In late November 2023, car dealers collaborated with the prefectural police and Zaspa to hold an event in Isesaki City to call for prevention of damage from special fraud and traffic accidents. The ``Regional Safety Festa'' was held by Honda Cars Gunma in cooperation with the prefectural police, the Prefectural Crime Prevention Equipment Association, and Thespa Kusatsu Gunma as a social contribution. The idea is to have as many families as possible participate in the event, which will help eradicate special fraud and prevent accidents involving the elderly. At the event, there was a popular booth where people could wear police uniforms and ride in police cars and motorcycles, and parents and children seemed to be having fun taking pictures. In addition, a special fraud eradication supporter training course was held with the participation of Zaspa Kusatsu Gunma's Yamada and Kawakami Edo-Ojon, and the current situation of special fraud and preventive measures were explained. In addition, Honda Cars staff called on elderly people to explain how to use next-generation electric wheelchairs as a means of transportation after returning their driver's licenses. Those who visited seemed to be thinking about creating a safe community while interacting with police officers and athletes.
【Product name】
Solanum lycopersicum L.
【Producing area】
Nishikubo Town, Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture (JA Nitta Midori, JA Zennoh Gunma)
【Origin of name】
Originating around the Andes in western South America, the indigenous Aztecs called it “TOMATL.” It is widely known, and it is said that Tang dynasty and “TOMATO” are used in Japan after the Meiji Era.
【Major features】
The Council for Cultural Affairs of Japan has reported that the private house “Shinichi Tajima Family Housing Main House” in the Sakaishima village district of Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture should be registered as a national registered tangible cultural property. The Tajima Shin family house owner is located around the old residence of Yahei Tajima, a World Heritage Site, and was built around 1861 to manufacture and sell silk moth eggs. It seems that it is characterized by three small turrets that ventilate on the roof to produce silk moths. It seems that the second floor was used as a silkworm room, and it is highly possible that it was built two years older than the old residence of Yahei, a World Heritage Site. This Sakaishima village district is one of the areas where silkworm production was once thriving, and so far four private houses have been registered tangible cultural properties. When it comes to registration this time, it is the 343rd registered tangible cultural property in the prefecture. The Shimamura ferry boat is a 9-seater ferry (one of which is a ferry man) that connects Sakaishimamura, which is divided into north and south by the Tone River, and seems to have been used as part of Route 6-603 in Isesaki City. It is said that it started around the middle of the Edo period, and was transferred to Gunma Prefecture on April 1, 1951, and to Isesaki City from April 1, 2012, and was in operation. The ferry boat was suspended due to damage to the pier and shipping route due to Typhoon No. 19 in October 2018. As a result of studying the ideal way of kneading modern vehicles, the operation as a city road has been terminated, and the city road in the route part has been abolished. It’s a really lonely situation. Isesaki City Akabori History and Folklore Museum (Nishikubo Town): The History and Folklore Museum was opened as the Akabori Village History and Folklore Museum in 1985. It seems that it is exhibited at. Archaeological materials from the Paleolithic period to the Heian period excavated from the city are displayed in the permanent exhibition room on the 1st floor. In addition, on the 2nd floor, it seems that restored private houses that imaged the early Showa period, folk tools used until the middle of the Showa period, and silk moth tools and farm tools used by silk moth farmers are exhibited. Workman (Kanto Shinetsu Headquarters: Shiba Town, Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture), which is one of Japan’s leading sales of work clothes and outdoor wear, announced on May 9th that the non-consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ending March 2022 are total operating revenue of 116,266,400. It seems that 10,000 yen has exceeded 100 billion yen for the second consecutive term. The net profit is said to be 18,303 million yen. Gross operating revenue has reached record highs for 12 consecutive terms and net income has reached record highs for 11 consecutive terms. JA Nitta Midori is located in the eastern part of Gunma prefecture, and is within the jurisdiction of Kiryu city, Ota city, and Sakaihirazuka district of Isesaki city.
“Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture” : It is located in the southern part of Gunma prefecture, in the northwestern part of the Kanto plain.(An inland prefecture with no coastline located in the northwestern part of the Kanto region. I hear that volcanic activity is remarkable because it is near the contact between the southern end of the Nasu volcanic belt and the Fuji volcanic belt. The sedimentary area of valcano rocks and eruptions is extremely large, and the geological composition is different.)Located on the south side of the foot of Mt. Akagi, there are some hills in the northern part of the city, and the terrain is almost flat. The Tone River flows in the south direction, and the Hirose River and Kasu River flow in the city area. The surrounding area is blessed with a natural environment, with a panoramic view of Jyomo sanzan (Mt. Akagi, Mt. Haruna, Mt. Myogi). In a relatively warm area in the prefecture with few rainy days and long daylight hours. The average annual temperature is about 15 to 16 degrees Celsius, which is the second warmest climate in major cities after Tatebayashi(According to a survey by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2004). Going back, about two years ago, the average sunshine hours at the prefectural capitals was 1,919 hours. In Prefecture, it had the fourth longest daylight hours, and in City, it was about the same as Maebashi, exceeding 2,000 hours. The amount of rainfall and the number of rainy days are the lowest at the observation point, and the city has many sunny days and is still comfortable to live in. It is 13.1 km east-west and about 18.4 km north-south, with a slightly elongated shape from north to south, with an area of 139.44 km2, accounting for 2.2% of the prefecture. Chausuyama tumulus and other tumuli excavated from a house-shaped haniwa that imitates a mansion of a powerful family. It is said that a powerful tribe appeared from early on and an organized society was run. The land is a volcanic ash area with good drainage and suitable for mulberry growth, so sericulture has been popular since ancient times. Known as the production center of silk cloth made from coarse fibers (futoito, tamaito or noshiito), “Isesaki Meisen” became famous nationwide after the Meiji era. In recent years, the manufacturing industry and large-scale commercial facilities have been expanding into the market by utilizing the main road network. Peri-urban agriculture is also active, and there is a lot of production of agricultural products. The municipal system was enforced in 1902: In 1940, Isesaki Town, Moro Village, and Uehasu Village joined(Former; Two towns and twelve villages). 