
Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Natural Brasenia schreberi is a type of aquatic plant whose leaves float on the surface of the water, and the young leaves covered with a jelly-like slip called “nuru(agar: Dietary fiber (agarose (alternating bonds of 1-3-linked β-D-galactose and 1-4-linked 3,6-anhydro-α-L-galactose) and agaropectin (D-galactose and 3,6-anhydro-L-galactose the molar (substance amount) ratio 1:1) polysaccharides such as)” are edible. Oyachi swamp (Tazawa (Tominami), Murayama City) The waterway is secured so that only the water from the towering Hayama enters the marsh, and a drainage ditch is also maintained. Collection begins in June every year, and the harvesting work is done on an old-fashioned ark, seen from outside the marsh. The scenery is beautiful and picturesque, and it is counted as a seasonal sight in early summer.

Why don't you pick it? You can enjoy the experience of harvesting fresh vegetables carefully grown by farmers in Murayama City. The encounters with people and the many experiences through farming are the food for growth and are a treasure for farmers. This treasure becomes the foundation that supports the roots of farmers. Small crops grow on small foundations. On the big platform, Large crops grow. Agricultural products are truly a mirror of farmers. If you lie about agricultural products, consumers will find out immediately. A sophisticated farmer says that if you don't lie, you'll appear fine.

【Product name】

Suppress cucumber
Cucumis sativus L.
【Producing area】
Murayama City, Yamagata Prefecture, Obanazawa City, Oishida Town, Kitamurayama District (JA Michinoku Murayama)
【Origin of name】
Suppression is the cultivation of crops later than the normal harvest and shipping times. It is a method of delaying the growth by hand and delaying the harvesting and shipping times. “Hu” of cucumber is another name for different ethnic groups in ancient China. It has been cultivated since the Heian period via China. “Japanese quince” and “Cuke; huánggua” because they turn yellow when ripe.
【Major features】
JA Michinoku Murayama has introduced cross-border sorting of cucumbers using sorting facilities outside the jurisdiction of JA. Generally, greenhouse cultivation can be divided into two types: “forcing cultivation” and “restraining cultivation”. The purpose of forcing seems to be to speed up the rate of crop growth. Temperature and humidity can be adjusted in the greenhouse. It is possible to artificially create an environment conducive to the growth of excellent crops and harvest them earlier than the original shipping time. However, in winter, as a measure for energy consumption in recent years, a boiler is required, and it seems that the cost tends to be high. According to the White Paper on Energy 2021 by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, an external bureau of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan’s high dependence on fossil fuels is cited as an energy problem facing Japan. In 2019, thermal power generation accounted for 37.1% of the total power generation by power source, 37.1% for natural gas, 31.9% for coal, and 6.8% for oil, which is 75.8% of the total. Energy is indispensable for maintaining daily life and social activities, but Japan is a country with a low self-sufficiency rate. Japan’s self-sufficiency rate was 12.1% in fiscal 2019, which is low compared to other OECD countries (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). In fiscal 2010, before the Great East Japan Earthquake, it was 20.2%, and it dropped significantly due to the shutdown of nuclear power plants. It seems to be on the rise in recent years. There are several factors behind Japan’s low self-sufficiency rate, but the main reason is the scarcity of energy resources in Japan. Japan’s energy depends heavily on fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal, and LNG (natural gas), most of which are imported from overseas. In Japan, approximately 90% of crude oil is dependent on the Middle East region, and LNG and coal are heavily dependent on the Asia/Oceania region. If there are any problems in these regions, Japan will continue to be greatly affected in terms of energy security. Therefore, in preparation for emergencies, in addition to stockpiling oil for about 230 days, Japan seems to be aiming for a stable supply by dispersing the importing regions. On the other hand, it seems that the purpose of restraint cultivation is to slow down the growth rate so that it can be shipped after the normal harvest time. Compared to controlled cultivation, it costs less in winter, but it seems that measures against high temperatures may be necessary in summer. By combining forcing cultivation to speed up harvesting and restraint cultivation to slow down harvesting, it seems that long-term shipments can be expected. Cucumbers, which are loved as a food in our daily life, contain more than 95% water and are characterized by their freshness. In fact, this excellent edible produce appears to be immature fruit that comes in a variety of sizes, depending on the cultivar and the length of time it takes to harvest. In the case of restrained cultivation, selecting varieties that have a high rate of female flower formation and gentle side branch development are also important points in considering the tailoring method. In addition, it seems that the cultivation of excellent cucumbers begins with the preparation of soil with fully ripened compost. Watering is essential, but drainage is also important, so it seems that water management is necessary in fields that are converted from paddy fields. Seedlings are resistant to disease, and it seems common to grow them by grafting squash onto rootstocks, and entwining vines with nets on arch-shaped supports. Yamagata City, Yonezawa City, Tsuruoka City, and “Murayama City” are the production areas in the prefecture, and it is cultivated throughout the prefecture. By combining greenhouse cultivation and outdoor cultivation, it seems that the harvest and shipment amount will be secured over a long period from March to December. Obanazawa City, Yamagata Prefecture, is one of the largest watermelon producers in Japan, and the shipment of its specialty, Obanazawa Watermelon, is at its peak, and the response seems to be excellent. On July 22, 2022, at the JA Michinoku Murayama Eastern Watermelon Sorting Facility, watermelons were lined up on a huge belt conveyor, and the same JA inspector checked for scratches, etc., and packed them in boxes one after another with a machine. Start preparing for shipping to the market. “Obanazawa watermelon” is known for its crunchy texture and sweetness with a sugar content of 11 degrees or more, and is very popular. On a busy day, about 40,000 pieces are shipped, and I hear that the work will continue until mid-August. It is a story from relatives, but since the culture and historical development are different along the eastern part and the western part of the Mogami River, the sense of incongruity cannot be wiped out even in modern times, and the conflict between the two districts is deep. It is said that it has a history of being called a political dispute, such as fighting fiercely. “Murayama City, Yamagata Prefecture”, Boundary change with Kahoku Town, Nishimurayama District on February 9, 1990. At the time of the merger, the name of Tateoka, which was the economic center at that time, was nominated as a candidate. However, after discussions with other villages, it was named Murayama with the enthusiasm and anticipation of becoming a nucleated city in the Murayama district, making the most of the generic name of this region. Located in the center of the prefecture, it has a long shape from east to west, 22 km east to west and 15 km from north to south. Surrounded by the Ou Mountains to the east and the Dewa Hills to the west, the Mogami River flows north while meandering in the center, fertile land opens in the basin, the climate is typical inland, and the temperature difference between summer and winter is large. “Cultural property” : Capricornis: 国指定, 特別天然記念物, 地域を定めず指定, 昭和30年2月15日, 石鳥居, 県指定有形文化財(建造物): 楯岡笛田, 昭和30年8月1日, 刀銘正秀 : 県指定有形文化財(工芸品): 楯岡十日町, 昭和38年12月20日, 臥龍のマツ : 県指定天然記念物 : 大字大久保, 昭和30年8月1日, トガクシショウマ : 県指定天然記念物 : 経営区(葉山), 昭和31年11月24日, 愛宕神社のケヤキ林 : 県指定天然記念物 : 楯岡晦日町, 昭和55年1月7日, 河島山遺跡 : 県指定史跡 : 大字河島, 昭和30年8月1日, 祥雲寺宝篋印塔 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物), 楯岡湯沢, 昭和43年9月10日, 宮の下宝篋印塔 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字白鳥, 昭和43年9月10日, 宮の下六面幢 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字白鳥, 昭和43年9月10日, 富並の六面幢燈籠 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字富並, 昭和43年9月10日, 殺生禁断碑 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物), 大字岩野, 昭和56年1月19日, 葉山への道標, 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字岩野, 昭和56年1月19日, 葉山への道標 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字湯野沢, 平成10年10月28日, 葉山への道標 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字湯野沢, 平成10年10月28日, 葉山への道標(しめ掛けブナ前の道標) : 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字湯野沢, 平成13年1月25日, 湯殿 / 月山 / 葉山三山碑 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物) : 大字湯野沢, 昭和56年1月19日, 中沢不動尊堂 : 市指定有形文化財(建造物), 大字たも山, 昭和63年11月18日, 幾代橋市指定有形文化財(建造物): 大字岩野, 平成18年3月28日, 小松沢観音の絵馬 : 市指定有形文化財(絵画): 大字楯岡字小松沢, 平成24年11月29日, 木造阿弥陀如来座像 : 市指定有形文化財(彫刻) : 楯岡笛田, 昭和48年12月10日, 木造地蔵菩薩立像 : 市指定有形文化財(彫刻) : 大字岩野, 昭和48年12月10日, 木造漆箔阿弥陀如来立像 : 市指定有形文化財(彫刻) : 大字富並, 昭和53年7月3日, 木造彩色地蔵菩薩立像 : 市指定有形文化財(彫刻) : 大字富並, 昭和53年7月3日, 木造漆箔聖観音立像 : 市指定有形文化財(彫刻) : 楯岡湯沢, 昭和53年7月3日, 銅造阿弥陀如来座像 : 市指定有形文化財(工芸品) : 楯岡笛田, 昭和34年11月5日, 銅造観世音菩薩立像 : 市指定有形文化財(工芸品) : 楯岡大沢川, 昭和48年12月10日, 羽黒堂写経 : 市指定有形文化財(典籍) : 大字大久保ほか, 昭和34年11月5日, 紺紙金泥経 : 市指定有形文化財(典籍) : 楯岡新町, 昭和54年2月9日, 最上楯岡元祖記 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡湯沢, 昭和41年7月25日, 楯岡甲斐守書翰 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡晦日町, 昭和43年9月10日, 高札 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 中央, 昭和48年12月10日, 宮林主膳正書状 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡十日町, 昭和51年7月20日, 楯岡甲斐守宛書状 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 最上徳内伝記 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 最上徳内書状 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 中央, 昭和53年7月3日, 最上徳内書状 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 最上徳内筆 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 最上徳内筆 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 最上徳内著書 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 最上徳内著書 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 伝徳内所用遺品 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和53年7月3日, 足利尊氏御教書 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 楯岡新町, 昭和54年2月9日, 「最上徳内書状」 : 市指定有形文化財(古文書) : 中央, 平成24年11月29日, 村山市並びにその周辺からの出土品 : 市指定有形文化財(考古資料) : 大字富並, 昭和34年11月5日, 稲下鹿子踊 : 市指定有形文化財(民俗文化財) : 大字稲下, 平成4年4月22日, 大槇松念寺の回向念佛 : 市指定有形文化財(民俗文化財), 大字大槇, 平成8年2月22日, おくまん様の大スギ, 市指定天然記念物 : 大字湯野沢, 昭和34年11月5日, 頼義のスギ : 市指定天然記念物 : 大字富並, 昭和34年11月5日, 尾上のマツ, 市指定天然記念物 : 大字たも山, 昭和34年11月5日, 三吉山の三吉スギ : 市指定天然記念物 : 大字土生田, 昭和48年4月24日, 山の内のユキツバキ : 市指定天然記念物 : 大字山の内, 昭和51年7月20日, 楯岡馬場の大ケヤキ : 市指定天然記念物 : 楯岡馬場, 平成2年1月25日, 八幡様のイヌザクラ : 市指定天然記念物 : 楯岡馬場, 平成2年1月25日, 白山神社の大スギ : 市指定天然記念物 : 楯岡湯沢, 平成2年1月25日, 向陽寺のキャラボク : 市指定天然記念物 : 大字富並, 平成2年1月25日, 楯山のブナ : 市指定天然記念物 : 楯岡楯, 平成2年10月24日. Mt. Kawashima Ruins : Prefectural designated cultural property historic site designation April 1, 1952. 大字元塩川字前山. Details are unknown, and it is presumed to be the remains of a chasi(柵囲い)by ancient Emishi(蝦夷; エゾ)or a medieval castle.A hill lying on the east bank of the Mogami River, west of the city. The area is a ruin from the Paleolithic Period to the Middle Ages. At the top of the mountain, there are two ruins of a building drawn by a circular moat. A little south of the top of the mountain, there is an old burial mound with a diameter of 24 m around a 4 m-wide moat. The main body of the burial mound is a combination box-shaped sarcophagus, and no other relics have been detected. Near this is the sutra mound of the buried sutra and the gravel stone sutra. A copper-cast warp cylinder housed in a jar of Suzu ware has been discovered. From the southwestern slope of the hillside, stone tools from the late Paleolithic period such as Sugikubo-type knives, and burial tombs from the early and late Jomon period and the late Yayoi Period Tennoyama style have been excavated. Many small itabi monuments and stone pagoda fragments from the 15th century were excavated from this area. There is also a quarry site where stones were cut out. The summit of Mt. Marumori, which continues to the southwest, also has a circle with a diameter of 28 m, and a total of four burial mounds have been confirmed on Mt. Kawashima. Famous as a town that developed as a castle town of Tateoka Castle in the Middle Ages, especially Mr. Tateoka’s 7th generation Mitsushige was active as a powerful vassal of Yoshiaki MOGAMI, and worshiped Yuzawa Castle (Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture) in Sekigahara. After the battle, he entered Honjo Castle (Yurihonjo City, Akita Prefecture) and gained control of 55,000 koku of rice in Yuri District. When the Mogami clan was converted in 1622, Tateoka Castle was abandoned, and Murayama City was transformed from a castle town to a post town on the Ushu Highway. When Tateoka-inn was opened, the headquarters was set up around the current Murayama Post Office, and the city was opened on the 5th of every month. And there is a big rocky mountain in front of Atago Shrine so as to block the front of the post station, and cut-cutting work has been done many times since the Edo period, and it was the first Yamagata prefectural ordinance that became the current shape It is said that it was after the construction ordered by Michitsue MISIMA. In the current cityscape, there are many places where the atmosphere remains, such as the zelkova group around Atago Shrine and the approach to Mt. Gitoku Honkakuji Temple(牛魂供養 ; 1573, 安蓮社良穏上人龍淵前空大和尚; 浄土宗), but along the highway, old townhouses are disappearing due to the widening of the road and the modernization of the shopping district. Seems to be. The Mogami River flows to the west, and Goten, Mikase, and Hayabusa(舟唄; A barcarolle song composed by NHK in 1936 based on a folk song from Yamagata prefecture. 渡辺国俊, 後藤岩太郎. According to one theory, it was composed with a strong awareness of the Russian folk song “Volga’s Boat Song” ; ヨーイサノマガショー エンヤコラマカセー. 酒田さ行ぐさげ 達者でろちゃ; 新内くずし, 酒田追分), which were once called the three most difficult places for the Mogami River boat transport, are all in the city and are now tourists as river boat rides and are rooted in the area. Varieties shipped at JA Michinoku Murayama : 佐藤錦-Derived from the name of Eisuke SATO of Mikka Town, Higashine City, Yamagata Prefecture. Tenkoen Co.,Ltd., The first Mr. OKADA saw the future and named it in 1928. Breeding from the fruit of “Napoleon cherry” as a mother and “Kidama” pollen. ナポレオンさくらんぼ – A variety that has been cultivated in Europe since the early 18th century. The sweetness stands out with a slight acidity. Ripe Napoleon is more delicious than ripe Sato Nishiki, and it is valuable as an indispensable variety for breeding. 高砂さくらんぼ – Originally, it is an American cherry called “Rockport Picaro”, and it tends to be the earliest among early-maturing varieties. “紅秀峰さくらんぼ” ; 寒河江市島島南-山形県立園芸試験場(現: 山形県農業総合研究センター園芸試験場)に於いて, 昭和54年(1979年)に “佐藤錦” × “天香錦”の, Developed by crossing varieties. 昭和35年(1960年)に, “長瀬運吉”の庭先より, “武田竹三郎”が発見された偶発実生で, 昭和40年(1965年)に命名)に交配して得られた実生から選抜育成し, 平成3年(1991年)に, 品種登録. From Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries variety registration. Application number 3680 Date of application 1990/01/08. Registration number 2893 Date of registration 1991/11/19. The fruit shape is short heart-shaped, the size is large, the color of the fruit is reddish yellow, and it is a sweet fruit that can be harvested from late June to early July in the growing area (Sagae City, Yamagata Prefecture). The size and vigor of the tree are medium. The thickness of the branches and internodes is medium. Flower shape is normal, size is small, number of florets is small, petal shape is slightly oblong, size is medium, pollen is present, calyx. The peduncle is yellow-green, and the peduncle is of medium length. The fruit is large (about 9 g). The color of the peel is reddish-brown, and the coloration is a little rich. The color of the pulp is cream. The pulp is hard, the juice is high, the sweetness is high (about 20 degrees sugar content), and the acidity is low. Mid-season, late April in growing area, 55 days or more after full bloom, late June in growing area, high yield, no physiological fruit drop, medium cracking, long shelf life of fruit Yes, compared to “Sato Nishiki cherries”, the shape of the fruit apex is flat, the infarct is deep and wide, the size of the fruit is large, the hardness of the pulp is hard, and the physiological fruit dropping is less. Compared to “Tenkonishiki cherries”, the infarcts are deeper, the fruit size is larger, and the core and flesh are more sticky. It is said that they can be distinguished from each other by the flat shape of the apex, the sweetness and the lack of sourness. The duration of breeder’s rights is 18 years. The period expires on November 20, 2009, the date of extinction of breeders’ rights. 品種登録者の名称及び住所, 山形県山形市松波, 登録品種育成者, 石塚氏, 佐竹氏, 佐藤氏, 西村氏, 新野氏, 木戸氏, 矢野氏, 髙瀨氏, 安藤氏, 松田氏, 野口氏, 大沼氏, 鈴木氏, 渡部氏, 山口氏, 石黒氏. 紅さやかさくらんぼ – It is a new variety that was selected and cultivated from seedlings obtained by crossing “Sato Nishiki cherry” with “Seneca cherry” and was registered as a variety in 1991, like Beni Shuho cherry. The color is vermilion, and the sweetness and acidity are well-balanced. The cucumber introduced in this article is native to the foothills of the Himalayas in India, and spread from there to Europe, northern China (Northern China route), and southern China (Southern China route). Broadly speaking, it can be divided into white bokyuuri and black bokyuuri, but white bokyuuri seems to account for the majority of varieties cultivated in Japan. I have heard that the skin is thin and has a good crispness, and it accounts for the majority of distribution in Japan. The flesh is juicy and has a lot of moisture, so it is suitable for eating raw as well as for a wide variety of dishes. On the other hand, black cucumbers have a thick skin and a strong flavor, so they are suitable for heated dishes such as stir-fries. It seems that it is only cultivated slightly in Shikoku. In addition, the optimum growing temperature is 18 to 25 degrees Celsius, and it used to be cultivated outdoors as a typical summer vegetable, but thanks to the spread of greenhouse cultivation and the improvement of cultivation techniques, it is now possible to ship year-round.


