
Sunday, April 21, 2024

A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it is committing another mistake. Competing for the brilliance that doesn't suit the samurai, and forgetting the path of pen and sword, there was a frivolous and frivolous behavior, and the decadence of the samurai style was enormous: Confucius's Analects; Craftsmen work at their studios. Gentlemen accomplishes their way by learning-Tadaari (Ohseidasaresho(後の太政官布告第214号(被仰出書 / 学制布告書)8.2 1872 ): People have their own strengths and weaknesses, so teachers should guide them to develop their strengths. ), Tadakata (Thought of Sorai Ogyu) ≒ Chido Palace

Princess Himiko ≒ 魏志倭人伝→襄荷

【Product name】

japanese zinger


Zingiber mioga (Thunb.) Roscoe

【Producing area】

Part of Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture (former Atsumi Town, former Fujishima Town, former Haguro Town, former Kushihiki Town, former Asahi Village), Shonai Town, Higashitagawa District (former Amarume Town, former Tachikawa Town), Mikawa Town (JA Shonai Tagawa, Delicious Yamagata)

【Origin of name】

The Buddha's disciple (one of the sixteen Arhats), Shuri Handoku Chula Pantaka, was very poorly remembered and sometimes even forgot his name. So I wrote my name and hung it around my neck. After his death, grass grew in the graveyard, so he named it 名荷; 茗荷.

