
Thursday, November 16, 2023

旧上総国武射郡殿台村-伊藤左千夫(幸次郎): アララギ Romanticism-A bride next door-ホトトギス, 1908-藪鶯(妹背山婦女庭訓(浄瑠璃, 歌舞伎-1771: 竹本座-近松半二(難波土産), 松田ばく(桜御殿三十五駅), 栄善平(邯鄲枕), 近松東南(伊賀越乗掛合羽), 三好松洛(菅原伝授手習鑑, 義経千本桜, 仮名手本忠臣蔵)吉野川, 杉酒屋, 道行, 御殿: 山家育の藪鶯, ほう法花経も片言ばかり): 非新自讃歌論(根岸短歌会と新派, 越ヶ谷の桃につき, 子規子の近状), 1898-我が命(桜ちる月の上野をゆきかへり恋ひ通ひしも六とせ経にけり, 今の我れに偽ることを許さずば我が霊の緒は直ぐにも絶ゆべし), これが自由と言うものかしら, 沢山の仲間の輪で

The history of Choshi Port begins in 1654, when the Tone River was diverted to the east. After the "grained rice ships" and supplies departed from the "Tohoku region" for "Eastern shipping" and entered the port of "Choshi", they were transferred to the "Takase ships" and shipped to "Edo" using the "Tonegawa River" and "Edogawa". With the establishment of a transportation method to transport goods to Japan, "Choshi Minato'' came to be positioned as a "terminal city (port)'' connecting "Edo'' and the "Tohoku region.'' In the Meiji period, when "Eastern shipping'' declined, "Choshi Minato'' changed from a commercial port to a "fishing port.'' However, Choshi Fishing Port was once considered one of Japan's three major maritime disaster spots. There is a place called Senninzuka (Kawaguchi Town, Choshi City) near the mouth of the Tone River, and it is said to be the burial place for more than 1,000 fishermen who died in a gust of wind that blew off the coast of Choshi on October 25, 1616. It is said. In the past, the river near the mouth of the Tone River was narrow, with large rocks on the riverbed, and the water was shallow. Apparently it was a place where the wind was strong and the waves were rough. On March 12, 1910, 80 fishing boats, fishermen, and over 1,000 people were lost.

【Product name】
Chiba CORN
Zea mays subsp. mays (L.) Iltis
【Production area/wholesale area】
Chiba Prefecture Choshi City, Asahi City, Sosa City, Sammu District Yokoshiba Hikari Town (Hikari District) (JA Chiba Midori, JA Group Chiba)
【Origin of name】
From the meaning of Tang india millet. Yellow Type-All grains are from dark yellow.
【Major features】

