Built in 1636, Dejima played a major role in Japan's modernization as Japan's only window to Western Europe for 218 years until the Dutch trading post was closed in 1859. In the 16th century, when guns and Christianity were introduced to Japan, feudal lords from around the country began requesting Portuguese ships to enter their ports for trade and religious purposes, and the Port of Nagasaki was opened. After that, Nagasaki rapidly developed as a base for Portuguese trade. However, Christianity gradually became a target of crackdown, and the Edo Shogunate finally issued an order banning Christianity. The persecution of Christians became more and more severe, and in 1636, the shogunate built Dejima and imprisoned the Portuguese in order to prevent the Portuguese from proselytizing Christianity and monitor trade. In 1543, guns were introduced through Tanegashima, and Christianity was introduced in 1549, and feudal lords from all over the country began requesting portage for Portuguese ships for trade and religious purposes. Portuguese trade during the Age of Exploration seems to have been based in Goa, India, and carried out trade in Southeast Asia such as Malacca, Macau, and Nagasaki, and then returned to Goa again after about three years. Items imported into Japan through Portuguese trade included raw silk, silk fabrics, rags, chintz, ivory, coral, and sugar, while Japan exported mainly silver, iron, folding screens, and swords. Particularly unusual gifts include tigers, peacocks, and other animals, such as the elephant that the Governor of Luzon gave to Hideyoshi Toyotomi. In 1550, a Portuguese ship entered Hirado. This was the first European trading ship to enter Nagasaki Prefecture, followed by five Portuguese ships in 1561. After that, Omura territory Yokoseura (present-day Saikai City) became a new trading port, and the Portuguese moved their trading base from Yokoseura to Fukuda (present-day Fukuda Honmachi, Nagasaki City). Fukuda, which opened in 1565, had the disadvantage of facing directly to the open sea, so the trade base was further moved to Kuchinotsu Port on the Shimabara Peninsula. However, as the Portuguese desired to trade within Omura territory, research began on the port of Nagasaki, which was listed as a candidate site, and in 1571, two ships entered the port: one Portuguese ship and one Chinese ship chartered by Portugal. Nagasaki Port opens. After that, Portuguese ships began to visit almost every year, and Nagasaki rapidly developed as a Portuguese trading port.
【Product name】
Dejima no Hana
Citrus unshiu
【Producing area】
Isahaya City, Nagasaki Prefecture, Omura City, Higashisonogi Town, Higashisonogi District, Kawatana Town, Hasami Town (JA Nagasaki Prefecture Central)
【Origin of name】
I heard that it was named with the hope of a bright future, emphasizing the characteristics of a delicious and top-quality mandarin orange worthy of creating a new era.
【Major features】
Built in 1636, Dejima played a major role in Japan’s modernization as the only window open to Western Europe for 218 years, until the Dutch Trading Post closed in 1859. Why? In the 16th century, when guns and Christianity were introduced to Japan, feudal lords from all over the country began to request Portuguese ships to enter the port for trade and religious purposes, and the port of Nagasaki was opened. After that, Nagasaki developed rapidly as a base for Portuguese trade. However, Christianity gradually became the target of crackdowns, and finally the Edo Shogunate issued a ban on Christianity. The persecution of Christians became more severe, and it seems that the purpose of the shogunate was to prevent the propagation of Christianity by the Portuguese and to monitor trade. The Japanese economy is still in a situation where there are concerns about the impact on the economic situation due to the infection trend of the new coronavirus, such as the application of “priority measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus” due to the nationwide spread of the new coronavirus mutations. I have. In the environment surrounding agriculture and JA, the labor shortage is becoming more serious due to the decrease in the number of agricultural workers, the aging of the population, and the lack of successors. (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) Agreement will go into effect on January 1, 2022, and there are concerns that it will have a major impact on domestic agricultural and livestock products Change. In terms of agriculture, the spread of the new coronavirus, which has been raging to this day, has led to sluggish consumption and prices, and has also affected the sales of some agricultural and livestock products within the jurisdiction. In addition, the torrential rain in August, followed by natural disasters such as drought and tornadoes, and the outbreak of pests caused damage to agricultural facilities and affected agricultural products. It is an undeniable fact that it was the year. According to the Nagasaki Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry Technology Development Center, as of December 7, 2014, Nagasaki Prefecture is the fifth largest producer of unshu mandarin oranges in Japan. Apparently. Since 2000, the prefecture has also been working on developing original varieties that enable the production of high-quality fruit. “Sasebo Unshu Mikan” cultivated in this prefecture is highly evaluated in the market with the prefecture’s unified brand “Dejima no Hana” as the top brand, and an increase in shipment volume is desired. However, in addition to unstable fruit setting depending on the year, there are problems such as protrusions on the apex of the fruit, and unstable shipment volume due to a decrease in the product rate. Therefore, the fruit tree research department has developed a new variety, “Nagasaki Kaken Sasebo No. 1” (a variety registration application was filed on April 9, 2013, and is currently under review). The appearance of the “Nagasaki Kaken Sasebo No. 1 Mikan” is similar to that of the “Sasebo Unshu Mandarin Orange”, but the thickness of the branches, the size and length of the leaves, and the width of the petals exceed those of the Sasebo Unshu. The branch length and internode length (the distance between buds) are also rather long. The maturity period of outdoor cultivation is about 5 days earlier, and it seems that it will be almost completely colored in late November. The fruit is flat, with bright orange skin and orange flesh. Comparing the fruit quality with “Sasebo Unshu Mikan” at the same time, it has a high Brix and a low acid content, so it has a high sweetness ratio and good taste. In addition, the incidence of protrusions on the fruit apex is reduced, and the shipment volume is stable. It seems that sheet mulch cultivation is desirable in order to take advantage of the high sugar content of this variety. He also plans to establish fertilizer management for stable production in future research, and hopes to improve the income of