
Sunday, September 10, 2023

ALPS treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (Water that contains radioactive materials inside the building of the Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, water that has been purified to remove radioactive materials other than tritium until it meets safety standards. Also regarding tritium.) In order to fully meet safety standards, it is significantly diluted with seawater before disposal. For this reason, it seems unlikely that it will have any impact on the environment or the human body. Also, there is a significant change in the concentration of radioactive materials in the ocean before and after it is released into the ocean. We thoroughly check with the eyes of a third party to ensure safety, and we take every possible measure to ensure safety. The comprehensive report concludes that the release into the ocean complies with international safety standards and that "the radiological effects on humans and the environment are negligible. "The IAEA checks not only before release but also after release. This will be carried out over a long period of time. The water inside the building contains fuel-derived radioactive substances that are not normally contained in wastewater from general nuclear power plants, but they are purified until safety standards are met by purification equipment such as ALPS. Purification. International safety standards state that safety should be evaluated based on the sum of the effects of all radioactive materials contained, regardless of the type of radioactive material. This idea applies regardless of whether the reactor is an accident reactor or a conventional reactor.) will be diluted with seawater before being released into the ocean, up to the pre-accident release control target of 22 trillion becquerels per year. The concentration of tritium in this case is set at less than 1,500 Bq/liter. This is 1/40th of Japan's safety standards and 1/7th of the drinking water guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO). I'd like to hear opinions from those in the opposition community, but all that matters is that the strict IAEA monitored the Advanced Liquid Processing System and determined that it was below standard values and there was no problem. I strongly believe that comments about contaminated water that lead to a decline in food self-sufficiency and damage to reputation should be stopped immediately.

On December 23, 2021, JA Fukushima Sakura Koriyama District Headquarters held the "2021 Koriyama District Tomato Production Promotion Seminar'' at the Hiwada General Branch in Koriyama City, with approximately 80 producers participating. The total sales amount was 776 million yen for the JA's acreage of 2,367a, and 146 million yen for the area's 677a, with the aim of implementing production and sales policies that promote tomato branding. Tomatoes from this area are produced throughout the year and are shipped throughout the year, but they are still not well-known, so we will talk about the challenges needed to raise their profile and the process of creating a brand at our JA head office sales and distribution center. This is explained by the then-assistant section chief. In addition, the then-chief of the Agricultural Promotion and Extension Department of the Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry Office reported on the growth progress and future measures, and Mr. Nagatsu of the JA Zen-Noh Fukushima Horticulture Department reported on the progress of tomato sales in 2021. The head of the Munegata Koriyama district at the time said, "The Konan Summer Autumn Tomato Production Subcommittee has a sales value of 106 million yen, and the subcommittee is a production area that generates about 100 million yen annually. From now on, it will become a brand. Therefore, we at JA would like to provide full support.'' 

【Product name】
Sakura Tomatoes
Solanum sect. Lycopersicon
【Within the jurisdiction】
Fukushima Prefecture Koriyama City, Tamura City, Miharu Town, Tamura District, Ono Town, Iwaki City, Futaba Town, Futaba District, Namie Town, Katsurao Village, Hirono Town, Naraha Town, Tomioka Town, Kawauchi Village, Okuma Town (JA Fukushima Sakura, JA Zennoh Fukushima)
【Origin of name】
It was named with love from the production area (harvest area). With wonderful fruit crystals. Originating around the Andes in western South America, the indigenous Aztecs called it “TOMATL. ”It is widely known, and it is said that Tang dynasty(唐柿, 蕃茄, 小金瓜, 赤茄子, 珊瑚樹茄子: another name)and “TOMATO” are used in Japan after the Meiji Era. “Momotaro Tomato”, Treetop A large pink ball that does not hurt even when shipped after it is fully ripe. A long-established store from the Edo period-Developed by foundation takii & co., Ltd in 1835. Launched in 1985, it boasts explosive popularity.
