
Friday, April 8, 2022

April 14th is Orange Day. Along with this, it seems that a "mandarin orange train" with pictures of oranges of children entrusting the future is in operation. Orange Day is a memorial day that JA Zen-Noh Ehime registered with the Japan Anniversary Association as "a day to give oranges to foster love and deepen ties." For this anniversary and the promotion of citrus fruits, JA Zen-Noh Ehime will work with Iyo Railway Co., Ltd. (a major subsidiary of the Iyotetsu Group Co., Ltd.) from November to April, when Orange Day is held, from the 8th of each month. It seems that they are running a "mandarin orange train" decorated with pictures of oranges for one week only on the 14th. From February, the prize-winning works of the painting contest with the theme of mandarin oranges will be displayed on a monthly basis, and will run from April 8th to 14th. It is this Iyo Railway Company that Nobuchika has put the most effort into promoting the business. It seems that the society at that time had very little awareness of railway companies. At that time, the Kainan Shimbun said about the railway company plan, this plan is like fireworks, and although it should be truly pleased if you drive the railway, there is no expectation that it will continue for a long time as you see the fireworks, and the future of the company is jeopardized. It seems that it was a fireworks display. When it was difficult to raise funds for the establishment of the company and it seemed that the establishment of the company was up to this point, he succeeded in gaining the praise of Shiro FUJIMURA, who had been appointed as the governor of Ehime prefecture. It seems that Fujimura himself became a shareholder of 50 shares and showed a positive desire to establish a business. At that time, Denzaburo FUJITA, the president of Fujita group, who was a political entrepreneur, and the manager of the Besshi mine (closed in 1973), Hirose, who was in charge of mine management in Niihama, took over part of the stock. It seems that Denzaburo FUJITA was a person who attracted a lot of public attention. He was in the Fujita counterfeit bill case from 1878 to 1879, and he had been interrogated by the authorities as a suspect. The result was suspicious in this case, but on the other hand, the relationship with the officials became a problem, and it seems that he was a rumored person anyway. In any case, despite problems such as capital procurement, the Iyo Railway Company Founding General Assembly was held on September 14, 1887, and Nobuchika KOBAYASHI was selected as the first president. Business start between Matsuyama and Mitsu on October 28, 1888. Met. After that, the route will be expanded. Nobuchika is the introducer of modern transportation in the local community, and at the same time, he is also the creator of light railways in the history of japanese railways.

Reserve SDF personnel, etc., usually have their own main businesses such as office workers, self-employed people, and students, but in the event of an emergency, they are part-time special nations who take on duties as SDF personnel in response to defense convocations and disaster convocations. It's a civil servant. In the event of an emergency such as an emergency, great defense is required. However, it seems that it is not efficient to maintain that defense power on a regular basis. For this reason, we all know that we need a reserve defense force that can respond with the minimum necessary defense force normally and can quickly gather the necessary personnel in the event of an emergency. It is common knowledge in the world that many countries have adopted a system to rapidly increase their strength in the event of an emergency. In Japan, a system such as Conformance Reserve Self-Defense Official and Assistant Self-Defense Official has been established as equivalent to this. Regarding disaster response, we have implemented it seven times, including the Great East Japan Earthquake, and Convened Reserve Self-Defense Official and Reserve Self-Defense Official in addition to active SDF personnel, and have endeavored to maintain the national land in disaster relief activities. That's because every Japanese person listens. The Reserve Self-Defense Official Assistant is a system mainly for inexperienced SDF personnel. There are two courses, the qualifications for application are 18 to 34 years old for "general", 18 years old or older for "skills" that can utilize specific skills and qualifications, and 53 to 55 years old depending on the skill qualifications possessed. There seems to be an age limit. Qualifications covered by the skills course appear to include doctors, pharmacists, auto mechanics, system analysts, architects, as well as foreign language knowledge, skills and lawyers, and judicial scriveners.

【Product name】
Encore Orange
Citrus suhuiensis(Citrus × Deliciosa)
【Jurisdiction area】
Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture, Iyo City, Toon City, Tobe Town, Iyo District, Matsumae Town, Part of Uchiko Town, Kita District(JA Ehime Chuo, JA Zen-Noh Ehime)
【Name reason】
From the taste that makes you want to taste it again once you eat it.
【Major features】
The enlistment ceremony of the 110th Education Battalion of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (Minamiumemoto Town, Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture) was held on April 6, 2022 at the Civic Center in Horinouchi, Ehime Prefecture. It seems that he has taken a step. After being hired, it is a new recruitment system that is appointed as a "SDF candidate" (special service national civil servant) and concentrates on the basic education and training necessary to become a SDF officer. Qualifications 18 to 33 years old However, it seems that those who are 32 years old are limited to those who have not reached the age of 33 as of the last day of the month following the day when they reach March from the first day of the scheduled hiring month. Reception period Throughout the year, reception examination subjects Written examination, oral examination, aptitude test, physical examination and career evaluation. Career assessment seems to be a comprehensive evaluation of the abilities of examinees with diverse backgrounds. After undergoing the required education as a SDF candidate, he will be appointed as a second-class land, sea, and airman (fixed-term SDF) in July, three months later. Fixed-term SDF personnel are 1 year and 9 months for land SDF personnel (2 years and 9 months for some technical systems) and 2 years and 9 months for maritime and aviation SDF personnel (2 years each after the second term). It seems to be a member who works as a member. It seems that they will be assigned to each unit / base after receiving education and training. Approximately nine months later, he will be promoted to first-class land, sea, and airman, and one year later, he will be promoted to land, sea, and airman. The main task of the Self-Defense Forces is to protect Japan's peace and independence. While maintaining a vigilance and surveillance system, the SDF's capabilities are enhanced through education and training to prevent various situations from occurring. In addition, we will maintain our readiness in case Japan is attacked by force. Japan is a country where natural disasters are likely to occur due to conditions such as topography, geology, and weather. In the event of a natural disaster, the Self-Defense Forces maintain a system to not only save lives but also restore and support livelihoods in any region of the country, and provide support that is close to the hearts of the victims. The international community faces global problems such as international terrorism and regional conflicts. In order to solve these problems and contribute to international peace, each SDF member is playing an active role in international peace cooperation activities. It goes without saying that the Ministry of Defense and the Self-Defense Forces are also one of the national administrative organs, and legal grounds are necessary to carry out various missions. The affairs under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense are stipulated in the Ministry of Defense Establishment Law, and Article 5 of the law stipulates that the duties, actions, and authority of the Self-Defense Forces shall be as stipulated by the Self-Defense Forces Law. It seems that the Self-Defense Forces Law stipulates what procedures the Self-Defense Forces can take in various situations, so