
Friday, September 22, 2023

Mizuumi Castle, the residence of the Yanada clan, the postmaster of the KOGA shogun (Kanto Ashikaga), and a town that prospered through water transportation. Shigeuji Ashikaga (the 5th Kamakura shogun) came to Koga and became the 1st Koga shogun. Immediately after 1455, the Yanada clan built Sekiyado Castle (now Noda City) as a new base for controlling water traffic. In 1574, Odawara was defeated by the Go-Hojo clan and lost Sekiyado, and Mizuumi Castle (the construction date is unknown and Shimotsuke was a local strongman in Yanada Mikuri, Yanada County (Ise Jingu territory)) was transferred to the Yanada clan. Ancestors; Taira no Yoshihira and Daijo(heike family) Koremochi

【Product name】


Cucurbita maxima Duchesne ex Lam.

【wholesale area】
Inamiya, Koga City, Ibaraki Prefecture (Koga Central Fruits and Vegetables Shipping Association)
【Origin of name】
Because it's sweet, unwinded and delicious.
【Major features】
On October 25, 2022, Koga City, Ibaraki Prefecture, the National Kominka Reconstruction Association (Uchisaiwai Town, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo), and the Koga Branch of the National Empty House Advisor Council signed the nation's first "Agreement on Vacant Houses, etc." has been concluded. Through cooperation and cooperation, the number of vacant houses, including old folk houses, will be reduced, proper management and utilization will be pursued, and the local living environment will be conserved and revitalized. It seems that the main items of cooperation and cooperation include sharing information on vacant houses, controlling the occurrence and utilization of vacant houses, giving advice on the conservation and restoration of vacant houses, and promoting regional revitalization and immigration and settlement using vacant houses. On March 16, 1955, the four villages of Okago, Katori, Katsushika, and Sakurai merged to form Sowa Village. On January 1st, the town organization was implemented and it became Sowa Town. "Sowa" is one of the Zuishochi names. It seems that So is a new place name with the wish of Japanese harmony from the old name of the country "Shimousa". As for the same "auspicious sign name(瑞祥名: 吉兆)", there are now former Sanwa Town in the eastern part of Koga city, and neighboring municipalities such as Yachiyo Town, former Akeno Town, former Kyowa Town, and former Chiyoda Village. It seems that there are various theories about Tsukubamirai City, which is also my countryside. The original Okago village was established in April 1889 by merging the villages of Kami-Ono, Inamiya, Kozutsumi, and Sekido. The new village name seems to come from the fact that Kami-Ono, "Inamiya", and Sekido have been called 'Okago' since ancient times. It is known that during the Edo period, among the villages of the former Koga domain, the area east of Koga Castle was called 'Okago'. List of agricultural products certified by Koga City at the beginning of September 2021. Ayahomaphe Carrot (designated as a fruit and vegetable brand in Ibaraki Prefecture): Made by taking advantage of the characteristics of red clay, it has a sweeter taste than ordinary carrots, and you can enjoy the taste of fruit even if you eat it as it is. Bitter melon (designated as a fruit and vegetable brand production area in Ibaraki Prefecture): Erabu bitter melon (leaves are middle leaves and dark green. The grass is vigorous and long-lasting, and the yield is high. The fruit is cut short, the surface of the squid is rounded and there is little pain in shipping. The fruit length is around 30 cm, and the fruit weight is around 300 g. The diameter is 3.5 to 4 cm for the shoulder, 5.5 cm to 6 cm for the body, 4 to 4.5 cm for the bottom, and the fruit weight is around 300 g. It seems that it is less disturbed and has an excellent rate of excellence.) ”, And it seems that it is trying to produce and ship high-quality bitter melon with good meat and taste. Nickname is "Bitter melon". Sunny lettuce (designated as a fruit and vegetable brand production area in Ibaraki Prefecture): Sunny lettuce (non-heading) in the Sowa area is cultivated actively among the lettuce production areas in the prefecture, and most of it is cultivated in the open field and has received high praise from the market. Roses: With the introduction of rock wool cultivation (hydroponic cultivation), we ship all year round, and we produce high-quality roses with a wide variety of varieties. The annual production is about 1.2 million Roterose, and 40 to 50 varieties are lovingly produced. Pumpkin: The history of pumpkins in the Sowa area is 100 years old. "Miyako Pumpkin", which has a strong sweetness and a warm feeling, is like a sweet and has a special taste that cannot be tasted anywhere else. Ground cherries: Approximately 120,000 pots are produced annually by horticultural farmers in the city. In addition, it seems to occupy about 80% of "Asakusa ground cherries city" which is famous for summer tradition. Chinese cabbage: It is grown as a standard winter vegetable. Among them, "Marbled Chinese cabbage" made in the Isobe area seems to have a higher sugar content than ordinary Chinese cabbage because it stores nutrients firmly by frosting it to the last minute. “Koga City, Ibaraki Prefecture” : It is located in the center of the Kanto Plain, at the western end of the prefecture. Saitama on the west side, Tochigi on the north side, Yuki City on the east side, Yachiyo Town. The south side is in contact with Goka, Sakai, and Bando. The terrain is flat over almost the entire area, and the climate is generally warm.The climate is also generally warm: In natural conditions blessed as a place of living and production. Area 123.58 km2 : Geographical conditions-Also, the distance to Tokyo, Saitama City and Utsunomiya City is 50-60 km.Including JR Utsunomiya Line, the transportation network of Japan National Route 4 and New Japan National Route 4 etc. has been improved. In addition, exchanges with Saitama New Urban Center, Oyama, and Utsunomiya are active. In recent years, population, housing, and industrialization have been concentrated. “古河”は, 古く“許我"と表記. The scene of that time is described in the Manyoshu.It was already crowded as a ferry port for the Watarasegawa River from the Nara Period. ‘万葉集 / 巻十四, 東歌’ - 逢(あ)はずして 行かば惜しけむ 真久良我 (まくらが) の 許我 (こが) 漕ぐ船に 君も逢はぬかも; お会いしないままで 出かけてはとても残念だよ. 真久良我の許我を漕ぐ舟の上の貴方にお会いできたらいいのにな(3558), 真久良我の 許我の渡(わたり)の 韓楫; 可良加治 (舵; からかぢ) の 音高 (おとだか) しもな 寝(ね)なへ児ゆゑ(ヱ)に; 真久良我の 許我の渡しの韓楫(梶)の音が高いように 噂が高く立ったな. 未だ共寝をした娘ではないのに(3555). Koga Village, Expression of one's feelings-It shows that it is a land of rich culture centered on the river.The army of calligraphers is a calligrapher-故大久保翠洞(Suido Okubo-Mainichi (literally, everyday), Founder of the “Engraving” department. 1906-1997) . “Tonegawa River monument” - まくらがの 許我の渡りのからかじの音高しもな寝なへ児ゆえに; まくらがの許我の渡し場に響く韓梶の音のように噂が高い. 一緒に添寝もしない子なのに, 逢はずして行かば惜しけむまくらがの許我こぐ船に君も逢はぬかも; 逢わずに行くのは残念だよ. まくらがの許我を漕ぐ舟であなたにひょっこり逢えないものか. The other monument stands on the Watarase sword beside the Suzume(雀: 鎮め)Shrine(宮前町). The army of the book is a seal carving-故生井子華(Shika Ikui; 1904-89) . Kawatodai Remains(牧野地): There was one of the largest steel making shops in eastern Japan from the beginning of the 9th century to the 10th century; 古河市教育委員会 2012 “川戸台遺跡" 古河市埋蔵文化財調査報告書10, まくらがの里遊歩道建設に伴う牧野地地区埋蔵文化財調査報告書, 種別; 製鉄, 縄文時代, 縄文土器, 土製品, 石器, A large amount of iron-related relics have been excavated. In particular, the amount of excavated mold is 565.981 kg. 獣脚付き鍋や, 把手付き片口鍋等を製作. In addition, letters are engraved on the mold, and when it is inverted, “弥勒”の「勒」, A board-shaped mold that can be read as is excavated. 種別; 製塩, 古墳地代, 竪穴2, 土師器, 円筒埴輪, 石器, 製鉄, 平安時代, 炉4, 工房1, 炭窯1, 粘土採掘坑2, 排滓場4, 柱穴1, 溝4, 路壁, 羽口, 小型専用坩堝, 鋳型, 鉄製品, 土師器, 須恵器, 灰釉陶器, 瓦, かわらけ(土師質土器), 内耳鍋, 製鉄, 中世 (細分不明) 時代, 溝4, 中世以降. Eguchi-Nagaoki kiln remains: A semi-basement type flat kiln was also discovered in the latter half of the 9th century.毛野考古学研究所他 2011 “江口長沖窯跡” 古河市埋蔵文化財調査報告書5 , 筑西幹線道路整備に伴う江口地区内埋蔵文化財調査報告書. It seems that it was also a production base for iron and ceramics. The home of Koga from the late Muromachi period to the Warring States period. 5th Kamakura kubo (Governor-general) - Shigeuji Ashikaga(Founder)has moved from Kamakura to Koga. Assassination of Kanto Kanrei, Noritada Uesugi, Kyotoku Inciden; After that, it was handed over to Masauji, Takamoto, Haruuji, and Yoshiuji for about 130 years. Castle town of Koga Castle in the Edo period: Koga inn(通町; 横町, 1,2丁目, 台町, 原町. 脇町 / 街道東側, 鍛冶町, 新町, 八幡町. 西側; 石町, 江戸町, 大工町. 川沿い; 悪戸新田, 船渡町. 枝町; 紺屋町, 天神町, 田町, 青物町, 七軒町, 肴町, 元肴町, 四谷 / 嵯峨.屋敷町; 厩町, 白壁町, 仲之町, 鳥見町, 杉並町, 代官町, 三神町, 片町, 六軒町 / 四軒町), a post town on the Nikko Kaido, flourished. The Koga domain spans Shimousa, Shimotsuke, and Musashi provinces. The city area was also incorporated into Ibaraki Prefecture via Shimousa and Chiba prefectures. Former Hitachi country, formed mainly by Mito Kaido(The roads which ran from Edo to Sendai along the Pacific coast were called “Rikuzenhama Road,” and among them the one which ran to Mito City, where one of three privileged branches of Tokugawa family was located, was occasionally called): Positioned as a sidestream in the history of Ibaraki Prefecture since modern times. Inamiya District : 旧遺跡番号030, 東小路遺跡, 稲宮字東小路 外, 古墳, 奈良 / 平安, 中世, 近世, 散布地, 土師器, 陶器, 磁器, 鉄滓, フイゴ(鞴). 「総和町埋蔵文化祭包蔵地基本調査報告書」総和町教育委員会1978年「茨城県総和町埋蔵文化財分布調査概報4」総和町教育委員会2001年, 旧遺跡番号031, 行屋西遺跡, 稲宮字中ノ小路西 外, 旧石器, 縄文, 弥生, 古墳, 奈良 / 平安, 中世, 近世, 集落跡, 竪穴住居跡(古墳~平安時代), 掘立柱建物跡(奈良 / 平安時代), 土坑. 神辺遺跡と統合. 2000年発掘調査. 石器(石鏃), 縄文土器, 弥生土器, 土師器, 須恵器, 陶器, 磁器, 鉄製品, 「総和町史 資料編 原始 / 古代 / 中世」総和町町史編さん委員会2002年(114ページ).「総和町埋蔵文化祭包蔵地基本調査報告書」総和町教育委員会1978年「茨城県総和町採集の石器」『法政考古学 第25集』諸星良一氏1999年「茨城県総和町埋蔵文化財分布調査概報4」総和町教育委員会2001年. 旧遺跡番号032, 北久保遺跡, 稲宮字北久保, 縄文, 古墳, 奈良 / 平安, 中世, 近世, 散布地, 縄文土器, 土師器, 須恵器, 陶器, 磁器. 「総和町埋蔵文化祭包蔵地基本調査報告書」総和町教育委員会1978年「茨城県総和町埋蔵文化財分布調査概報4」総和町教育委員会2001年. 旧遺跡番号033, 高草遺跡, 稲宮字高草, 南小路 外, 縄文, 古墳, 奈良 / 平安, 包蔵地, 縄文土器, 土師器, 須恵器, 陶磁器. 「総和町埋蔵文化祭包蔵地基本調査報告書」総和町教育委員会1978年「茨城県総和町埋蔵文化財分布調査概報4」総和町教育委員会2001年. 旧遺跡番号034, 高草前古墳群, 稲宮字高草前, 古墳, 古墳群. 「総和町史 資料編 原始 / 古代 / 中世」総和町町史編さん委員会 2002年(261ページ), 「総和町埋蔵文化祭包蔵地基本調査報告書」総和町教育委員会1978年「茨城県総和町埋蔵文化財分布調査概報4」総和町教育委員会2001年. Nirei / Nire(仁礼; 仁連)is a place name from the Warring States period. 第4代古河公方 / 足利晴氏安堵状写: 若林 / 仁礼両郷. During the Warring States period, it was a royal palace of Koga Kubo. Chigyo Enforcement Letter on September 20, 1590-From Hideyoshi to Harushige Yamakawa(Originally a retainer of the Yuki family-山川綾戸城; 現: 結城市山川新宿): 幸島郷之内, 二十五貫, 仁連. Nirei Town, It was allowed as a post station on the Nikko Higashi Kaido (Nikko Sekiyado Takodo): 江戸時代; 1648年(慶安元年)11月6日-猿島郡郷土大観, 1927: 往昔領主堀江侯なるもの 若林に小城を設けて居住せし... By the way, Nirei also has the upper and lower towns that are often seen in post stations. Kami Town is located on the north side and Shitamachi is located on the south side. In order from the south-Uemachi, Nakamachi (Nakamachi), Shitamachi in order. Why are Nirei and Morokawa in the opposite order? There's room for improvement. Forgive me because I still lack research. 鷹見泉石(古河藩家老) 関係資料(H16, 国指定文化財; 歴史博物館(中央町)) 文書 / 記録類686点, 絵図 / 地図類768点, 書籍類466点, 書状類912点, 絵画 / 器物類321. Quoting Kunio Yanagita(1875-1962)'s "Research of Name of Places, 1936", Koga is not an undeveloped land at the intersection of Watatsu, so it is unnatural to originate from empty space, and "Kaga" means lawn or grassland. There is also a hypothesis that it is a corruption of. Furthermore, considering the characteristics of the topography of ancient Furukawa, it was a narrow land surrounded by water, so this hypothesis is also lacking in conclusive evidence. Ancient Koga faced Oku-Tokyo Bay, which was formed by the sea spreading to the inland area, and Tatezaki, which was a breakwater on the south side (Tatezaki at that time was a tongue-shaped plateau extending from Hase toward the inner citadel of Koga Castle). The north side is a good natural harbor with coves in the direction of Daikanmachi and Tamachi. During strong winds from the southeast due to typhoons in autumn and strong winds from the west in winter, boats are anchored and temporary lodgings waiting for the wind to stop. I thought it was. If that's the case, could it be a stage for a short-lived love story, just as it was sung in the Manyoshu? Western pumpkin (originating in the southeastern plateau): It seems that it was introduced around 1863. Land development bureau has introduced many varieties from the United States, including “Turban Squash”, “Delicious Squash (castella)”, and “Happered Squash (masakari).” Due to its lack of heat resistance, it was first cultivated and eaten mainly in cool summer areas such as Hokkaido. It began to be cultivated in Japan (Hokkaido?) In the early Meiji era, and two strains, Happard and Delicious, were selected and mainly cultivated. I hear that it was the origin of today's Western pumpkins. Since the beginning of the Showa period, the cultivation area has increased, and the “Fragrant green-skinned chestnuts (cultivated by Watanabe Seed Co., Ltd. in 1935)” that were bred in the early stages were called “Tokyo pumpkins”. In 1964, sticky “Ebisu Squash” (Takii Seed Co., Ltd.) appeared, and in 1970, “Miyako Squash” (cultivated by the Japan Horticultural Production Research Institute) also appeared. “Hokkori Squash”, It is best to cultivate two pups, but it is also suitable for free-ranging cultivation, and the grass vigor is stronger than “Ebisu”, but the amount of fertilizer applied is basically the same as that of “Ebisu Squash”. However, in fields where stress is extremely strong, it seems desirable to reduce the amount of fertilizer applied by about 20%. The edible period is about 35 days after mating, but it is fully ripe in 45 to 50 days and the powder quality is the highest, so it is desirable to have a fully ripe harvest for high quality shipment. Since the fruit with low-node fruit set will not grow sufficiently in the future, it is advisable to remove the fruit with fruit set at the root of the plant as soon as possible and try to set fruit at the appropriate node position (around 10 nodes or more). In direct sowing cultivation, the soil temperature (15-18 ° C) and the germination vigor are delayed by about 2 days (the germination rate is the same) compared to “Ebisu Squash”, so it is recommended to sow after ensuring the soil temperature as much as possible. Since the powder quality is high, the quality of the fruit deteriorates slowly after harvesting, and the size of the fruit becomes large, about the size of “Ebisu Squash”, and the yield increases. In addition, the pericarp is extremely dark green with flicker spots, and the fruit shape seems to be finished with a high instep and voluminous appearance. According to Takii & Co., Ltd., Hokkori 133 Squash has a dense meat quality and is fluffy like chestnuts, and is particularly sweet and delicious. Since the powder quality is high, it has a long life after harvesting and the quality deterioration seems to be slow. The size of the fruit is a large ball about the size of "Ebisu squash", and the yield increases. The pericarp is extremely dark green with fliers. The fruit shape seems to be finished with a high instep and voluminous appearance. In the case of ripe harvest, the flesh color is dark yellow and it looks good and is suitable for selling. The female flower is particularly good, and it grows well from the low node, and the fruit set is good. The grass is slightly larger and thicker than the "Ebisu Squash". Tsuruta has good mochi, so high-quality fruits are highly expected.


