
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

1977, Water quality measures, Water environment improvement project: Agricultural water and domestic wastewater are separated. A wide waterway with a hot water channel function to avoid new construction, renovation, and cold water problems is constructed, and a promenade is constructed along the waterway. Sagae-style agriculture that combines facility agriculture and tourism. Sagae River downstream agricultural irrigation project: Construction period: 1996-2005. Sagae River Irrigation (Ninoseki (more than 600 years ago, when the lord of Sagae Castle, Oe-shi, renovated the castle, a large amount of water was needed for the moat, so it was dug from the right bank of the Sagae River), Takamatsu Weir (excavated in the Kamakura period, and later, to solve the water shortage in the area, Togoro Kikuchi of Ameike Village and others completed a new weir with a total length of 8000m from around 1609, using their outstanding surveying skills. He is enshrined at Takamatsu Shrine on Matsukawa for his character and achievements. His descendants have been headmen of Amaike and Marutake villages for generations.

慈恩寺最上院日記 上, 下(寒河江市史編纂委員会編)

The Oe clan was a clan that ruled over what is now Sagae City and Nishimurayama County from the Kamakura to the Sengoku period. The first ruler, Hiromoto OE, served Minamoto no Yoritomo, who established the Kamakura Shogunate, and is also known as the person who consolidated the foundations of the Shogunate. The fourth son, Suemitsu, had a descendant, Motonari Mori.

【Product name】

Silver Bell


Pyrus communis var.sativa

【Wholesale area】

Nitta Gotan, Sagae City, Yamagata Prefecture (Marumatsu Producers Shipping Association, Marumatsu Seika Co., Ltd.)

【Origin of name】

It is a cultivar of La France’s sport, found in the La France field, and it ripens in the season covered with silver snow with the “bell” of the breeder Mr. Torao SUZUKI, and it resembles the shape of a Christmas bell. It seems that it was named.