to speak, in the form of an index. In addition, according to the provisions of Article 3 of the Self-Defense Forces Act, it seems that it can be divided into "main duties" (paragraphs 1 and 2 of the same article) and "subordinate duties" (paragraphs 1 and 2 of the same article). The defense operation to defend Japan falls under the "main mission", which is the only mission that the Self-Defense Forces can fulfill. It seems that the northern training ground (Horie citrus field) for new farmers in JA Ehime Chuo was a rough abandoned cultivated land until about 10 years ago. The land has been left unattended for many years, so even if you dig a well, no water will come out. It seems that the farming department irrigated all the water and planted seedlings. The deputy director of the farming department at the center of JA Ehime Chuo’s talking. This year, as an experimental initiative, he rented abandoned cultivated land and set up a field, and the following year, he started training for three new farmers. Ehime Prefecture is known for producing citrus fruits, especially iyokan (Citrus iyo) and dekopon (Citrus reticulata Siranui); sumo mandarin, and in recent years, varieties such as Beni Madonna Orange and Kara Mandarin Oranges have also become popular. The steep slopes that are common in Ehime Prefecture are ideal for cultivating citrus fruits that require sunlight and drainage, but they also seem to have been a factor in stopping farming for absent successors and elderly farmers. The JA is a wide-area JA that merged 12 JAs in the Chuyo district of Ehime prefecture (3 cities, 8 towns and 1 village) in April 1999. Due to the shortage of bearers, it seems that more than 100 ha of abandoned cultivated land was generated every year even after the merger. In order to start full-scale experimental efforts to support new farming in order to stop the expansion of abandoned cultivated land, we received approval from Ehime Prefecture as a certified training center for the youth farming benefit system, and started a new farming training center in April 2017. It seems that the area of ​​abandoned cultivated land in the jurisdiction that occurred in one year reached 160ha this year. It seems that management guidance must be put more effort than technical guidance when starting a new farm. In the case of agriculture, he is also a sole proprietor. In management analysis, management improvement method, and tax affairs, it seems that it is necessary to be able to file a blue declaration before starting farming. In 2018, it seems that the seminar is being held for the first time in collaboration with the prefecture, inviting tax accountants, former fruit tree test center officials, and distribution industry experts. However, the level was different depending on the trainees, and it seems that trial and error continued to improve the training menu. Meanwhile, JA Ehime Chuo has begun new attempts and challenges. Farmers in the jurisdiction, especially fruit tree farmers, have few corporate management, and the scale is not necessarily progressing. Therefore, it seems that the new farming training center started the corporate management course in 2018 in addition to the current general training course. It is a mechanism different from the general course for those who wish to start farming aiming for large-scale management, and it seems that they are planning to train them to become managers of agricultural corporations that can create local employment in the future. The Ehime Prefectural Government was established in 1873 and became the prefectural capital. Since the city system was enforced on December 15, 1889, it has grown as a political and economic center city, and has produced many writers including the poet Shiki MASAOKA. It seems that it has played a role as a cultural hub.  In 1945, most of the city was burned down by the war, but today it has comprehensive urban functions and moved to a core city in April 2000, and in January 2005 with Hojo City and Nakajima Town. Merged to become the first 500,000 cities in Shikoku.「忽那島開発記」及び「忽那氏系図」等 - 1084年(応徳元年), 藤原道長 公の曾孫, 親賢(ちかかた)公を忽那氏の祖としている. その家系を伝える「尊卑文脈」や「公卿補任」にも, その名を見ないが, 忽那氏を称した旨を記しているそうだ. ‘忽’は「忽ちに, 急に」そして,‘那’は「村」を表す. 南北朝時代に, 南朝方の将として, 忽那義範公が朝廷との縁深く登場. 1337年(延元2年)には, 後醍醐天皇第5皇子, 懐良(かねなが, かねよし)親王を征西将軍として忽那島(中島)に迎えた. 現在は, 柑橘農家がほとんどと聞いている. 城の台砦跡城館跡-中世, 河野様積石遺構墳墓-中世, 野忽那立場墳墓群墳墓-中世, 丸山古墳(市指定史跡), 梅の子島砦跡(市指定史跡)城館跡-中世, 梅の子遺跡-弥生 / 中世, 梅の子本城跡(市指定史跡)城館跡中世, 中島粟井坂遺跡-縄文 / 弥生, 吉木遺跡-弥生, 神浦神社遺跡-弥生, 宮野神社遺跡-弥生 / 古墳, 宮野権現山古墳-古墳, 小長師古墳-古墳, 大串遺跡-弥生 / 古墳, 大浦油田遺跡-弥生, 大浦さこの奥遺跡-弥生, 泰山堂山遺跡-弥生, 泰山城跡(市指定史跡)-中世, むかい山遺跡-縄文, 泊古墳跡-古墳, 熊田城の山遺跡-中世, 大串古墳群-古墳, 瀬木戸古墳-古墳, かがり山1号-古墳, かがり山2号-古墳, 中山古墳(市指定史跡), 五本松遺跡-古代, 宮浦西遺跡-弥生, 宮浦遺跡-古墳 / 中世, 竹の浦遺跡弥生, 竹の浦西遺跡-古墳, 泊遺跡-中世, 二神家墓地遺跡-中世, 二神城の山砦跡-中世, 由利島遺跡-弥生, 由利島大谷遺跡-中世, 由利島長者屋敷遺跡-中世, 御場ヶ嶽城跡-中世, 長師遺跡-古墳 / 中世, 九多児城跡(市指定史跡)-中世, 本山城跡(市指定史跡)-中世, 竹の上城跡-中世, 黒岩城跡-中世, 高木佐渡守館跡-中世, 旗山城跡-中世, 泊城跡-中世, 能磯砦跡-中世, 元怒和寺の下遺跡-弥生. “Nakajima(Oura, Awai ;Kutsuna seven islands), Matsuyama City”, Konoura (500 m east of Konoura Bay) - 神浦龍神社横 -Yoshinori Kutsuna公 表忠碑 - It is engraved with a tribute to Seichu during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Kutsuna Scope of activity that built the golden age of the Navy : From Sanuki in the east to Iyo-nada in the west. The inscription mentions the faithfulness of the Prince Kanenaga. His real brothers were the Imperial Princes Tameyoshi / Tamenaga, his half brothers were Imperial Princes Moriyoshi / Morinaga, Kaneyoshi / Kanenaga, Noriyoshi / Norinaga (Emperor Gomurakami) - Father's Emperor Godaigo. The city has a warm Seto Inland Sea climate with an average annual temperature of 16.5 degrees Celsius. The annual rainfall is about 1,300 mm, and it seems that it is a summer rain type with a large amount in June and a small amount in December. Precipitation is low overall, snow cover is very small, and typhoons pass less than in Kochi and Tokushima prefectures on the Pacific side, resulting in mild and blessed climatic conditions. It extends from Nakajima in the northwestern Seto Inland Sea to the Dogo Plain formed by the Shigenobu and Ishite Rivers through the plains of the Takanawa Mountains. “Iyo City” : It is located in the center of Ehime prefecture. From the southwestern part of the Dogo Plain to part of the shikoku Mountains, the northwestern part faces the splendiferous Setonai Sea. Located at the entrance of Nanyo, about 10 km from Matsuyama City, the prefecture's capital. From Matsuyama to Ozu via the Iyo district (former Iyo city) and Nakayama district (former Nakayama town): Route 56. It is a branch point that is a coastal line from Iyo District to Futami District (former Futami Town) and Nagahama : Route 378.City flower:Brassica rapa var. amplexicaulis, Although each one is small, the appearance of blooming all over it seems to be covered with gold, and the scene is said to be overwhelming. Give some energy to those who see it towards spring. Its appearance is popular as a flower that can imagine the bright and growing city.City tree : Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et W.C.Cheng, It has left many legends and has become a fossil and is still handed down, and is famous as a memorial tree (symbol) of the city. It is cherished as a tradition and a memorial, and as a tree that can appeal the originality of the city. Utilizing abundant nature and attractive local resources while promoting the rise of the primary industry(Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Mining : By Dr. Colin Grant Clark.), which is the core industry. Born on April 1, 2005 by the merger of Iyo City, Nakayama Town and Futami Town. It prospered as a port town of the former Ozu clan, and has been blessed with food and climate. People in the county are said to be calm, bright and friendly, and acquaintances seem to be the same. It is said that there are still many townhouses built from the late Edo period to the early Showa period. Elegance centered around the Miyauchi family In the streets, there is nostalgia for the land of peace. “Iyo hot spring”, which is a natural hot spring, and “Goshikihama hot spring(I hear that it will be closed on December 30, 2016.)”, which is a salt bath. Legend has it that Heike(Taira family)'s princess threw herself into five color stones, Goshikihime-Kaihin-park. The town in the county along the coast is a flat land with few slopes. Historic sites of temples and shrines such as Eiyoji -Temple(The end temple of Chion-in : Pure Land sect (of Buddhism))and Daishido are scattered within 1.5 km in diameter. “Toon City” : Born on September 21, 2004 by the merger of Shigeobu Town and Kawauchi Town. Both towns were born in 1956, respectively. It seems that there is a City named in the eastern part of the vast hot spring district named after Dogo hot spring. Blessed natural environment and geographical conditions near Matsuyama City, the prefecture's capital. It seems that it continues to develop as a garden city near the city. The Shigenobu River(Basin area 445 km2. Shigeobu Park : A park that uses the riverbed and has been developed as a recreational plaza integrated with the river space.), which originates in the north, flows through 