Chiba Midori Agricultural Cooperative is located in the northeastern part of Chiba Prefecture, in a warm area with high agricultural productivity with various soil conditions such as sandy loam, loam, clay soil, and volcanic ash soil consisting of the Toso Plateau and the Kujukuri Plain. JA was born in January 2001 as one. As a production area that has been built up over many years, the members of the cooperative work hard at production while learning from the hardships and efforts of their predecessors, and bring benefits to us. The production situation in the jurisdiction is divided into upland farming, rice farming, livestock farming, dairy farming, fruit trees, and plants, and it seems that a wide variety of agricultural products are produced and sold. Taking advantage of the characteristics of early cultivation of rice, we are working on specially cultivated rice with reduced pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and for vegetables, we produce 60 items a year, including outdoor and indoor vegetables, and have many branded products. Agricultural product sales in FY2020 were 22,637,870,000 yen for horticulture, 1,776,450,000 yen for agricultural products, and 3,853,280,000 yen for livestock. As of the end of December 2022, the number of union members is 20,854, supporting future children from the Japanese dining table. As an overview of green onion production in the Sosa area, long onion cultivation in the jurisdiction has a long history, and it seems that it began in the Hikari-machi district (now Yokoshibahikari-machi) in the 1955s. Currently, the cultivation area has expanded to Sosa City and Asahi City, and it seems that the long green onions produced in the jurisdiction are branded as high-quality “Hikari green onion”. Cultivation is in autumn / winter, spring, satsuki satsuki, and summer, and 700,000 cases are shipped annually. In 1994, a central collection and shipping facility equipped with a pre-cooling storage facility began operation, enabling further quality improvement and shipping in accordance with customer requests. In recent years, the company has faced various challenges, such as an increase in cheap imported green onions, outbreaks of pests that are difficult to control, and the aging of producers. It seems that they are working to maintain and improve the brand’s production area. “地球の丸く見える丘展望館”, Located at the top of Mt. Atago, the highest in the northeastern part of the prefecture. I realized that the earth is round in the scenery seen from the rooftop observation space. Sunny day-You can see Mt. Fuji and Mt. Tsukuba in a 360-degree panorama.In addition, Byobugaura has a view of more than a dozen wind turbines. “補陀洛山 満願寺”, Established by Tokudo Saint, inheriting the history and tradition of pilgrimage since its inception. Shingon Buddhism (company or religious order founded in such a way): Principal image, Ekadasamukha (eleven-faced Avalokitesvara) Bodhisattva : Production By Horin Matsuhisa / Sorin ; Statue height 1 length 3 scale(90.909 cm), beautiful statue engraved on Japanese bishu cypress. 1974年, 弘法大師縁の坂東27番, 飯沼山圓福寺本尊写しの尊像 : It was created and enshrined as. Special sacred place of 88 places sacred place in Kanto – ふだらくやふくじゅむりょうのわだつみゆしおさしよするまんがんのてら, By the purification of related people who prayed for pilgrimage to the sacred sites of various countries including the Bando pilgrimage-Founded in 1976. “Soil making technology, chemical fertilizer reduction technology, pesticide reduction technology”. The purpose’s to make cultivation policies, cultivation standards, and cultivation plans(JAちばみどり). “Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture,” 三方を水に囲まれ,利根川河口から君ケ浜, 犬吠埼, 屏風ケ浦に, 至る海岸線が絶景である. Paleolithic : 旧石器時代, People started living on the peninsula about 15,000 to 23,000 years ago. “Choshi fishing port”, “Cool in summer and warm in winter”. “田中玄蕃”(石橋源右衛門: 旧海上郡飯沼村)が醤油: 1616年(元和2年)(ヒゲタ醤油株式会社, 創業者)浜口儀兵衛:西濱口家: 1645年(正保2年)(旧紀伊国有田郡広村: 現和歌山県有田郡広川町)から, 移住. The soy sauce industry in the Choshi area developed around the Genroku period Edo Era. City designated tangible cultural property (building) : 猿田神社本殿1棟, 猿田, 猿田神社, 昭和30年12月15日-常灯寺本堂1棟, 常世田町, 常灯寺(Shingon-shu Chizan-ha)昭和54年3月2日-海上八幡宮本殿1棟, 柴崎, 海上八幡宮, 平成2年3月16日4国-内野家住宅洋館1件, 長山町,個人, 平成11年7月8日-犬吠埼灯台1件, 平成22年4月28日-磯角商店主屋1件, 飯沼町,個人, 平成26年12月19日-旧犬吠埼霧信号所霧笛舎1件, 犬吠埼, 平成26年12月19日-滑川家住宅主屋ほか2件, 野尻町, 個人, 平成29年6月28日-旧西廣家住宅(治郎吉)主屋ほか, 川口町, 株式会社ランス, 平成30年3月27日-石上酒造米藏ほか5件, 田中町,個人. “Asahi City”, Yoshimasa KISO(19th descendant of General Asahi Yoshinaka KISO), a Sengoku warrior who ruled the area after the fall of the Muromachi Shogunate. 開基 : 殿玉山 西徳院 東漸寺, 1593(Shingon-shu Chizan-ha). 懸仏: A three-dimensional statue of Buddha(旭市指定文化財), 木曽義昌公遺跡(旭市指定文化財). It is said that he had good politics and was loved by the lords. Takamasa Nonokuchi(Okuni)-Kyoto poet: Time has passed and he visited in 1852 and wrote a poem. “信濃よりいづる旭をしたひ来て東のくにに跡とどめけむ”, I remembered Yoshimasa. Full of vigor and vitality (like the rising sun) (vigour); It also comes from the desire to develop with momentum in the future. Located in the northeastern part of the prefecture. It is located within 50 km from Chiba City and 80 km from the city center. The southern part faces the beautiful bow-shaped Kujukuri beach. ‘干潟八万石(Approximately 5,100 hectares of farmland changed from sea due to reclamation in 1670: 辻内 刑部左衞門-井戸野と仁玉間の排水路工事; 新川が完成, 椿海の排水開始)’, In the north(Boso Peninsula), a farm belt and a gentle hill zone, Hokso tableland, spread out. The surrounding area develops as an urban area. And the annual average temperature is 15 ℃, which is a warm climate. In industry: Institutional horticulture, livestock, rice farming, open-air vegetables, etc.Including active agriculture, fisheries, commerce, industry, etc., grow in a well-balanced manner. July 1, 2005: 旭市 / 海上町 / 飯岡町 / 干潟町(Area 130.45 km2), Born by merger.Expected to develop in the future as a nucleated city in the Toso region.旧石器時代: 約25,000年前-桜井遺跡, 縄文時代前期: 約6,000年前-九十九里海岸低地の形成, 縄文時代中期 / 後期: 約4,500年前- 仲島遺跡, 坊之場遺跡, 古墳時代後期: 6〜7世紀頃-東総地域最大の前方後円墳- 御前鬼塚古墳, 鏑木古墳群等, 大化元645年: 房総-安房 / 上総 / 下総, 下総国-香取/海匝 / 海上, 鎌倉時代前期: 13世紀- 東庄 / 三崎庄(千葉氏一族), 建長年間1250年頃: 然阿良忠(Ryochu Nena; 記主禅師)- 海匝 / 印旛地域(浄土宗)平安-鎌倉時代中期: 木造伝聖観音立像 / 木造阿弥陀如来(立像 / 絹本著色釈迦涅槃図)etc. 1826年: 宮負定雄-平田篤胤,“農業要集”, 1838年: 大原幽学-先祖株組合 ≒ “農業協同組合” – 長部村で結成, 1871年: 新治県, 1873年: 千葉県誕生, 1888年: 石橋太郎兵衛, 千本松喜助氏- 揚繰網開発, 1889年: パリの万国博覧会- 濤川惣助(七宝家)- 名誉大賞受賞, 1879年: 総武鉄道- 成東銚子間開通, 1912年: 穴澤松五郎- “穴澤式改良甘藷苗床; 改良増収穴沢式甘藷栽培法: 西ケ原刊行会, 1935”, etc. “Sosa City”, Located in the northeastern part of the prefecture.January 23, 2006: 八日市場市 / 野栄町, Was born by merging. It is about 70 km from Tokyo. The total area is 101.52 km2.It is famous as a city with abundant greenery and blessed nature and history. The northern part is a plateau with a complex terrain in which paddy field at valley bottom is intricate: A lot of nature of village-vicinity mountain is left. The southern part is flat land and most of it is rural except for urban areas: It faces the Kujukuri coast where which beautiful stretch of sandy beach dotted with pine trees continue. The climate is a warm oceanic climate: An average annual temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, cool in summer and warm in winter, a very comfortable place to spend.In addition, almost no snowfall can be seen even in winter. Legends and folk story : 駒まね, 薬師堂, 弘法の井戸, 火伏開運大黒天, 長者塚, 権左が西国, 古能葉稲荷大明神, 愛宕神社の天馬, 小詰, 雷塚, 田祖白石稲荷大明神, 火傷塚, 種われの梅, 昆布子のお女郎, 瑞董, 幸右衛門のおばあさん, 円静寺の忠犬, ゆるぎの松, 祟石, 飯高の供養塔, 裸詣り, 般若が原, 大寺の龍尾寺, 大浦瘡神, 曽我兄弟の墓, 木積の龍頭寺, 人魂の森, 薬王寺の薬師如来, お地蔵さま, 疣神様, 椿海, 新川「鎌数伊勢皇大臣」, 河童の証文松, 八百比丘と身払きの道祖神, 大根畑, 六社大神御神宝 “玉石” の由来, 西野田の鎮守六所大明神, 浅間神社と長貴さま, 円長寺の仁王様, 西宿鎮座八雲神社の不思議, 庄八, 朗生寺, 神沼のおっつあん, 尾合橋, チロリン橋, 子安神社. “Nara Todaiji Shoso-in Treasure Repository” – 庸調(So(租)-yo-cho in japan was a system modeled after china’s.)- The 741 record found in the special products delivered to the imperial court is the oldest. History book of the early Heian period; “Shoku Nihon Koki”- From the end of the 5th century to the beginning of the 6th century(畿内): 物部木蓮子の弟の物部小事(父; 物部布都久留). Current Kanto region: Bando- He was given a part of Shimousa Province by the imperial court for his merit. 匝瑳郡; さふさごおり- It is reported that the descendants named themselves Mr. Sosa Monobe. Return to a bright and beautiful city. Agriculture is land-use and intensive. In addition, mainly paddy rice, planting trees and facility vegetables such as tomatoes and strawberries: Open-air vegetables such as welsh onion, dairy, pig farming, poultry farming, etc. Complex management that combines them develops. In particular, the production of plants boasts one of the largest cultivated areas in Japan. It is said that it started in the Meiji era, and in the Taisho era(Podocarpus macrophyllus; 犬槇), it became a full-fledged occupation. “Yokoshibahikari Town, Sanbu District”, Located in the northeastern part of the prefecture. Kujukuri Beach, with its white sands in the south, and gentle hills in the north.The average annual temperature is 15 degrees Celsius, with cool summers and warm winters, with a pleasant climate. On March 27, 2006, sambu district yokoshiba town and Sousa District hikari town merged. The scenery of Kujukuri Beach, where the Pacific Ocean spreads magnificently, and the Kuriyama River, which flows through the central part of Yokoshibahikari Town, shines. It is a long and narrow terrain from north to south, and as it progresses from the flat coast to the plateau, it becomes slightly inland and the temperature difference. In general, it is blessed with natural conditions suitable for agriculture, which is cool in summer and warm in winter. Complex management that combines open-field vegetables and facility horticulture is flourishing centering on paddy agriculture. Paddy rice is the main crop, and sweet corn and leek are well known as open-field vegetables, such as tomatoes, squashes, and broccoli. There are also strawberry growers, and many are harvested from December to May and are popular. Working on high-profit crops, cherry tomato, melon in the greenhouse. Hydroponic mitsuba(Cryptotaenia canadensis (L.) DC.subsp. japonica (Hassk.) Hand. Mazz. (1933) cultivation, and in recent years, flower cultivation such as Cyclamen persicum has been carried out to improve management efficiency. Both pig farming and dairy farming are actively carried out. Speaking of representative agricultural products, welsh onions(Allium fistulosum L. var. bouddhae Prokh.). From around 1968, the cultivation of autumn and winter welsh onions became popular as a back crop of wheat, and in 1972, it was designated as a national production area. Plateau fields in the Houme Area and Kotabe Area were develoed from the 40’s to the 1950’s. After that, the cultivation method was improved and the brand continued to shine. Let’s explain the product. The top of the representative crops is green onion. From around 1968, autumn and winter green onion cultivation became popular as a back crop of wheat. In 1972, it was designated as a national production area. The fields will be improved from about 40 to 50 years, which will support the cultivation of green onions. Currently, both spring onions and autumn / winter green onions. 国指定無形民俗文化財: 鬼来迎, 虫生鬼来迎保存会, 昭和51年5月4日, 国指定記念物(史跡): 芝山古墳群, 大字中台字外記, 芝山仁王 観音教寺(天台宗)他, 昭和33年6月28日, 県指定有形文化財(彫刻): 木造薬師如来立像1躯, 宮川, 薬王院(真言宗智山派), 昭和29年3月31日, 県指定有形文化財(彫刻): 銅造阿弥陀如来及び両脇侍立像3躯, 小川台, 隆台寺(真言宗智山派), 昭和29年3月31日, 県指定有形文化財(彫刻): 木造阿弥陀如来坐像1躯, 木戸, 観音院(浄土宗), 昭和33年4月23日, 県指定有形文化財(彫刻): 銅造阿弥陀如来及び両脇侍立像3躯, 篠本, 殿谷山 新善光寺(真言宗智山派), 昭和57年4月6日, 県指定有形民俗文化財, 広済寺の鬼来迎面13面, 虫生, 慈士山 広済寺(真言宗智山派), 平成14年3月29日, 県指定記念物(史跡): 海保漁村先生誕生之處, 北清水他, 昭和14年12月15日, 県指定記念物(天然記念物): 町原大銀杏, 木戸台字町原, 平成31年3月5日. Choshi, Iioka, Unakami, Asahi, Sosa-Chiba Prefecture products corn is in season from mid-June to mid-July. Main varieties: ゴールドラッシュcorn(A variety developed and bred by Sakata Seed Co., Ltd. It is a yellow-grain variety with all yellow grains, and has been on the market since around 2002.), 味来corn(Developed in the United States, it is so popular that it has a very strong sweetness and soft skin, so it is also called Miracle Sweet Corn. It has a higher sugar content than other varieties, and is said to have an average sugar content of 12% or more. You can taste the strong sweetness even if you eat it raw, and it will increase even more if you heat it, and if you eat it boiled, the sweetness and juiciness will stand out even more. In addition, the arrangement of the grains is uniform, and the grains are well loaded, and the grains seem to grow to the tip.), 恵味G-corn(Raised by Shimizu Seed Co., Ltd. in Ichiba, Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture. The yellow grains are glossy and the grains are well packed. Naka-Wase yellow variety matures about 88 days after sowing in proper cultivation. It has a strong sweetness, and the grain skin is soft, and the taste is particularly excellent. Since the sugar content is low and the skins are slow to shrivel, there is a wide range of suitable harvesting periods and the ability to maintain freshness is said to be outstanding.), ピュアホワイトcorn(Developed by Snow Brand Seed Co., Ltd. (Atsubetsu Ward, Hokkaido), a member of the Megmilk Snow Brand(雪印メグミルク)Group, it is a Nakate variety that can be harvested in about 88 days after sowing, and it bears fruit all the way to the tip. White grains that do not become dull even when boiled, have a strong sweetness, and the skin is soft and easy to eat. It seems to be suitable for restraint cultivation.). Annual shipment volume, 667,000 cases (1 case = 5 kg).


Chiba Prefecture’s Teachings According to Chiba’s bounty, corn is one of the vegetables that loses its freshness the most. It is recommended to eat it as soon as possible because the composition changes drastically after harvesting. Try to boil or bake them as soon as you get them. If you can’t eat it all, it seems to be useful to freeze the boiled ones. If you want to save it, soak the cut end in water, or soak a newspaper in water and wrap it tightly and store it in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. Freshness and harvest time are key points when choosing. It seems that the ones with the skin on are better than the peeled ones. The skin is juicy and the tip of the flag leaf is sharp, the skin is dark green, and the hair is brown or blackish brown. There is a possibility that those that are swollen or those that do not swell at the tip are immature. It seems that late-harvested grains have hardened skins and become dry and less sweet. The male flowers of corn are the spike-like spikes of the corn at the tip of the stalk, and the female flowers are attached to the silk thread on the head of the corn. The pollen that comes out of the male flower at the tip of the stalk is blown by the wind to the tip of the pistil and bears fruit. If the pollination is normal, the number of fruits will be the same as the number of silk threads. This excellent agricultural product was considered to be a phenomenon different from the “law of heredity” of Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884), who was born in Xenia (now Czech Republic), but the mechanism of double fertilization peculiar to angiosperms was clarified. As a result, the mechanism of this phenomenon has also been solved. The pollen that scatters from the dent corn pollinates the pistil of the sweet corn, and then fertilization occurs. The germinating pollen has two male nuclei and the ovule egg in the pistil. The nucleus and polar nucleus are fertilized to form the seed embryo and endosperm, respectively. The male nucleus carries half of the parent’s genetic information and, if it is a dominant trait, produces seeds of the color and taste of dent corn. The whisker-like pistil grows, and each of them pollinates and fertilizes. It seems that seeds and seeds of different colors and shapes can be formed on one ear depending on the traits of the male nucleus.), and the influence of pollen seems to appear immediately. In order to cultivate yellow, white, and bicolor flowers according to their original characteristics, it seems necessary to prevent other pollen from entering. It is necessary to pay attention to the direction of the wind and the separation distance from other varieties.