【Major features】

The Sagae Festival, which is held in mid-September every year, is an event with history and tradition as an annual festival of Sagae Hachimangu Shrine. "Sagae Hachimangu Yabusame", which is designated as an intangible folk cultural property of Yamagata Prefecture, is held as a brave Shinto ritual that inherits the tradition of Kamakura samurai. It boasts one of the largest scales in the Tohoku region, where we love and worship our ancestors. Formulation of the 1st Sagae City Sixth Industrialization Strategy: Overview, Definition of Sixth Industrialization and Purpose of Concept: Sixth industrialization of agriculture, forestry and fisheries consists of agriculture, forestry and fisheries as primary industry and secondary industry. This is an initiative to create new added value that utilizes the rich local resources of rural areas by promoting comprehensive and integrated promotion of the manufacturing industry as a tertiary industry and the retail industry as a tertiary industry. It seems that this will aim to improve income and secure employment in rural areas. Sagae City is located almost in the center of Yamagata Prefecture, west of the Yamagata Basin surrounded by flowing mountains such as Mt. Yamagata Prefecture's "mother river Mogami River" and "clear stream Sagae River" flow as if to wrap the urban area, and the fertile soil and basin-like climate. The quality of all agricultural, forestry and fishery products such as rice, vegetables and fruit trees is highly evaluated both inside and outside the city. However, with the declining birthrate, aging population, and declining population, there are many issues that are urgently required by those involved in the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries industries, such as responding to changes in consumer needs due to changes in the social environment. In order to solve these problems, Sagae City has formulated the "First Sagae City Sixth Industrialization Strategy" and supports the efforts of the sixth industrialization to deepen the cooperation of each industry by making use of the characteristics of the region. The aim is to create a society that will create an attractive industry that will lead to the settlement of young people while working to increase income and promote employment. This strategy aims to “create new businesses by farmers, foresters and fishermen using local resources, and promote local agriculture and forestry. Act on the Promotion of Utilization of Marine Products (Act No. 67 of 2010, "Sixth Industrialization and Local Production for Local Consumption Act"), Article 35. And it seems to be positioned as an embodiment of the measures in the field related to the sixth industrialization shown in the "Sagae Future Creation Strategy 2020". The planning period is five years from 2021 to 2025, and the target year seems to be 2025. In addition, in the final year, the results will be verified and the content of the next strategy will be considered. Promotion and management method: Regarding numerical targets, it seems that the "Sagae Brand and Attractiveness Promotion Council" will grasp and evaluate the achievement status every year according to his PDCA(Plan⇛ Do⇛ Check⇛ Ac)cycle, and will revise it as necessary. City Overview: Topography, Location, Population Sagae City is located in the center of Yamagata Prefecture, at the western end of the Murayama Basin. The city borders Tendo City, Murayama City, and Kahoku Town in Nishimurayama County to the east, Oe Town and Nishikawa Town to the west, Okura Village in Mogami County bordering on Hayama, which is connected to Dewa Hills, to the north, and the Mogami River to the south. Adjacent to Nakayama town. In 1954, 2 towns and 5 villages were merged to become the current Sagae City. After the merger, the population continued to decline due to an outflow of population to the city, reaching a negative peak in 1970. After that, it seems to have been increasing year by year, but in recent years, it seems to be in a downward trend again. In addition, because it is a basin located almost in the center of the prefecture, it exhibits the characteristics of an inland climate. big. The annual rainfall is about 1,365 mm, and it is mostly in the winter period from July to August. The amount of snow has been decreasing in recent years, and it is about 30 cm in urban areas, and there are places where it exceeds 1 m in the hilly and mountainous areas in the northwest of the city. As a social condition, urban functions have been accumulated as a core city in the Nishimurayama region. As traffic conditions National Route 112, which connects Yamagata City, the prefectural capital, and the Shonai region on the Sea of Japan side, passes through the city. Cross, In addition, this prefecture's first. The Tohoku Transect Expressway Sakata Line, which is an expressway, opened from Murata JCT to Sakata as a general national highway parallel to some expressways, and as a key point of transportation, distribution of agricultural products, etc. corresponding to the high-speed traffic era. It seems to be a base. As for railways, the JR Aterazawa Line connects Yamagata City and Oe Town, and plays an important role as a wide-area public transportation system that connects people to work and school in neighboring municipalities and the Tokyo metropolitan area. There are 4 major local roads and 11 general prefectural roads that connect the main villages in the city and play an important role as arterial roads for industry and daily life. Due to these geographical conditions, many companies have moved into the area, and the Sagae Central Industrial Park has formed one of the prefecture's leading industrial parks, covering approximately 175 ha. In addition, it is a scenic area surrounded by beautiful mountains such as Mt. Gassan, Mt. Hayama, and Mt. Zao, and has historical and cultural