According to Takii Seed Co., Ltd., Hokkori 133 Squash has a dense flesh, a chestnut-like texture, and a particularly sweet taste. Because of its high flour quality, it lasts for a long time after harvesting, and it seems that quality deterioration is slow. The size of the fruit is a large ball, about the size of "Ebisu Squash", and the yield is increased. The pericarp is extremely dark green with mottled spots. The fruit has a high instep and a voluminous appearance. In the case of fully ripened harvest, the flesh color is dark yellow and looks good and seems to be suitable for selling by the piece. The female flower is particularly good, and it grows well from the low node, and the fruit setting is good. The grass shape is a little stronger with large leaves and thick vines compared to "Ebisu Squash". It is said that high-quality fruit is expected because the vine has good longevity.


The history of pumpkin cultivation in the Sowa area of the city goes back more than 100 years. It seems that he has been researching soil improvement independently for many years, and has been making organic farming, chicken manure compost, and ripe leaf mulch. The Sanwa area is also famous for its fertile soil and inland climate, where the temperature difference between day and night is large, making it suitable for pumpkin cultivation. For those in the know, "Miyako Pumpkin" production is also thriving. It is characterized by a dark green skin with light green stripes, and is highly popular for its strong sweetness, fluffy and smooth texture, and deep flavor.


In Koga City, building a new local production for local consumption model. It's taking root little by little. In order to make full use of the favorable local conditions within 60 km from the city center in order to promote agriculture, it seems necessary to accurately grasp the needs of the city residents who are the main consumers. What urban residents want is something that cannot be obtained or is difficult to obtain in the city center, and one of them is "safe and secure" food. Awareness of food safety. On the rise, getting food by face-to-face with producers is the most reliable and consumer-oriented way of all. In addition, we have been using the local conditions of being able to come and go in one hour one way as an advantage of a production base, but we have changed the way of thinking that it is also an advantage in terms of attracting customers, and we will promote the creation of an environment where consumers can visit the production area and production site themselves. By doing so, we have built a new local food production and consumption model that “produces in the region and consumes (purchases) in the region”. For that reason, it is necessary to create new local resources as an opportunity to visit a familiar production base that can be visited within 60 km from the city center in one hour. The kind of Japanese rice wine that remains in the bottle (the grounds are deposited at the bottom of the bottle in two layers) seems to be gaining popularity.


Hokkori 133 Pumpkin cultivation is best done with two vines, the position of the first fruit should be after the 10th node, and the female flower at the lower node should be removed as soon as possible. In addition, although the standard amount of fertilizer is used as a standard, it seems to be more effective to reduce the amount of base fertilizer by about 20% in fertile soil (where countless molds and bacteria grow and the nutrients are well-balanced). It seems to be good to ship after sufficient curing as it has a high degree of flour. In the case of direct sowing, ensure sufficient soil temperature (20°C or higher) before sowing.

The voluntary organization “Let’s Eat Mushrooms tomorrow”, which is made up of about 20 groups, has put 2 mince cutlets containing enoki mushrooms on school lunches of 48 elementary and junior high school in 6 municipalities of Hokushin such as Nakano and Nagano. Starts from the February 1st of the month.

【Product name】

King oyster mushroom by Shinshu Nakano


Flammulina velutipes (Curt.(William Curtis): Fr.) Sing(Rolf Singer)

【Producing area】

Nakano City, Nagano Prefecture (JA Zen-Noh Nagano, JA Nakano City)

【Origin of name】

Apiaceae’s “Eryngium maritimum L.” was named “Pleurotus eryngii” because it parasitizes the dead roots of the genus Eryngos (eryngium).