【Major features】
In Konan Town, Koriyama City, which falls under the jurisdiction of JA Fukushima Sakura Koriyama District, specialty summer and autumn tomatoes reach their peak shipping season after the lantern festival holidays in August, and workers at the fruit sorting plant are busy sorting and packing the red-colored fruits. The town's Konan Summer and Autumn Tomato Production Subcommittee acquired Fukushima Prefecture GAP (FGAP: A system in which the prefecture certifies producers and organizations that practice Good Agricultural Practice based on the prefecture's own standards, including measures against radioactive materials.) certification in 2019, and was working to produce safe, secure, and high-quality tomatoes in accordance with the standards. The 19 growers in this subcommittee have been working on harvesting since mid-July, and a total of about 5 tons of tomatoes are brought in from each grower every day to the tomato sorting facility on the premises of our JA Konan General Branch, mainly from the Kanto area. It is distributed in In fiscal 2021, the company aimed to ship 300 tons worth 120 million yen. The Konan district, located at an altitude of 500 meters, experiences a large difference in temperature between day and night during the summer, with days in the greenhouse sometimes exceeding 40 degrees Celsius and nights dropping below 20 degrees Celsius. It seems that when the night temperature is low, the consumption of sugar produced by photosynthesis during the day is suppressed, resulting in sweeter and more flavorful tomatoes. For this reason, Konan tomatoes are gaining popularity not only within the prefecture but also in the Kanto region. Shipping will continue until late October. Konan town; Akatsu, Fukura, Miyo area, Located on the south coast of “Lake Inawashiro(One of the 30 new tourist attractions in Fukushima: Funatsu Park; picturesque place, Konan Seven Beach, Konan Port)” in Koriyama City. It’s famous as a high-temperature zone with an altitude of 500 to 1,000 meters. Equally along the Aizu region mountains, the amount of snowfall’s about 80 cm to 130 cm, and winter temperatures can drop to 17 and 8 degrees below zero. The town’s blessed with historic sites, cultural assets and natural monuments(Koriyama Nunobiki(A plateau with an altitude of about 1080 m; 33 wind turbines are being built)New tourist attractions like the “Plateau of Wind” have also been created: “Nunobiki radish”). Especially in the summer, the temperature difference between day and night is large, making it an ideal environment for growing tomatoes. I hear that the taste is created by photosynthesizing in the sunlight during the day. Koriyama City, Cet article tente d'élucider la situation du developpement spatial des tonctions UHL) clans le guartier central de la yule de Koriyama, par l'analyse de la distribution et du processus d'agglomération des fonctions CBD. Les fonctions CBD fondamentales choisies dans cet article sont au nombre de quatre, soient les fonctions de commerce au detail, de restauration, d'affaires (par exemple banques, compagnies d'assurances, etc.) et d'hôtellerie. La vine de Koriyama est située 200 km au nord de Tokyo. C'est la métropole régionale de la préfecture de Fukushima. En 1990, elle comptait 315, 000 habitants. Elle est reliée. Tokyo par le Shinkansen du Tohoku qui a été inaugure en 1982. Le centre-ville est le plus vieux quartier de Koriyama. II s'est développé autour de la rue de Rikuu Highway (jadis la route nationale qui la reliait Tokyo), qui est une route principale construite dans les années 1600. Ce quartier a été traditionnellement un lieu d'agglornération de la population, le centre économique, ainsi que le nceud du réseau de transport non seulement pour Koriyama, mais aussi pour la région du Tohoku-sud. Actuellement, il y a la gare de JR (ex-Socieété Nationale des Chemins de Fer Japonais) avec la voie ferree du Shinkansen du Tohoku qui est située au centre. De plus, s'y concentre les rues principales comme la Nationale 4 reliant Tokyo Aomori, et l'avenue station square main street reliant la gare avec l'Hôtel de vule. L'importance stratégique et économique du centre de Koriyama se réfléchit dans le niveau des prix des terrains situés dans ce sectéur. Ainsi, les lots situes devant la gare JR sont les plus dispendieux de la préfecture de Fukushima. Toutefois, la distribution des bâiments multiples étages (six étages et plus) se limitent actuellement autour des principales avenues. Ainsi, beaucoup de magasins avec logement un eétage se mêlent aux immeubles moyens (au-dessous de six étages). Le réseau des rues étroites et des chemins irréguliers empêche la construction rapide de grands édifices, et par le fait meme limite l'évolution de la structure patiale du secteur. Done, la répartition actuelle des fonctions CBD est le reflet de la distribution historique, notamment en ce qui concerne la fonction commerciale. Dans la zone commerciale du centre se trouve la rue Rikuu Highway et l'avenue station square main street qui occupe le cceur du centre-ville, lequel est entouré par la zone des restaurants. La zone des affaires est située la périphérie du quartier, tout au long de la Nationale 4 et de l'avenue Sakaibashi-Omachi. La zone hôtellière est presque similaire la zone commerciale. Beaucoup d'hôtels sont des immeubles en hauteur qui consacrent leurs étages inférieurs aux activités commerciales ou de restauration. Au point de vue de la distribution verticale des fonctions CBD, les étages consacrés la fonction commerciale sont localisés au niveau inférieur, surtout au rez-de-chaussée l'exception des grands magasins. La fonction de restauration se retrouve aux étages inférieurs et moyens. Les fonctions des affaires et hôtellière se situent aux étages les plus élevés. Jusqu'présent chaque fonction s'est agglomérée au centre et s'y est déplacée avec un processus différent. La fonction commerciale a été centralisé en bordure des rues entre les grands magasins dans le dessein d'attirer beaucoup de piétons.