1955年には, 三郷村, 豊受村, 名和村, 宮郷村を編入. In addition, it will merge in another town. After some time, on January 1, 2005, four municipalities joined and started a new city. Designated cultural property – 国指定重要文化財 : 埴輪男子立像(伊勢崎市豊城町出土), 昭和33年2月8日, 相川考古館, 国指定重要文化財 : 埴輪男子立像(邑楽郡大泉町出土), 昭和33年2月8日, 相川考古館, 国指定重要文化財 : 埴輪男子倚像, 昭和33年2月8日, 相川考古館, 国指定重要文化財 : 埴輪武装男子立像, 昭和33年2月8日, 相川考古館, 国指定史跡 : 女堀, 昭和58年10月27日, 平成9年9月11日追加, 平成28年10月3日追加, 下触町, 国指定史跡 : 十三宝塚遺跡, 昭和63年1月11日, 境伊与久, 国指定史跡 : 田島弥平旧宅, 平成24年9月19日, 境島村, 国指定史跡 : 上野国佐位郡正倉跡, 平成26年10月6日, 平成30年2月13日追加, 上植木本町, 国指定天然記念物 : 華蔵寺のキンモクセイ, 昭和12年6月15日, 華蔵寺町, 県指定重要文化財 : 下植木赤城神社石造美術群, 昭和35年3月23日, 宮前町, 県指定重要文化財 : 天増寺宝塔, 昭和35年3月23日, 昭和町, 県指定重要文化財 : 脇差 銘 山城國住越中守藤原正俊, 昭和38年9月4日, 今泉町, 県指定重要文化財 : 金銅善光寺式三尊仏, 昭和43年5月4日, 円福寺(稲荷町), 県指定重要文化財 : 宮子の笠塔婆, 昭和48年12月24日, 宮子町, 県指定重要文化財 : 絹本着色白崖宝生禅師像, 昭和48年12月24日, 県歴史博物館, 県指定重要文化財 : 石倉文書, 平成7年3月24日, 三光町, 県指定重要文化財 : 相川家茶室「觴華庵」附造営文書2点「材木積り立控」「隠宅普請入用控」, 平成12年3月21日, 相川考古館, 県指定重要文化財 : お富士山古墳所在長持形石棺, 平成13年3月23日, 安堀町, 県指定重要文化財 : 長光寺懸仏, 昭和33年3月22日, 県歴史博物館, 県指定重要文化財 : 縁切寺満徳寺文書, 昭和36年1月6日, 満徳寺資料館, 県指定重要文化財 : 石山観音の大鰐口, 平成31年2月15日, 下触町, 県指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 千本木龍頭神舞, 平成18年3月24日, 北千木町, 伊勢崎市南千木町, 県指定史跡 : 金井烏洲と一族の墓, 昭和48年12月24日, 境島村, 県指定天然記念物 : 連取のマツ, 昭和28年8月25日, 菅原神社(連取町), 県指定天然記念物 : 境高校のトウカエデ, 平成4年5月15日, 境, 市指定重要文化財 : 同聚院の武家門, 昭和41年4月12日, 曲輪町, 市指定重要文化財 : 関重嶷著「伊勢崎風土記」ほか2点, 昭和41年4月12日, 相川考古館, 市指定重要文化財 : 教民要旨の碑, 昭和41年4月12日, 茂呂小学校, 市指定重要文化財 : 上植木の建長石仏, 昭和41年4月12日, 上植木本町, 市指定重要文化財 : 伊勢崎河岸の石燈籠, 昭和42年2月15日, 三光町, 市指定重要文化財 : 千本木龍頭神舞カシラ, 昭和47年4月25日, 南千木町, 市指定重要文化財 : 慶長の釣燈籠, 昭和48年3月5日, 曲輪町, 市指定重要文化財 : 八寸権現山の宝塔, 昭和48年3月5日, 蓮神社(豊城町), 市指定重要文化財 : 大聖寺墓地の宝篋印塔, 昭和48年3月5日, 大正寺町, 市指定重要文化財 : 富塚円福寺の宝篋印塔, 昭和48年3月5日, 富塚町, 市指定重要文化財 : 文明の石幢, 昭和48年3月5日, 同聚院(曲輪町), 市指定重要文化財 : 伊勢崎の太織, 昭和48年3月5日, 曲輪町, 市指定重要文化財 : 宮古の古文書, 昭和48年3月5日, 図書館, 市指定重要文化財 : 常清寺の変型板碑, 昭和48年3月5日, 東本町, 市指定重要文化財 : 岡屋敷の阿弥陀三尊石仏, 昭和48年3月5日, 波志江町, 市指定重要文化財 : 新宿の変型板碑, 昭和48年3月5日, 波志江町, 市指定重要文化財 : 上蓮の阿弥陀 / 地蔵石仏, 昭和48年3月5日, 上蓮町, 市指定重要文化財 : 竹芳寺の梵鐘, 昭和48年3月5日, 連取元町, 市指定重要文化財 : 脇差 銘 直勝, 昭和48年3月5日, 本町, 市指定重要文化財 : 刀 銘 直道, 昭和48年3月5日, 中央町, 市指定重要文化財 : 森村家の文書, 昭和58年3月11日, 連取町, 市指定重要文化財 : 波志江権現山の磨崖種子, 昭和59年11月29日, 波志江町, 市指定重要文化財 : 上西根の五輪塔, 昭和59年11月29日, 鹿島町, 市指定重要文化財 : 藍染熨斗目, 平成4年2月24日, 北千木町, 市指定重要文化財 : 倭文神社の朱印状, 平成4年2月24日, 東上之宮町, 市指定重要文化財 : 旧時報鐘楼, 平成5年3月23日, 曲輪町, 市指定重要文化財 : 蛇塚古墳出土埴輪馬, 平成8年3月29日, 赤堀歴史民俗資料館, 市指定重要文化財 : 高山1号古墳出土埴輪鞆, 平成8年3月29日, 赤堀歴史民俗資料館, 市指定重要文化財 : 絹本着色稲垣平右衛門長茂像 附同重宗像, 平成8年3月29日, 天増寺(昭和町), 市指定重要文化財 : 黒羽根内科医院旧館, 平成14年9月30日, 曲輪町, 市指定重要文化財 : 旧森村家住宅, 平成15年10月31日, 連取町, 市指定重要文化財 : 柴町八幡神社社殿, 平成16年11月30日, 柴町, 市指定重要文化財 : 上毛伊勢崎領塾蔵小学内篇/ 外篇版木 附同版藩校学習堂蔵印小学2冊, 平成20年7月1日, 図書館, 市指定重要文化財 : 今村神社旧大鏡院仁王門 附奉加帳, 平成22年10月1日, 稲荷町, 市指定重要文化財 : 天増寺橋供養地蔵尊像, 平成22年10月1日, 昭和町, 市指定重要文化財 : 本妙寺の鬼子母神堂 附棟札, 平成28年3月24日, 山王町, 市指定重要文化財 : 香林の木造如意輪観音坐像, 平成6年4月1日, 香林町, 市指定重要文化財 : 香林の石造観音菩薩坐像, 平成6年4月1日, 香林町, 市指定重要文化財 : 間野谷の石造層塔, 平成6年4月1日, 間野谷町, 市指定重要文化財 : 宝珠寺の五輪塔, 平成6年4月1日, 赤堀今井町, 市指定重要文化財 : 東小保方村分間絵図他一括古文書, 昭和48年2月21日, 東町, 市指定重要文化財 : 小泉稲荷神社奉納手洗盤, 昭和48年3月22日, 小泉町, 市指定重要文化財 : 文化の常夜灯, 昭和63年3月4日, 小泉町, 市指定重要文化財 : 長安寺の宝篋印塔, 昭和63年3月4日, 西小保方町, 市指定重要文化財 : 復元あずま橋と二十三夜塔, 昭和63年3月4日, 