
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Minamoto no Yoritomo established the Kamakura Shogunate, seized power over the country, and established a military government. A man descended from the Seiwa-Genji and Kawachi-Genji clans became the head of the military government; the head of the Shogunate; and established himself as Seii Taishogun. The Genji (Kamakura) - Minamoto Tameyoshi, Yoshitomo, Yoritomo, and Yoshitsune - were the ones who really launched the military government that lasted for about 700 years. They were organized for self-defense in local communities where the Ritsuryo system was in disarray. The ragtag warriors of the rugged eastern region destroyed the Heike clan in the capital, who had become aristocrats, and established a military government. Did the Genji, like the Heike, aim to enjoy success in imperial society as military aristocrats?

BLOF Theory = Ecologically Harmonious Agriculture Theory

Supply of amino acids based on crop physiology, supply of mineral fertilizers based on soil analysis and fertilization design, formation of soil aggregates using solar curing treatment, suppression of soil pathogens, supply of water-soluble carbohydrates

Supply of amino acids ≒ In conventional cultivation using chemical fertilizers, crops synthesize amino acids using inorganic nitrogen absorbed by crops and carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis, and then synthesize proteins. On the other hand, BLOF theory utilizes amino acids, which are nitrogen with carbohydrates, so carbohydrates are not needed for protein synthesis, and the surplus carbohydrates can be used for plant fiber, root acid, and crop nutrients (starch, sugar, organic acids, antioxidants) that strengthen the plant body, resulting in high quality and high yields while maintaining a strong body that can resist pests. Supply of minerals ≒ Minerals are identified through soil analysis to determine whether they are in excess or insufficient, and fertilization is designed and applied in appropriate amounts based on the analysis results. Minerals are elements necessary for photosynthesis and control various biochemical reactions, so if nitrogen is effective when there is a shortage of minerals, crops will grow weakly and become more susceptible to pests and diseases, so fertilization management is done with minerals first and nitrogen second. Solar curing is the process of applying semi-ripe compost and fertilizer (NPK, minerals) to a field, then watering it properly, applying mulch, and curing it at an accumulated temperature of approximately 450 to 900 degrees. A granular structure is formed in the soil, improving the roots of crops and increasing photosynthetic ability, resulting in high quality and abundant harvests. Beneficial microorganisms that are antagonistic to soil disease bacteria are multiplied in the soil, preventing the occurrence of disease. Soil fertility is improved by supplying water-soluble carbohydrates, and by making the most of that fertility, high quality and abundant harvests are achieved.

※Because they utilize amino acids, which are nitrogen-containing carbohydrates, they do not require much of the carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis for protein synthesis.

How about BLOFware®.Doctor(Japan Biofarm Co., Ltd.'s farming support cloud service)?

【Product name】

concentrated tomatoes

Solanum lycopersicum L.
【Production area】

Matsuki, Sakano Town, Komatsushima City, Tokushima Prefecture (Kashiyama Farm Ltd.)

【Origin of name】

Glucose and fructose are the sugar components contained in commonly cultivated tomatoes, which are already ripe and red when they are growing on the seedlings. In order to increase the sugar content, it is necessary to have a concentration effect that suppresses the inflow of water into the fruit due to water stress, etc., as well as an osmoregulation that exerts the function of actively storing components such as sugar and salts in order to prevent the outflow of water from the fruit. There seems to be. It has not been officially decided from what level of fruit sugar content to call high sugar content tomatoes, but it seems that tomatoes with a fruit sugar content of about 8% or more are called.