(Graduate Student, University of Tsukuba, Geographical review of Japan. Ser. A Chirigaku hyoron 1992), Be sure to try the "Sakura Tomatoes'' that are loved by everyone. A PK conveyor type color sensor that keeps the product temperature from harvesting to shipping low and has less impact on the selection of fruits is introduced. High-sensitivity proteome analysis method(2016.07.21): 2020 Division of Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, School of Science, Hokkaido University. (Professor Junji Yamaguchi, Junji Yamaguchi's Laboratory in the Department of Morpho-Functional Science, 2015, Support for the "Editing Fee Support Project for Young Researchers," Joint Research with the University of Tsukuba, Ritsumeikan University, and the Max Planck Institute (Germany🇩🇪)). Comprehensive information on post-translational regulation of metabolic enzymes in tomato fruit that was unknown. It has been revealed that the functions of many enzymes are regulated by phosphorylation and the associated interaction with 14-3-3 proteins (Family of conserved regulatory molecules expressed in eukaryotic cells of Escherichia coli). It is hoped that this will lead to the creation of a new technological platform for optimizing the yield and nutritional content of tomato fruits. Enzyme reaction (general, enzyme reaction) = E+S ≒ ES ≒ E+P (enzyme + substrate ≒ substrate-enzyme complex ≒ enzyme + product) ≒(enzyme+substrate ≒ Substrate enzyme complex ≒ enzyme+protect). The effect of two types of organic agriculture(traditonal organic agriculture and Sutotyu organic agriculture)on nutritive value in tomato and green pepper was researched. Sutotyu is made of vinegar extracted from charcoal, glucose and alcohol. In Sutotyu organic agriculture, Sutotyu, charcoal and crashed crab shell were inputted. In January 2023, in order to expand the production of highly profitable horticultural crops such as vegetables and flowers in Fukushima Prefecture, the “Fukushima Horticultural Giga Complex” (to promote horticulture, agricultural output will be reduced to the level before the Great East Japan Earthquake (2, 33 billion yen. Aiming to promote all Fukushima.) has begun. Led by JA Group Fukushima, we will set up complexes in various parts of the prefecture that consolidate farmland and streamline production, aiming for sales of 100 million yen or more per location. It seems that the plan is to reduce the dependence on rice, realize "profitable agriculture", and increase the number of young farmers. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries' "Agricultural Management Statistics Survey," the average income for all agricultural management bodies, including individual farmers and corporate management bodies, was 1,254,000 yen in 2021. Divided into individuals and corporations, the average income of individual farmers was 1,152,000 yen, while the average income of corporations was 4,245,000 yen. It can be seen that the result is lower than the median household income. Farming requires equipment such as tractors and other agricultural machinery, as well as greenhouse equipment, so it is not uncommon for them to cost a lot of money to prepare them. The average income of all farm management entities of 1,254,000 yen is the gross profit of 10,769,000 yen minus the farm management expenses of 9,515,000 yen. In addition, as can be said in other industries, the situation varies greatly depending on the scale, form, and region, and there is no doubt that there are various management entities. For example, it seems that there are management entities that do not have farming as their main business because they earn income from another business as a part-time farmer. The average income only includes part-time farmers, so there is plenty of room to aim for a higher level of income than the average if you make a living from farming alone. In fact, according to the management income and expenditure of agricultural management entities in 2020, the average income of all agricultural management entities was 1,236,000 yen, and when the target was narrowed down to full-time farmers, the average was 4,156,000 yen. Some agricultural management bodies generate profits of 10 million yen or more a year, while others are in the red. In addition, even among sole proprietorships, the average income of a sole proprietorship (50% or more of household income is agricultural income) is 4.34 million yen, and income varies greatly depending on the degree of relative importance to agriculture. Agriculture is also a business, so we have to think about making a profit. What is important at that time is which crops can produce high profits. It would be nothing less than that the three factors of producer use, organization, and operation in a cooperative are essentially the same. The original meaning of "Blessed Trinity'' is "God is the united existence of "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.'' Christ, who is the "one God'' in which the three of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are united doctrine. "Father" is God and "Son" is Christ. And the "Holy Spirit" is the existence that appears before Jesus Christ's disciples after he ascends to heaven and acts as a link between God and humans. It is believed by most Christian denominations, including the three major denominations of Catholicism, Protestantism, and the Eastern Orthodox Church. However, in the process of establishing the doctrine of Christianity, various interpretations of the Trinity theory and the divinity of Christ arose, leading to fears of a split in Christianity. In the 4th century, the emperor Constantine I, who was thinking of using Christianity to rule the Roman Empire, held the Council of Nicaea in 325 to break through. At the conference, a debate was held as to whether Christ was God or Man, and in the end, the Trinity theory was formulated as a doctrine, acknowledging that he was the same substance