国定町, 市指定重要文化財 : 頼光塚, 平成14年3月29日, 東小保方町, 市指定重要文化財 : 延文二年銘鰐口, 昭和42年2月10日, 境, 市指定重要文化財 : 曼荼羅板碑, 昭和42年2月10日, 境, 市指定重要文化財 : 金井研香筆 境街糸市繁昌之図, 昭和42年2月10日, 赤堀歴史民俗資料館, 市指定重要文化財 : 東町福島家文書, 昭和42年2月10日, 伊勢崎市境東, 市指定重要文化財 : 大国神社の石幢, 昭和42年2月10日, 境下渕名, 市指定重要文化財 : 漂麦園文集12巻, 昭和42年2月10日, 境保泉, 市指定重要文化財 : 金井烏洲筆 赤壁夜遊図, 昭和42年2月10日, 境島村, 市指定重要文化財 : 養蚕新論版木, 昭和42年2月10日, 境島村, 市指定重要文化財 : 島村の板倉, 昭和42年2月10日, 境島村, 市指定重要文化財 : 平塚赤城神社本殿, 昭和42年2月10日, 境平塚, 市指定重要文化財 : 米岡の姥石, 平成16年11月26日, 境米岡, 市指定重要文化財 : 平塚西光寺の馬頭観音塔, 平成16年11月26日, 境平塚, 市指定重要文化財 : 境町五人組帳, 平成16年11月26日, 境, 市指定重要文化財 : 福壽院の和時計, 平成30年2月26日, 境小此木, 市指定重要文化財 : 波志江愛宕神社の宝塔, 令和2年10月27日, 波志江町, 市指定重要有形民俗文化財 : 平塚の操人形及び衣装(頭等), 昭和38年8月1日, 境平塚, 市指定重要有形民俗文化財 : 平塚の操人形及び衣装(衣装等), 昭和38年8月1日, 境, 市指定重要有形民俗文化財 : 平塚の操人形及び衣装(人形 / 衣装 / 収納箱一式), 平成16年11月26日, 境平塚, 市指定重要有形民俗文化財 : 波志江の屋台, 平成16年11月30日, 波志江町, 市指定重要有形民俗文化財 : 茂呂の屋台, 平成22年10月1日, 茂呂地区, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 伊勢崎木遣り, 平成13年6月29日, 宮子町, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 倭文神社の田遊び, 平成19年8月17日, 東上之宮町, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 国定赤城神社奉納獅子舞, 平成18年6月15日, 国定町, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 下渕名の獅子舞, 平成18年6月15日, 境下渕名, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 剛志の民謡, 平成18年6月15日, 境剛志地区, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 女塚祭礼囃子, 平成18年6月15日, 境女塚, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 栄町祭礼囃子, 平成18年6月15日, 境栄, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 三ツ木祭礼囃子, 平成18年6月15日, 境三ツ木, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 東新井の獅子舞, 平成18年6月15日, 境東新井, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 茂呂町一丁目屋台囃子, 平成25年3月26日, 茂呂町一丁目, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 茂呂町二丁目屋台囃子, 平成25年3月26日, 茂呂町二丁目, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 南北千木町屋台囃子, 平成25年3月26日, 南北千木町, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 美茂呂町屋台囃子, 平成25年3月26日, 美茂呂町, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 茂呂南町屋台囃子, 平成25年3月26日, 茂呂南町, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 東町屋台囃子, 平成26年2月25日, 境東, 市指定重要無形民俗文化財 : 気楽流柔術, 平成27年2月26日, 東小保方町, 市指定史跡 : 権現山遺跡, 昭和41年4月12日, 豊城町, 市指定史跡 : お富士山古墳, 昭和41年4月12日, 安堀町, 市指定史跡 : 今村城跡, 昭和41年4月12日, 稲荷町, 市指定史跡 : 柴宿本陣跡, 昭和41年4月12日, 柴町, 市指定史跡 : 栗庵似鳩の墓, 昭和41年4月12日, 上蓮町, 市指定史跡 : 稲垣平右衛門長茂の墓 附累代の墓所, 昭和42年2月15日, 天増寺(昭和町), 市指定史跡 : 小畠武堯の墓, 昭和42年2月15日, 善応寺(曲輪町), 市指定史跡 : 下城弥一郎 / 森村熊蔵の碑, 昭和42年2月15日, 曲輪町, 市指定史跡 : 関当義 / 重嶷父子の墓, 昭和48年3月5日, 同聚院(曲輪町), 市指定史跡 : 丸塚山古墳, 昭和52年9月9日, 三和町, 市指定史跡 : 一ノ関古墳, 平成10年12月28日, 本関町, 市指定史跡 : 十二所古墳, 昭和46年6月10日, 磯町, 市指定史跡 : 庚塚古墳, 平成7年4月1日, 下触町, 市指定史跡 : 赤堀城跡, 平成16年8月10日, 赤堀今井町, 市指定史跡 : 毒島城跡, 平成16年8月10日, 赤堀今井町, 市指定史跡 : 赤堀茶臼山古墳, 平成16年8月10日, 赤堀今井町, 市指定史跡 : 天幕城跡, 平成16年8月10日, 磯町, 市指定史跡 : 六道の道標とあずま道, 昭和44年2月21日, 上田町, 市指定史跡 : 旗本久永氏陣屋跡, 昭和63年3月4日, 大東神社(東小保方町), 市指定史跡 : 鶴巻古墳, 昭和44年2月21日, 東小保方町, 市指定史跡 : 郷学五惇堂の碑, 昭和35年3月1日, 境伊与久, 市指定史跡 : 北米岡縄文文化遺跡, 昭和35年3月1日, 境米岡, 市指定史跡 : 西今井中世館跡, 