mandarin orange farmers by strengthening the brand power. Nagasaki Dejima was the only window in Japan to introduce new cultures and civilizations from foreign countries during the isolation period, and has played an important role as a place of transmission to Japan. Derived from its history, it was named with the hope of a bright future, emphasizing the characteristics of a delicious and top-quality mandarin orange worthy of creating a new era. “Dejima no Hana Mikan” is a “super-selected mandarin orange” that meets high standards in terms of sugar content, sourness, and taste. Until now, the price has been more than four times higher than the national average price of Wenzhou mandarin oranges, which surprised market participants and producers. The fruit of the efforts of local producers. “Nagasaki Koi Mikan” started as a unified brand in the prefecture following Dejima no Hana. The name is derived from the catchphrase that love (with a strong taste) competes with the contents. As with Dejima no Hana, the producers of Nagasaki Koi Mikan apply to designated orchards themselves, carry out cultivation management aimed at unifying production materials and achieving quality targets, and ship from orchards that meet the standards. “Nagasaki Koi Mikan” is the second brand after “Dejima no Hana”, the highest grade brand, and it seems that it is an affordable brand that ensures a certain level of deliciousness. Dejima: The shogunate created an island to house the Portuguese, who were living in the city at the time, in order to prevent the spread of Christianity. This is Dejima. This is an artificial island that was completed in 1636 by the joint investment of 25 townspeople called “Dejima townspeople”, all of whom were built by wealthy merchants representing Nagasaki. Agriculture in Omura City produces a wide variety of agricultural products, forming one of the prefecture’s leading production areas, on a land rich in nature overlooking Taradake Prefectural Park in the east and Omura Bay in the west. Agricultural land can be roughly divided into flat land and hilly land. The flat land has fertile black soil and is used for field farming, such as Kuroda Gosun carrots and other open-field vegetables, and tomatoes and other greenhouse vegetables. As an agricultural promotion area, the hilly land is a livestock area in addition to flowers and fruit trees, and supports the basis of our lives. A straight farm road of about 860 m runs in the area where the fields spread around the lower stream of the Koori River that flows through Omura City. Currently, it is only about 2.5 m wide, but it seems to be a remnant of the “Fukushige Airfield(Along the right bank of the Koori River, there is a straight farm road with concrete pavement in the north-south direction. This is the site of Fukushige Airfield. Many of the Naval Air Corps became unusable due to the bombing of Omura in October 1944, and the airfield was built by rush work the following year.)” that was constructed at the end of the Pacific War. The war-experienced (victims) remembered that the Zero Fighter flew as the first aircraft on Navy Day, May 27, 1945. On October 25, 1944, he experienced a large air raid on Omura by a US bomber at the 21st Navy Air Factory, where students were mobilized. It seems that he used a bucket relay to extinguish the fire in the rain of the bomb. It seems that he was instructed to close his eyes at that time because his eyes popped out due to the blast. It seems that many of his classmates were killed in the Omura air raid. It seems that Fukushige Airfield was constructed by rushing work after being damaged by the air raid. However, the airfield seems to have been rarely used during the war. However, it seems that it was mainly used as a parking apron for fighters at night. It seems that small aircraft had taken off and landed for a while after the war, but eventually returned to farmland. It seems that the cement and the foundation of the guideway bridge, which are believed to have been used during construction, are still left around the fields where the runway was located. The air raids gradually intensified, and in July 1945, enemy planes attacked the turret that had been installed. In the area, it seems that private houses were burned down and elementary school students were shot dead by machine guns. On August 9, 1945, the Nagasaki atomic bomb caused an unprecedented tragedy. After the war, he was engaged in strawberry cultivation and sold it to Americans stationed in Sasebo City. Only humans who have experienced tragedy will know, but war kills each other. Few people knew about that time, but Imatomi Town, where he lives now, seems to have been a battlefield. A weapon that destroys the earth if the nucleus is not good. It is important for human beings to discuss and understand each other. A nearby country is engaged in colonial rule, but we Japanese are regrettable and sad. “Yumenoka Strawberry”, From the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries variety registration website, Application number 18095 Date of application 2005/03/02 Date of publication of application 2005/11/07 Registration number 15261. It was cultivated by crossing the breeding line owned by the applicant with “Kurume No. 55 strawberry”, and the fruit is conical and large, and the color of the pericarp is a variety suitable for forcible cultivation of bright red. The grass is strong. The leaf color is green, the shape of the cross section of the leaf is lightly curved upward, the gloss is slightly weak, the aspect ratio of the apical leaflet is vertically long, the base shape is sharp, the sawtooth shape is medium, and the leaf stalk The length is a little long, the number of runners is large. The size of the flower and the size of the leopard to the crown are large, the number of flowers per flower cluster is medium. The aspect ratio of the fruit is portrait, and the size is large. , Fruit shape is conical, Pericarp color is bright red, Fruit gloss is strong, Fruit depression is small, How to attach grass pieces is separated, Fruit size is slightly small relative to fruit diameter, Fruit hardness is hard The color of the fruit is light red, the color of the heart is light red, and the cavity of the fruit is medium. Akihime strawberry(Application Number 3766 Date of Application 1990/03/22 Registration Number 2991.「久能早生」×「女峰」を交配して育成されたものであり, 大果で乱形果が少ない促成栽培向き品種である. 草姿は立性, 草丈は高, 草勢は強である. 葉色は濃緑色, 葉の形状は平面, 葉数は少, 葉柄長は長である. ランナー数は多, ランナーの発根の早晩は中である. 花の大きさはやや大, 葯の大きさは中である. 果実の大きさは大, 果形は長円錘, 乱形果の形は双頭状, 第1果と第2果の果形の差は少, 無種子帯はほとんどなし, ネックの有無は無である. 果皮色は, 濃橙赤(JHSカラーチャート(General foundational juridical person Japan Color Research Institute: Dark reddish orange: 0707), へた下の着色の難易は中, 果実の光沢は良, 痩果(Achene)のおち込みは, ややおち込み小である. 果実の硬さは中, 果肉色は淡紅, 果心の色は白, 空洞はかなり小である. 可溶性固形物含量は高, 酸度はかなり低, 果実の香りは中である, 花芽分化期はやや早, 開花始期は早, 花(果)房当たり花(果)数は中, 成熟期はやや早, 成熟日数は中, 季性は時々四季成, 耐暑性及び耐低温性は高, 休眠性はかなり短である. うどんこ病及び萎黄病抵抗性は中である. 