as the Father. In the original formulation, the relation of the Holy Spirit was "the Holy Spirit from the Father," but the Western Church later added to it the relation of the "Spirit from the Father and the Son," and the Son. Then, criticism arose from the Eastern Church, which did not approve of changing the formula, and it developed into a controversy. There have been a number of settlement talks, but no settlement has been reached. A food crisis is said to occur with high probability in the near future due to the effects of cyclical climate change and global population growth. We have no choice but to face the risks of Japan's food self-sufficiency rate being less than 40% and 70% of its farmers aged 65 or older. "Kitaakari Potato: Mid-late maturity'' was selected at the Hokkaido Agricultural Experiment Station in 1975 by crossbreeding the mother "Irish Cobbler potato'' with "Tunika potatoes'', which is resistant to potato cyst nematodes (Hokkai No. 63, Agriculture and Forestry). No. 29, Shima Type No. 524) was raised.  (Rusutsu Village is the birthplace of "Benimaru potatoes" (Medium late ripening, Okute: Cultivation characteristics, Cyst nematode resistance: The first resistant variety in Japan together with “Ezoacari potatoes”), a starch raw material that was recognized in 1938 as an excellent variety In 1929, at the Hokkaido National Agricultural Research Center (Kotoni, Nishi Ward, Sapporo), "lembke frühe rosen" was the mother and “pepo” was the father. leaves at the time of germination is purple. The stem length is slightly longer than "Konafubuki potatoes" (In 1971 she crossed with "Toyoshiro potatoes" as mother and "WB66201-10 potatoes" as father.) and the number of stems is large.) Compared to 'Danshaku potato' and 'May Queen potato', it has straighter stem wings, more hairy mushrooms on leaves, fewer flowers, more pollen, and secondary skin color. Compared with "Ezoakari potatoes'', it has a red color, a yellow flesh color, and "yellow potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis, Wollenweber, 1923)) resistance''. The leaf color of the time is tinged with purple, the flower color is reddish purple, the secondary color of the potato skin color is red, the flesh is Starchy, Powder, etc. It was registered in 1987 under the name "Kitaakari potatoes". Forestry and Fisheries), an application was filed for registration in 1987 based on the Seed and Seedling Law, and the following year, 1988, the variety was registered. The soft, deep mouthfeel is highlighted by the pale yellow color and soft sweetness of the Tunica potatoes. Kitaakari potatoes, which have the good points of each, have a fluffy feeling and seem to be excellent cultivation that maximizes the original flavor. In addition, it is famous as an energy-saving potato that can be boiled in a short time. It seems that the heat treatment time is about 2/3 compared to the baron potato. The ideal storage location for general potatoes is a cool, dark place with low humidity set at around 10°C. Specifically, one-unit of land measurement refrigerators for commercial use and cargo containers with air-conditioning installed seem to be used as potato storage for farmers. I've heard that general household refrigerators are not very good because there is a limit to the amount that can be stored, and moisture tends to accumulate inside the refrigerator. Protecting the green land inherited from our ancestors, cultivating fields, regenerating the regional agricultural production base that has provided consumers with fresh, safe and secure agricultural and livestock products, and regaining a rich and healthy life. It seems that this is the wish and the “future of the hometown” that we should aim for. JA Fukushima Sakura promotes support for recovery and reconstruction activities of cooperative members, users, and affected farmers, and cooperates with the national government, prefectures, municipalities, etc., and tackles reconstruction issues according to the following basic policies. On October 30, 2022, the gubernatorial election will be held on October 30, and on the last Sunday of the election campaign, the incumbent candidate (main official position: councilor of the National Association of Mayors, vice president of the National Sign Language Association, Tohoku national highway) Chairman of the Council, Member of Abukuma River System River Development Committee, Member of Abukuma River Upper Basin Flood Control Council, Chairman of Fukushima Prefectural Sewerage Association, Vice Chairman of Fukushima Prefectural City Planning Association, Member of Fukushima Prefectural Elderly Medical Care Wide Area Assembly, Prefectural Fukushima Airport Revitalization Promotion Council Chairman, Koriyama Regional Firefighting Association Manager, Japanese Red Cross Society Fukushima Prefecture Branch Koriyama District District Manager, Japan Water Works Association Tohoku Region Branch Secretary, Japan Water Works Association Fukushima Prefecture Branch Manager) is in Fukushima City, and new candidates are campaigning in Koriyama City. Seems to have expanded We are trying to dig up votes by advocating policies in urban areas of the Big favorite voting constituency. In mid-September 2022, an original variety of strawberry developed by Fukushima Prefecture, "Fukushima ST14 Strawberry: Fragaria L. (Japanese name: Strawberry genus), Name and reading of the cultivar applied, Fukushima ST14, Name and address of the applicant at the time of filing, Fukushima prefecture (Sugitsuma Town, Fukushima city) Application number 36009, Application date 2022/02/02, Date of Publication 2022/06/20, Date of Withdrawal Refusal,Date Name of Breeder, Miho Akiba, Satomi Miyashita (Fukushima Prefectural Agricultural Center Crop Horticulture Department Researcher), Export Designated country with restrictions on activities Fukushima prefecture with restrictions on production activities" has been decided to be "Yuyake Berry Strawberry", and the logo design has also