【Major features】

The Shonai Town, Higashitagawa District election (Yamagata Prefecture) was announced on June 14, 2022 due to the expiration of the term of office, and 20 people will run for the fixed number of 14, 14 incumbents, and 6 newcomers will fight. By party, there are 1 communist, 19 independents, and 5 women. In the 2018 election for the same town, a total of 15 people, including 12 incumbents and 3 newcomers, ran for a fixed number of 16, and all of them were elected without voting. By party, there were 1 communist, 14 independents, and 2 women (parties at the time of the election). Voting will be on June 19th and will be counted on the same day. As of June 13, the number of registered voters is 17,532 (according to the Shonai Town Election Commission). A total of 20 people, 14 incumbents and 6 new faces, are preparing for the candidacy, and it is certain that the election contest will be held. Last time in 2018, only 15 people ran for the fixed number 16, and there was no vote due to "breaking the fixed number". In July 2021, Mikawa Town issued the local currency "Na(菜)no Ca" for the first time as a measure to stimulate consumption, which has been sluggish due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. Repeatedly used by an unspecified number of people and business establishments in the form of banknotes. The full-scale introduction of local currencies issued by local governments is a rare case in Tohoku. 1 Na no Ca = 1 yen "Na no Ca" is issued by the town for 26 million yen, and the Dewa Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mikawa branch operates the business. A total of about 120 places, including restaurants and retail stores in the town, were expected to participate in the project. When shopping at participating business establishments after July 10, Nanoka was issued according to the payment amount, and a de facto discount was received. The grant ratio is 200 Na no Ca for every 500 yen (tax included) paid by restaurants, 500 Na no Ca for every 1500 yen for retail stores and service industries, and 1500 Na no Ca for every 5000 yen for the construction industry. The de facto discount rates were 40%, 33% and 30%, respectively. There are three types of banknotes: 200 Na no Ca, 500 Na no Ca, and 1500 Na no Ca. The name seems to be named after the town flower "rape blossoms". The Na no Ba received was available at any participating establishment. It was expected to be used in combination with cash because no change was made. The establishment could give Na no Ca again as change to another customer, and it seems that a certain amount could continue to circulate in the city. The expiration date was until February 27th (Sun) next year. Participating business establishments can redeem every Friday, and the final redemption date is set in early March of the same year. It seems that the town wants to be computerized in the future and become a permanent local currency. The Funds Settlement Law excluded gift certificates such as "local currency" issued by local governments. It seems that the Tohoku Local Finance Bureau cannot grasp the whole picture of the "local currency" issued by the local government. The person in charge of the town said, "It should be rare in the whole country for the local government to issue the local currency of banknotes in earnest. Unlike the point redemption of "QR code" payment and gift certificates, the mechanism that money continues to circulate in the town I wanted to make it." Shonai Plain, Yamagata Prefecture - It is nurtured by the flow of the mogami river and Akagawa river from different sources. To the north Mt. Chokai : Dewa Sanzan (Three Mountains of Dewa ; Shrine - Mt. Haguro, Mt. Gassan, Mt. Yudono) to the east - It is said that Koteko's son, Prince Hachiko, escaped from the capital at the discretion of Prince Umayado (Prince Shotoku), and became the founder of Dewa Sanzan (Three Sacred Mountains of Dewa) in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture. South is surrounded by mountains in the Asahi mountain range(寒江山, 小朝日岳, 平岩山, 鳥原山, 祝瓶山 etc.)- One of Japan's leading granary areas, with large sand dunes on the west side facing the Sea of Japan. Humans settled in the Region as far back as the Paleolithic and Jomon periods. Southern hills and foothills : The ruins of hunting life at that time are interspersion. In the Kofun period, people also settle in the lowlands of the plains. He started his rice-growing life under the control of a powerful family. At the end of the Heian period, a manor called Oizumi-sho was set up in this region. “Gikeiki”, 大泉荘大梵寺を通せ給ふ - Description, Daibon-ji Temple later became known as Daiho-ji Temple.Eventually it will become the center of Oizumi-sho. At the beginning of the Kamakura period, Mr. Muto ruled as lord of a manorof Oizumi-sho. Since then, it has prospered as a regional center throughout the Middle Ages : In the 1530s, seeking harm during the war : Take up residence at Oura Castle (now Oyama). From the Middle Ages, Mt. Haguro was a major force here. It is said that he also served as a steward and protected Kurokawa thickly(Inherited for more than 500 years by the parishioner ; It is divided into an upper seat and a lower seat, which are Noza (farmer) of the guardian Kasuga Shrine. Oral biography of the 56th Emperor Seiwa. Designated in 1976 as a national important intangible folk cultural property.). After the fall, Shonai will be under the control of Echigo Uesugi. In 1591, Kanetsugu NAOE built Daihoji Castle as a political base. The Naoe army attacked the Yamagata Castle fiercely, and finally besieged the Hasedo Castle, the advance-guard station of the Yamagata Castle (the Battle of Dewa in the Keicho Era or the Battle of Hasedo-jo). As a result of the Battle of Sekigahara, Yoshiaki Mogami-Ko, the lord of Yamagata, ruled Shonai in 1601. Daihoji Castle is maintained as a retired castle: In 1603, the name was changed to Tsurugaoka Castle. Entering the Edo period, Mr. Mogami was confiscated in 1622.Instead, Tadakatsu Sakai(140,000 koku ; of rice in Fudai Daimyo)entered the country as the lord of the Shonai clan. The castle town is maintained with Tsuruoka as the residence -To build on the basics. The Shonai clan has Akumi District and Tagawa District. This is administratively divided into Kawakita Misato and Kawanami Five Streets. 中川通, 櫛引通, 京田通, 山浜通 - The Shonai clan was ruled by the Sakai clan for about 250 years. From the Restoration down to the present. In 1869, Mr. Sakai repatriates the edition.etc. “the great municipal mergers of the Heisei era” - 鶴岡市, 藤島町, 羽黒町, 櫛引町, 朝日村, 温海町が合併 - 平成17年10 月1日に, 新鶴岡市が発足 - With an area of 1,311.53 km2, it is the largest city in Tohoku. Formulated a comprehensive plan in January 2010. “藤沢周平(Mr. Tomeji KOSUGE)”, Born December 26, 1937. 旧東田川郡黄金村大字高坂 ; Section of village
