
Monday, January 6, 2025

In 1908, he self-published his first collection of tanka poems. At the time of the publication of "Umi no koe" (Voice of the Sea), Bokusui Wakayama (1885-1928) wrote the following poems: Immediately after graduating from Waseda University: I sing songs, but today I am chased by sorrows that I cannot understand, You may become speechless. Don't look at the sea, for it seems that you will be taken by the sea. Autumn night sake seeps through the white pearl teeth. (One sho of sake a day: from 1901, about 1.8 L (1800 ml)) It should be drunk quietly. Akugare - Tsuboya, Togo-cho, Hyuga-shi, Miyazaki Prefecture: Climbing Mount Yakedake (Gateway to the Northern Alps, Omachi-shi, Nagano Prefecture) - I am grateful for the joyful faces of the elderly, with what little life remains (1912?), With guidance from a 70-year-old man

Shigeru (Bokusui) loved sake, nature, and cherished his family.

Designated as a national hot spring resort by the Ministry of Health and Welfare Notification No. 65 (at that time) on March 10, 1962.

Hatake Onsen is an alkaline simple spring with a water temperature of 34 degrees, and is known as a hot spring that is effective for high blood pressure and neuralgia. Bokusui first visited this place in September 1922. This place has been popular as a hot spring resort since ancient times, where people can relax and soak for long periods in the warm water. 『長湯して飽かぬこの湯のぬるき湯に ひたりて安きこころなりけり』

【Product name】

Mishima New Cherry

Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme
【Origin of name】
Because we are aiming for a discerning mini tomato that is chosen by consumers.
【Production area】
Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Kannami Town, Tagata District (JA Fujiizu, Old JA Mishima Kannami, JA Shizuoka Economic Federation)
【Main features】
In early July 2022, Mishima City launched the "Mishima Morning Trip" website, which travels around the city in the early morning, on the website of the City Tourism Association, and is refocusing on promoting tourist attraction and excursions. Information on recommended courses that incorporate the rich nature of the city center, restaurants that serve breakfast, etc. is posted to convey the charm of a refreshing morning that is a bit different from the daytime. Historic sites and nature such as Mishima Taisha Shrine and Genbei River are scattered in the city, and NPO corporations and citizen groups also regularly hold "Mishima Morning Walk" events. Izu Shonan Road Concept: According to materials from both Shizuoka and Kanagawa prefectures, the Izu Shonan Road is a 30km road that connects the eastern part of Shizuoka prefecture to the western part of Kanagawa prefecture. Proceed east from the Kannami IC (tentative name) on the Izu Jukan Expressway planned in Kannami Town, Shizuoka Prefecture, and reach Seisho Bypass and Odawara Atsugi Road in Odawara City via Atami City, Yugawara Town and Manazuru Town in Kanagawa Prefecture. It seems that a route is being envisioned. As of 2022, in order to go back and forth in this section, it seems that you will have to make a major detour to the Tomei Expressway, or take National Highway No. 1, Hakone Turnpike, Nekkan Road, National Highway No. 135, etc. “Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture”, Located at the base of Izu Peninsula in the south foot of Mr. Fuji and Hakone western foot.At the eastern end of the area called the Tokai region, crossing Hakone is the Kanto region. In the olden days, it prospered as a post town of Tokaido, a town in front of Mishima Taisha Shrine(Minamoto no Yoritomo prays for Genji revival; Worshipped deity-大山祇命, 積羽八重事代主神). It is also the 11th post town of The fifty-three stations of the Tokaido(Imperial fief of the Edo Shogunate; 大中島町, 小中島町, 久保町, 大中島, 小中島, 伝馬町, 金谷町, 宮倉町, 長谷町, 六反田町, 蓮行寺町, 新宿町, 木町, 茶町, 後(浦 /裏), 柴(芝)町, 唐人町, 新町三島宿 etc.). In the center of the eastern volcanic belt of the prefecture: To the north, Fuji (mt. Fuji 3,776.3 m), Ashitaka (Mt. Echizendake 1,505.5 m)-Both volcanoes.Hakone on the east side (Kamiyama 1,438.2 m, Taga (Mt. Kurotake 799.1 m, Amagi(Mt. Banzaburotake, Mt. Banjirotake)etc. Volcanoes line up north and south, and Enoura (Mt. Washizu 392 m) is on the west side, Mt. Daruma 981.9 m, Mt. Nekogoe 1,034.7 m etc. The volcano is parallel to this.Orient and Occident-The Kanogawa River (47.15 km) flows through the alluvium between the two volcanic groups. Japan National Route 136 runs along this line. The city area is about 15 to 20 meters above sea level. In the north, the Sano Area is 100 m above sea level, gently climbing the mountain skirt of Hakone / Ashitaka. To the east, the entrance to Tsukahara Shiden is 110 m, and Yamanaka Shiden is 580 m: The steep slope west of so-called Hakone. Alluvial plain of the Kanogawa River from south to west: The Mishima / Numazu plain is open. According to research, it was the fuji Volcanic belt that gave birth to hakone and Izu Peninsula. Fossa magna: Along this line, there are two major geological rifts in Japan; Southwest japan (southwest of the itoigawa-shizuoka tectonic line) and Northeast Japan (northeast of the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line) . In addition, it has been said to be a region where more geology can be seen than in ancient times. Near Mishima station-You can see many rocks full of holes that appear on the surface of the earth. This is called the bed-rock (Mishima lava flow) of Fuji volcano. This lava flow goes down to Mishima along the Gotemba line with a width of about 2 km. The southern end is said to reach the center of the city. Suisenen's rock is the end of the outcrop: It extends to 90m in the thick part of this lava flow. Alluvium in the south: This created the Mishima-Numazu Plain, which spread further south to become the “Tagata Plain”. The eastern highlands are covered with ejecta from Hakone volcano: Volcanic ash and pumice flow. Yugawara volcanic ejecta can also be seen around Mitsuya and Tsukahara. The western part is covered with volcanic ash and pumice to the west bank of the Kisegawa River outside the city. It is said that you can see the ejecta of Ashitaka volcano in the highlands. Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park-Born in 1936. It is divided into an area centered on Mt. Fuji and an area centered on Hakone. “Mishima” is the western entrance to the area centered around Hakone. In 1955, Izu Peninsula was added and it became a new park. “水の郷百選”, Mt. Fuji's subsoil water springs up everywhere and flows through the city. The water system is divided into three: Sakai River (Oba River), Sawaji River, Yamada River, Takekura River, Natsumegi River: All of these rivers originate at the western foot of Hakone: Irrigation water in the Sano / Kitakami / Nishikita area: It joins the Oba River and pours into the Kano River. The second water system is the spring water of Rakujuen, Komoike, and Shirataki Park. Becomes Genbei River and Sakura River and flows to the western part of Nakago: It runs through the city (City of Water). Clean groundwater called Fuji's thaw water is coming out from between the Fuji lava. Under this Fuji lava-It has abundant groundwater and is the best as drinking water and industrial water. But, the water warming pond was created in 1953 because it is too cold for irrigation water. The Kakida River in Shimizu Town is scattered in this water system. Third water system: Irrigation water in the eastern part of Nakago, Kannami Town: Kannami Town The water source is emitted from the forbidden forest (protection forest for water source) in Kuwahara: Collect the spring water from the tanna tunnel on the way to become the Raiko River. This forbidden forest is a natural forest that has long been forbidden to be logged. It has an area of 327 ha and many types of trees. In autumn, the autumn leaves shine in the setting sun and it is a beautiful sight. Route 1 (Iceland) and Japan National Route 136, which passes through the center of Izu, intersect. The transportation center of the eastern region, both in the past and in the present. Shizuoka Prefecture is located between the two major cultural areas of Kanto and Kansai: It is said to be an exchange zone between both cultures. The boundary between the Kansai valve and the Kanto valve seems to be in the western part of the prefecture. The seasoning of Kanto style such as Udon and the seasoning of Kansai style may change. The city belongs to the Kanto area. According to the Metropolitan Area Development Law, Mishima is the western end with a radius of 100 km: It is completely in the Kanto living area centered on Tokyo. However, although the living area belongs to the Kanto region, it has a geographical corridor. It has the advantage that you can choose either east or west depending on market conditions, such as shipping vegetables. Another regional feature is the cultural and economic center of North Izu.Cultural property : 国指定国宝(工芸品), 梅蒔絵手箱, 昭和27年11月22日, 大宮町, 国指定国宝 (工芸品), 薙刀, 銘備前国長船住人長光造, 昭和32年2月19日, 中田町, 国指定重文(工芸品)太刀, 銘宗忠, 明治45年2月8日, 大宮町, 国指定重文(工芸品)脇指, 銘表ニ相模国住秋義 伊豆三島大明神 裏ニ 奉拝佐藤松千代貞成, 大正9年4月15日, 大宮町, 国指定重文(工芸品)短刀, 表ニ三島大明神他人不与之 裏ニ貞治三年藤原友行ノ銘アリ, 明治44年4月17日, 大宮町, 国指定重文(工芸品)太刀, 銘長元, 昭和27年3月29日, 中田町, 国指定重文(工芸品)短刀, 銘国光, 昭和32年2月19日, 中田町, 国指定重文(工芸品)刀, 無銘正宗, 昭和36年2月17日, 中田町, 国指定重文(工芸品)刀, 朱銘義弘(名物松井郷)本阿(花押), 昭和29年3月20日, 中田町, 国指定重文(工芸品)刀, 金象嵌銘備前国兼光(名物大兼光)本阿弥(花押), 昭和34年6月27日, 中田町, 国指定重文(工芸品), 秋草文黒漆太刀 中身銘豊後国行平作, 昭和28年11月14日, 中田町, 国指定重文(美術品)太刀, 銘行秀, 昭和30年6月22日, 中田町, 国指定重文(絵画), 絹本著色日蓮上人像, 大正8年8月8日, 玉沢, 国指定重文(絵画), 絹本著色十界勧請大曼荼羅図(絵曼荼羅), 大正9年4月15日, 玉沢, 国指定重文(彫刻), 木造大日如来坐像, 明治32年8月29日, 中田町, 国指定重文(書跡)注, 法華経 (開結共) 日蓮自注, 昭和27年7月19日, 玉沢, 国指定重文(書跡)撰時抄 日蓮筆, 昭和27年7月19日, 玉沢, 国指定史跡, 山中城跡, 昭和9年1月22日, 山中新田, 国指定史跡, 伊豆国分寺塔跡, 昭和31年5月15日, 泉町, 国指定天然記念物, 三嶋大社のキンモクセイ, 昭和9年5月1日, 大宮町, 国指定天然記念物 / 名勝, 楽寿園, 昭和29年3月20日, 一番町, 国指定重文(書跡), 般若心経(源頼家筆), 平成6年6月28日, 大宮町, 国指定重文(古文書), 三嶋大社矢田部家文書, 平成6年6月28日, 大宮町, 国指定重文(建造物), 三嶋大社本殿/ 幣殿及び拝殿, 平成12年5月25日, 大宮町, 国指定史跡, 箱根旧街道, 平成16年10月18日, 箱根町, 三島市, 函南町, 県指定工芸刀, 銘荘司筑前大掾大慶藤直胤(花押)天保二年仲秋イツ(刻印), 昭和41年3月22日, 一番町, 県指定工芸刀, 銘繁慶, 昭和41年2月7日, 中田町, 県指定工芸, 三十六歌仙図刺繍額, 平成27年11月9日, 大宮町, 県指定彫刻木造阿弥陀如来立像, 平成25年11月19日, 県指定絵画紙, 本著色白隠自画像, 昭和45年6月2日, 沢地, 県指定絵画, 楽寿館 / 楽寿の間絵画, 昭和55年11月28日, 一番町, 県指定典籍, 聚分韻略, 昭和52年3月18日, 文教町, 県指定典籍, 日本書紀並びに具書, 昭和55年11月28日, 大宮町, 県指定天然記念物, 駒形諏訪神社の大カシ, 昭和46年3月19日, 山中新田, 県指定天然記念物, 御嶽神社の親子モッコク, 昭和46年3月19日, 青木, 県指定無形民俗, 三嶋大社のお田打, 昭和47年3月24日, 大宮町, 県指定無形民俗, 三島囃子, 平成3年3月19日, 川原ケ谷, 県指定史跡, 向山古墳群, 平成11年3月15日, 谷田北沢, 市指定考古資料, 市ヶ原廃寺の塔心礎, 昭和41年2月7日, 大社町, 市指定典籍, 河合家所蔵 三嶋暦及び版木並びに関係文書, 昭和41年2月7日, 大宮町, 一番町, 市指定工芸, 龍澤寺隠寮内 入江長八鏝細工, 昭和41年2月7日, 沢地, 市指定絵画, 小沼満英筆 三島宿風俗絵屏風, 昭和41年2月7日, 芝本町, 市指定建造物, 三嶋大社舞殿,神門及びそれに属する彫刻, 昭和41年2月7日, 大宮町, 市指定建造物, 玉澤妙法華寺庫裡, 昭和41年2月7日, 玉沢, 市指定工芸, 織部どうろう, 昭和41年2月7日, 南本町, 市指定天然記念物, 愛染院跡の溶岩塚, 昭和41年2月7日, 一番町, 市指定典籍, 秋山家所蔵 秋山富南古文書 原本豆州志稿他, 昭和43年10月1日, 安久, 一番町, 市指定典籍, 樋口家所蔵三島宿本陣関係史料, 昭和45年2月14日, 南本町,一番町, 市指定史跡, 千枚原遺跡, 昭和46年5月4日, 千枚原, 市指定建造物, 楽寿園内楽寿館, 昭和49年11月20日, 一番町, 指定建造物, 玉澤妙法華寺中鐘楼, 昭和54年12月1日, 玉沢, 市指定絵画, 栗原忠二画「月島の月」, 昭和55年10月8日, 一番町, 市指定彫刻金剛力士像(阿形像,吽形像), 昭和57年2月23日, 玉沢, 市指定工芸, 三四呂人形, 昭和58年10月7日, 一番町, 市指定天然記念物, 神明宮神社 社叢, 昭和60年11月11日, 御園, 市指定天然記念物, 中のカシワ, 昭和60年11月11日, 中, 市指定天然記念物, 願成寺クス, 昭和60年11月11日, 川原ケ谷, 市指定天然記念物, 耳石神社イタジイ, 昭和60年11月11日, 幸原町, 市指定彫刻, 光安寺鼻取り地蔵, 昭和62年3月19日, 日の出町, 市指定建造物, 円明寺表門(伝樋口本陣表門), 昭和63年1月21日, 芝本町, 市指定考古資料, 光安寺板碑, 平成2年3月6日, 日の出町, 市指定絵画, 梅御殿装飾絵画「杉戸絵」, 平成3年3月4日, 一番町, 市指定考古資料, 向山古墳出土遺物(鉄製品), 平成3年3月4日, 大宮町, 市指定天然記念物, 三嶋大社 社叢, 平成3年3月4日, 大宮町, 市指定考古資料, 吊手土器, 平成4年3月3日, 大宮町, 市指定天然記念物, 矢立の杉, 平成4年3月3日, 山中新田, 市指定絵画, 下田舜堂画 「朝焼けの富士」, 平成5年3月4日, 北田町, 市指定絵画下田舜堂画 「小浜池」, 平成5年3月4日, 北田町, 市指定絵画, 細井繁誠画 「月と芋畑」, 平成7年3月1日, 大宮町, 市指定絵画, 杉本英一画 「絵画教室」, 平成7年3月1日, 大宮町, 市指定歴史資料, 扁額 「三島黌」, 平成9年3月5日, 一番町, 東町, 市指定歴史資料, 「豆州伊豆佐野村」絵図, 平成12年3月1日, 佐野, 市指定典籍, 世古文書, 平成14年3月1日, 相模原市, 一番町, 市指定考古資料, 箱根田遺跡出土祭祀関係遺物, 平成15年5月8日, 中央町, 市指定歴史資料, 花島家資料, 平成15年5月8日, 一番町, 市指定建造物, 経王山 妙法華寺伽藍 (大書院 / 本堂 / 祖師堂 / 奥書院 / 中門 / 忠霊殿), 平成15年5月8日, 玉沢, 市指定絵画, 芹沢晋吾画 「農夫」, 平成19年1月10日, 大宮町, 市指定典籍, 落合家文書 「天正十八年 『豆州君澤郡中嶋郷御縄打水帳』 外地方文書」, 平成21年10月15日, 一番町, 市指定建造物, 禅叢寺鐘楼門, 平成22年3月10日, 玉川, 市指定絵画, 大沼貞夫画 「日輪ボロブドゥール幻想」, 平成22年3月10日, 大宮町, 市指定絵画, 大沼貞夫画「魔性と仏性(ボロブドゥール考)A / B」, 平成22年3月10日, 一番町, 市指定典籍, 接待茶屋関係文書, 平成23年3月9日, 一番町, 市指定歴史資料, 接待茶屋関係調度品大茶釜外3点, 平成23年3月9日, 一番町, 市指定古文書天正十八年 豊臣秀吉掟書, 平成25年3月6日, 一番町, 市指定天然記念物, 鏡池横臥溶岩樹型, 平成26年10月9日, 一番町. “Kannami Town, Tagata District”, Located at the gateway to the Izu Peninsula in the eastern part of the prefecture. It has a scenic terrain and a warm climate overlooking Mt. Fuji, south of Hakone. You can see the rich green nature at the southern foot of Hakone and the beautiful Fuji from anywhere. Kannami Wisdom Center for child-rearing exchange center in Japanese-style building-Providing child-rearing support measures that match the needs of child-rearing households. There is also a library: A large collection of large picture books for children: We are preparing an environment where you can relax and get familiar with books. 文化財の指定状況(平成27年4月1日現在, 資料:生涯学習課), 山中城(岱埼出丸): 史跡, 昭和9年1月22日, 桑原字城山, 国指定. 柏谷横穴群 : 史跡, 昭和51年2月20日, 柏谷字池頭向山, 国指定.柏谷横穴群: 史跡, 平成10年7月31日, 柏谷字池頭向山,追加指定, 丹那断層, 天然記念物. 昭和10年6月7日, 畑字乙越, 国指定. 木造阿弥陀如来及両脇侍像, 重要文化財 , 平成4年6月22日. 桑原かんなみ仏の里美術館, 国指定.箱根旧街道, 史跡, 昭和35年9月22日, 箱根旧街道, 国指定, 箱根旧街道 : 史跡, 平成16年10月18日, 箱根旧街道追加指定.天地神社のクス, 天然記念物.昭和27年4月1日, 平井天地神社境内, 県指定.春日神社のクス, 天然記念物, 昭和29年1月30日, 大竹春日神社境内, 県指定. 木造薬師如来坐像彫刻, 昭和52年3月18日, 桑原かんなみ仏の里美術館, 県指定. 木造毘沙門天立像彫刻, 平成13年3月15日, 桑原かんなみ仏の里美術館, 県指定. 木造十二神将立像彫刻, 平成13年3月15日.桑原かんなみ仏の里美術館, 県指定木造聖観音立像 / 木造地蔵菩薩立像彫刻, 平成13年3月15日. 桑原かんなみ仏の里美術館, 県指定, 火雷神社の断層, 天然記念物, 昭和56年7月25日, 田代火雷神社, 町指定. 八重窪横穴群, 史跡, 昭和56年7月25日. 大竹八重窪, 町指定, 中里横穴群, 史跡, 昭和56年7月25日, 日守, 中里町指定興聖寺の襖絵絵画, 昭和58年3月16日. 塚本興聖寺, 町指定, 興聖寺のマリア観音像, 彫刻, 昭和58年3月16日. 塚本興聖寺, 町指定, かんなみ仏の里美術館内の仏像群彫刻, 昭和59年11月8日, 桑原かんなみ仏の里美術館, 町指定, 磨崖仏彫刻, 平成1年11月24日, 畑毛, 町指定.双体道祖神民俗, 平成1年11月24日, 田代, 町指定.駒形像民俗, 平成1年11月24日, 軽井沢, 町指定.地獄 / 極楽絵図民俗, 平成6年1月28日, びんの沢法伝寺, 町指定, 火雷神社の社叢, 天然記念物. 平成6年8月10日, 田代火雷神社, 町指定. 大竹千体観音像, 彫刻, 平成25年3月1日, 大竹, 町指定. 三拾三躰民俗, 平成26年3月31日.桑原長源寺内, 町指定, 寺社版木等民俗, 平成26年12月18日, 桑原かんなみ仏の里美術館, 町指定. Kannami Brand: By June 2018, 38 products have been selected. Typical examples are high sugar content, strong aroma and crispy texture - “Kannami watermelon”: Boasting a history of more than 130 years of dairy farming, it is also provided for school lunches- “Tanna Milk” that is familiar to many people. Stayed at Hatake hot spring(いずみ荘)from September 1922. “長湯して飽かぬこの湯のぬるき湯にひたりて安き心なりけり”, 人の来ぬ夜半をよろこびわが浸るいで湯あふれて音たつるかも - By written Bokusui(茂)Wakayama. 27 Sing the neck. Hot spring health resort - Located in a quiet countryside, it has been popular as a spa since the early Edo period. “Mishima New cherry”, Tomato cultivation in Mishima began in the late 1950s. In the 30's of the Showa era, the number of green house growers increased. In 1972, it was designated as a production area for winter and spring tomatoes as a designated vegetable production area “Mishima”. Production has been strengthened, and since the 1970s, many new technologies such as hydroponic culture have been introduced. Currently from Mishima-Kannami, Produced and shipped mini tomatoes "Mishima NEW Cherry Tomatoes", high sugar content tomatoes "JA Mishima Kannan Fruit Tomatoes", round ball tomatoes "Mishima Kannan Sweet Ripe Tomatoes", etc. are produced and shipped stably. Mishima winter spring tomato harvest: From October to June, from spring to early summer, the sugar content increases as the temperature rises. It is mainly shipped to Keihin and Chukyo areas. Due to the long shipping period, we will hold several meetings within the year. Important work to reconfirm shipping standards and quality. Don't forget to measure the sugar content by comparing it with cherry tomatoes from other production areas. Work hard to be chosen by consumers: To work hard and encourage each other.