been completed. In anticipation of the annual demand for Christmas and the Year-End and New Year days, a debut event will be held in late December, and sales will begin at mass retailers and direct sales outlets in the prefecture. “Yuyake Berry Strawberry” is a strawberry developed by the prefecture over a period of 10 years. It seems that there were a total of 17,732 applications from 8,279 people inside and outside the prefecture for the name recruitment. It seems that the name was invented by Ms. Niida of Motomiya City after a review by the prefectural creative director Mr. Yanai (born in Koriyama City), producers' groups, and market and distribution officials. It seems that the decisive factor was the expression that makes you feel the color that is characteristic. Based on the concept of "radiant strawberries that convey the thoughts of Fukushima", the idea is "every time you bite into it, happiness spreads in your mouth like the sunset that turns the sky red, and you can feel the bright hopes of tomorrow." It seems that it was put in. "Yuyake Berry Strawberry" has many large strawberries that are larger than a 500 japanese yen coin size, and has a moderate acidity and a strong aroma. It grows vigorously even in the cold season, and it seems that the harvest starts early and the yield is high throughout the year. The prefecture breeds "Tochiotome Strawberry" and "Kaorino Strawberry". It seems to be the first new variety in about 20 years since "Fukuharuka strawberry" and "Fukuayaka strawberry" in this prefecture. In fiscal 2022, 14 households in the prefecture are producing it, with a planted area of about 0.6 hectares and a production volume of 18 tons. It seems that there is also an intention to expand the cultivation area from next fiscal year and expand the planted area to 10 hectares or more by 2025. I've also heard that the production volume is limited, so the target will be narrowed down to within the prefecture. In addition to the debut event, Fukushima Prefecture seems to be promoting with consumer monitor tours and the production of gift boxes using the logo design. Taking advantage of the fact that it can be shipped within the year, it seems that it will aim to sell at a higher price than "Tochiotome Strawberry", which is native to Tochigi Prefecture and accounts for the majority of the market share. The opening ceremony of the JA Fukushima Sakura Koriyama District Pear Joint Sorting Plant will be held from August 19, 2022 at the same fruit sorting plant in Atami Town, Koriyama City, and the shipping work for the specialty pears has begun in earnest. It seems that the size and sugar content are about the same as the average year. The name of "Tamura City" is derived from the Tamura clan, descendants of Sakanoue no Tamuramaro, who ruled this area as Tamura County for generations after the conquest of Emishi by Sakanoue no Tamuramaro. Seems that the city emblem was also enacted by public offering. From the Nara period to the Heian period, the Imperial Court often made eastward campaigns against the hostile Emishi. At first, as one of the lieutenant generals of Otomo no Otomaro (731-809), he made a successful expedition to the east, and later succeeded in subjugating the Emishi as Barbarian Subduing Generalissimo shogun. In his later years, he was promoted as a councilor (equivalent to the current cabinet minister), middle councilor, and dainagon, and was active mainly in the center of politics, but his life ended due to illness. He is 54 years old. His official rank is Chief Third Rank of Dainagon and General of the Right Guard. He was posthumously awarded the rank of Junior Second Rank. The 52nd Emperor Saga (786-842) mourned his death and apparently went into mourning for a day. The city is located in the center of the Abukuma Highlands. On March 1, 2005, the former five towns and villages of Takine Town, Okoshi Town, Miyakoji Village, Tokoha Town, and Funabiki Town were merged and formed out of seven towns and villages in Tamura District. This area is located about 30 km from Koriyama City, the core city of Fukushima Prefecture, and is an area in Nakadori, Fukushima Prefecture that serves as a node with Hamadori. The Abukuma mountain range runs north to south in this area, and from the north, Mt. Hiyama (1,057 m), Mt. Yorigatake (995 m), Mt. Kamakura (967 m), Mt. Takashiba (884 m), Mt. Otakine (1,192 m), Mt. Hayama (970 m), etc. These mountains and small mountains form a topography of continuous rolling hills. In addition, many rivers such as the Otakine River and the Takase River flow down from these mountains. Although the climate belongs to the Pacific coastal climate, it seems to have the characteristics of an inland climate with a large annual temperature range and little rainfall and snowfall. Even in the cold season, the continuous snowfall period seems to be getting shorter. About three and a half years ago, in fiscal 2019, the city was located in a hilly and mountainous area with a forested area of ​​just under 70%. Add to this the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, and the reality of agriculture and farming villages seems to have been extremely harsh. Chicken eggs (large corporations) rank first in terms of agricultural output, meat cattle ranks second, and vegetables rank third. Livestock is an important industry that supports the region. In addition, the area has long been a production area for breeding cows, and "Tokiwa Japanese beef" and "Miyakoji Japanese beef" are known. There were 102 from Fukushima Prefecture and 96 from Tamura City. For the large-scale progress project, JA Fukushima Sakura established a subsidiary (JA Wagyu Farm Fukushima Sakura Co., Ltd.) to maintain the production base and establish a system that can support farmers, and started the Cattle Breeding Station (CBS) business. By the end of the fiscal year, hardware such as facilities will be completed, and full-scale operations will start in fiscal 2019. In the Tamura