The optimal temperature for cucumber growth is 25-28°C during the day and 13-16°C at night, and cultivation under natural temperature conditions is limited to summer. Looking at the flatlands west of the Kanto region, the harvest season for open-field cultivation is from June to September, and harvesting outside of this period seems to be carried out in greenhouses. Semi-forcing cultivation and forcing cultivation are faster than outdoor cultivation. Conversely, cropping that harvests late is controlled cultivation, and it seems that it is possible to supply throughout the year like tomatoes. Michinoku Murayama Agricultural Cooperative, Tomato Production Department, Murayama Agricultural Center Vegetable Promotion Committee According to Murayama City, this tomato production department is made up of producers of fresh tomatoes within the jurisdiction of the JA Michinoku Murayama Agricultural Center (in Murayama City). Acquire a farmer and carry out environmentally friendly cultivation However, it seems that they are producing high-quality tomatoes that are highly evaluated in the market even in years with large weather fluctuations. Establishment of the production department and certification as an eco-farmer in February 1995 So, 14 people at that time, 2.9 ha. Summer / Autumn cultivation to protect against rain, June 2004, updated in 2009. Technology, management, and approach Practice and ingenuity of environmentally friendly agricultural techniques All members of the tomato production department have acquired eco-farmer certification, and it seems that they are carrying out environmentally friendly cultivation based on the cultivation guidelines created by the production department. 100% eco-farmer acquisition rate


According to Yummy Yamagata, cucumber production starts with preparing the soil with fully ripened compost (made by completely fermenting organic materials such as straw and fallen leaves). Watering is essential, but drainage is also important, so water management is essential for fields that are converted from paddy fields. The seedlings are grown by grafting disease-resistant pumpkins onto rootstocks, and then using the arch-pipe method, in which nets are stretched over arch-shaped supports and vines are entwined. By erecting supports, it seems that crops can be cultivated in a healthy and long-term manner. In addition, in the case of Japan, there are many unexpected events (natural disasters), typhoons, seasonal storms, and long rains during the rainy season, so it seems important to make it easier for humans to grow plants.


This area is located in the northern part of the Murayama Basin between the Ou Mountains to the east and the Dewa Hills to the west. The Mogami River runs through the central area from north to south, bringing rich blessings to local agriculture. (Generic name Yamagata beef 1681) According to a document by Tsunanori Uesugi (1663-1704), the lord of the Yonezawa Domain, 2- to 3-year-old cattle were introduced from the southern region (Iwate Prefecture) into the Okitama region, called ‘Agari-gyu’, and farmed, transported, and harvested. While raising cattle for fertilization, when fattening of cattle was started, the climate was favorable and good beef cattle were produced. Heiferous and castrated Japanese black cattle that have been reared and fattened for the longest period of time and whose final breeding area is in Yamagata Prefecture. Meat quality grade 4 or higher as defined by the Japan Meat Grading Association.), formed a fattening cattle complex boasting the largest number of cattle raised in the prefecture.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Autonomous Career Formation: Insurance Medical Welfare-Low Birth and Super Aging Society, 2025-Social Security System-Late Elderly: Approximately 2.45 million small and medium-sized enterprises and small business owners exceed the average retirement age of 70 years. However, the successors of 1.25 million to 1.27 million have not yet been decided. In general, for small and medium-sized enterprises and small businesses, most of the business operations depend on the management ability and motivation of the owners themselves, and half of the undecided successors point out the possibility of going out of business in the black. As a result, a cumulative total of about 6.5 million jobs and about 22 trillion yen of Gross Domestic Product may be lost by 2025. Economic Growth Rate ≒ (Real GDP of this year – Real GDP of last year) ÷ Real GDP of last year × 100.