Chiba Prefecture is known as a “treasure trove of food” because it produces a variety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products. The freshness of the corn is important, so the fresh, juicy corn grown locally in Chiba Prefecture is the most recommended. It is also cultivated throughout the prefecture. In 2018, the production value was 3.6 billion yen, and the planted area was 1,750 ha, making it the second largest production area in Japan in terms of both production value and planted area. This excellent produce is characterized by its sweet, fruity aroma and refreshing texture, and is a unique taste that can be enjoyed by adults and Kid’s alike. Since the sugar content decreases after harvesting, each production area in the prefecture is working on quality improvement, such as developing morning picking and vacuum pre-cooling facilities, making it fresher and more juicy.


Sweet corn harvested early in the morning, when it tastes the most delicious, is pre-cooled in a vacuum at the collection point (excess moisture evaporates during cooling, so quality is maintained even when harvested in the rain) and shipped chilled to the core, ensuring freshness. It is shipped to the market and consumers with sincerity while maintaining the.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

FORMALE UND TRANSZENDENTALE LOGIK(Kaisertum Österreich-独(1859-1938): Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl): Accepting the criticism made by Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob (German: 1848-1925), who revolutionized traditional logic since Aristotle, he went beyond his early work to make logic and mathematics independent of experience, and therefore psychology. are clearly distinguished. Phänomenologie⇛Phänomenologische Reduktion: From Aristotle to Hegel, phenomena are described without separating objectivity and subjectivity. Divine Phenomena: Origen, Tertullian, Augustine, Spinoza

A Christmas tree approximately 6 meters high was installed at a commercial facility in Uchihara, Mito on November 1, 2023. Approximately 70 children from nearby certified kindergartens gathered at the venue to sing Christmas songs, and then the tree was lit. Students from a local vocational school designed the decorations for the tree, which was installed for the first time in four years since the outbreak of the disease. One 6-year-old girl who participated said, "It was so beautiful, sparkling blue and pink. I hope it snows for Christmas.'' This commercial facility also has outdoor illuminations at night, which you can enjoy together with the tree until December 25th, Christmas Day.