Cultivation of tomatoes in Mishima began in the latter half of the 1945s, and in the 1955s, the number of greenhouse growers increased. Since the 1980s, many new technologies such as hydroponics have been introduced. The Shizuoka Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Certification System is a system started by Shizuoka Prefecture in 2006 with the aim of ensuring the peace of mind and trust of the citizens of the prefecture for agriculture, forestry and fishery products. It is a system in which the prefecture certifies the efforts of producers of agriculture, forestry and fishery products for safety and security, and is targeted at individuals, corporations or production organizations that produce agriculture, forestry and fishery products in the prefecture. Items subject to certification are agricultural products (vegetables, rice, fruit trees, green tea, flowers), special forest products (mushrooms), livestock products (dairy cows, beef cattle, pigs, hens, broilers), marine products (eels, sardines, etc.) Inspiration). It seems that other items will be gradually expanded. A certificate will be issued to those who have passed the certification examination conducted by Shizuoka Prefecture. The certification validity period is three years, and it seems that regular audits are conducted to see if the certified system is operating properly during this period. Those who have obtained the certification are allowed to register on the dedicated website "Fuji no Kushizuoka Food Information Center" to send out information on production and safety management, and to use the certification mark. JA Mishima Kannami is a target item mini tomato with a certification date of March 18, 2021. This certification system requires that a PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) management system be implemented in order to ensure and continuously execute safety management, etc., and certification holders must use manuals and records. Prepare documents etc. This makes it possible to properly explain the producer's safety management efforts to consumers and the like. It seems that the prefecture conducts an annual examination to confirm that the system for ensuring the safety of certified persons is properly operated. This enhances the reliability of the system. Disseminate information on certification and efforts for safety and security by utilizing certification marks. This seems to be able to effectively lead to the peace of mind and trust of consumers.


Since tomatoes are produced in greenhouses, it seems that the number of tomatoes planted in one house is fixed to some extent. Therefore, it seems that the decisive factor is how much the yield can be increased. Even now, MC (Integrated Environment Control: Control by linking multiple devices such as skylights, heating, and curtains. Creates a balanced environment without waste according to changes in the weather such as wind direction, wind speed, and solar radiation. Greenhouse measured with the set contents Control based on internal and external data. For example, in the afternoon of a day when solar radiation is strong and photosynthesis is active, the control temperature of the skylight and heating can be automatically corrected to promote the translocation of sugar produced by photosynthesis. It seems. It is expected that the optimum environment will be created by making an integrated judgment instead of making a judgment based on one environmental factor, and it is expected that the quality will be improved and the yield will increase. Since it automatically controls the opening and closing of skylights and curtains, heating, etc., it was said that it was opening and closing while watching the weather every day, changing the timer setting frequently, and rushing to the green house when it rained. Reduces the work load on the person. The work efficiency is improved because it is used for work such as the care of crops. Also, the input resources are used efficiently. For example, when the temperature inside the greenhouse is low and the skylight is closed. Applyes carbon dioxide gas at a high concentration to promote photosynthesis, and when the skylight starts to open due to a rise in temperature, the concentration is lowered to stop unnecessary application, and resources are used efficiently.), Fertilizer management, water management, etc. It seems that some farmers are promoting IOT with methods that do not involve human hands as much as possible.