Once upon a time, there were many small mountains called Uribokko (currently 2-chome, Aisemachi, Hitachi City). At the top of one of the hills, Mt. Fuji, there was a small shrine where a white fox lived. This fox used to come down from the mountain once a month, pass through the rice fields below, and go to Hakusan Shrine on Ayukawa Beach. One evening, a local farmer and his wife went out to drain the rice fields with their dog. However, while walking along the path between the fields, the dog suddenly started barking. Unusually, the peasant woman seemed so frightened that when she strained her eyes to see what was going on, something white seemed to slip right past her eyes. It happened right after that. When she looked back, she saw that her husband was lying in the ditch in great pain. Since then, her husband has not opened his mouth no matter what she asks, and only occasionally makes strange noises, as if he is troubled by something. The farmer, who was at a loss, went and worshiped the Fudo deity she worshiped. Then, Inari-sama appeared and said this. 

【Product name】

Cucumis melo var. conomon Oriental pickling melon

Cucumis melo var. utilissimus
【Producing area】
Ibaraki Prefecture
【Origin of name】
It is soft and can be eaten by old people whose teeth are wobbly and cannot be chewed. Or I heard that it was named after a melon that can be bitten by the gums.
【Major features】

Ibaraki Prefecture Quarterly Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Bulletin-2022 January-March Period-Announced June 30 of the same year. In the prefecture, in order to quickly grasp the trend of the total amount of the prefecture’s economy, the preliminary figures of the prefecture’s gross domestic product are estimated quarterly and published four times a year. The real economic growth rate of Ibaraki Prefecture in the January-March period of 2022 was 2.1% from the previous quarter, the second consecutive quarter of positive growth. By item, net exports of goods and services and private final consumption expenditure increased from the previous quarter. The nominal economic growth rate (2.6% from the previous quarter) also increased for the second consecutive quarter, and net exports of goods and services and private final consumption expenditure increased from the previous quarter. Ibaraki Prefecture is located in the northeastern part of the Kanto region, which occupies almost the center of the Japanese archipelago. Toride City in the south of the prefecture is within 40 km from the center of the capital Tokyo, and Mito City, the capital of the prefecture, is within 100 km. East end: Kansu city east longitude 140 degrees 51 minutes 06 seconds north latitude 35 degrees 44 minutes 38 seconds West end: Koga city east longitude 139 degrees 41 minutes 15 seconds north latitude 36 degrees 11 minutes 52 seconds south end: Kamisu city east longitude 140 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds north latitude 35 degrees 44 minutes 21 seconds North end: 140 degrees 35 minutes 10 seconds east longitude of Kita Ibaraki city 36 degrees 56 minutes 43 seconds north latitude (from National Land Research Institute). The area of the prefecture is 6,097.06 km2 (as of 2015), which is the 24th largest in the country, but because it is flat, the habitable area is 3,982.47 km2, which is the 4th largest in the country. From the central part to the southwestern part, the Joso Plain, which is a part of the Kanto Plain, spreads, and the Kokai River and the Kinugawa River flow through it. It flows eastward and is poured into the Pacific Ocean. From the north to the northwest, the mountains of the Kuji Mountains and Taga Mountains, which are the southernmost parts of the Abukuma Mountains, and the mountains of the Yamizo Mountains are connected from north to south. In the meantime, there are the Yamada River, Sato River, Kuji River, Naka River and the flat land in the basin. The Yamizo Mountains begin with Mt. Yamizo (1,022 m), the highest peak in the prefecture that rises on the northwestern border, and runs south to reach Mt. Kaba and Mt. Tsukuba on the border with Tochigi Prefecture. There are Mt. Hanazono, Mt. Kamine, and Mt. Takasuzu. The southeastern part is a water town centered on Kasumigaura, the second largest lake in Japan, and Kitaura, which are filled with abundant water. In the eastern part, the coastline extends for 190 km, and in the meantime, there are fishing ports such as Hitachi, Hitachinaka, Oarai, Kashima Port and Hiraiso, Otsu, Kuji, Isozaki, Hiraiso, Nakaminato, Hasaki as bases for coastal fishing. As stated in the Fudoki of Hitachi, which was compiled in the Nara period in the first half of the century, “The land is large, the soil is fertile, the products of the seamounts are well harvested, people live abundantly, and it seems to be a country of the eternal world.” It seems that people have lived affluently. Even in the Middle Ages and modern times, influential warlords settled in this area, and especially in the Edo period, the Tokugawa clan was placed in Mito, and it developed as a key point of land and water transportation near Edo. It prospered as the center of economy and culture. After the collapse of the Edo Shogunate, Ibaraki Prefecture was established in 1871 due to the consolidation and abolition of the abolished feudal clan and prefectures, and in 1875 it became the current scale. Since then, the prefecture seems to have continued to develop greatly in all aspects such as agriculture, industry, science and technology, culture, and welfare, based on the industry and culture that have been cultivated in this area. The Dainihonshi (History of Greater Japan): During the Edo period, not only the shogunate but also various feudal lords carried out rehabilitation projects. A typical example is the compilation by the Mito Domain. Mitsukuni Tokugawa, the second feudal lord of the Mito Domain, opened the History Bureau (later the Honoring Hall) in 1657 during the Seiko era and started the compilation of national history. After many controversies over the content of the description and the editorial policy, in 1906, the 402nd volume was completed, which describes the history from Emperor Jimmu to Emperor Go-Komatsu (the emperor when the North-South Asahi was established) in Chinese. Whereas Rikkokushi and “Honcho Tsugan(The Edo Shogunate has been active in compiling history since the early days. In 1644, the third shogun, Iemitsu, ordered Razan Hayashi, a Confucian scholar, to compile national history. It was presented under the title of Record. However, the “Honcho Chronology” was destroyed by a large fire in 1657. In 1662, the 4th Shogun Ietsuna ordered Gaho, the son of Razan, to resume the compilation of national history, and a new compilation project was started with Naotsune Nagai as the president. Collection, research, writing, etc. of historical materials are carried out centering on Gaho at the Kokushikan in Ueno Shinobugaoka, and in 1670, a total of 310 volumes of annal history from Jindai to Emperor Go-yosei’s 1611 are written in Chinese style. Was completed (3 volumes of the first part, 40 volumes of the Honcho Tsugan, 230 volumes of the Honcho Tsugan, 30 volumes of the Honcho Tsugan shooting, 5 volumes of the appendix, and 2 volumes of the neck), and was collectively called “Honcho Tsugan”. 310 books each of the clear book and the middle book (intermediate clear book before the final clear book was created) were presented to the Shogunate, the clear book was stored in Momijiyama Bunko, and the middle book was on the right side of the Shogun family. Was placed. The title and format of “Honcho Tsugan” are said to be similar to those of Sima Guang’s “Zizhi Tongjian” and Zhu Xi’s “Zizhi Tongjian”.)” were chronological, “Dai Nihonshi” is a jizhuanti (Honki, which is the chronological record of successive emperors, and “Retsuden”, which is the main character’s biography. The format of the historical description) is adopted. Reflecting the historical view of Mitsukuni, Empress Jingu was included in the Empress Retsuden instead of the main era, the coronation of Prince Otomo was recognized, and the Southern Court was orthodox. It seems that it also influenced. Cultural heritage such as Kairakuen and Kashima Jingu are preserved in various places in the prefecture, and many great ancestors such as Japanese painting Taikan Yokoyama(Establishment of obscurity), modern ceramic art Hazan Itaya(Received the Order of Culture for the first time in the ceramic art world, and is also famous in the couple kiln), and nursery rhyme poetry Ujo Noguchi(A famous family that was once called “Kankai-tei” and “Isohara Goten” at the resting place of the Mito Tokugawa feudal lord. As of September 2002, only 31 school songs have been created. He wrote the lyrics not only in Japan but also in schools in China, South Korea and Taiwan)are produced. Based on the traditions nurtured by these cultural climates, this prefecture is actively engaged in cultural activities such as famous art exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art and prefectural art festivals. In recent years, the importance of the role played by culture has been recognized again, and in order to enjoy the richness of the mind in addition to the richness of things and to realize a life full of moisture, it is essential to utilize the power of culture. It has become. Under these circumstances, the Ibaraki Prefecture Cultural Promotion Ordinance was enacted in 2015 with the aim of contributing to the realization of a rich prefectural life and a vibrant local community. It seems that they are planning to promote it systematically. “Oriental pickling melon” : It is a kind of melon. White melons are thought to have originated in the region from India to southern China, and it seems that they had already arrived in Japan during the Nara period. It has been used for pickles since that time, and can be found in the Heian period books “Engi-shiki” and “Wamyo Ruijusho”. It seems that it was widely used in the Edo period. It is said to be native to tropical Asia, and when fully ripe, the skin becomes white. The length is about 20 to 50 cm, and the skin is green. The green is dark blue and pale green white, with fine stripes. Compared to other melons, the taste is light and not sweet even when ripe, but the meat quality is moist and softer than winter melons, making it suitable for lightly pickled and vinegared foods. The cotton part around the seed resembles the texture of a melon. Since there is a lot of water, it has been confirmed at any time that it reduces hydration and lowers body temperature. Melon vine is a vegetable belonging to the genus Cucumis of the Cucurbitaceae family, which is the same as melon and cucumber. In Japan, it seems that it has been popularly known as “Uri” since ancient times. In addition to cultivars such as oriental melon, which tastes raw sweetness and refreshing sensation, cultivars such as cucumber and oriental pickling melon, which are not sweet even when ripe, have been developed to be eaten as vegetables or pickled while immature. The varieties traditionally cultivated in Japan have been bred to suit the Japanese environment and are famous for their ability to withstand high temperatures and humidity.


Oriental pickling melon is considered to be a type of melon, originated in the Niger River basin in Africa and Guinea, and seems to have been introduced to Greece and Rome via ancient Egypt and Central Asia. Since the Middle Ages, it has spread throughout Europe and has been improved to become a high-class fruit called melon, which continues to this day. On the other hand, the melon that was introduced to ancient India differentiated into the oriental melon and entered China in BC. It has been confirmed in carbonized seeds excavated from archaeological sites in various places that it was introduced to Japan during the Yayoi period. In ancient times, when there were few sweets, sweet and delicious oriental melons would have been a favorite of children, but according to the Shosoin document, they were extremely expensive luxury items. In addition, the oriental pickling melon used for pickles seasoned in sake lees was also served as vegetables pickled in sake lees for aristocratic meals. In addition, he donated a thousand pieces of Sake lees embroidered on the edge with a four-word, four-phrase application to a high-ranking Buddhist priest in Tang. On the other hand, it seems that the king seems to be a record of the Chinese poetry of “Kaifuuso” and the traditional Japanese poetry of “Manyoshu”). By the way, European melons came to Japan in the middle and late Meiji era. Also, it seems that the greenhouse melons as they are today began to be cultivated in the Earl’s Feborit variety, whose seeds were brought from England in 1925.