the center of the city and is famous for its fertile land. Blessed with a waterside space full of moisture, rich in emotion. Saragamine Mountain Range Prefectural Natural Park(Southern): It is connected to the Reihou-Ishizuchisan system(Mt. Ishizuchi, which is the highest peak in western Japan and one of the 100 famous mountains in Japan, is the center. At an altitude of 1982 m, it extends about 50 km east to west along the prefectural border between Ehime and Kochi prefectures. Rich forests with a clear vertical distribution from warm temperate to subarctic shine. Inhabited by alpine plants and wildlife, including rare endemic species. It is said that there are more than 20 mountains with an altitude of 1,500 m or more.) in the eastern part and is blessed with rich nature and beauty of the valley. Since it has many mountainous areas, there are places where there is a lot of snow and places where there is relatively little snow, but the climate is generally calm. The Setonaikai-Sea region seems to be leeward against the northwest monsoon of winter and the southeast monsoon of summer. The weather tends to be mild, with less rain and weaker winds, as rain and snow are dropped on the windward side. The area of ​​the city is 211.3 km2. “Tobe Town, Iyo County” : Located in the center of the Prefecture, it is famous as a town with a fragrant culture and history. On January 1, 2005, Tobe Town and Hirota Village merged and were reborn. An area with strong cohesion in the living area and cultural area of ​​the inhabitants. Industry aspects such as agriculture and forestry are also common, and it seems that educational culture and inter-regional exchanges such as sports were actively carried out. The pottery stone used as the raw material for Tobe ware(The history of the production area goes back to the Asuka period. Even today, the remains of the Sue pottery kiln, which is said to date from the 6th to 7th centuries, remain. It was in the middle of the Edo period(1775 (Anei 4))that so-called pottery was made. As a sloping town surrounded by mountains, it seems that suitable clay will be produced. A large amount of Pinus densiflora Sieb. & Zucc., which is used as fuel, can be obtained from the surrounding mountains, and the slopes are said to be ideal for building a climbing kiln. The ozu clan, which was in a difficult financial situation due to poor crops due to drought and a fire at the Edo clan's residence, suggested a new industry : Development of porcelain using the scraps of Iyo whetstone, which is a special product. etc.)was collected at Hirota Village, and it is said that they have been interacting with each other for a long time. Coupled with the warm climate, we grow delicious mandarin oranges. Developed as a commuter town in Matsuyama City, the prefecture's capital. Prefectural "To be zoo" : One of the largest in western Japan. This month's idol animal is "Black Rhinoceros(Diceros bicornis (Linnaeus, 1758))Fu-chan”. The symbol of play and creativity, "Ehime Child's Castle," and the prefecture's general sports park are among the main attractions. In the south, you can see the mountainous areas with abundant forest resources and beautiful natural scenery. The Senba valley created by the flow of the Tamatani River running in the center and the source of pure water shine:Scenic spots such as Mt. Gongen, also known as Nishiishizuchi in Iyo : In early summer, the natural Luciola cruciata Motschulsky, 1854 dances along the river, and you can enjoy a fantastic world. Cultivation of highland vegetables and  Dioscorea japonica Thunb. (1784) that take advantage of natural conditions is flourishing. The "art village" where the present, past and future are delicately entwined, such as site groups that feel the romance of ancient time, traditional culture and crafts. It borders Masaki Town and Iyo City in the west, Kumakogen Town in the east, and Uchiko Town in the south. It is an elongated terrain 9 km east-west and 21 km north-south, with an area of ​​101.59 km2. The northern part is a basin-like terrain where the Tobe River, which flows into the Shigenobu River, flows through the central part. The altitude rises toward the south, and it becomes a mountainous area surrounded by high peaks such as Kitagamori (Mt. Utsubuki : 1010 m) and Sangou no Tsuji (937 m). Town  flower : Prunus mume (Sieb.) Sieb. et Zucc., It has been planted since the Edo period, and is now often found in the Nanaore district, where the plum garden is located. The annual Prunus mume Festival (February 20th to March 10th) is held. It is closely related to Tobe-ware(traditional crafts), and it seems that many kilns are still painting with plum blossoms as the theme. Town  tree : Quercus acutissima, It is a tree in the village of the former Hirota Village, and it is said that it grows naturally in Tobe Town. When charcoal production was flourishing, it was used as fuel. From around 1955, it is often used as a log of shiitake mushrooms, which is a product of the former Hirota village. Children are also popular because they drop acorns in the fall. I myself think of my childhood. “Masaki Town” : It is adjacent to Matsuyama City, the capital of the prefecture, with the Shigeobu River, which is a first-class river originating from the Ishizuchisan system, as a boundary.It is located in the southwestern part of the Dogo Plain. It faces the Sea of Iyo  in the west and Iyo City in the south, overlooking the Shikoku Mountains, and is blessed with abundant nature and land. Former Masaki Town, Kitaiyo village, Okada Village merger in March 1955. It has developed steadily as a town with a good balance of industry and commerce, including agriculture that makes use of abundant water and fertile land.Welfare, education, sewerage business, road maintenance business, etc. It seems that they will actively work on various measures that are directly related to the lives of the townspeople. City area 20.41 km2 East-west 6.9 km North-south 4.0 km Climate is Setouchi Region. The countryside spreads to the east, and agricultural products such as rice, wheat, lettuce, and green onions are cultivated. The west faces the Seto Inland Sea, and I hear that the production of delicacies made by processing small fish has been the best in Japan for a long time. From the Meiji era to the 1965's, a female fish hawker called "Otata-san(Women who peddled around the houses to Matsuyama with wooden tubs and colanders called “Gorobitsu(Chest)” on their heads. Around the Keicho era, Takihime(Princess Taki), the daughter of the monkey lord of Kyoto, was exiled and washed ashore from the port of Sakai, Senshu, to the beach in front of Iyo Masaki.)was active. In order to earn a living, he was told by local people to sell fish caught on the beach in Matsuki. "Otaki" changes to "Otata" : Town image character : 魚売婦. etc. “Uchiko Town, Kita District” : It is located in the central part of the prefecture. Born as a merger of Kita District (Uchiko / Ikazaki) and Kamiukena District (Oda) : 2005, 1/1. About 40 km southwest of Matsuyama City, the prefecture's capital. In the center is the Oda River, a tributary of the Hijikawa River, a first-class river that flows into the Seto Inland Sea. Although it is a mountainous area, it is famous as a calm and scenic area. The area is 299.50 km2, the area is 30.0 km from east to west, 17.9 km from north to south, and there is little flat land, and forests occupy 77%. It has an inland climate with a slight difference in temperature from the topography of the basin, but the average temperature is about 15 degrees Celsius. The annual rainfall is about 1,500 mm to 1,600 mm, which is an area suitable for cultivation.In deciduous fruit tree persimmons, chestnuts, grapes, pears, etc. Various varieties of vegetables, from leaves to root vegetables, are produced to entertain us. During