【Product name】
Cucurbita L.
【Producing area】
Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture (Uchihara District), Oarai Town, Higashi Ibaraki District, Ibaraki Town, Shirosato Town (Johoku District, Katsura District) (JA Mito)
【Origin of name】
It was introduced to the Kyushu Region by the Portuguese around the 16th century as an agricultural product of “កម្ពុជា។”. En el sentido del n. ° 1, el asentamiento de la flor femenina se produce desde la raíz de la planta, y el cuajado es muy bueno y el rendimiento es alto.
【Major features】
In November 2022, the Ibaraki Prefecture Central Union of Agricultural Cooperatives plans to open a new soccer field in January 2022 in cooperation with the Ibaraki Prefecture Football Association. It seems that it will be built at the JA Group Ibaraki Education Center in the northern part of Mito City, Ibaraki Prefcture. It is a full-fledged soccer stadium certified by the Japan Football Association, and it seems that it will be used as a base for training players and coaches, along with the existing facilities such as conferences, training, and accommodation in the center. Also, the name of the soccer field is “JA Ibaraki Sports Park (IFA Football Center)”. On November 25th, the JFA announced the 16 members who will participate in the JFA Center Back Camp, which will be held from December 2nd to 4th at Prince Takamado Memorial JFA Yume Field (Mihama Ward, Chiba City, Chiba). At the core of the JFA’s “trinity of player development, national team strengthening, and coach training + dissemination” advocated, the representative staff of each category for men and women, instructors for coaches and referees, and medical, physical, and technical specialists. It is a place of training where staff share issues while working together on a daily basis and solve them. All the functions of Japanese football are concentrated here, the know-how and knowledge for strengthening football are accumulated, and information is disseminated. In addition, in the dismounted evaluation before the game the other day, it was thought that Germany, a country with experience of winning the World Cup, would have an overwhelming advantage. In the match, Japan scored the opening goal with a penalty kick in the first half, but in the second half, Japan came back to score. Takuma (Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia: Verein für Leibesübungen Bochum 1848 Fußballgemeinschaft e.V.) turned the game around and won 2-1. It goes without saying that defeating the mighty German team was a surprise to the world, and it was a good start. Mito City, the prefectural capital and largest city in Ibaraki Prefecture, designated as a core city, public health center ordinance city, and central core city, is Lake Senba (a freshwater lake belonging to the Naka River system. It was established as a dammed lake from the late Taisho period to the early Showa period. (Renovation work carried out in 2008 brought it to its present form) Announced that it had selected a group consisting of three companies, including a leasing company headquartered in Osaka, as a business operator planning to redevelop a part of the surrounding park, and brewed beer. It seems that facilities such as restaurants, futsal and saunas will be developed. In addition, in order to create a lively atmosphere, the city is proceeding with a plan to redevelop the approximately 17,000 m2 surrounding area of Komon Statue Square on the west side of Senba Park around Lake Senba by introducing private funds and ideas. It seems that there is As a symbolic space of the city that spreads out below Kairakuen(One of the “Three Great Gardens of Japan” along with Kenrokuen in Kanazawa and Korakuen in Okayama. In 1842, Nariaki Tokugawa, the ninth lord of the Mito clan (1800-1860: father of Yoshinobu Tokugawa, the last 15th shogun). Landscaping by et al.), a historical cultural heritage, we have been promoting the development of various park facilities and the water purification measures of Lake Senba, while paying attention to maintaining the historical scenery. However, by promoting the expansion of the water supply facilities to Lake Senba and the development of waterside park facilities in particular, we aim to develop a tourist town where many people interact, creating a space of hospitality and relaxation that makes the most of water and greenery. Try to create. In the public offering of businesses that started in April this year, there were three applications, and as a result of examination by a committee composed of external experts, Daiwa Lease Co., Ltd., a leasing company headquartered in Osaka, was selected as a representative. It announced that it had selected a group consisting of three companies, including the major apparel company Adastria Co., Ltd. This group plans to develop three areas, each with themes of food, play, and nature, with facilities such as a restaurant with a beer brewery, futsal and sauna facilities, as well as outdoor activities. I would have suggested. I have heard that the facility is planned to use wood from Ibaraki Prefecture. Mito City, The location of the Ibaraki Prefectural Office, located slightly east of the center of the prefecture. About 100 km northeast of the capital Tokyo. The geology is alluvium(Soil formed by the accumulation of sediment carried by river water.)in the lowlands and diluvium(flood deposits)in the plateaus. The Oarai coast to the east, the mountains of Tsukuba and Nikko to the west, and the mountains of Yamizo(1,021.8 m)and Abukuma to the north. To the south, you can see the spacious Hitachi Plateau(It consists of a shallow gravel layer called the Narita Group.), which forms part of the Kanto Plain. The north side borders Hitachinaka City, Naka City, and Shirosato Town. It borders Oarai Town on the east side, Ibaraki Town on the south side, and Kasama City on the west side. Total area 217.32 km2, East-west 23.7 km North-south 18.2 km. I hear that it is relatively mild except in the cold winter, and there are relatively few meteorological disasters except for those caused by precipitation. From ancient times, the entrances and exits of water in the sea and rivers were called “Mito” or “Minato”. It is believed that the tip of the plateau protruding between the Naka River and Senba Lake is based on its topographical features. It is not certain when the place name was given, but it is estimated to be from the Yoshida Yakuouin document((The founder was Saicho. At the Tendai Temple, which is the only temple in the Kanto region just after the Shorenin Temple.)Tendai sect (of Buddhism): Bhaisajyaguru (buddha able to cure all ills) (Tangible Cultural Property designated by Ibaraki Prefecture). Famous Yoshida burial mound (nationally designated historic site) in the vicinity.) (estimated to be from the Oei era). I hear that it was an early example that it appeared around 1400 AD. City tree: Prunus mume (Sieb.) Sieb. et Zucc.(Japanese apricot), As represented by Kairakuen(The three outstanding gardens in Japan: snow in Kenrokuen garden; the moon in Korakuen garden; and flowers (Japanese plums) in Kairakuen garden.), it has been familiar to Mito for a long time, and it blooms in the early spring, making it suitable for the city. City flowers: Lespedeza(Bush clover, Japanese clover), It is one of the seven autumnal flowers (bush clover, Chinese silvergrass, kudzu, fringed pink, golden lace, thoroughwort, and balloon flower) and grows naturally in the wild mountains of the city. At the “Hagi Festival(Nariaki Tokugawa, the 9th feudal lord of the Mito feudal clan (father of the 15th shogun Yoshinobu) was handed over from the Sendai feudal clan.It is said that it was planted in the park with the founding of Kairakuen.)”, the atmosphere of flowers that color early autumn is familiar. City bird:Motacilla alba lugens (Gloger, 1829)(Japanese Pied Wagtail White Wagtail: 白鶺鴒), Many can be seen in various parts of the city such as Naka River, Senba Lake, and Sakura River. The appearance of flying with its white wings spread is praised as a bird suitable for Mito, the city of water. City Declaration: Local governing bodies clarify their own intentions, assertions, and policies regarding important policy issues. It is important that your mind and body are healthy(Enjoy life lively as we enter the age of 100 years.). From Child to adult, I will voluntarily acquire a healthy lifestyle and try to live with a sense of purpose in my own way. Raise awareness of health while talking to each other with family, friends, and everyone in the community(Circle of health making). Aiming to create a town, Mito, where everyone can live happily in the future, we will realize a society where people can live a healthy and prosperous consumer life. Everyone respects consumer rights so that they can lead a safe and secure consumer life. Each of them engages in consumption activities and business activities from a familiar place. Both consumers and businesses are given to protect the earth environment, improve their livelihoods, and develop the local economy. 消費者教育の推進に関する法律(Act on Promotion of Consumer Education), 平成二十四年, 十二月十三日, 法律第六十一号, (Act No. 61 of December 12, 2012): Consumer-citizen society. We will create a city where humans can interact, be full of vitality, and live with peace of mind throughout the future. Under each other’s fiduciary relationship, citizens actively participate in and participate in community development(Collaborative participation). The government will endeavor to create an environment that facilitates such efforts. Citizens and Administration play a leading role in collaboration in all fields, fostering a love and pride in the city(Town development that is full of compassion and full of local power.). etc. Agriculture: While Mito City spreads over the city area at an altitude of around 30 m, upland farming is flourishing. The breadbasket is found in the Uchihara and Tsunezumi districts of Ibaraki Town and Mito City. Mountainous area in Shirosato town (Johoku district, Katsura district): Upland fields spread out in Ibaraki Town, Mito City, and Oarai Town. Agricultural and livestock products are an important “bond” that connects the earth and people, and the creator and the eater. The blessings of the earth and the joy of making them, which are nurtured by the ingenuity and passion of the producers. Primera Squash: The fruits are large balls weighing 1.8 kg or more, and it is said that the balls are particularly well aligned. Gray-green and rounded to increase appetite. If not pollinated, the fruits will not grow and tend to pollinate naturally even if left alone by insects such as bees and bugs(Put pollen on the female flower of the pistil.). Artificial fertilization; Certitude. It is a Mid-early species that can be harvested about 45 to 50 days after mating, and has a strong powdery meat quality, a strong sweetness, and a high sugar content. The petioles are strong, the leaves are less prone to lodging, and the wind is strong, and Cucurbita spp. Oidium (subgen. Reticuloidium)sp(Sphaerotheca cucurbitae, Oidiopsis sicula ).(Obligate parasite; Sphaeroteca(The plant pest controlling agent is obtained by combining cymoxanil with a TPN(tetrachloroisophthalonitrile), and can control plant pests caused by the genus Sphaerotheca, genus Erysiphe, genus Podoshaera, genus Fulvia, genus Albugo and genus Pseudoperonospora at the same time.), Xanthomonas campestris pv.(Xanthomonas cucurbitae (ex Bryan 1926) Vauterin, Hoste, Kersters & Swings 1995: Xanthomonas cucurbitae (Bryan) DowsonXanthomonas campestris pv. cucurbitae (Bryan 1926) Dye 1978: 細菌性褐斑病, 褐斑性細菌病 (Pseudomonas syringae pv.: Irregular lesions surrounded by dark green water-soaked veins are formed on spring leaves, and when enlarged, the leaves fall off. Small reddish-brown lesions are formed on young fruits, and most of the fruits fall off. The lesions of the fruit left on the tree seem to cork. Occurs only in iyokan (Citrus iyo) under natural conditions. The infection period is during the leaf development period in spring, and the disease develops under relatively low temperature conditions, with a suitable temperature of around 15°C. Temperatures above 25°C do not cause disease. From mid-June onwards, the lesions change from dark brown round to irregular, surrounded by a distinct, broad yellow halo (ring). Halo seems to disappear as the temperature rises. Transmission from lesions formed in the previous year does not appear to be observed. There are few effective drugs for bacterial diseases, and control that relies on drugs is insufficient. Windbreak fences and windbreak nets are essential for gardens that are exposed to strong winds. Thoroughly remove diseased branches and leaves when pruning. Thoroughly exterminate Citrus leaf miners on summer and autumn treetops, and pruning diseased branches. Preventing disease on spring leaves is essential to prevent disease on fruits, and thoroughly spraying from one month before germination to the end of spring leaf development. It is too late to spray after the fruit is infected. The residual effect period of the chemicals is about 30 days for Bordeaux liquid (cumulative rainfall: 200 mm) and about 20 days for copper wettable powder (cumulative rainfall: 150 mm). If a typhoon is expected to hit, spraying after the attack is less effective, so spray 2 to 7 days before the attack. Citrus leaf miners (eggs laid on the surface of the sprouts hatch and the larvae invade the leaves. They seem to move irregularly and meanderingly through the mesophyll while feeding on the epidermal tissue.) The feeding damage looks like a white curve, so it is called Ekakimushi. If it occurs frequently, the leaves will curl and become malformed, and the growth of new shoots will be remarkably poor. Rainwater easily enters the mesophyll of the damaged leaves, causing canker disease. It seems that the same damage as leaves may occur on young fruits. Overwintering is done as adults in the southwestern warm region, but it is not clear in Honshu etc. Through eggs, larvae (fourth instar), and pupae. It becomes an adult. While damage to spring leaves is relatively small, it seems that there is a tendency to occur frequently in summer and autumn treetops that occur after July. In general result trees, summer and autumn treetops do not occur much and are cut in winter. However, pest control is necessary for seedlings that produce many shoots in summer and autumn, biennial trees, and when there is concern about the occurrence of canker. Spray registered agents at intervals of 7-10 days. Granular application is also effective for seedlings. Synthetic pyrethroid agents (natural pyrethrins have improved physical and chemical properties through research to modify the chemical structure, A number of synthetic pyrethroids have been produced with more potent biological activity. Some of the early synthetic pyrethroids were successfully commercialized and used primarily for the control of sanitary pests. Other more recently developed pyrethroids. Was introduced as an agricultural insecticide due to its excellent efficacy against a wide range of insect pests and low persistence in the environment. Pyrethroids are used in addition to organochlorines, organophosphorus, carbamates and other compounds to add another insecticide. Pyrethrins currently commercialized include allethrin, C22H26O3, C19H25NO4 (for pests of public health importance) and C22H19Cl2NO3, deltamethrin, C25H22ClNO3, permethrin (mainly for agricultural pests). Pyrethroids likely include C18H22O3, kadethrin, tellallethrin (usually for household pests), phenpropathrin, tralomethrin, C23H19ClF3NO3, lambda-cyhalothrin, C17H14ClF7O2, cyfluthrin, flucythrinate, fluvalinate, and biphenate (for agricultural pests). ) Since it occurs in spring leaves in the southwestern warm region, It seems that it may be necessary to remove it around the end of May.) should be exterminated.), cucurbitae), mold.). Is less likely to occur. I heard that female flower settling occurs from the root of the plant, and the fruit set is very good and the yield is high. The cropping pattern is wide and suitable for greenhouses, tunnels, open-field cultivation or controlled cultivation. Introducing other popular similar varieties. “Primera 115 Squash” : The fruit is a large ball weighing more than 2.0 kg. The balls are particularly well-aligned, gray-green, and oblate. Nakate species that can be harvested 50 to 55 days after mating. It has a powdery consistency and good taste. Because the petioles are strong, the leaves are less likely to break or fall over, and can withstand strong winds. It seems that the female flowers are well settled even in high temperature season, and the yield is high, so the yield is increased. Appropriate cropping types are widely suitable for greenhouse, tunnel, open-field cultivation or restraint cultivation. In order to realize a strong agriculture, forestry and fishery industry, the Ibaraki Prefecture Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Department (Kasahara Town) promotes the branding and sales of agricultural, forestry and fishery products. Measures are being promoted in the fields of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, such as cultivating natural forests, promoting the use of lumber produced in the prefecture, and increasing and effectively utilizing fishery resources. The majority of sesame consumed in Japan is said to be imported, with domestic production accounting for only 0.1%. In 2005, he formed the Uchihara District Sesame Production Research Group in Koibuchi Town, Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture, with the aim of making sesame, a health food, a local specialty. Note that sesame is popular as a health food with rejuvenating effects. The unique ingredients contained in this excellent agricultural product have antioxidant effects, suppress the production of active oxygen in the body, strengthen liver function, and suppress cell aging and cancer. You seem to understand. Currently, the number of farmers has decreased sharply due to harmful rumors after the earthquake, unfavorable weather, and a shortage of young workers, but they are finding new ways to escape. Maruhime sesame seeds: Sesamin and sesamolin are highly effective antioxidants. The new white sesame cultivar Maruhime is rare worldwide. Since the harvest period is early in Wase, it can be used in a wide range of cropping styles. There are high expectations for the development of products such as sesame oil, which is rich in flavor, highly functional and brightly colored sesame oil, and for regional revitalization. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Registered Variety, No. 20047: Application number 23510, application date 2009/02/26, application publication date 2010/06/14, registration number 20047, registration date 2010/11/15, 25-year term of breeder’s rights. Date of extinguishment of breeder’s rights Name and address of the breeder who registered the breed National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (Kannondai, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture) Tomoko Yasumoto, Makoto Sugiura, Tetsuya Yamada, Designated countries with restrictions on the act of exporting No restrictions on the act of production. Overview of the characteristics of the plant body of the locally registered variety Infinite growth, medium height, lower branch position, few nodes up to the first fruit, slightly short leaf length, narrow leaf width, leaf blade The ratio of length to width is medium, the degree of compound leaf growth is low, the degree of leaf blade greenness is medium, the number of flowers per leaf axil is medium, the color of the outer surface of the flower tube is medium, the color of the tip of the lower lip petal Capsule has 4 chambers, length of capsule is medium, maximum width of capsule is medium, the presence or absence of dehiscence of capsule is present, color of seed coat is white, sesamin content Slightly prolific, early flowering, slightly early maturity. (The RHS is used for the color chart.) Compared to the control variety “Gomazou Sesame”, the applied variety “Maruhime Sesame” has a white color of the seed coat, the beginning of flowering is earlier, and the maturity stage is slightly longer. Distinction is recognized by being early. Control variety “Masekin sesame: scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Meijo University 51 : 27-33 (2015) Original Effects of High Soil Temperature on Growth, Flowering and Capsule Set of Sesame Cultivar “Masekin” Tadashi KUMAZA.. Abstract The effects of a high soil temperature on growth, flowering and capsule set of sesame cultivar “Masekin(Sesamum indicum L.)” grown in the pots were examined to evaluate the effect of elevated soil temperature by heater wire. High soil temperature treatment was performed and the effects of soil temperature on growth, flowering and fruit setting were analyzed. High soil temperature treatment extended the main stem elongation period and flowering period, and increased the number of flowering, the number of capsules, and the yield of seeds.) was observed, suggesting an increase in photosynthetic assimilation, and it seems that this effect was thought to affect growth in the later stages of growth. The increase in seed coat weight was slight, and the increase in yield in the high temperature zone was due to the increase in the number of worms per individual. It is said that the distinguishability is recognized by the fact that the amount is somewhat large.