Takasaka, Tsuruoka City- 暗殺の年輪, 1973 ;文藝春秋, 又蔵の火, 1974 ; 文藝春秋, 闇の梯子, 1974 ; 文藝春秋, 檻車墨河を渡る, 1975 ; 文藝春秋, 改題: 雲奔る 小説 / 雲井龍雄 ; 中公文庫, 竹光始末, 1976 ; 新潮文庫, 時雨のあと, 1976 ; 新潮文庫, 義民が駆ける, 1976 ; 中央公論社, 講談社文庫, 冤罪, 1976 ; 新潮文庫, 暁のひかり, 1976 ; 文春文庫, 逆軍の旗, 1976 ; 文春文庫, 喜多川歌麿女絵草紙, 1977 ; 講談社文庫,闇の穴, 1977 ; 新潮文庫, 闇の歯車, 1977 ; 講談社, 長門守の陰謀, 1978 ; 講談社文庫, 春秋山伏記, 1978 ; 家の光協会, 角川文庫, 一茶, 1978 ; 文藝春秋, 神隠し, 1979 ; 新潮文庫, 雪明かり, 1979 ; 講談社文庫, 回天の門, 1979 ; 文藝春秋, 驟り雨, 1980 ; 新潮文庫, 橋ものがたり, 1980 ; 新潮文庫, 出合茶屋 神谷玄次郎捕物控, 1980 ; 双葉社, 改題: 霧の果て, 1985 ; 文春文庫, 闇の傀儡師, 1980 ; 文藝春秋, 夜の橋, 1981 ;文春文庫, 時雨みち, 1981 ; 新潮文庫, 霜の朝,1981 ;新潮文庫,密謀,1982 ; 新潮文庫, よろずや平四郎活人剣, 1983 ; 文藝春秋, 龍を見た男, 1983 ; 新潮文庫, 海鳴り, 1984 ; 文藝春秋, “白き瓶-小説 / 長塚節”, 1985 ; 文藝春秋, 花のあと, 1985 ; 文春文庫, 風の果て, 1985 ; 文春文庫, 決闘の辻: 藤沢版新剣客伝, 1985 ; 講談社,潮田伝五郎置文, 1985 ; 東京文芸社, 本所しぐれ町物語, 1987 ; 新潮文庫, 蟬しぐれ, 1988 ; 文藝春秋, たそがれ清兵衛, 1988 ; 新潮文庫, 市塵, 1988 ; 講談社(日本歴史文学館), 麦屋町昼下がり, 1989 ; 文藝春秋, 三屋清左衛門残日録, 1989 ; 文藝春秋, 玄鳥, 1991 ; 文藝春秋, 天保悪党伝, 1992 ; 新潮文庫, 秘太刀馬の骨, 1992 ;文藝春秋, 夜消える,1994 ; 文春文庫, 日暮れ竹河岸, 1996 ; 文藝春秋, 漆の実のみのる国, 1997 ; 文藝春秋, 静かな木, 1998 ; 新潮社, 未刊行初期短篇, 2006; 文藝春秋- 鶴岡市青龍寺金峯, 高坂字大台, 滝沢字薬師嶽, “藤沢” 字荒沢: Designated date: April 23, 1941 - Management organization name: Tsuruoka City(S17・6/23) : Historic site scenic spot natural monument - 高さ約460m, 東には羽黒山, 月山, 湯殿山の翠を列ぬるあり北には鳥海山の巍峩たる雄姿を挺んづるあり西には日本海の渺茫たるあり其の北部には飛嶋の浮べるあり頂點竝高處よりの視界に入るもの更に舊庄内の田野大半遠く連なるあり最上の長川之を串流して海に注げるあり我邦展望の壯觀として洵に稀有に屬す山上に此の如き地點多く上中下位に依つて各々其の景觀を殊にす山亦佳林を帶び其の中幽致に富める地尠からず. “鶴岡市青龍寺” - 銅造如意輪観音坐像: Prefectural designated cultural property October 25, 1955-金峯山博物館. 六所神社の獅子頭6面 : Prefectural designated tangible folk cultural property December 1, 1998. 鶴岡市教育委員会(馬場町)2002 “鶴ヶ岡城跡確認調査報告書 二の丸御角櫓跡地点” 鶴岡市埋蔵文化財調査報告書19 : 地域ルネッサンス公園整備事業遺跡 : 城館, 古代 (細分不明) 時代, 須恵器, 赤焼土器, 城館, 中世 (細分不明) 時代, 土坑, 珠洲系陶器(壺擂鉢), 越前甕, 青磁, 瀬戸(梅鉢, 皿), かわらけ, 城館, 近世(細分不明) 時代, 土塁, 二の丸外堀, 唐津(皿, 擂鉢), 肥前染付(椀, 瓶), 大堀相馬, 瓦器, 瓦, 木製品, 石製品. “Shonai Town, Higashitagawa District“, With the enforcement of the town and village system in 1889, it became Amarume Village, Goshari Village, Yamato Village, Izaai Village, Sakae Village, Karigawa Village and Tachiyazawa Village. Furthermore, in 1890, Yaezato Village was separated from Goshari Village, and in 1891, Goshari Village was renamed Joman Village, and Kiyokawa Village was separated from Karigawa Village. Amarume Village enforced the town system in 1918, Karigawa Village enforced the town system in 1937, and on October 1, 1954, 1 town and 2 villages of Tachiyazawa Village, Kiyokawa Village and Karigawa Town merged with Tachikawa Town, became. In the same year, on December 1, 1956, Amarume Town, Yamato Village, Izaai Village, Sakae Village, Joman Village, and Yaezato Village merged into Amarume Town, and on January 1, 1956, Amarume Town. The two villages of Senbonsugi and Kuwata were separated from each other and incorporated into Tachikawa Town. Then, on July 1, 2005, Amarume Town and Tachikawa Town merged to form Shonai Town. The town is located in the northwestern part of Yamagata prefecture, from the southeastern part to the center of the Shonai Plain. A long north-south terrain along the clear stream Tachiyazawa River, which has the summit of Mt. Gassan, and the Mogami River, one of the three major rapids in Japan. It borders Sakata City to the north and northwest, Tozawa Village to the east, Okura Village to the southeast, Tsuruoka City to the southwest, and Mikawa Town across the Mogami River. It is a turning point connecting the regions and a gateway to the Shonai region. The climate is generally oceanic and relatively warm, but in winter the closer to the south (Moonyama side), the heavier the snowfall, the stronger the monsoon from the northwestern part (Sea of Japan side), and From spring to autumn, the strong winds in the east-southeast from the valley of the Mogami River are famous as “Kiyokawa-Dashi(It is counted as one of the three major local winds in Japan and is a representative example of isthmus winds. The Mogami River passes through the Mogami Gorge (a gorge with a width of about 1 km and a length of about 10 km that forms the saddle of the Dewa Hills).)”. It is about 22.2 km east-west, about 38.9 km north-south, and has an area of 249.17 km2, making it the 12th largest area in the prefecture. By region, forests account for about 62.9% and rice fields account for 22.8%. “Amarume Hachiman Shrine” : This shrine is located in Amarume, Shonai Town, and was founded in 719 when it was said that it solicited the spirit of Usa Hachimangu (Usa City, Oita Prefecture, Buzen Kuniichigu). It was the vassal of Mr. Fujiwara Oshu and the deity of Mr. Sato. In the Kamakura period, Minamoto no Yoritomo gave him the title of Amarume Hachimangu Shrine, and he was the general guardian of Amarume Township. It is said that the priest of Saigoku Fudasho solicited the sand from the Saigoku Fudasho (takes the sand home) and established it as the 33 Kannon sacred sites in the Shonai region. Reorganized in 1950, there are now 35 sacred sites across the five cities of Sakata, Tsuruoka, Yuza, Shonai, and Mikawa.) It was worshiped as one of Hachiman. In the Middle Ages, Mr. Anbo ruled the area around the area, and in 1362 he relocated Amarume Hachiman Shrine as the guardian shrine of his own building. For a long time after that, it was on the site of Mr. Anbo's mansion, but in the early modern period, 1637, he moved to the site for the first time in 260 years. The current Amarume Hachiman Shrine is an old building built in 1814, and it is said that it adopted the same ceremony as the Dewasanzan Shrine Sanjingo Shrine, and the worship hall and the main shrine are integrated and the palace is enshrined inside. The exterior of the hall of worship is the hip gable roof, thatched roof, 5 girders, a large staggered gable in front, and the eaves gable is used for the 3 間’s, and the xylem is colored in various colors, mainly vermilion. The detailed sculptures are also fine and elaborate, and the wrestler statues are often seen in northern Yamagata and southern Akita prefectures, and are thought to have a strong local color. The hall of worship and the palace are the remains of the shrine building in the latter half of the Edo period and are excellent in design, so they were designated as tangible cultural properties designated by Shonai Town in 1992. There are many sacred treasures. Inakari exhibition map (votive tablet: 1 sheet) and Anbo Akiyama discussion map (votive tablet: 2 sheets) (竪矧黒塗皺韋包二枚胴具足(1領), 有栖川熾仁親王書「八幡宮」1 width) is designated as a tangible cultural property designated by Shonai Town. Religious deities: Tamayorihime, Ohohirume, Emperor Homutawake, Toyoukebime, Okinagatarashime no Mikoto. Large shrine: village shrine. “六渕/ 瀬場砂防堰堤(立谷沢地内)” : Rokubuchi and Seba, two sabo dams constructed in the 1950s. It is made of boulder concrete, the beautiful curve of the water passage part, and it was made by the high technology and skill of the time, and it is difficult to restore it now, and it seems to be a very valuable sabo dam. The words “Mokushiteyu; By Yasushi Kurakami (Former Mogami River Sabo Construction Office Construction Manager)” engraved on the back of the stone monument on the Saba Dam express