「女峰」と比較して, 果心の色が白である事, 酸度が低い事, 成熟期が早いこと等で, 「久能早生(Application Number 510 Date of Application 1982/02/05 Registration Number 457. “Reikou Strawberry” was crossed with “旭宝” and cultivated for Ishigaki forcing cultivation. It is a Wase variety of “Reikou Strawberry” type fruit. The grass is strong, divided, and the plant height is medium. The leaf color is slightly blue-green, the leaflet size, and the petiole length are medium. The number of runners is rather large. The length of the flower pattern is a little short, the thickness is a little thick, and the size of the flowers and anthers is medium. The size of the fruit is large, the fruit shape is an elliptical weight, the difference in fruit shape between the first and second fruits is small, and the seedless band is quite small. The color of the pericarp is bright red, the luster of the fruit is good, and the achene is medium. The hardness of the fruit is a little hard, the flesh color is orange-red, the sky is a little small, the content of soluble solids, acidity and aroma are both medium. The flower bud differentiation stage, flowering beginning stage and maturity stage are both early, the number of flowers (fruits) per flower (fruit) bunch is medium, and dormancy is short. Compared to “Reikou Strawberry”, the plant height is shorter, the leaflet size is smaller, the petiole length is shorter, the flower bud differentiation stage, the flowering start stage is earlier, and the flower (fruit) per bunch of flowers (fruit). It is said that distinction is recognized due to the small number. The date of registration was October 29, 1983, the duration of breeder’s rights, 15 years, and the date of extinction of breeder’s rights, October 30, 1993. Compared to Cultivar registrant, Mr. Akihiro Hagiwara, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Registered cultivar breeder, Mr. It is said that distinction is recognized due to the fact that the content of soluble solids is high and the acidity is low. Date of registration 1992/01/16 Duration of breeder’s rights 15 years Date of extinction of breeders’ rights 2007/01/17 The period has expired. Compared with “Cultivar registrant, Mr. Kazuhiro Hagiwara, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Registered cultivar breeder, same surname and same name.)”, The fruit shape is conical and the color of the fruit heart is pale red. Compared to “Tochiotome Strawberry”, the color of the fruit heart is pale red, which makes it distinctive. Date of registration 2007/03/22 The duration of breeder’s rights is 25 years. Variety registrant, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, Registered cultivar breeder, Mr. Yabe, Mr. Ban. Born in Aichi prefecture, it is cultivated in warm regions such as Nagasaki prefecture. Strawberries harvested in the morning are immediately pre-cooled to keep them fresh. Each one is carefully packed and shipped to various places with all your thoughts while keeping it refrigerated. Thorough freshness management is the key to maintaining the deliciousness of Nagasaki strawberries. Certainly, it contains plenty of fruit juice and has a sweet and moderate acidity. Since the skin is hard, it will last for a long time, so if you give it to your loved one, you will be happy. On the 17th, it is known that the opening date of the West Kyushu Shinkansen (from Takeo Hot Spring to Nagasaki, about 66 km), which JR Kyushu plans to open in the fall of 2022, is being adjusted around the end of September. According to the people concerned, the 23rd, which is the first day of the three consecutive holidays at the end of September, is considered to be influential. It is expected to be officially announced soon. Of the Kyushu Shinkansen Nagasaki route (from Hakata to Nagasaki, 143 km), from Takeo Onsen on the West Kyushu Shinkansen to Nagasaki is maintained to full standards. It seems that the new model N700S was introduced and named “Kamome”, which is familiar to the limited express trains on conventional lines. The maintenance method for Shin-Tosu-Takeo Onsen (about 51 km) is undecided. After the partial opening, it seems that it will be operated by the “relay method” for the time being, using the limited express on the conventional line and changing to the platform of Takeo Hot Spring. The fastest time required for Hakata-Nagasaki is 1 hour and 20 minutes, which seems to be about 30 minutes shorter than the current limited express. It seems that JR Kyushu will open to the public on March 20th at the Omura Vehicle Base (Omura City), which is responsible for the maintenance and inspection of Shinkansen trains. Isahaya (about 60 km) runs from Hizen-Yamaguchi, which is a parallel conventional line, by separating the top and bottom. The railroad tracks and station buildings are owned by a general incorporated association consisting of Nagasaki and Saga prefectures, and it seems that JR Kyushu operates. The Nagasaki route was approved from Takeo Hot Spring in March 2008 to start construction in Isahaya-Nagasaki in June 2012. Initially, it seems that complications have been passed, such as the planned introduction of FGT: Free Gauge Train and Gauge Changeable Train was abandoned. A special committee for measures against the Shinkansen problem of the Saga Prefectural Assembly held on November 2, 2020. Yoji Komiya, Managing Director of JR Kyushu Railway Company, was invited as a reference, and the exchange between the prefectural assembly and the managing director took place over several hours. The center of the agenda is, of course, the Nagasaki route of the Kyushu Shinkansen that passes through Saga Prefecture, but Representative Toshio Harada (Liberal Democratic Party, Vice-Chairman of the Saga Prefectural Assembly) touches on the railcars developed in “China” in the latter half of the question. According to net news specializing in railways, the free gauge train (FGT) has been completed in China. On October 21, 2020, CRRC Changchun (Chinese medium-sized car), a Chinese state-owned railroad vehicle manufacturer, announced a prototype high-speed train (so-called free gauge type vehicle) that can freely change the wheel width. This prototype car with a growth of 212m is based on the high-speed train CHR-400-BF type that the company has delivered to China National Railways, and is equipped with a bogie incorporating a variable gauge device. At the “One Belt, One Road” conference held in May 2017, China announced that it would develop a vehicle with a maximum speed of 400 km / h equipped with a variable gauge device capable of direct operation to Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Russia. The government of the country is said to have supported the research and development with a cost of 34.7 billion yuan (about 549.6 billion yen). China has completed it as China and Japan are taking a growth strategy to market high-speed rail all over the world. On February 3, 2022, it seems that an online study session was held at the Nagasaki Prefectural Government to let many people know the charm of ingredients produced in Nagasaki Prefecture. Ingredients