The JA jurisdiction is blessed with a warm climate with a lot of solar radiation even in winter, with an average annual temperature of 16.2 degrees Celsius and an annual rainfall of 1826 mm. About two-thirds of the area consists of mountainous hills, which are roughly divided into hills with the foot of Mt. Hakone at the top and flat lands formed by the Kano River basin on the south side. In the plains, it is a paddy field area, and it seems that facility horticulture such as strawberries and tomatoes has been actively carried out. In the hills on the west side of the western foot of Hakone, a wide variety of vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, Chinese cabbage, and lettuce are produced. This area of surface humus andosols is blessed with fertile soil and has a history and romance that has produced very good quality agricultural products since ancient times.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Katsunuma Tunnel Wine Curve: A wine storage using the former JR Fukasawa tunnel, which was built in 1903 and remains as it is. On the other side is the Ohikage Tunnel Promenade. Although it is currently closed, it used to be possible to walk through a total length of about 1.4 km.

November is a beautiful month when grape leaves turn red in autumn. The Katsunuma New Wine Festival is held every year on November 3rd at 'Budo-no-Oka' in Katsunuma Town, Koshu City. The Katsunuma New Wine Festival celebrates the year's harvest. Wineries in Koshu City bring their freshly brewed wines to the event, allowing you to taste new wine earlier than anywhere else.

Ms. Mariko Hayashi: Grapes Get in My Eyes (KADOKAWA, 1986). The story is set in a provincial city in the early 1970s, in a preparatory school that was converted from an old middle school into a coeducational school after the war. The protagonist is a high school girl (the author's alter ego) who has a complex about her appearance, is self-conscious, and is not cool.

【Product name】
Seedless Gorby


Vitis L.

【Production area】

Katsunuma Town, Koshu City, Yamanashi Prefecture (JA Fruits Yamanashi)

【Origin of name】

It seems that it was named after the nickname of "Mikhail Gorbachev", the first president of the former Soviet Union (Mouvement Réformateur; Red round).

【Main features】

On May 30, 2022, the highest temperatures in Katsunuma and Kofu in Koshu City, Yamanashi Prefecture, were the highest and second in the country, and it seems that the heat was approaching the hottest day. Katsunuma, Koshu City is No. 1 in Japan at 34.1 degrees Celsius, and Kofu is 33 degrees Celsius, share second place with Kamisatomi Town, Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture. Katsunuma has the highest temperature of 34.1 degrees Celsius, which is the highest in Japan, and Koshu is 33 degrees Celsius, which is the second highest in Japan. Most of the causes of the recent situation and abnormal weather are meteorological disturbances such as westerly meandering and typhoons, and El Nino (the sea surface temperature from off Peru to the vicinity of the date change line continues to be higher than normal for one to one and a half years. It seems that it has been regarded as an internal change in the atmosphere such as (phenomenon) and interaction with the ocean. However, recently, it seems that the rainfall pattern has fluctuated due to the rise in the average temperature of the earth due to the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and the frequency of abnormal weather has increased. In addition, abnormal weather is an important factor that has a great impact not only on food but also on housing. If it rains for a long time, houses near the river are more likely to be flooded under the floor or above the floor due to flooding of the river, and in the worst case, the entire house is washed away, which may lead to an emergency. When the amount of precipitation increases and the precipitation time becomes long, rainwater permeates deep into the ground, and the sediment on the surface flows out, and it is customary that a large sediment disaster such as a deep landslide that causes the entire mountain to collapse together with the rock that supports the ground is likely to occur. From 2011 to 2015, the Japan Meteorological Agency, which is an external agency of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, conducted joint research with the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) to conduct research on risk management using weather forecast information. gone. Research has been conducted not only on the "hot days" and "typhoons and torrential rains" that have been the focus of attention, but also on "cold damage", and as a result, it seems that some methods have been created to reduce the deterioration of crop quality. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries "2008 Global Warming Impact Survey Report" (September 2009), etc., at production sites in Japan, the impact on agricultural products that is thought to be due to global warming such as high temperature damage is nationwide. It has occurred. For example, it has been reported that ripening disorders occur in paddy rice, poor coloring / delayed coloring in apples, mandarins, grapes, etc., frequent occurrence of pests, poor growth in leaf stem vegetables, and decreased milk yield / components in dairy cows. It seems. In addition, according to the prediction of changes in the yield of paddy rice by the global climate model, it seems that the influence of climate change will increase from 2081 to 2100, and the yield will increase in northern Japan, while it will decrease in China and Kyushu. Furthermore, it is predicted that the suitable land for cultivation of crops will move due to global warming. For this reason, measures are being considered to predict global warming and to avoid the effects of climate change on agriculture as much as possible. So far, for example, adaptation measures such as changing the transplantation period to avoid high temperatures during the ripening period for paddy rice, and coloring improvement technology by cyclic peel treatment for grapes have been developed. Fruit trees) have not been washed away or released overseas, and the tragedy of the workers is miserable. At each prefecture stage, development of new varieties of paddy rice that can avoid quality deterioration due to high temperature, development and introduction of apple varieties that can be colored even at high temperature, change of cropping season by low-stage dense planting of tomato, tropical and subtropical It seems that efforts such as branding by introducing crops are being promoted. 5093 Hishiyama, Katsunuma Town, Koshu City: “Katsunuma Vineyard” is a tourist facility operated by the city, which stands on a small hill in the vineyard that spreads out at the eastern end of the Kofu Basin. In the underground wine cave, there are always 150 to 200 brands of wine that have passed the quality examination committee sponsored by the city. Also, if you buy a special container (Tart Van), you can sample each brand. At the hot spring facility “Tenku no Hot Water”, you can enjoy high-quality hot springs while watching the scenery of the Kofu basin below. It is said that the wine restaurant prepares dishes that match the wine produced in Koshu City. In addition, there are barbecue facilities, a light meal lounge in the sky, and an adjacent museum. The accommodation facility is said to have hot springs in all rooms. It was decided on July 19, 2019 that six buildings that tell the history of winemaking will be added to the national registered tangible cultural properties. The National Council for Cultural Affairs reported to the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology at the main building and storage of the winery built from the Meiji era to the postwar period. For details, there are 6 cases: Marufuji Winery's old brewery and bottle storage, Katsunuma brewing's main house and office and barrel storage, Kuramubon wine's old main house and wine cellar. According to the City Board of Education, there are four Japanese-style wineries with main houses and stores in Katsunuma Town, where winemaking began in the Meiji era. Together with Haramo Wine, which was registered last year, the buildings of all four companies have become registered tangible cultural properties. It is customary for Yamanashi grapes and wine to originate from the Koshu variety. Before the Edo period, it seems that only this Koshu species was cultivated in Japan. In particular, the climate of Yamanashi Prefecture, which is rich in seasonal changes, is a soil and meteorological environment suitable for viticulture. Among them, as the optimum cultivation area for the Koshu species, which is the only native species in Japan, mainly in the Katsunuma area, it has extremely natural conditions, and it produces finer, more mellow and beautiful fruits. Wine is a combination of climate and people's hearts. The Koshu species belongs to the oriental group (Proles orientalis) of European descent (Vitis vinifera), but its origin is Gyoki (a monk of the Hosso sect of the Nara period. Born in Otori District (currently Osaka Prefecture). Learned from Michiaki, a high priest of the Hosso sect, and worked on private missions especially for farmers. There are many temples such as Daizenji Temple, Unpouji Temple, and Hojoji Temple that are said to have opened Gyoki.) Introduction theory and the resident of Mr. Kageyu Amemiya Residents of the village (currently Katsunuma Town). In 1186, on the way back from the “Shironohira” festival, he discovered a wild vine and moved it to his own field to cultivate it. This is said to be the origin. Koshu grapes were presented to Kageyu on the way back to Zenkoji Temple.) There is a legend, and it is alive as a story unique to Katsunuma, but in any case, it has a long history of 1280 to 810 years based on both theories (Recently, as a result of DNA analysis, the Koshu variety is a European variety. It has been suggested that there is no contradiction in the theory that it inherited the genetic traits of the above and passed from Europe to China and Japan via the Silk Road). It can be inferred that the creativity of the shelves and the spread of their technology were epoch-making in the history of cultivation of Koshu species. In Japan, where the trees are vigorous and it rains a lot, it seems that the stock tailoring and hedge tailoring were not good. Taking advantage of this characteristic, Tokuhon Nagata, a Chinese medicine doctor (a doctor from the Muromachi period to the Edo period. He was also called “Tokuhon of Kai” because he lived in Kai Province for a long time. He first served Nobutora Takeda as a doctor, and later Shinano. After the destruction of the Mr. Takeda family, he returned to Kai. During the Genna period, he devised a method for shelving grapes in Kamiiwasaki Village (currently Katsunuma Town) and contributed to the development of grape cultivation. , It is said that Hidetada Tokugawa's illness was cured. However, there are many unclear points about the end of the Warring States period and the beginning of the Edo period.) Is said to have devised a method of making a shelf with bamboo and taught it to the villagers of Katsunuma. Viticulture on bamboo shelves continued until the early Meiji era, and in 1879, Sakuzaemon Amemiya of Kamiiwasaki came up with the idea of replacing bamboo with a thin iron bar. Furthermore, in 1908, Katsunuma Postmaster Kangoro Wakao built an iron wire shelf with the hint of the telegraph line arrangement, and established the foundation of the iron wire shelf that can withstand the heavy pressure by stretching the current branch line and branch line. On July 1, 1889, due to the enforcement of the town and village system, Katsunuma Village since the early modern period formed an independent municipality. On March 2, 1896, Katsunuma Village enforced the town system and became Katsunuma Town. On May 10, 1942, Katsunuma Town was established again by merging with Todoroki Village. On April 5, 1954, Katsunuma Town was established again by merging with Hishiyama Village, Shinonome Village, and Iwai Village, Higashiyatsushiro County. On November 1, 2005, Koshu City was established by merging with Enzan City and Yamato Village, and Katsunuma Town was abolished on the same day. “Koshu City, Yamanashi Prefecture”,(Concerning municipalities which changed characters for names and adopted old provincial names virtually, there are Mutsu City, Iwaki City, Sanuki City, Oushu City, and Koshu City.)になる. Located on the east side of the Kofu Basin, Mt. Fuji, Southern Alps(The South Alps cover an area of over 300,000 ha across Yamanashi, Nagano and Shizuoka Prefectures.), Yatsugatake (Yato Castle Ruins: Historic Site Scenic Beauty Natural Monument; Oizumi Village, Kitakoma District (currently Hokuto City): Designated Date, 1993. 11/29, Located in the southern foothill of Yatsugatake, Henmiso had Henmi-no-maki, a livestock grazing land for ancient officials, spreading in the area, and Kiyomitsu settled in present Seikoji Temple area (Nagasaka Town, Hokuto City) (alleged otherwise to be located at Wakamiko, Sudama Town, Hokuto City) and built Yato Castle (Oizumi Village, Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture) as tsume-no-shiro, a retreat and backup castle.)It is a suitable place for cultivating “fruits” surrounded by lush mountains such as “His family temple was the Erinji Temple in Koshu City, Yamanashi Prefecture” as a public bodhisattva temple of “Shingen”.), The child “Katsuyori (Shiro)”, the Bodhisattva Temple “Keitokuin (Soto Sect: Tendoyama)“, Furinkazan (professional wrestling: During the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, which was about 200 years earlier than the period of Shingen, the banner was used by Akiie KITABATAKE as a Jinki (the flag for a camp) containing the emblem, Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan. Akiie KITABATAKE used this emblem on his flag and fought against Takauji ASHIKAGA until Takauji at one time was driven to take his own life in an instant. “Shingen TAKEDA” was not the first to use the battle flag of Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan), The familiar "Flag of the Art of War; Military Method"(The Art of War (military text by Sun Tzu,512 BCE): Dou XIN said, the Art of War by Tzu SUN tells us that an obstinate attitude leads a small army to being captured by a large army. If the small army fiercely fights against the large army without considering the deference of their fighting strength, it will end up being captured. It is not a perfect plan to force tired soldiers to fight against the enemy that is increasing in number. We should withdraw. “The art of warfare of Sonshi (Chinese books about tactics) in the ancient China is famous in Japan, too. Hatajirushi; Slogan: A flag of Sonshi (also known as a flag of Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan which literally means “Wind, Forest, Fire, and Mountain,” which was the motto of the feudal lord Shingen TAKEDA, quoted from Sonshi (Chinese books about tactics), meaning “swift as the wind, quiet as a wood, fierce as fire, and immovable as a mountain.”), a flag of Suwa Myojin (The Suwa Deity) )」, 日本最古の「日の丸御旗(flag with a red circle on a white background)」を所蔵する「雲峰寺(臨済宗妙心寺派: 裂石山,(関連; 影武者: 黒澤明監督, 大菩薩峠: 中里介山(弥之助)氏)」, 武田家代々の家督の印とされる国宝「楯無鎧」を預かる「菅田天神社」(Tatenashi (no shield) (Kanda-tenjinja Shrine) – handed down from the Takeda clan.), 武田家と縁の深い社寺仏閣が数多く存在する. Katsunuma district, National / prefecture designated cultural property(Katsunuma Area, Koshu City)“国宝” 大善寺本堂附厨子 / 大善寺: 彫刻重要文化財, 木造薬師如来及両脇侍像, 木造十二神将立像, “史跡” 勝沼(武田信虎公, 弟君2代(信友氏))氏館跡, 勝沼町, 勝沼字御所 / 甲州市「名勝県指定文化財」, 大善寺庭園 / 大善寺三光寺庭園 / 三光寺 “記念物”, 萬福寺のムクノキ / 萬福寺 “建造物” 旧宮崎醸造所 /メルシャン大善寺山門 / 大善寺 “彫刻” 大善寺役行者椅像 / 大善寺大善寺日光月光菩薩立像, ”工芸品” 大善寺鰐口, “古文書” 大善寺文書,「工作物登録文化財」葡萄酒貯蔵庫, 堰堤, 祝橋. Temple of origin of Japanese grape cultivation - A “Bhaisajyaguru (buddha able to cure all ills)” holding a rare grape is enshrined. “Yamanashi's complex fruit tree system adapted to the basin: Yamanashi Prefecture Goto area (Fuefuki City, Yamanashi City, Koshu City” 2017 (March 2017), Japan Agricultural Heritage Certification (Food and Agriculture Organization: FAO Established in 1945. It is a UN specialized organization in the fields of food and agriculture, forestry and fisheries. The secretariat headquarters are in Italy and Rome. There are 194 member countries. 2 Associate Member States and the European Union (EU). For the purpose of developing the world economy and freeing humankind from starvation, formulating international rules in the field of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and collecting, communicating and analyzing information on world food and agriculture, forestry and fisheries products. , Preparation of statistical data, provision of a forum for international consultation, technical advice to developing countries, technical cooperation, etc.): Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Japan): In Japan With more than 300 varieties, it serves as a storehouse for Japanese fruit varieties. With more than 300 varieties, it serves as a storehouse for Japanese fruit varieties. 2019 (October 8th, 1st year of Reiwa): Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems; FAO, 2002: Biodiversity And Sustainable agriculture (There is an urgent need to advance research and development efforts to respond to the improvement of the food self-sufficiency rate): geographic indications: GI mark “Golby (European and American hybrids)” was published by the Uehara Grape Research Institute in Fuefuki City, Yamanashi Prefecture in 1983 as “Red Queen; Application No. 91087, Application”. Date 1978/02/01, Registration number 83, Registration date 1981/02/04, Duration of breeder's right 18 years Extinction date of breeder's right 1992/02/05, Variety registrant (breeder) : “Mr. Manpei Takeda(It is a variety that was selected as a mutant of Ikawa No. 633 and registered as a variety (No. 83) in 1981 (license obtained).” In addition, Ikawa 633 grape is called Akebono, and it is a bud mutation of Akatsuki (Kyogei grape × Kyoho grape). The characteristics of this species are conical large bunches and short oval giant grains 13 to 17 g. Flower swaying and parthenocarpy, but the bunch formation before flowering improves the fruiting, and the beautiful bright red color that is trimmed by grain plucking, the meat quality is destructive and tight, the sugar content is high, and the MTC tissue culture strain has a high sugar content. It reaches 21 to 24 degrees. It is juicy and has a rich taste similar to Olympia, and the taste is excellent. Separation of rind and flesh is a little difficult. The acid is moderate, elegant and has a faint aroma. It is fissure but less than Olympia. The shedding property and shelf life are also good in similar strains. The ripening period is mid-August, slightly earlier than Kyoho grape. Adjust the yield to a low level and brighten the shelf surface for coloring. The trees are strong and the leaves are very similar to Olympia. Cultivation requires nerves and techniques such as stopping fruiting, coloring, and preventing fruit cracking. The marketability is high. It is a variety that selects the right place, and seems to follow the cultivation and control of Kyoho and Olympia.)”, Nakano City, Nagano Prefecture, Branch Variant of “Ikawa No. 633 grape” × “Izu Nishiki grape”; “Mr. Hideo Ikawa(Born in Osaka, Izunagaoka Town (currently Izunokuni City). He studied grape breeding under Mr. Yasushi Oinoue, an agronomist who created Kyoho grape, and developed more than 1,000 varieties. He gave birth to Pione in 1957 by crossing Kyoho grape with Kanon Hall Muscat grape.)” : (Canon Hall Muscat grape × Kyoho grape) + Kanon Hall Muscat grape ≒ Ikawa 900 grape: Breeded in 1970 and registered in March 1980 (variety registration (person) number, No.29: Mr. Osamu(Ko)Ikawa) was crossed and selected, and the first result was obtained in 1988. A bright, beautiful red, large grain of sweet grapes with excellent meat quality and rich sweetness. Thorough production control is required, and the weather and climate have a great influence on growth, and every day is a serious match with nature. I need to thank you again today. Seedless grapes can be seedless by treatment with a plant hormone called gibberellin. It is a very time-consuming cultivation because each bunch of grapes is manually treated with gibberellin. Normally, pollen is attached to the stigma of the pistil and pollinated to produce seeds in the ovary, and the ovary swells and becomes fruit. However, grapes can be cultivated by immersing the bunches in “gibberellin” without pollination. As a result, the composition is such that seedless grapes can be produced because they are not pollinated. It is greatly involved in promoting cell elongation in the direction of the growth axis, promoting seed germination, promoting dormancy breakthrough, and suppressing aging. It is also well known to enhance the action of auxin. It is the first plant hormone discovered by Japanese engineer Mr. Eiichi Kurosawa in the world. It is a well-known fact that Mr. Teijiro Yabuta made crystallization and structure determination. Gibberellin treatment in grapes not only denuclearizes and enlarges the grapes, but also changes the meat quality. Changes in the flesh due to gibberellin treatment differ depending on the variety and line, but I hear that there are many varieties and lines with high flesh hardness.


