
Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Iwato Shrine was built in 701 AD. This year marks the year 1322. Kobayashi’s only extant “Iwato shinto music” has inherited the dance for over 300 years (with temporary interruptions). Praying for a huge harvest (of the 5 grains) and giving thanks for the autumn harvest, the participants acted out the mythological gods who prayed for the arrival of the gods, decorated a corner of about 4 meters with leaves and bamboo, and stretched a shimenawa rope. The dance is performed in a gorgeous shrine garden made of sacred shinto tree. The chants and dances that have been handed down from generation to generation are the Kanme of “Ama-no-Iwato-biraki”, which is associated with the enshrined deity “Tajikarao-no-Mikoto”, and expresses it in a funny and ancient way.

Kobayashi City established the "Kobayashi City Children's Support Fund" in fiscal 2022 to promote the creation of an environment where children can marry with peace of mind, give birth to and raise children, and grow up in good health for the children who will be responsible for the future. This fund was started with donations from citizens and the general revenue of Kobayashi City. By widely disseminating information about the fund, we are also working to create momentum for supporting children and child-rearing throughout the local community, including citizens, organizations, businesses, and government. Anyone can donate, regardless of individuals, companies, or organizations, and we ask for your understanding and cooperation. This fund will be used for the following projects. Projects to combat child poverty, projects to counter the declining birthrate, and projects to support children and child-rearing.

【Product name】
Greenhouse Melon
Cucumis melo L.
【Producing area】

Kobayashi City, Miyazaki Prefecture, Takahara Town, Nishimoro Prefecture District (JA Kobayashi, JA Miyazaki Prefectural Economic Federation)

【Origin of name】
It is also called musk melon because it smells like musk when it is ready to eat. Some people may associate the word mask with the English word mask from the weave pattern of the fruit, but it seems that the name actually comes from the English word musk (the Greek word moskhos). Musk means the scent of musk. It is said that the scent of muskmelon is as wonderful as this musk.
【Major features】

The auction for this season’s Melomero Melon, a brand of melon produced in Miyazaki Prefecture, began in Miyazaki City, and it was sold out due to people refraining from buying it due to the influence of the new coronavirus. This excellent agricultural product “Meromero melon” is a brand melon that has a sugar content of 14 degrees or more and meets certain standards such as appearance and weight among Earl’s melons produced in Kobayashi City and Takaharu Town, Nishimorokata County. Miyazaki City Central Wholesale Market (Previously, in Miyazaki City, there were 9 regional wholesale markets for fruits and vegetables, 2 regional fisheries wholesale markets, and 8 dried salt processing wholesalers scattered throughout the city, each forming a distribution area. The scale of the market was also small, and while it had problems such as resolving traffic congestion and strengthening market functions, it seems that it was pressed to improve measures such as aging facilities and hygiene management. I heard that in December 1976, the Fruits and Vegetables Department was merged into two companies, and the Seafood Department was split into two companies. It was decided to enter the market as a whole, and business began at the new market named “Miyazaki City Central Wholesale Market” on July 11, 1974. Also, on May 29, 1995, the flower section also entered.)In the morning of November 22, 2022, the first auction of the season was held in the morning of November 22, 2022, and 68 boxes were sold in about five minutes. In the meantime, everything has been auctioned off. According to JA Kobayashi, in 2023, due to the situation in Ukraine and the depreciation of the yen, the price of feed will soar. It is said that the price has dropped by 120,000 to 140,000 yen per cow from the previous year, and wagyu farmers are facing severe business conditions. The JA in Miyazaki Prefecture distributes a total of about 260 tons of compound feed free of charge to about 1,000 farmers in an effort to support Japanese beef farmers who are facing tough business conditions due to soaring raw material prices and falling calf prices. Under these circumstances, we decided to independently support Wagyu beef farmers, and from January 10 to 16, we distributed compound feed free of charge to about 1,000 japanese beef cow farmers according to the number of cattle raised. On average, 13 bags of mixed feed weighing 20 kg per household, totaling 260 tons. The JA also provided its own support to dairy farmers in December last year, and the total amount of support is said to be about 36 million yen. JA Kobayashi was established in 1974 through a wide-area merger of Kobayashi City, Takaharu Town, Nojiri Town, and Suki Village. Mainly livestock (beef cattle, dairy