from Nagasaki Prefecture such as freshly picked vegetables, citrus fruits “Yuko Oranges(Only about 100 native trees have been confirmed in the limited areas of the Doinokubi and Sotome districts of Nagasaki City, which was once the Saga Domain. It seems that Nagasaki City’s traditional perfume citrus is being produced locally. Since it grew naturally in many areas closely related to Christians, there seems to be a theory that makes it historically interesting that it may have been conveyed by Christians. It looks like yuzu and kabosu, the flesh is soft and has a sweet and mellow acidity, and the aroma seems to be similar to pomelo and yuzu. In each district, it has been cultivated around the house for a long time, and it seems that it is widely used as a fruit rooted in the area such as beverages, seasoned vinegar, marmalade, lotion. In October 2008, it was certified as a World Heritage Site of Food “Ark of Taste” by the International Headquarters of the Slow Food Association (Italy), which is engaged in activities to protect traditional food culture.)”, and land-cultivated ques are lined up. The study session was held with the aim of branding ingredients produced in Nagasaki Prefecture, and on the 3rd, producers and cooks from inside and outside Nagasaki Prefecture were connected online to discuss the characteristics of ingredients and cooking methods and exchange opinions on dietary education rice field. According to the producer of Nagasaki Tsushima homebred chicken, while maintaining the thick skin and subcutaneous fat peculiar to nationally protected chicken breed, it maintains the hardness that can be eaten by both children and the elderly. The chefs who participated are introducing to the producers the dishes that they had planned in advance using ingredients from Nagasaki prefecture. It seems that Nagasaki Prefecture will post a menu of dishes using ingredients produced in Nagasaki Prefecture on the Nagasaki Prefecture homepage by March. In the Nagasaki prefectural governor’s election announced on February 3, 2021, it seems that early voting for voters who cannot go to the polling place on the voting day has started. Early voting is a system that allows voters who cannot go to the polling place due to work or travel on the day of polling to vote in advance. In the prefectural governor’s election, which was announced on the 3rd and voted on February 20, 173 polling stations in the prefecture were set up, of which 61 polling stations started voting on the 4th. At the polling place on the 6th floor of the transportation industry building in Daikoku Town(Daikokumachi T’ang person ship: The deepest pier at Nagasaki Port is Daikoku Town, which seems to have been crowded with Chinese ships entering and leaving the port. So, after the fact that this place was a cove connecting Chinese ships, when Nagasaki Station was completed at the present location in 1905, five years later, in 1910, the Tang person ship was first dedicated.), Nagasaki City, a disinfectant solution was installed at the entrance, and voters who visited were taking measures such as having the voting ticket taken directly from the delivery machine instead of handing it over. It seems that he was voting. Early voting can be voted if you can confirm with the person by address, date of birth, etc. without an admission ticket. According to the Prefectural Election Commission, 154,665 people, or 37.38% of all voters, voted early in the last 2018 governor’s election. “Sungreen Omura Co., Ltd.”, Company Business: Strawberry cultivation, processing and sales, incorporated in 2004. Has a track record of 18 years. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries variety registration website, application number 24900, application date 2010/05/27, application publication date 2010/08/12, registration number 22113, registration date 2012/12/28, training Duration of human rights 25 years Extinction date of breeding rights Name and address of varieties registrant National Research and Development Corporation Agriculture and Food Industry Technology Research Organization (Kannondai, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture), Name of the person who cultivated the registered varieties, Mr. Makoto Okimura, Mr. Kazuzumi Sone, Mr. Emi Kitaya, Mr. Takashi Kimura, Restriction on export behavior Restriction on non-production in designated country Overview of plant characteristics of designated area registered varieties The number of leaves is rather large, the color of the leaf surface is dark green, the aspect ratio of the apical leaflet is vertically long, the serrated shape of the apical leaflet is medium, the cross-sectional shape of the apical leaflet is flat, the length of the peduncle is long, and the flower The number is a little small, the diameter of the flower is a little large, the color of the petal surface is white, the size of the fruit is large, the aspect ratio of the fruit is vertically long, the shape of the fruit is conical, the color of the skin is dark red, the color of the fruit The strength of the luster is strong, the depression of the fruit pops out, the way the fruit shards are attached horizontally, the size of the shavings is the same with respect to the fruit diameter, the fruit hardness is quite hard, the color of the fruit flesh is red, and the fruit heart The color is red, the fruit cavities are absent or small, and the seasonality is one season. Compared to the control cultivar “Toyonoka Strawberry”, the application cultivar “Oi(Tasty)C Berry” has a pop-out drop in the fruit, the color of the flesh is red, the color of the fruit heart is red, etc. The distinction is recognized in. Compared to the control variety “Sachinoka Strawberry”, it is said that the distinction is recognized by the fact that the fruit is depressed and the color of the fruit heart is red. The fruit contains about 1.3 times as much vitamin C as “Sachinoka Strawberry”, which is the most abundant in the market, and about 1.6 times as much as “Toyonoka Strawberry”, and seems to have even higher antioxidant activity. In addition, the fruit is larger than “Toyonoka Strawberry”, it is deep red and glossy, has a high sugar content, has a good taste, and has excellent shelf life. The early and late nature is similar to that of “Toyonoka Strawberry”, and it seems to be suitable for forcing cultivation. In normal forcing cultivation, the yield within the year and the early yield by the end of February are lower than those of “Toyonoka Strawberry”, but the yield by the end of April is higher than that of “Toyonoka Strawberry”, and the product fruit rate is high. It has moderate resistance to Powdery mildew, but does not appear to be resistant to Fusarium oxysporum f. Sp. Fragariae and Glomerella cingulata (Stoneman) Spaulding.et Schrenk: Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds ex Simmonds. “Tasty C Berry” is a variety for forcing cultivation that has high antioxidant activity, containing 1.3 times as much vitamin