the Edo period, the foundation was set up as a production center for Japanese paper and Japan wax, and it prospered from the Meiji to Taisho eras. Japan wax brought huge wealth by exporting overseas in the Meiji era, and it is said that luxurious private houses and storehouses were built. In 1982, the private houses(It is about 3.5 ha and is lined up along the town road about 600 m)were selected as an important traditional buildings preservation district of the country. It is said that the tertiary sector of industry is the mainstream, although it is based on Agriculture. etc. Nankai Broadcasting Company, Ltd. (Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture: a specified terrestrial backbone broadcasting company that has both a medium-wave broadcasting business and a television broadcasting business in Ehime Prefecture as a broadcasting target area) aims for mutual development. It has been announced that it will conclude an "Agreement on the transmission of agricultural product information using Nankai Broadcasting Radio (Efnan)" with JA Ehime Chuo on Thursday, December 9, 2021. Efnan Nankai Broadcasting Radio calls this agreement the "PAL Agreement". Efnan Nankai Broadcasting Radio, which means "friend" in Japanese, seems to be the third case in JA Ehime Chuo to conclude a PAL agreement with JA in Ehime prefecture. In addition, it is a nickname for the first studio of Nankai Broadcasting Headquarters, and it seems that it has the meaning of "agreement with friends". Based on the cooperation agreement, it seems that they will establish a mutual cooperation system and aim to disseminate information and expand exchanges. "Encore Orange" :(University of California, United States of America)In 1954, Dr. Frost and his colleagues and bred King Mandarin ≒ Willowleaf Mandarin(A kind of Kunenbo, a kind of peeling mandarin similar to Unshu Mandarin)and Mediterranean Mandarin. Approximately 11 years later, in 1965, Dr. Cameron and Dr. Sooost selected and announced. Introduced to Japan in 1969 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries with scions. The deep red color is impressive, looks like the sun, and has a distinctive strong scent. It is useful as a high-class citrus fruit because of its rarity and rich sweetness. I hear that the cultivated area is still small. The fruits combine a rich sweetness with a luxurious aroma. “Willow Mandarin” ; It has been discovered and grown along the Mediterranean coast since the early 1800s. Mainly characteristic of both trees and fruits. The tree is medium in size, widespread and hanging. The leaves are thin and spear-shaped, reminiscent of ‘willow leaves; Salix alba L.’, and the scent stands out. The fruits are flat and contain a unique and fragrant oil. The flesh is pale orange, tender, juicy and sweet.When the fruit is past mature and retained in the tree, the acidity is reduced. It matures in winter, but the skin swells and the quality of the fruit deteriorates. Fruits seem to lose quality unless picked immediately. It is a slow-growing, widespread, hanging-growing tree. The branches are fine, with willows and almost no thorns. It is cold-resistant and resistant to adverse conditions, but has strong biennial bearings. This very characteristic mandarin has not been found in the Orient. It may have occurred on the Mediterranean coast and almost certainly in Italy. Imported from Malta Island to Egypt around 1830 and commercialized until 1840. It seems that it was brought to Algeria in 1850. In about a few decades, it has spread to the Mediterranean Basin and all countries in the Near East. Brought to USA by Consul ltaly of the City of New Orleans. It was planted on the grounds of the consulate between 1840 and 1850. Shortly thereafter, he was taken to Florida and then to California and elsewhere. It seems that the parent-child relationship and origin of this fruit are unknown. Incontrovertible that may have arisen as an accidental seedling from a variety or form of Chinese origin. Its high beet requirements, tolerance, and the fact that the fruits are well shaded : It adapts to the hot and dry climate that characterizes the Mediterranean coast and the Near East. The encore is that the audience wants to re-perform with applause and shouts after the performers and singers finish as scheduled and leave. It also means a performance or song performed in response to it. Or rebroadcast or re-perform. The etymology is French, meaning again, once again?

This excellent citrus was selected and announced by Dr. Cameron and Dr. Susto, and is said to have been introduced in 1965. It was introduced to Japan in 1969 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as a scion. Most of them are cultivated in greenhouses, and the main production areas in Japan are Ehime and Oita prefectures, and the season is from March to April. The cultivated area is small and the rare value is high.

This variety is cultivated in a green house because it is difficult to control the temperature and it is easily damaged by rain and wind. Therefore, it is not widely used, and the fact is that there are almost no department stores or specialty stores. It is a valuable and excellent variety, but once you eat it, you will be convinced by the impressive taste and aroma that wraps everything.

Every year, April 14th is "Orange Day".  Anniversary to give oranges to each other as a symbol of love. "Orange Day" is the anniversary of the couple following "Valentine's Day" on February 14th and "White Day" on March 14th. It is said that a citrus farmer in Ehime Prefecture came up with the idea in 1994 as a day to confirm each other's affection. In May 2009, we donated orange, which is a symbol of love, to nurture love.
JA Zen-Noh Ehime is registered with the Japan Anniversary Association as a memorial day to deepen ties with loved ones.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Announced by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan on March 4, 2022. At the "Ministerial Meeting on Soaring Crude Oil Prices," the government will work together to implement urgent measures against soaring crude oil prices in light of recent geopolitical changes such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It seems that the ministry will respond urgently and flexibly to these changes in the current situation and take support measures. Measures against soaring fuel prices for facility gardening, etc., power-up project for production base production (Agriculture Bureau), measures to promote the growth of forestry and timber industry, measures to strengthen supply and utilization of timber for construction (Forestry Agency), measures against soaring fuel prices for facility gardening, etc. Strengthen the safety net function by raising the upper limit of the reserve level. Expanded support frames, etc. to support the introduction of energy-saving equipment for facility gardening farmers. Regarding support for the introduction of energy-saving equipment for mushroom producers and wood processing companies, some requirements will be reviewed and the scope of support will be expanded. Last year, soaring crude oil prices put pressure on farmers who grow vegetables and fruits in greenhouses. The wholesale price of cucumber gradually increased due to the increased burden of fuel costs such as heavy oil and kerosene, and there was concern that it would affect households in the future. The ministry is soliciting additional applications for a support system to cover fuel costs. It seems that the subsidy for fuel costs was paid when the standard calculated by the average price for the past 7 years was exceeded. As usual, the application acceptance, which was once closed in early July, will resume in September due to the rise in crude oil prices. Since then, the soaring price of crude oil has not stopped, and in November, the recruitment was started for the first time since the establishment of the system in 2012, for the third time a year. However, fuel prices are not the only thing that puts pressure on farmers' management. In green houses and the like, the prices of covering materials made from petroleum product naphtha are increasing one after another. In addition, the price of fertilizer, which is indispensable for food production, continues to rise. In addition to the influence of Japan's stagflation, it seems that the factors are strong demand for fertilizer due to the rise in the global grain market and the rise in sea freight rates due to high crude oil prices.