the spirit of those involved in the difficult construction. In the Tachiyazawa River basin, there are many monuments to the dragon and water gods that tell the history of suffering from flooding. It was registered as a tangible cultural property registered in Japan in 2017. Nationally designated important cultural property (natural monument) : イヌワシ(くじゅう山系), Prefectural designated important cultural property (building) : 笠塔婆(柿原), 板碑(渕), 宝塔及び五輪塔(七基)(龍原), 宝塔二基(大龍), 石幢(長野), 祖霊廟宝塔二基(西長宝), オダニの車橋(櫟木), Prefectural designated important cultural property (building) : オダニの車橋, Tangible Cultural Property (Building) : 東大津留の宝塔二基(東大津留), 摺原の宝筐印塔(高岡), 田北氏宝塔(高岡), 大應寺の無縫塔(庄内原), 浄水寺の石幢(四面地蔵)(直野内山), 高岡のキリシタン墓地(高岡), 櫟木の阿南橋(櫟木), Tangible cultural property (building) : 櫟木の阿南橋, Tangible Cultural Property (Sculpture) : 木造阿弥陀如来像及び観音 / 勢至菩薩立像(渕), 天満渕神社の十一面観音像(渕), Tangible cultural property (crafts) : 天満渕神社の鰐口(渕), 永慶寺の茶釜(五ヶ瀬), Tangible cultural properties (handwriting, books, ancient documents) : 大津留家文書(大分県立先哲史料館), 田北家文書(高岡), Natural monument : 小挾間山神社のクロガネモチ(小挾間), 大分川の立木状炭化木及び火砕流(櫟木), 中臣神社の神木アカガシ(阿蘇野)), Intangible folk cultural property : 庄内神楽(庄内町). “Mikawa Town”, Located in the middle of the Shonai region on the Sea of Japan side of the prefecture, it is a flat area with a total area of about 33 km2. It faces Mt. Chokai, which is called Dewa Fuji in the north, and Mt. Gassan, a sacred mountain in the east. It is a rich place, adjacent to the castle town of Tsuruoka and the port town of Sakata. The Akagawa River, which runs along National Highway No. 7 that runs through the town, brings the blessings of the fertile land and is developing as one of the leading rice fields in the granary area, Shonai. Agricultural products other than rice, such as melons, shiitake mushrooms, and green onions, are actively produced and shipped not only locally but also to the Tokyo metropolitan area, and are highly evaluated. The town was born from Yokoyama Village, Togo Village, and Oshikiri Village. The name is derived from Sansen of the Akagawa River, Oyama River, and Fujishima River that flow through the town, and the fertile land created by each is always the yield per area even in the Shonai Plain, which is one of the leading breadbaskets in Japan. It is in the top class. The terrain of the spacious rural town is smooth, and the scenery overlooking the beautiful mountains such as Mt. Chokai and Mt. Gassan makes your heart clear. As a pure farming village from ancient times, Mikawa Town, which continues to coexist with nature, promotes and develops the region and moves forward while preserving the culture and environment that will lead to the next generation. A bone that seems to be an unknown creature, Degotsuchi (Tschinoko), is enshrined in the Soto Sect Eirinsan Kozenji Temple in a village called Zennami. In the Meiji era, when a pond in a nearby mountain was drought and brought “bones” from the bottom of the pond, unhappiness occurred one after another. According to the teachings of the shrine maiden, the discoverer gave a generous memorial service at Kozenji Temple. Is enshrined as the bone of a dragon god. In the village of Sukegawa in the town, there is a small pond called “Ono Komachi Pond”. There is a legend that Ono no Komachi was born in this area, and it was this pond that abandoned the hot water produced. It is also said that no matter how much it rains, it will not overflow. In the Oshikiri area, there is a straw-stacked Nio where a god snake called “Snake Nio” lives. A long time ago, a small straw nio flowed during the flood and stopped at the current position. Two snakes came out of it, so it was enshrined at a nearby shrine. However, at one point, the river overflowed again due to the flood and was washed away about 150 m downstream. Then, unhappiness occurred one after another in the area, and when I talked to the shrine maiden, there was a god's announcement that Snake Nio wanted to return to the previous position, and while doing so, another flood occurred, and this time it was swept away It is said that it returned to its original position. アトク先生の館(Mikawa Town Cultural Exchange Center): Known as the old house of Sanbongi. Built in the early Showa period, it was designed by Saichiro Miyajima, who also worked on imperial architecture. It is a one-story building made of cypress, with a copper plate roof, and a floor area of about 340 m2. The nickname is said to have been given by open recruitment because Tokusaburo Abe (1907-1994), who was the owner of the museum and taught at Yamagata University, was familiar with “Mr. Atoku” during his lifetime. It is said that the Ikezumi strolling garden was built in the Genroku period of the Edo period by collecting famous trees and rare stones from all over the country at a huge cost of 1,000 Ryos. Due to its design, it is known as one of the most famous gardens in Shonai. In addition to the doll displayed at Girls’ Festival being exhibited in March every year, a tea party is held in May and November with a view of the garden. It is also known as the filming location for “Departures; おくりびと,” which won the 81st Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film; 2009, International Feature Film Award. Japanese ginger is a perennial plant of the ginger family. The place of origin is East Asia, and it is said that cultivars cultivated in China have spread to various places, and it grows naturally in Japan, China, the Korean Peninsula, and so on. The description has been confirmed in the Wei Shi Yajinden around the 3rd century. It is said that only Japanese people eat Japanese Myoga, but even in China, it is prized for stir-fry in some areas. However, it seems that Chinese Myoga is used exclusively for Chinese herbs, and I heard that only Japan grows it as an ingredient. I usually eat flower ears from the rhizome of Myoga, Flower Japanese wild ginger. Also called. Many of the items sold at retail stores and mass retailers are bright red, but at direct sales outlets, you can also see earthen and greenish Japanese ginger. In addition, there are many documents that describe that Japanese ginger was often used for the family crests of famous families in the Edo period. This was said to have been auspicious for the local affairs, such as the blessing of the gods and Buddha that they received without their knowledge. It seems that the Hosho style Nogaku performance to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Sakai clan, the former Shonai feudal lord, was held at the Shonai Shrine in Tsuruoka City on June 14, 2022. It seems that Kazufusa Hosho, a 20-something Soke, and Mansai NOMURA, an Izumi-style kyogen master, performed a celebration. It seems that about 120 people concerned gathered in front of the shrine's hall of worship. The performance was "OLD MAN", which dances in prayer for peace reigns in the land, peace of the land, and bumper crops. It seems that the Hosho-style Mikawa family served the Sakai family as Nogaku; noh play leaders for generations.