C as “Sachinoka Strawberry”, which is the most abundant in the market, and about 1.6 times as much as “Toyonoka Strawberry”. The fruits are larger than “Toyonoka Strawberry”, dark red and shiny, have a high sugar content, have a good taste, and have excellent shelf life. The early and late nature is similar to that of “Toyonoka Strawberry”, and it seems that the yield is better than that of “Toyonoka Strawberry” in normal forcing cultivation. In addition, the vitamin C content is stable and high throughout the harvest season, and it seems that about 7 fruits of average size can take one day’s worth of vitamin C. In addition, it has about 40% higher antioxidant activity than “Toyonoka Strawberry”, and seems to be a variety with high health functionality. The fruits are conical to oval, the skin color is red to dark red, and the flesh color is bright red and glossy. It is as hard as “Sachinoka Strawberry” and has excellent shelf life. It has a high sugar content and an excellent taste. The grass is slightly upright and has strong grass vigor, making it easy to manage the grass vigor in winter. In addition, because the fruit bunch has excellent extensibility, it seems that labor for improving coloring can be saved. From the producers, the grass vigor in the midwinter is strong and the fruit cluster elongation is excellent, so gibberellin treatment is not necessary, and the product fruit yield and large ball ratio are higher than those of “Sachinoka Strawberry”. It is highly evaluated for its high shelf life and small variation in taste throughout the harvest period. Depending on the weather and production volume, the market price seems to be the same as or slightly higher than that of “Sachinoka Strawberry”. “Isahaya City, Nagasaki Prefecture” : It is located almost in the center of the prefecture. It faces three seas with different characteristics: the tidal flat Ariake Sea in the east, the inland sea Omura Bay in the west, and the open sea Tachibana Bay in the south. The Honmyo River is the only first-class river in the prefecture that flows through the beautifully towering mountains of the Tatara Mountains and the central part of the city. Downstream of it is a vast reclaimed land, blessed with a rich and diverse natural environment. The Isahaya Plain, formed by reclamation for more than 400 years, is the largest breadbasket in the prefecture. The fertile hills are a specialty of vegetables, strawberries and mandarin oranges. It has an industrial park, which is one of the prefecture’s leading industrial clusters, and has the second largest shipment value of manufactured goods in the prefecture. One city and five towns merged on March 1, 2005. We are promoting town development aiming at the realization of “Isahaya, a creative city where humans shine”. It is warm all year round, with little winter snow, and has a good balance of rich nature and transportation access. With a total area of 341.79 km2, annual average temperature, about 16.4 ° C, annual precipitation of about 2,329. City Designated Cultural Property : 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 島原の乱戦没者追悼碑, 西小路町, 昭和54年4月1日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 愛宕山の肥前鳥居, 宇都町, 昭和56年8月28日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 愛宕社宝殿と三重塔, 宇都町, 昭和60年1月31日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 旧早川家住宅, 小野島町, 平成5年7月23日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 化屋・阿蘇神社の二の鳥居と三の鳥居, 多良見町, 平成10年7月3日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 十六善神社の一の鳥居と二の鳥居, 多良見町, 平成10年7月3日, 有形文化財 / 建造物伝: 「円通寺」跡の石塔群, 多良見町, 平成10年7月3日, 有形文化財/建造物 : 井樋尾「御境石」多良見町, 平成11年7月27日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 化屋名塩浜跡石碑, 多良見町, 平成11年7月27日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 慶師野の将棋墓, 森山町, 平成14年4月3日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 西川内堤改修記念碑, 多良見町, 平成16年4月26日, 有形文化財 / 工芸品 : 肥前長崎の焼物, 東小路町, 平成19年2月1日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 市杵島神社の馬頭観音, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 金泉寺の千手観音像, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 田結観音寺の聖観世音菩薩像, 飯盛町, 平成3年5月21日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 唐比権現の神像と仏像, 森山町, 平成15年8月11日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 旧荘厳寺木造阿弥陀三尊立像, 金谷町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財 / 絵画 : 江の浦・熊野神社の天井絵と絵馬, 飯盛町, 昭和63年12月20日, 有形文化財 / 絵画 : 諫早家歴代肖像画,西小路町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財 / 絵画 : 林公琰肖像画, 飯盛町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財 / 石造 : 物代官モクどんの石棺, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 有形文化財 / 石造 : 物唐比権現石塔群, 森山町, 平成15年8月11日, 有形文化財 / 歴史資料 : 唐比のくり舟, 森山町, 昭和56年7月14日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 高屋家文書, 多良見町, 平成12年8月23日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 円満寺の東照宮様寺法拾五ヶ条御垂範, 多良見町, 平成15年2月25日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 化屋組記事簿, 多良見町, 平成16年4月26日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 喜々津村,漁業組合関係書類,多良見町, 平成17年2月18日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 多良嶽山観世音菩薩縁起并讃, 高来町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 太良嶽縁起, 高来町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形民俗文化財 : 天祐寺の六地蔵石幢, 西小路町, 昭和52年3月5日, 有形民俗文化財 : 田原の六地蔵石幢, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 有形民俗文化財 : 開の辻の六地蔵石幢, 下大渡野町, 昭和56年8月27日, 有形民俗文化財 : 慶巌寺の磨崖仏三十三観音, 城見町, 昭和59年7月26日, 有形民俗文化財 : 久山の磨崖仏三十三観音, 久山町, 昭和59年7月26日, 有形民俗文化財 : 水ノ浦のスクイ漁場, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 無形民俗文化財 : 本村浮立と白塔掛打, 森山町, 昭和60年5月31日, 天然記念物 : 津水・熊野神社の植物群, 津水町, 昭和52年3月5日, 天然記念物 : 天初院のヒゼンマユミ群生地, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 天然記念物 : 向島のノアサガオ群生地, 飯盛町, 平成12年1月12日, 天然記念物 : 長里・阿蘇神社のヒゼンマユミ群生地, 小長井町, 平成17年2月14日, 天然記念物 : 池下のアコウ, 飯盛町, 平成3年5月21日, 天然記念物 : “伊木力のコミカン”, 多良見町, 平成15年2月25日, 天然記念物 : 群のクロガネモチ, 多良見町, 平成16年4月26日, 名勝 : 金比羅山頂, 小野町, 昭和52年3月5日, 名勝 : 川下の牛のはなぐり, 飯盛町, 昭和63年12月20日, 史跡 : 御手水観音の磨崖仏群, 御手水町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 善納岩陰, 湯野尾町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 本明石棺群, 本明町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 大村街道, 破籠井町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 大峰古墳, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 城山古墳群, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 南平墓石群, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 岩宗墓石群, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 若杉春后居宅跡, 森山町, 昭和56年7月14日, 史跡 : 善神さん古墳, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 史跡 : 金泉寺の石垣と墓石群, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 史跡 : 横津の石槨, 飯盛町, 昭和63年12月20日, 史跡 : 飯盛鬼塚古墳, 飯盛町, 平成12年1月12日, 史跡 : 土橋貞恵墓地, 森山町, 平成14年4月3日, 史跡 : 陣野家墓地, 森山町, 平成14年4月3日, 史跡 : 上井牟田の歴代庄屋の墓, 森山町, 平成14年4月3日, 史跡 : 柏原古墳群, 森山町, 平成15年8月11日, 史跡 : 中里虚空蔵さん, 多良見町, 平成17年2月18日. “Omura City, Nagasaki Prefecture,” Located in the northwestern part of Kyushu. In ancient times, the Christian daimyo “Sumitada OMURA-Ko” ruled. In the Meiji era, the 46th Infantry Regiment was stationed. The Naval Air Corps was established