sites such as the famous Jionji Temple, which is said to have been founded in 746 AD and was designated as a national historic site in October 2014 rich in heritage. In addition to holding events that make use of seasonal tourism resources, the number of tourists who also enjoy farming experiences throughout the year, such as picking cherries, has increased, expanding interaction with the city. In this way, it plays a major role in the industrial and tourism fields of Yamagata Prefecture, and has become a core city in the inland area of the prefecture. "Silverbell Pear" is a pear born in Yamagata and is popular with men and women of all ages. In 1957, La France’s natural hybrid seedlings were selected and raised at the Yamagata Prefectural Horticultural Experiment Station. It is a large ball that weighs about 450 g per ball, and it seems that some of the larger ones weigh more than 700 g. The flesh is dense and juicy, and you can enjoy the texture peculiar to the soft pear similar to La France Pear, and it seems to dance. In addition, it has a good balance of sweetness and acidity, and has a mellow and rich taste. The beautiful bell-shaped tsurigane and the sweet scent of La France are wonderful. It seems that the fresh taste spreads if you chew. The name, which is perfect for Christmas desserts, will be a great gift. Also, Okute pears are harvested in mid-November and tend to be available in December. If you adjust the ripening period, it is an excellent product that will be ready to eat around Christmas. La France is famous for pears in Yamagata, but I heard that many people in Yamagata prefer silver bells to La France Pear. Internal quality sensor Near-infrared transmitted light method: The near-infrared transmitted light measurement unit irradiates each fruit with light, analyzes the light transmitted inside the fruit, and measures sugar content, acidity, internal damage, etc. It seems that stable measurement is always possible with the automatic calibration function. The range of functions varies depending on the machine, but there are 6 items such as “sugar content”, “acidity”, “ripeness”, “internal damage”, “size”, and “color / appearance”. Transmission type optical sensor: Highly accurate detection of information on the entire inside of the fruit, such as sugar content and ripeness. It also measures internal disorders such as water fruits and browning. In addition, the size is selected by measuring from the side. The size of the fruit is measured using a photoelectric size sensor. It is a variety that was cultivated by selecting natural hybrid seedlings from "La France Pear" at the Yamagata Prefectural Horticultural Experiment Station in 1957. The fruit weighs 400-500 g and the skin has a yellowish green background with many rust-like fruit spots. It turns yellow during the edible period, and it seems that the edible period can be easily determined. It has a high sugar content, acidity and flavor, and is well-balanced. Pre-cooled, ripened and edible season is from mid-November to mid-January of the following year. It is about 1.5 times larger than "La France Pear" and has a slightly strong acidity. In addition, the pericarp is yellowish green, giving the impression that it becomes yellowish when fully ripe. It’s time to eat when the skin turns yellow and the surface is soft enough to be pressed with your fingers. It has a rich sweetness and moderate acidity, and the rich flavor spreads throughout the mouth, breaking the smile. If it is hard, ripening is good. An example is to put it in a paper bag and store it in a room with a room temperature of around 20 degrees Celsius. In Yamagata Prefecture, in addition to the new corona, in order to support the business continuity of businesses affected by soaring crude oil and raw material prices and prices, it seems that the prefecture's own benefits (second round) are being applied for. In 1984, I miss the establishment of the Sagae City Anniversary Tourism and Agriculture Promotion Council, in which not only agricultural cooperatives, Sagae City, and farmers, but also all kinds of tourism-related businesses, such as hot spring inns, railway and bus companies, and restaurants, participate. Green tourism was first advocated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 1992, but Sagae began working much earlier. In addition, in Europe, the birthplace of green tourism, as part of their lifestyle, they use the long vacation system to go to farming villages and spend a refreshing vacation through interaction with nature and local people. The term green tourism has long been used to mean “domestic tourism in rural areas”. It is called "rural tourism" or "green tourism" in the UK, and "tourism veil" (green travel) in France. In addition, the promotion of green tourism not only provides urban residents with opportunities to interact with nature and local people, but it is also expected to revitalize rural areas and create new industries. From this point of view, in 1994, a law to support the promotion of green tourism, the Rural Village Leisure Law, was enacted. It is important to prepare conditions for accepting urban residents in rural areas. For this reason, the Law Concerning Promotion of Infrastructure Development for Leisure Activities in Rural Areas was enacted in 2004. After that, agriculture, forestry and fishery experience lodging operators were registered. The law was amended in June 2005 with the aim of making further use of the system, and was enacted in December 2005. Interchange programs have been created, and it seems that tourists are being accepted for educational trips. In addition, it is expected that they will be able to create jobs in the role of conveying the charm of the local area and be active with a sense of job satisfaction. However, in addition to the burden of time and money, the lack of human resources seems to be a major