Gokyogoku grape (formerly Golby grape) was copulated at the Uehara Grape Research Institute in Zenkoji, Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture in 1983, and first bred in 1988. It is characterized by its large, bright crimson color, firm flesh and vivid sweetness. The skin of wine red is beautiful, and it seems that the average sugar content is about 18 degrees and the average temperature is about 20 degrees. Although it looks similar to Aki Queen grapes, it has a firmer flesh than Aki Queen, and has become popular and popular in recent years as a large-grain grape with no seeds and a high sugar content. It seems that the name of Gorby grapes was derived from the nickname of Mr. Gorbachev of the former Soviet Union.


Katsunuma is the birthplace of Koshu grape cultivation. It is said that 1300 years ago, when it originated in Europe, it landed in Japan (Koshu City, Yamanashi Prefecture) via the Silk Road along with the East-West trade. It seems that there are various theories about the origin of Koshu grapes in Japan from ancient times. Koshu grapes, which are purple-red, rich in fruit powder, and have a unique color, are one of the representative varieties of Yamanashi prefecture, where you can enjoy moderate acidity and slight astringency. You can still enjoy the taste of 1300 years ago because of the warm and warm climate peculiar to the Kofu Basin surrounded by rich mountains.


In 718, when the monk Gyoki visited Kai no Kuni, he approached Katsunuma's Kashiwao and practiced on a large stone in the valley of the Hikawa River. buddha able to cure all ills) seems to have appeared. Gyoki was delighted with the dream, and immediately engraved the same statue of his bhaisajyaguru (buddha able to cure all ills) that appeared in the dream and placed it at Shingon-shu Chisan-ha's Grape Temple Kashiosan Daizenji. It seems.

Friday, November 29, 2024

The Dozen Plain consists of the Saijo Plain and the Shuso Plain. Both plains are located on the coast of Seto Inland Sea with little rainfall and lack surface water resources, so groundwater has long been used. With almost 100% dependence on groundwater for domestic use, conservation and management of groundwater is an important policy issue for Saijo City. In both plains, infiltration from paddy fields plays an important role in recharging groundwater. Dependence on groundwater is high, and in the coastal plains, a rapid drop in groundwater and salinization occur during the irrigated low-rain season. In the Shuso Plain, areas with high concentrations of nitrate ions in the groundwater are distributed due to the use of fertilizers in orchards around the plains: 2021. Nitrogen-containing monovalent anion, one of the major sources of nitrogen nutrients absorbed by plants. Ammonia brought into the soil as mineralization of soil nitrogen or nitrogen fertilizer becomes nitrate ions by nitration under oxidative conditions, which lowers the soil pH. Clay and humus have the function of retaining cations, and soil can retain cations, but nitrate ions are anions and are not adsorbed, increasing the EC of the soil. Therefore, when there is a permeating water flow, it is easy to leach out to the lower layer. It can be denitrified in the leached lower reducing layer or dissolved in groundwater and become a source of groundwater pollution.

Ikka Transmission: In order to put emotion and inspiration into an object, the invisible power of the "dynamics of thoughts" is important.