in the Taisho era. In the Showa period, the 21st Navy Air Factory, which boasts the best in the Orient, was established. During this period, it prospered as a military city. April 1, 1889 : The act of the City, town, and village was carried out. There were eight villages in one town. In 1925, one town and one village merged to form Omura Town. Furthermore, in 1939, Nishi-Omura and Takematsu Village merged with Omura Town. Installed by Navy Air Factory on February 11, 1942 : Five villages merged with Omura Town and the city administration was enforced. After that, in 1963, Mururogo, Higashisonogi Town, was incorporated and continues to the present day. Then, in May 1975, the world’s first Marine Airport was completed. NAGASAKI EXPRESSWAY opened in 1990, and KOBA SMART IC opened in 2018. The Kyushu Shinkansen West Kyushu Route is scheduled to open in 2022. Promote town development that takes advantage of the convenience of transportation access. Omura Boat Race Ground : Established on April 6, 1952 as Japan’s first speedboat racecourse. A motorboat race has begun in Omura Bay. There are twenty-four places nationwide, but the city is the birthplace of boat racing. A large-scale vision will be installed in 1996. It is popular as a state-of-the-art leisure facility. Prunus lannesiana ‘Mirabilis’(Nationally designated natural monument), A rare variety of cherry blossoms discovered and named from the village cherry blossoms of Omura Shrine. There are many Sepals and petals, and all flowers are double-flowered. 黒田五寸(About 6.5 centimeters long)人参原種育成会 : Omura City specialty. Japan’s only breeding group for the original species organized by Farmers. Around the end of the Taisho Period, Mr. Tadashi KURODA of Kuromaru Town introduced Maruyama-Gosun from Japan Agriculture and Forestry. Nagasaki-Gosun was also cultivated in the same area. Mr. Kuroda and Mr. Yoshida repeat seeding from 1935 to 1945. Then, the Natural Crossing is cultivated by improving the color of the core. In 1973, KURODA Gosun was cultivated in about 50% of the total area of carrot designated production areas nationwide. In 1960, a training group was formed. This variety has very strong heat resistance-Summer sowing type varieties. The root color is the darkest of the carrot varieties, deep red-orange to the center. It has a very high CAROTENE content, and the meat is soft and has no carrot odor. The taste is the best, especially as a healthy food such as raw food and juice. City tangible cultural property : 本経寺大村家墓碑群, 古町, 有形文化財 : 大村出土のメダリオン「無原罪の聖母」, 大村市歴史資料館内, 有形文化財 : 大村市原口郷出土のキリシタン墓碑, 大村市歴史資料館内, 有形文化財 : 旧楠本家住宅, 玖島, 史跡 : 大村今富のキリシタン墓碑, 今富町, 史跡 : 五教館御成門, 玖島, 史跡 : 大村藩お船蔵跡, 玖島, 天然記念物 : 多良岳センダイソウ群落, 黒木町, 天然記念物 : 五ヶ原岳ツクシシャクナゲ群落, 大村市五家原岳周辺, 天然記念物 : 大村神社のクシマザクラ, 玖島, 天然記念物 : 大村城跡のマキ, 玖島, 天然記念物 : 玖島崎樹叢, 玖島. “Higashisonogi Town, Higashisonogi District’, It is located almost in the center of the prefecture. The town of Green Tea, Mandarin Oranges and Whales. It is also known as the gateway to Nagasaki Prefecture, where people, products and information gather. It used to be the post town of the Nagasaki Highroad and the starting point of the Hirato Highroad. A town crowded with many merchants, samurai, and sometimes foreign visitors. Hundreds of years from the beginning of the Edo period to the Meiji era : It prospered as a center for whaling and whale meat trading. Landed whales were being sent to various parts of Kyushu. In addition to the historical features of these highways and whales, there are many places in the town, you can also see many old burial mounds and ruins.In addition, about three hundred Neophocaena phocaenoides(Finless porpoise ; Dorsal finless dolphin : Whale companion)inhabited Omura bay at that time. ‘Camphor tree’ : It is an evergreen tree that is extremely historically related and has a fragrance. Selected based on the symbolism of the town, historical background, and those that match nature-Established on October 23, 1989. Cosmos : A herb of annual plants. Flower language “girl’s chastity, girl’s affection.” It was selected based on its ease of cultivation and gentleness. In addition, there is strength in simplicity and evokes a refreshing feeling – Established on October 23, 1989. The town has a mild climate throughout the year. Fertile farmland spreads from the plains to the mountains. Famous for green tea, mandarin orange, strawberry, asparagus, beef cattle and rice. Among them, Green tea is branded as “Sonogi Tea” and represents the prefecture. Highlands with an altitude of 150 to 350 m overlooking Omura Bay and slopes in the deep green mountains : There is a tea plantation, and the total area is about 400 ha. It occupies 55% of the tea plantation area in Nagasaki prefecture. Approximately 440 t(440,000 kg)of dried tea leaves are produced annually by 270 farmers in the town. This accounts for 60% of the prefecture’s production and is rooted in local industry. Sonogi TEA : It refers to Nagasaki Tamaryokucha, which follows the traditional flow of hand-roasted green tea fired in hot pans after a short withering (common Chinese technique) : It is called steamed ‘玉緑茶’ because of the finishing method. It is very rare, with only about 3% share of the national Green TEA production. Unlike sencha, the external appearance has a round shape like a magatama : It is characterized by its mellow taste with less astringency. We will make various efforts to make more people aware of this deliciousness. Persons involved in the town, including the Promotion Council : PR activities at events, campaigns, etc., Promote brand establishment and further spread. In July 2016, the town enacted the “Shaza Cafe Ordinance.” ZEN’s word for hospitable, “Sit down and enjoy TEA. ”This ordinance is for celebrations, banquets, dinners, etc., the idea is to spread the habit of toasting cold tea with water in a glass(TEA’s toast ordinance). Increase opportunities for Children to interact with TEA and foster a love for hospitality and hometown. Understanding of local industry development and local patriotism through increased consumption. The purpose is deep and interesting. Roadside station-Sonogi’s villa : We sell(Including tea)specialty crops, fresh vegetables / fruits, box lunch, etc. It is close to Higashisonogi IC and is crowded with many people every day. Adjacent restaurant : Whale meat, dago-jiru set meal, japanese mixed rice, etc., it is popular because you can enjoy local meals.Closed days December 31st – January 3rd. Soon, local governments and others have expressed a sense of crisis about climate change. Working on measures “Climate emergency declaration ; 気候非常事態宣言” : Junior high school students in the town are collecting signatures to get them out in the town. 東彼杵町のキリシタン墓碑(2基): 瀬戸郷 : Designated as a prefectural tangible cultural property on February 26, 2001. 