problem. In rural areas, where the birthrate is declining and the population is aging, it seems that there are many cases where there are no young people who can provide services. Also, even if a facility is built, it seems to be a big problem that maintenance is difficult because there is no successor. Nitta Gotan, Sagae City, Yamagata Prefecture: Marumatsu Seika Co., Ltd. provides safe and secure agricultural products such as various seasonal fruits and grains that are nurtured by the rich plateaus and nature of the Tohoku region and are carefully cultivated by honest producers. Half a century(Opened in 1955 by Matsuichi Haga, the first president)has passed since we have supplied customers all over the country with the required quantity in various places. In addition, we have earned the trust of market participants and consumers by striving daily so that each employee can fully demonstrate their individuality and abilities and play a role in connecting the production area and the consumption area with a single thread. As a company feature, we provide safety and security in cooperation with farmers. The producers have organized a shipping union, and with the motto of freshness, safety, and deliciousness, they are working to provide guidance on the use of pesticides, recommend organic fertilizers, inspect residual pesticides, and manage cultivation history. Also, it seems that he is familiar with fruits and uses them up without waste. Many fruit and vegetable dealers handle fruits in a limited range, such as for luxury gifts and processing, but Marumatsu Seika seems to handle a wide range of fruits in various fields by identifying fruits and making use of their characteristics. We are striving to convey the charm of Yamagata Prefecture to the outside of the prefecture as it is. It seems that 99% of the collected fruits are sold outside Yamagata Prefecture through our own direct sales route. The origin of the name Motodate comes from Hira-jiro Castle(南北朝期の大江(寒河江)大蔵少輔時氏), which was built at the tip of the river terrace (relative height 10 m) on the left bank of the Mogami River in the central part of the Murayama Basin. Agriculture in Sagae City is based on a combination of paddy rice and fruit trees, along with vegetables, flowers, and livestock. In particular, with the adjustment of rice production, the introduction of highly profitable horticultural crops such as fruit trees, flowers, and vegetables and the establishment of facilities for these has progressed. Show us and support us from the foundation of Japan's primary industry. Cultivation of cherries in Sagae City began in 1876 when it was first introduced to Japan, and it seems that the climate and soil conditions suitable for fruit cultivation have progressed. In particular, from the 1965s onwards, rice production adjustments led to increased planting in converted fields, expanding the cultivated area. Currently, it is one of the top cherries in Japan in terms of cultivated area, harvest volume, and agricultural output value, and is known worldwide as a major production area for cherries. Expanded the cultivation area of Benishuho and developed "Beni-shuho cherries no Sato Sagae". In addition, efforts are being made to introduce labor-saving and light-labor technologies such as Y-shaped tailoring based on the popularization and expansion of the new variety "Yamagata Benio Cherry" and the progress of aging. Especially for vegetables that are loved by us, we are promoting the efficiency and labor saving of agricultural work by consolidating and introducing machinery on the occasion of crop rotation. It seems that they are trying to expand the production and establish brands of crops that promote local production such as long onion, green soybeans, asparagus, eggplant, basella alba, taro, and edible chrysanthemums. In addition, by incorporating tourism agriculture as a form of farm management, they are working to reduce distribution costs and the labor required for harvesting work, as well as to revitalize the region through interaction with urban consumers. Cherry picking is the main tourist agriculture, but blueberries, grapes, apples, and snow strawberries are also being promoted for the anniversary. In 1984, the "Anniversary Tourism and Agriculture Promotion Council" was established. Opened in 1992, a general information center for fruit picking has been set up inside the Cherry Land Cherry Hall. Since 2012, a farm reservation site has been opened on the Internet, and it seems that after making a reservation, it is possible to directly enter each park for fruit picking that can be enjoyed by children, men and women of all ages. “Sagae City, Yamagata Prefecture”, It is located in the center of the prefecture, within 20 km from Yamagata City. Developed as the core of the Nishimurayama area, the city is dotted with National Route 112, which connects the Shonai Region and the prefectural capital. It crosses the center of Yamagata prefecture and connects the Shonai region and Miyagi prefecture-Yamagata Expressway. The jurisdiction is located almost in the center of Yamagata prefecture. The area where the Mogami River, Sagae River, Asahi River, and Tukinuno River, which originate from the Dewa Hills, flow through. Sagae(It is famous as the best cherry producing area in the prefecture. It is characterized by an inland climate, with large temperature differences between summer and winter and day and night. Rainfall is relatively low in the prefecture, but the snowfall situation in the mountains and plains is significantly different. As the village of the best cherry in Japan, we practice town development that sticks to the specialty cherry and make a great contribution to the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industry. In addition, by using the ground work method, we will hold familiar parks and events by creating a town with the participation of residents. It is famous as a city that is well-balanced with commerce, industry, agriculture, and tourism. Promote “Town development colored with flowers, greenery, and murmuring”. Moisture and peace that are not found in big cities, a comfortable lifestyle can be established, and a land pattern that you will never get tired of. Airport, bullet train, highway and transportation access are also convenient and comfortable. Special products are fruits such as strawberry, grape and blueberry, roses, cherry confectionery, hand-dyed carp streamer, cherry wine and sake. The Shiraiwa district prospered as a post town for Mt. Dewasanzan travelers. During the Edo period, Jionji-Temple(East Asian Yogācāra: Hosso sect)received a red stamp of 2,812 stones from the shogunate and had the largest temple territory in Tohoku. 