【Major features】

With the aim of comprehensively developing commerce and industry in the district and also contributing to the promotion of the welfare of society in general, we gather the opinions of local commerce and industry, and carry out various activities such as policy proposals, management support, and regional promotion. From the “Shinshun Nakano Chamber of Commerce and Industry”, which is responsible for the 3rd Shinshu Nakano Future Ticket (new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) Business) seems to be extending the expiration date. It seems that this is because the number of people infected with the new coronavirus infection in Nakano City is increasing rapidly. I heard that the expiration date after the change is May 31, 2022. In April 2021, a partnership agreement was signed with Nakano City, Nagano Prefecture, which aims to promote settlement in the city and expand exchanges between citizens and city residents to promote the utilization of vacant houses. It was signed on the 31st of March. Efforts are being made to promote migration in connection with vacant homes, which are gaining increasing interest in rural migration, which is accelerating due to the corona disaster. A special page for Nakano City, an unoccupied house gateway, was newly established, and a platform for delivering unoccupied houses to “people who want to use” was developed. It seems that YADOKARI Co., Ltd., which has a large number of city promotion achievements, is fully supporting PR by simultaneously disseminating information on the attractiveness of Nakano City and 100 average properties. Against the backdrop of growing needs for rural migration due to the coronavirus, there are more opportunities to refrain from going out and work from home to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, and there is now interest in working and living styles that are not tied to any location. It is said that it is higher than that. Among them, the original scenery of Japan spreads and promotes “just right country life”, and Nakano City, Nagano Prefecture, which promotes emigration and settlement by utilizing vacant houses in the city, and vacant houses nationwide for 100 yen or 1 million yen. It is an agreement aimed at promoting the utilization of vacant houses in Nakano City by forming a tag with the vacant house gateway that develops a platform that matches “people who want to let go” and “people who want to use” by posting at a price. This is Akiya Company Co., Ltd. (Jingu-mae, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo) and YADOKARI Co., Ltd. (Hinode Town, Yokohama City, Kanagawa), which jointly operate an unoccupied house gateway with Nakano City, Nagano Prefecture, and the Nagano Branch of the Nagano Prefecture Residential Land Building Trading Association. It seems to be a four-company agreement of Access Co., Ltd. (Nakano section of village Nakano City). Nagano Prefecture’s agriculture boasts a high first-class rice ratio with the highest yield of rice in Japan due to the advanced technology and diligence of farmers, and the core garden crops are lettuce, apples, etc. A variety of high-quality items are produced in a well-balanced manner, including items with the highest market share in Japan such as “grapes”, carnations, and Enoki mushroom. The Nagano Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station is said to be conducting experimental research to solve problems in agriculture and fisheries, centered on six experimental sites(Agricultural Experiment Station(Ogawara, Suzaka), Fruit Tree Experiment Station(Ogawara, Suzaka), Vegetable Flower Experiment Station(Soga, Shiojiri), Livestock Experiment Station(Kataoka, Shiojiri), Nanshin Agricultural Experiment Station(Shimoichida, Takamori, Shimoina), Fishery Experiment Station(Akashinanakagawate, Azumino).)in the prefecture. The new “Nakano City”, which was created by the merger of Nakano City and Toyota Village on April 1, 2005, is located in the northeastern part of Nagano Prefecture. Two iconic mountains, Mt. Kosha (1351.5 m) to the northeast and Mt. Madarao (1381.8 m) to the northwest, are located across the Chikuma River, which runs through the center of the city. Villages are formed on the river terraces created by the Chikuma River and the alluvial fan formed by the Yomase River, and the urban area extends over the Nakano alluvial fan. Mt. Kosha is a beautiful mountain that rises independently, and is known as “Takayashiro”, and has been the object of worship since ancient times. At the foot of the river, the Yomase River forms a “Jusan cliff(It is a natural monument with the name of a historic site that has been designated by the national government as the “13 cliffs of Chogenbo breeding ground” (designated on November 14, 1953). It is a cliff formed by the Yomase River, which is a tributary of the Chikuma River, eroding the alluvial fan where the volcanic rocks of Mt. Kosha were carried and deposited by rivers and landslides. It seems that the Yomase River used to flow on the southwest side of Nakano City, but it is said that the flow moved to the north side due to the flood in 1406, and it became a position close to the present. The vertical cliff surface is maintained because the cliff surface was repeatedly eroded by the Yomase River. I heard that the cliff extends from northwest to southeast for about 1,500 m and maintains a height of 30 m or more in the central part. Rookery has been recorded in Spain, Germany, Japan, Norway, Russia, etc., but I heard that Japan has the most records. Rookery takes place in cliffs and holes in buildings, but the number of nests varies from two to 28. In Japan, cliff rookery has been discovered in Nagano and Yamanashi prefectures since around 1950. However, it seems that the number of pairs has decreased in these rookeries, and there are many rookeries that have disappeared. Among them, the breeding ground was designated as a national natural monument in 1953, and is famous as a rookery on a rare cliff in the world, which continues to breed even now.)” and flows north, pouring into the Chikuma River. To the south of the Nakano alluvial fan is the lowland off Entoku, which is further connected to Zenkojidaira in the southwest. In addition, Mt. Madarao consists of five ridges that look like spread palms, with four valleys and many swamps between them, and the terrain is rugged and complex. It joins the Madarao River and pours into the Chikuma River. To the east, Joshinetsu Kogen National Park Shiga Kogen is desired, and to the west, it is said that it is blessed with a scenic view of Hokushin Gogaku(Nasu Godake-Mt. Chausu, Mt. Asahi, Mt. Sanbonyaridake, Mt. Minamigassan, Mt. Kurooya. Echizen Godake-Mt. Haku, Mt. Hino, Mt. Monju, Mt. Ochi, Mt. Yoshinogadake. “Hokushin Gogaku-Mt. Iizuna, Mt. Togaku, Mt. Kurohime, Mt. Myoko, Mt. Madarao.” Mt. Aso-Mt. Neko, Mt. Takaoka, Mt. Nakadake, Mt. Eboshi, Mt. Kishima.). Iiyama City has a long north-south terrain with the Sekida Mountains in the west and the Mikuni Mountains in the east, centered on the Iiyama Basin, which extends to the lowest Chikuma River offshore area in Nagano Prefecture. There are Mt. Nabekura and Lake Hokuryu in the east, and it is said that it is a place blessed with many natural resources. The distance to neighboring cities is 36 km to Nagano City, 15 km to Nakano City, and 25 km to Myoko City, Niigata Prefecture. As the main transportation network, National Routes 117, 292, and 403 run in the city, and the JR Iiyama Line runs from Nagano City to Tokamachi, Niigata Prefecture. In March 2015, the Hokuriku Shinkansen extended to Kanazawa, and the Hokuriku Shinkansen Iiyama Station opened. The history of Iiyama has prospered as a transportation hub connecting Shinshu and the Sea of Japan for a long time, and has played a role as a distribution center for marine products such as salt and fish, and as an important station route in the development of Echigo and Dewa during the Yamato Imperial Court. It seems to be new. During the Warring States period, it became a strategically important place as a front-line base for Kenshin Uesugi’s departure from Kawanakajima, and in 1564 Iiyama Castle was built on the left bank of the Chikuma River. It seems that the city formation of Iiyama was centered around this Iiyama castle, and the function as a castle town was gradually improved as the castle owner changed several times. From the early to the middle of the Edo period, the logistics function using the Chikuma River and the highway leading to Echigo developed, and the development of new fields and the development of irrigation water were actively carried out, establishing the foundation of agriculture. It seems that it was done. After the Meiji Restoration, it became Iiyama Prefecture by the Abolition of the han system in 1871, and was further incorporated into Nagano Prefecture, and the town system was enforced in 1889. With the enforcement of the Municipal Merger Promotion Law in August 1954 after the war, Iiyama City was merged with Akitsu Village, Yanagihara Village, Tozama Village, Tokiwa Village, Mizuho Village, and Kijima Village. birth. After that, the city incorporated Ota Village and Okayama Village in 1956, and it seems that it has reached its present appearance. In 1893, with the opening of the Shin-Etsu Line that did not go through Iiyama, it gradually lost its function as a distribution base, and after that it developed mainly in agriculture, with local industries such as Iiyama Buddhist altars and Uchiyama paper. However, during the high economic growth period from the latter half of the 1955’s, economic growth stagnated due to the lack of conditions for industrial location and the handicap of being a heavy snowfall area, resulting in the outflow of population, mainly young people. Seems to have occurred. As for the culture and citizenship of the city, it seems that the spirit of solidarity and cooperation that is typical of the temple culture and snow country that has continued since the Edo period can be mentioned. Landscape of temples and shrines including the syoju hermitage of the famous priest syoju old man (Etan DOKYO, the revival of the Rinzai sect). The city’s culture and citizenship include the spirit of solidarity and cooperation that is typical of the Teramachi culture and snow country that has continued since the Edo period. , Ski resorts such as Madarao and Tokari, and natural resources such as the Chikuma River and Lake Hokuryu, seem to create a rich climate and charm suitable for Japan’s hometown. It seems that the city is characterized by the changes of the four seasons and the richness of the landscape from time to time. The climate of Iiyama seems to be an inland basin type climate from spring to autumn. In winter, the seasonal wind from the Sea of Japan creates an updraft due to the influence of the Sekida Mountains, which stretches from Mt. Madarao in the southwest to Mt. Nabekura in the northwest, so it seems to be one of the most heavy snowfall areas in Japan. The average annual temperature is about 11.1 degrees Celsius, the annual rainfall is about 1,555 mm, the average deepest snowfall is 176 cm on flat ground and 350 cm in mountainous areas, and about one-third of the year is covered with snow. There seems to be. In addition, Kosuge Shrine, Takeminakatatomino mikoto hikokamiwake Shrine, Inukai Shrine and other shrines that are said to have been built in the Nara period can be seen around the city, and it seems that the area has been open for a long time. In particular, it is said that the important highway connecting Shinano and Echigo (later valley highway) has been excavated since ancient times, and it seems that marine products from the Sea of Japan were brought to Shinano. In the Middle Ages, Kosuge Shrine flourished and many edifice and shrine were built in the precincts, and monzen town prospered with tempests and worshipers, and it was counted as one of the three major shugen places in Kita Shinano along with Togakushi and Iizuna. During the Warring States period, it became under the control of the Uesugi family, and it seems that a major renovation was carried out in 1564 with Iiyama Castle as one of the important bases for the invasion of Shinano. In the Edo period, the Iiyama domain was established and the domain office was set up in the castle, and the castle town was also maintained as the center of the surrounding area. Until the middle period, the feudal lord changed in a short period of time, and when the Honda clan became the Honda clan, the 7th generation was finally invaded until the Meiji Restoration. In 1868, the “Iiyama War”, which became the only fierce battlefield of the Yang Earth Dragon in Nagano Prefecture, was held, and the new government centered on the Matsushiro Domain and the Impulse Corps (former Shogunate Army: both false government forces) that had advanced from the Echigo Takada Domain. It seems that he suffered a lot of damage from the war with the army. Since it is a heavy snowfall area, it seems that it has developed mainly from paddy rice crops for a long time. In recent years, the production of fungal mushrooms by horticultural cultivation in facilities, vegetables such as green asparagus and good-tasting rice, livestock farming utilizing local brands, and agriculture using various production items such as flowers such as Paeonia lactiflora(The place of origin is northern China, distributed from eastern Siberia to northern China. The plant morphology is 50-80 cm in height. The roots thicken into narrow spindles or columns. Several stems are upright and hairless. The leaves are alternate, 1 to 2 times 3 dewa-like compound leaves, the leaflets are needle-shaped to oval, and sometimes 2 to 3 split. The flowering season is May. It has 1 to 3 large flowers of various kinds such as red and white on the top of the stem, and it seems that it often becomes a double petal. It seems that when taken as a medicine, it regulates the secretion of female hormones and makes the skin beautiful and glossy. The appearance and beauty of the flower is called “Apocalypse” (meaning supple and beautiful), and the name comes from the fact that it is extremely beautiful and beautiful.)have been developed. Iiyama’s specialty “Tomikura Fagopyrum vulgare” is 100% Fagopyrum vulgare powder, and it is said that the fiber of a plant called “Synurus pungens” is used as a binder. In the Tomikura district in Iiyama City, Nagano Prefecture, it is difficult to cultivate wheat because it is located in the mountains, and it is said that fibers have been refined from the perennial Synurus pungens that grows naturally in the surrounding area and buckwheat noodles have been struck. In areas other than Tomikura, he has buckwheat noodles that use Synurus pungens as a binder, and is called “Bokuchi Fagopyrum vulgare”. The name seems to come from the fact that the fiber was used for the matchlock fire in the old days. Also, it is said that it is called Phytolacca decandra as a wild vegetable. It is also designated as an intangible folk cultural property of choice in Iiyama City, but it seems that the number of soba noodles has decreased in recent years. In order to pass on the rare food culture to the next generation, in recent years, at the Iiyama Soba Promotion Study Group, Synurus pungens (Franch. Et Sav.) It seems that a project was carried out to make a manual for the cultivation / harvesting method of Kitam. (1933) and the manufacturing method for extracting fiber. In addition, the Fukushima rice terraces in Fukushima area, Mizuho district of the city are characterized by stone wall rice terraces, and it seems that they have been selected as one of the 100 best rice terraces in Japan. The masonry terraced rice fields are said to have been built in the Edo period, but it seems that there are some areas that need to be modified in the future, such as deterioration over time and some collapse due to recent changes in the weather. It seems that the repair of the partially collapsed stone wall was carried out in the form of a workshop by asking a professional craftsman who has worked on the restoration of historic masonry. The nearest station is JR Iiyama station, which takes about 20 minutes by taxi. I heard that it takes about 30 minutes by car from the Toyota Iiyama Interchange on the Joshinetsu Expressway to the northeast. It must be reaffirmed that cellulose is the most abundant plant resource in nature. (C6H10O5) n can produce glucose (C6H12O6), which is a raw material for alcoholic fermentation, by decomposing it with an enzyme called cellulase (hydrolyzing the glycosidic bond of β-1,4-glucan (for example, cellulose)). It is one of the important energy resources for oil substitution. Cellulose contained in wood and grass is protected by a substance called lignin, which prevents cellulase from decomposing cellulose, which is an obstacle to glucose production. Mushrooms, on the other hand, have a special ability to break down lignin efficiently, which is not found in other creatures. This is because it produces a powerful lignin-degrading enzyme, and mushrooms themselves can produce only the minimum amount of this enzyme they need. King oyster mushroom began to be cultivated for the first time in Aichi prefecture from the first half of 1990, and it seems that it spread all over the country in no time. JA in Nagano Prefecture also produces about 900 tons, and the main production areas are in the jurisdiction of JA Nakano City and JA Kita Shinshu Miyuki(In 2016, it merged with the Nagano agricultural cooperative and disappeared.), which are located in the northern part of Nagano Prefecture. It seems that you can enjoy various textures depending on how you cut it. Please visit our website for details. “Happy to the body”, It is used to mean daily intake of mushrooms and fermented foods made using microorganisms. “Increase good bacteria”, Probiotic provides some positive effects for your health. Lactobacillus (composed of more than 100 species, phylogenetic and phenotypically diverse, Lactobacillus fructivorans, L. hilgardii, L. paracasei, L. rhamnosus etc. of the Lactobacillus genus) Sporogenes (LS-66) produces good bacteria and keep good digestion functions. This method for obtaining a KX-EN2001 fungal strain (FERM P-20576) which belongs to the fungal strain of the genus Pleurotus is provided by crossing the spores of the Pleurotus eryngii with those of the Pleurotus nebrodensis, and then culturing the crossed fungi by using a Pleurotus eryngii-culturing medium obtained by mixing saw dust powder and nutrition sources, and adjusting water content (Patent Office). Last but not least, it is an edible mushroom that is distributed from the Mediterranean coast to Central Asia. The Aichi Forest and Forestry Technology Center succeeded in artificial cultivation for the first time in Japan in 1993. It’s a large mushroom that doesn’t have a habit and is chewy and doesn’t lose its shape, so it seems to be suitable for all Japanese, Western, and Chinese dishes. This mushroom is rich in dietary fiber, potassium, etc., and is also a health food whose effect of promoting the excretion of fat and cholesterol has been confirmed in university experiments. In addition, in subsequent research at the center, we developed two excellent varieties with high yield and shortened cultivation period, and the new varieties are “Tottoki: Spare (No. 1)” which means “much-valued” in this region. No. 2) ”.