One small round thing, one grain

【Product name】

Setoka Oranges

Citrus L.
【Within the jurisdiction】
Saijo City, Ehime Prefecture (formerly Toyo City, formerly Tanbara Town, Shuso County, formerly Komatsu Town) (JA Shuso)
【Origin of the name】
The variety names are Hayasaki Seto(Known as the strait between the Shimabara Peninsula and the Amakusa Islands), “Setouchi region”, and "fragrance". Old Named registered varieties: Registration number: Tangor Norin No.8 Registration date: August 21, 1998(Kuchinotsu No. 19 Mandarin Orange)
【Main features】
Saijo City is located in the eastern part of Ehime Prefecture. It is surrounded by Mt. Ishizuchi, the highest peak in western Japan, to the south, and the Seto Inland Sea to the north. The area is beloved in Japan for its mild climate, rich natural environment represented by the high-quality Uchinuki fountain, and attractive tourism resources such as historical temples and famous hot springs. In addition, Naked Barley(One of the system names that focuses on the nakedness of barley grains. Among barley cultivars, the seeds do not adhere to the skin and are easily separated, so the skin can be peeled off simply by rubbing and the smooth seeds can be taken out), which boasts the largest production volume in Japan, is one of the system names that focuses on the nakedness of barley grains. It is a major production area for a wide variety of agricultural products such as varieties that can be peeled off and slippery fruit), Atago persimmon, and seven spring herbs. It is also the largest industrial area in Shikoku, with factories for beverages and electrical machinery. It has become. Of Saijo City, which was created through an administrative merger in November 2004, JA Shuso covers former Toyo City, former Tanbara Town, Shuso County, and Komatsu Town. To the west, it is bordered by Toon City and Matsuyama City via the Takanawa Mountain Range, and to the south by the Ishizuchi Mountain Range. JA jurisdiction is 14.5 km east-west, 25 km north-south, total area about 279 km2. The head office is located at the current location of Ikeda, Tanbara Town, which is roughly in the center of the district (133°4'6"E, 33°54'18"N, 15.8m above sea level), and the JR Yosan Line runs along the coastline. There are Komatsu, Tamanoe, Mibugawa, and Miyoshi stations. The Matsuyama Expressway runs parallel to National Route 11 and has an interchange in Komatsu Town. In addition, the Imabari-Komatsu Expressway, which opened in July 1999, has the Toyo-Tanbara Interchange and the Komatsu-Kita Interchange. Promoting interaction with local communities. National Route 11 runs east and west from the south, leading to Niihama City in the east and Matsuyama City in the west. In addition, a wide-area agricultural road runs through the central part of the Dozen Plain and leads to Imabari City. Sightseeing spots include Hondani Onsen, which is known as one of the three hot springs of Iyo along with Dogo Onsen in Matsuyama City and Nibukawa Onsen in Imabari City, and Hiuchi Sea, which is designated as a national park and has a wide stretch of white pine trees. Many tourists visit Kyukamura Setouchi Toyo in search of fresh seasonal seafood. Toyo Port, which was designated as an important port in 1964, is an important route for marine transportation, with ferries on the Hanshin route in service. Cultivated land area of 2,825 ha, of which 2,301 ha is rice field, 129 ha of ordinary field, and 395 ha of orchard. The average household cultivated area is 51.030859 ha. In addition, it has 17,741 ha of forest. The farming style incorporates mainly rice and wheat, fruit trees, greenhouse horticulture (cucumbers, strawberries, melons, flowers, asparagus, etc.), and livestock (cows, pigs, dairy farming). The Saijo district is located in the eastern part of Ehime Prefecture. The Shikoku Mountain Range, including Mt. The total area is 509 km2, About 31% (156 km2) of this is inhabitable land, and the remaining 69% is forest. Rural areas range from the coastal zone at 0 m to mountainous areas at an altitude of 1,500 m, and have diverse natural environments and ecosystems. Centered around the two large rivers of Kamogawa and Nakayamagawa that flow from the Shikoku mountain range, 53 small and medium-sized rivers flow into the Seto Inland Sea, supporting the region with abundant subsoil water, forming one of the prefecture's leading agricultural areas. Blessed with a mild climate unique to the Setouchi region, the average annual temperature is 16.2°C and the average annual precipitation is 1,462 mm (Tanbara Meteorological Observatory 1996-2005). The plains have a Seto Inland Sea climate, which is warm and blessed with an environment for living and industrial activities. On the other hand, the mountainous area is one of Shikoku's heaviest rainfall areas, and it seems that there is a lot of snowfall in winter. In recent years, frequent torrential rains due to abnormal weather have caused many landslide disasters. In 2004, 10 of his typhoons made landfall, causing severe rain disasters. On September 29, 150 mm of rain was observed at Kurose Dam in Saijo City for one hour from 4:00 to 5:00 pm due to Typhoon No.21. Because a large amount of rain flowed through the mountain stream at once, many debris flows occurred, and small and medium-sized rivers were blocked by driftwood and flooded. In addition, traffic was cut off in various places, such as National Route 194 being closed due to a landslide. 5 people were killed, 2 were seriously injured, 23 houses were completely destroyed, 91 were partially destroyed, 8 were partially damaged, 489 were flooded above floors, 2,121 were flooded below floors, and the total damage amounted to over 5,954,640,000 japanese yen. With the Ishizuchi mountain range centered on Mt. Ishizuchi (elevation 1,982 m), the highest peak in western Japan, steep mountainous areas spread throughout the southern and western areas. Major rivers such as the Kamo River and the Nakayama River, which originate in this mountainous area, flow into the Seto Inland Sea (Hiuchi-nada), forming an alluvial plain along the rivers. Spreading flat terrain, it is one of the leading agricultural areas in the prefecture. In flat areas such as the Toyo and Saijo areas, urban areas are formed and port development is required. An industrial area is formed on the coastal landfill site, which is well-equipped with Looking at the geology and soil morphology, the Median Tectonic Line, one of Japan's leading active faults, runs through the western part of the district. Distributed in an east-west belt on the outer belt side from the Shikoku Mountains, which is called the roof of Shikoku, to the Izushi Mountains and Sadamisaki Peninsula. The width reaches 25 km in some places. The northern edge of the Sanbagawa belt is part of the Izumi Group. The rocks that make up the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks are diverse, including green schist, black schist, and siliceous schist. The Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks range from Mt. Ishizuchi to Mt. Shoji. The geology belongs to the third system of Mt. In addition, the Median Tectonic Line was investigated by the national government after the 1995 Hyogo Prefrecture Nanbu Earthquake. The Tonankai Earthquake, which is counted among the important active faults surveyed and is expected to occur within the next 30 to 50 years. It seems that there is a risk that the damage caused by the In the country, the damage caused by such an earthquake is large. A support system has been established, such as establishing a system to designate areas where disasters are expected to occur and to focus on disaster prevention measures. Decomposed granite soil is distributed in the northwestern part of the district, especially in the area north of the Daimyojin River. Although it is well-drained and suitable for soil dressing and land preparation, it is a special soil that is extremely vulnerable to rainwater erosion. Therefore, along with the Sanba river belt(Composed of metamorphic rocks, it is distributed in an east-west belt on the outer belt side from the Shikoku Mountains, which is said to be the roof of Shikoku, such as Mt. Higashi-Akaishi and Mt. The width reaches 25 km in some places. The northern edge of the Sanbagawa Belt seems to be in contact with the Izumi Group along the Median Tectonic Line. The rocks that make up the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks are diverse, including green schist, black schist, and siliceous schist. The third system of Mt. Ishizuchi, which unconformably covers the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks, is distributed from Mt. Ishizuchi to Mt. Shoji.), it has a geological morphology that requires special attention to landslide disasters. In addition, in the area along the Median Tectonic Line, there are places where geological changes can be confirmed from the ancient period, and the diverse geological morphology of the Saijo area is a product of ancient Japan. The plain area is centered on the alluvial plain from the alluvial fan spreading in the Sekiya River basin of the Nakayama River system, and the Daimyojin River water in the north. It is also composed of alluvial plains by the Kamo River and Uzui River water systems in the east. This plain is easy to plow and crush, and the Kokuryo, Okknoki, and Kiyotake lineages, which are suitable for crops, are widely distributed. In the alluvial fan, the Takamatsu and Takajo lines, which are said to be suitable for field crops, spread. , all of which have soil suitable for agriculture. Ecosystems exist in diverse environments, from high-altitude areas such as Mt. In mammals, 7 orders, 15 families, 38 species (Ehime Prefecture: 7 orders, 17 families, 47 species) have been confirmed. In addition to raccoon dogs and weasels that inhabit a wide area, Japanese macaques, Japanese hares, badgers, wild boars, Japanese squirrels, and Japanese deer have been confirmed in the mountains. Giant flying squirrels are said to be returning in areas where giant trees can be seen, such as the Satoyama Landscape and shrine complexes. As for birds, 265 species in 54 families have been confirmed (Ehime Prefecture: 309 species in 61 families). Kamo River / Nakayama River Herons, Scolopacidae Rafinesque, 1815, plovers, and ducks are mainly seen in and around the estuary, while many species are found in diverse environments such as hawks, cuckoos, and thrushes in the mountains. Among amphibians, 17 species in 2 orders, 7 families have been confirmed (Ehime Prefecture: 2 orders, 7 families, 18 species), and in reptiles, 12 species in 2 orders, 6 families (Ehime Prefecture: 2 orders, 7 families, 16 species) have been confirmed. It can be said that most of the animals confirmed in Ehime Prefecture inhabit the Saijo area. It is speculated that the reduction of natural forests leads to a decline in the water-holding function of forests and narrows the habitat space for animals and plants. Therefore, it seems that local efforts to restore the ecosystem are beginning to be seen, such as voluntary tree planting by foresters and fishermen who benefit from forests, in order to expand broad-leaved forests. On the other hand, due to the abandonment of cultivation and development, the number of amphibians, catfish, loaches, etc. that have inhabited the secondary natural environment cultivated by agricultural activities has decreased sharply, and the aquatic animals and plants that were once abundant in reservoirs and irrigation channels are on the decline. Although it is a plant, the forest area is 353.0 km2, and the forest accounts for about 70% of the total area. Among them, cedar and cypress plantation forests account for the largest share of the forest area. It accounts for 66.9%. There are few natural forests, and only a few remain around Mt. Ishizuchi. Approximately 3,750 species of higher plants have been reported in Ehime Prefecture to date, of which Saijo City has 1,375 species of higher plants (seed plants (angiosperms, gymnosperms) and ferns, mosses and mosses). Distinction from higher fungi) seems to have been confirmed. Giant Trees / Forests: A feature of the district is that many giant trees can be seen in the relatively flat areas centered on shrines and temples in the Mountain Village(region) / Satoyama Landscape. 75 giant trees with a trunk circumference of 3 m or more have been confirmed, but the most common tree species is 22 camphor trees. Then there are 8 trees of cedar and oak. Giant trees that often grow as single trees, such as camphor and Aphananthe aspera in Shinyashiki, Komatsu Town, cedar and Castanopsis sieboldii in Myokawa. It seems that there are also areas that have the shape of a giant tree forest, such as jiii. In addition, the habitat of rare terrestrial animals is centered on the Ishizuchi mountain range, where natural forests are distributed. Large mammals such as Asian black bears and serows have not been confirmed recently, and many rare animals have been confirmed, from large raptors such as mountain hawk-eagles to insects such as stone beetles. Among higher plants and mosses, many rare species have been confirmed in the Ishizuchi Mountain Range. The mouths of the Kamo River and Nakayama River are wintering and stopover points for migratory birds, and many species such as herons, sandpipers, and black-backed gulls that are in danger of declining populations migrate here. Among freshwater fish, the Kamo River is the sculpin (medium Egg-shaped) is the only stable breeding ground in Shikoku, and this species has been confirmed to inhabit partly in the Nakayama River. In addition, pigweeds have been confirmed inhabiting the Nakayama River. In the tidal flats along the coastline, 16 species of marine animals, including horseshoe crabs, are listed as rare species. Horseshoe crabs were temporarily threatened due to coastal development, but they are now confirmed to be alive due to the release of larvae. As for plants, 288 species (21%) out of 1,375 species in 74 families of higher plants confirmed in the area are listed in the Ehime Prefecture Red Data Book. Rare species of plants are divided into those that grow naturally in high mountains such as the Ishizuchi Mountain Range, and those that have adapted to human habitation but are in danger of extinction due to changes in their lifestyles. Linaria japonica, Hydrocharis dubia and Dysophylla yatabeana do not seem to have been recorded in recent years. In 2014, the Ehime Prefecture Red Data Book was revised, and wild animals that are currently threatened with extinction were published as the Ehime Prefecture Red List. Due to the rapid increase in the extinction risk of native species in the prefecture due to the deterioration of the habitat and growing environment in recent years, and the accumulation of academic knowledge, it has become necessary to flexibly respond to changes in the Ehime Prefecture Red List categories. Seems to be The Ehime Biodiversity Conservation Promotion Committee is reviewing the Ehime Prefecture RL in order to reevaluate the categorization of the Ehime Prefecture RL from possible fields, and to revise and publish it as needed. The person who revised the Ehime Prefecture RL discussed with the members of the subcommittee, organized the candidate species for revision and the new candidate species for each biome, and created the revised Ehime Prefecture RL (draft). The Ehime Biodiversity Conservation Promotion Committee Wild Fauna and Flora Subcommittee reviewed and approved the revised Ehime Prefecture RL (draft). December 23, 2022 and Supplemental Deliberation. The Ehime Biodiversity Conservation Promotion Committee considered and decided on the revision of the Ehime Prefecture RL (draft) approved by the Special Committee February 7, 2023. In June 2004, the Landscape Law (Law No. 10 of 2004) was enacted on June 17, 2022 to promote the formation of good landscapes in cities and rural areas. In order to promote the formation of good landscapes in mountain and fishing villages, etc., by formulating landscape plans and comprehensively taking other measures, the formation of beautiful and dignified national land, the creation of a rich and rich living environment and individuality. The purpose of the law is to contribute to the improvement of people's lives and the sound development of the national economy and local communities. The Landscape Act itself does not directly regulate urban landscapes. It is a legal system for landscape administration bodies to make plans and ordinances related to landscape. It is called the three laws of landscape greenery together with the Urban Green Space Law and the Outdoor Advertisement Law. In September, the “Guidelines for the Operation of the Landscape Act” were announced. Based on this, in 2005, Saijo City received certification from a landscape administration organization, and is working to create beautiful living spaces, create a rich and enriching living environment, and create a unique and vibrant local community. It seems From the majestic scenery of the Shikoku Mountains of the Ishizuchi mountain range to the plains with lush green paddy fields, the tidal flats and the Seto Inland Sea coast rich in nature, the area has a variety of landscapes, and you can come into close contact with each landscape Apparently. However, environmental changes in recent years have had various effects on these representative landscapes. The Ishizuchi mountain range, which is a representative landscape, has a sub-alpine environment that shows a variety of expressions throughout the four seasons, and the highest peak in western Japan, which is known as a sacred place for Shugendo (Japanese mountain asceticism-shamanism incorporating Shinto). Seems to be a symbol of local love. However, in the mountains and valleys, the depletion of virgin forests of Fagus crenata and the effects of the disaster still remain on the approach to the shrine, and it seems that countermeasures are required. In terms of mountain streams, the Takataru Valley(With a drop of 132 m, it boasts one of the highest drops in Japan. Even in Shikoku, which has many famous waterfalls, this sense of scale is overwhelming. The 100-meter-class rock wall that spreads its wings around the water stream overwhelms the viewer.)in the Kamo River system and the Dozen Valley in the upper reaches of the Nakayama River seem to be enriched by the blue of the green schist, the lush green mountains, and the beautiful nature of the clear streams. However, natural and human factors have increased the environmental burden, such as the scattering of debris and standing trees due to recent disasters, and the decrease in aquatic organisms due to improvements to downstream weirs and embankments. The Satoyama Landscape, which consists of villages and fields, is a secondary natural environment that has been cultivated by agricultural activities, and we enjoy its benefits widely. In the district, there is also Tonoyama (Matsuoka Shrine) upstream of the Kamo River. There are many Satoyama landscapes such as Chimachi with terraced rice fields, and the upper reaches of the Daimyojin River in the west. However, due to the effects of agricultural work on steep terrain, an increase in wildlife damage, and the decline of the forestry industry, the depopulation and aging population are particularly serious problems. also seems to be in trouble. Although it is a rural landscape, the countryside that surrounds the old city area supports the rich food of the district, produces the colors of the four seasons, gives the residents peace of mind, and forms the distinctive scenery of this district. However, even in this region, which has been blessed with favorable farming conditions, chaotic development can be seen due to the increase in the conversion of farmland (housing development) and the deterioration of the agricultural situation, and the maintenance and management work for farmland and agricultural facilities has increased. It seems that it is becoming difficult to secure good farmland. The estuaries and tidal flats of the estuary and tidal flats, the estuaries of small and medium-sized rivers flowing into the coast of Hiuchi-nada, and the shallow coast and tidal flats in the west provide habitats for a wide variety of organisms. It is a stopover point for migratory birds such as plovers, and such an area cannot be seen anywhere else, and is positioned as an asset of this area. In addition, household garbage and general waste drifting ashore along the river is unstoppable, and the deterioration and development of forests and farmlands upstream does not lead to improvements in the habitats of animals and plants. With the decline of primary and secondary industries, the emergence of tertiary industries, and the globalization of industry, companies are withdrawing from regional cities, and districts are no exception to this trend. In addition, it is extremely difficult to attract new companies. It seems like a situation. Other districts are in a similar situation, and