島島東 - 親兵衛稲荷の松; A city-designated memorial on June 5, 2020. Export of Cherry-Domestic cool transportation from Sagae City to Fukuoka. 2018 to Taipei, Taiwan and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Use a coolant to solve the humidity and temperature problems from the previous year. “Oe Town, Nishimurayama District”, Located in the western part of the Murayama Plain, almost in the center of the prefecture, the Mogami River, one of Japan's three major rapids, is formed in the east by the Asahi Mountain Range, which forms the center of Bandai Asahi National Park, and the Tsukinuno River, which connects the two. It is a town rich in nature. The climate is an inland basin type, which belongs to a snowy and cold region, and while it becomes hot and humid in the summer due to the foehn phenomenon peculiar to the basin, the snowfall period in winter extends from early December to March to April, and the amount of snowfall. It is said that it reaches 1m in the center of town and 2 to 3 m in the mountains. Since the annual temperature difference is so large, the town is rich in agricultural products, especially fruit trees and mountain products. The eastern region is the center of town and the place name Aterazawa; 左沢 is also known as the obfuscated place name. It forms the center of commerce and industry activities, and forms the town of water town cultivated in the history of Mogami River transport. In the central region, excellent orchard areas spread along with the rural landscape, and agricultural products such as fruit trees such as “La France Pear,” apples, and grapes, which are the special products of the town, are produced. The western region is located at the eastern foot of Bandai Asahi National Park, and is visited by many mountain enthusiasts as a mountain climbing base. Focusing on small-scale rice cultivation, it focuses on forestry, edible wild plants, mushrooms, and other complex management. Oe Town Aterazawa prospered as a river port for the Mogami River. When the transportation network of the Mogami River is improved after Edo Genroku, the cargo carried from Yonezawa by Kokai ship is transshipped at Sazawa, and it is carried by Hirata ship to Sakata, which is an important relay that is indispensable for Mogami River shipping. It was a point. Around the Domeki district on the riverside, there were boat camps, rice breweries, salt breweries, etc. of the Yonezawa domain, and licensed quarters lined up, and the bustle continued until the Taisho era. The elegant culture of Kyoto was carried from Sakata along the flow of the Mogami River, and many boating cultures such as festival cars and dolls displayed at Girls' Festival flourished. During the heyday, the city was established, people gathered, and it seemed to be a very busy commercial town. A typical long and narrow section of townhouses with a frontage of 3 one ken (about) half six feet and a depth of 20 to 30 one ken (about) six feet was formed. Currently, it is said that there are still some kurazashiki and city gods that remind us of the prosperity of the past on Haramachi-dori in the town. It is famous that this landscape was selected as the first national important cultural landscape in Yamagata Prefecture on March 27, 2013 as “Distribution and traffic of the Mogami River and Aterazawa, landscape of the town”. Mogamigawa River Sailor's Song: The Mogami River sailors were said to have been extremely risky, with long divorces from their lovers and family, fighting torrents, and enormous damage in the unlikely event of an accident. From ancient times, various boat songs have been sung among such sailors with that feeling when maneuvering. One of the three major Sailor's Songs in the world, which is a folk song that represents Yamagata Prefecture, is a collection of these various sailor songs and arranged in a contemporary style. Every year, the town holds the Mogami River Funa uta National Tournament in order to properly inherit and spread the Mogami River Funa Uta. The world's three major boat songs: The work of Jacques Offenbach, the king of operettas famous for Hoffman's boat song and the opera “Heaven and Hell”. He wrote the only orthodox opera based on the original work of German romantic writer Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann. The work is “The Tales of Hoffmann”. Each of the three acts is a scene of the recollection of the main character Hoffman, and the second act is the place of the magnificent mansion of the playgirl Julietta facing the canal of Venice. A gondola floating on the canal can be seen behind the window, and it is said that the famous melody of the boat song is sung here by Giulietta and Nicklaus duet. Volga's Barcarolle: Famous as a Russian folk song. Unknown composer. It is a song of the husbands who pull the rope of the boat that goes up the Volga River, and the main shouts are “Ai-Vuchnem” and “Aidada-Aida”. There are many arrangements, and the one commonly known today is said to have been arranged by the famous Russian singer Отчество Фёдор Иванович Шаляпин. It