Oriental pickling melon is a member of melon, but it has less sweetness and is used exclusively for pickles, and is often made in the vegetable garden. This species is dark green, thick and soft and crispy. Harvested when the fruit is about 20-40 cm long. It seems that the pericarp becomes glossy when the harvest time comes. It is said to have been given this name because the flesh is very soft and can be eaten by people with loose teeth. It is a variety exclusively for light pickles. Used for pickling in bran and salt. It is most delicious when pickled 30 minutes to 1 hour before eating, and long-term pickling reduces the taste.


It is an annual plant of the genus Cucumis of the Cucurbitaceae family, and its scientific name is Cucumis melo var. Conomon. It is believed to be native to Southeast Asia from India. It came to Japan from China via the Korean Peninsula in the old days. Today, it is cultivated as a summer vegetable in various places. The Japanese name comes from “Cucumis melo var. Conomon”, which is derived from the southwestern part of China. Also, it seems that the name of the variety is from pickles. As for strains, varieties and uses, “oriental pickling melon” is broadly divided into three varieties, “white melon”, “hard melon”, and “striped melon”, and cross breeding. It seems that it can be divided into lineage groups.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Iwamurada riot: It is composed based on the old documents of the IKEDA family, the former family in Tsukabara, Saku, Nagano Prefecture, compiled by the late Shinichiro, the 12th generation, based on the materials left by the 10th generation Seibei (Yoshinori)-10/26, 1868. Masanobu NAITO, the 8th generation adopted child, was ordered by the new Meiji government to refrain from the Boshin War because he stayed in Edo for a long time and did not clarify his position as submission. Therefore, he hoped to cooperate with the new government army and send out clan soldiers in the future, and sent troops to the Battle of Hokuetsu(3/29, 1868).

The Iwamurata clan was established in August 1703 by Masatomo Naito (a hatamoto in the early Edo period, Masakatsu Naito, and his son Masatomo, both of whom died during his tenure as Osaka standard, and whose family temple is in Edo. It is not known whether when the master passed away, he was cremated and his bones brought back to the family temple, or whether he was buried at a temple in Osaka.The name of the domain was changed to the name of Masatomo, the second lord of the Akanuma domain, after he set up a camp in Hitachi Takamori. It began when the Akanuma Domain in Musashi Province was given 16,000 koku of rice in 27 villages in Saku District. The 7th generation, Masanawa, was Tadakuni Mizuno's younger brother, and after successively serving as head of the castle and Fushimi magistrate, he became the lord of the castle, and planned to abolish the previous camp and build a castle on this land. Permission was granted at the time of the 8th generation Shosei, and construction began, but the castle was abandoned shortly after the beginning of the Meiji era. In response to the Boshin War, Seisei remained in Edo for a long time, and was ordered to be restrained by the new Meiji government because he was not clear about his position of obedience. Therefore, he requested that from now on, he would cooperate with the new government's army and send out his domain soldiers, and sent troops to the Hokuetsu War and other battles. It seems that the post-war award was 2000 ryo(a base unit).

【Product name】
Sun prune
Prunus domestica
【Origin of name】
It was selected in Usuda Town, Minamisaku District (currently Saku City) at that time, and was named by the prefecture and the then JA Nagano Keizairen (currently JA Zen-Noh Nagano) and the producer representative in 1979.
【Producing area】
Iwamurada Arajuku, Saku City, Nagano Prefecture (JA Saku Asama, JA Zen-Noh Nagano)
【Major features】
Oguri One (male), who attracted attention as the eldest son of the famous horse Oguri Cap who won four Japanese horse racing G1, seems to have died on July 5, 2022 at Suetoshi Ranch(shiga)in Saku City, Nagano Prefecture due to senility. He was 30 years old. Suetoshi Ranch announced on Twitter on the 5th. He had a long sleep at 30 years and 5 months. JA Saku Asama’s administrative area spans 3 cities and 4 towns: Komoro City, Saku City, Sakuho Town, Karuizawa Town, Miyota Town, Tateshina Town, and Tomi City (formerly Kitamimaki Village District), almost in the center of Honshu, Nagano Prefecture. It is located at the eastern gateway to. Since ancient times, it has formed a wide area in all aspects such as politics, economy, and culture, and has an area of 1,018 km2. The altitude of the cultivated land extends from 500 to 1,300 m, and the cold air is quite severe in winter, and the temperature difference between day and night is large. Sakudaira, one of the four flats in the prefecture, spreads out and is surrounded by clear blue air and beautiful rich nature. You can see Mt. Asama in the north, Mt. Yatsugatake in the south, Myogi-Arafune Saku Kogen National Monument in the east, and Mt. Tateshina in the west. The Chikuma River, which is rich in poetry, runs through the jurisdiction from north to south, and has enriched people’s lives for a long time. Taking advantage of the blessed natural environment, climate, and location conditions, it is attracting attention from the national market as a comprehensive supply center for fresh agricultural and livestock products such as rice grains, fruit trees, flowers, mushrooms, and livestock, centering on vegetables. Through each business closely related to the region, we will promote industry and regional development to create a comfortable regional environment centered on agriculture that nurtures life, aiming to realize a beautiful green hometown and a vibrant region where people can live with peace of mind and longevity. “Saku City” is located at the eastern end of Nagano Prefecture, and is a plateau city blessed with greenery and clear streams, located in the center of Sakudaira, one of the four flats in the prefecture sung in the prefectural song “Shinano no Kuni(The prefectural song of Nagano Prefecture released in 1900. Lyrics: Retsu Asai, Composition: Sueharu Kitamura. The lyrics consist of No. 6 and incorporate Nagano Prefecture’s geography / mountain river, industry, scenic spots / historic sites, celebrities from Nagano Prefecture, Usui Pass and railways. It seems that only No. 4 has a different melody and tempo. It is often sung at elementary and junior high schools and high schools in Nagano prefecture, and it seems that it is even said that if you grew up in Shinshu, you can sing “Shinano no Kuni”. In addition, it is said that it is always chorused at the end of company meetings and banquets and even if you live in the prefecture, if you can’t sing Shinano no Kuni, you’re a stranger. I hear that it has been popular since a wide range of ages as a prefectural song that shows a sense of solidarity.)”. The Chikuma River, which is the tributary of the Nametsu River, Katakai River, and Yukawa, runs through the center of the city, and Saku Carp, which grows from its abundant clear stream, is a typical specialty. The city has an inland climate with a large temperature difference due to dryness, the average annual temperature (about 10 ° C) is lower than the national average (about 13 ° C), and the annual rainfall is about 1,000 mm, which is nationwide. There are few areas. In addition, the sunshine hours are around 2,000 hours a year, which is much higher than the national average (about 1,500 hours), and it is an area with a high rate of sunny weather. It seems that the name ‘Saku’ first appeared in Japanese history about 1,500 years ago. It appears in the ”Sandai Jitsuroku”, which is a compilation of the history of the third emperor Seiwa, Yozei, and Koko. Then, it is also written in ‘Engi-shiki’. There are various theories about the etymology of Saku, and it is not clear. In the city, Jomon, Yayoi period ruins, and remains have been excavated everywhere, proving that indigenous peoples lived before the historical period. It is said that the rural settlement was born in a clear form at the end of the Heian period. Manors such as Oi manor, Banno manor, and Hiraga manor were built, and in the Warring States period, it became a place controlled by Mr. Takeda (Kai Genji). In the Tokugawa era, magistrate’s offices were set up in Hiraga and Iwamurada, and the place controlled as an imperial fief and the place that was the private territory of the Tatsuoka clan, Iwamurada clan(In August 1703, Masatomo Naito changed from the Akanuma Domain in Musashi Province and was given 16,000 koku in 27 villages in Saku District. Masatsuna Naito, the 7th generation, was the younger brother of Tadakuni Mizuno, and became a castle nominative case after serving as captains of the great guards and shogunate administrator Fushimi. The castle was built when the 8th generation Masanobu was granted permission, but soon after the Meiji era, the castle was abandoned.), and Komoro clan came to be mixed. The farthest point from the sea in Japan is in Saku City. It is located near the border ridge with Gunma prefecture, about 1900 m southeast of Amekawa Dam, and is said to be the farthest point (114.858 km) from the sea in Japan. This was triggered by a student at the University of Tsukuba contacting the Geographical Survey Institute of the Ministry of Construction (currently the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) in November 1996, and the staff of the Geographical Survey Institute used a computer to find out in about a month. In terms of image, Hokkaido, which has vast land, seems to have a farther point, but the farthest point in Hokkaido is about 7 km east of Mt. Biei in the Ishikari Mountains, and it seems to be 108.2 km from the coastline. The Mochizuki district (formerly Mochizuki Town) is located in the hills at the foot of Mt. Tateshina (elevation 2,530 m) in the eastern part of Nagano Prefecture, ranging from 600 m above sea level to 2,400 m near the summit of Mt. Most of the villages in Mochizuki’s shopping district, Kasuga, Kyowa, and Fuse are distributed from 650 m to 800 m above sea level. Blessed with tourist resources such as hot springs, valleys, golf courses, villas, and stone Buddha, the clear stream of the Kakuma River, which originates from Mt. Tateshina, flows through the city and flows into the Chikuma River. The east borders the former Asashina Village (Saku City). To the west, it borders Tateshina Town from Lake Shirakabako to Chino City, from the New Wada Tunnel to Shimosuwa Town, and from the Misayama Tunnel to Matsumoto City. The south is a spectacular landscape that extends from Kasuga Valley to Mt. Tateshina and the Yatsugatake Mountain Range. The north borders Komoro City on the Mimakihara Plateau, and also leads to Toumi City (former Kitamimaki Village and former Tobu Town merged) and Ueda City along the Kakuma River. On April 1, 2005, Saku City, Mochizuki Town, Asashina Village, and Usuda Town(Located in the eastern part, with a view of Mt. Asama to the north and Mt. Yatsugatake to the south, the Chikuma River, which is rich in travel, flows through the center of the town, and it was a town surrounded by wonderful nature and greenery. It was developed as a “welfare and medical town” with the world-famous Saku General Hospital as a mecca for rural medicine and numerous welfare facilities. In recent years, along with the star-shaped Goryokaku, he has been walking as “Star no Machi Usuda” with the opening of the parabolic antenna of the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science of the Ministry of Education and the opening of Usuda Star Dome. The Galactic Federation has an endless romance to space, and in November 1987, two cities and three towns, where the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Space Science Research Institute facility is located, shook hands from Akita prefecture in the north to Kagoshima prefecture in the south. birth. In November 2001, Sanriku Town merged with Ofunato City, and I heard that in 3 cities and 2 towns, the bond of friendship was deepened through wide-ranging exchanges such as children’s exchanges, products, culture, women, and sports.)merged to form New Saku City. The main industry is a high-tech industry centered on electrical machinery and machinery. Excellent companies such as TDK Corporation (Otai) are located in the five industrial parks of Mikawada, Nagatoro, Nishiyashiki, Odai, and Kishino. In addition, Saku Research Park (44.1 ha), which is the core of the Asama Technopolis Development Plan, is located in a hilly area with abundant natural environment as a research and development type industrial park. There are four shopping districts in the city: Iwamurada, Nakagomehara, Nakagome, and Nozawa. So far, shops have been modernized in line with disaster prevention block development projects and land readjustment projects, and distinctive urban development has been promoted. In recent years, with the expansion of large-scale mass retailers in the suburbs, the four shopping streets are gradually connected, and a vibrant town that is continuous from north to south is being formed. A Saku distribution business complex (17 ha in area) was established near Saku I.C. There were 6 wholesale business establishments including 6 fruit and vegetable markets. Blessed with fertile land, abundant water, and a favorable climate, it plays an important role as a comprehensive supply base for fresh agricultural products. Among them, Saku rice, which is known for its high quality rice, is getting more and more evaluated as a safe rice with low pesticides in combination with paddy carp raising. In addition, fruit trees such as apples, peaches and prunes, vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage and Chinese cabbage, and flowers such as chrysanthemums and carnations are also actively cultivated. In the fishery industry, in addition to existing fish species such as Saku carp and crucian carp, rainbow trout, and ayu as city fish, a new species of common whitefish(Coregonus Maraena)with good taste is cultivated. However, the agricultural working population continues to decline year by year due to the shift to other industries. “Sun Prune”: It has a strong sweetness and a good taste. A variety found in the Saku region, it has long been loved as a very popular local standard prune. It’s a small size that’s easy to eat, so it’s popular with people of all ages. The size of the fruit is about 30 g, it has a short oval shape, and the skin is black-purple. It is a tree with a height of 4 m or more, and in the Saku region of Nagano prefecture, pretty white flowers that resemble plum blossoms bloom from the end of April to the beginning of May. Some varieties do not self-pollinate, and bees help pollinate. Pollinated flowers begin to grow in June, and early varieties are said to bear fruit at the end of July. Prune, which is widely cultivated in the Saku region, ripens in mid-September. The color of the fruit varies from yellow, purple-red, and bluish-purple, and the flesh becomes amber. The seeds are small for the thick flesh, and the sweet scent heals the feelings. Also, the pulp and seeds are quickly separated and easy to eat. Plum is a fruit belonging to the subgenus Plum of the genus Plum of the family Plum and is a type of plum. There are several types of plums depending on the place of origin, but the strain belonging to the Mediterranean fruit belonging to the Eurasian domestic plums is called prunes. In Japan, the whole domestic plum is called prunes. In Europe, raw plums are often called plums, and dried ones are often called prunes. The origin of prunes is said to be the Caucasus region, which is sandwiched between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, which are considered to be the longevity areas of West Asia. From there, it settled in Southern Europe and was cherished as an excellent medicinal fruit tree during the Greek and Roman times. It spread to Europe and then seems to be cultivated mainly in France. It is said that it spread to the United States and Oceania in the middle of the 19th century. Today, about 70% of the world’s prunes are grown in California. There is no doubt that the history of cultivation is about 2000, which is relatively young compared to apples, which have a history of 4000 years. In Japan, it was cultivated a little in Nagano prefecture and Tohoku region, which have similar climates, in the early Meiji era, but it did not take root. After that, cultivation was resumed in Usuda Town in the Saku region in the latter half of the 1955’s.