most of them seem to have no choice but to expand their existing industries. Among them, the district has developed a "sixth industry" that integrates the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries because they are well-balanced. In the new city, the 6th industry is part of the urban renewal plan, and the shape of the food industry cluster. He has established a business structure and has come up with the concept of the “Saijo Food Processing and Distribution Complex”. Saijo City, which was born on November 1, 2004 through the merger of two cities and two towns, is blessed with abundant water resources originating from the Ishizuchi mountain range and fertile farmland, and is one of the leading industrial clusters in Shikoku. It has become the largest industrial city in Shikoku with vast cultivated land. Regarding agriculture in particular, it boasts an overwhelming share of the shipment volume of many items in the prefecture, and cooperation between the agriculture and fisheries industries (primary industry), the manufacturing industry (secondary industry), and the distribution and service industries (tertiary industry). It seems that various efforts are being made with the aim of forming a food industry cluster (sixth industrialization). Furthermore, it seems that the aim is to promote the regional revitalization plan by forming a food industry cluster centered on the "Saijo Food Processing and Distribution Complex". On February 2, 2008 (Saturday), the 3rd Comprehensive Food Industry Technology Conference was held. Water, Environment and Energy. The industrial complex concept is led by Saijo City Hall and the Saijo Industrial Information Support Center Co., Ltd., which is the third sector of Saijo City and serves as the secretariat of the Saijo Food Industry Cluster Council. Since January 2006, Saijo City and his SICS-sponsored general food industry technology round-table conference have been held once a year since January 2006 in order to promote the industrial complex concept. The round-table conference seems to be a place to discuss issues, make proposals, and exchange opinions toward the realization of the industrial complex concept. The complex concept is composed of various initiatives. It seems that the MH refrigeration system, which is being developed by a small and medium-sized company in the region, is the central effort. This uses the waste heat emitted from factories, etc. A system that uses groundwater "Uchinuki" as a source of cold energy to generate freezing and refrigerating energy. In the future, it is planned to use it as a cold heat source for food warehouses, etc., and to use it as cooling water for plant factories and land-based aquaculture facilities. Currently, cold water created using this system is circulated in the strawberry greenhouse, and it seems that they are conducting a demonstration test to see if it can be cultivated even in the high temperature period of summer. In Saijo City, there are a wide range of underground water wells, called 'Uchinuki', and it is said that there are about 3,000 of them. In the olden days, a horizontal bar was driven into the ground by human power, and hollowed out bamboo was put into it to secure the water (groundwater) that spouted out. This construction method seems to have been passed down from the middle of the Edo period to around 1945, just after the end of the war. Currently, the tip of an iron pipe is processed, a hole is made at the base, and an air hammer driven by a compressor is used to drive it into the groundwater layer to take in groundwater. About 90,000 m3 of Uchinuki spouts out every day, and the water, which has little temperature change throughout the four seasons, is widely used for domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes. This "Uchinuki" has been selected as one of the 100 best waters in Japan. Setoka Mandarin : It is famous as a tangor that was bred by crossing “Murcott” with kiyomi orange with Angkor No. 2 of the breeding system. A small-nucleus variety with large fruits, soft and juicy, aroma, high sugar content and good taste. Middle-aged Citrus L. matures from January to February. The fruit surface is smooth, the fruit shape is oblate with a high waist, and the skin is orange to dark orange. Thin, easy to peel, with a medium aroma similar to Angkor or Murcott. The flesh is dark orange, the sac is thin, the flesh is soft and juicy, and the number of seeds tends to be small, about 0-5. And it seems that parthenocarpy(Ovary wall and flower bed enlarge and form fruit without fertilization)is strong. The fruiting is good and it is easy to get results every year. Strong tendency to streptomyces spp., Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri. It is Susceptibility against citrus tristeza virus (ctv), and the incidence of stem pitting(Easily propagated by Toxoptera citricida Kirkaldy, and also propagated by cotton aphids at a low rate)is high. Since one ball is heavy, it is necessary to manually support it so that the branches do not break due to its own weight as it grows. Application No. 10852 Date of application 1998/04/09 Date of publication of application 1999/03/18. Registration number 9398 Registration date 2001/10/18. Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act, Act No. 83 of May 29, 1998 : 25 years of breeder's rights ; National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, NARO.Unique sweetness, chewy texture, and wonderful fragrance. Citrus “Three great elements.” The history of Nagasaki mandarin is that in 1780, the Omura feudal lord, “Sumiyasu OHMURA”, the Satsuma feudal “Nagashima mandarin” (Izumi District (former: Azuma Town) Nagashima-cho, Wenshu mandarin), and Ikiriki Village, Nishisonogi District (currently Isahaya). It is said that the cultivation was started by Mr. Yuiemon Tanaka, Mr. Rinemon Tanaka, and Mr. Tsuguemon Nakamichi of the city, formerly Tarami Town, Nishisonogi District. (Citrus Unshiu has heard that the seeds brought back from China by the envoy to Tang China began to bear fruit and were found in Kagoshima. High-quality “Satsuma mandarin” was cultivated from the Ikiriki region, and saplings began to be shipped nationwide, and it is called “Ikiriki-based Satsuma”. In 1876, it seems that oranges were sold by hand in the castle town. In addition, from around 1887, the production area of mandarin oranges was expanded in Ikiriki Village, and even today, the area is the main production area in Nagasaki Prefecture. From 1961, “Act on Special Measures for Promotion of Fruit Tree Agriculture (Government Ordinance No. 145)”, the Nagasaki Prefecture Citrus Promotion Plan was formulated, and the citrus cultivation area increased rapidly throughout the prefecture. Demand for fruit trees in Japan is generally declining and stagnant, and there is a growing tendency for small quantities to be sold as other items and for good quality. Many fruits, including mandarin oranges, are in overproduction. There are increasing demands from other countries to expand imports of fruits and fruit products. In order to achieve sound development, it is necessary to deal with the overproduction trend of fruits. Induce production that responds to trends. Fostering independent fruit tree farmers who can be the core players in the production area. And it is necessary to further strengthen the constitution of fruit tree agriculture. The system for promoting fruit tree agriculture was strengthened(Partial amendment of Law No. 15, July 1, 1985). From NARO, the fruit of Setoka is a large fruit of 200 to 280 g, the fruit surface is smooth, and the fruit shape is oblate with a high waist. The pericarp is orange to dark orange, thin and easy to peel. It has a medium aroma similar to that of Angkor or Murcott, and has a good taste with a ripening period of February and a sugar content of 12 to 13%. The flesh is dark orange, the sac is thin, the flesh is soft and juicy, and the number of seeds is small at about 0-5. It is also characterized by its strong parthenocarpy. The tree is medium to slightly weak, and the tree is medium to open. The fruiting is good and the results are planned every year. It is strong against Elsinoë fawcettii(Wart-shaped or scab-shaped lesions on leaves, fruits, and branches. Citrus unshiu is weak and rarely occurs in midnight citrus, but lemon is weak. Wart-type lesions occur by the middle stage of spring leaf elongation, and lesions occur even after the end of elongation. Wart-type lesions form up to 1 cm in diameter in fruits, and lesions form above that.), Xanthomonas citri subsp. Citri(Occurs on leaves, green branches and fruits. The lesions on the spring leaves are initially round, pale yellow, and water-soaked spots, which later expand to cork in the central part and become rough, and the circumference 0.5 mm width is water-soaked and further around. Produces a fairly wide yellow halo. The lesions on the back of the leaves are also corked and rough, but it seems to be a light brown raised scab. In summer and autumn leaves, citrus leaf miner often invades through wounds such as feeding damage and wind sway, so it seems that lesions generally tend to form along the wound. The petioles are also easily affected and the leaves fall violently. On the fruits and green branches, water-soaked dark green lesions are formed at first, and then they become cork and become light brown raised scabs. Overwintering lesions on leaves and branches are the primary source of transmission, but lesions on treetops in summer and autumn are especially important. In addition, in Spring cankers infected at relatively low temperatures in autumn, the amount of pathogenic bacteria released is even higher than in the lesions of summer-autumn treetops, making it more important as a source of transmission. The leaves are infected with stomata from the new leaf development stage to the growth arrest stage, and then when the tissue hardens, it is infected from the wound caused by the wind and the feeding damage scars of Phyllocnistis citrella. The main infection period for spring leaves is from early May to mid-June. Following the infection of spring leaves, it seems that the infection is repeated to spring branches and summer and autumn treetops. Infection of fruits is from immediately after flower fall to late September, mainly by secondary infection from leaves. Winds and rains accompanied by strong winds with wind speeds of 6 to 8 m or more, especially typhoons in summer, are the most important factors that promote the onset of disease. There is a difference in resistance depending on the type of citrus, and I heard that Satsuma mandarin is moderate.), is susceptible to citrus tristeza virus (CTV), and seems to have a high incidence of stem pitting. As an aside, the mid-late citrus “Setoka” seems to produce a certain amount of softened fruits with low sugar and high acidity, mainly in greenhouse cultivation. Greenhouse-grown “Setoka” is often sold as a high-class fruit in units of one, and it seems that such low-quality fruits may rarely be subject to complaints from consumers. The quality of softened fruits during the harvest period is slightly smaller than that of normal fruits, the skin color is yellow, and the skin is thin. It seems that the fruit surface is smooth and the fruit is soft. Brix in fruit juice is about 30% lower than normal fruit, and acid seems to be about 40% higher. Fruits two months before harvest, which is the coloring period, tend to be late in coloring. Regarding the details of the components in fruit juice, fructose, glucose, and sucrose that make up sugar are all low, and sucrose, which is the main sugar, is about 70% lower. In addition, the content of almost all amino acids composed is low, and the total amount of all amino acids seems to be about 30% lower. The incidence rate by fruit set site is particularly high in the inside, and it seems that it is estimated to be about 12%. The incidence of other parts is 1 to 4%, and it seems to be about 3% on average. In the fruit of softening disease, the photosynthetic product made from the leaves did not transfer from the fruit stalk (fruit axis) to the fruit by the experiment using the stable isotope of carbon, and the phloem (fruit axis) by microscopic observation. It has been confirmed that callose (β-1, 3-glucan), which is a kind of polysaccharide, is accumulated in the phloem in the fruit stalk). It seems that callose blocks the phloem and inhibits the translocation of photosynthetic products to the fruit, leading to quality deterioration. It seems that the methods to prevent the shipment of softened fruits are to remove the inner fruits as much as possible at the time of fruit picking and to pick small fruits that are late in coloring during the coloring period about 2 months before harvesting. In addition, it seems that fruits that are slightly softened by small balls that are yellowish compared to fruits with a normal appearance are excluded at the time of harvesting or home sorting. If a joint fruit sorting plant with an optical sensor is available, it seems effective to eliminate fruits with low sugar content. Consumers should choose a uniform color, a smooth surface, a glossy surface, and a bluish tint on the calyx. Also, the ones that feel heavy when you hold them are delicious with a lot of juice. The shape may be more delicious if it is flat than if it is tall. JA is a nickname for agricultural cooperatives. The symbol mark is a design that combines the green alphabets J and A, and seems to represent the image of a solid earth and a bond between people. JA is a cooperative organized for the purpose of protecting and enhancing farmers' farming and livelihoods and building a better society in the spirit of mutual aid (the spirit of people's solidarity and mutual help). It is an organization established by gathering people (union members) and sharing money (investment). JA provides agricultural management / technical guidance and lifestyle advice, as well as joint purchase of production materials / living materials, joint sales of agricultural and livestock products, acceptance of savings, lending of agricultural production funds and living funds, and necessary for agricultural production and living. It seems that they are engaged in various businesses and activities such as setting up shared facilities and mutual aid in case of emergency. Furthermore, it seems that they are engaged in activities to strengthen ties with the local community, such as welfare activities for the elderly, farming experience learning for children, and farmer's markets. It seems that JA's membership qualifications include regular members (farmers) and associate members. For this reason, I heard that even non-farmers can obtain membership qualifications as associate members and use various businesses if they pay the investment according to the enrollment procedure stipulated by each JA. The citrus fruits that bloom and bear fruit in the steep hills of the warm southwestern Shikoku, where typhoons hit, are the result of strong family farming. The goal of the mechanism to support it was the postwar specialized agricultural cooperative. Tangor Norin No. 8 (citrus fatty mikan), which consumers love and never stop, is on the market from December to April, but its peak is from February to March. The most popular ones are around March, and until around February, house-grown ones are often found in the market. The rich and juicy taste and the scent of fresh orange stimulate the five sense organs peculiar to human beings and attract fans. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Statistics, 14 major fruit trees produced in Japan are surveyed. There is In addition, citrus fruits with medium late-ripening citrus (including e.g. pomelo: Setoka mandarin orange) added to this Unshu mandarin are famous as the best domestic fruit trees in Japan. In addition, it is one of the top class in Japan in terms of many factors such as the yield of citrus fruits, the number of varieties, and the amount of output, and it has a system that can supply high quality fruits throughout the year, so it surpasses other prefectures in its comprehensive strength. It is a “citrus kingdom”. The pericarp is soft and can be easily peeled by hand. The endothelium is also soft. Moreover, there are few seeds. There is little worry of accidentally swallowing seeds, so you can enjoy it regardless of age or gender. It would be even better to make a smile cut (cut into eight) peculiar to citrus fruits. Put a knife horizontally on the setoka mandarin orange, cut it in half, and then divide each into four equal parts. The cut part is easy to peel, so please peel it off and enjoy yourself. In March 2022, fruit farming in Ehime Prefecture will take advantage of the warm climate conditions blessed with plenty of sunshine hours. Cultivation of deciduous fruit trees is a key industry that accounts for about 40% of the prefecture's total agricultural output. In particular, citrus fruits have received high praise from all over the world as "Ehime, the Kingdom of Citrus Fruits" due to the stable supply of citrus fruits, the expansion of production of original varieties of this prefecture, and the establishment of a year-round supply system. However, many of the orchards in the prefecture are located on steep slopes, making it difficult to expand their scale. has become a serious problem, and it seems that the maintenance of tree lands has become an issue, such as the expansion of dilapidated farmland, mainly in steep sloping lands, and the damage caused by birds and animals. Moreover, in recent years, large-scale natural disasters have frequently occurred all over the country, and the risk of disaster occurrence is increasing. In the prefecture, heavy rains in western Japan in July 2018 (from June 28th to around July 8th, due to the influence of the front and Typhoon No. 7, it was a record-breaking heavy rain over a wide area, mainly in western Japan. It seems that the amount of precipitation during the period exceeded 1,800 mm in some places.In particular, from July 6 to 8, heavy rain special warnings were issued for 11 prefectures in Kyushu, Shikoku, Chugoku, Kinki, and Tokai regions. Simultaneous flooding and landslides caused by river flooding occurred at the same time, and the damage to houses was extensive, with nearly 50,000 houses damaged or flooded, and 245 people died or went missing. It was the worst storm and flood damage since the Heisei era. In addition, villages were isolated due to road collapses, and lifelines were cut off due to blackouts and water outages, which had a great impact on people's lives. , Okayama Prefecture, Hiroshima Prefecture, and Ehime Prefecture suffered the most damage. Of these, 51 people died in the Oda River Basin in Mabi Town, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture, where the expected flooding area shown on the hazard map and the actual flooding area were different.), causing extensive damage such as the collapse of the garden, and it seems that it is necessary to further promote countermeasures against natural disasters in the future. Furthermore, as imports are expected to expand due to the reduction or elimination of tariffs due to the entry into force of TPP11 and the Japan-U.S. Trade Agreement, it is necessary to strengthen competitiveness by expanding varieties with high market ratings and ensuring high-quality production. In addition, it seems that it is necessary to respond to the diversification and sophistication of consumer needs in light of the further progress of aging and the progress of externalization and simplification of meals due to lifestyle changes. Especially from his 20s to his 40s, his intake is low, and since the intake is decreasing in all generations, it seems necessary to promote efforts to expand consumption. At the same time, as the domestic market shrinks due to the full-scale population decline, in order to expand exports, it is necessary to respond to residue standards and plant quarantines in export destination countries and regions, and to increase production volume to meet export expansion. It is necessary to secure In addition, it is necessary to firmly respond to concerns about the impact of the spread of epidemics on economic activity. In order to respond to these issues, in terms of production, we will promote recovery from heavy rain disasters by promoting the development of disaster-resistant infrastructure, rejuvenating excellent gardens and strengthening production infrastructure, securing and training farmers, and utilizing external labor during the busy farming season. In addition, we will strengthen production capacity by maintaining and strengthening the production area through labor saving, and in terms of distribution and sales, we will develop facilities to improve quality, introduce a wide-area fruit sorting system, reorganize facilities, etc. In addition to strengthening price formation power, it seems necessary to work on multi-channel sales including export expansion.