Primera 117 Pumpkin: Large fruit weighing over 1.8 kg. The balls are particularly well-matched, dark green and slightly tall. It is a Naka-Wase variety that can be harvested 40 to 45 days after mating. Because the petioles are strong, the leaves are less likely to break or fall over, and can withstand strong winds. A variety that is perfect for natural disasters. In addition, female flowers appear from the base of the plant and have short internodes in the early stage, so it seems that labor-saving cultivation is possible. It has a wide range of suitable crop types, and seems to be suitable for greenhouse, tunnel, open-field cultivation, or restrained cultivation.

JA Mito has jurisdiction over one city and three towns: Mito City, Ibaraki Town, Higashiibaraki County, Shirosato Town (Johoku District, Katsura District), and Oarai Town. The vegetable sector accounts for the majority of the transaction value of the sales business, and it seems that melons, potatoes for processing, strawberries, and mizuna are among the main items. Ibaraki Town is located almost in the center of Ibaraki Prefecture, about 100 km from the center of Tokyo. The east It borders Oarai Town, Hokota City in the southeast, Omitama City in the southwest, Kasama City in the west, and Mito City in the north. The Honno River flows into Hinuma Marsh (a brackish water lake in the Naka River system) located at the eastern end. The town is 17km east-west, 14km north-south, and covers an area of 121.64 km2. Rice paddies spread out in the lowlands, farmland spreads on both banks of the plateau, and the greenery of the flatland forests create a rich natural environment and a rich living environment. A blessed garden city. Its core industry is agriculture, and it has one of the highest levels of agricultural productivity in the prefecture. In addition to the complex management of paddy rice, greenhouse horticulture, fruit trees, and livestock farming, there are activities to attract companies to the Ibaraki Central Industrial Park and the Ibaraki Industrial Park. Community development with hospitals, welfare facilities, and healthy living facilities in Sakura no Sato is being actively promoted. Seems to be In terms of transportation, the Higashi-Kanto Expressway Mito Line began service between the Ibaraki-cho Junction and the Ibaraki Airport Kita Interchange in March 2010 in conjunction with the opening of Ibaraki Airport. With the full opening of the line in March, a wide-area land, sea, and air transportation network was formed together with the Hitachinaka Port area of Ibaraki Port, which is a key port. It seems that it is expected that exchanges in various fields such as tourism will be promoted. In towns, Japan’s population structure is undergoing major changes due to the declining birthrate and aging population, declining population, an increase in the elderly population due to the extension of the average life expectancy, and a declining birthrate due to the tendency to marry later and never get married. It seems that the total population has turned to a decline at its peak. These social changes are leading to an increase in social security costs such as pensions and medical care, a decrease in the working population, and a decline in regional vitality. There is the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011 caused a great deal of loss of human life, as well as the destruction of buildings, the occurrence of a large-scale tsunami, and the nuclear power plant accident. Caused various damages. This has reaffirmed the importance of comprehensive disaster countermeasures, including not only daily preparations for natural disasters, but also the establishment of a rapid initial response system and support for victims when a disaster strikes. In addition, there seems to be growing interest in various fields, such as the frequent occurrence of incidents and accidents involving socially vulnerable people such as children and the elderly, and incidents that threaten food safety. For this reason, it is an urgent task to eliminate people’s anxieties about their lives in the future. On the other hand, what you can do is basically what you do, and help and cooperate with each other in the community. However, it seems that there is a need to work on regional development in which safety and security are ensured.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Air and Mankind: How did we discover and tame gases? Birth of the atmosphere from a stranger’s exhaled breath, revolutions in agriculture, industry, medicine, and war brought about by the science of gases (published by Sam Kean in 1999) I also like To Love and Be Loved, and The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons: The History of the Human Brain as Revealed by True Stories of Trauma, Madness, and Recovery is also delicate). On May 31, 2018, an analysis of images taken by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft in 2015 shows a vast dune that appears to have been formed by a grain of frozen CH4 blown to the surface. I know that. Pluto’s dunes, however, appear to be different from Earth’s, being made up of ice particles of solid methane. The only places in the solar system with sand dunes are Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn’s moon Titan, and Comets.

Mokkeda Agricultural School is a school where you can learn about rice cultivation based on "knowledge" and "data" rather than "hunch and experience." In addition to actively communicating with students, we provide opportunities for interaction with senior farmers and support connections with the local community. Features: Acquire basic cultivation techniques and learn the latest technologies such as smart agriculture. Classroom lectures include learning basic terminology, meanings of rice cultivation, and cultivation techniques. During the practical training, we will conduct growth surveys, yield surveys, quality surveys, etc. in pots and fields.