The lovingly cultivated elingi mushroom has a white and thick handle with a brown flat umbrella, which is characterized by its elastic and crunchy texture. It has no habit, is easy to eat, and is said to have a texture similar to abalone. C12H22O11 (scientifically revealed around 1832, discovered by the Wiggers in rye horns, and separated from Larinus spp. (Made by weevil in the Persian region) by Versaro in 1859. It seems to have been named) and contains nutrients such as vitamin B1. The aim is that the edge of the umbrella is caught, the stem (handle part) is white and hard, and the shape is good. A refrigerator is a good way to store it. Wrap it in a plastic bag or wrap, seal it, and store it. Similar to Bunashimeji mushrooms, it may have something like white cotton, which is called “aerial hyphae” and is harmless because the hyphae grow from the mushroom itself after harvesting.


In the cold winter, NAKANO began cultivating mushrooms as a side business to replace farmers’ migrant workers. The problem of reduced sales during the off-season is solved by “migrating to other areas”. Acquire not only rewards but also cultivation techniques and utilize them in your own farming during the busy season. It seems that the new style of spending the off-season, which is a big issue for farmers, was done individually by each farmer, from mycelial culture to production control. However, in the early Heisei era, multiple individual producers jointly invested to introduce high-performance equipment and machines, and established a culture center that collectively manages mycelial culture, which is the most difficult in the production process. rice field. I hear that this stabilizes the culture, reduces costs, and enables efficient production.


Nakano City, Nagano Prefecture has the highest production of enoki mushrooms in Japan. This agricultural product is odorless, and when chewed raw, it is slightly sweet and crisp, and has no habit, so it is popular as a mushroom that has a wide range of cooking uses. When used for cooking, it is usually cooked, and if it is boiled for a long time, it becomes watery and crisp, so if you heat it in the microwave or steam it over low heat, it will taste good. When boiling, it is better to dive in boiling water. The way to distinguish them is that they grow with many shafts overlapping, the bulk does not open completely, the color is white and glossy, and the one with a solid feeling has a special scent and taste. Since it grows even after harvesting, it is preferable to eat fresh food earlier than to store it.

Water demon legend (Kusenbo (a great boss who lived in the Kuma River or Chikugo River in Kyushu and ruled 9,000 kappa in the west, was originally born in China, and was born during the reign of Emperor Nintoku. The tourism promotion organization Kurume DMO in Tanushimaru Town, Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture, was recruiting students for a guide training course for the “Kappa Guided Tour” that guides Tanushimaru Town, where the legend of Kappa remains

【Product name】

Fukuoka persimmon (Fuyu)


Diospyros kaki ‘Fuyu’

【Producing area】

Masuuda, Tanushimaru Town, Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture (Ikejiri Farm)

【Origin of name】

小倉氏より譲り受けた, 福島氏は, 古典禮記の「四海之内ヲ富有ス」より富有の話を引用して名付けられた.

【Major features】

IKEJIRI Farm belongs to the Fukuoka Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It seems that KYOHO 1.5 ha and FUYU Persimmon 1.5 ha have been cultivated for about 60 years. By cultivating based on the nutritional weekly cultivation theory and supporting the growth of plants with a small amount of fertilizer, we aim to make the harvested fruits safe, secure and nutritious, with no astringency and astringency. There seems to be. In addition, it rarely distributes to the market, and seems to value transactions with mass retailers, mail orders, and restaurants. I hear that it continues to have a track record of exporting to overseas. Based on the origin of the cultivation method of “Tanushimaru”, the land of KYOHO planting, and the nutrition week theory, healthy vines are grown by fertilizing only when necessary. KYOHO, which has been cultivated by hand-salt to make grapes with a deep sweetness that has many layers, is large and has a solid bunch, and is so popular that it has been sold in department stores for a long time. In addition, grape hunting is also carried out, and you can enjoy the exquisite KYOHO, which has no harshness or astringency and has a rich flavor from the fresh fruits in your mouth. In addition, persimmons are also cultivated, and it seems that they sell directly from autumn to winter. It seems that department store buyers also fall in love with it and boast big black balls and bunches. When KYOHO, which has a fresh blue stem, pops in the mouth, the flesh of the fruit bursts, and the mellow sweetness of the juice seems to spread throughout the mouth. The master, who also serves as a lecturer at the Japan KYOHO Association and plays a role in passing on the techniques for making good grapes, is a master of agricultural workers. “Maxvalu Tanushimaru Store(ÆON KYUSHU Co., Ltd.)” in Toyoki, Tanushimaru Town, Kurume City, Fukuoka will be completely closed on February 10, 2022 (Thursday) at 18:00, and “The Big Tanushimaru Store” at 9:00 am on February 18, 2022 (Friday). It seems that it will open next door. On Sunday, February 20, 2022, the “32nd Sasanqua Festival” will be held at Ishigakiyama Kannonji Temple in Ishigaki, Tanushimaru Town, Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Tendai Sect Ishigakiyama Kannonji is an ancient temple built in the 2nd year of Hakuho, and the “Camellia sasanqua Festival” is held every year on the 3rd Sunday of February, and it seems that this year will be the 32nd time. Harusazanka in Kannonji is a log that is estimated to be 350 years old. It has a trunk circumference of 158 cm and a height of 7 meters, and is a natural monument designated by Kurume City. Every year, the flowers of Camellia sasanqua are half-octuple in the middle and rounded red, and it seems that they will continue to bloom until March. Also, when it is in full bloom, pink petals will be formed under the tree, which will fascinate people. In addition, there is a temple treasure exhibition once a year, and it seems that you can see the temple treasures that are normally closed, such as the hands of Ushioni. The priest who exterminates the priest is the ancestor of Kannonji Chuko, Konko Bonenkaku holy priest. Along with the construction of the various temples, the name of the temple was named “Ennin-in” and 13 temples were selected in analogy to the 13 temples of Garbhadhatu. In addition, the former “Hosou sect” was converted to Tendai sect. Kurume City : In an advanced medical city where the number of top-level doctors(It was triggered by Kurume University(Former Kyushu Vocational School of Medicine : School song : Mr. Hakushu Kitahara), which was founded in 1928.)and medical institutions are concentrated in Japan.State-of-the-art Cancer vaccine research etc. Bio-Industry is also being accumulated. It is famous as the largest agricultural production city in Fukuoka Prefecture with the highest agricultural output in Japan. In the city, Kyushu’s No. 1 large river “Chikugo River(It has been flooded frequently since prehistoric times and caused great damage to the basin, but on the other hand, it created fertile plains and created a rich breadbasket. From the establishment of the Chikugo national government office of nara / heian era to the present, it has developed while receiving blessings as the center of the southern region of Fukuoka prefecture, including the eastern part of Saga prefecture. Edo Period has developed as a castle town of the Arima family, and since modern times it has evolved from the town of Kurume kasuri(cotton cloth called ‘kurume-gasuri’ with splashed patterns)to the town of the rubber industry.)” runs through from the northeast to the west. In the east, there is the Mino mountain range that stands out like a folding screen, and boasts a beautiful natural landscape with lush greenery along with the vast and fertile Chikugo Plain. In 1889, the first municipalism in Japan was implemented with 30 cities nationwide. After that, the city area expanded due to repeated mergers. Merged with Tanushimaru, Kitano, Jyojima and Mizuma Town in February 2005. In April 2008, Kyushu will become the only core city(Designated Mid-Level City)outside the prefectural capital. The city is located inland, with severe summer heat and winter cold, and daily temperature changes are large. The average annual temperature is about 16 degrees Celsius, and the average temperature during the cold season from January to February is 5 to 8 degrees Celsius. I hear that the average temperature in midsummer from July to August is about 27 to 29 degrees Celsius. Throughout the year, it is rich in seasonal changes, with little snow and relatively warm. Produced great ancestors and celebrities who are still famous to this day. It is known as a city with abundant soil, full of individuality and charm, with active activities related to the culture and arts of the citizens. Daizenji Temple Tamataregu: Oniyo-It is one of the three major fire festivals in Japan and is designated as an important intangible folk cultural property of Japan. Kurume      Rhododendron L. Rhododendron ferrugineum L. March: A popular event in which over 10,000 walkers from all over Japan participate. Chikugo river fire works festival:Kurume Suitengu Dedication Fireworks Festival ; In 1650, Kurume feudal lord Tadayori Arima(Second generation)-Ko donated the shrine to suitengum. 富有柿 : 1820年(文政3年)に, 美濃国(岐阜(県))大野郡居倉村(瑞穂市居倉)の小倉ノブ氏が,『居倉』「御所柿(奈良県御所市原産)」を, 圃場に植樹されたのが, 始まりと聞いている。Over time, in 1857, his grandson “Chozo” took over his intentions, and in 1884, he entrusted his thoughts to “Saiji Fukushima” in the same district. For the first time, “Goshogaki persimmon” was grafted on the premises of the residential land (* not farmland). In 1898, there was a prefectural show, which was selected (judgment committee). We consulted on the naming of “Fukuju” and “Fuyu” with “Kamekichi Kuze”, the principal of Kawasaki Jinjo Elementary School. It was decided to be a passage of the classic “Li-chi(苛政猛於虎也: A Confucian scholar’s book on gratitude compiled by Taisei from Zhou to Han. All 49 volumes. Respected as one of the Five Classics since the Tang dynasty. Even the precious jade cannot be a good vessel unless it is polished. In the same way, human beings cannot become good members of society who know the way of being human unless they improve themselves by learning. The reason for being a person is polite. The beginning of courtesy is to correct the posture, attitude, and way of walking, then the expression is softened, and finally the wording is careful. Don’t be arrogant or rush with your desires. Only when you fulfill your duties as a child can you fulfill your responsibilities as a parent when you become a parent. Only by fulfilling your duties as a vassal can you fulfill your responsibilities as a monarch when you become a monarch. Only if you have the experience of serving your boss as a subordinate can you master his subordinates when you are in the position of boss. It is a savage human way of life to act as emotions go. The way of life according to gratitude is different from that. A good teacher is like a bell to the students. If you hit it small, it will make a small sound, and if you hit it big, it will make a loud sound.)”, “Fuyu Shikai”, and boasts a splendidly honorable first place. The following year, in 1899, he won the first prize at the 1st Vegetable Fruit Fair hosted by the Prefectural Agricultural Association. In that year, it was selected as a recommended variety of the prefecture by the then governor of Gifu prefecture, “Masaaki Nomura” and below. From “Fuyugaki”, the precocious completely sweet persimmon “Matsumoto Wase Fuyu Persimmon” changed the branch of “Fuyugaki” in the field of Mr. Yutaka Matsumoto in Shigasato Village, Ikaruga District, Kyoto (currently Ayabe City) around 1935. It’s been found. Harvest is expected from mid-October to early November. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Forestry (Fisheries) certification was named and registered in 1952. “Fuyugaki Persimmon” from Nishiyoshino, which is said to be the finest persimmon. The history of persimmon production in Nishiyoshino Town goes back to the end of the Taisho era. Around this time, planting of “cashed tree crops” in the fields began, and at the same time, the cultivated land was converted to fruit fields, and it seems that clearing was also promoted. Currently, the persimmons produced in Nishiyoshino Town are of the types “Fuyu”, “Hiratanenashi”, and “Wase Tone”, and among them, “Fuyu persimmon”, which has a large production volume, seems to have begun to spread in the early Showa period. From the latter half of the 1955’s to the first half of the 1965’s, the construction of orchards centered on persimmons became popular, and the creation of suitable sites for persimmon production was almost completed. “Fuyu”, which is a representative variety of Sweet persimmon, is carefully selected from those harvested in the season and refrigerated and stored. Immediately after harvesting, each piece is carefully placed in a bag (vacuum packaging) and refrigerated before the freshness is impaired. Advances in refrigeration technology have made it possible to store for a long period of time, and “Fuyu”, which has the same quality as after harvesting, has been popular for a long time.


Fukuoka Prefecture is Japan’s third largest producer of persimmons. Ukiha is particularly active in the Chikugo River basin, centered on Ukiha City, Asakura City, and Kurume City. These areas are facing south, have good sunlight and drainage, and have many gentle slopes, making them very suitable for persimmon cultivation. The reddish Fukuoka persimmon has a firm flesh wrapped in a glossy skin, and when you bite into it, the harmony of crispy texture and surprisingly sweet juice spreads throughout your mouth.


Each ball is carefully individually packaged and shipped in a cosmetic box. Since it is a refrigerated product, it can be stored for a long time compared to persimmons purchased at room temperature. In fact, it’s so soft that it melts. Why don’t you immerse yourself in the afterglow and bite into that feeling?


As I mentioned earlier, Ikejirino Farm is very popular locally as a Kyoho grape farm where you can also hunt house grapes. The underground water of the Minou Mountains is welling up, and the cool breeze blows through it, giving it coolness in midsummer. You can enjoy the real Kyoho while feeling the beautiful nature.