area of ​​Fukushima Prefecture (Tamura City, Miharu Town, Ono Town, Tamura District), agricultural products such as peppers, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, blueberries, beef cattle, and paddy rice are produced, taking advantage of the blessed nature and semi-cold climate. There is the Tamura area in Fukushima Prefecture, which is easily accessible from the Tokyo metropolitan area and Sendai and is rich in nature, is generous in agriculture. In addition, the Tamura Agricultural Extension Center has launched the "Tamura New Farmer Support Council" in collaboration with the jurisdiction, JA Fukushima Sakura, and local farmers. Iwaki City, Born on October 1, 1966, with a major merger of 14 municipalities. It borders Ibaraki Prefecture at the southeastern tip. Since it faces the Pacific Ocean to the east, the temperature difference is relatively small and it is blessed with a warm climate. It gradually lowers to the east from the Abukuma Highlands (elevation 500 to 700 m) in the west. A flat land is formed, and rivers centered on the Natsui and Same rivers flow through the city area and flow into the Pacific Ocean. It is easy to spend because it is warm in winter and cool in summer. It has about twice the area of ​​Tokyo's 23 wards and boasts the second largest population in Tohoku after Sendai. In the earthquake disaster reconstruction, efforts are underway to aim for a town that will be a base for industry and living that supports the reconstruction of fukushimg prefecture hama street. In this region, people who are our distant ancestors have lived since ancient times, and while living a life of gathering such as hunting and fishing, they have built a splendid culture supported by a warm climate and rich nature. This is evident from many archaeological sites. In the prehistoric period, the central government was established in this region, and it seems that it was an important district as one of the bases to govern the Tohoku region. The era eventually entered the age of the samurai, and through the Kamakura, Muromachi, and Sengoku periods, we moved on to the early modern Edo period. It seems that he laid the foundation for the current Iwaki city. In the Edo period, this area was ruled by the Iwakidaira clan, Yunagaya clan, Izumi clan, and shogunate territories, leading to the Meiji Restoration. In 1883, Taira Town was established, and in 1889, when the town and village system was established, Taira officially established the town system, followed by Onahama and Yotsukura (now Yotsukura), and other districts. established a village system. Later, Taira City was established in 1937, and Iwaki City (now Onahama), Joban City, and Uchigo City were established in 1954, and Nakoso City was established in 1930. On the other hand, towns and villages were organized by Tono and Ogawa, and other districts were merged, and 1 city, 10 towns, and 21 villages became 5 cities, 3 towns, and 4 villages. In 1962, following the enactment of the New Industrial City Construction Promotion Law, municipalities in the Joban region agreed to merge and build a new industrial city. Iwaki City was born from the merger of 5 cities, 4 towns, and 5 villages, consisting of 3 cities, 4 villages, Hisanohama Town and Oku Village in Futaba County. In addition to rice, which is the staple food of the Japanese people, the main crops in Iwaki are soybeans, green onions, strawberries, green beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, pears, figs, and Iwaki's specialty tokkuri-imo (a kind of Chinese yam, which is grown deep underground). The thickness increases as the temperature increases, and it seems that it is produced like "Tokkuri (sake bottle), which is named after its shape resembling a sake bottle." It seems that the difference in temperature is relatively small, and it seems to be blessed with a warm climate. For this reason, rice and other agricultural products have been produced since ancient times. Many outdoor vegetables are shipped from autumn to winter, especially in the Meiji period. It is known nationwide that the amount of green onion that has been cultivated from the beginning is high. In addition, it seems that the environment is optimal for greenhouse cultivation because of the long hours of sunlight. For this reason, since the 1965s, Greenhouse cultivation of strawberries, cucumbers, etc. seems to have become popular, and in the last 10 years hydroponic cultivation of tomatoes has increased rapidly, and Iwaki is now one of Japan's leading producers of greenhouse tomatoes. Akai Garden Co., Ltd., Many varieties of tomatoes are cultivated according to the season and order according to the consumer. Large ball's tomatoes are Momotaro, Momotaro Gold, etc. The tomatoes in the middle are Campari and Frutica. For cherry tomatoes, Lovely Sakura, Yello Mimi, Orange Senka, Tuscan Violet, etc. For cooking, Sicilian Rouge, San Marzano, etc. There are plenty of shops to buy, eat, and manage. Please visit our website for details. Nuclear hazard: We carefully measure Harm caused by radiation and confirm that it does not exceed the national standard before shipping.