The production of prunes in Nagano prefecture is the highest in Japan, and Saku city is one of the leading production areas in the prefecture. The Usuda area of the city is considered to be the birthplace of the main variety “San Prunes”, and in recent years, the cultivation of large new varieties “Autumn Cute Prune” developed by the Prefectural Fruit Tree Experiment Station (Suzaka City) has become popular. Seems to be. Prune is a small plum cultivar that bears self-bearing, has a deep purple fruit, is long-spherical in shape, and weighs about 40 g. The taste is very sweet and has a moderate acidity, so it is delicious even if you eat it raw as it is. The tree height seems to grow to 200-400 cm.


Speaking of prunes, “Saku”! It is “Saku Prune Day” on September 16th(2005)every year. A variety selected in the Usuda area of Saku City, it is widely cultivated in the Saku area and is widely known as a familiar prune with a good balance of sweetness and acidity.


JA Saku Asama Jurisdiction Prune, shipping start: Scheduled from September 21, 2022 to September 28, 2022: It was registered as “Sun Prune” in 1979 and started shipping all over Japan. The beginning of Japanese prunes

Thursday, December 7, 2023

We have established a pesticide-free cultivation technique using local rice straw(坊さん坊さん, どこ行くの, わたしは田んぼへ稲刈りに, わたしも一緒に連れしゃんせ, お前が来ると邪魔になる,このかんかん坊主, 糞坊主, うしろの正面だあれ) and horse manure in an organic medium and moist underground water. The monk was on his way to the red-light district in the afternoon. During the Edo period, clothing was strictly regulated, and monks were not allowed to go out in plain clothes even on a regular basis. Therefore, no matter where you look at it, it’s a monk. If you go out in disguise, you will be subject to punishment just for that. The villagers saw through this and yelled at the monk who went to harvest rice without wearing field clothes and without a sickle, saying that he was a can-can boy and a shit boy.

In Miho Village, a notification system will begin in January 2023. In order to prevent fraudulent acquisition of copies of resident records, certified copies of family registers, etc., when a copy of a resident record is delivered to a person's agent or third party, the fact that the copy was delivered to a person who has been registered in advance must be confirmed to the person concerned. This is a system to notify the. Copies of resident records and family registers may be obtained by third parties if they meet the requirements. It seems that the identity notification system is not a system for refusing requests from third parties.

【Product name】
Miho's mushroom
Agaricus bisporus (J. Lange) Imbach
【Producing area】
Yonenoi, Katori City, Chiba Prefecture, Packing Center (Atamadai, Katori City), Yonenoi Plant (Yonenoi, Katori City), Izumi Plant (Izumi, Katori City), Kaizuka Plant (Kaizuka, Katori City), Katori Affiliated Company, Mushroom culture medium production: Stock Company Katori Mushroom (Izumi, Katori City), Miho Plant (Miho Village, Inashiki District, Ibaraki Prefecture) (Hogen Mushroom Co., Ltd., JA Suigo Tsukuba, JA Group Ibaraki)
【Origin of name】
In Europe, it was cultivated in basements, and it appeared around the 15th century, and was originally spelled musseroun. Also, I heard that the French mousseron is the etymology. The official name in Japan is common mushroom. Mushroom is a popular name in Europe and the United States, and only France seems to call it Champignon de Paris. Slightly brownish brown mushroom.
【Major features】