farming), earthenware (taro, burdock, etc.) and facility horticulture (melons, green peppers, etc.) are thriving. It is an agricultural cooperative that aims to realize a “community symbiotic society” together with its members. According to the Kobayashi City Agriculture Promotion Plan (March 2022), Japan’s agriculture faces a shrinking domestic market due to population decline, intensification of new international competition such as the TPP, frequent natural disasters and livestock epidemics associated with climate change. Faced with issues such as sexually transmitted diseases, there are concerns about the weakening of production bases and the decline of local communities. Furthermore, the situation is changing rapidly, such as the spread of new epidemics. Under these circumstances, the national government has set out concrete measures to realize the four basic principles of ensuring a stable supply of food, demonstrating multifunctionality, sustaining the development of agriculture, and revitalizing rural areas. Formulated the “Basic Plan for Food, Agriculture, and Rural Areas,” which is a program for the development of comprehensive measures. This basic plan is to be revised every five years in order to respond to various changes in the situation surrounding food, agriculture, and farming villages. In addition, the “Green Food System Strategy” was announced in order to achieve both productivity improvement and sustainability in the food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries through innovation. In Miyazaki Prefecture, while setting the perspective of “new disaster prevention” as the foundation of agriculture in the prefecture, aiming for agriculture that can withstand any crisis, we will improve productivity, improve the efficiency of logistics, The 8th Miyazaki Prefecture Agriculture and Rural Development Long-term Plan was formulated with the aim of creating a “smart” chain of measures related to production, distribution, and sales, such as responding to diverse sales formats. These efforts are called “Miyazaki-style family farming” centered on families, regardless of the size of the business or whether they are individuals or corporations. With this as the core, it seems that not only farmers but also all Miyazaki will promote it with all-out efforts. Based on these points of view, this Kobayashi City Agriculture Promotion Plan was formulated as a basic guideline based on the 2nd Kobayashi City Comprehensive Plan, and it is an agriculture promotion plan aiming for 2026, about four years later. The 2nd Kobayashi City Comprehensive Plan envisions the future city as “Jojoyonkatoko(Considerable, excessive, good place.)Kobayashi City, where everyone gathers and is full of smiles.” Among them, agriculture is positioned as a field of policy outline “Prosperity” (the theme is “a town where people and hearts are excited and crowded”), and it seems that they will work towards the direction of four items. Employment has increased, citizen’s income has increased, and life is affluent. A town that offers hospitality to those who visit Kobayashi for sightseeing and experiences. A town where “information dissemination, sharing and exchange” about Kobayashi is actively done, and the local information infrastructure is well maintained. Kobayashi is one of the towns where the central city area, shopping streets, tourist spots, etc. are bustling, creating an environment that makes it easy for people to gather. After the war, agriculture was mainly a combined farming of paddy rice, open-field vegetables, and breeding cattle for meat. In recent years, beef breeding cattle, dairy farming, pig farming, poultry farming, greenhouse vegetables, outdoor vegetables, fruit trees, flowers, and special uses. It seems that there has been a trend toward specialization and incorporation through single management of crops, etc., and the expansion of scale that accompanies this. Under these circumstances, the environment surrounding agriculture is concerned about an increase in abandoned farmland and a decline in activities in rural areas due to the aging of farmers and the decrease in farmers and successors due to the declining birthrate and aging population. On the other hand, consumer interest in food education, food safety and security, and the multifaceted functions of farming villages has increased is coming. However, due to the progress of a declining population and changes in dietary habits, demand for agricultural products is decreasing, imports of agricultural products are increasing, production costs are rising, and weather disasters and wildlife damage due to climate change are occurring. It seems that it is difficult to secure a stable income due to the increase in the population and the response to the post-pandemic. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to develop motivated leaders and secure successors, as well as to develop production infrastructure, create production areas, and create vibrant communities. Kobayashi City is located in the southwestern part of Miyazaki Prefecture. Nishimera Village, Kumamoto Prefecture in the north, Aya Town, Miyazaki City, and in the east. Ebino City borders Takaharu Town, Miyakonojo City, and Kagoshima Prefecture to the south. Topographically, it is a mountainous terrain with Kirishima, and the altitude increases as you go from the city center to the north and south, and especially in the south, there is an area with an altitude of 1,300 m with Mt. Karakunidake(It is the highest peak of Mt. Kirishima in southern Kyushu and straddles the border between Ebino City and Kobayashi City in Miyazaki Prefecture and Kirishima City in Kagoshima Prefecture.)as the highest peak. The Iwase River and Tsujinodo River of the Oyodo River system flow through the central part of the city, creating farmlands in the mountainous plains. In terms of climate, the average annual temperature is about 16°C, the annual average precipitation is 3,000 mm, and the sunshine hours are 2,000 hours. Concentrate on. Until the 1980s, the average temperature remained in the 15°C range, but since the 1990s, there have been many years where the temperature exceeded 16°C, and in 2016 he was 17°C. Regarding annual precipitation, in the 17 years from 1976 to 1992, he exceeded 3,000 mm only once in 1980. It seems that it exceeds 3,000 mm except. The farmland area is 5,965.1 ha (rice field 2,269.4 ha, field 3,101.8 ha, orchard 593.9 ha). In the future, there will be farmland with poor conditions such as small plots and undeveloped land, and the area of cultivated land under management will continue to decrease. Predict. It is necessary to make efforts to eliminate uncultivated land by utilizing various projects. In addition, there are concerns about an increase in abandoned farmland due to an aging population and an increase in the number of non-farmers who own land. It seems that the accumulation and consolidation of farmland in hands will be promoted to prevent and eliminate the occurrence of abandoned farmland. In addition, in order to secure and nurture new farmers, in order to make it easier for new entrants from different industries, including agricultural successors, to start farming, It is necessary to develop a training system for the purpose of acquiring skills and management methods. In 2018, the “Agri-Training Center (items: cucumbers, etc.)” established by the Kirishima Agricultural Promotion Organization provides integrated support from technical training (2 years) to farming with related organizations, and the number of trainees is increasing. In addition, it seems that they will try to secure new farmers such as I-turn farmers by participating in farming consultations and farming fairs held in urban areas and promoting Kobayashi City’s agriculture. Furthermore, for farmers who do not fall under national or prefectural system projects (agricultural next-generation human resource investment projects, etc.), the city. Support independently. At the same time, it seems that a wide range of farmers, including part-time farmers, elderly farmers, and female farmers, will be positioned and secured as the bearers of agriculture. Certified Farmer: In order to maintain and develop Kobayashi City agriculture, it is essential to secure and train bearers. There were 648 management bodies in FY2016, and 655 management bodies in FY2020, a slight increase over the last five years. In the future, in cooperation with related organizations, we will support activities such as management consultation and holding training sessions to achieve the goals of the farm management improvement plan, and will be certified by expanding the scale, improving technology, and cultivating a management body with excellent management sense. It seems that they are trying to secure farmers. In recent years, it seems that the role of women in agricultural management and rural areas has become more important than ever due to the promotion of various initiatives aimed at realizing a gender-equal society. In the future, we will promote joint applications and the conclusion of family management agreements so that farm management will be based on family discussions and gender equality. Kobayashi area: former Kobayashi city, Suki area: former Suki village, Nojiri area: former Nojiri town. In order to secure a labor force, in the agricultural production where the amount of work is not equalized throughout the year, while the labor shortage is progressing due to the decrease and aging of the agricultural working population, to promote farmland consolidation and enlargement. Must make good use of the limited labor force. By promoting smart agriculture to improve productivity and occupational safety, diversifying work styles and It is also assumed that it will be possible to secure human resources, and that diverse human resources from inside and outside the region will become a new labor force for the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries. Since 2012, Kobayashi City has worked to formulate a “people and farmland plan” that clarifies the central management body in regional agriculture and the future of agriculture in the region based on community discussions. As of the end of