【Product name】
Shonai Sand Dunes Genroku
Colocasia esculenta
【Producing area】
Hirooka Shinden, Sakata City, Yamagata Prefecture (Sakata City Sodeura Agricultural Cooperative Association, JA Sodeura, JA Zen-Noh Yamagata)
【Origin of name】
From Taro’s excellent products, carefully nurtured by producers and carefully selected by JA sleeve wholesalers.
【Major features】
On November 30, 2022, the prefecture and five cities and towns in the Shonai region held the first meeting to exchange opinions on the publicization of Tohoku University of Public Service and Arts, and agreed to aim for early realization. The first meeting to exchange opinions was attended by the Vice Governor of Yamagata Prefecture and the chiefs of five Shonai municipalities. The public interest university in Sakata City was established in 2001 as a “publicly established and privately run” university funded by the prefecture and local governments in the Shonai region and operated by a private school corporation. The city of Sakata and the university have asked the prefecture to “make it a public institution”, saying that it is necessary to stabilize management in anticipation of the declining birthrate in the future. Oga Shrine and Harunire Tree (Hirooka Shinden): The enshrined deity is the Uganome no Okami. On November 25, 1922, seven years after the death of Takizo Sato in Sakanobe Shinden, Sodeura Village (now Sakata City), a ceremony was held at the Sato family centered on Mr. Kyuzo, the then head of the Sato family. At the meeting, Choryo Sakai (1848-1926), who devoted himself to the development of agriculture and was also famous for the cultivation and spread of Shonai persimmons, seems to have dedicated the following rites in recognition of his achievements. (Omitted) Sakanobe Shinden reconciled the turmoil between the public and private sectors with the unendurable power of the old man, and the traditional Kaen Hundred-odd Town Walks show steady progress year by year, among which persimmons. We have 10,000 trees and 20,000 or 30,000 peach trees. As seen in the Choryo ritual, it is said that Takizo’s old man’s efforts contributed to the widespread cultivation of fruit trees in this area and the increase in profits from persimmons, peaches, and apples. They are descendants of Taroemon Sato, who made great achievements in planting and developing the sand dunes of Shonaigawa Minami, and founded Hirooka Shinden (now Sakata City) and Sakanobe Shinden. Born in the family of New rice field head, he seems to have inherited his ancestor’s will and became “Kyodentsuu-Shokutsuki-Goyominarai” in 1859. In 1863, he was dispatched by the Shonai clan to guard the coast against foreign ships. He also worked on construction of 30 houses for the clansmen, how to handle rice for the clansmen, monitoring of gunpowder storehouses, and investigation of new rice field development. There is Apart from the migration of Shonai feudal retainers to this area, it seems that his efforts also played a major role in the development of Koya-Yachi and the opening of Iimoriyama Village by immigrants from Sakanobe Shinden. One of his achievements is the government-owned forest refund campaign. With the 9-year land tax reform every hour, the privately-owned forests in this area were incorporated into the government-owned forests. In 1890, each village in Sodeura launched a campaign to sell government-owned forests free of charge. Hirooka Shinden and Monzo Kubo, Jurizuka and Tamizo Takahashi, Kuromori and Tamizo Sato, and Sakanobe Shinden’s Takizo are said to have played a central role. In 1904, when the sale of the government-owned forest was rejected, in 1905 Keigo Kiyoura (1850-1942: born in Yamaga City, Kumamoto Prefecture. 23rd Prime Minister of the Empire of Japan.) filed an administrative lawsuit against Minister of Agriculture and Commerce. Waking up Takizo, Tamizo, and others traveled to Tokyo several times as part of their campaigns, and apparently held oral arguments dozens of times. On July 10, 1912, he finally won the lawsuit against private land being pulled back from public land. The black pine forests of the Shonai Sand Dunes are one of the largest in Japan, with a total length of about 33 km and an area of about 2,500 ha, from Fukura in Yusa Town to Yunohama in Tsuruoka City. This Pinus thunbergii Parl forest has a history of about 300 years and is a great heritage inherited from our predecessors. Currently, desertification due to deforestation is progressing on a global scale, but in the Shonai region, the forest disappeared and desertified during the Warring States period about 500 years ago. For this reason, it is exposed to the ferocity of flying sand, and damage such as flooding due to the burial of farmland and the burial of rivers occurs frequently. Afforestation of the Shonai Sand Dunes began with the conclusion that the only way to prevent these damages was to restore the forest to the sand dunes. , regenerating lush forests into barren dunes. Afforestation on sand dunes began in earnest in the 18th century, and since Mitsuoka Honma (1733-1801: wealthy farmer and great merchant capitalist in the late Edo period) is especially famous, there is a misconception that all of the afforestation was done by the Honma family. Although it is sometimes done, the planting of vast sand dunes seems to have been achieved through the efforts of many pioneers and people. And most of the black pine forests we see today are from the feudal era, and most of them seem to have been planted after World War II through the efforts of the government and local communities. The history of the black pine forests of the Shonai Sand Dunes is not a tale of the past, but rather a 300-year history of steady public interest that has continued uninterrupted to the present day. The road is not smooth, and there seems to be a repeated history of failure and rebirth, destruction and reflection. During the feudal era, the forests were planted by the domain and pioneers, and in modern times, by the government. Currently, not only administrative agencies, but also local residents, students, and other volunteers work together to protect and nurture the black pine forests, and engage in forest environmental education in the field of black pine forests. It seems that Disappearance of Natural Forests and Desertification: The Shonai Sand Dunes were covered with natural forests, mainly broad-leaved trees, until the Middle Ages. , in the barren sands It is said that As fuel for salt production was exhausted, firewood called shiogi (fuel used to boil seawater in salt pans) was transported by boat from the forests upstream using rivers. Barren sand dunes are blown up by the wind and become terrifying “moving sand dunes”, burying river mouths with sand and causing frequent floods. Due to the loss of forests, people suffered from the double affliction of “sand blowing” and “flooding.” Afforestation on sand dunes: Initially, various tree species were planted, but only a limited number of tree species could grow on the harsh coastal sand dunes. It was not until the middle of the 18th century that trees were planted. After dividing the area produced many leaders called predecessors. Struggle with sand after World War II: Sabo forests, which had been created through the efforts of our predecessors, declined due to the chaos during and after the war. In the villages by the sea, sand blew into the houses, and people used to eat under umbrellas. Also, when the house was filled with sand, all the villagers dug the sand, packed it in a “sand box”, and carried it on their backs to throw it out to the sea. This lifestyle seems to have continued until the late 1955s. Kobo Abe’s (1924-1993) novel “The Woman in the Sand”, published in 1962, seems to have been inspired by life in the Shonai sand dunes. Large post-war erosion control afforestation project: In the local area, which suffered from blown sand, privately owned forests on the front of the sand dunes were donated to national forests Start. Many local people were employed in the work, and by using local materials such as straw, bamboo, and reeds for planting trees, they played a major role in post-war reconstruction. Fuel revolution, changes in lifestyles, changes in forests In the 1960s, there was a rapid shift from forest-dependent fuels such as firewood and charcoal to fossil fuels such as gas and oil. The relationship between forests and people rapidly faded away, and devastation due to lack of maintenance of forests and damage by pests such as pine weevils (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) spread. Passing on a Great Heritage to the Future: The black pine forests of the Shonai Sand Dunes are a heritage inherited from our predecessors and are an indispensable treasure for the region. Now, we will reconsider its history and functions, and protect and nurture it without destroying it in our generation. It seems that activities to connect to the future are being actively carried out. On the way to the melon production area of Shonai Sand Dunes, there are many large sake breweries. The famous Hamanaka district of Sakata City and the Oyama district of Tsuruoka City. There is good quality underground water in this area, which is said to be the source of high-quality sake. And melons are grown in the adjacent sand dunes. Well-drained sand dunes are favorable for melons. If there is a lot of moisture, the melon will absorb it and the sugar content will not increase. And the strong sunshine during the day, the coolness at night, and the best groundwater. It seems that many conditions are met. On the sand dunes protected by pine forests that block the sea breeze, melon fields spread out like an oasis in the desert and soothe us. During the midsummer daytime, the temperature is high enough to burn the soles of the feet (inflammation), while at night the wind from the sea makes it very cold. This temperature difference produces a rich sweetness, and the Shonai Sand Dunes Melon is a specialty product that boasts an overwhelming shipment volume as a melon that reaches its season in summer. Taroemon Sato, who was introduced earlier, is one of the people who has made great achievements in planting and developing the Shonai sand dunes. In 1706, Taroemon’s grandfather, Zengoro, developed 309 koku of rice in Hirooka Shinden Village (now Sakata City). His father, Taroemon, moved to Hirookashinden with the villagers of Nishichihara and Ibarashinden (present-day Tsuruoka City) the following year, and formed a village of 16 households, serving as a steward. As with Kawakita, the sand dunes in Kawaminami were also badly damaged by flying sand, and Hamanaka Village (currently Sakata City) began planting trees in the middle of the Genna era, but it took a long time to see success. It seems In 1707, the teenage Taroemon was appointed Gorin no Kami along with Yoroku and Kiemon of Hamanaka Village. In 1728, Gorin no Kami, such as Taroemon, issued a petition to monitor illegal cutting of sand protection forests and to control Gorin, thus protecting the forests. Even though it was developed, Hirooka Shinden Village at that time was suffering from heavy sand and poor drainage, and the villagers were having a hard time. So he bought the saplings himself and planted them in the field, and when they grew, he consulted with his younger brother Kyutaro. In 1732, he dug a new river to Shimotori Karasumakibuchi in Kuromori Village (present-day Sakata City) in order to save the villages in this area from flood damage. As a result, the yield has increased, and it seems that all the borrowed rice can be paid on top. They planted millet and oak, and also purchased seeds of Yoshino cedar, Akita Noshiro cedar, Kiso cypress, and Noto pine at their own expense, and planted them in the villages of Hamadori, Mt. In 1745, he became a planter of Kyodentsuu, and in the same year he created a bamboo grove of 25 square meters in Hirooka Shinta village and provided bamboo for construction. In 1749, he began planting pine trees on Mt. Iimori, and from Mt. It seems that it has come to do. Taroemon further planned to plant trees on the entire sandy land up to Miyanoura Village (present-day Sakata City), and particularly on Mt. Sakanobe, where the wind was incomparably stronger than in Hirooka, and it was too far to commute from Hirooka. , Sakanobe’s valley and fields were entrusted to him, and he requested that he build a house here, create a village, and plant plants there. Permission was granted in 1762, and Taroemon himself moved to this area and opened Sakanobe Shinden Village (now Sakata City). He also planted more than 1.81,818 km from Mt. Saigogumi Komayama to Mt. Hashiki, but the planting continued after that, and by 1800 in the generation of his grandson Yuiemon, the number of trees planted was 850,000. I have reached the limit. The main character of imoni, a famous Yamagata dish. In Japan, it is said that taro, which has been cultivated since the Jomon period and was a staple food before rice cultivation, is said to have been named taro because it is cultivated in villages, as opposed to yam that grows naturally in the mountains. Imoni party(People in northeastern Japan hold a Imoni party at a riverside and they eat Imoni and drink alcohol together), one of the representative local dishes of Yamagata Prefecture, is originally suitable for cultivation in soil with abundant moisture, but we have established a cultivation method that improves the taste and quality even in sandy soil with relatively low water retention capacity. Did It came from the fact that “Wase Yamato Taro” is suitable for cultivation in sand dunes in the prefectural test research. Due to the difference in soil, it has a smooth and soft texture compared to taro produced in fields in inland regions with high moisture content. Since it is grown on sandy soil, it is easy to remove dirt and moisture from the surface, and there is little risk of post-harvest rotting and the hassle of removing mud. Influence of Settlement Time on Early Digging Cultivation of Taro in Shonai Sand Dunes : Yamagata Prefectural Shonai Comprehensive Branch Office Production Area Laboratory, Yamagata Prefectural University of Agriculture and Forestry) , In the sand dunes in the Shonai region of Yamagata Prefecture, irrigation facilities have been developed, and melons and Facility cultivation such as cherry tomatoes The cultivation of open-air vegetables such as open-air tunnel melons, Japanese white radish, and red turnips is popular. However, in recent years, due to the effects of labor shortages due to the aging of farmers, outdoor vegetable cultivation The area is decreasing, and idle farmland seems to be increasing. For this reason, the introduction of new land-use crops that require relatively little cultivation management effort has become an urgent issue. By the way, taro, which is a land-use product, is in high demand in Yamagata Prefecture as a main ingredient in imoni, a local dish. There is not enough, and the situation is responding to outside the prefecture. On the other hand, the production of taro is low nationwide in August, and the market price is relatively high, so labor productivity is expected to be secured. Regarding his August / September shipment of this excellent produce, he seemed to indicate that in the Murayama area of Yamagata Prefecture, he could plant in early to mid-May and harvest in mid-September. To speed up the harvest, plant It seems that it is important to speed up the timing. One of the characteristics of the Shonai sand dunes is that the snow melts quickly, making it possible to prepare the fields quickly, and the ground temperature rises quickly in early spring. The possibility of securing a yield of 1,000 kg or more per I seem to have shown. Therefore, we examined the suitable planting time for his early digging cultivation in the Shonai sand dunes in late August. ‘Wase Yamato Taro’ was tested in open field. The date of planting was March 24, 2017, April 3, It was set in the 13th day of the month, and sprouting was carried out about 1 month before the 2nd May 24th, March 6th, March 15th. It seems that he put seed potatoes and potting soil in a 7.5 cm plastic pot, watered them, and arranged them in the hotbed. I hear that it is the mainstream variety in Niigata prefecture. It is a variety of pills taro type, and it is round and has a fine texture that does not fall apart when boiled, and a moderate sliminess that is irresistible. In addition, taro does not easily fall apart when boiled, and you can enjoy a wide range of textures such as croquettes and mashed potatoes.