The Costa Rica system (Costa Rica Hoshiki) is one of the election tactics in the single-seat constituency proportional representation simultaneous system. A method in which one person stands alone in a proportional representation district and is replaced at each election. Miura Village Factory: Japan TI Company Overview: Texas Instruments Japan Limited, Established in May 1968, Capital: 500 million yen, Representative: President Samuel Vicari, Number of Employees: Approximately 1,200, Main Products: Integrated Circuits (ICs), DLP® Business History: A foreign-affiliated supplier that manufactures and sells semiconductors with Texas Instruments Incorporated (Headquarters: Dallas, Texas, USA, abbreviation: TI) as its parent company. We support our customers’ global business by providing a wide product portfolio equipped with cutting-edge technology, a production system that makes use of the TI worldwide network, and a full range of sales and technical services. History: 1968 Nippon Texas Instruments Co., Ltd. established 1973 Hiji Factory (Oita Prefecture) started operation 1980 Miho Factory (Ibaraki Prefecture) started operation 1985 Received the Deming Prize Implementation Award (Hiji Factory) 1998 ISO14001 (Miho and Hiji(Hayami District)factories) 1999 Integrate head office functions into Nishi-Shinjuku Mitsui Building 2001 Merger with Nippon Bar-Brown Co., Ltd. 2007 OHSAS 18001 certification (Miura and Hiji factories) 2008 Japan TI In 2010, the 40th anniversary of the company’s establishment, the Aizu Factory (Texas Instruments Semiconductor Japan) started operation. 2011 Integrated with National Semiconductor Japan 2013 Opened Hiji Packaging Center 2018 Celebrated 50th anniversary of Japan TI 2019 Changed corporate form to limited liability company, company name changed to “Texas Instruments Japan Limited Liability Company” 2022 Tokyo Relocated headquarters functions to Minato Ward (Shinagawa Season Terrace). Miho Village, Inashiki District, Ibaraki Prefecture, is known as the JRA Japan Central Racing Association (Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato Ward, Tokyo, established on September 16, 1964, capital: 4.9 billion yen). 24,129,000 yen; fully funded by the government). The center was established in 1979. Mushroom production began in the neighborhood in 1982. This year is too close. It doesn’t seem like a mere coincidence. I’ve heard that mushroom cultivation is an effective use of the large amounts of bedding produced by the stables. It seems that this bed straw is essential for making delicious mushrooms. It seems that the discharged bedding is mixed with water, chicken manure, and lime at the compost center to make compost. It seems that this compost is used to make a medium and inoculated with a general mushroom inoculum for cultivation. JA Suigo Tsukuba in Ibaraki Prefecture will start a “food drive” from March 1, 2022 to collect food that is dormant at home in order to support single-parent households and other households in need. Collection boxes were set up at a total of 10 farmers’ markets within the jurisdiction, and it seems that the collected food items were distributed to needy households. Just like these people, we must take seriously the reality that single-mother households are becoming poorer. Excerpt from Yoshimoto Mushroom Co., Ltd. Founded in December 1987, business description Mushroom cultivation and shipping Number of employees: 300 (120 full-time employees, 180 part-time employees) ) Planned production volume for the entire group is 3,800 tons (2022). According to the president, mushroom cultivation is said to be particularly delicate and difficult among mushrooms. In addition to meticulous temperature control, sanitation management against germs and pests seems to be indispensable. Mushrooms are an honest ingredient that can change the scent and taste depending on how you grow them. Using pesticides makes management easier, but grown mushrooms smell like chemicals. At Yoshimoto Mushroom, we grow our mushrooms without the use of pesticides in order to deliver not only delicious mushrooms but also safe and secure mushrooms to our customers. Sparing no effort and effort, he grows delicious mushrooms one by one with affection like his own child. Also, although the consumption in Japan is still small, it is the most eaten mushroom in the world. Meat, vegetables, fish We are proud of being compatible with basically any ingredients. When it comes to mushrooms, both in Japan and around the world, most people think of white mushrooms, but it seems that brown mushrooms actually originate. It seems that you can enjoy a rich flavor that is different from the mellow taste of the white variety. Although they are all mushrooms, they are popular as ingredients with different characteristics and charms. In addition, it seems that each mushroom is called by a name depending on its size. 1, giga mushroom, 2, jumbo mushroom. One of its features is that skilled employees select and grow mushrooms that are likely to grow large. It seems that only about 1 out of 100 normal-sized mushrooms turns into a jumbo mushroom. It seems that you can enjoy the texture and rich taste that you can not taste with normal size mushrooms. In addition, like jumbo mushrooms, mushrooms selected by skilled employees are left and cultivated. It seems that one out of 100 jumbo mushrooms (1 out of 10,000 normal size mushrooms) is a giga (13 cm or more), a very rare product. It seems that the mushrooms that were hidden in the shadows and forgot to grow grew big, so they started cultivating them. Yoshimoto Mushroom sells mushrooms directly at the packing center in Adamadai, Katori City and at the Miho Plant. If you can contact us by phone in advance, it seems that it is possible to hand over the product without waiting. Mushrooms are grown all year round, so they can be purchased at any time, but it seems that we may not be able to meet your request from autumn to winter. In Miho Village, agricultural products are plentiful. Miho rice grown is high-quality rice cultivated using fully-ripened compost from the tressen straw and using as little chemical fertilizers and pesticides as possible. From 2006 to the present, it has been selected as one of eight brands of “Ibaraki’s proud Koshihikari series” based on production volume, cultivation method, taste, etc. as a representative of Koshihikari rice produced in Ibaraki Prefecture. Ko-itten rice is JA Inashiki’s brand rice Koshihikari, which is cultivated using fully-ripened compost from Toresen straw and using as little chemical fertilizers and pesticides as possible. In addition, as a drying method that is gentle on rice, a solar drying facility has been introduced to bring it closer to drying in the sun. The brand name of the figs is “Treasure Box of Clay”. Cultivated without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Rich in vitamins and minerals, this healthy fruit has a chewy texture and a sweet taste. The brand name of shiitake mushrooms is “Forest box”. Believing only in the power of trees, shiitake mushrooms grown completely pesticide-free using raw wood. Under the motto of “Freshly harvested flavor at the table”, it seems that pre-cooled shipment and garnishing are carried out. The strawberry variety is Tochiotome. Raised in fertile rice paddy soil, it boasts outstanding sweetness. Lotus root has long been popular as a food of perpetual youth and longevity. In Miho Village, cultivation is thriving, mainly in the Funako area on the lakeshore, and boasts a healthy and crispy texture. Nanko japanese ume is a good product with small seeds and thick flesh. Umeboshi, plum juice, and plum wine are popular. Paprika is a vegetable with excellent features such as capsanthin’s antioxidant power and nutritional value such as carotene and vitamin C. It seems to be cultivated in one of the largest paprika hydroponics facilities in Japan. As for processed marine products, smelt, whitebait, shrimp, etc., landed in Lake Kasumigaura in front of you, are processed at the processing plant in the village on the same day. It has inherited the traditional manufacturing method since the Meiji period, and features an old-fashioned handmade taste. As for livestock products, dairy farming, fattening cattle, and pig farming are popular. Compost is also used in gardening and agriculture. Eternity, Environment, Earnest. Using these three words starting with “E” as keywords, “We Think E, MIHO” seems to be the catchphrase of the village. This is based on the idea that villagers and the government will form a scrum to “implement resident activities that emphasize the ‘environment’ one by one ‘sincerely’ from their immediate surroundings in order to enable the ‘persistent’ development of the region.” Let’s go.” It’s a wonderful thing, and it seems we need to emulate it. The first of these activities is the branding of agricultural products. Regarding the unified branding, since the foundation of agriculture is the “power of the soil”, organically grown agricultural products that are pesticide-free and low-pesticides will be created from the “Treasure box of soil” and the “power of trees”. With the brand name “Forest box”, it is clear to consumers that it is an eco-friendly agricultural product. Miho Village in Inashiki County is located on the south bank of Lake Kasumigaura overlooking Mt. Tsukuba. A large-scale shell midden from the Jomon period, it is located on the island-shaped “Anju plateau”, which is thought to have been an island in Kasumigaura at the time. There are eight large and small shell middens left on the slopes surrounding a vast plateau with an area of about 0.03 km2. The shell mound dates from the early Jomon period (approximately 7,000 years ago) to the late Jomon period (approximately 3,500 years ago). In 1879, Chujiro Sasaki (1857-1938: born in the Fukui clan, entomologist in the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa periods. Pioneer of modern sericulture and silk-reeling studies), who was a student at the University of Tokyo, Kai Iijima (1861-1921: Born in what is now Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, was a zoologist and ichthyologist in the Meiji and Taisho eras. He has extensively studied sponges, birds, and parasites, and played a major role in advancing Japanese zoology. Founded by the Ornithological Society of Japan), this site was the first site excavated by Japanese people, and is said to be the origin of Japanese archeology. In 1998, researchers and the surrounding area A village rich in nature and history, where various activities by the development company and local residents have borne fruit, and it has been designated as a national historic site as a representative shell mound site, and efforts have been made to preserve it. It is also famous for its safe and high-quality agricultural products and marine products from Lake Kasumigaura. Geographically, it is close to Tsukuba Science City and Narita, and is famous as a “town” that is convenient for connecting to the Ken-O Expressway and Joban Expressway, which are being developed as roads connecting these core cities and the Tokyo metropolitan area. Taking advantage of this environment, preserving the lakeside culture that has been nurtured since ancient times, and sensitively feeling the winds of a new era, we will create a community where people can live, study, work, and play in Miho Village, and villagers’ cooperatives with the participation of villagers. We are promoting the development of a working town. Also, it seems that there are only two places in Japan where JRA training centers are located. The other is in Ritto City, Shiga Prefecture, which was opened in 1969 in the hilly area of the Kinkatsu mountain range with Lake Biwa nearby. Currently, it seems that Miura Village is the east base and Ritto City the west base for training racehorses. Taking advantage of these “Miho-ness”, we are promoting the development of a town that will open up the flower of lakeside culture. The Ritto Training Center (Ritto-Tresen) has six track-type training courses, a slope training course with a total length of about 1 km, and a racehorse swimming pool in a vast site of about 1.5 million square meters (about 40 Koshien stadiums). , Has various training facilities such as Shoyo long roofed passageway (originally having an earthen floor and used as a bridle path). It also has facilities such as stables for over 2,000 racehorses, a racehorse clinic, a conditioning room, and a riding garden, and it seems that they are operated daily to create strong horses that can compete in the world. Yoshimoto Mushroom Co., Ltd.’s mushroom cardboard inspection and certification system for organic foods: The organic JAS mark is a mark with the image of the sun, clouds and plants. It represents food produced by the power of the natural world without relying on chemical substances such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and is attached to agricultural products, processed foods, feeds, livestock products and algae. “Organic agricultural products” are those produced in paddy fields and fields that have been organically managed for at least two years (three years for perennials) before sowing or planting, without using prohibited pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or genetic modification technology. “Organic processed foods” are those that use 95% or more of such organic agricultural products and are manufactured in such a way that chemicals and non-organic raw materials and products are not mixed. It seems that it is prohibited to use the words “organic” or “organic” in the names of agricultural products and processed foods that do not have the organic JAS mark affixed. In addition, organic farming not only provides safe and secure food, but also maintains and enhances the natural circulation function, creates healthy and fertile soil, and considers environmental problems. Before the establishment of the organic JAS system, various expressions such as “自然”, “organic”, “有機”, and “natural” came to be used with the spread of organic farming, including what kind of production process actually went through. It seems that it was sometimes difficult for consumers to decide “which one is what I want”. In the midst of such confusion and the trend toward international standardization of organic agricultural products, I hear that the JAS Law (Act on Standardization, etc. of Agricultural and Forestry Products) was revised, and the “organic certification system” began. It seems that only those that have been inspected and certified by a “registered certification body” authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries can be labeled as “organic agricultural products” or “organic processed foods.” According to JA Group Ibaraki Agricultural Administration News, the situation surrounding domestic agriculture, etc., the Diet, the government, and the ruling party have decided to spend 3.5 trillion yen as a reserve fund to counter rising prices. On September 20, 2022, the government will spend a total of 3.5 trillion yen from the contingency fund for fiscal 2022 in order to allocate it to measures against rising prices and the development of the medical system for the new coronavirus. Cabinet decision to in addition to spending 1.3 trillion yen to fund fuel subsidies such as gasoline until the end of the year, he spent 800 billion yen to increase support grants that local governments can use to secure hospital beds for the new coronavirus. Financial resources for local governments to take countermeasures against soaring prices according to the actual situation of the region As a result, a new “local subsidy to support soaring prices of electricity, gas, food, etc.” He took measures of 600 billion yen. As examples of initiatives recommended to local governments, the government has shown measures to support the shift from soaring chemical fertilizers to fertilizers that make use of local resources, and countermeasures against soaring electricity costs for irrigation facilities in land improvement districts. Is it seems that he is scheduled to formulate a comprehensive economic package in October following this contingency expenditure, which will include countermeasures against soaring prices. In addition, the Board of Audit proposed a review of the operation of the government’s stockpiled rice. On September 14, 2022, the Board of Audit compiled the results of its inspection of domestic measures for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Regarding the government’s stockpile of rice, the amount of rice purchased exceeds the amount imported under the TPP quota, and it is a problem that it is an excessive measure, and has proposed an inspection and review. Agriculture Minister Tetsuro Nomura (born in Hayato Town, Aira District, Kagoshima Prefecture, appointed in the second Kishida reshuffled cabinet) seems to have indicated at a press conference after the cabinet meeting on September 16 that he has no choice but to reconsider. National Strategic Special Zone WG private sector member replacement. Private-sector members of the government’s National Strategic Special Zones Working Group, which discusses special provisions for farmland acquisition by general companies, are replaced. Agricultural Administration Information-No.52 (October 6, 2022).

In fact, mushrooms are the most consumed mushrooms in the world. In Japan, consumption is still low, so we are trying to boost the market by participating in exhibitions. Yoshimoto Mushroom Co., Ltd.’s market share of mushrooms in Japan seems to be ranked first and second every year. In order to make delicious mushrooms, we are very particular about making this medium and use the latest equipment from Holland to make fungal beds. Because the secondary fermentation and culturing of the bacteria are carried out in dedicated equipment, it is possible to deliver high-quality thick mushrooms that are packed with umami.

It has a rich flavor and aroma, and is suitable for simmered dishes and soups. It also has a longer shelf life than the white variety. With the P2P3 tunnel system of the culture medium manufacturing facility that started operation in 2020, we have achieved complete in-house production of culture medium. With the in-house production of the culture medium, we planned to expand the bacterium house.

Monday, December 4, 2023

In Sakata, which faces the Sea of Japan, various seafood is landed at the port every day, and fresh seafood is jostling throughout the season. In the Edo period, it prospered as a port of call for western-route shipping, and has benefited from the blessings of the sea. Surrounded by the sea, Japan seems to have been fishing and eating fish since prehistoric times. At the Koyamazaki Site (Yuza Town, Akumi District), a site from the early Jomon period, a “fishhook” made of bone was excavated. Spindles (weights attached to nets) that are thought to have been used for fishing and floating pumice stones have also been unearthed, and various types of shells have been unearthed from the Fukura site. It seems that the diet of the people at that time was rich, and many bones of animals that served as food have been excavated.