March 2021, 43 plans have been formulated. In addition, 33 of these plans. It has been certified as a materialized people and farmland plan. Going forward, we will continue to promote the materialization of the people and farmland plan, and We are promoting the accumulation and consolidation of farmland at home, aiming for effective use of farmland. By leasing farmland and lending it to the bearers in bulk, the aim is to promote the accumulation and consolidation of farmland and improve efficiency. In order to promote highly productive agriculture in the city, the project will be promoted with the goal of consolidating 150 ha annually into the Miyazaki Prefectural Agricultural Promotion Public Corporation. In addition, by 2019, it seems that they have formed farmland accumulation associations in 33 districts of the city and have been working to promote the project using the organization’s accumulation cooperation money. However, except for 9 districts, the accumulation rate is less than 80%. We will continue to promote the business so that the accumulation rate will exceed 80%. Multifunctional payment system: Agriculture and rural areas have multiple functions such as land conservation, water source replenishment, natural environment conservation, and landscape formation, and the benefits are widely enjoyed by the people. In recent years, however, the aging and declining population of rural areas seems to be hindering the multifaceted functions that are supported by community activities. In addition, due to the difficulty of joint activities in the region, the burden on the maintenance and management of local resources such as waterways and farm roads is increasing, and the expansion of the scale of the bearers is hindered. For this reason, in order to demonstrate the multifaceted functions of agriculture and farming villages, basic conservation activities for local resources, such as clearing mud from waterways and maintaining the surface of farm roads by local organizations, and expansion and strengthening of systems that respond to structural changes in farming villages. In addition, we support joint activities to improve the quality of local resources, such as minor repairs to waterways and farm roads, and good conservation of rural environments such as landscape formation through planting, and activities to extend the life of facilities. Kobayashi City’s rice field gods are stone statues that have been placed in places overlooking rice fields in the hope of bumper crops since the middle of the Edo period. It is also said that there are many solemn gods of the rice fields that are similar to Shinto priests, and that they were built in awe of the frequent eruptions of Mt. In addition, there are many statues of deities of rice fields, each with a rich expression. The Satsuma clan ruled by the Shimazu clan in the Edo period. It seems that the culture that tells the story of that history remains strong even today. Not only dialects and local cuisine, but also things related to the Satsuma clan, such as the statue of the deity of the rice field, drum dance, and Heko dance(When Yoshihiro sent an army to Korea, the army made outstanding achievements, and in order to praise this great achievement for a long time, the young samurai were told to communicate with each other and pass on their bravery to future generations. According to one theory, the name heko came about because it would be better to add the word child because the soldiers were to be handed down to their descendants. In addition, about the feudal lord of Shimazu, who was on the kotai, the soldiers who had to go back and forth on the long journey between Kagoshima and Edo with great difficulty would motivate them on the way and make it a fun trip. There is also a theory that it danced, and it is dedicated at the Oishi Shrine Grand Festival on the third Sunday in September. The dance is performed by more than 10 people from around the age of 15 to 20 to 30 years old, including soldiers and senior citizens.), have been passed down. In 2018, the JA Kobayashi Melon Subcommittee announced the eruption of Mt. Shinmoedake (12 years ago, on January 26, 2011 (Wednesday), a large-scale eruption occurred at Mt. It was a dangerous eruption called a “quasi-plinian eruption,” which rarely occurs in Japan, and was the first large-scale eruption in about 300 years at Shinmoedake where magma directly hit the surface.) and natural disasters such as typhoons worried about shipment, but thanks to the favorable weather and thorough cultivation management, we were able to ship delicious melons. Also, many people eat it. Melomero melons have a sugar content of 14 degrees or higher and are shipped after inspection based on optical sensors and strict shipping standards. Also, the Miyazaki Greenhouse Light Sensor Melon is blessed with the shining sun and clean water, and is made with love. However, the production environment seems to have been severe due to rising fuel costs, etc., but efforts are being made to further raise awareness and expand consumption. Takaharu Town Depopulated Area Sustainable