The subcommittee in the jurisdiction is based on the original bright red standard table, and the standard is 75% or more of bright red and 1.5 cm or more in diameter, and those that have completely bloomed after flowering are removed. Also, at the time of shipment, it seems that after washing with water, it is drained sufficiently and the handle is cut to about 1 cm.


Although the history of Japanese ginger is so old in Japan that it is written in the "Wei Shi Yajinden" written in the 3rd century, I heard that only Japan grows it as a vegetable. It is also attractive that it can be chopped and sprinkled with dried bonito and soy sauce, used as an ingredient in miso soup, and can be used not only as a condiment but also as a single dish. Also, when boiled with eggplant, it goes very well. When I was a child, the memories I had often made and tasted by my grandmother still reappear. Young Japanese ginger stalks are cultivated without light, and the ones that are reddish by exposing them to the sun for a short time are called "Myogatake" and are said to be on the market from March to May.


茗荷瀬神楽: 民俗芸能の里, 庄内町には, 今でも約30の民俗芸能団体があるようだ. 地域の中で伝承されてきた芸能を絶やさないように先人達より引き継がれ, 保存活動をしている. 余目地域に伝わる神楽や近隣の鶴岡市長沼地域や酒田市新堀, 門田にも伝授されたと伝えられる歴史あるものだ. 巫女舞, 神楽舞, 剣ノ舞, 雑魚掬(ざこすき)舞, 鳥刺舞など多種の舞が行われる. 高い評価と共に, 1993年2月に, 町の無形民俗文化財に指定.

Itsunen Shoyu (3rd priest of Kofukuji Temple in Nagasaki, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, the ancestor of Nagasaki Han paintings of the Hokusou painting system). Later, with the devotion of Emperor Gomizunoo, the shogunate, and various daimyo, in 1661, Obakusan Manpukuji Temple was founded in Uji, Kyoto, Ryuki INGEN

Onuki Castle: Apparently it was a castle placed for the defense of the western side of the Kizaki-Takeda clan territory. 1.5 km east of the castle is the West Building, which was the western defense of Shinmei Castle, and just southeast of it. The plateau on which the castle is located is nearly 20 meters high and juts out greatly to the southwest. It seems that one enclosure was placed near the tip of this area, and a horizontal moat was placed around it. In the middle of the Muromachi period, Nobuhisa, the younger brother of Nobumitsu Takeda, the guardian of Kai, moved to Takei Village, Hitachi Province (Takeda, Namegata City) and settled there. It seems that he has returned to his ancestral hometown, although the location is different. From then on, he used Shinmei Castle (Uchijuku, Namegata City) as his base and took advantage of the turbulent times of the Sengoku period to steadily expand his influence into the surrounding areas. In particular, Tsushin, the eighth generation, is said to have built a larger Kizaki Castle in 1533.