(Step; Countermove)In addition to cultivation, the water used at the facility has been changed to tap water. Replace all cultivation materials and seedlings. (Producing area trial)Radiation measurements are at relatively low levels. The city's measurement results confirm that the tap water used for cultivation is safe. It is kindly and detailedly described, and you can see the efforts for consumers, and you can have a good impression. Appropriate use of pesticides is carried out by implementing agricultural chemicals residues before the start of shipment and recording the control history. "SUNSHINE Iwaki" (from J-PlatPat), Registration 6213515 (Commercial Application 2019-126939), Sunshine Iwaki, Sunshine, Fukushima Sakura Agricultural Cooperative, Application date, 2019/09/27, Registration date, 2020/01/07, Registration 6213516 (commercial application 2019-126940). The same JA has started selling green peppers in a collaboration package with Nagatanien Co., Ltd., and has been lined up in stores since July 15, 2022. In this initiative, JA, JA Zen-Noh Fukushima, and Nagatanien Co., Ltd., a major food manufacturer, cooperate to promote the purchase of green peppers, which are in peak demand from July to August, "Nagatanien's main product" Mapo vermicelli", focusing on green peppers that have a high affinity with the same product, and posting a recipe for "green pepper mapo vermicelli" using green peppers in the package. Also, if you purchase green peppers and Nagatanien vermicelli at the same time, you can apply for a lottery to win rice and gift certificates. This year, the total planted area of ​​green peppers is 25 hectares within the JA Tamura General Management Center. The total shipping volume is 1,550 tons, and the sales target is 600 million yen. In May 2022, the JA Fukushima Sakuraiwaki District Headquarters held a Green Pepper Planting Guidance Meeting at the JA Ogawa Agricultural Economic Center, with four producers participating. At the guidance meeting, it seems that they explained in detail about the management of green peppers after planting them, using seedlings. Originally, it was planned to be held at the producer's field, but due to rain, it was held at the same center. In the same district, it seems that the cultivation of green peppers for the purpose of promoting horticulture has started from 2020. Peppers are a lightweight item that can be cultivated with little physical burden even in old age, so full-scale cultivation has started this year. Pepper Miogi Green (L3) cultivar characteristics, but the grass is strong, the internodes are a little long, and the lateral branches seem to grow well. The fruit is rather long and slightly wrinkled, and has a beautiful shape with a good bottom. The fruit color is slightly dark green, glossy and firm. In addition, it is a high-yield cultivar that grows fruit quickly and can be harvested in a short cycle. Good fruit setting, stable harvest from early stage. There seems to be resistance (L3) to PMMoV (P1.2) (pepper micro spot virus). It seems that semi-forcing cultivation to summer-autumn cultivation is most suitable. In order to increase the yield, it is important to plant young seedlings and remove buds from the 2nd to 3rd branches to ensure the vigor of the plant from the beginning. When the burden of bearing fruit weakens, deformed fruits such as sharp and curved fruits increase, and the main branch stops at the core, so it is better to harvest frequently so that there is no delay in picking at the center of the M size. In summer-autumn cultivation, fruit enlargement is particularly fast, so water shortage is likely to occur, and the risk of end rot is high. Top-dressing should be done frequently from the start of harvest so as not to run out of fertilizer. The fruits are soft and of good quality even when cultivated outdoors, but rotten fruits are likely to occur in the rainy season, so it seems better to cultivate them in a rain shelter. Well, overgrowth will make the fruit color pale, so remove the bosom branches and long branches as soon as possible and manage the whole plant so that the light hits it. Bacterial wilt; Ralstonia solanacearum: At first, it seems that some leaves lose water and wilt while remaining green. It wilts during the day for 2-3 days, recovers at night or on cloudy days, but eventually the entire plant wilts. At high temperatures, the disease progresses quickly, but at low temperatures, the disease progresses slowly. When the ground part of the stem of the diseased strain is cut, the vascular bundles turn brown, and the stem is placed in a container filled with water. When inserted, a white bacterial fluid flows out like a string. The pathogenic bacteria can survive in the soil and can survive for several years under suitable conditions. It is transported by water and the roots during planting and maintenance work. Invasion through various root wounds such as root wounds, feeding damage by nematodes, cracks when lateral roots develop, etc. It is also transmitted from above ground through scissors during maintenance work. Invaded bacteria enter vascular bundles. It seems to be a secondary infection source. Recommended. Excerpt from Institute for Horticultural Plant Breeding (Kamishiki, Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture). List of designated vegetable production areas in Fukushima Prefecture (as of August 3, 2023), summer and autumn cucumbers, northern Fukushima, Fukushima City, Soma City, Nihonmatsu City, Minamisoma City, Date City, Motomiya City, Koori Town, Kunimi Town, Kawamata Town, Otama Village, Shinchi Town, JA Fukushima Mirai, Aizu, Aizuwakamatsu City, Kitakata City, Shimogo Town, Minamiaizu Town, Kitashiobara Village, Nishiaizu Town, Aizu Sakashita Town, Yukawa Village, Yanaizu Town, Mishima Town, Aizumisato Town, JA Aizu Yotsuba. Central Fukushima: Koriyama City, Miharu Town, JA Fukushima Sakura. Southern Fukushima Shirakawa City, Sukagawa City, Kagamiishi Town, Tenei Village, Saigo Village, Izumizaki Village, Nakajima Village, Yabuki Town, Tanagura Town, Yamatsuri Town, Hanawa Town, Samekawa Village, Ishikawa Town, Tamagawa Village, Hirata Village, Asakawa Town, Furudono Town JA Yume Minami, JA Tozai Shirakawa. Winter-Spring Cucumber, Northern Fukushima: Fukushima City, Nihonmatsu City, Date City, Motomiya City, Kuwaori Town, Kunimi Town, Otama Village JA Fukushima Mirai. Southern Fukushima: Shirakawa City, Sukagawa City, Kagamiishi Town, Tenei Village, Izumizaki Village, Yabuki Town, Tamagawa Village, Asakawa Town, JA Yume Minami, JA Tozai Shirakawa. Onions, Soso Town, Minamisoma City, Hirono Town, Naraha Town, Tomioka Town, Okuma Town, Namie Town. JA Fukushima Mirai, JA Fukushima Sakura. Summer and autumn tomatoes, northern Fukushima: Fukushima City, Soma City, Nihonmatsu City, Minamisoma City, Date