Development Plan (2021-2025) Takaharu Town, Nishimorokata District, Miyazaki Prefecture (reference). As an overview of natural, historical, social, and economic conditions, Takaharu Town is located in the southwestern part of Miyazaki Prefecture. It is connected to Kagoshima Prefecture bordered by Mt. It borders Kobayashi City across the Tsujinodo River and the Iwase River to the east. The area is 85.39 km2 and stretches 18 km from east to west, of which 4,202 ha (49.2%) is forest, 2,408 ha (28.2%) is agricultural land, 459 ha (5.4%) is residential land, and 1,470 ha (17.2%) is other land. The terrain is undulating, and the elevation of the plains is about 170 m to 230 m. The climate belongs to the temperate region, with an average annual temperature of 16.4°C and annual precipitation of 1,822 mm. The name of the town is said to be a transformation of “Takamagahara,” and it has a long history in the history of the founding of Japan. Merged to form Takaharu Township. After that, after the Abolition of the han system in 1871, the jurisdiction of Kagoshima Prefecture and Miyakonojo Prefecture was repeated. Then, Fumoto Village, Ushirokawauchi Village, Kamamuta Village, and Hirowara Village merged to form Takaharu Village. The town organization was enforced on October 5, 1934, and 2018 marks the 85th anniversary of the town organization. The town is located in the Takasaki River and Iwase River, which are tributaries of the Oyodo River, and consists of four sections of villages. There are many historic sites and shrines scattered around the town. It is blessed with many tourism resources. The main transportation network includes National Routes 221 and 223, as well as six prefectural roads. In addition, the interchange of the Kyushu Jukan Expressway Miyazaki Line is located in the center of the town, and it is possible to reach Miyazaki Airport and Kagoshima Airport within an hour. In addition, there is the JR Kitto Line, which celebrates its 110th anniversary, and connects Miyakonojo City (Miyakonojo Station) via Honmachi (Takaharu Station and Hirowara Station) to Yusui Town, Aira District, Kagoshima Prefecture (Yoshimatsu Station). It has been popular as a lifestyle route for many years. Amid the expected decline in water bill income due to the declining population due to the declining birthrate and aging population, a large amount of money will be required each year for the renewal of facilities and pipelines, etc., and the business environment will become tougher year by year. It seems that it is necessary to continue to provide a stable supply of safe and secure water to everyone in the world. Therefore, we drafted a medium to long-term management plan and formulated the “Takaharu Town Water Supply Business Management Strategy” with the aim of realizing a sound water supply business. Revised in March 2022, 3 years have passed since the last revision, so we are reviewing it. In May 2005, the Hanado Ward Community Farming Association was established in order to establish regional agriculture with a view to the future. After that, expectations for agricultural cooperatives were expected to shift from work consignment to farmland consignment. Established. The corporation is positioned as a practical organization that establishes the right to use farmland and promotes sixth industrialization, etc., and works on the production of agricultural products, commissioned farm work, and the operation of the direct sales store “Mori no Hokura” in cooperation with the farming association. It seems that The establishment of both organizations has expanded the opportunities for local residents to be active, which has revitalized the entire region. In particular, it seems to have led to an increase in the motivation of elderly producers to produce, interaction with urban residents, and the passing on of traditional events. These efforts have been highly evaluated, and in June 2014, we were selected as an excellent example of “Discover Treasures of Rural Villages” there is. In the future, by completing the development of the regional high-standard road “Miyakonojo Shibushi Road”, we will reduce the transportation cost of the distribution network and significantly shorten the transportation time in the event of a disaster or emergency transportation, further revitalizing the industry Expected to be effective in attracting companies. Since the Act on Emergency Measures for Depopulated Areas was enacted in 1970 as a countermeasure against depopulation, the Act on Special Measures for Promotion of Depopulated Areas and the Act on Special Measures for Revitalization of Depopulated Areas have been updated every 10 years to deal with depopulation. Currently, the Act on Special Measures for the Promotion of Independence of Depopulated Areas enacted in 2000 (Law No. 15: This law states that due to the dramatic decline in population, the vitality of local communities has declined, and the development of production functions and living environments, etc. has become difficult. By taking special measures necessary to implement comprehensive and planned measures for