【Product name】

EM Sodachi® Surprising Jumbo Green Beans


Phaseolus vulgaris L.

【Wholesale area】

Onuki, Namegata City, Ibaraki Prefecture (Ibaraki Prefecture Kitaura Mitsuba Union Shipping Association)

【Origin of name】

Southern Mexico and Central America are said to be the place of origin. In 1654, Zen Master Ryuki INGEN brought(The ancestor of the Japanese Obaku sect; Manpukuji Temple, Kyoto)it from china (the Ming dynasty in China) to Japan and named it.

【Major features】

EM is a collection of good bacteria that are kind to both people in the natural world and the environment, such as photosynthetic bacteria that are effective in improving agricultural land and water environment, fermented lactic acid bacteria, and yeast. EM is an abbreviation of Effective Microorganisms, which means useful microbes. Developed in 1982 by Teruo HIGA, Professor Emeritus of Ryukyu University. He's a Master of Health and Nutrition with The Beijing DeTao Masters Academy (DTMA), a high-level, multi-discipline, application-oriented higher education institution in Shanghai, China.) is an abbreviation for Effective Microorganisms, which is a useful group of microorganisms. The most important factors that determine the deliciousness and nutritive value of vegetables are the density and vitality of the microorganisms working in the soil. If you compare,bread, yogurt, cheese, fermented butter. Adult taste, alcohol such as alcohol, beer and wine. Seasonings and pickles such as miso, soy sauce, mirin, and vinegar that are essential for cooking. Pickles (kimchi), tofuyo (唐芙蓉; 豆腐餻), tempeh, natto, side dish of rice.Similarly, dried bonito (鰹節), sun-dried fish, salted spicy, carassius vulgaris sushi (鮒寿司), anchovies. Black tea, Goishi tea (碁石茶: It's best known to be made (高知県長岡郡大豊町).), Oolong tea (semi-fermented tea). All of them are a combination of 80 kinds of lactic acid bacteria, yeast, photosynthetic bacteria, etc., which are useful for human health. A modern term dictionary has also appeared since 1998. EM technology, which deals with microorganisms as an aggregate, was developed long before the power of microbiota attracted worldwide attention, and has proved its ability for more than 30 years all over the world. The effect of EM technology is that complex bacteria such as lactic acid bacteria, yeast, and photosynthetic bacteria do not act directly on the target, but bring out the original power of the land (nature) by energizing indigenous microorganisms. “Ibaraki Prefecture KITAURA Mitsuba Union Shipping Association” : Established 1960 KITAURA Mitsuba Shipping Association started as a federation, number of members: 600 at the start. As of April 1, 2014, the KITAURA Mitsuba Union Shipping Association was established on September 1, 2003, when the number of employees increased to 1,300 in 1970. There are 213 union members and 17 production subcommittees. The Ibaraki Prefecture Kitaura Mitsuba Union Shipping Association, which delivers rich scents and seasonal “Mitsuba” to consumers, has been receiving the most attention for about 60 years now, delivering dreams, peace of mind, taste and scent to everyone. It is a shipping association. In January, mitsuba, perilla, raw shiitake mushrooms, kwai, spinach, and spring seven herbs. Strawberries, Mizuna green, bok choy, green siso, Raw shiitake mushrooms at the Hinamatsuri; Girl's festival in March. Bamboo shoots, irises, mitsuba, green siso, mizuna greens. Leaf ginger, shallot, perilla, spinach, kairansai at the Star Festival in July, young green onions, sweet potatoes, leaf ginger, shallot, perilla, spinach at the lantern festival in August. September, sweet potato, spinach, bok choy, green beans (beans), tomato, echalet, young onion, gobo, root mitsuba, spring chrysanthemum, raw shiitake mushrooms, mizuna, baby Chinese cabbage, Chinese broccoli, EM Kintoki sweet potato, Japanese mustard spinach. December, strawberry for Christmas, various mitsuba as New Year's supplies, bok choy, Raw Shiitake mashrooms, spring chrysanthemum, EM carrot, spinach, auction, EM Kintoki, Chinese cabbage, Chinese broccoli, EM Chijimi Spinach, EM Chijimi japanese mastered spinach. As mentioned above, the Union Shipping Association produces fresh and delicious vegetables with a sense of the seasons in four seasons with “EM Sodachi” and is pleased by consumers. Under the influence of the Kuroshio Current in Kashima Nada, it is said that there are more than 60 agricultural products produced in Namegata City, which is blessed with a relatively warm climate throughout the year. Among them, Kiri-mitsuba green and Bok Choy are the number one in the country, and green siso is the number two in the country, and the whereabouts of auction are also one of the leading production areas in the country. Features of EM Sodachi ® : Vegetables grown using EM (EM Sodachi®) are delicious. For example, bok choy has less bitterness, and overnight pickling with perilla leaves is the best taste. Leaf ginger and shallot are for sale with a spicy taste, but “EM sodachi” has a mild spicy taste. This is just an example, but if you grow it in EM, which is an aggregate of good bacteria, all the vegetables and fruits will be delicious. Furthermore, the taste of EM Kintoki (sweet potato) grown with EM technology, which is made by adding EM resuscitated sea salt (salt made by adding EM to deep sea water) to EM, and EM carrots are exceptional. Organic fertilizer is used, which is fermented by adding EM and molasses (a member of sugar) to organic materials such as rice bran, oil residue, fish residue, and crabgrass. Although the amount used varies depending on the crop, 300 to 1000 kg per 10 a; 1000 m2 is put in to grow vegetables while making soil. As a measure against pests, dilute EM with water and spray it on the foliage. In addition, the number of times pesticides are used is reduced. Since the soil is made with EM (good bacteria), the number of pathogens (bad bacteria) in the soil tends to decrease. On the other hand, as the soil changes to an antioxidant state, it is said that vegetables that are resistant to pests and have a long shelf life will grow. “Surprised jumbo common bean” : See Mikado Kyowa Co., Ltd., It is a very delicious, jumbo flat pod with no streaks, and the pods are jumbo with a width of 2 cm and a length of 20 to 25 cm. The grass is vigorous and resistant to dryness. The pods are dark green and do not bend much, and tend to be soft even when harvested as large pods. Although it is a high temperature variety, it seems to be suitable for a wide range of cultivation from warm house cultivation to open field cultivation on flat land. The leaves will also be large, so it is recommended that the distance between the plants be 45 cm or more. The pods have little bending and are soft and tasty even when they are large, and they have a sweet taste and a crispy texture that can be used in various dishes such as stir-fried foods, tempura, and seasoned foods. The main point of cultivation is to moisten the sowing floor, sow seeds and lightly sprinkle with soil. Sow 3-4 grains directly in the field at a distance of about 30 cm. Care should be taken to water the soil so that it does not dry out until germination. Leave one or two strong seedlings and thin out the others. Also, I heard that it would be good to attract the vines to stand up as they grow. Established in September 2005 by the merger of Aso Town, Tamatsukuri Town, and Kitaura Town. The city of whereabouts is located in the southeastern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, surrounded by Nishiura and Kitaura in Kasumigaura. It is an area with soil. Hitachi Province (Ibaraki Prefecture) was established by the Taika Reform of 645CE, and there are only five Fudoki in Japan that describe the situation at that time: Hitachi Province, Harima Province, Bizen Province, Bungo Province, and Izumo Province. There is already a description of the whereabouts area in. The city is a region with a warm and mild climate due to the blessings of Kasumigaura and Mt. Tsukuba. In addition, mellow land was formed from many rivers flowing into Kasumigaura. The whereabouts area is a famous place where various agricultural products can be produced regardless of the crop. The sun, water, abundant soil, and areas that have benefited a lot from nature form an industrial system centered on the agriculture, livestock and fisheries industry. As a result, many agricultural, livestock and fishery products can be shipped throughout the year, and it is possible to stably supply foodstuffs to the metropolitan area (consumption area). More than 60 kinds of various products (rice, vegetables, meat (pork, beef, chicken), chicken eggs, river fish) are stably shipped to the Tokyo area throughout the year. In particular, the items with the highest yields are sweet potatoes, potatoes, mizuna, and auction, which maintain the highest yields in Japan. “Hitachi no Kuni Fudoki (description of the culture, climate, etc. of Hitachi province; approx. 