City, Motomiya City, Koori Town, Kawamata Town, Otama Village, Shinchi Town, JA Fukushima Mirai. Aizu: Aizuwakamatsu City, Kitakata City, Shimogo Town, Tadami Town, Minamiaizu Town, Kitashiobara Village, Nishiaizu Town, Bandai Town, Inawashiro Town, Aizu Sakashita Town, Yukawa Village, Yanaizu Town, Mishima Town, Showa Village, Aizumisato Town , JA Aizu Yotsuba. Central Fukushima: Koriyama City, Tamura City, Miharu Town, Ono Town JA Fukushima Sakura. Southern Fukushima: Shirakawa City, Sukagawa City, Kagamiishi Town, Tenei Village, Saigo Village, Izumizaki Village, Nakajima Village, Yabuki Town, Tanagura Town, Yatsuri Town, Hanawa Town, Samekawa Village, Ishikawa Town, Tamagawa Village, Hirata Village, Asakawa Town, Furudonomachi, JA Yume Minami, JA Tozai Shirakawa. Winter Spring Tomato, Iwaki City, Naraha Town, JA Fukushima Sakura. Summer and autumn Eggplant, central Fukushima: Koriyama City, Tamura City, Miharu Town, Ono Town, JA Fukushima Sakura. Southern Fukushima: Sukagawa City, Kagamiishi Town, Tenei Village, Nakajima Village, Yabuki Town, Ishikawa Town, Tamagawa Village, JA Yume Minami. Northern Fukushima: Nihonmatsu City, Date City, Motomiya City, Otama Village, JA Fukushima Mirai. Autumn / winter green onions, Iwaki City JA Fukushima Sakura. Summer and autumn green peppers, northern Fukushima: Nihonmatsu City, Date City, Motomiya City, Otama Village, JA Fukushima Mirai. Central Fukushima: Iwaki City, Tamura City, Miharu Town, Ono Town, JA Fukushima Sakura. Spinach, Aizuwakamatsu City, Shimogo Town, Bandai Town, JA Aizu Yotsuba.

Amidst the pandemic, a 2021 Tomato Cultivation Seminar for Processing was held at JA Fukushima Sakura Main Store on Thursday, December 17, 2021. (Sponsor: Fukushima Prefecture Processing Tomato Production Stability Promotion Council) In Fukushima Prefecture Processing Tomato Cultivation, the number of producers and cultivation area are decreasing year by year due to the aging of the population, so this seminar will increase the motivation of producers to cultivate tomatoes. The event was held with the aim of putting a brake on the increase in acreage and the decline in the number of producers. A total of 64 people from producers, JA, manufacturers, and related parties participated. In the first half, awards were given to the top producers in the 2020 processing tomato recovery category and total shipment category, as well as to the producers who have been working hard for many years to cultivate tomatoes for processing. In the second half, Kagome Co., Ltd. and Nippon Del Monte Co., Ltd. each held seminars on performance reports, introduction of good practices, cultivation measures, and next year's initiatives, and manufacturers' representatives reviewed the current year and provided cultivation guidance. During the Q&A session, producers and JA personnel exchanged various opinions.

On July 25th (Monday) and 26th (Tuesday), 2022, the JA Fukushima Sakura Top Sales of Agricultural Products from the Jurisdiction was held in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo, for the first time in three years. Approximately 40 people participated, including Mayor Hirono, chairman of the Futaba Regional Municipality, mayors of municipalities within the jurisdiction of JA Fukushima Sakura, and executives of the district's production committee. Prior to the top sales, a meeting on sales measures for production areas and consumption areas was held with representatives from the main trading markets (12 companies), regional production committee executives, and fruit and vegetable market companies. An exchange of opinions was held, and reports were also given on the status of resumption of farming in Futaba County and the efforts of JA Agri Support Futaba Co., Ltd. Top sale at Tokyo Shinjuku Veggieful store (over 70 years of history and track record: Kita-Shinjuku, Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo, Central Wholesale Market, Yodobashi Market) At the event, he gave away Koshihikari rice produced within JA Fukushima Sakura's jurisdiction, and promoted his agricultural products such as tomatoes, green peppers, and green beans. Market participants say that "JA Fukushima Sakura's agricultural products are of good quality and taste.'' It seems that this was a great encouragement for the participants. In order to ensure a stable supply of agricultural products within the Futaba jurisdiction, we will continue working with related organizations to further restart farming and promote the production of horticultural items. Top sales of agricultural products produced within the JA Fukushima Sakura jurisdiction were held.

In the island nation of Japan, natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, frost, and hail damage occur frequently every year. We need more measures than ever before. Furthermore, from a global perspective, JA is required to take new measures to address issues such as the food crisis caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the agricultural crisis caused by high prices for fertilizer, feed, and crude oil. In the 80 years since World War II, there has probably never been a more difficult time for agriculture and JA. How can we promote domestic consumption and domestic production while maintaining international cooperation? The soaring prices of production materials cannot be compensated for by sales prices, putting pressure on farmers' management. In particular, agricultural and livestock products from Fukushima Prefecture seem to be the first to be held back when there is an oversupply. We urge people not only in Japan but also around the world to understand safety based on scientific knowledge and not be influenced by harmful rumors, including the government's currently controversial policy of releasing ALPS (multi-nuclide removal equipment) treated water into the ocean. I want everyone to appeal for the revitalization of Fukushima. You are working really hard.

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