Yoritsune MATSUDAIRA, who was born in 1907 as a tributary of the Mito Tokugawa family, seems to be from the prestigious peer and plays old Japanese court music research and Western European vanguardism-Kokin Wakashū, Fuji Engi (general term for auspicious books describing the origins and legends of Mt. Fuji and temples and shrines related to Mt. Fuji worship)-International Society for Contemporary Music, 1925: Themes and Variations-Zwölftonmusik-Arnold Schönberg

【Product name】

Hosui Pear


Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm. f.) Nakai var. culta (Mak.) Nakai

【Producing area】

Yasato District, Ishioka City, Ibaraki Prefecture (JA Yasato)

【Origin of name】

It was named because it wanted to be a pear that you can enjoy freshness as rich as Kosui Pear.

【Major features】

On May 17, 2022, the "TX Ishioka Extension Promotion Council" was established by the public and private sectors of Ishioka City, Ibaraki Prefecture, to extend the Tsukuba Express toward Ibaraki Airport via Ishioka. It seems that the prefecture will develop public relations activities to request the prefecture and foster momentum in the city, while keeping an eye on the schedule for narrowing down the direction plan. A rally is being held on June 5th. Approximately 60 people participated and declared that it was necessary to extend TX to Ibaraki Airport via Ishioka in order to develop the entire prefecture in a balanced manner, and it seems that the spirit was raised. 69 groups participated in the council. Regarding the extension of TX, the prefecture has included a research and examination project cost of 18 million yen in the initial budget this year. After comparing the demand forecasts and cost-effectiveness of the four areas in the comprehensive plan and consulting with a third-party committee, it seems that they have announced a policy to narrow down to one by the end of the fiscal year. Ishioka City is also participating in the "TX Mito / Ibaraki Airport Extension Promotion Council," which will be launched on May 23 in five cities and towns, including Mito City and the local Omitama City where the airport is located. Ishioka City, Ibaraki Prefecture, was born on October 1, 2005 by the merger of the former Ishioka City and the former Yasato Town. The former Ishioka City was born in 1954 when Ishioka Town at that time incorporated Takahama Town, Mimura, and Sekikawa Village and enforced the city administration, and it was the fifth city system in the prefecture. Former Yasato Town was created by merging 7 villages in 1 town, Kakioka Town, Obata Village, Ashiho Village, Koise Village, Kawarae Village, Sonobe Village, Hayashi Village, and Kozakura Village. Located in the center of the prefecture, the Koise River, which has gentle hills extending from the Tsukuba Mountains in the northwestern part of the city to the southern part of the city, and flows from the northern part of the city to the southeastern end, is Kasumigaura, which has the second largest area in Japan. I'm in the middle of it. The area of the city including the water surface is 215.53 km2, which occupies about 3.5% of the prefecture's land. The Joban Expressway, National Highway No. 6, and JR Joban Line, which connect the Tokyo metropolitan area and the Tohoku region, run through the city from north to south. There is. Furthermore, the Kita Kanto Expressway crosses just north of the city area, and Ibaraki Airport, which is the gateway to the sky in Ibaraki Prefecture, is about 10 km from the city. The industrial structure of the city is still increasing, with the tertiary industry accounting for the highest proportion. Among them, the service industry and the real estate industry account for a high proportion, while the wholesale / retail industry and the transportation / communication industry seem to be declining in production value. On the other hand, the production value of local industries such as sake brewing and agricultural product processing, and the secondary industry, which has become one of the core of the industry while aggressively advancing into industrial parks, has been declining in recent years, and is currently at present. It is only about 30% of the total production in the city. Although the primary industry accounts for a small proportion of the total production, it produces a wide range of rice, vegetables, fruits, etc. by taking advantage of its fertile and excellent agricultural land, high technology, and the suburbs of large cities. Especially in the Yasato area, there is a geographical factor that the southern and northern limits of fruits intersect, and there are many tourist orchards where you can enjoy a wide variety of fruit tree cultivation and fruit hunting. In addition, multi-item farming is being carried out using slopes in the mountains and terrain with abundant changes, and it is said that soil preparation by recycling organic matter such as livestock manure has been actively carried out. Furthermore, the livestock industry is one of the leading production areas in the prefecture, centering on pig farming, dairy farming, and poultry farming. In 2011, the former Ishioka City and the former Yasato Town were integrated into a new Ishioka Agricultural Promotion Area Development Plan. In this agricultural promotion area development plan, in addition to plans for the development of agricultural production bases such as farm roads and village drainage and the development of agricultural modernization facilities, agricultural land areas for excellent agricultural land (especially in the agricultural promotion area, will continue to be used for agriculture in the future) Land to be used as) is defined. Agricultural promotion area system: A system for comprehensively and systematically promoting agriculture while securing excellent agricultural land based on the “Act on Establishment of Agricultural Promotion Areas” (hereinafter referred to as “Agricultural Promotion Law”). By coordinating agriculture and land use other than agriculture, clarifying areas where agriculture should be comprehensively promoted over the long term, and systematically and intensively implementing agricultural measures in those areas, the land The purpose is to promote effective use and sound development of agriculture. Based on the national basic guidelines, the prefecture has established the “Agricultural Promotion Area Development Basic Policy”, which is the basic policy for system management. Specified as. The city has established the “Agricultural Promotion Area Development Plan” that defines the necessary items for promotion within the agricultural promotion area, and aims to secure agricultural use in the agricultural promotion area for the next 10 years or more. The above collective agricultural land and “agricultural land necessary for promoting local agriculture” are set as “agricultural land areas”. Agricultural land promotion system: There are two types of agricultural land conversion regulations: the agricultural promotion area system for zoning agricultural land use and the agricultural land conversion permission system for individual agricultural land conversion. The agricultural promotion area system is an area designated by the municipality as land for which agricultural use should be secured in the future, and conversion of agricultural land is prohibited. In the farmland conversion permit system, in order to secure excellent farmland, the farmland is divided according to the quality of the farmland and the surrounding land use situation, and the conversion is guided to the farmland that does not interfere with the agricultural use. While the merger of agricultural cooperatives is progressing nationwide, there are four agricultural cooperatives in Ibaraki prefecture, such as Ibaraki Asahimura Agricultural Cooperative, which is famous for its melons. One of them is Yasato Agricultural Cooperative in Ishioka City. The pillars are direct production and organic farming. Currently, all agricultural cooperatives are working on direct production, but it seems that agricultural cooperatives that use organic farming as a pillar of operation are rare. Yasato Saien Co., Ltd(JA Yasato jurisdiction has long had problems such as an increase in abandoned cultivated land, an aging population of bearers, and a shortage of successors. After seriously discussing what JA can do for the region, it was decided that JA itself would be the bearer of the risk, and that it would be the recipient of new farmers and support regional agriculture, August 2012, Established in. At the time of establishment, the area that could be cultivated was about 2 ha due to delays in agricultural land development, but in 2017, we own about 15 ha of agricultural land and cultivate long onions (year-round cultivation), cabbage, and ginger in the open field. There is, In 2016, a new house of 0.6 ha was constructed and leafy vegetables were cultivated. JA-funded corporation, self-development of “Leaders”)., There is a 28 ha field irrigation project in the Sonobe district in the jurisdiction, where the agricultural cooperative established a subsidiary with the Norinchukin Bank, Zennoh, etc. in 2012 and started producing vegetables such as green onions, cabbage, and Japanese mustard spinach. It seems. In addition, trainees are included to train leaders, and we are engaged in agricultural and fortune cooperation and accepting foreign trainees. It started with 7 ha, but now it has expanded to 15 ha and the house has been expanded. This is not organic farming, but conventional farming. The city's hot spring “Yuri no Sato; Obata” is a blissful time in an open-air bath with a spectacular view of Mt. Tsukuba. You can also enjoy shopping and dining with fresh agricultural and livestock products delivered by local farmers. Obata, formerly Niihari District, is located on the upper right bank of the Mata River, a tributary of the Koise River that flows into Kasumigaura, at the eastern foot of Mt. During the Edo period, 1661-73 was the territory of the Shimosa Sekiyado domain, 1687 was the territory of the Tsuchiura domain, 1688-1704, and Hatamoto Itakura was known at the end of the Edo period. Murataka has 1,616 Koku in the “Genroku Township Book” and 1,641 Koku of Rice in the “Tenbo Township Book”. Obata has a post station character because it is a pilgrimage route connecting Mt. Tsukuba and Kashima Shrine, a traffic route to Tsukuba and Mito, and a branch point toward Makabe. It seems that there was an overwork between farms, and the number of houses is 90. The names of the upper inn, the middle inn, and the boarding house can be seen in the place names. One of the main roads (prefectural road No. 42) is a traditional highway that develops towns and towns along this road. It seems that it was functioning as a post town, but when you walk along the streets of Imamachi, you can see that the wealthy farmers and merchants who promoted land accumulation from the late Edo period to the Meiji period set up houses along the highway. There are many large thatched-roof farmhouses lined up with huge farmhouses with huge gates. Yasaka Shrine Gion Festival: This is a Gion festival held every year on Saturdays and Sundays, including the 4th Sunday of July, in honor of the day when the Kakioka castle owner moved the spirits from Naka District to Yasaka Shrine during the Kyoroku year. Starting with Kakioka Karakuri Doll, which is a rare folk performing art in the prefecture, Kakioka Arajuku “Sasara Dance”, Kakioka Tate “Lion Dance”, and floats are said to be the biggest festival in the lively Yasato Area. In addition, the competition of six festival cars that takes place on the final night is spectacular. Cantonment gate: In September 1700, Shogun Tsunayoshi Tokugawa, who visited the Mito Tokugawa family residence in Edo Koishikawa, gave 20,000 Koku of Rice to Yoritaka Matsudaira, the uncle of Tsunaeda, the lord of the Mito domain. I gave it to the Japanese feudal lord. At this time, Yoritaka was given 18 villages in Naganuma, Iwase District, Mutsu, 9 villages in Namegata District, 3 villages in Ibaraki District, and 7 villages in Fuchu, Niihari District, including the current Ishioka area. As a result, the Ishioka area (hereinafter referred to as "Fuchu") including the current central city area will be controlled by the Fuchu Matsudaira clan (hereinafter referred to as “Fuchu clan”). Fuchu under the control of the Fuchu clan was systematically called “Taira Village”, but the name “Fuchu” was generally known until the end of the Tokugawa shogunate. It was built using the lumber left over from the construction of the Edo Koishikawa feudal lord's residence in 1828 when he was the 9th feudal lord Yoritsugu(Yorihisa's eldest son)Matsudira. It mainly uses Zelkova wood, but it seems that there is a part that uses Camphor tree. This gate was the school gate of Ishioka Elementary School, but it was relocated to the school grounds in 1969 and moved to the present location in response to the requests of the citizens in 2014(Sosha). Pear is a plant of the genus Pyrus in the Rosaceae family. It is said that the western and southwestern parts of China are the birthplaces. From here, one propagated to Japan via East Asia, and the other to Central Asia and Europe. The pears currently cultivated in Japan are said to be derived from Japanese pear, which is native to the south of central Japan, the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, and the coast of the Yangtze River in China. In Japan, carbonized pear seeds were found at the Toro site in the Yayoi period, and there is a description of cultivation in the Nihon Shoki, which suggests that it is a fruit that has been familiar since ancient times. “Hosui Pear” is a hybrid seedling of "Kosui Pear" × “ィ-33 (Wase Ishii Pear × Nijusseiki Pear)” in (Former Institute of Fruit Tree Science, Fruit Tree Tea Industry Research Division from April 1, 2016). (I heard that the year of hybridization was 1954; old strain name, 71-8: 2003, from a survey of fruit skin color, self-incompatibility genotype DNA analysis, etc.) However, in 1972 (Japanese pear Norin No. 8), the mating combination was corrected to be unknown because all of them were green pears and the fruit-skin-colored children such as “Hosui Pear” did not occur. Registered as a seedling method variety by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Yasato's Japanese pear cultivation began in the early Meiji era and is blessed with soil and climatic conditions and geographical conditions located within 70 km from the large consumption area of Tokyo. Currently, Kosui Pear, Hosui Pear, and Niitaka Pear are the main varieties of cultivation. With an area of 170 ha, it is one of the prefecture's leading red-free producing areas. JA Yasato Pear Subcommittee was established in 1991, and improvements such as improvement of production technology, unification of quality standards, unification of organization, improvement of sales and distribution were made, and it was designated as a fruit and vegetable brand production area in Ibaraki Prefecture in May 1992. , 3 The shipping system(Obata, Sonobe, Kakioka)by machine fruit sorting at the fruit sorting plant is also substantial. We strive for high quality leveling, such as long-term shipment from advanced shipment by introducing simple house cultivation technology to late-maturing species of new higher species, installation of multipurpose disaster prevention network, promotion of low pesticide cultivation by using pheromone agents, administration of organic fertilizer, etc. It is a production area that provides a stable supply of high-quality, delicious fertilizer.