“Food” is an indispensable part of life. Since its opening in March 2006, "Shu-chan Hiroba" is one of the largest direct sales outlets in Shikoku. It seems that I have been aiming for a local shop. With the cooperation of local residents, there were about 450 shippers when the store first opened, but now there are 1,034 shippers (as of the end of February 2013). In addition, in cooperation with local companies, we are promoting local production for local consumption by providing processed products (ice cream, dressing, etc.) using raw materials from Shuso. Currently, they are holding various events such as a scarecrow contest and a harvest festival, but they seem to be thinking of events to get as many people as possible to think about Japanese agriculture and get interested in agriculture.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Muroto, Kiragawa (first selected as a national important traditional buildings preservation district in Kochi Prefecture), Aki-Nahari: Kochi has two crops a year, and sweet potatoes can be harvested in the summer. It is called early summer moat. There is a common misunderstanding, but summer potatoes and autumn potatoes have a slightly different taste and are different

At Harimaya Bridge in Kochi, Tosa, I saw a monk buying a hairpin. Yosakoi, Yosakoi, let me show you Mimase, opening up Urado, a famous spot to see the moon is Katsurahama. Yosakoi, Yosakoi, it's a shame to say this, in Oranku Pond, the tide is blowing and the fish swimming are better. Yosakoi, Yosakoi, Tosa is a good country, receiving from the south, the Satsuma winds are gently blowing. Yosakoi, Yosakoi, my lover is off the coast of Urado, dejected in the rain, getting wet and fishing for bonito. Yosakoi, Yosakoi, Yosakoi, they say come in the evening, but when you come, it's not true. Yosakoi, Yosakoi, Tatsukushi in the west, Muroto in the east. The famous spot in the middle is Katsurahama Beach. Yosakoi, Yosakoi, if you wish for it to come true, make a wish. The sacred peak of Yasuda is fast. Yosakoi, Yosakoi, I wait for the night wondering if it will come. Moonlit Tanezaki, Matsubakari, Yosakoi, Yosakoi, Tosa specialties, coral and whales, paper and raw silk, dried bonito flakes, Yosakoi, Yosakoi(夜更来)

【Product name】

Kintoki SAKATA sweet potato ≒ Please come this evening (よさこい金時)


Ipomoea batatas L. Lam.

【Wholesale location, Production location】

Kochi Prefecture

【Origin of name】

A word that changed the old word “Welcome at night”. Or, it is an abbreviation for Yosakoi-section, a folk song of Kochi prefecture, and Yosakoi festival of the same prefecture. In addition, it seems to refer to Kintoki Sakata from the names of festivals, events, and dances in various places that incorporate the format of the Yosakoi Festival in Kochi Prefecture. Kintoki's childhood name is KINTARO. He always has a red face, so it seems that he started to compare red things to Kintoki. Yorimitsu-Ko Worshiped as one of the four heavenly kings, did you establish a position to be regarded as a "HUMAN" in the wake of the encounter with Minamoto no Yorimitsu?