It cannot be overlooked that the global monetary easing that accompanies the Corona disaster has led to higher stock prices and stimulated the purchasing motivation of wealthy people for dietary education. Global surplus gold and supply instability are also accelerating high oil prices. In addition to fuel oil, fishing nets and styrofoam are also increasing in price. In addition, the depreciation of the yen has combined to make the business environment for domestic fishing more difficult. In Ibaraki Prefecture, as a new attempt, Yokohama Reito Co., Ltd. (founded in 1948. The fish and shrimp, which are valuable sources of protein for postwar Japanese suffering from food shortages, were landed in Yokohama. Started as a business to sell to wholesalers nationwide. The cold warehouse business, which is indispensable for storing fresh marine products, will start almost at the same time. Constructed at a key point of food supply. Using advanced technology and know-how, various foods such as agricultural products, marine products, livestock products, and frozen foods are stored at the optimum temperature and with perfect operation) to cultivate Masaba. Has been announced to start in 2022. The Ibaraki Prefectural Cultivation and Fisheries Association (Kashima City) promotes aquaculture and raises juvenile chub mackerel on the surface of the sea. From April, preparations for cages will be made at fishing ports in the prefecture, and it seems that it will start in the fall. ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is used for water temperature monitoring and feeding. After the project is over, if it is judged that the catch and cost will be profitable, the aquaculture business itself will be transferred to Yokohama Reito and the business will be continued in the prefecture. Mackerel farming is common in western Japan, and Ibaraki, which has few bays and coves, is unsuitable, but it seems to be challenging because new technologies such as ups and downs of cage nets have appeared depending on the sea conditions. Generally, it seems that chub mackerel can be caught all year round, but it seems that the fishing season is from December to the end of March off the coast of Ibaraki. It peaked from December to January, ate food off the coast of Hokkaido and Sanriku, accumulated plenty of fat, and caught the place that went south. It is known as a fish whose freshness decreases quickly, but it seems that it is cooled at once with cold seawater immediately after catching and landed with good freshness. After landing in the market, they are sorted by size and distributed for processing fresh fish, canned fish, dried fish, etc. It seems that the purse seine fleet in Ibaraki Prefecture, which boasts the highest catch in Japan, supports the Japanese fishing industry and mackerel distribution.

【Product name】
Dreamy Veg Spinach
Spinacia oleracea
【Wholesale land】
Funaki, Hokota City, Ibaraki Prefecture(Pure Green Agri Cooperative Co., Ltd.) 
【Name Reason】
Persian: an ancient region of Mesopotamia lying between the Euphrates delta and the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Desert, Silk Road: An ancient road that connected the East and the West, and then to China, Persia: Islamic Republic It seems that it was named after the grass of of Iran.
【Major features】
The construction of a humanitarian bridge on the Taiyo Elementary School road in Hokota City, Ibaraki Prefecture, which will open on April 6, 2022, has been delayed, and the method of attending school for some children has not been finalized. It seems that he held a briefing session for the parents of the target children at the Taiyo Community Center in Japan and showed an alternative plan. At the briefing session, the 7th overpass (a bridge that straddles the railroad track), which has no sidewalk over the Kashima Rinkai Railway Orai Kashima Line, near the same small school, or about 300 m southeast of the small school, is green. It seems to be a plan to use one of the 8th overpass with the roadside belt. In both cases, as a safety measure, it seems that the staff of the City Education Committee will be on the lookout when going to and from school. Since the width of the 7th overpass is narrow, the construction of the humanitarian bridge was planned to be completed in line with the opening of the school as a safety measure for children commuting to school on foot. At the school briefing in February, he reported a delay in construction. The city board of education considered a plan to transfer about 30 affected children by public bus until the completion, but it seems that the related budget was not approved at the March regular meeting of the city council. Parents have requested and commented that the overpass will be closed when going to and from school, and the 8th overpass will be a detour. It is strange that safety measures have not been taken at this point. It seems that there were voices blaming the delay in responding. Children are the treasure of the future. I frankly think that my parents are right. At the beginning of the briefing session, the superintendent of education apologized, “We apologize for the great concern and inconvenience.” The city board of education will squeeze the details of the alternatives based on the opinions of the briefing session and will hold the briefing session again. Regarding this issue, it seems that a petition for the development of a safe school route has been submitted to the city, etc., along with the signatures of 1434 people. Due to the delay in the construction of the humanitarian bridge and the undecided method for some children to go to school, the City Board of Education held a parent information session at the Taiyo Public Hall in Kumiage on the night of April 2, and the route to use the 7th overpass Seems to have agreed. The consent was obtained for a section of about 350 m on the city road, including the 7th overpass over the Kashima Rinkai Railway Orai Kashima Line on the southeast side of the same small area. Since there are no sidewalks on the overpass, when going to and from school, city board staff and small teachers will be on the lookout for the bridge at three locations, the start and end points of the bridge, the middle point, and two intersections that connect to the bridge. It seems to urge the vehicle to detour or stop. Since the completion of the humanitarian bridge is not yet in sight, it seems that other safety measures will be considered while responding by standing. The superintendent of education said, “Protecting the safety of children is the first priority. Although the immediate response has been decided, we would like to continue to cooperate with schools and parents to take safety measures.” There is also an opinion that things outside the school, school routes and school groups are the territory of kid's associations and parents. Whether it is within the category, teachers should allocate other working hours. It's a pity to be eaten even in such a place. There seems to be some opinions that the local government should do something if the construction is delayed. It seems that there are 169 road bridges managed by Hokota City by March 2020. Of these, the number of bridges that were erected before 1960 and have been in service for more than 50 years is as small as 2.4% (4 bridges) of the total, but the number of bridges has increased sharply since the 1970s, especially from 1970 to 1990. It seems that 102 bridges account for about 60% of the total number of bridges that have been in service for about 20 to less than 40 years because the construction has been energetically advanced until the year. As for the current status of managed bridges, most of the bridges have been in service for 30 to 40 years, followed by 40 to 50 years, except for unknown years of service, and most of the bridges have been in service for less than 40 years. It seems. There are only a few bridges with a service life of 50 years or more, which is a guideline for the useful life, and the bridges in Hokota City seem to be relatively young. However, about 27% of bridges will be in service for 50 years or more in 10 years, but about 73% of bridges will be in service for 50 years or more in 20 years, and 87% of bridges will be in service in 30 years. It seems that it will be over 50 years. Not only Hokota, but if it is in charge of local administration, it will never disappear and it will be an important matter for