昭和42年2月2日, 境西今井, 市指定史跡 : 旧日光例幣使道, 昭和42年2月2日, 境下武士, 市指定史跡 : 村上随憲の墓, 昭和42年2月10日, 長光寺(境), 市指定史跡 : 雷電神社古墳, 昭和52年3月11日, 境伊与久, 市指定史跡 : 弥勒寺音次郎 / 音八父子の墓, 平成元年3月15日, 境下渕名, 市指定天然記念物 : 同聚院の大カヤ, 昭和42年2月15日, 同聚院(曲輪町), 市指定天然記念物 : 波志江の大シイ, 昭和42年2月15日, 波志江町, 市指定天然記念物 : 上植木のサカキ, 昭和42年2月15日, 本関町, 市指定天然記念物 : 赤堀今井の “信濃柿(マメガキ)”, 平成6年4月1日,赤堀今井町, 市指定天然記念物 : 塩島稲荷の大サザンカ, 昭和44年2月21日, 八寸町, 市指定天然記念物 : 湧水あまが池, 昭和63年3月4日, 上田町, 市指定天然記念物 : 西福寺の大カヤ, 昭和63年3月4日, 田部井町, 国登録有形文化財 : 小茂田家住宅, 平成16年2月17日, 長沼町, 国登録有形文化財 : 日本基督教団島村教会教会堂 / 島村めぐみ保育園本館, 平成20年4月18日, 境島村, 国登録有形文化財 : 金井義明家住宅主屋, 令和3年2月26日, 境島村, 国登録有形文化財 : 田島善一家住宅主屋, 令和3年2月26日, 境島村, 国登録有形文化財 : 田島達行家住宅主屋, 令和3年2月26日, 境島村. Branded agricultural and livestock products in Isesaki City: Brand No. 5 Isesaki Tomato “Julia-575/675/77” Instead of pursuing “high sugar content”, “harmony of sweetness, acidity and flavor” It seems to be a tomato that claims to be the original value of tomatoes. The name “Julia” seems to be from the desire to grow up like “Romeo and Juliette” who are innocent, neat and noble with their honest love. “575”, “675” and “775” seem to mean “sugar content of 5.75 degrees or more”, “sugar content of 6.75 degrees or more” and “sugar content of 7.75 degrees or more”, respectively. I heard that the release date is around March every year. It seems that house forcing cultivation (shipped from January to June) in the flat area of Gunma prefecture and rain shelter cultivation (shipped from July to October) in the cool mountainous area are being carried out. It seems that distinctive production such as high sugar content fruit tomatoes and contract cultivation for processing is also being carried out. The main production areas are Numata City in the mountainous area, Showa Village in Tone District, Katashina Village, Isesaki City in the flat land, and Midori City. In addition, taking advantage of the blessed natural conditions and location conditions, various vegetable production is carried out throughout the year, and it seems that it is an important vegetable supply production area to the metropolitan area as a top vegetable production prefecture in the whole country. The amount of vegetable production in 2020 seems to have increased to 100.4 billion yen, up from the previous year, due to the results of cultivation technology guidance and production expansion support in subsidized projects. It seems that the output has exceeded 100 billion yen for the first time in four years since 2016. Vegetables account for about 40% of the prefecture’s agricultural output, and seem to be in an important position in Gunma agriculture. Based on the “Vegetable Kingdom Gunma Promotion Plan 2020”, all concerned parties are working together to promote production centered on eight priority items and regional promotion items. As mentioned earlier, Gunma Prefecture, which is blessed with good daylight hours, produces delicious tomatoes