is said that this song is also used in art music by Отчество Алекса ́ндр Константи ́нович Глазуно ́в and Sig Umberto Giordano. Boat song monument: There are stone monuments related to boat song in various parts of the town. “Kahoku Town, Nishimurayama District”, Development began early in the Heian period and was owned by Hiromoto Oe, who joined Sagae. Around 1390, Hidenaga Nakajo(Chujo)joined the club and worked on the development of Yachi Township(The castle was built by Nagamasa Chujo during the Koji era (1555-1558), Alternatively, Shiratori juro Nagahisa built and built Yachi-honcho.)for six generations. After Nagahisa was murdered by Yoshiaki Mogami and Takamoto, a descendant of Hiromoto, was destroyed, the land was subsequently under the control of the Mogami family. After the reform of the Mogami family, it became the Tozawa clan territory in the north and the Yamagata clan territory in the south of the central part, and it has gone through many years. etc. The puddy filed was developed from early on, promoting the region centered on rice and bastard saffron(Carthamus tinctorius (Mohler, Roth, Schmidt & Boudreaux, 1967)), and directly connected to the upper culture by the mogami river. Therefore, it has left an excellent cultural heritage. Due to the inland climate and the weather conditions(Unique to basins with large temperature differences)of the Mogami River, which is said to be optimal for safflower cultivation, safflower has been actively cultivated since the Muromachi period. From the Edo Period to the early Meiji period, it prospered as a safflower distribution center by the Mogami River. The harvested safflower descended the Mogami River to Sakata, where it was once reloaded for western-route shipping, crossed the Sea of Japan, and landed in Tsuruga. In addition, it was sent to Kyoto and Osaka via Biwa Lake and Yodo River, and made the fame of Mogami safflower known throughout the country. At that time, it was said that it accounted for half of the national production. The ship carried kamigata brought a lot of Kamigata Culture(Kyoto and Osaka area), including daily necessities as a return load. etc. Since it is a basin, it is hot and humid in summer and snow accumulates in winter, but the average amount of snow is about 1 m. Inland climate peculiar to the basin where the temperature difference is large. Cherry from mid-June to early July boasts the highest production of any national towns and villages. Harmony with Nature Easy to live in, you can raise children with peace of mind, the vitality created by interaction, learning from history and nurturing the next generation, full of charm to make together. “Nishikawa Town, Nishimurayama District”, The name of the town comes from the name of the Nishikawa Junior High School Association established by both Nishiyama Village and Kawadoi village. Located in the center of the prefecture, 32 km west of Yamagata City. It is surrounded by the Asahi mountain range in Bandai-asahi National Park, Mt. Gassan and its tributaries. 95% of the total area is occupied by mountains, and the flat land extends slightly along the Sagae River and its tributaries that flow through the town. The habitable area is only 12.57 km (3.2%), and it is one of the prefecture's most heavy snowfall areas, with more than 5 m of snow in many areas. At Mt. Gassan, which is also a symbol of the town, you can enjoy skiing in the spring and summer. Every year from early April to late July, it is crowded with about 150,000 skiers and snowboarders. Improvement of water source area, further strengthening normal standards-Water source town. Establishment of water pollution prevention standards(Water Pollution Prevention Act, 昭和四十五年, 十二月二十五日, 法律第百三十八号, Act No. 138 of December 25,1970)and Natural environmental learning: Activities such as enlightenment ofmaintenance has been certified as “town development that makes the most of water”. The choosed hundred famous water: The lectotype of “famous water” is that “conservation status is good” and “conservation activities by local residents” are being continued. Specialty Actinidia arguta (Sieb. Et Zucc.) Planch. Ex Miq. (Kiwi berry) variety “Hoko” : Kazuo Sato has spent more than 30 years selecting native Kiwi berry. Moreover, it seems that breeding has been continued for more than 40 years since that time. Not only nutritional values such as vitamins and minerals, but also noble aroma, mellow sweetness and abundant vitamins stand out. It looks like a small kiwi, but it's the taste of a new fruit that I've never encountered, and once I eat it, it's an unforgettable taste that I haven't eaten yet. There are excellent varieties of Green soybeans in the murayama area - ‘Hiden’. This variety tends to start harvesting late, around September 20th. Once eaten, it has an unforgettable taste and is gradually gaining popularity. It is mainly made in the Nishimurayama area centered on Kahoku Town and Sagae City. When La France pears first debuted, there was a period of struggle when they were nicknamed "Midagunasu" in the Yamagata dialect, but many people were surprised at the difference in appearance and taste once they took a bite. Today, it has become known throughout Japan as the “Queen of Fruits.” In addition, as it is also called "butter pair", the rich scent that tickles the nostrils and the mellow flesh are irresistible. It seems that pruning work that is conscious of the sun is important to grow this excellent agricultural product deliciously. It seems to be shaped like a bell so that the sunlight pouring in from the sky spreads evenly. The branches are carefully trimmed like a tree with its arms outstretched facing the sun. Nanyo City has terraced fields, so it seems that they are devising ways to match the conditions of the land. And budding and fruit picking. Among the seven flowers that bloom on one branch, the flower that gets the most