future town development. Against this background, it seems indispensable to take measures to reduce the cost of repairing and replacing bridges, which are expected to increase in the future, as much as possible. In order to reduce the financial burden in the future and ensure the safety of road traffic, the city seems to have formulated a bridge life extension repair plan in March 2013 and proceeded with the repair based on the plan. In addition, the 8th amendment of the general account to add 360.47 million yen was submitted to the 4th regular meeting of the city council from December 3 to 18, 2020, and on December 4, 129.5 million yen(Proposed additional 9th ​​amendment to add 129.5 million yen on December 4th). In the 8th amendment, the installation project cost of children's playset in the city gymnasium, the survey of the humanitarian bridge that will be the school route of Taiyo Elementary School, the design consignment fee, etc. It is recorded. The Japan-Indonesia Economic Partnership Agreement has been signed between the two countries on cooperation in a wide range of fields such as liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, movement of natural persons, energy and mineral resources, intellectual property, and improvement of business environment. Under the agreement, it will come into effect on July 1, 2008. HE Heri Akhmadi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia to Japan and others visited Hokota City Hall in Ibaraki Prefecture on March 18, 2022 to deepen exchanges in fields such as agriculture and education, and met with Mayor Kishida. It seems. As of February 2022, 544 people are living in Hokota, where agriculture is flourishing, including accepting technical intern trainees from the country. At the meeting, opinions were exchanged on the actual situation of the trainees. Akhmadi said, “I wish I could deepen the cooperative relationship with Hokota City in agriculture and education.” He positions the acquisition of Japanese as important as a preparation for the trainees who come to Japan, and hopes that he will cooperate by dispatching instructors to educational institutions. As part of that, it seems that they have shown cooperation for a friendship city tie-up between local governments. Mayor Kishida seems to have agreed, "There are more Indonesian people in the city, so I would like to continue to have a connection." At the same time, we are promoting special products such as melons and sweet potatoes, which boast the highest agricultural output by municipality in Japan. Indonesia is the ally of ASEAN and its headquarters is located in Jakarta. It is a leader in both name and reality in Southeast Asia, which is developing rapidly. In 2011, the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono administration announced the master plan for large-scale infrastructure development plans, "Economic Development Acceleration / Expansion Master Plan (MP3EI)". By increasing the nominal GDP by 2025 by about 6 times compared to 2010, it has set a high goal of becoming one of the world's 10 largest economies. However, the plan is scheduled for 2015, along with six corridors running through the archipelago, Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali-Nusa Tungara, and Papua-Marc, along with ICT, oil and gas, and steel. It was in the name of developing 22 major economic activities such as transportation vehicles. The investigation of the master plan began in May 2011, and the plan was approved by the steering committee of the Japanese and Indonesian government ministers in October 2012. By arranging sub-centers around Jakarta, the Jakarta metropolitan area as of 2030 with the goal of shifting from a centralized structure in the central city area of Jakarta to a multi-polar decentralized structure, alleviating traffic congestion and improving disaster prevention resistance. City vision is stipulated. In addition to the city vision, the overall plan for infrastructure development that the Jakarta metropolitan area should achieve by 2020 and the identification of 45 priority infrastructure projects, of which 20 early implementation projects that should be implemented early will be promoted. It was mentioned. In addition, the Indonesian economy is recovering in the headwind of the new coronavirus, and the inflation rate is also on a moderate upward trend. However, according to a recent survey, the economic growth rate in 2020 is -4.5%, which is the lowest after the war due to the influence of the new corona. Going back, the economic growth rate in 2019 is as low as -0.7%. This was a big negative due to the impact of the new Corona in the first quarter of 2019 after the decline due to the reaction to the introduction of the consumption tax in the fourth quarter of 2018. In addition, the economic growth rate in 2018 was 0.2%, the lowest in the last four years. Don't forget to ask. According to the Rokko Regional Office Union Fire Department in Ibaraki Prefecture, a boat carrying two men who were conducting a water quality survey on Lake Hinuma overturned about 700 m off the south bank around 3:00 pm on February 6, 2022. It seems that a man walking along the lakeshore found men who were caught in a boat and asked for help, and asked a nearby fisherman to help him by phone. The two went to rescue on a fishing boat and cooperated to pull up the men. Unfortunately, one person died in the accident, and one was diagnosed with hypothermia but survived. At the time of the accident, the wind was strong and high waves were rising, and the temperature was low. At the presentation ceremony held at the same station in Awa, the city, the chief firefighter thanked the two men who carried out rescue operations under adverse conditions, saying, “Neither of them could have been saved without a prompt response from the two.” is doing. They told officials that they couldn't pretend they didn't know as a person. On March 7, we presented a letter of appreciation to two men in Minowa, Hokota City, for their achievements in saving lives in a water accident. Pure Green Agri® Co., Ltd. seems to be making various efforts to maintain the quality of agricultural products. It seems that the safety of agricultural products is ensured by sharing technical information on a daily basis, improving the level of each union member, and conducting quality inspections once a week and a variety review meeting. It owns a vast farm of over 50ha and seems to be confident in its supply. I hear that you are particular about providing a stable supply of high-quality vegetables and fruits. From J-PlatPat, Registration No. 4668895, Registration Date: May 2, 2003, Registration Bulletin Issue Date: June 3, 2003, Publication Date: September 19, 2002, Application Number: Commercial Application 2002 -72403, Filing date: August 9, 2002, Prior application right generation date: August 9, 2002, Renewal application date: June 21, 2013, Renewal registration date: October 22, 2013, Duration Expiration date: May 2, 2023, Trademark (for search): Pure Green Agri, Name (reference information): Pure Green Agri, Right holder, Name or Name: Pure Green Agri Co., Ltd., Address or whereabouts: Hokota Town, Kashima District, Ibaraki Prefecture, Law classification: 2001 revision of the law, International classification version display: 8th edition, Number of classifications: 1, Classification of goods and services and designated goods or services, similar group code, fruits, vegetables, seeds, sugar Crop, tree, grass, turf, dried flower, seedling, seedling, flower, grass, bonsai, 32D01 32D02 32D03 32E01 33C01 33D01. Registration number: No. 4846850, Registration date: March 18, 2005, Registration gazette publication date: April 19, 2005, Publication date: July 29, 2004, Application number: Commercial application 2004-61822, Application date : June 21, 2004, prior application right generation date: June 21, 2004, renewal application date: February 13, 2015, renewal registration date: February 16, 2016, expiration date: 2025 March 18, Trademark (for search): § Let's eat vegetables, name (reference information): Yasaio-tabeyo, Yasaio-tabeyô, figures, etc. Classification: 26.4.4; 26.4.6; 26.4.18; 26.4.19;; 27.5.11; 27.5.21;, Law classification: 2001 revision of the law, International classification version display: 8th edition, Number of classifications: 1, Classification of goods and services and designated goods or services , Similar group