In JA Yasato Ishioka City's Hachigo district, it seems that they are particular about shipping at a time when they are almost fully ripe when designating a brand production area in Ibaraki Prefecture. It seems that they are cultivated mainly in "Kosui pear" and "Hosui pear". The impression is that new varieties are being cultivated one after another. Brand name Ishioka City (Yasato district) The item name is pear. Shipping organization name, JA Yasato Pear Subcommittee designated period July 25, 2019-July 24, 2022 Introducing the production area. In collaboration with JA Shin-Hitachino Ishioka Pear Subcommittee, a high sugar content differentiated product "Arinomi (meaning pear. In the old days, people who had good luck called pear at a happy seat, etc. means none)" Seems to be selling. The installation rate of multipurpose disaster prevention nets is one of the highest in the prefecture, and it is famous as a production area that is resistant to meteorological disasters and has high quality and stable production.


Pear cultivation in the YASATO area began in the early Meiji era and is blessed with soil conditions, climatic conditions, and geographical conditions located within 70 km from the large consumption area of Tokyo. Currently, Kosui Pear, Hosui Pear, and Niitaka Pear are the main varieties, and the cultivation area. With 170 ha, it is famous as one of the prefecture's leading red-free producing areas. JA Yasato Pear Subcommittee was established in 1991, and improvements were made such as improvement of production technology, unification of quality standards, unification of organization, improvement of sales and distribution, and was designated as a fruit and vegetable brand production area in Ibaraki Prefecture in May 1992. It seems that the shipping system by machine fruit sorting at the fruit sorting plant is also substantial. We strive for high quality leveling such as long-term shipment from advanced shipment by introducing simple green house cultivation technology to new higher okute species, installation of multipurpose disaster prevention network, promotion of low pesticide cultivation by using pheromone agent, administration of organic fertilizer, etc. A stable supply of high-quality, delicious pears.


At JA Yasato Obata Pear Fruit Sorting Center, the fruit sorters who cultivated their eyes by conducting daily training select the pears that arrive from the producers who produce pears within a radius of 5 km from the fruit sorting plant. It seems that about 85,000 cases of pears are being shipped. Akizuki Pear, a new variety that was just registered in 2001 and has a dense flesh, high sugar content and abundant juice, seems to have been added to the fruit selection since 2010. The Yasato district of Ishioka City has been designated as a designated pear brand production area since 1992, and all producers have acquired eco-farmers, so it seems that they are making pears with a high level of awareness. I heard that the JA Yasato Pear Subcommittee strictly controls the use of pesticides. Producers are obliged to submit a cultivation record table that shows the history of pesticide use, and it seems that shipping will be suspended if there is even one excess. At the time of shipment, skilled veteran fruit sorters also gather at the Obata pear fruit sorting plant, check the shape, color, scratches and pest damage, and sort into 3 grades of "excellent", "beautiful" and "MUJI", and then size. Is sorted and packed in a box. It seems that everything will be shipped to the Keihin market except for selling at the direct sales office.

Theoretically, the component of the mRNA vaccine are degraded within a few days. Long-term side reactions are extremely rare in the body, so decide whether to inoculate based on the efficacy and accurate information on the side reactions, and if in doubt, consult your pediatrician, consult with someone you usually trust. We hope for lively discussions on disposable non-woven masks and face shields for children, who usually have a light burden.

【Product name】

Red cabbage


Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra

【Producing area】

Kagoshima Prefecture

【Origin of name】

The leaves are reddish purple, heading, and are named because they are a kind of “Cabbage.”