寛永20年(1643年)- “元和七年一瀬志ゅ阿ん”, A historic site designated by the prefecture in 1962, and donated by an individual in 2000. “Kawatana Town”, It is located almost in the center of the prefecture. It is famous as a scenic town facing Omura Bay. To the east, Mt. Kokuzo, an altitude of 608 m, rises. The source Ishiki River joins the beautiful Kawatana River. It flows into Omura Bay while flowing through the central part of the town. Its clean stream and abundant amount of water harmonize with the deep green mountains and the beautiful sea. Throughout its long history, it has supported people’s lives and enriched their lives. “Kawatana Town hometown museum” : This facility is located within the arts and sciences center. The purpose is to preserve local materials and pass them on to future generations. It opened in 1984. Inside the building, the house with thatched roof is reproduced, and living tools are displayed. In addition, the armor handed down to Kawatana’s house, which was the territory of Omura : Has been run with farm horses – Pictures that record the state of agriculture and materials of farm tool. 永仁五輪塔(Town designated tangible folk cultural property): Inscription of 1297 – It is said to be the oldest in the prefecture for which the year of production is known. This stone is called chlorite-schist ; 緑泥石 / 蛇紋石 / 緑簾石. It has been produced for a long time around Saikai City on the Nishisonogi Peninsula of the prefecture. Minamoto no Nagamori’s widow nun at the end of the Kamakura period. “法阿” : Built during life for Holding a memorial service for oneself(Doing Buddhist affairs for the afterlife of oneself before life). “Green Tohi Fresh Market”, Clear stream firefly rice, Nagasaki Wagyu beef, asparagus, strawberries(Sachinoka, Toyonoka, Mitsuko), Agricultural and livestock products such as small skewered tomatoes, tea, mandarin oranges, and persimmons : Processed food using local agricultural products etc. Also, sea cucumber caught in the blessed Omura Bay. 川棚町教育委員会 2010 『麻生瀬(Asoze)遺跡2』川棚町文化財調査報告書2, 圓場整備遺跡概要種別時代, 縄文時代, 縄文土器, 弥生時代中期後半の成人甕棺墓, 古代末から中世初期にかけての掘立柱, 弥生時代, 甕棺墓2, 箱式石棺墓2, 弥生土器, 甕棺, 管玉1, 集落, 古代 (細分不明), 掘立柱建物, 中国産輸入陶磁器, 中世 (細分不明), 掘立柱建物, 滑石製品. “Hasami Town” : Located in the northern part of Higashisonogi District, almost in the center of the prefecture. Sasebo City in the west and Kawatana Town in the south. Adjacent to Takeo City and Ureshino City in Saga Prefecture in the east. The north borders Arita Town, Nishimatsuura District, Saga Prefecture. East-west 10.5 km, north-south 7.0 km, circumference 33 km. Total area 56.00 km2. It is also the only town in the prefecture that does not face the sea. It has prospered(hasami porcelain : Climbing kiln from the Edo period)as one of the best kimono: clothing towns in Japan with a tradition of 400 years. Approximately 10% or more of daily tableware used in ordinary households. There are about 400 offices related to earthenware in the town. Many people are engaged in ceramic-related work. It is also focusing on the modernization of agriculture. The prefectorial farmland consolidation farming village improvement model project is also implemented as the first in the prefecture. About 80% or more of the 650 hectares of paddy field have been reorganized. An integrated rice and wheat work system has been established that connects work with large agricultural machines and rice processing facilities. The surplus labor force of the farmer generated by this : Linked to employment in the ceramics-related industry, which is a local industry : A place where agriculture and industry continue to develop together. Kokuzo Mountains to the south, East and North to the Jiniroku Mountains : 100-500 m mountains of the Kobotake mountain range undulate in the west. Kawatana River extending from east and north to south-southwest in the center – 折敷瀬, 宿, 田の頭, 岳辺田, 平野 : Along this line, each district forms a flat part. In addition, paddy fields are cultivated with a series of slightly dense villages. Forests are from upland fields on slopes – It reaches the top of the mountain and surrounds the entire town to form a forest resource area. Geological features ; Third layer hills and liparite type – Mountainous areas such as undulations scattered everywhere. The alluvial flat part enters between them, forming a complicated terrain. “肥前波佐見陶磁器窯跡” : 5 old kiln ruins and 2 Ceramic-related ruins – Designated as a national historic site on September 6, 2000. 畑ノ原窯跡(村木郷) 三股青磁窯跡(三股郷) 長田山窯跡(井石郷) 中尾上登窯跡(中尾郷)永尾本登窯跡(永尾郷)皿山役所跡(永尾郷)三股砥石川陶石採石場(三股郷). 長崎ミカンの歴史は, 1780年(天明年間)に大村藩主, ‘大村純鎮’ 公が, 薩摩藩の「長島ミカン」(出水郡(旧: 東町)長島町の温州ミカン)を, 彼杵郡伊木力村(現: 彼杵郡多良見町)の田中唯右衛門氏, 田中林衛門氏, 中道継衛門氏に, 栽培させたのが始まりとされている(Citrus Unshiu has heard that the seeds brought back from China by the envoy to Tang China began to bear fruit and were found in Kagoshima.)High-quality “Satsuma mandarin” was cultivated from the Ikiriki region, and saplings began to be shipped nationwide, and it is called “Ikiriki-based Satsuma”. In 1876, mandarin oranges were sold by hand in the castle town. In addition, from around 1887, the production area of mandarin oranges was expanded in ‘Ikiriki Village’, and even today, the area is the main production area in Nagasaki Prefecture. From 1961, “Act on Special Measures for Promotion of Fruit Tree Agriculture (Government Ordinance No. 145)”, the Nagasaki Prefecture Citrus Promotion Plan was formulated, and the citrus cultivation area is rapidly increased throughout the prefecture. Demand for fruit trees in Japan is generally declining and stagnant, and there is a growing tendency for small quantities to be sold as other items and for good quality. Many fruits, including mandarin oranges, are in overproduction. There are increasing demands from other countries to expand imports of fruits and fruit products. In order to achieve sound development, it is necessary to deal with the overproduction trend of fruits. Induce production that responds to trends. Fostering independent fruit tree farmers who can be the core players in the production area. And it is necessary to further strengthen the constitution of fruit tree agriculture. The system for promoting fruit tree agriculture was strengthened(Partial amendment of Law No. 15, July 1, 1985). To the prefectural governor, the then Vice-Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(After retiring, he will assume the post of chairman of the Norinchukin Bank.). In 1597, Nagasaki was the first onion to land in Japan by a Portuguese ship. The production of early-maturing onions is thriving, and it has a good reputation for its freshness and good taste. I hear that potato was introduced from Jakarta to nagasaki by a Dutch ship in 1598. It boasts the second largest production volume after Hokkaido, and Minamishimabara City is one of the leading production areas in the prefecture. Cultivation started in earnest in the Meiji era, and now it is cultivated based on two crops, spring and autumn, taking advantage of the warm climate. Asparagus officinalis was introduced to Nagasaki as ornamental from the Netherlands during the Edo period. There are spring and summer seasons, and spring asparagus grows slowly over time, so it has a strong sweetness and