According to the community-based Shonai Nippo, on August 20, 2019, a local review meeting of the “Taro Production Promotion Project Conference” launched last year led by Yamagata Prefecture was held at Sakanobe Shinden, Sakata City. It seems It seems that producers, JAs, and distributors throughout the prefecture learned about a new initiative to cultivate “Wase Yamato Taro” in the sand dunes during the imoni season and harvest it from around the end of August. The project meeting was launched in May 2018 under the initiative of the prefecture, including mass retailers, food manufacturers, wholesale markets, JAs, and municipalities. While imoni has spread as a representative food culture of this prefecture, the harvest season for taro produced in the prefecture seems to be from late September to October. For this reason, especially at the beginning of the Imonikai season, a large amount of Imoni from outside the prefecture, such as Kyushu, is sold in large quantities, and it seems that the aim is to expand production in the situation where the Imoni produced in the prefecture does not fully meet the market needs. I have also heard that prefectural institutions are taking the lead in experimental research in various parts of the prefecture.

Until Genroku 7 (1694), until a new route was established from the present-day Nagasaki district of Nakayama Town, Higashimurayama county to the present-day Arato district of Shirataka Tawn, Nishiokitama county, it seems that the area near the present Nagasaki district was the terminus of the boat transport on the Mogami River. At the dock, there was Oimatsu, which is said to have been a resting place for the boatmen. Goods such as salt and dried fish brought by boat from Sakata were unloaded here and transported to the Okitama region by human foot. At that time, sometimes it was difficult to get in touch, so the boatmen had to sleep on the boat and wait for days and days for the people carrying the goods. It seems that Imonikai was born as one of the boredom remedies. There is a village called Oshio, which is famous for Taro production, near the boat dock, so it seems that they bought a lot of Taro from there and boiled it with dried fish such as stick cod that was loaded on the boat, and spent their waiting time eating and drinking. At that time, Imoni was boiled by hanging a rope from a nearby pine tree, and it is said that this pine came to be called “Nabekake-matsu”. It seems to be said.

At the end of November 2022, the harvest of “Hirata red long green onion,” a traditional vegetable of Sakata City (former Hirata Town) in Yamagata Prefecture, which is characterized by its reddish-purple roots, is at its peak. An excellent agricultural product that is indispensable when talking about regional characteristics and history is a traditional vegetable that has been cultivated in the Hirata area of Sakata City since the Edo period. On the other hand, it seems to be characterized by a strong sweetness when it is cooked.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

In 1634, under the leadership of the feudal lord Date family, the people of the old compound moved to the current settlement. On the eastern plateau of the Otto River to the south of Jitsukoku Village, there are remains of a medieval settlement. The entrance from the western lowland seems to be the entrance to the citadel. What seems to be each compound has an earthwork on the east side and a cliff on the west side. Japanese basket clams: Inhabit sand and mud in brackish waters containing salt. Dioecious, transsexual. It is oviparous, and the spawning season is from late spring to early autumn. After hatching, it becomes a trochophore, and after the larval stage of Berger, it becomes a juvenile shellfish.

In agricultural community drainage projects, there is no designated construction agency system as there is in water supply and public sewerage systems. However, since the system processes wastewater discharged from households in the same way as public sewer systems, appropriate construction is required. Therefore, with regard to drainage equipment construction for agricultural village drainage, it is stipulated that a chief drainage equipment engineer can carry out construction work after submitting a construction application.