areas that are lower than other areas, promote the self-reliance of these areas, thereby improving the welfare of residents and employment. The purpose is to contribute to the increase in population, the correction of regional disparities, and the formation of a beautiful and dignified national land.) Based on this, the Takaharu Town Depopulated Area Self-Reliance Promotion Plan was revised twice, and the depopulated areas became self-reliant through simple medical checkups and measures to secure doctors. It seems that they have worked on depopulation measures and population measures while conducting special promotion projects (soft projects), improving the educational environment, and improving roads. However, as a result of the continuing population outflow centered on young people, the elderly population ratio seems to be above the prefectural average. Based on this situation, as measures for depopulated areas so far, in addition to improving the living environment such as community drainage facilities, firefighting facilities, public housing, and water supply facilities, measures have also been taken in various fields such as community assembly facilities, school facilities, and medical facilities. Has taught In addition, as a wide area administration, we are working on firefighting business, human waste disposal business, garbage disposal business, and wide area funeral center business. In this way, efforts have been made to implement disaster prevention measures, develop local industries, and promote wide-area tourism. However, there are still regional disparities in the living environment, the promotion of primary industries that make use of the advantage of being blessed with a natural environment, the promotion of tourism that revitalizes the region, and the base for industrial development in the western region of the prefecture. In addition to securing new employment opportunities, we will work together with residents and the government to further revitalize the region, such as attracting companies to the Miyazaki Freeway Industrial Park, which is expected to develop local industries such as economic promotion and revitalization. It seems that it is necessary to develop various measures in collaboration with. Mythological Site Takachihonomiya (MiyanoUto): It is said that the Imperial Palace once stood in an empty place beneath a golden ginkgo tree. The reason for this is that, according to the first emperor, Emperor Jinmu (Sano no Mikoto: Sano Shrine), it was built on the site of his birth during the reign of the fifth Emperor Kosho (475-393 B.C.E.). Sano no Mikoto, the childhood name of Emperor Jimmu, is said to be based on the place name of Sano. A subordinate shrine, Ojibaru Shrine, is enshrined 1,200 meters west of our company, and a sacred stone called Ube stone is enshrined. It is said that this place was the place where Emperor Jinmu lived when he was a child. It is written that Emperor Jimmu lived here with his father Ugayafuki Aezu no Mikoto during his childhood until he moved to Hyuga (Miyazaki City) at the age of fifteen. The Nishimoro district is located in the southwestern part of Miyazaki Prefecture, and consists of two cities and one town (Kobayashi City, Ebino City, and Takaharu Town, Nishimorokata District) surrounded by the Kyushu Mountains to the north and the Kirishima foothills to the southwest. It is famous as an agricultural area that spreads out on the plateau. In the southern part of Miyazaki Prefecture, the Shirasu Plateau(It is a typical pyroclastic flow plateau composed of Shirasu and welded tuff originating from Kakuto caldera, Ata caldera, Aira caldera and Ikeda caldera. It occupies 52% of Kagoshima mainland and 16% of Miyazaki prefecture.)was widely formed by the Ito pyroclastic flow that formed the Aira Caldera. In particular, it is distributed widely and thickly in the area from Kobayashi City to Miyakonojo City, including the Nishimoro area, and spreads like a plateau. Agricultural land is well-drained and suitable for growing vegetables and fruits, but it is vulnerable to drought due to its lack of water retention capacity. In addition, since it is susceptible to erosion by running water, it seems that careful consideration of construction is required during construction. Kobayashi City is rich in nature, and the “Ikoma Plateau” at the foot of Mt. Kirishima is filled with seasonal flowers such as rape blossoms and poppies in the spring, crape myrtle and salvia in the summer, and cosmos in the fall. Also, from mid-May to June, you can see the wild dance of Genji fireflies that live in Idenoya Park. This is a production area of fruits such as Earl’s melon “Meromero melon” certified by Miyazaki brand, ripe mango “Taiyo no Tamago”, and ripe kumquat “Tamatama”. The town of Takaharu, which is famous as a mythical village, is also famous as the birthplace of Emperor Jimmu. If you visit historic sites and shrines that still exist today, you will find numerous myths, legends, and traditional events. In addition, ruins from the Jomon period to the Kofun period have been unearthed, and so far more than 