is rich in minerals and especially vitamin C. Summer asparagus has a beautiful light green color because it grows at a stretch due to the blessings of the daytime sun, and it is soft to the vicinity of the root. I hear that the bright red tomatoes were introduced to Nagasaki from the Netherlands at the end of the 17th century”. City jurisdiction, Kuidetsu, Takematsuhonmachi, Ozato Town, Matsubarahonmachi. City designated historic site : Ozato-biography Mr. Doi Suzuta’s Tomb, Conflict with SUMISAKI Omura : Master-Slave Relationship. City designated memorial: Matsubarahonmachi-Shaso at Matsubara Hachiman Shrine Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J. Presl, The 15th Emperor Ojin 品陀和気命(ホムダワケノミコト), 大物主神-Mt. Miwa in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture ; (Koshinto), There are some shrines even today, such as Omiwa-jinja Shrine, which enshrines Mt. Miwa in Nara Prefecture, that regard mountains themselves as the kami’s Shintai or Yorishiro (an object capable of attracting kami). Assuming from the high possibility of large kofun (tumulus) being a tomb of leader (great king) of the time by the chronological order of kofun and others, the following kofun tumulus show there was a sovereignty in this region (present day Sakurai City and Tenri City): Yamato-kofun Tumulus Clusters and Yanagimoto Otsuka Tumulus built at the foot of the Mt. Miwa, in the southeast of Nara basin in the early Kofun period (from about the middle of the third century to the early fourth century), and large scattered kofun with the hill length of 300 meters to 200 meters such as Shibutani Mukoyama-kofun Tumulus (identified as a mausoleum of Emperor Keiko), Hashihaka-kofun Tumulus (surmised by some researchers to be a grave of Himiko: There is a theory that Unabi Hime no Mikoto, the sixth-generation Hikohoakari mentioned in A Family Tree of the Amabe Family(A shrine house of ‘Kono Shrine’ located in Miyazu City, Kyoto Prefecture. 籠名神社祝部氏係図 with 籠名神宮祝部丹波国造海部直等氏之本記 : Designated as an important cultural property in June 1975 and a national treasure in June 1976.), was Himiko. ), Andonyama-kofun Tumulus (identified as a mausoleum of Emperor Sujin), Mesuriyama-kofun Tumulus, and Nishitonotsuka-kofun Tumulus (identified as the grave of Tashiraka no Himemiko). The boys in the second grade of the Prefectural Kibogaoka Higher Special Needs School in Tarami Town, Isahaya City will be in the “Coffee Service” section of the 41st National Abilympics Competition held in Tokyo on December 18, 2021. I participated. It seems that the department will compete for service skills by accepting orders and providing drinks with other participating athletes at a mock coffee shop in the venue. Consideration for customers and teamwork with other players are important. This time he missed the prize, but he seems to have burned more fighting spirit to participate in the next tournament. His dream for the future is to have his own store. He won the gold medal in the “Coffee Service” category of the Nagasaki Abilympics Tournament held in July last year, and was elected as the representative of Nagasaki Prefecture. Frequently participated in the “dual system type on-site training”, which is an agricultural and fortune cooperation initiative that the school and JA Nagasaki Kenou are focusing on, and experienced specialized training such as over-the-counter sales and handling of money, and hone their customer service skills. It seems to be new. It seems that he felt joy in actually interacting with customers and being told “Thank you” and strengthened his feelings for realizing his dream. He said, “I want to give back to the teachers who have taken care of me, my family and friends who have supported me. I want to learn how to cook and support other people in the future.” He will continue to hone his skills at the school’s off-campus coffee service “smile hope café in Tarami Library”. The opening date was scheduled for January 19th and 26th. Based on food and agriculture As a community-based cooperative, in the spirit of helping each other Aim for sustainable agriculture and affluent and comfortable communities. Dejima is called “Tsukishima” because it was built by reclaiming the sea, and its shape seems to have been fan-shaped. Details are still shrouded in mystery. In 1600 (October 21st, the Eastern army led by Ieyasu Tokugawa and the Western army led by Mitsunari Ishida fought, and Ieyasu won.), a Dutch ship washed ashore on the coast of Bungo (present-day Oita Prefecture). This marked the beginning of exchanges between Japan and the Netherlands. This ship was the De Liefde, and the navigator William Adams (later Anjin Miura) was treated favorably by Ieyasu and acted as a diplomatic adviser. Ships were dispatched to Japan, trade permission was obtained, and a trading post was opened in Hirado. When Britain opened a trading post in Hirado, trade competition began with Portugal, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, China, and Japan, which was engaged in shuinsen trade. Shimabara Rebellion of 1637 (Christian peasants protested against the misgovernment of Amakusa and Shimabara lords and continued their resistance by barricading themselves in the abandoned Hara Castle. 38,000 people. On the other hand, 120,000 people were mobilized by the shogunate.It took a whopping half a year from the raising of an army to the fall of Hara Castle.)It was said to be the largest uprising in the Edo period. The shogunate, which became increasingly wary of Portugal, expelled the Portuguese, while the Dutch bombarded Hara Castle in the Shimabara Rebellion, gaining trust by showing their loyalty to the shogunate. Monopolize trade. The current poor Japanese economy and Japanese customs that can flatter buyers from other countries still threaten the economy. However, even though everything is different from that era, I can’t help lamenting and regretting the current situation where the bitterness of our predecessors seems to have changed due to the feeble system.

Dejima no Hana satsuma mandarin is a unified brand that carefully selects and ships only the fruits of particularly excellent quality among the “Sasebo Unshu Mikan” found and cultivated in Nagasaki Prefecture. Wase miyagaya Born as a substitute for mandarin orange branches. Selected based on a standard sugar content of 14 degrees, it is extremely sweet, has a slightly oval shape, and has a beautiful dark red skin. The funnel (thin skin that wraps the pulp) is very thin, and it has a moderately sour taste and a lot of juice.

One of the three major brands of Nagasaki Saikai mandarin oranges, it contains less than 1.0 citric acid, has a good appearance, and has passed the taste test. In addition, multi-sheet cultivation is adopted in all the orchards, and fertilizers are organic. It seems to use quality fertilizer. Cultivation methods are strictly stipulated for thorough brand control, such as quality inspections by inspectors on-site for designated producers and production areas.