【Major features】

Regarding the new regulatory standards for nuclear power plants established after the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission seems to prioritize the conformity assessment of Kyushu Electric Power Sendai Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 (Gumizaki Town, Satsumasendai City). Nuclear fuel and spent fuel are stored at the Sendai nuclear power plant, and it seems that they are not free from the danger of accidents regardless of the restart. Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. (Head office location: Watanabedori, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture) is the Kawauchi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 (Satsumasendai City), which is approaching the 40-year operation deadline in principle, on February 17, 2022. Announced that the inspection will start on the 21st. The reactor will be shut down and will proceed in parallel with the regular inspection for about 5 months. It seems that no extension decision or application time has been decided. It seems that the special inspection will take about half a year to confirm the deterioration status of the reactor containment vessel, which is difficult to replace, based on the data obtained by examining with ultrasonic waves and electric current. It seems that the reactor will be started in mid-June to start power generation, and commercial operation is expected to resume in mid-July. Since it is during the period of priority measures such as prevention of the spread of the new coronavirus, I heard that new residents in the prefecture will be tested for PCR(Polymerase Chain Reaction: An enzyme called polymerase amplifies the genes contained in the sample. Investigate whether there is a gene that only the new coronavirus has in it. There are real-time PCR method, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction method, DNA sequencing method and the like. Other virus tests include LANP method, antigen test, antibody test, etc., and the test time and sensitivity are different for each. (Saal test and nasopharyngeal swab collection) Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. will be in 2022 after the company that undertakes the construction of the Kyushu Electric Power Genkai Nuclear Power Plant (Genkai Town, Higashimatsuura District) has been confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus one after another. On the 9th of March, when construction workers enter the premises of the nuclear power plant from other prefectures, in principle, they are requesting that a PCR test be conducted at the place of departure in advance.). Unit 1 has already started a special inspection in line with the regular inspection from October 2021. It seems that the confirmation and evaluation work of the reactor vessel and the reactor containment vessel will be completed in April. Sendai Units 1 and 2 will reach the operating deadline of 40 years in principle in July 2024 and November 2013, respectively. The operation period can be extended up to 20 years only once if approved by the Nuclear Regulation Authority. It seems that it is necessary to apply to the Regulatory Commission at least one year before the deadline. In 2020, the two Sendai units will be the first in Japan to complete anti-terrorism facilities that are required to be installed under the new regulatory standards for nuclear power plants. In November 2021, it seems that the emergency response building, which serves as a response base in the event of a serious accident, began operation. A total of more than 4,000 billion yen has been invested in safety measures, and it is believed that the application for extension of operation is certain. There seems to be a clear correlation between BCG (several strains, including Japanese strains) vaccination and the number and severity of new coronavirus infections. The above hypothesis cannot be concluded unless it is tested experimentally, but it seems that it is not so easy to replace it with animal experiments. On the other hand, in recent years, the research group of Netea et al. Has been energetically researching the immunopotentiating effect of BCG vaccine etc. and advocated a new biological defense mechanism called “trained immunity” epigenetically. There is. Since most epigenetic biological events are thought to occur depending on diverse genetic backgrounds, human resistance to the new corona is also diverse genetic and epigenetic factors (such as trained immunity by BCG). ) It is believed that it depends on both. It has been reported that BCG vaccination up to 1 year of age can reduce the risk of developing tuberculosis in children by about 52-74% and the risk of severe meningitis and systemic tuberculosis by about 64-78%. The Japanese encephalitis vaccine is suspected to be related to the old type ADEM (subacute disseminated encephalomyelitis) used before 2009, which is a disease of the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerve. (Withholding positive recommendations) Currently, all new types of vaccines have been replaced.  In addition, for those born between April 2, 1995 and April 1, 2007, who have not been vaccinated, regardless of the period of regular regular vaccination, if they are under 20 years old, they have not been vaccinated. It seems that you can receive the number of doses as a regular vaccination. It is a disease caused by the Japanese encephalitis virus, which is caused by an infection-borne virus via Culex tritaenior hynchus, and seems to show symptoms such as high fever, headache, vomiting, impaired consciousness, and cramps. It is an infectious disease that can cause sequelae of sensory and motor disorders and even death.). Previously a common illness in children and the elderly. It is a disease that develops due to sudden high fever, headache, vomiting, etc. and causes nervous system disorders such as impaired consciousness and paralysis, and it seems that it may leave sequelae or even die. “Kagoshima Prefecture” : A vast prefectural land extending 600 km north and south : Seasonal landscape woven by a beautiful natural environment : Characteristic islands, famous places with a deep history : Abundant attractive tourism resources such as high-quality and abundant hot springs. We also have abundant resources that are globally recognized for their value. Amamioshima Island and Tokunoshima Island – Registered as a World Natural Heritage Site – Three World Heritage Sites (world natural heritage), the largest number in Japan : 屋久島, 奄美大島, 徳之島, 沖縄島北部及び西表島, World Cultural Heritage : “Sites of JAPAN’s Meiji Industrial Revolution : Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining”. Word’s proud Kagoshima heritage group : Yakushima – Evaluated for having a unique ecosystem and an excellent natural landscape.In December 1993, it was registered as a World Natural Heritage Site for the first time in Japan. “Meiji Japan’s Industrial Revolutionary Heritage” – Old Shuseikan(旧集成館機械工場, 反射炉跡, 旧鹿児島紡績所技師館; 異人館), 寺山炭窯跡, 関吉の疎水溝の3つの資産 : Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution : Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining – Heavy industry from the After end of Edo era to the Meiji era : Constituent assets of industry heritage group : Consists of 23 assets in 11 cities in 8 prefectures centered on Kyushu and Yamaguchi : Registered as a world Cultural Heritage in July 2015. “奄美大島, 徳之島, 沖縄島北部及び西表島” : Amami Oshima and Tokunoshima – One of the largest subtropical laurel forests in Japan, represented by Pentalagus furnessi. There are many endemic species that are rare internationally. For biodiversity conservation where it inhabits and grows It is highly evaluated that it is an important area. With two islands in Okinawa – We are aiming to be registered as a World Natural Heritage Site in 2020 summer. Boasting a variety of “No. 1 in Japan” , Livestock products such as “beef cattle (Japanese Black)” and “pigs” : Number of beef cattle (Japanese Black Cattle) raised.Number of pigs raised, number of broilers shipped – At Miyagi from September 7th to 11th, 2017, 第11回全国和牛能力共進会 – No. 1 in Japan : Agricultural products such as “sweet potato” and “broad beans” : The production of aquaculture “Seriola, Seriola” and “eel” is the highest in Japan. A treasure trove of safe, secure and delicious food. In addition, the number of cranes that have arrived and the number of confirmed landing of sea turtles : There are various “No. 1 in Japan” such as the location of the only rocket launch facility in Japan. “Agricultural output” – Sweet potatoes, broad beans, pods, okra, citrus natsudai, citrus tankan, “passion fruit”. “fisheries yield” – 養殖 : Yellowtail, amberjack, eel, dried bonito. “Timber yield” – Bamboo wood, shikimi (branch), log export volume by port (Shibushi Port). Sakurajima radish (the largest in the world), Jomon cedar on Yakushima : Kamo’s Cinnamomum camphora(Aira City -National Special Natural Monument (designated in 1952)), Okinoerabu’s banyan tree, Ibusuki’s giant eel, Gold production, rocket launch facilities, etc. Geographical advantage close to fast-growing Asia : Located at the southernmost tip of mainland Japan – Close to Asia, which accounts for 60% of World’s economic growth. Construction of transportation / logistics net work that takes advantage of geographical advantage. Connected to major cities such as Seoul, Shanghai, Taipei and Hong Kong by regular air routes. Kagoshima Port, Sendai Port, Shibushi Port -International logistics port with CIQ(Customs, Immigration, Quarantine)function : International regular container routes to China, Taiwan and South Korea opened. In addition, Hong Kong, Singapore, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea, Jiangsu Province, China, etc. Has a long history of exchanges with foreign countries in a wide range of fields. Floating in azure’s kinko Bay, now volcanism continues Sakurajima : An abundant hot spring that boasts a long, varied coastline and the second largest number of hot springs in Japan : Kuroshio, which brings a warm climate and the blessings of the sea – Blessed with a rich natural environment. In addition, Kirishima was designated as a national park for the first time in Japan. Yakushima, the first in Japan to be registered as a World Natural Heritage Site. Only here in the world, such as Amami, which has precious animals and plants. Such a rich natural environment ≒ Excellent production base for agriculture, forestry and fisheries : Abundant foods such as black pork, Japanese black beef, brown sugar, black vinegar, tea, and shochu : An attractive tourism resource that fosters a rich food culture that leads to health and longevity. “Unique history and diverse culture” : Uenohara Ruins(It is located on a plateau at an altitude of about 250 m in the eastern part of Kirishima City. Settled about 9,500 years ago. Also, about 7,500 years ago, it received the blessings of the forest as a place for ceremonies. A variety of cultures blossomed from an early stage, and the unique Jyomon culture was completed. About 3,500 years ago, it made a hole and became a hunting ground. About 2,500 to about 2,000 years ago and about 1,600 to 800 years ago – People settled on the plateau again. Military facilities were also built during WWII and were widely used as fields after the war.)in the Jomon period etc. People were living a sedentary life from early on. International cultural exchange: Various exchanges with the South brought up by Kuroshio. In the 16th century, the introduction of guns to Tanegashima Island: Christian mission by Mr. Francis Xavier, etc. Get in touch with European culture in the distance. In the 19th century, he was passionate about actively incorporating Western culture. Construction of reverberatory furnaces and various factories, dispatch of international students to the UK, etc.First official participation, 2nd Exposition Universelle de Paris 1867, Expo 1867. Participated in a pavilion different from the Shogunate, and exhibited local specialties such as Satsuma ware. Strongly appealing to other countries, such as presenting the “Satsuma Ryukyu National Medal” to senior officials in each country. Leading Japan at that time through advanced efforts. That is the driving force for establishing a new nation. It was also affected by the fact that it was a point of contact between the Yamato cultural area and the Ryukyu cultural area. There are festival events and folk performing arts that are so unique that they are said to be a treasure trove of folk : Diverse lifestyles are nurtured in each region. 大島紬, 川辺仏壇, 薩摩焼や薩摩切子等の工芸技術など – Characteristic traditional culture. “Human resources with abundant qualities cultivated in the southern climate” – The ancestors who greatly contributed to the formation of Japan, a modern nation such as Takamori Saigo-Ko and Toshimichi Okubo-Ko. An educational culture that nurtured young people who pioneered the future during the turmoil of the late Tokugawa period : The traditional local educational ability of raising children is inherited. Produces many excellent human resources in various fields such as industry, economy, and academia. Cultivated in contact with the geographical environment and the world open to the south : Cheerful and magnanimous and enterprising citizenship : An open and cheerful temperament peculiar to a tropical country : Advantages in expanding exchanges at home and abroad. “Gentle and warm community” : The percentage of people who volunteer is the highest in the country- For children and the elderly. A mechanism to support each other in the community remains : Citizens voluntarily and independently tackle social issues – Number of NPO corporations : It is the third highest level in Japan per population. Various actors in each area of the prefecture – Providing a place for interaction among the child-rearing generation or Child-care consultation service, management of after – school children’s club. Regeneration of depopulated and aging areas through exchanges between urban and rural areas. Beautification of rivers and roads and Independence support for persons with disabilities, etc.Promote efforts to resolve various regional issues.“Unique industry utilizing local resources” : One of the leading primary industry prefectures in Japan -Utilizing high-quality agricultural, forestry and fishery products from the prefecture -Food for Specified Health Uses (FOSHU) and Foods with Functional Claims : Development and commercialization of various processed foods such as special products. A new industry is created that makes the best use of local resources. Utilize highly unique local resources in remote islands and mountainous areas – Creation of travel products. Furthermore, development and practical application of new materials utilizing Whitebait. “大島紬”- Utilizing mud dyeing technology in the production process. Development of new product designs with unique texture and gloss. Research and development and commercialization that makes use of the only one technology possessed by prefecture companies. Progress in various fields. “Wellness”- Abundant hot spring resources, warm climate, World Natural Heritage Site etc. “Safe and secure agriculture, forestry and fishery products”, Environment suitable for health promotion such as trekking and marine sports. Health / healing / longevity, we are blessed with various local resources that are world-class and useful. Effectively disseminate domestically and internationally.It will be a driving force to improve brand power and promote various exchanges. Located in the southwestern part of Japan, at the southern end of Kyushu. It extends about 270 km from east to west and about 600 km from north to south. Mainland of the prefecture consisting of two most islands, Satsuma and Osumi and Koshiki Island, Tanegashima Island, Yakushima Island, Tokara Islands, Amami Islands, etc. It consists of more than 200 islands. It covers a wide range from temperate climate zones to subtropical climate zones. The annual average temperature is from 15 ℃ to 23 ℃, and there is a considerable temperature difference. Precipitation varies considerably from region to region. It is not uncommon to record 10,000 mm per year in the mountainous areas of Yakushima Island. Approximately 2,000 mm to 3,000 mm in the precipitation area. About half of the total rainfall is concentrated from the rainy season to summer. In summer and autumn, typhoons accompanied by storms occur almost every year. In addition, they are often affected by drought in the summer. “Allium chinense G. Don from Kagoshima prefecture” : Kasedashi (currently Minamisatsuma City) – The main production area is the Fukiage dunes, one of the three major dunes in Japan. It boasts the second largest production volume in Japan. Nationally designated historic site : 隼人塚, 霧島市隼人町内山田, 大正10年3月3日, 大隅国分寺跡, 霧島市国分中央, 大正10年3月3日, (附宮田ケ岡瓦窯跡), 姶良市船津字宮田, 平成16年9月30日, 指宿橋牟礼川遺跡, 指宿市十二町, 大正13年12月9日, 城山, 鹿児島市城山町, 昭和6年6月3日, 佐多旧薬園, 肝属郡南大隅町佐多伊座敷, 昭和7年10月19日, 唐仁古墳群, 肝属郡東串良町, 昭和9年1月22日指定, 平成29年10月13日, 追加指定 / 一部指定解除, 桂菴墓, 鹿児島市伊敷町, 仮屋桂庵公園, 昭和11年9月3日, 南浦文之墓, 姶良市加治木町反土, 昭和11年9月3日, 横瀬古墳, 曽於郡大崎町大字横瀬字エサイ町, 昭和18年9月8日, 薩摩国分寺跡, 薩摩川内市国分寺町大都及び下台の一部, 昭和19年11月13日, 塚崎古墳群, 肝属郡肝付町野崎, 他 ,昭和20年2月22日, 高山城跡, 肝属郡肝付町新富, 他 ,昭和20年2月22日, 旧集成館附寺山炭窯跡関吉の疎水溝, 鹿児島市吉野町磯, 昭和34年2月25日, 鹿児島紡績所跡, 鹿児島市吉野町磯, 昭和34年2月25日, 宇宿貝塚, 奄美市笠利町宇宿字大龍, 他, 昭和61年10月7日, 知覧城跡, 南九州市知覧町永里, 他, 平成5年5月7日, 栫ノ原遺跡, 南さつま市加世田村原字栫ノ原, 平成9年3月11日, 上野原遺跡, 霧島市国分上野原縄文の森, 平成11年1月14日, 清色城跡, 薩摩川内市入来町浦之名字庵之坂, 字赤城之前, 字古春, 字後之迫, 平成16年9月30日, 志布志城跡, 志布志市志布志町帖字松尾, 平成17年7月14日, 大口筋白銀坂龍門司坂, 鹿児島市宮之浦, 姶良市姶良町大字脇元 / 平, 松, 加治木町木田, 平成18年7月28日, 徳之島カムィヤキ陶器窯跡, 大島郡伊仙町, 平成19年2月6日, 住吉貝塚, 大島郡知名町, 平成19年7月26日, 広田遺跡, 熊毛郡南種子町, 平成20年3月28日, 赤木名城跡, 奄美市笠利町赤木名, 平成21年2月12日, 小湊フワガネク遺跡, 奄美市小湊, 平成22年8月5日, 大隅正八幡宮境内及び社家跡, 霧島市隼人町, 平成25年10月17日, 面縄貝塚, 大島郡伊仙町大字面縄字中ノ当, 平成29年2月9日, 城久遺跡, 大島郡喜界町大字山田字山田半田, 平成29年10月13日, Prefectural designated historic site : 鶴丸城跡, 鹿児島市城山町, 昭和28年9月7日, 福昌寺跡, 鹿児島市池之上町, 昭和28年9月7日, 弥生式住居跡, 鹿児島市郡元町, 一之宮神社境内, 昭和28年9月7日, 常楽院, 日置市吹上町田尻中島, 昭和29年3月15日, 山川薬園跡及びリュウガン, 指宿市山川町新生町, 昭和29年3月15日, 六地蔵塔, 南さつま市加世田武田, 昭和29年5月24日, 一乗院跡, 南さつま市坊津町坊, 昭和29年5月24日, 平田靱負屋敷跡, 鹿児島市平之町, 昭和29年5月24日, 南洲墓地, 鹿児島市上竜尾町, 昭和30年1月14日, 南洲流謫跡, 大島郡龍郷町龍郷, 昭和30年1月14日, 亀丸城跡, 日置市吹上町中原, 昭和30年7月13日, 清水磨崖仏, 南九州市川辺町清水薬師, 昭和34年6月10日, 泊如竹の墓, 熊毛郡屋久島町安房, 昭和36年8月16日, 愛甲喜春の墓, 志布志市志布志町志布志, 昭和36年8月16日, 郡山町川田堂園の供養塔群, 鹿児島市郡山町川田, 昭和38年6月17日, 指江古墳, 出水郡長島町指江, 昭和38年6月17日, 栗野町稲葉崎の供養塔群, 姶良郡湧水町稲葉崎, 昭和41年3月11日, 栗野町田尾原の供養塔群, 姶良郡湧水町田尾原, 昭和41年3月11日, 和泊町の世之主の墓, 大島郡和泊町内城, 昭和41年3月11日, 来迎寺跡墓塔群, いちき串木野市大里, 昭和42年3月31日, 宝満寺跡, 志布志市志布志町帖, 他, 昭和42年3月31日, 竜門司焼古窯, 姶良市加治木町小山田, 昭和42年3月31日, 私学校跡石塀, 鹿児島市山下町, 昭和43年3月29日, 根占町川南宇都の板碑, 肝属郡南大隅町川南諏訪上, 昭和46年5月31日, 薩摩町永野別府原古墳群, 薩摩郡さつま町永野別府原, 昭和46年5月31日, 宗功寺墓地, 薩摩郡さつま町虎居, 昭和50年3月31日, 脇本古墳群糸割渕1号墳 / 2号墳, 阿久根市脇本糸割渕, 昭和50年3月31日, 赤水の岩堂磨崖仏, 霧島市横川町赤水, 昭和57年5月7日, 笠野原土持堀の深井戸, 鹿屋市串良町細山田, 昭和57年5月7日, 小浜崎古墳群, 出水郡長島町蔵之元鬼塚, 白金, 白金先, 昭和58年4月13日, 明神古墳群, 出水郡長島町蔵之元明神, 昭和58年4月13日, 加世堂古墳, 出水郡長島町山門野, 昭和58年4月13日, 刀匠玉置家歴代の墓, 鹿児島市喜入町, 昭和60年4月19日, 鶴田町大願寺跡墓塔群(開山堂跡・薬師堂跡), 薩摩郡さつま町柏原字上大願寺, 昭和62年3月16日, 犬田布貝塚, 大島郡伊仙町犬田布, 平成元年3月22日, 城間トフル墓群, 奄美市笠利町万屋, 他, 平成元年3月24日, 市来町市来貝塚, いちき串木野市川上, 平成6年3月16日, 厚地松山製鉄遺跡, 南九州市知覧町大字厚地字枦場, 字河口及び字皆尾平, 平成14年4月23日, 宇都窯跡, 姶良市鍋倉, 平成14年4月23日, 横峯遺跡, 熊毛郡南種子町大字島間小字横峯, 平成15年4月22日, 黒川洞穴, 日置市吹上町永吉, 平成16年4月20日, 頴娃城跡, 南九州市頴娃町郡, 平成17年4月19日, 美山薩摩焼窯, 日置市東市来町竃ノ平, 平成18年4月21日, 建昌城跡, 姶良市西餅田など, 計60筆, 平成23年4月19日, 天辰寺前古墳, 薩摩川内市天辰町字寺前, 平成25年4月23日, 岡崎古墳群(15号古墳), 鹿屋市串良町岡崎, 平成25年4月23日, 立切遺跡, 熊毛郡中種子町大字坂井字今平ほか, 平成27年4月17日, 岡野窯跡群, 伊佐市菱刈市山, 平成27年4月17日, 掛橋坂, 姶良市蒲生町北字込原, 平成29年4月21日, 金山水車(轟製錬所)跡, 南九州市知覧町郡字轟, 平成29年4月21日, 戸森の線刻画, 大島郡天城町大字瀬滝, 平成29年4月21日, 根占原台場跡, 肝属郡南大隅町根占辺田, 平成30年4月20日, 中甫洞穴, 大島郡知名町久志検水窪, 平成30年4月20日, Country-designated scenic spot, 仙巌園附花倉御仮屋庭園, 鹿児島市吉野町磯, 昭和33年5月15日, 知覧麓庭園, 南九州市知覧町郡, 昭和56年2月23日, 坊津, 南さつま市坊津町大字坊字御崎, 平成13年1月29日, 旧島津氏玉里邸庭園, 鹿児島市玉里町, 平成19年7月26日, 志布志麓庭園天水平山福山氏庭園, 志布志市志布志町帖字松原, 平成19年7月26日, Prefecture designation : 桜島, 鹿児島市桜島町, 昭和29年3月15日, 牛之浜海岸, 阿久根市大川, 平成26年4月22日, 番所鼻の溶結凝灰岩の環状プール群, 南九州市頴娃町番所鼻, 平成31年4月19日, Country registration : 清水氏庭園, 志布志市志布志町帖字高濱, 平成19年7月26日, 鳥濱氏庭園, 志布志市志布志町帖字松尾, 平成19年7月26日, Natural monument country special designation : 鹿児島県のツルおよびその渡来地, 出水市, 昭和27年3月29日, 喜入のリュウキュウコウガイ産地, 鹿児島市喜入生見字貝和田, 上荒田, 昭和27年3月29日, 蒲生のクス, 姶良市蒲生町上久徳, 蒲生八幡神社〃鹿児島県のソテツ自生地, 指宿市山川町, 南さつま市坊津町, 肝属郡南大隅町, 肝付町〃屋久島スギ原始林, 熊毛郡屋久島町, 昭和29年3月20日, 枇榔島亜熱帯性植物群落, 志布志市志布志町帖字向川原, 昭和31年7月19日, アマミノクロウサギ, 奄美大島 / 徳之島, 昭和38年7月4日, Country designation : ルリカケス, 奄美大島/ 加計呂麻島 / 請島, 大正10年3月3日, 藺牟田池の泥炭形成植物群落, 薩摩川内市祁答院町藺牟田, 大正10年3月3日, キイレツチトリモチ産地, 鹿児島市吉野町字桜谷, 柳ヶ谷, 東愛宕, 新道〃ヤッコソウ発生地, 日置市東市来町湯田, 大正11年3月8日, ノカイドウ自生地, 霧島市牧園町高千穂新床鹿倉, 万膳えびの, 大正12年3月7日, ヒガンザクラ自生南限地, 姶良郡湧水町川添〃川内川のチスジノリ発生地, 伊佐市刈町湯之尾滝付近から荒田天神橋付近まで, 大正13年12月9日, ヘゴ自生北限地帯, 南さつま市笠沙町, 薩摩川内市里町 / 上甑町 / 下甑町 / 肝属郡南大隅町 / 肝付町, 大正15年10月27日, 城山, 鹿児島市城山, 昭和6年6月3日, 栗野町ハナショウブ自生南限地帯, 姶良郡湧水町堀切, 昭和13年12月14日, 塚崎のクス, 肝属郡肝付町野崎字大塚, 昭和15年2月10日, 藤川天神の臥龍梅, 薩摩川内市東郷町藤川, 昭和16年10月3日, 志布志の大クス, 志布志市志布志町安楽, 昭和16年11月13日, 薩摩鶏, 鹿児島県, 昭和18年8月24日, 地頭鶏, 鹿児島県〃永利のオガタマノキ, 薩摩川内市永利町石神, 昭和19年11月13日, 稲尾岳, 肝属郡錦江町 / 南大隅町 / 肝付町, 昭和42年7月6日, 神屋 / 湯湾岳, 奄美市住用町 / 宇検村, 昭和43年11月8日, アカヒゲ, トカラ列島/ 奄美大島 / 徳之島, 昭和45年1月23日, オオトラツグミ, 奄美大島, 昭和46年5月19日, オカヤドカリ, 県本土南端部 / 南西諸島, 昭和45年11月12日, オーストンオオアカゲラ, 奄美大島, 昭和46年5月19日, カラスバト, 甑島 / 三島 / 種子島 / 屋久島 / 口永良部島 / 宇治諸島 / 草垣島 / トカラ列島 / 奄美諸島〃トゲネズミ, 奄美大島/ 徳之島, 昭和47年5月15日, ケナガネズミ, 奄美大島 / 徳之島〃アカコッコ,トカラ列島, 昭和50年2月13日, エラブオオコウモリ, 口永良部島 / トカラ列島〃ヤマネ, 鹿児島県本土, 昭和50年6月26日, イイジマムシクイ, トカラ列島〃万之瀬川河口域のハマボウ群落及び干潟生物群集, 南さつま市, 平成19年2月6日, 大和浜のオキナワウラジロガシ林, 大島郡大和村大和浜字瀧ノ川, 平成20年3月28日, 志布志のカワゴケソウ科植物生育地, 志布志市志布志町内安楽川, 前川, 平成22年2月22日, ヤクシマカワゴロモ生育地, 屋久島町一湊川, 白川, 平成22年8月5日, 薩摩黒島の森林植物群落, 鹿児島郡三島村大字黒島, 平成23年9月21日, 夏井海岸の火砕流堆積物, 志布志市志布志町地内, 平成24年9月19日, 宝島女神山の森林植物群落, 鹿児島郡十島村大字宝島女神, 平成24年9月19日, 天降川流域の火砕流堆積物, 霧島市横川町牧園町隼人町, 平成25年3月27日, 徳之島明眼の森, 犬田布字明眼, 平成25年3月27日, 喜界島の隆起サンゴ礁上植物群落, 大島郡喜界町大字中里, 平成26年3月18日, 甑島長目の浜及び潟湖群の植物群落, 薩摩川内市里町里字牛瀬, 平成27年3月10日, 種子島阿嶽川のマングローブ林, 熊毛郡中種子町大字坂井池之角, 平成27年10月7日, 溝ノ口洞穴, 曽於市財部町下財部字大塚原, 令和3年3月26日, Prefecture designation : トカラウマ, 鹿児島郡十島村, 昭和28年9月7日, ハマジンチョウ, 阿久根市波留5ほか〃タモトユリ, 鹿児島郡十島村口之島〃ヘゴ自生地北限, 出水郡長島町北方崎〃カワゴケソウ科, さつま町 / 伊佐市 / 南さつま市 / 南九州市 / 錦江町 / 南大隅町 / 志布志市 / 屋久島町, 昭和29年3月15日, 仙人岩の植物群落, いちき串木野市冠岳, 昭和29年5月24日, 天然橋, 南九州市川辺町上山田柿房虚空蔵岳〃縄状玄武岩, 指宿市開聞町脇浦花瀬崎〃権現洞穴, 南九州市川辺町上山田君野〃オニバス自生地, 薩摩川内市寄田町, 小比良池〃川辺の大クス, 南九州市川辺町宮, 昭和31年9月27日, 噴火により埋没した鳥居, 門柱, 鹿児島市黒神町, 昭和33年4月28日, 特殊羊歯類及び蘚類の自生地, 鹿児島市東桜島町, 昭和35年6月20日, ウシウマの骨格, 鹿児島市城山町, 県立博物館, 昭和38年6月17日, 福山のイチョウ, 霧島市福山町福山, 昭和39年6月5日, 昇竜洞, 大島郡知名町吉野平川, 昭和42年3月31日, 山川薬園跡及びリュウガン, 指宿市山川町新生町, 昭和29年3月15日, 沖永良部島下平川の大型有孔虫化石密集産地, 大島郡知名町下平川字瀬田原, 昭和62年3月16日, 国分市高座神社の杜叢, 霧島市国分川原, 平成元年3月22日, 住吉暗川, 大島郡知名町住吉前間当り, 平成13年4月27日, 揖宿神社の社叢, 指宿市東方, 平成15年4月22日, イボイモリ, 奄美大島 / 徳之島, 平成15年4月22日, イシカワガエル, 奄美大島, 平成15年4月22日, オビトカゲモドキ, 徳之島, 平成15年4月22日, オットンガエル, 奄美大島及び加計呂麻島, 平成17年4月19日, 請島のウケユリ自生地, 大島郡瀬戸内町請島大字池地小字大山原, 平成20年4月22日, 世界で初めて精子が発見されたソテツ, 鹿児島市城山町, 平成20年4月22日, 鹿児島市西佐多町の吉田貝化石層, 鹿児島市西佐多町, 平成20年4月22日, 犬田布海岸のメランジ堆積物, 大島郡伊仙町犬田布海岸, 平成21年4月21日, アマミハナサキガエル, 奄美大島/ 徳之島, 平成23年4月19日, 南種子町河内の貝化石層, 熊毛郡南種子町中之上, 平成23年4月19日, 沖泊海岸の大型有孔虫化石密集層, 大島郡知名町下城須原, 平成24年4月20日, 大津勘のビーチロック, 大島郡知名町大津勘, 平成24年4月20日, 下甑島夜萩円山断崖の白亜系姫浦層群, 薩摩川内市鹿島町藺牟田夜萩, 平成25年4月23日, ミシマサワガニ, 黒島, 口永良部島, 宇治群島, 地域定めず, 平成25年4月23日, 南種子町のインギー鶏, 熊毛郡南種子町, 平成25年4月23日, カスミサンショウウオ, 出水市, 阿久根市, 地域定めず, 平成26年4月22日, 伏目海岸の池田火砕流堆積物と噴気帯, 指宿市山川福元, 平成26年4月22日, 花瀬の石畳, 肝属郡錦江町田代川原地内, 平成27年4月17日, 薩摩隕石, 鹿児島市城山町, 鹿児島県立博物館, 平成27年4月17日, スレッドレーススコリア, 鹿児島市城山町, 鹿児島県立博物館, 平成28年4月19日, 南九州市川辺町中山田のオキチモズク, 南九州市川辺町中山田麓川用水路, 平成30年4月20日, 種子島のハナサンゴモドキ, 種子島東海岸(馬立岩屋の海域及び大塩屋港港湾区域内の一部), 上ノ古田港内, 平成31年4月19日, 番所鼻の溶結凝灰岩の環状プール群, 南九州市頴娃町番所鼻, 平成31年4月19日, 指宿市知林ヶ島のトンボロ, 指宿市, 令和2年4月28日, 阿久根市光礁と五色浜, 阿久根市波留, 五色浜海岸, 令和2年4月28日, 屋久島早崎海岸の鉱脈群, 熊毛郡屋久島町早崎, 令和2年4月28日, サキシマヌマエビ, 地域定めず, 令和3年4月23日, 大隅石, 標本, 鹿児島市城山町, 鹿児島県立博物館, 令和3年4月23日. Kagoshima Prefecture boasts the second largest shipment of “squash” in Japan.Of the prefecture squash, Ibusuki products occupy 35% of the market and form one of the best production areas in the prefecture. Squash is derived from the country name Cambodia. From 1532 to 1955, the Portuguese introduced it to Japan as a product of Cambodia. “Red Cabbage”, It was introduced to Japan in the early Meiji era, but it is known as a vegetable that spread later than the conventional “Cabbage”. It has a beautiful spherical shape, is tightly wound, and although it is small, it is often clogged and heavy. The purple pigment is anthocyanin, which has a strong antioxidant effect, and the purple color of the broth turns red when an acidic one is added, and turns green when an alkaline one is added. The surface is red, but the inside is white, so the cut end becomes a pattern. Unique fragrance: Bright and appetizing. It is richer in nutrients than green cabbage. Among them, it is rich in anthocyanins, which are good for the eyes. The color you see is bright purple, so it is used as a color for dishes such as salads.