throughout the year. Good quality tomatoes are produced in the warm flat land in summer and in the plateau area where the temperature difference between day and night is large in winter. Among them, Amashizuku Tomatoes is a breed grown in Gunma prefecture. A sweet tomato with a sugar content of 2 to 3 degrees higher than that of ordinary tomatoes and a sugar content of 7 degrees or more. Not only is it sweet, it has an excellent balance with acidity and is popular as a tomato with a strong taste. The size is about 80 g, which is small and easy to eat. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries variety registration, application number 19252, application date 2006/01/26, application publication date 2006/10/23, registration number 17129, registration date 2008/12/12, breeder Duration of rights 25 years, extinction date of breeder rights 2020/12/15, name and address of variety registrant, Kaneko Seedling Co., Ltd. (Furuichi Town, Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture) Name of the person who bred the registered variety, Mr. Fuminori Yamada , Mr. Yuzuru Yutani, Mr. Hideo Tataki, Mr. Masamichi Ushinami, Mr. Yukio Kanai, Outline of the characteristics of the plant of the regional registered varieties, the grass shape is normal, the stem anthocyanin (among the compounds classified as anthocyan, anthocyanin is as aglycon Coloring of sugars and sugar chains (sugars linked to sugar chains) is medium, internode length is slightly short, leaf length is short, leaf width is narrow, leaf notch is pinnate twice, leaflet size is small, Leaf green intensity is dark, flower cluster shape is single, petal color is yellow, fruit stalk is separated, fruit size is small, fruit diameter ratio (vertical / horizontal) is small, vertical cross section The fruit shape is spherical, the folds on the shoulder are weak, the dent on the hump is medium, the size of the fall is small, the size of the flower drop is large, the shape of the fruit apex is slightly protruding, the fruit epidermis The color is yellow, the size of the heart is a little large, the thickness of the fruit is a little thin, the number of child chambers is 4.5 or 6, the green color of the fruit shoulder in the young fruit stage is present, and the fruit color in the young fruit stage is Medium, the fruit color in the ripe stage is red, the fruit color in the ripe stage is red, the hardness of the fruit is quite hard, the early and late flowering is early, and the early and late maturity is medium. The application cultivar “Amashizuku Tomato” has a shorter leaf length, a narrower leaf width, a number of child chambers of 4.5 or 6, and a sugar content (compared to the control cultivar “Louis 60 Tomato”. Distinguishing is recognized by the fact that the content of soluble solids) is considerably high. Compared to the control variety “House Momotaro Tomato”, the leaf