sunlight is identified, and the others are removed. In order to improve the overall quality, all the farmers are certified as eco-farmers, and it seems that they go around the farm three times a year. Attendance at 70% of the seminar is required. It seems that the same fertilizer is used and the timing of spraying is also the same. They do not use herbicides, and they seem to set rules for the number of times insect repellents and pesticides are used. Also, if the rules cannot be cleared, it seems that it is obligatory to prohibit shipment. Tracing the history of La France pears, it represents the pear that was born in France in the middle of the 19th century with great expectations as a representative variety of France. It is said that the name "La France Pear" was given because of its deliciousness, which was praised as "a fruit worthy of representing Japan." It is said that Lafrance came to Japan in 1903. It is unknown whether it was introduced to Yamagata Prefecture after that, but since there are trees in Yamagata Prefecture that are about 100 years old, it is thought that it was introduced to Japan and entered Yamagata Prefecture in a short period of time because it has been over 100 years old. It seems that. In addition, in 2020, the prefecture is the number one producer of pears in Japan, accounting for more than 60% of the national production. It has a long history, and in 1864, Claude Blanche of France discovered it mysteriously and fragrantly. Yamagata Prefecture, where 'Marumatsu Seika' is located, is famous as a fruit tree kingdom where seasonal fruits such as cherries, peaches, watermelons, melons, grapes, apples, and La France are grown abundantly. We deliver abundant fresh fruits to consumers all over the country. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Export and International Affairs Bureau Intellectual Property Division, Yamagata La France pears are registered No. 99, registration date August 19, 2020, registration application number No. 194, registration Date of application, November 16, 2018 5 Name of registered producer group Yamagata Prefecture "La France Pear" Promotion Council, Address of registered producer group, Matsunami, Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture, Registered producer group Name of representative, Chairman Toshihiro Funakoshi, production area of specified agricultural, forestry and fishery products, Yamagata Prefecture, characteristics of specified agricultural, forestry and fishery products, etc. "Yamagata La France Pear" is a La France variety of Western pear cultivated in Yamagata Prefecture. be. The La France cultivar has a fine flesh, a lot of juice, and a unique aroma, and is delicious because it is thoroughly managed in the region and shipped at the appropriate time based on the cultivation management of pruning and fruit picking and the ripening period. The unique quality of the product is fully exhibited, and the variation is small. The high quality and stable supply system are highly evaluated by the market and retailers, and the market share of La France produced in Yamagata from November to January in the Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market is based on sales volume and sales. Both the amount exceeds 95%, and it is indispensable as a fruit that colors autumn. Cultivation method: Pruning into a tree shape with less overlap of main branches and more branches as a result of good sunlight. In order to enlarge the fruit, thinning is carried out so that the number of fruits is less than one per flower (multiple flower clusters from one flower bud. If the fruit is not thinned, one flower will have 5 to 6 fruits). Method of shipment (shipment standard): Fruit weight of 180 g or more per piece, minor damage, and no rotten fruits. In addition, regardless of fruit weight, it seems that fruits that are not significantly damaged or rotten can be used for processing. Fruits that fully demonstrate the quality peculiar to the variety and have little variation in quality are shipped so that consumers can purchase them after the reference date set by the production area. The standard date is the date on which consumers can purchase the fruit as soon as it is ripened in the production area using the appropriate processing method. , based on the expected number of days for fruit firmness to drop to approximately 6-4 pounds due to ripening, based on accumulated data.


The pedigree corresponds to the twin sisters of the popular La France pear with a long history. It is a cultivar that was born in Yamagata Prefecture due to an “accidental branch change” mutation. Born in the Yamagata Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station, this pear, said to be the largest variety in Japan, is characterized by slightly stronger acidity than La France. In addition, the Yamagata Prefectural Agricultural Research Center Horticultural Research Institute (Shimashima-Minani, Sagae City: former name: Horticulture Experiment Station), which had been underway since fiscal 2017, has completed facility maintenance, and the opening ceremony was held on July 10, 2020. It is Research facilities such as the main building, cultivation facilities such as smart houses, and training facilities will be developed to strengthen the research function.


Marumatsu Producer Shipment Association's Silverbell pears are all high-class products called marsupials, which are carefully grown in individual bags. Among Western pears called midakunashi (unsightly-looking pears), the fruit skin is beautiful and it is a product that is appreciated as a gift.


Silverbell pears, which resemble Christmas bells, are famous for their La France and Le Lectier pears. It weighs about 1.5 to 2 times as much in comparison, and the large ball can exceed 700g, and it is a late maturing variety of large ball.

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