It contains more C6H8O6 than regular cabbage, and on average more vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. The purple color on the surface of the leaves is due to anthocyanin (a glycoside in which anthocyanidin is bound to sugar and sugar chains as aglycone(The non-sugar moiety that remains after the glycosyl group of the glycoside is replaced with a hydrogen atom)), which has an antioxidant effect.) Contributes to research effects such as fertilizing effect and soil improvement effect on paddy rice of residue filtered with mordanting soil. It is also rich in C6H15NO2S+ (cabezin or methylmethionine sulfonium), which has a mucosal protective effect by improving blood flow in the gastric mucosa and increasing mucus secretion.


Positioning agriculture as the core industry of Kagoshima that supports the local economy, we are actively promoting efforts such as the development of rice fields and fields, the creation of production areas that are evaluated and trusted by consumers and the market, and the supply of safe and secure food. There is. It is desirable to be an important industry that forms the basis of a country’s economic activities from the strengthening of the capitalist economy from the south and the rise of communism.


Taking advantage of the rich and varied natural conditions that extend from the temperate zone to the subtropical zone, we are developing a variety of farming with vegetables, green tea(Production is second only to Shizuoka prefecture. The largest cultivated area is near the Nansatsu Plateau, which extends from Minamikyushu City to Makurazaki City, and occupies about 40% of the cultivated area in the prefecture. In addition, the main cultivation areas are the Nakasatsu Plateau near Kagoshima City, the Hokusatsu Volcanic Group from Satsuma Town in Satsuma District to Kirishima City, the foot of Mt. Kirishima, and the southwestern part of the Wanitsuka Mountains from Shibushi City to Soo City.), sugar cane, sweet potatoes, rice, etc. as the core crops, mainly for cultivation and livestock. In particular, it seems that it is developing unique features such as the cultivation of agricultural products that take advantage of the wide terrain and warm climate that stretches 600 km from north to south. Agricultural output is still higher in the livestock sector than in cultivated fields, and is still at a ratio of approximately 4: 6. In the cultivating sector, the share is high in the order of vegetables, craft crops, potatoes, and rice, and in the livestock sector, the order is beef cattle, chicken, and pig, and many items produced occupy the top share in the whole country.