length is short, the leaf width is narrow, the sugar content (soluble solid matter content) is considerably high, and leaf mold (symptoms are mainly). Occurs on leaves. Initially, pale yellow spots with unclear contours are formed on the surface of the leaves, and grayish yellow to greenish brown velvety molds are densely grown on the back surface. It turns brown to grayish purple and molds on the surface of the leaves. It develops from the lower leaves, gradually spreads to the upper leaves, becomes severely ill, and falls when the lesions occupy most of the leaves.) It is said that distinction is recognized by having 0 resistance.
In 1990, ripe varieties of tomatoes became widespread nationwide, so in order to be selected as a production area, “differentiated products based on commitment” that meet the needs of consumers who prefer high sugar content as well as ripe taste. Seems to have been sought. Therefore, Gunma Prefecture is developing a high-sugar tomato cultivation method by root zone-restricted cultivation using a root-blocking permeable sheet. That is, plants planted in soil grow their roots in the vertical and horizontal directions. In addition, the roots absorb the water that has permeated the soil due to irrigation and rainfall. It is a cultivation method that physically and spatially restricts the movement and function of such roots. In addition, because it is cultivated by adjusting the amount of irrigation, it is small and the yield is less than half that of conventional large ball tomatoes, but once eaten, it grows into a delicious tomato that is addictive.

Designated vegetable production areas are designated in order to systematically promote the modernization of production and shipment of designated vegetables based on the Vegetable Production and Shipment Stabilization Law (Law No. 103 of July 1, 1966) and to stabilize the shipment. At the request of the prefectural governor, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has designated what is deemed necessary to form as a collective production area for vegetables. As of May 7, 2021, it seems that 890 production areas have been designated nationwide and 124 production areas have been designated in the Tohoku region. Confirmed that winter and spring tomatoes are designated in Isesaki City.

Taking advantage of the blessed sunshine of flat land in winter and spring, and the cool climate of mountainous areas in summer and autumn, we ship the best products every season. The tomatoes carefully cultivated by the producers have a soft scent and the flesh does not crumble easily, so anyone can enjoy eating them. It is delicious as it is or when heated, so it can be used for a variety of purposes. A good choice seems to be that the shoulders of this excellent produce are stretched and hardened, and that it is heavy.
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