supported the expansion of salting processing facilities and the implementation of waste liquid treatment facilities under the subsidy project for building strong agriculture. (2014-ongoing) Conducting sixth industry initiatives seminars for farmers and processors, and promoting his sixth industry initiatives by introducing case studies and business introductions by experts. In addition, we will provide individual consultations and support for efforts such as certification of comprehensive business plans for management bodies that are oriented toward the sixth generation. It seems that he heard requests from the agricultural cooperative for the effective use of non-standard tomatoes. (2016-ongoing) In order to commercialize non-standard medium ball tomatoes, we requested the dispatch of experts in the development of processed agricultural products and package design, received advice, and started trial production at processors and prefectural testing institutes implementation. After narrowing down the prototypes, we invite general consumers and agricultural producers, etc., to a tasting party and have them evaluate it.

It is very sweet with an average of 7 degrees or more in the season compared to 4 or 5 degrees in ordinary tomatoes, and the fruit is classified as a medium-sized tomato (30 g or more and less than 200 g), which is about twice as large as cherry tomatoes. Members of the Goto Ruby Research Group in their 20s to 40s grow medium tomatoes (30 g or more and less than 200 g). It is shipped mainly in the Kanto region, has received high praise in the market, and is highly sought after by new consumers. Goto Ruby Tomatoes have a sugar content of 8 or more (normal tomatoes are about 5%), and are sweet and juicy.

In 2003, we started branding medium-sized tomatoes with a diameter of about 4 cm, and developed them under the name of "Goto Ruby Tomatoes." The fruity sweetness comes from thorough water management, and only those that meet the standards are shipped as Goto Ruby. Shipments usually begin around autumn, and the sugar content is higher in the winter, and the season from November to March is particularly delicious with a good balance of sourness and flavor. It's something that shines like a ruby jewel. Frutica tomato seems to have less cracking even in spring and autumn when the temperature difference between day and night is large due to the characteristics of elastic flesh. Also, according to farmers, it can be cultivated in all seasons. The grass vigor is rather strong in the early stages, so care must be taken not to cause overgrowth and abnormal main stems. However, it seems that additional fertilization is necessary early in the four-stage flowering when the burden of fruiting begins to be applied and the grass vigor tends to decline in winter. I have heard that the ripening stage is Wase and the leaves are medium-large leaves.

With daily research being valued, all of the farmers apply diligent application, and Goto Ruby Tomatoes are generally evaluated for their taste and quality, and there are many fans who look forward to them every year. This is because the reduction of pesticides is the first priority for stable supply, and more time and effort are put into improving and devising manure management.