Regarding Sakata City's indoor skating rink, which will be abolished at the end of 2023, Sakata City Mayor Akiko Yaguchi announced at a press conference on December 4 that she is considering constructing a bridge facility that utilizes existing equipment. I have to. The city has decided to abolish the Sakata City Gymnasium, which is the only indoor skating rink in the prefecture, at the end of 2023 due to safety concerns and aging. As for alternative skating rinks, a council formed by local governments in the Shonai region is calling on the prefecture to construct a new skating rink near Shonai Airport, but no decision seems to have been reached yet. Even if construction were decided, it would take time to complete the project, so at a press conference on the 4th, it was revealed that they were independently considering an alternative facility that would serve as a "bridge(Tsunagi)" using the existing facilities.

【Product name】
Shonai sand dune chives
Allium schoenoprasum var. foliosum
【Producing area

Sakata City, Yamagata Prefecture (Sakata City Sodeura Agricultural Cooperative Association JA Sodeura, JA Zennoh Yamagata, Oishii Yamagata)
【Origin of name】
Cultivated in the area located in the Shonai sand dunes, it has a lighter green color than scallions such as green onions and stone-leek.
【Major features

Sakata City Regional Abandoned Cultivation Land Countermeasures Council, Farmland Refresh Communication (No. 39) (2012.10.5) P01, implementation period: June 28, 2011 to April 10, 2012, Target area: 1.7 ha (field), work content: removal of obstacles, plowing, land leveling, soil improvement, summary of efforts: summarize the results of this effort, and create a model of agricultural management and production methods for the region. Community farming group By showing it in the weave, etc., we aimed to prevent and eliminate the occurrence of abandoned farmland and foster the bearers. Effort main body: Sakata City Sodeura Agricultural Cooperative (cultivated crops: chives) JA’s case of reusing abandoned farmland Coordination process: Under the cooperation of JA and the regional council, JA staff visited land owners directly and conducted land use coordination. As an overview of JA’s efforts, the number of abandoned farmlands is increasing due to labor shortages due to the aging population and concerns about capital investment due to sluggish agricultural product prices. In March 2009, we started regenerating the farmland to prevent the adverse impact on the surrounding environment caused by turning the farmland into a wilderness. We are working on new production methods and efficient farm management models, and donate some of the harvested vegetables to local elementary schools as school lunch materials. JA, which had been searching for a solution to the increase in abandoned farmland, took this opportunity to strengthen its efforts. As a result, abandoned farmland was selected, an outline of the project was explained to the landowner, and the initiative seems to have materialized. The Sodeura area of Sakata City, located in the Shonai Sand Dunes, is the most popular area for growing Chives in the Shonai region. It seems that the producers in this area have inherited the bulbs of this excellent agricultural product from generation to generation in their own homes, and have grown and shipped them as an important source of income in the winter. Recently, with the aim of further expanding consumption, we have brought Chives to the Tokyo Central Wholesale Market and held tasting parties for those involved in the market. It seems to be highly rated for its spiciness and crisp texture. Chives, which are popular as a winter delicacy in Shonai, are one of the valuable native crops that remain in this region. It is originally a perennial plant of the genus Allium of the Liliaceae family that grows naturally in various parts of Japan. It is a plant with a strong vitality, and since it is a bulb, it is difficult to crossbreed, and it seems to prefer a sunny and moderately well-watered land. Since ancient times in Shonai, people dug up the underground parts of Chives that seemed to have died completely during the harsh winter when the snow blew, and picked and ate the yellow sprouts inside as a valuable source of vitamins. It seems that a lot of the grown ones are being shipped. The bulbs are dug up in June, dried in the shade, and replanted around August. The bulbs split during autumn, and the leaves wither in winter, but the new shoots seem to grow little by little without dormancy. Carefully dig up the roots, place them in a flat box with the roots facing down, and place them in a plastic greenhouse at a temperature of about 18°C for a week to 10 days. It seems to remove old leaves. After being washed thoroughly with cold water to remove sand, they are shipped mainly to markets in Tokyo and its suburbs from December to March every year. I also heard that the name comes from the fact that it is used when the leaves are still lightly colored, before the leaves turn green. There is also a theory that it is less spicy (lighter) than garlic (hirutsuki: Japanese-made thing made by crushing garlic). In the Shonai area, it is also called “Kimoto”. It grows naturally in Hokkaido and the Tohoku region, which I longed for, and around Sakata City, it seems that they have selected relatively thick and delicious ones and cultivated them in sandy soil for food. Cultivation seems to take time and effort, such as planting the bulbs in August, digging up the grown stocks in the winter, and warming them in a greenhouse for about a week to 10 days so that new shoots will sprout. It is often used as a condiment, but in Yamagata Prefecture, it seems that it is standard to boil it and eat it with vinegared miso to take advantage of the bitterness and spiciness that you can feel in the unique sweetness of the sprouts, and the crunchy texture and fragrant flavor. Among them, the Jurizuka area, which utilizes sand dunes for cultivation, is a large production area. It is also said that when you enter the village, you can smell the green onions. For those who like it, it will be unbearable. Green leaves appear in autumn and wither in winter. Harvest the shoots in the ground. The dug out Chives are arranged in flat boxes and transferred to the greenhouse. It seems to be watered every day, allowed to grow for about a week, washed with water, cut off the hair roots, peeled and shipped. Chives may be thought to be expensive, but they seem to be an agricultural product that takes a lot of work and cannot be produced with ordinary effort. It seems that it was after 1955 that the government’s administrative intervention in the regional economic structure of the Shonai region of Yamagata Prefecture began in earnest after the war, with regard to the wide-area distribution of fruits and vegetables and the distribution system. Especially after 1960, when the rapid economic growth started, the price of perishable food rose significantly and became a social problem because agricultural production did not keep up with demand, even though demand increased greatly. It seems. With this as an opportunity, the reason why production did not expand was that production was not stable due to price instability, and that the development of distribution channels was delayed. There seems to be a strong demand for it. In response to this situation, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry implemented a fruit and vegetable price stabilization project in June 1962, and in 1963 started a designated production area project in an attempt to stabilize supply and demand by linking large-scale production areas and large-scale markets. It seems that this was later codified as a designated production area business. Furthermore, in July 1963, the Cabinet of Hayato Ikeda (1899-1965: born in Takehara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, 59th Prime Minister) issued the “Guidelines for Improving the Distribution of Perishable Foods” As materials, we will newly investigate the distribution structure, distribution volume, price, distribution loss amount, distribution costs, etc. of perishable foods at each transaction stage from the shipping stage to the retail stage, and improve the distribution statistics of perishable foods. In July 1966, the “Vegetable Production and Shipment Stabilization Law” was enacted. This is to promote the modernization of the production and shipping of designated vegetables in certain production areas in a planned manner. This law was enacted with the aim of contributing to the sound development of vegetable agriculture and the stability of the consumer lifestyle of the people. During the decade from 1960 to 1970, the urbanization of Tokyo and its surroundings progressed, and vegetables had to be supplied from remote areas. As a result, the situation of vegetable distribution changed completely to the modern long-distance transportation distribution of vegetables. A new distribution structure he called the wide-area distribution market system was established mainly in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka. Developed mainly in the central wholesale markets of the three major cities of Furthermore, after the enactment of the Wholesale Market Law in 1971 (recently, the Wholesale Market Law and the Food Distribution Structure Improvement Promotion Law were partially amended), during the next ten years until the country entered a period of low economic growth, the central governments of provincial cities With the rapid increase in the wholesale market, the expansion of designated consumption areas, the expansion of designated production areas, the progress of agricultural co-operative sales, and the rapid expansion of mass retailers in the retail sector, the wide-area mass distribution system has grown. It seems to have expanded nationwide. On November 30, 2022, the prefecture and five cities and towns in the Shonai region held the first meeting to exchange opinions on the publicization of Tohoku University of Public Service and Arts, and agreed to aim for early realization. The first meeting to exchange opinions was attended by the Vice Governor of Yamagata Prefecture and the chiefs of five Shonai municipalities. The public interest university in Sakata City was established in 2001 as a “publicly established and privately run” university funded by the prefecture and local governments in the Shonai region and operated by a private school corporation. The city of Sakata and the university have asked the prefecture to “make it a public institution”, saying that it is necessary to stabilize management in anticipation of the declining birthrate in the future. Oga Shrine and Harunire Tree (Hirooka Shinden): The enshrined deity is the Uganome no Okami. On November 25, 1922, seven years after the death of Takizo Sato in Sakanobe Shinden, Sodeura Village (now Sakata City), a ceremony was held at the Sato family centered on Mr. Kyuzo, the then head of the Sato family. At the meeting, Choryo Sakai (1848-1926), who devoted himself to the development of agriculture and was also famous for the cultivation and spread of Shonai persimmons, seems to have dedicated the following rites in recognition of his achievements. (Omitted) Sakanobe Shinden reconciled the turmoil between the public and private sectors with the unendurable power of the old man, and the traditional Kaen Hundred-odd Town Walks show steady progress year by year, among which persimmons. We have 10,000 trees and 20,000 or 30,000 peach trees. As seen in the Choryo ritual, it is said that Takizo’s old man’s efforts contributed to the widespread cultivation of fruit trees in this area and the increase in profits from persimmons, peaches, and apples. They are descendants of Taroemon Sato, who made great achievements in planting and developing the sand dunes of Shonaigawa Minami, and founded Hirooka Shinden (now Sakata City) and Sakanobe Shinden. Born in the family of New rice field head, he seems to have inherited his ancestor’s will and became “Kyodentsuu-Shokutsuki-Goyominarai” in 1859. In 1863, he was dispatched by the Shonai clan to guard the coast against foreign ships. He also worked on construction of 30 houses for the clansmen, how to handle rice for the clansmen, monitoring of gunpowder storehouses, and investigation of new rice field development. There is Apart from the migration of Shonai feudal retainers to this area, it seems that his efforts also played a major role in the development of Koya-Yachi and the opening of Iimoriyama Village by immigrants from Sakanobe Shinden. One of his achievements is the government-owned forest refund campaign. With the 9-year land tax reform every hour, the privately-owned forests in this area were incorporated into the government-owned forests. In 1890, each village in Sodeura launched a campaign to sell government-owned forests free of charge. Hirooka Shinden and Monzo Kubo, Jurizuka and Tamizo Takahashi, Kuromori and Tamizo Sato, and Sakanobe Shinden’s Takizo are said to have played a central role. In 1904, when the sale of the government-owned forest was rejected, in 1905 Keigo Kiyoura (1850-1942: born in Yamaga City, Kumamoto Prefecture. 23rd Prime Minister of the Empire of Japan.) filed an administrative lawsuit against Minister of Agriculture and Commerce. Waking up Takizo, Tamizo, and others traveled to Tokyo several times as part of their campaigns, and apparently held oral arguments dozens of times. On July 10, 1912, he finally won the lawsuit against private land being pulled back from public land. The black pine forests of the Shonai Sand Dunes are one of the largest in Japan, with a total length of about 33 km and an area of about 2,500 ha, from Fukura in Yusa Town to Yunohama in Tsuruoka City. This Pinus thunbergii Parl forest has a history of about 300 years and is a great heritage inherited from our predecessors. Currently, desertification due to deforestation is progressing on a global scale, but in the Shonai region, the forest disappeared and desertified during the Warring States period about 500 years ago. For this reason, it is exposed to the ferocity of flying sand, and damage such as flooding due to the burial of farmland and the burial of rivers occurs frequently. Afforestation of the Shonai Sand Dunes began with the conclusion that the only way to prevent these damages was to restore the forest to the sand dunes. , regenerating lush forests into barren dunes. Afforestation on sand dunes began in earnest in the 18th century, and since Mitsuoka Honma (1733-1801: wealthy farmer and great merchant capitalist in the late Edo period) is especially famous, there is a misconception that all of the afforestation was done by the Honma family. Although it is sometimes done, the planting of vast sand dunes seems to have been achieved through the efforts of many pioneers and people. And most of the black pine forests we see today are from the feudal era, and most of them seem to have been planted after World War II through the efforts of the government and local communities. The history of the black pine forests of the Shonai Sand Dunes is not a tale of the past, but rather a 300-year history of steady public interest that has continued uninterrupted to the present day. The road is not smooth, and there seems to be a repeated history of failure and rebirth, destruction and reflection. During the feudal era, the forests were planted by the domain and pioneers, and in modern times, by the government. Currently, not only administrative agencies, but also local residents, students, and other volunteers work together to protect and nurture the black pine forests, and engage in forest environmental education in the field of black pine forests. It seems that Disappearance of Natural Forests and Desertification: The Shonai Sand Dunes were covered with natural forests, mainly broad-leaved trees, until the Middle Ages. , in the barren sands It is said that As fuel for salt production was exhausted, firewood called shiogi (fuel used to boil seawater in salt pans) was transported by boat from the forests upstream using rivers. Barren sand dunes are blown up by the wind and become terrifying “moving sand dunes”, burying river mouths with sand and causing frequent floods. Due to the loss of forests, people suffered from the double affliction of “sand blowing” and “flooding.” Afforestation on sand dunes: Initially, various tree species were planted, but only a limited number of tree species could grow on the harsh coastal sand dunes. It was not until the middle of the 18th century that trees were planted. After dividing the area produced many leaders called predecessors. Struggle with sand after World War II: Sabo forests, which had been created through the efforts of our predecessors, declined due to the chaos during and after the war. In the villages by the sea, sand blew into the houses, and people used to eat under umbrellas. Also, when the house was filled with sand, all the villagers dug the sand, packed it in a “sand box”, and carried it on their backs to throw it out to the sea. This lifestyle seems to have continued until the late 1955s. Kobo Abe’s (1924-1993) novel “The Woman in the Sand”, published in 1962, seems to have been inspired by life in the Shonai sand dunes. Large post-war erosion control afforestation project: In the local area, which suffered from blown sand, privately owned forests on the front of the sand dunes were donated to national forests Start. Many local people were employed in the work, and by using local materials such as straw, bamboo, and reeds for planting trees, they played a major role in post-war reconstruction. Fuel revolution, changes in lifestyles, changes in forests In the 1960s, there was a rapid shift from forest-dependent fuels such as firewood and charcoal to fossil fuels such as gas and oil. The relationship between forests and people rapidly faded away, and devastation due to lack of maintenance of forests and damage by pests such as pine weevils (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) spread. Passing on a Great Heritage to the Future: The black pine forests of the Shonai Sand Dunes are a heritage inherited from our predecessors and are an indispensable treasure for the region. Now, we will reconsider its history and functions, and protect and nurture it without destroying it in our generation. It seems that activities to connect to the future are being actively carried out. On the way to the melon production area of Shonai Sand Dunes, there are many large sake breweries. The famous Hamanaka district of Sakata City and the Oyama district of Tsuruoka City. There is good quality underground water in this area, which is said to be the source of high-quality sake. And melons are grown in the adjacent sand dunes. Well-drained sand dunes are favorable for melons. If there is a lot of moisture, the melon will absorb it and the sugar content will not increase. And the strong sunshine during the day, the coolness at night, and the best groundwater. It seems that many conditions are met. On the sand dunes protected by pine forests that block the sea breeze, melon fields spread out like an oasis in the desert and soothe us. During the midsummer daytime, the temperature is high enough to burn the soles of the feet (inflammation), while at night the wind from the sea makes it very cold. This temperature difference produces a rich sweetness, and the Shonai Sand Dunes Melon is a specialty product that boasts an overwhelming shipment volume as a melon that reaches its season in summer. Taroemon Sato, who was introduced earlier, is one of the people who has made great achievements in planting and developing the Shonai sand dunes. In 1706, Taroemon’s grandfather, Zengoro, developed 309 koku of rice in Hirooka Shinden Village (now Sakata City). His father, Taroemon, moved to Hirookashinden with the villagers of Nishichihara and Ibarashinden (present-day Tsuruoka City) the following year, and formed a village of 16 households, serving as a steward. As with Kawakita, the sand dunes in Kawaminami were also badly damaged by flying sand, and Hamanaka Village (currently Sakata City) began planting trees in the middle of the Genna era, but it took a long time to see success. It seems In 1707, the teenage Taroemon was appointed Gorin no Kami along with Yoroku and Kiemon of Hamanaka Village. In 1728, Gorin no Kami, such as Taroemon, issued a petition to monitor illegal cutting of sand protection forests and to control Gorin, thus protecting the forests. Even though it was developed, Hirooka Shinden Village at that time was suffering from heavy sand and poor drainage, and the villagers were having a hard time. So he bought the saplings himself and planted them in the field, and when they grew, he consulted with his younger brother Kyutaro. In 1732, he dug a new river to Shimotori Karasumakibuchi in Kuromori Village (present-day Sakata City) in order to save the villages in this area from flood damage. As a result, the yield has increased, and it seems that all the borrowed rice can be paid on top. They planted millet and oak, and also purchased seeds of Yoshino cedar, Akita Noshiro cedar, Kiso cypress, and Noto pine at their own expense, and planted them in the villages of Hamadori, Mt. In 1745, he became a planter of Kyodentsuu, and in the same year he created a bamboo grove of 25 square meters in Hirooka Shinta village and provided bamboo for construction. In 1749, he began planting pine trees on Mt. Iimori, and from Mt. It seems that it has come to do. Taroemon further planned to plant trees on the entire sandy land up to Miyanoura Village (present-day Sakata City), and particularly on Mt. Sakanobe, where the wind was incomparably stronger than in Hirooka, and it was too far to commute from Hirooka. , Sakanobe’s valley and fields were entrusted to him, and he requested that he build a house here, create a village, and plant plants there. Permission was granted in 1762, and Taroemon himself moved to this area and opened Sakanobe Shinden Village (now Sakata City). He also planted more than 1.81,818 km from Mt. Saigogumi Komayama to Mt. Hashiki, but the planting continued after that, and by 1800 in the generation of his grandson Yuiemon, the number of trees planted was 850,000. I have reached the limit. The main character of imoni, a famous Yamagata dish. In Japan, it is said that taro, which has been cultivated since the Jomon period and was a staple food before rice cultivation, is said to have been named taro because it is cultivated in villages, as opposed to yam that grows naturally in the mountains. Imoni party(People in northeastern Japan hold a Imoni party at a riverside and they eat Imoni and drink alcohol together), one of the representative local dishes of Yamagata Prefecture, is originally suitable for cultivation in soil with abundant moisture, but we have established a cultivation method that improves the taste and quality even in sandy soil with relatively low water retention capacity. Did It came from the fact that “Wase Yamato Taro” is suitable for cultivation in sand dunes in the prefectural test research. Due to the difference in soil, it has a smooth and soft texture compared to taro produced in fields in inland regions with high moisture content. Since it is grown on sandy soil, it is easy to remove dirt and moisture from the surface, and there is little risk of post-harvest rotting and the hassle of removing mud. Influence of Settlement Time on Early Digging Cultivation of Taro in Shonai Sand Dunes : Yamagata Prefectural Shonai Comprehensive Branch Office Production Area Laboratory, Yamagata Prefectural University of Agriculture and Forestry) , In the sand dunes in the Shonai region of Yamagata Prefecture, irrigation facilities have been developed, and melons and Facility cultivation such as cherry tomatoes The cultivation of open-air vegetables such as open-air tunnel melons, Japanese white radish, and red turnips is popular. However, in recent years, due to the effects of labor shortages due to the aging of farmers, outdoor vegetable cultivation The area is decreasing, and idle farmland seems to be increasing. For this reason, the introduction of new land-use crops that require relatively little cultivation management effort has become an urgent issue. By the way, taro, which is a land-use product, is in high demand in Yamagata Prefecture as a main ingredient in imoni, a local dish. There is not enough, and the situation is responding to outside the prefecture. On the other hand, the production of taro is low nationwide in August, and the market price is relatively high, so labor productivity is expected to be secured. Regarding his August / September shipment of this excellent produce, he seemed to indicate that in the Murayama area of Yamagata Prefecture, he could plant in early to mid-May and harvest in mid-September. To speed up the harvest, plant It seems that it is important to speed up the timing. One of the characteristics of the Shonai sand dunes is that the snow melts quickly, making it possible to prepare the fields quickly, and the ground temperature rises quickly in early spring. The possibility of securing a yield of 1,000 kg or more per I seem to have shown. Therefore, we examined the suitable planting time for his early digging cultivation in the Shonai sand dunes in late August. Wild Chives can be seen widely in the Tohoku region and Hokkaido, but especially around Sakata City, we select those with good shape and taste. I love the history of cultivation in the sand dunes and the love of our predecessors.