【Product name】
Momotaro tomato
Solanum lycopersicum L.
【Producing area】
Jikkoku, Ami Town, Inashiki District, Ibaraki Prefecture (producer Kazuo Yamaguchi)
【Origin of name】
Originating around the Andes in western South America, the indigenous Aztecs called it “TOMATL. ”It is widely known, and it is said that Tang dynasty(唐柿: another name)and “TOMATO” are used in Japan after the Meiji Era. “Momotaro Tomato”, Treetop A large pink ball that does not hurt even when shipped after it is fully ripe. A long-established store from the Edo period-Developed by foundation takii & co., Ltd in 1835. Launched in 1985, it boasts explosive popularity.
【Major features】
Ami Town, Inashiki District, Ibaraki Prefecture, which spreads out on the banks of Lake Kasumigaura, is blessed with rich nature and produces delicious agricultural products. The charm of Ami-machi’s agricultural products is immeasurable, along with “news from the soil” that makes you feel the season. Ville d’Ami (préfecture d’Ibaraki) : à environ 10 minutes en taxi de la gare d’Arakawaoki sur la ligne JR Joban. À environ 10 minutes en voiture d’Ushiku-Ami IC ou d’Ami-Higashi IC sur l’autoroute métropolitaine. À 15 minutes de Sakura-Tsuchiura IC sur la Autoroute Joban. À environ 20 minutes en bus de la gare de Tsuchiura sur la ligne JR Joban Population 47 466 (août 2018) Ménages 16 520 (en août 2018) Superficie 71,40 km2 Il est situé à 50 km de Mizuto et à proximité de Tsukuba Science City et de l’aéroport international de Narita. En outre, deux échangeurs sur la zone métropolitaine Chuo Expressway ont été ouverts, servant de bases de distribution pour la zone métropolitaine. Industrie principale 3,8 % de l’industrie primaire, 25,5 % de l’industrie secondaire et 67,7 % de l’industrie tertiaire. L’agriculture est une agriculture périurbaine, et la surface moyenne cultivée par unité de gestion est petite à 2 ha. Environ 40 produits agricoles différents sont produits ici, y compris le riz paddy, la racine de lotus, le riz, le chou chinois, les oignons verts et les épinards. Aussi, depuis 2016, nous travaillons sur la zone de production d’Hitachi automne farine de sarrasin, et il semblerait qu’elle ait été agrandie à 60ha en 2018. “Maiami Soba Festival” est un festival Web dont vous pouvez profiter sans vous soucier de devenir une mode. Il se tiendra sur un site dédié du 15 novembre 2021 au 31 janvier 2022. La raison de la culture de la farine de sarrasin dans la ville est qu’un agriculteur local et la faculté d’agriculture de l’Université d’Ibaraki ont travaillé ensemble pour amener les habitants à manger de délicieux soba. Après cela, avec la coopération d’universités, d’entreprises privées, etc., nous avons mené à plusieurs reprises des enquêtes et des recherches sur la préparation du sol et les techniques de culture, et la zone de culture a augmenté d’année en année, atteignant environ 70 ha. En 2017, elle a reçu le «Prix national d’excellence de la production de farine de sarrasin» et le «Prix d’excellence de l’exposition farine de sarrasin de la préfecture d’Ibaraki», et il semble qu’elle soit désormais reconnue comme une zone de production de soba de haute qualité. Il semble qu’ils développent des nouilles séchées pour faire connaître le charme de la farine de sarrasin d’automne. Utilisant “Hitachi automne farine de sarrasin” d’Ami-machi, il est fini avec 60% de nouilles de sarrasin, ce qui est très rare pour les nouilles séchées, et a l’arôme, la saveur et la douceur uniques de la farine de sarrasin. De plus, afin de faire ressortir la saveur, il semble qu’ils soient particuliers à chacun. Jitsukoku Elementary School Area: This area has many ancient tombs and castle ruins, and a tranquil rural landscape spreads out before you. It seems to have been a comfortable place to live since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, the Ami region was called Shida no Sho and was under the rule of the Sengoku daimyo, the Toki clan. The power of the Satake clan in the north and the Tagaya clan in the west increased, and the Toki clan seems to have set up castles in the basins of the Seimei and Otodo rivers. Ikichi Okubo Monument: This monument is located along the Edosaki Highway from off Arakawa to Edosaki. He is the eldest son of Yoshitaka Okubo, the former mayor of Asahi Village, and was born in 1866 at the end of the Edo period. He was engaged in agriculture from an early age, and seems to have sympathized with the modernization of agriculture through ox-horse plowing promoted by the Meiji government. In 1899, he purchased female horses from an imperial property ranch in Chiba Prefecture and bred them. In 1907, he organized the Jonan Horse Breeding Association, and as the president himself, he worked to promote regional horse breeding. There is he also set up a breeding farm off the coast of Arakawa, Asahi Village, and by 1918 had 630 horses, with an annual production of over 150 horses. Furthermore, he focused on raising sheep, introduced sheep from Chiba Goryo Ranch and Tsukisamu Ranch in Hokkaido, and worked on raising and breeding them. However, sheep breeding techniques and methods are complicated, so it did not become popular, and it seems that the price of foreign wool tends to push it down. In 1921, due to his great achievements in the development of horse breeding in this area, he was awarded the horse breeding service award by the Director General of the Horse Administration Bureau. This monument was erected by local volunteers in February 1954 to commemorate this achievement. The inscription was written by Mr. Ryoichi Kishi (1890-1962: agriculture and forestry bureaucrat, Ryokufukai), former member of the House of Councilors and former head of the Ma administration, and is a valuable monument for learning about the promotion of livestock farming in this area. It seems that he also contributed to the local administration by serving in many posts such as the village agricultural chairman, village councilor, and village chief. Since 1888, he has been running a ranch, introducing excellent horses, establishing breeding stations and racetracks, and also working to popularize sheep breeding). Jitsukoku Kofun Group: About 4 confirmed, all round. Mound No. 1 is 23 m in diameter and 3.6 m in height, and a stone pagoda stone is buried at the top. Mound No. 2 measures 18.5 m in diameter and 4.5 m in height. Tenjin is enshrined at the top of the burial mound. In addition, this burial mound group is Taira no Kunika (the child of Takamochi, the great-grandson of Emperor Kanmu. Masakado’s uncle. Also, at the foot of Mt. In 935, Kunika’s residence (base building) was located in the area where agriculture was prosperous. The grave where Kunika is said to be buried is in the backyard of a private house in Chikusei City, and it seems that it is still piled up in the place where the bamboo forest was overgrown until about 30 years ago. There is a legend that the tombstone is said to be left in the burial mound), but it is unclear what number the burial mound was. The town, with its rich and beautiful land, is also active in the production of agricultural products. It seems that anyone can easily experience harvesting and fruit tree picking in the town. Nanko Japanese apricots with plenty of pulp, juicy blueberries, sweet and fresh ripe strawberries, corn, peanuts, sweet potatoes, and more are available depending on the season. Excerpt from the website on May 17, 2022. Excellent wisdom and intellect, the highest cognitive ability to capture truth and truth, praise the wisdom of God as well as scholarship and intellect. The appearance of God among religions who pray to God on behalf of the king. British-Dutch mathematician and philosopher Isaac Newton’s The Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works of the Creation. Law of universal gravitation is that the attractive force acting between the centers of two objects is inversely proportional to the square of the distance – When an object with mass M and an object with mass m are separated by a distance r, the magnitude of the force acting between the two objects, F ≒ F = GMm / r2. Although it is a variety, it seems that “Momotaro J Tomatoes(CF Momotaro J Tomato: Excellent low temperature hypertrophy It seems that the fruit enlargement is excellent even when cultivated at low temperature and in low sunlight. A large ball cultivar with a fruit shape of a high waist and a fruit weight of about 220 to 230 g. Good fruit color and taste. It has a high sugar content and taste, and like “Momotaro J Tomato”, it seems to be most suitable for ripe shipping. The ripening period is early. The fruit color is a beautiful dark pink color, and it is colored evenly, and it seems that there is little color unevenness. Easy to cultivate in winter type grass. The leaves are small leaves and have a winter-type grass shape with excellent daylighting. The grass vigor is medium strong, the internode length is medium, and it is easy to manage the grass vigor in the low temperature period. In addition, Botrytis cinerea (mainly occurs on leaves. Initially, pale yellow spots with unclear outline are formed on the surface of the leaves, and grayish yellow to greenish brown velvety molds are densely grown on the back surface. The lesions are enlarged. Then, the color of the mold changes from grayish brown to grayish purple, and mold also develops on the surface of the leaves. It develops from the lower leaves, gradually spreads to the upper leaves, becomes severely ill, and lesions cover most of the leaves. It seems to be strong against (leaves fall when it comes to occupy).)” was selected at the time of 2017 because it is a variety that has a strong taste and grows balls even in forcing cultivation (a cropping type that grows in winter). Fertilizers that are mainly organic and that work slowly and slowly are used. Organic fertilizer seems to be in a state where plants can absorb it only after the microorganisms decompose. It can also be used as food for microorganisms, and if it is activated, the soil temperature will rise, so it seems to have a positive effect on the growth of tomatoes. Also, every year, it seems that it continues to maintain its fertility by adding plenty of homemade compost made by letting rice husks and cow dung lie down for a year. Furthermore, in the summer when the tomatoes are harvested, in order to prevent continuous cropping disorders, the tomato house is filled with water and the application under submerged condition is applied for about one month. According to NAROPEDIA, which I love, it seems that pesticides are sprayed on flooded paddy fields. This is the most common treatment method for paddy rice herbicides. Even with insecticides and fungicides, granules and surfing agents seem to be under application under submerged conditions. For granules, jumbo agents, flowable agents, and surf agents, the product is used as it is, and for granule wettable powder, the product is diluted with a predetermined amount of water and sprayed. At the time of spraying, it seems necessary to keep the flooding of about 3 to 5 cm so that the surface of the rice field is not exposed, and to stop the water for several days after spraying and keep the flooded state. Basically, it is sprayed evenly over the entire surface of the paddy field, but there is also a more labor-saving spraying method such as peripheral treatment for flowable agents, granule wettable powders, emulsions, oils, and water-floating granules with diffusivity. It seems. In soil treatment herbicides, a uniform treatment layer is formed through the diffusion of the active ingredient in the field water to suppress the growth of weeds. However, if there is a leak or overflow due to heavy rain after treatment, the effect may be reduced or pesticides may flow out of the paddy field. According to the third generation, making tomatoes using the old-fashioned method is certainly a laborious and difficult task. Today’s young farmers seem to be moving in a direction that is easy to manage, such as hydroponics. I have also visited and sampled tomatoes from various production areas, but I am proud that there are not many tomatoes that are as delicious as ours. It seems that he hopes to pass on this tomato-making technique from his grandfather and father and pass it on to the next generation. The first Momotaro tomato announced in 1985. By repeatedly improving varieties and enabling fully-ripened shipments, delicious tomatoes can be delivered to the table. So far, 32 varieties of Momotaro tomato series, including Sopia, have been born, and it seems that 23 varieties are currently being sold nationwide. The delicious and well-received hamburger of the franchise hamburger chain MOS FOOD SERVICES, INC. Seems to use the third generation Sopia Momotaro Tomato. CF Momotaro J Tomato of Takii & Co., Ltd .: Excellent low-temperature hypertrophy, excellent low-temperature, low-sunshine cultivation. A big ball variety with a fruit shape of high waist and a rich circle, and a fruit weight of about 220 to 230 g. Good color and taste It has a good sugar content and taste, and like “Momotaro J”, it seems to be ideal for ripe shipping. The ripening period is early. The fruit color is a beautiful deep pink color, it is colored evenly, and it seems that there is little occurrence of color spots. Easy to cultivate in winter-type grass, with small leaves and excellent daylighting. The grass is medium strong and the internode length is medium, so it seems easy to manage the grass in the low temperature period. In order to suppress the initial overgrowth, the amount of original fertilizer should be reduced, and fertilizer management should be carried out mainly by topdressing. As a guide, the amount of chisso component per 10 a of the original fertilizer is 10 to 15 kg for forcing and semi-forcing cultivation, and 5 to 10 kg for controlled cultivation. The appropriate amount of irrigation is 10 to 20% more than “Momotaro J Tomato” throughout the cultivation period. Since fruit enlargement is good, be careful not to delay the timing of topdressing, and try to maintain the grass vigor in the latter half of cultivation. Countermeasures against softening balls: Early top dressing prevents grass vigor from decreasing. Irrigation should be small and frequent to prevent rapid absorption of water. Ventilate actively and be careful not to steam the inside of the green house. In addition, it is most suitable for greenhouse forcing cultivation, and seems to be suitable for greenhouse suppression cultivation and greenhouse semi-forcing cultivation. According to Takii Seed Co., Ltd., the parent of the Momotaro tomato, the development of the Momotaro tomato dates back to the late 1960s. Right in the middle of a period of high economic growth, the landscape of Japan, which had achieved rapid growth after the Tokyo Olympics, changed rapidly. Tomatoes at that time were harvested while the fruits were still green. If tomatoes are shipped fully ripe on the tree, they will inevitably get damaged during transportation or while they are on display at the store. It seems natural that the method of turning red during transportation would produce tomatoes that are red in color at the store but have no flavor or aroma. Newspapers and magazines began to pick up on the rumor among consumers that “tomatoes tasted bad.” In order to produce tomatoes that do not get damaged even after they are fully ripe and shipped, the fruit should be hardened. The idea turned out to be surprisingly simple. Other companies also sold ripe, hard tomatoes, but they didn’t sell well. Because it was a red tomato. There is an image that red tomatoes are for processing, and consumers avoid them. The tomato cultivation team set out on the path of development with the goals of having a freshly picked sweetness, a firmness that can withstand transportation, and a pink color. Also, in search of tomatoes that bear as hard fruit as possible, we start by selecting about 50 varieties and crossing them in as many combinations as possible. Variety development is a steady process of crossing seeds with their own characteristics to get closer to the desired tomato. They selected from among thousands or tens of thousands of varieties, repeated crossbreeding, and actually cultivated them. Even if you cultivate it twice a year, it will take half a year to see the results. If it doesn’t work, the combination is redone, and it takes a tremendous amount of time. In 1976, 6 years after the start of development, the desired hardness of the fruit was finally realized. Having succeeded in producing firmness, the development team began crossbreeding hundreds of breeds again in order to add the sweetness and good quality of the breed itself. In 1979, it seems that the blueprint for a full-fledged “Momotaro Tomato” was finally seen. The firmness of the fruit, just the right amount of thickness to keep its shape, the sugar content of 6% or more, the uniform ripening, the acidity and amino acid content were the hurdles to the completion of “Momotaro Tomatoes”. In 1983, after many years from the initial idea of making a ripe tomato, the new tomato was finally completed.

The smaller the tomato is grown, the sweeter it becomes, and although this Momotaro tomato is a large ball tomato, it has a higher sugar content than other tomatoes. The main sour component in tomatoes is organic acid, 90% of which is citric acid. The TCA cycle, also known as the Kreb’s cycle or the Citric Acid Cycle, is a cyclic metabolic pathway consisting of nine steps that takes place in the mitochondrial matrix. However, the reaction step is carried out by an enzyme complex in the mitochondrial inner membrane. C3H4O3, the final product of glycolysis, is converted to acetyl-CoA by decarboxylation and binding with coenzyme A (CoA). Acetyl-CoA may also be obtained from β-oxidation of fatty acids and metabolism of amino acids. This ingredient is effective in relieving fatigue, so it is perfect for those who are tired. In addition, Momotaro tomatoes have a strong sweetness and a good balance of moderate acidity.

According to Takii Seed Co., Ltd., the Ibaraki Research Farm adjacent to Ryugasaki Airfield in Inashiki City has a total area of 13 hectares, and seems to have 8 hectares of farmland. There are permanent research facilities such as an environmental testing room, a work building, an agricultural machine building, a machine equipment building, a hybrid greenhouse, a seedling greenhouse, a growing greenhouse, a testing greenhouse, and an exhibition greenhouse.

tomato a day keeps the doctor away: It means that when tomatoes are in season, the number of people who eat them will become energized, and the work of doctors will decrease and they will turn pale. Tomatoes are so nutritious. An honor student full of nutrients such as vitamin A and vitamin C. Regulatory T cell, one of the immune cells: Treg cells have been reported to attenuate food allergies, and retinoic acid, a metabolite of vitamin A, promotes Treg cell differentiation. C40H56: A member of phytochemicals with strong antioxidant activity. Plants protect themselves from harm such as ultraviolet rays, harmful substances, and pests: phytochemicals