100 in four groups have been discovered. Production of Miyazaki beef is thriving, and the quality of its meat is highly evaluated both inside and outside the prefecture. In addition, “green tea”, which is cultivated taking advantage of the climate where the temperature difference between the day and the day is large and where fog is likely to occur, is a specialty of the town. Streptomyces sp. is a disease that was first recognized in Miyazaki Prefecture around 1985. It seems to produce many nodules (carcinomas) on the roots of melons that range from 1 mm to 2 cm in diameter. When the occurrence of cancer increases, it wilts, and if it becomes severe, it may wither. The small thorns resemble the bumps of a root-knot nematode and are difficult to identify. Knots on the roots are as small as 1 mm at first, similar to root-knot nematode damage. If it becomes severe, it will be about 1 cm in diameter, and sometimes these may be combined to form a large nodule with a diameter of about 5 cm. Knots occur in various places from the tip of the root to the ground part of the stem, but because the pathogen is aerobic, they tend to occur relatively close to the ground surface. It seems that there are times when it occurs and bumps appear on the ridges and in the passages. This disease often occurs in high temperature and dry conditions, but unless the degree of occurrence is high, the above-ground symptoms will not appear and the quality will be less affected. It occurs mostly in miscellaneous melons, but in some areas it seems to occur in Earl’s melons as well. According to research results from a while ago, it is thought to be a new strain of the genus Streptomyces, but it was necessary to reexamine the classification system. As a result of examining a more reliable method for isolating the pathogenic actinomycete of this disease, the isolation from the nodules formed by the disease was treated with a 140-fold phenol aqueous solution for 10 minutes and then cultured in B medium at 28°C for 5 days. It seems that the method of separating by consider the pathogenic environment. High-concentration pathogenic actinomycetes caused damping of melon seedlings, and the degree of death seemed to vary depending on the soil. In soils with different soil properties (unadjusted pH), the severity of disease was severe in silty clay loam and clay loam, and lessened in sandy loam and loamy sandy soil. At soil temperatures between 15 and 35°C, disease is severe at 25°C and above, most severe at 35°C, and less severe below 20°C. At soil pH of 6.5 to 7.0, the disease was severely affected, but at 6.0 and 7.5, the disease was slightly decreased, and at 5.5 or less, the disease did not occur.

Using a non-destructive sorting machine with an optical sensor, all individual melons are inspected for internal quality such as sugar content and maturity, and delicious greenhouse melons that pass. A common name for a machine that can measure the internal quality of fruit by irradiating it with near-infrared rays. By introducing this fruit sorting machine, it has become possible to inspect all melons one by one without damaging the fruit. In addition, by attaching a sticker printed with an individual number to all melons, it seems that traceability has become possible, clarifying the responsibility of the producer.

Miyazaki Brand Certification Criteria: 100% inspection (sugar content, maturity inspection) using optical sensor sorter. Establish traceability. JA gardening brand standard A3 or higher. Sugar content 14 degrees or more. Criteria for accreditation of Earl’s varieties and product brand production areas. The size of the production area should be approximately 1 ha or more. Carrying out planned production and shipment. A shipping system for quality control, inspection system, complaint processing, etc. must be established. The agricultural products this time are grade B, but I would like to note the brand criteria.

Earl’s melons should be eaten when the color of the skin is uniform, the nets are fine and uniform, the antennae are green and they do not wilt. Pay attention to temperature and water management, and use bees for mating. In order to produce high-quality products, Earl’s melons produce 1 fruit from 1 plant. Approximately 3 days before harvest, the sugar content is tested, and 55 to 60 days after mating is harvested with a target sugar content of 15 degrees. It is packed in a cosmetic box by an excellent producer and shipped after undergoing strict inspection at JA. Earl’s melons in Miyazaki Prefecture are produced by utilizing the abundance of sunshine and introducing unique varieties from each JA. Varieties and cultivation methods have been established for each of the autumn, winter, spring, and summer cropping types, and it seems that they are trying to brand them by introducing high-level optical sensors. It goes without saying that the western part of the prefecture facing the Kirishima mountain range is characterized by a mild climate and has long been an area where melon cultivation has flourished.

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