The coastal area centered on the Shonai Plain has the characteristics of an oceanic climate, with heavy rain and high humidity. In winter, the amount of snowfall is small, but the northwest monsoon is strong and sometimes snowstorms occur. It is famous as a granary of mild climate from spring to autumn. In the Shonai region, it seems that people have dug up the underground parts of Chives during the harsh winter when snow blew since the Edo period, and picked and ate the yellow sprouts as a valuable source of vitamins. In recent years, it has also been shipped to the Tokyo metropolitan area.

The Shonai Sand Dunes are elongated sand dunes that stretch about 34 km from north to south and are four times larger than the Tottori Sand Dunes. Shonai’s sandy beach was created by the action of rivers and wind. The earth and sand carried by the Mogami River, the Gekko River, and the Hyuga River to the sea are blown back to the beach by strong seasonal winds, forming high sand dunes. Western sand dunes from the sea side, The dunes are divided into three rows, the central sand dunes and the eastern sand dunes, and are higher in this order. Western sand dunes are divided into artificial sand dunes and Meiji sand dunes. The artificial sand dune is the newest, and it seems that it was built by the government after 1945 to prevent damage from flying sand. The Meiji sand dunes were formed by the construction of erosion control fences, planting trees, and other erosion control projects during the Meiji period to protect farmlands. The altitude of this dune is around 20 m.

Chives is a plant of the Allium genus that originally grows naturally from Hokkaido to Honshu and Shikoku. Although it is used as a wild vegetable nationwide, it has been cultivated for a long time in Shonai. It has been cultivated with great care as a valuable raw vegetable from winter to early spring when there are few vegetables. In addition, it has a long history and has been used since the Heian period, and it seems that it was also cultivated in the Edo period.