code, fruit, vegetables, seeds, sugar crops, trees, grass, turf, dried flowers, seedlings, seedlings, flowers, grass, bonsai, 32D01 32D02 32D03 32E01 33C01 33D01. Registration number: No. 4918535, Registration date: January 6, 2006, Registration gazette issuance date: February 7, 2006, Publication date: June 9, 2005, Application number: Commercial application 2005-42160, Application date : April 26, 2005, prior application right generation date: April 26, 2005, renewal application date: January 20, 2016, renewal registration date: April 12, 2016, expiration date: 2026 January 6, Trademark (for search) : Universal Konegi, Name (reference information): Banno Konegi, Manno Konegi, Banno, Manno, Figure, etc. Classification: 5.9.8; 5.9.23;;; 29.1 .12, right holder, Additional information: Colored, Law classification: 2001 revision of law, International classification version display: 8th edition, Number of classifications: 1, Classification of goods and services and designated goods or services, similar group code, green onion, green onion seeds, Green onion seedlings, 32D01 33C01 33D01. Registration No. 5886251, Registration Date: October 7, 2016, Registration Bulletin Issue Date: November 8, 2016, Publication Date: March 8, 2016, Application Number: Commercial Application 2016-19355, Application Date : February 9, 2016, date of prior application right: February 9, 2016, expiration date: October 7, 2026, trademark (for search): PGA. B \ PURE GREEN AGURI, name (reference information): Pijii Abi, Pijii, Pure Green Agri, Pure Green, Pure, Green Agri, Agri, Figure, etc. Classification: 5.3.11; 5.3.15; 5.3.16; 5.13.25; 26.1.2; 26.1.3; 26.1.20; 27.1.1; 27.1.12;;;; 29.1.11, Additional information: (591) Colored, Law classification: 2011 Law, International Classification Edition Labeling: 10th Edition, Number of Classifications: 1, Classification of goods and services and designated goods or services, similar group code, fruits, vegetables, seeds, sugar crops, trees, grass, turf, dry Flower, seedling, sapling, flower, grass, bonsai, 32D01 32D02 32D03 32E01 33C01 33D01, and 4 other trademark registrations were confirmed. Pure Green Agri seems to have acquired Hokota City's original GAP (Good Agricultural Practice) and “Hokomaru GAP” certification. It seems that Hokomaru GAP visits union members' homes to perform audits and guidance. In addition, I hear that each union member undergoes a pesticide residue inspection and soil inspection at least once a year. It seems that he participates in pesticide training and receives guidance on prevention of accidents caused by pesticides and proper use. In addition, the “cultivation management table” is published once a month on the website. In the cultivation management table, the house number cultivated from sowing to shipping, the fertilizer (chemical / organic) used there, and the name and amount of pesticides are described. You can easily access it from the QR code on the wrapping film. I hear that they are trying to grow safe and secure vegetables by disclosing information openly without hiding it. It seems that traceability is also in place. Representative Director: Mr. Takahiro Kimura, Union, Date of establishment, February 20, 2018 Sales start, Timing, May 2018 Items to be sold Mizuna greens, type of rape, spinach, garland chrysanthemum, chinese spinach, strawberry, cherry tomato, parsley trading Financial institution Joyo Bank. The producers introduced this time are Mr. Naoki Nogami Product name: Type of rape, Spinach, Variety: Spring Senbatsu, Mirage is good. “Hokota City, Ibaraki Prefecture,” Located in the Rokko region in the southeastern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, it is one of the leading agricultural areas in Japan, blessed with a vast Pacific Ocean and abundant green land. Agriculture, which takes advantage of the flat terrain and mild climate, is a key industry and a food supply area for the entire metropolitan area. Not only fruits such as melons and strawberries, which are famous nationwide. Japanese mustard spinach, mizuna greens, spinach, tomato, carrot and other vegetables, which are known all over the country for many items. Oodo's Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn(Indian soapberry): City natural monument - The light candy-colored fruit is impressive. When peeled, a black seed appears from inside. The seeds are used for the black balls on the wings of the New Year play battledore and shuttlecock. The real skin was used as a detergent in the past. That's because when you rub it in water, bubbles form and it's suitable for removing dirt. Minowa: ‘Tokushuku Castle: Designated as a city historic site’, Built by Mr. Tokushuku's first Chikamoto at the end of the Heian period. He had been Shimotsuke no jo (local official for the Shimotsuke Province) before, but, by his merit of hunting down TAIRA no Masakado, he was promoted to Jushiinoge (Junior Forth Rank, Lower Grade) and appointed to the post of kokushi (provincial governors) for the Shimotsuke and Musashi Provisions as well as Chinju-fu shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North) and increased his power. After passing through the castle monument, climb the stairs at the entrance, and you will see a waist from the southwest to the south on your right. When you climb the stairs, you will find the main shrine, the Inari Shrine, the stone monument of Tokushuku monument to the memorial service, and the Hokyointo. etc. Father Narimoto Kashima is the 7th generation from Taira no Kunika(Takamochi did not return to Kyoto after he served out his term, and his sons Kunika filled the post of Hitachi no daijo (Senior Secretary of Hitachi Province) and Yoshimasa of Chinju-fu shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North)), who follows the tradition of Emperor Kanmu, and governs Kashima District at the will of the Hitachi Daijo clan. Tokushuku's second generation(The ancestor of Mr. ANBO. Based in Kamata Castle Ruins)Mr. Hidemoto's eldest son, Toshimoto, transferred the area including Awa and Hokota. In February 1336, he proceeded into the Urizura Castle, and fought against Sadayoshi SATAKE and others of the Northern Court side, in cooperation of the Naka-Kawanobe family group lead by Haruhisa ODA, Michitoki NAKA, the Daijo family group lead by Tsuneyasu HIROHASHI, Takamoto DAIJO, and Nobumasa NAGAOKA, and the Chiba family group lead by Tanehira SOMA, among others. In 1486, when Tokushuku was the 9th Michimoto, he was attacked by Mr. Edo(Shigemichi fiercely attacked the Daijo clan who had their base in Fuchu), who is based in Mito Castle. etc. 歴史 / 伝統文化,『鉾神社夏祭り大祭』は, およそ400年以上の歴史をもつ鉾田最大の祭礼で, 8月の最終の金, 土, 日に行われる. 勇壮な神輿とともに, 山車や獅子舞が市内を巡行し, 街は, お囃子の音に包まれる.『厳島神社(Itsukushima (Miyajima): Island centering on Itsukushima-jinja Shrine existing in Hatsukaichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture.)』は, 子生の弁天様の名で親しまれている神社で, 1078年(承暦2年), 安芸宮島の厳島神社より分霊を迎えられたのが始まりと言われている. 貴重な建築物で, 県指定の文化財となっている.『無量寿寺』は, 806年(大同元年), 平城天皇(When Emperor Heizei had a conflict with his brother, Emperor Saga, and tried to move the capital in Heian kyo back to Heijokyo, Emperor Saga petitioned the deity that he would dedicate his daughter to Kamo no Okami (a guardian god of the capital) as 'Areotome' (a woman to join in the ceremony held at the Kamo Shrine for welcoming gods) if he had a chance of winning.)の勅願所として建立された. 1221年(承久3年)から3年間, 親鸞和尚(Selected and described by Shinran, the founder of the sect)が, この寺で教えを広めたと言われる.『大儀寺』は, 684年(貞享元年)仏頂禅師が, 廃庵となっていた, “大儀庵” を復興させ改められた. 禅師は, Mr. “Basyo Matsuo(Mr. Kigin KITAMURA's one's Student)” It is told that there was a friendship with. “Shaka Nyorai Statue” is valuable as a nationally designated important cultural property of “Okura Fukusenji”. It is made of cypress parquet and the statue height is 165.5 cm. Twelve Buddha statues are also embossed in the backlit part. , Created at the end of the Kamakura period. Developed during the Edo period as a key point for land and water transportation connecting Edo with the Tohoku and Hitachi regions. The traffic of humans and horses and the distribution of goods centered on marine products became popular, and agricultural products were also shipped to the Edo area. Minowa(Former Asahi Village), It is right next to the producer's field. Mizu shrine and Yagami shrine: It's small, quietly blended into the area, and has an old-fashioned atmosphere like “the god of the village Guardian”. When you go up the old stone stairs, there is a stone monument next to the shrine, and the origin of the shrine is engraved. Yamato takeru no mikoto is eastern expedition - Take a boat from Kashima City Tsunoori (formerly Ono Village) and land near Kamigama, Hokota City. After that, I went inland and took a rest for a while on the south bank of Hinuma(Brackish water lake of Nakagawa water system). Then, when he departed, he gave the villagers a Crossbow (a stone bow that shoots an arrow). It is said that this shrine was dedicated to the villagers and built a small shrine. Nihonshoki(Chronicles of Japan); 日本武尊, Kojiki(Records of Ancient Matters); 倭建命, Hitachi Fudoki (description of the culture, climate, etc. of Hitachi province; approx. 