720 CE)” : Hitachi is a good country with a large country, far mountains, fertile fields, and cultivated Rangeland. Blessed with the blessings of the sea and mountains, the people are at ease and the houses are full. There is no poor man who cultivates rice fields and spins threads. You can get salt in the mountains on the left and fish in the sea on the right. In addition, Kuwahara(Mulberry field)spreads in the rear field, and hemp is cultivated in the front field. It is a place rich in the fruits of Umikawa Yamano no(海川山野之). However, since there are few high-quality paddy fields (many wetlands), seedlings may not grow if long rains continue. With just the right amount of sunshine, the grain is rich enough. On May 2; 甲子, 713; 和銅6年, Empress Genmei issued an official order to promote Fudoki to the whole country. At this time, the title “Fudoki” was not official, and it was only an order to submit the customs geography of each country together. After that, in the Heian period, Kiyotsura Miyoshi-Ko's “Twelve Articles of Opinion Sealing”, 公望 Yatabe's “Nihon Shoki Shiki”, and “Fudoki” in 925, etc. It is believed that in the Heian period, it came to be called by the generic name “Fudoki”. The official order of Fudoki is, “Write your favorite characters for the names of the counties of the seven provinces of KINAI. And record the story of the land, the reason for the name of Yamakawa Wilderness, and the old story of the old man's biography.” To make this official order easier to understand, the name of the county town is written in a favorable character (two kanji characters), a list of minerals such as silver and copper, plants, animals, fish, and insects in the county, the fertile state of the land, the place name of the mountain river wilderness. It describes the origin and the old story that the old man tells. In each country, it is probable that the survey was conducted on a county-by-county basis and submitted by each gunji; district governor (Ritsuryo period) to the Kokushi; provincial governor (under the ritsuryo system, any of a group of officials, esp. the director), who is in charge of compilation. After that, it is thought that the editing of the submitted reports of each county began based on the ideas and compilation intentions of each country, and the climate record for each country was born. Fudoki has been passed down beyond the time of 1300, and now only five countries have been told. You can see how difficult it is to pass on old records to posterity. The five traditions that have been handed down are “Hitachi”, “Harima”, “Izumo”, “Bungo”, and “Hizen” from the east. Of these five Fudoki, the only one that has been handed down in its entirety is “Izumo no Kuni Fudoki”, and the time of creation and the editor are clear. At the end of the book: 天平五年二月三十日 勘造 秋鹿郡人; アイカノコオリ 神宅臣金太理; かんやけのおみかなたり 国造帯宇郡大領外正六位上勲十二等 出雲臣広嶋とあり: It can be seen that it was created in 733 by the county priest Kanyake no Omikanatari under the supervision of Izumono Omihiroshima. There is also a theory that it is considered to be a reprint because it has been 20 years since the apology was issued. The other four Fudoki are incomplete, but are treated as valuable materials that tell the story of the time. Among them, “Hitachi no Kuni Fudoki” is the only description of the eastern country, and is used as a reference when considering the ancient eastern country. It is thought that Fudoki was created in more than 60 countries nationwide during the Nara period, but nowadays, “Izumo Kuni no Fudoki” (complete), “Hitachi no Kuni Fudoki”, “Harima no Kuni Fudoki”, “Hizen no Kuni Fudoki”, It seems that only the five Fudoki of “Bungo no Kuni Fudoki” (part) are reported. The description varies from country to country, but most of the “Hitachi no Kuni Fudoki” is written in splendid sentences with the 46 Pianwens used in Tang (China) and songs written in Man'yogana. In addition, since it is the only remaining climate record in the eastern country, it seems to be an indispensable document when considering the situation in the eastern country at that time. It is also peculiar that many Japanese Takeru appear and that there are many descriptions of gods, especially the description of Kashima District, where the great god of Kashima is enshrined. This is related to the theory that the center of compilation was Fujiwara no Umakai. 昔, 難波の長柄の豊崎の大宮に天の下知ろし食しし天皇(孝徳天皇)の御世の白雉四年に, 茨城の国造 小乙下 壬生連麿みぶのむらじまろ, そして那珂の国造: 大建: 壬生直夫子; みぶのあたひをのこらが, 坂東惣領高向大夫; ばんどうたかむこのまえつきみ, 中臣幡織田(連)大夫; なかとみのはとりだのむらじ, 達に申し出て, 茨城と那珂の郡からそれぞれ八里と七里, 合計: 十五里(七百余戸)の土地を提供して, 郡家を置いて, 『行方郡』としたらしい. A long time ago, when the emperor of Takeru was patrolled under the heavens and turned north from Kasumigaura, when he passed this country and went to Izumi Kiyoizumi in Tsukino, he cleansed his hands with Shimizu and opened a well with a ball. It was a compliment. This is called Kiyoi of Tama, and it is still in the village of whereabouts. In addition, he traveled by car to the country and offered food to God on the hills of Arahara. At that time, the emperor wanted to see all sides and said to the chamberlain. “The scenery you see while walking out of the car is that the mountain ridges and the sea coves cross each other, undulating and winding. The clouds over the peaks and the fog that sets toward the valley. They are lined up in a stunning arrangement and have a delicate beauty. That's why the name of this country is called a line-up ridge.” Hisashi Namekata later became known as Namekata. 諺に “立雨たちさめふり, 行方の国” といふ. In addition, this hill was named Arahara because it is a hill that can be seen very high from the surroundings. When I went down this hill, went out to the Omasu River, and climbed the river on a small boat, the paddle broke. Therefore, the river is called Mukajigawa River. It is a river that flows through the border between Ibaraki and Namegata. When I went up the Mukaji River to the county border, a duck was about to fly. As soon as the emperor shot the bow, the duck fell to the ground. That place is called Kamano. The soil is thin and there are no living vegetation. To the north of the field, there is a deep forest where Ichii, Kunugi, Kaede, and Japanese cypress grow densely. Masu Pond there was dug during the time of Tayu; Chief actor in a No play Takamukai. In the north, there is a shrine dedicated to the god of Katori, and the mountains beside it are fertile and densely populated with vegetation. There are sea pine trees and salt-burning algae in the sea where you can see from the ferry west of the county, but there are no rare fish and no whales. There is an old indigenous company in the east of the county, which is called the prefecture's Gion; 祇. Shimizu in the forest is called Oi, and people living nearby come to fetch water and use it for drinks. A large tree stands at the south gate of the county house. The northern branch hangs down until it reaches the ground, and then rises into the sky again. This area used to be a swamp of water, so even now, when it rains for a long time, a puddle can form in the garden of the government building. Tachibana trees are also flourishing in the nearby villages. There is Tega no Sato in the northwest of the county. A long time ago, it was named in memory of Saiki, who lived in this area and was named Tega; 手鹿. To the north of the village is a shrine dedicated to the god of Kashima. The surrounding mountains and fields are fertile and rich in chestnuts, bamboo, and chives. To the north of the village of Oga, there is a village of Nun. It was named after Saiki, who lived in this area a long time ago. The station house Umaya is now located, and it is called the Soun Station. 昔, いはれ(石村)の玉穂の宮に大八洲知ろし食しし天皇: In the reign of Emperor Keitai, there was a man named Mr. Yahazu, who cleared the valley west of the county house and the reclaimed rice field, and healed the newly reclaimed rice field. At that time, the gods of Yatsu appeared in a flock and stood on the left and right, so they could not cultivate the rice fields. (Popularly, a snake is called the god of the night sword. The shape of the body is a snake, but it has a horn on its head. , The house is destroyed and the descendants are gone. Usually, they live in groups in the field beside the county house.) Unable to see it, Mr. Matachi wore armor, took a halberd, and confronted him. Then he set up a wand to mark the moat at the entrance of the mountain, and said, “From today, I will be a priest, in order to make the mountain above here a dwelling place for gods and the village below to be a rice field where people can make. , I will honor God and celebrate the festival until the generations of my descendants, so please do not worship or resent me.” Since then, the descendants of Matachi-Ko have continued to take over this festival for generations to this day, the number of newly reclaimed rice field has increased, and more than ten towns have been reclaimed. 