【Main features】

The new summer sweet potatoes are clearly different from the autumn sweet potatoes. Early summer digging New Kintoki sweet potatoes began to be planted in two crops a year in February, and "crop production using tunnels cultivation (cultivation method in which the cultivation ridges are covered in a tunnel shape with vinyl or polyethylene film or non-woven fabric, etc.) It seems that it may be used as a tunnel. For crops with high plant height, the covering period is about one month, and after that, the cultivation is continued. Although the material cost is low, the open-field tunnel cultivation seems to be susceptible to strong wind damage. When tunneling with a non-breathable film such as agricultural vinyl or polyethylene for the purpose of heat retention, it is the same as greenhouse cultivation in that the crop body is covered with the film, but the internal space is smaller than the greenhouse, so the sun The temperature rises and falls sharply both during and at night. Therefore, temperature control during cultivation, mainly ventilation work, is important, and hem ventilation is performed according to the type and growth stage of the crop, and non-woven fabric is drilled. When the tunnel is covered with a breathable material, the internal temperature rise during the day is small, but ventilation work is almost unnecessary.) Since it has a lot of water, it has the characteristic that the skin is soft and the nutrients are high when turned inside out, and many fans call it "Tosabeni Sweet Potato" and value it. Kochi Prefecture, located in the southern part of Shikoku, has a total area of about 7,105 km2 (18th in Japan), of which forests occupy about 84% (1st in Japan). It is blessed with the Pacific Ocean where the Kuroshio Current is washed to the south, the Shikoku Mountains with mountains to the north, the blue sea and the greenery of the mountains and abundant nature. The average annual temperature is 17.7 ° C, which is warm and warm in winter in the plains, but the cold in winter is severe in the mountains and snow may accumulate. The annual sunshine time is 2,034 hours, which is the highest in the country, and the annual rainfall is 3,213 mm, which is the highest in the country. (2006) In the prefecture, highly profitable facility horticultural agriculture (vegetable, fruit tree, flower house cultivation) that takes advantage of the warm and sunny climatic conditions is developing, and it is one of the best facility horticultural production areas in Japan that everyone knows. It has become. In the plains, early cultivation of paddy rice and institutional horticulture centered on vegetables are flourishing due to the blessings of the sun and rain. On the other hand, in the mountainous areas, characteristic vegetables, fruit trees, tea and beef cattle (Tosa brown cattle) are produced in cool weather conditions, and agriculture that takes advantage of the characteristics of each region is developing. Among horticulture, agricultural products such as japanese ginger, eggplant, shishito green pepper, ginger, gynmight, yuzu, and glorisa boast the largest share in the country, and in addition, cucumbers, peppers, okra, small onions, arels melon, fruit tomatoes, lilies, and bundan. Etc. are horticultural items that represent the prefecture. The above major agricultural products such as vegetables and fruits are mainly collected by the Kochi Prefectural Horticultural Agricultural Cooperative Association and shipped and sold to large consumption areas such as Tokyo and Osaka. We have established a brand as a production center for vegetables and fruits. In addition, as mentioned earlier, in recent years, an increasing number of farmers are engaged in environmentally friendly agriculture, such as pesticide-reducing cultivation and organic cultivation using insects, which are natural enemies of pests. The origin of sweet potatoes is presumed to be tropical America, centered on Mexico. It seems that there are various wild plants of the morning glories family to which sweet potatoes belong in this area, but Japanese researchers have conducted research based on morphology, genetic properties, number of chromosomes, etc., and Trifida (Ipomea trifida G. Don) It has been clarified that the plant species. Is an ancestral species. This is a perennial herb that forms lump roots underground and propagates vegetatively. The vine grows, and many cover the surface of the earth. It blooms well in the tropics, and the morning glory-like hard seeds are borne in the scabbard. He prefers warm, well-drained soil. Ipomea trifida G. Don. Has mutated and crossed with other wild species over a long period of time to produce many mutations, and it was artificially selected from among them to give birth to the present sweet potato. It is speculated. And now, sweet potato cultivation has spread all over the world, extending from most of the tropics and subtropics to temperate regions. It is believed that there are several types of sweet potato transmission routes, but it is said that they were already transmitted from South America to Polynesia by sea around 1000 BC. According to records, it was transmitted to India, then to Malay, Indonesia, and the Philippines in the 16th century, and to Fujian Province in China in 1584. It is said that Japan first entered Miyakojima in 1597. Ryukyu began to be cultivated in 1605 from Fukuken, and after 1609 it was transmitted to Satsuma under the control of Satsuma, and it is said that it was cultivated mainly in the Kyushu region. Due to the repeated famines from the beginning to the middle of the Edo period, it attracted attention as a famine crop and spread widely throughout the country, mainly in the warm southwestern regions. An old book called "Banshoko: Published in 1735(Describes the cultivation method and storage method of sweet potatoes as a salvage crop.)" records the cultivation method that Konyo-Ko introduced to the Kanto region in the middle of the Edo period. At first, I don't know how to do it, so it seems that the potatoes were cut and planted like yams. However, with this method of production, there was a lot of rot and there was a shortage of plants, and the yield did not increase, so it seems that the seedlings were transplanted and cultivated as they are today. In the latter half of the Edo period, it seems that seedlings had already been cultivated in the nursery, and fertilization ridges, seedling collection, seedling cutting, and storage were being carried out. Japanese sweet potato cultivation first place monument : It takes 7 minutes by car from Nishinoomote city area in Kagoshima prefecture to Nakatane on Route 58. It is erected on the left side of the Shimonishi farm road entrance on the Ishidera coast. In the cultivation of sweet potatoes, Konyo-Ko was famous for succeeding in cultivating sweet potatoes at the behest of Yoshimune Tokugawa and spreading nationwide, but before he succeeded, sweet potatoes were cultivated early on Tanegashima. The person who succeeded in cultivating the sweet potato is Kyuzaemon Ose at Shimoishidera, Nishinoomote City (famous for Karaimo Shrine). The 19th island owner, Hisamoto Tanegashima (Seirin), obtained sweet potatoes from King Ryukyu in 1698. He ordered his vassals to study the cultivation method, and the vassals had Kyuzemon of Shimoishiji make a prototype, and while trial and error continued, he finally succeeded in cultivation. Then, Koya, who was said to be a potato god, was born in 1698, spreading to the Satsuma domain and succeeding in cultivation in Yamakawa seven years later. Seirin Shrine thanked the 19th generation Shimashu Hisamoto (issued by Seirin) for the great achievement of sweet potato cultivation by Matsujuin (23rd generation islands leader Hisamichi) in 1863, and passed on the achievements to posterity. Seirin Shrine was built at the shooting site of Hongenji Temple (currently under the city hall, at the branch office chief's office). After that, it was relocated to the plateau of the worship tower under the present Hongenji Temple and continues to the present day. The view is good and there are many worshipers here. By the way, Hisamoto devoted himself to feudal affairs and island affairs as the name of the feudal lord and father even before he became the head of state of Estonia and the island lord. He was the owner of reputation island chief, who was better than his father. He also invited sweet potato cultivation for the first time when he actively promoted the promotion of industry. In other words, when I investigated the situation in Ryukyu, I learned that sweet potatoes are easy to cultivate and have a lot of harvest, and that they are delicious. Succeeded in planting this at Kyuzaemon in Shimoishidera, Nishinoomote City. In 1705, seven years later than this, Riemon Maeda also obtained sweet potatoes from Ryukyu and reported them to his hometown mountain river. Immediately after that, the number of disasters in Kyoho was less than others. As a result, I did not forget to thank Seirin Shrine, which enshrines Kuki, and sweet potatoes in front of the graves of Kyuzaemon at the time of harvest. Therefore, Japan's first sweet potato cultivation was carried out at Shimoishidera, Nishinoomote City, Tanegashima. In front of the monument, there is a guide board so that you can see the graveyard of Kyuzaemon. Cemetery of Kyuzaemon Ose: Shimoishidera, Shimonihi, Nishinoomote City, Kagoshima Prefecture. In front of the grave, there is a graveyard of Kyuzaemon, which is a little before the Shimoishiji public hall, which is 180 m east of the “Japanese sweet potato cultivation first place monument” along National Highway No. 58. In front of the graveyard, there is a guide panel with detailed explanations about sweet potato cultivation. The graveyard was built to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Nishinoomote City, and it is said that Mr. and Mrs. Kyuzaemon are enshrined in the graveyard. And the large potatoes harvested that year are offered in front of the grave. In addition, every year in Nishinoomote City, the event business of “Sweet Potato Festa” is held in November. Before the “Sweet Potato Festa,” the Ose family, who are descendants, are presenting the potatoes harvested that year to Mayor Nishinoomote. It seems that Tanegashima still treats sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) as an important agricultural product. Tanegashima is famous for the introduction of guns and the Tanegashima Space Center, but as mentioned earlier, it is also the place where sweet potatoes were first cultivated in Japan. Naruto Kintoki is famous for Kintoki sweet potatoes, but Naruto Kintoki is also a brand limited to the production area of “Kokei No. 14 sweet potatoes” born in Kochi. This product is the same high-grade No. 14 variety as Naruto Kintoki sweet potato, and is called by various brand names in Kochi, such as Nishiyama Kintoki sweet potato, "Yosakoi Kintoki sweet potato'', and Tosa Kintoki sweet potato, depending on the production area. The finest is said to be sweet-tasting old potatoes that have been aged by laying them clean, but new potatoes are inferior in sweetness, but because of the deliciousness of the skin and the low sugar content, they are hard to burn, so they are baked and fried (Daigaku-imo). It is very suitable for sweet potato kenpi, fried food, grilled iron plate, etc.). Basically, sweet potatoes become sweet when left to stand for 1-2 months. It seems that the new potatoes are laid down a little at the time of shipment, but for perfection, if they are laid down in a cool and well-ventilated place, the moisture tends to fly off and the sweet potatoes tend to become sweeter. “Transition of sweet potato breeding test site” : The sweet potato breeding business was significantly modified in 1937, and a seedling selection business for sweet potatoes was added to the Kyushu Wheat Test Site of the Agricultural Experiment Station. Is said to have been installed. The purpose of the munitions was to fly the Zero Fighter with bioethanol produced from sweet potatoes. That year, Masatoshi Onoda, who was transferred from the Wheat Designated Test Site (Chiba), was appointed as the first chief of Chiba. This test site became the Agricultural Improvement Laboratory in 1947, the Agricultural Experiment Station in 1951, and the Agricultural Research Center Sweet Breeding Laboratory (currently the Institute of Crop Science Edible Sweet potato Team), the first generation. The laboratory manager will be Mr. Masatoshi Onoda (resident 1937-67). During his 30-year tenure from 1937 to 1967, Masatoshi Onoda was No. 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10, Kuroshirazu (N11), Chihaya (N12), Shirosengan (N13), Okimasari (N14), and Kurimasari (N14). It is said that 13 varieties of(N21), Tamayutaka (N22), and Konasengan (N27) were cultivated. The last 30 years were the Sino-Japanese War and the subsequent Pacific War. Mr. Onoda is a lieutenant in the Army Railroad Regiment at the time of drafting. Although he was retired, there remains a question as to whether Onoda, who was 31-39 years old at the time, had not been convened or set sail. Regarding this, Takemata, a former subordinate, heard from him (former Professor Isao Tarumoto of Osaka Prefecture University Graduate School: he was assigned to a test site in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture (1986-92)). However, after receiving an application from the Chiba Prefectural Office that it was “difficult to replace other people,” he was exempted from military service after joining the army for one day. His ex-subordinates have commented that his serious and strict temperament, which is all about breeding, is related not only to his birth in Kokura, Kyushu (1900), but also to his career exempted from military service. He is 94 years old (born 1906 to died 2000).


This specially made sweet potato is characterized by a bright red color and a slightly sweet scent peculiar to potatoes. It is a discerning gem that was brought up by looking at. Ecosystem cultivation derived from Tosa refers to a method of growing vegetables by reducing the burden on the environment as much as possible without relying on chemically synthesized pesticides as much as possible. It seems that pest control includes predation using insects, which are natural enemies, creating an environment where insects cannot see, and suppressing the outbreak of pests by putting an ultraviolet cut film on them. It seems that the cultivation method recommended by the government is called "specially cultivated agricultural products" and "ecosystem cultivation" is called "eco-vegetables". This excellent sweet potato is cultivated in a greenhouse, covered tunnel (early cultivation), taking advantage of the warm climate of Kochi prefecture. The original variety is said to be "High-class No. 14 sweet potato". It is famous as a sweet potato produced in Kochi prefecture that is suitable for early digging. In 1935 at the Okinawa Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station, a hybrid seed of "Nancy Hall sweet potato" and "Siamese sweet potato" "High-class No. 14 sweet potato" (medium sprouting, slightly inferior in sprouting number and seedling elongation. The size is medium, the skin is crimson, the meat is yellowish white powder, and the taste is excellent and the appearance is good.) "sweet potato". A variety that has been cultivated for quick digging. Since it is not stored at all, it's shipped as “fresh potatoes” freshly dug. The shipping time is from the end of May to the end of July, which is earlier than other potatoes. , Tendency to hit the market. Since the skin is very thin and the washing and sorting by machine is limited, each one is carefully hand-washed and hand-sorted. Because it is of high quality, it sells a lot. Jalapin, a white liquid nutrient that comes out of the cut end of "sweet potato", can be expected to have the effect of promoting intestinal peristalsis and softening stool (laxative action). It is said that the synergistic effect of dietary fiber and yarapin peculiar to sweet potato is large.


This excellent sweet potato is prematurely hypertrophied and can be harvested about 100 days after planting, so it seems that tunnel mulch can be used for all cropping types. In addition, it has a relatively high fertilizer resistance, so it is an excellent product that can be cultivated on the site of vegetables. However, it seems that the longer the field stay, the more secondary enlargement progresses and the deeper the grooves become, and the commercial value for fruits and vegetables declines. The shape of sweet potatoes also changes depending on the cultivation conditions, and it seems that they become long in mulch cultivation and tend to be short spindle-shaped (round) when the cultivated soil is shallow or under dry conditions. Since it has good storability, I heard that major production areas have a planned shipping system from early shipment by early digging to curing storage and shipment.


Taking advantage of the warm climate of Kochi, it is a sweet potato that is cultivated in the open field by tunnel covering as well as green house cultivation, which helps in times of need. While general sweet potatoes are shipped from August to November, Tosabeni sweet potatoes are shipped from late May to mid-July, the earliest in Japan. As the name suggests, this variety is characterized by a bright crimson color and a very thin skin, which further enhances appetite. Therefore, it cannot be cleaned and sorted by machine, and each work is done manually. It seems that it is shipped nationwide as a freshly dug new sweet potato without storing it at all. Unlike other stored potatoes, consumers are very interested in it because they can taste the whole skin.