720 CE) ; 倭武天皇. Various names and notations are confirmed in these documents. Legend has it that he wore one of the three sacred treasures, the Nagi-sword, and worked hard to settle the nations. The route and place of stay of Tosei are different between Kojiki and Nihonshoki. There are various theories about this, but there was also a legend that stopped by this place near Hinuma. 造谷 - 厳島神社本殿 : Konaji Ground -Worshipped deity ; 市杵島姫命(A pillar of the Three Goddesses of Munakata, the god of water.)- It is said that the company welcomed the spirit from Itsukushima in Aki on New Year's Day in 1265. Inferred from the fact that it is closely related to the HITACHI Mr. Hei clan. Naturally, it can be considered from the former Asahi village area. “御累書年代記写”, 1809 ; “承暦二年(Joryaku, 1078年)子生山弁才天之此訳造谷村‘龍蔵院 硯録に在之由也” - Benzaiten(Also wealth and water)was enshrined in the land of Tsukuriya. However, Nakajima and Yatsuda(Reservoir)theory are influential. Transferred to a Konaji - In August 1672, everything from the Shrine building to the trees in the precincts was burnt down. Therefore, there are no records related to shrines. The main shrine was designated as a prefectural cultural property in March 1968. The hall of worship was designated as a village cultural property in September 1973. Pent roof built atop the stairs of a shrine or temple : The dragon sculpture is made of one piece of wood -Middle Edo. 樅山神社, 愛宕神社大権現 : Founded in 807 -A copy of the building tag of 853 remains. 吉田(大掾; 鹿嶋)成幹の子,(Eldest son)徳宿親幹(Kunika style)Later, Disappeared in the 1486 Momiyamagahara battle. It was erected and restored in 1600, and was fully repaired in 1983 - City designated cultural property. “Hokomaru” from Hokota City, Ibaraki Prefecture, was born from the desire to make everyone's hearts round. Hokota's “Ho” character is the motif of the mascot character. It was born in 2008 and has gained popularity through open recruitment. Designated tangible cultural property : 県, 厳島神社 本殿, 子生,県, 無量寿寺 本堂, 鳥栖, 県, 無量寿寺 鐘楼, 鳥栖, 県, 無量寿寺 山門, 鳥栖, 市, 主石神社 本殿, 大和田, 市, 厳島神社 拝殿, 子生, 市, 樅山神社 本殿, 樅山, 市, 玉沢稲荷神社 本殿 / 拝殿, 冷水, 市, 八幡神社 本殿, 飯島, 市, 息栖神社 本殿, 二重作, 市, 永福寺薬師堂, 上幡木, 市, 鉾山神社 本殿, 上幡木, 市, 近津神社 本殿, 大蔵, 市, 光福寺 楼門, 梶山, 市, 八幡神社 拝殿, 飯島, 絵画 : 国, 紙本著色拾遺古徳伝, 鳥栖, 県, 紙本墨画維摩居士像 附 徳川光圀 書状4通, 松平頼救 跋1枚, 大蔵, 工芸品 : 市, 石祠 祭神市杵島姫命, 鹿田, 彫刻 : 国, 木造 釈迦如来立像, 大蔵, 県, 木造 如意輪観世音坐像, 汲上, 県, 銅造 薬師如来立像, 梶山, 市, 金銅大仏坐像, 借宿, 市, 銅像 三体仏, 安房, 市, “石造 諏訪青山の地蔵菩薩, 柏熊, 市, 木造 薬師如来坐像, 柏熊, 市”, 木造 如意輪観世音坐像, 安房, 市, 木造 千手観世音立像, 烟田, 市, 木造 両脇侍立像, 烟田, 市, 木造 宝冠釈迦如来坐像, 青柳, 市, 木造 十一面観音坐像下, 冨田, 市, 木造 薬師瑠璃光如来座像, 阿玉, 市, 木造 十一面観音立像, 札, 書跡 : 無量寿寺御文書, 鳥栖, 市, 医書(瘍医大全), 徳宿, 考古資料 : 市, 弥生式ツボ, 徳宿, 市, 烟田氏の墓碑, 烟田, 市, 縄文, 注口土器, 塔ケ崎, 市, 梶山古墳群4号墳出土遺物, 汲上, 記念物 : 史跡 : 市, 三階城跡, 安房, 市, 徳宿城跡, 徳宿, 市, 中居城跡, 中居, 市, 白鳥の里, 中居, 市, 大峰山古墳群, 中居, 名勝 : 市, 大儀寺境内全域, 阿玉, 天然記念物 : 県, 無量寿寺のボダイジュ, 鳥栖, 県, お葉つきイチョウ, 中居, 市,  沼尾神社の欅, 徳宿, 市, 諏訪神社樹叢, 安房, 市, 安祥寺の榧並木, 安房, 市, 谷越神社樹叢, 飯名, 市, 無量寿寺樹叢, 鳥栖, 市, かたくり群生地, 青柳, 市, 無量寿寺の斑入銀杏, 鳥栖, 市, 無量寿寺の焼榧, 鳥栖, 市, 三渡神社の御神木, 秋山, 市, 大戸のムクロジ, 大戸, 市, 秋山の榊, 秋山, 市, 野友の椎, 野友, 市, 青柳のもち, 青柳, 市, 国都神神社御神木「椎」, 上太田, 市, 飯田「もち」, 鹿田, 市, 勝下 「イスノキ」, 勝下, 市, 樅山「ヒサカキ」, 樅山, 市, 八幡神社樹叢, 飯島. The former Funaki Elementary School was closed in the spring of 2016. The old Yoshino cherry tree that blooms in the middle of the schoolyard is a famous cherry blossom that goes along with the history of the school. According to “Public Relations Hokota”, the school opened in 1909, and the cherry blossoms in the center of the schoolyard are old trees over 100 years old. Currently, the school building has been demolished, but the cherry blossoms seem to remain. The nearest stations in the vicinity are Kashima Asahi Station (Kashima Rinkai Railway) : Distance: 4167 m (52 minutes on foot), Tokushuku Station (Kashima Rinkai Railway) : Distance: 4605 m (57 minutes on foot). Last but not least, the spinach producer Mr. Junichi OTSUKA is Pindone. It is developed and sold by Sakata Seed Corporation, a long-established seed company. Although it is a characteristic, it has excellent low-temperature extensibility, and it seems that it tends to grow easily when it is warm. By distributing the growth to many leaves, the growth due to warmth is minimized. The characteristics that are resistant to cold and can cope with warmth seem to be very effective not only in green house cultivation but also in open-field cultivation in autumn and winter, which are easily affected by weather. It seems that the large number of leaves also leads to the goodness of the size of the leaves. Not only did the yield increase, but it also seemed to be easier to pack in FG bags and look better in the packaging. It can be cultivated with peace of mind, can be harvested easily, and is of high quality and yields. It seems to be the best variety for both producers who find it difficult to cultivate and those who want to aim for even higher profits.  Managed in the same way as normal autumn-sown varieties. Since it is not a type that requires water to grow, it seems that irrigating it so that it does not become too dry is sufficient for green house cultivation. In warm regions, it can be cultivated without covering in the open field, but in the January-February shipment of open-field cultivation in general areas, it seems that covering cultivation with punch film etc. is good.

A new variety that combines all three points of dark leaf color, low temperature extensibility, and yield, which have not been realized at the same time. It has good workability and can be shipped in a cold season, which contributes to improving the profitability of producers and has great expectations. It grows quickly and seems to have excellent low-temperature extensibility comparable to that of "Kronos spinach". It seems to be particularly suitable for sowing in general and warm regions from mid-October to early December, and in cold regions from late September to early October.

As I mentioned earlier, the biggest feature seems to be that it has all three points of dark leaf color, low temperature extensibility, and yield that have not been realized at the same time, although it has the properties required for autumn and winter spinach. Spinach grows extremely slowly during the cold season, resulting in unstable production, and the price of this excellent produce rarely rises from the end of the year to January. Therefore, there has been a demand for varieties that can be stably shipped at this time. I have heard that it is highly evaluated by market participants. I feel like I'm dreaming, and my heart dances.

Three commitments of Pure Green Agri (PGA). A cooperative that owns a vast agricultural land of 50 ha or more in Hokota City, Ibaraki Prefecture. I hear that you are making vegetables and fruits with three points in mind in order to bring "safety, security, and deliciousness" to your table. Pindone species are downy mildew (Peronospora farinosa f.sp. Spinaciae: pathogens are pure parasites (it seems that artificial culture is not possible. They can only live by absorbing nutrients from living host plants). It propagates in the tissue, forms spores on the leaves, is scattered by wind, etc. and is transmitted. It seems that the spores germinate when there are water droplets and invade the tissue of the leaves. The optimum infection temperature is 8 to 18 ° C. It seems that it often occurs when the grass is weakened), and it seems to be resistant to R1-9 and 11-16. Extremely dark green, smooth broad leaves with slightly pointed leaf tips and shallow notches. It seems to be excellent in harvesting workability because it is upright, there is little entanglement of leaves with the adjacent plant, and it is difficult for the shaft to break. It seems that the yield is high because the number of leaves is very large.