後に, 難波の長柄の豊崎の大宮に天の下知ろし食しし天皇: In the reign of Emperor Kotoku, Mibu no Murajimaro ruled this valley and built a pond bank. At that time, the god of the Yatsu climbed up to the vertebrate tree by the pond and did not leave easily. Maro said in a loud voice, “The purpose of building the embankment is to save the people. I don't know if it's a god of heaven or a god of nation, but please listen to the apology.” The snake ran away when he tried to say, “Knock out visible animals and fish insects without fear.” The pond is now called Shiii no Ike(Next to the old man Ikoi's house in Tamatsukuri Town Izumi). There is a vertebrate tree on the edge of the pond, and there is also a well where fresh water comes out, which was taken as the name of the pond. This is the overland station road to Kashima. Odaka no ri is located seven ri south of the county. It was named after Saiki, who used to live in this area and was named Odaka. A pond was built during the time of the Hitachi National Guard, Tagima chief actor in a No play, and it is still east of the road. In the mountains west of the pond, there are many vegetation and many indigo plants and monkeys. Whale oka, south of the pond, is a place where whales have come all the way to this point and lie down and die. To the north of the pond, there is a shrine dedicated to the god of Katori. It became the name of the pond because there was a large chestnut tree called Kuriya no Ike. In the village of Aso, hemp used to grow at the water's edge. The hemp was as thick as bamboo, and was more than one length long. Castanopsis, Chestnuts, Zelkova serrata, and Taxus cuspidata flourish, and ino and monkeys live there. Horses that live in the field are for horseback riding. In the reign of the emperor (Emperor Tenmu), who ate at the Omiya of Kiyomihara in Asuka, the life of the county's university student, Ohofu no Sato, presented the horse in this field to the imperial court. Since then, it has been called the “Missing Horse”. The horse of Ibaraki no Sato is called "Ibaraki no Sato no Horse”. Kasumi no Sato is located 20 ri(about 78.545 km ≒ To get an approximation, multiply the length value by 3.927)south of Gunya. In the old biography, Emperor Keiko, the courtier of Shimousa, when he climbed the hill of Torimi, walked slowly and looked at the country, turned to the east and said, “The blue waves in the sea. You can see this country as soon as it springs up from the red haze that flutters on the land,” said the samurai. From this time on, people came to call it “Human Township”. The shrine in the eastern mountain of the village is full of enoki, camellia, camellia, vertebrate, bamboo, salmon, and arrowheads. The island in the sea west of the village is called Niihari's island. It was named because if you stand on the island and look far north, you can see the mountains of Tsukuba in Small Tsukuba, the country of Niihari. There is a village where you want to come to Ita, located south of Kasuminosato. A station house is placed at a nearby seaside ferry, and it is called Itarai station house. To the west is a forest of celtis sinensis. This is the place where Omi, the king of Omi King, lived in the reign of Asuka Kiyomihara's emperor (Emperor Tenmu). Many salt-burning algae, sea pine, surf clams, spicy clams, and clams live in the sea. A long time ago, Takekashima Mikoto was sent to the reign of the Emperor Sujin, who ate at the Mizugaki Palace in Shiki, in order to speak to the raging thieves of the eastern country. When Mikoto set up an inn on the island of Aba, while leading the army to the thieves, he saw smoke as he looked far into the eastern ura of the sea. The soldiers suspected that this was a thief army. Mikoto looked up at the heavens and swore, “If it's the smoke of a heavenly man, come and cover me. If it's the smoke of a raging thief, go away and go to the sea.” The smoke flowed far towards the sea. Knowing that he was a thief, he ordered all the soldiers to finish breakfast early, and the army crossed the sea. Meanwhile, Kuzu, Yasakashi, Yatsukushiha, and the chief of the thieves, dug a hole, built a small castle, and lived there. When Mikoto fired his troops and expelled them, he fled to the small castle all at once, closing the gate tightly and standing up. Immediately make a plan, select brave soldiers to hide in the depressions of the mountain, build weapons and arrange them in the beach, line up boats, knit rafts, flip the caps of clothing with clouds, and rainbow the flags. Ama no Torikoto and Ama no Torifue sang and danced the first song on Kishima Island for the first time in seven days and seven nights, and enjoyed playing with the sound of the waves. Hearing this fun song and dance, the thieves came out with their families and men and women, and flocked to the beach and laughed happily. Mikoto had his cavalry block the castle, attacking thieves from behind, capturing them, and setting them on fire to destroy them. The place where I said painfully was the town of Taku (Itarai) now, the place where I said that I would slash normally was the village of Futsuna, and the place where I said that I would slash cheaply was the village of Yasukiri, and I often slash. That is Esaki's eup. In the sea south of Itarai, there is a shore of about 34 ri; about 132 km. In the spring, men and women come from Kashima and whereabouts to pick up clams, surf clams and various other shellfish. Tohoku no native place is located 15 ri(about 58.909 km)to the northeast of the county. A long time ago, when I visited this town during the procession of the Emperor Takeru, Torihi Torihiko, whose name was Saeki, rebelled against his life and defeated him. He then headed for Yagatano's Book Palace, but the road was narrow, rugged (rough), and rough, hence the name Toma. The soil in the field is thin, but purple grows. There are also two companies, Katori and Kashima. In the surrounding mountains, there are forests of wild boars, hahaso, chestnuts, and shiba, and many wild boars, monkeys, and wolves live there. To the south of Toma, there is the art capital, Kitsunosato. A long time ago, there were two Kuzu, Kitsuhiko and Kitsuhime. In front of the emperor's pilgrimage, the princess turned against Mikoto, disobeyed herself, and behaved in a very rude manner, so she was killed with a sword. The princess was terrified and fell down on the side of the road with a white flag, and welcomed the emperor. The emperor mercifully gave her grace and forgave her house. As she goes further on her ride and goes to Onukino's palace, she takes her sister with her, and she does her true heart on rainy and windy days. I finished it in the morning and evening. The emperor was delighted with his lonely appearance, and his love became a stain, so he called this field Uruhashi Ono no. There is a rice field village to the south of the art capital village. In the reign of Empress Jingu, a person named Kotsuhikoto was sent to Korea three times. It became the name because it was given a rice field for its achievements. The field of Hazumuno no was named after Yuhazu was built in the temporary palace of the emperor of Takeru. There is a branch of the god of Kashima on the seaside north of the field. The soil is thin, and elms, elms, elms, bamboo, etc. are sparsely grown. There are Auka and Oho villages to the south of the rice field village. A long time ago, when the emperor of Takeru stayed at Kazakinomiya in front of the hill of Auka, he built Ohido no on the urabe and connected small boats to go to Gozaisho as a bridge. He named Ohohikara, Oho. Also, Ohotachibana no Mikoto, who was after the emperor of Takeru, came down from Yamato and met the emperor here, so it is called Afuka's eup. Tanakiyonoi : According to the whereabouts of “Hitachi no kuni Fudoki”, “Hunting under the heavens of Emperor Yamato Takeru and conquering the north of the sea. Fortunately, he faced the water, washed his hands, and prospered the well with balls. He is still in the village of whereabouts and is called Tamakiyoi.” Even though it is a well, it is now like a pond in a garden. According to the monument of “Tamakiyoi” by Tsutomu KURITA, which stands nearby, it is said that it was dug by the villagers during the famine of Tenmei. Contents of Hitachi no Kuni Fudoki, Namegata District-A long time ago, when the emperor of Takeru was patrolled under the heavens and turned north from Kasumigaura, when he passed this country and went out to Shimizu in Tsukino, he cleansed his hands with Shimizu and opened a well with a ball. It was a compliment. This is called Kiyoi of Tama, and it is still in the village of Namegata. 鹿行文化研究所(旧行方郡玉造町甲)1996 “小貫館跡発掘調査報告書” : 小貫館跡遺跡(旧行方郡玉造町西蓮寺字寺前): 墓地造成工事に伴う発掘調査, 城館, 中世 (細分不明) 時代, 井戸, 建屋跡2, 縄文時代の石器, 陶磁器, 鉄滓, 古銭, 人骨, 五輪, 塔水輪. Manjuin Sairenji Temple of the Tendai sect is an ancient temple that is said to have been built in 782 and has many cultural assets. The temple gate guarded by fierce Deva Kings was built in 1543 and was originally built as a tower gate. In 1790, it was rebuilt into a mountain gate and then changed to the temple gate guarded by fierce Deva Kings. The principal image is Yakushi Nyorai, and it is commonly recognized as Mt. Koya in Hitachi. The gate and Sorinto(August 29, 1950)are designated as national important cultural properties, and the wooden Yakushi Nyorai(March 12, 1958)sitting statue is designated as a tangible cultural property designated by Ibaraki Prefecture. Only the first floor of the Sanken Ikko tower gate is left, and it is said that the shape of Kaerumata and Minotsuka is peculiar and you can see the local color peculiar to the end of the Muromachi period.


Jumbo green beans are excellent agricultural products with flat and soft pods, streaky green beans, 2 cm wide and 20-25 cm long. The pods are characterized by little bending and are soft and tasty even when they are large. In addition, it has a sweet and crispy texture and can be used for various dishes such as stir-fried foods, tempura, and vegetable with dressing.


It seems that the biggest factors that determine the deliciousness and nutritional value of vegetables are the density of microorganisms working in the soil and the principle of vitality. It is. The cultivation method of "EM Sodachi ®" is to use organic fertilizer fermented by adding EM and molasses (a member of sugar) to organic materials such as rice dregs, oil dregs, fish dregs, and crab shell (often ground or crushed and used as fertilizer). The amount used varies depending on the crop, but it seems that vegetables are grown while making soil by putting 300 to 1000 kg per 10a. As a measure against pests, it seems that EM is diluted with water and sprayed on the foliage.


Features of EM Sodachi ®: The number of times pesticides are used is reduced. Since the soil is made with EM (good bacteria), it seems that the number of pathogens (bad bacteria) in the soil will decrease. On the other hand, because the soil changes to an antioxidant state, it is resistant to pests and grows long-lasting vegetables, so Ingen is also delicious.