【Main features】

An ancient Yoshitsune legend passed down through time: When Yoshitsune's army visited Komatsushima to subjugate the Taira clan, the white flag of the Genji clan was put up on the flag mountain on the boundary between the fields and the lawn to raise the morale of the army. At the top of the mountain, there is a 6.7 meter tall equestrian statue of Yoshitsune (Miyano-mae, Shibo Town, Komatsushima City). there is During the Genpei War, a battle between the Taira clan and the Genji clan, he made many achievements as a genius of war. The three most famous battles are the Battle of Ichinotani, the Battle of Yashima, and the Battle of Dannoura, which destroyed the Heike clan. It is said that during the Battle of Yashima, Yoshitsune, who set sail from the port of Osaka, first landed at Komatsushima. Yoshitsune's aim was to covertly land his terracotta horses on Shikoku in order to surprise the enemy from behind. Arriving at Komatsushima in a storm, Yoshitsune gathered his retainers on each warship and raised the white flag, the symbol of Genji, to raise the morale. At this time, the place where he gathered his retainers was called 'Seigo', and the place where he raised the white flag was called 'Hatayama', and the name of the place remains today. The army finally began to march to Yashima, and the road they traveled at this time was the Yoshitsune Highway. It is said that he defeated Kumayama Castle and Sakurama Castle, which were on the Heike side, crossed the Osaka Pass on the prefectural border, and reached Yashima in one night. Among them, about 10 kilometers in Komatsushima City, which connects places related to Yoshitsune, is named "Yoshitsune Dream Road", and information boards and signposts are built. "Heisei Tanuki(badger)Battle Pom Poko (1994 Hata Office / Studio Ghibli / NH, Original / Screenplay / Director Isao Takahata, Planning Hayao Miyazaki, Producer Toshio Suzuki, Theme Song: 上々颱風 / 3th Shincho Kokontei / Makoto Nonomura / Yuriko Ishida / Norihei Miki / Nijiko Kiyokawa / Shigeru Izumiya / Hayao Miyazaki Takehiro Murata / Gannosuke Asiya / Kobuhei Hayashiya(9th Shozo) / Akira Fukuzawa / Katsura U.S.A. The cloud funding project was started in May 2022, saying that the Kincho deity with extraordinary spiritual powers (Kincho Shrine) in Komatsushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, which became the model for the movie, is in danger of collapsing due to aging. It seems that they are calling for donations. Kincho Tanuki, which appears in this movie, is a shrine that became a model for "Ecstatic Family 2" in addition to "Heisei Tanuki Battle Pom Poko", and seems to be known as a place loved not only by tourists but also by local residents. As the 2017 urban park redevelopment plan progressed, there was an article saying that the shrine would be relocated or demolished to become a parking lot, and local conservation activities have begun. While the signatures of the petition were gathered, it seems that the policy of local survival was changed with the change of the mayor in 2020. After that, a general incorporated association was established to maintain and manage the hall of worship surrounded by the entrance gate and the fence of shrine and to pass on the culture. However, it seems that the existing hall of worship, main shrine, etc. have deteriorated severely, some of the roofing tiles have fallen off, and the ceiling and floor have been rotted due to leaks. It seems that repairs were not enough each time, and the danger of collapse due to an earthquake was pointed out. Therefore, it seems that a part of the repair work has come to call for support by launching a crowdfunding project. In the prefecture, starting with Awa-Akaishi (Mugi Line, Komatsushima City) in 2014, it will proceed at a pace of almost one station a year, and in 2021, Awa Handa (Tokushima Line, Tsurugi Town, Mima District), Awa Nakashima (Mugi Line, Anan). It seems that it targets three stations, City) and Fuchu (Tokushima Line, Tokushima City). If you have a strong love for Tokushima, it seems that JR Shikoku, which you use every day, is demolishing dilapidated station buildings one after another in order to reduce strikes. Since 2014, 12 stations in 4 prefectures in Shikoku have been targeted, and it seems that the station building that has been popular for many years has disappeared at 8 stations, which is the largest number in Tokushima prefecture. Although local residents are lonely, the company seems to be planning to demolish other stations after consulting with the local government. Around 2014, the company has begun discussions with local governments to rebuild an aging wooden station building. It seems that the old station building was demolished from the station where the direction was decided, and a simple facility with an aluminum roof and an enclosure was installed. All of them are only large enough to fill up with a few to a dozen people. Most stations seem to have no toilets. The local economy in a pandemic continues to decline, but the reality is clear that it is serious before that. Tokushima Prefecture cites changes in the female population, the progress of unmarried and late marriage, and the progress of late birth as the causes of the declining birthrate. Changes in the female population The female population in Tokushima Prefecture (15 to 49 years old) decreased by 55,000 in 2013 compared to 1985. According to the latest survey results (as of April 1, 4th year of Reiwa), the number of households is on a slight increase, but the total male and female population is on a downward trend. Tokushima is located in the eastern part of Shikoku, facing Kii Suido in the east, Kagawa prefecture in the north, Kochi prefecture in the south, and Ehime prefecture in the west. There are many mountains and it occupies about 80% of the total area of 4,146.65 km2. There are many mountains over 1,000 m. The highest mountain in the prefecture is Mt. Tsurugi in the Shikoku Mountains, which is the second highest mountain in Shikoku at an altitude of 1,955 m. The Tsurugi mountainous district centered on Mt. Tsurugi is a watershed that divides the prefecture into north and south. As it flows eastward, it creates a wide, wedge-shaped Tokushima plain. The Sanuki Mountains, north of the Yoshino River, are generally low, alluvial fans are developed at the foot of the mountain, and the land is high. The southern slope mountains of the diversion ridge are abundant forest areas, there are few wide flatlands, and the mountains are rocky coasts directly in the sea south of Anan City, which is in sharp contrast to the sandy beaches of Tohoku, and the sea is deep. , Has a suitable terrain as a harbor. Although the north-south length is less than 100 km, the climate is complex and diverse due to the influence of the terrain. The average annual temperature is warmest in the southeastern coast and cooler in the western mountains. There is a temperature difference of about 4 degrees between the coastal area and the mountainous area, and the annual rainfall in the northern part to the Yoshino River and the Sanuki Mountains is relatively small at less than 1,500 mm, and it belongs to the warm and dry “Setouchi climate”. There is. In the past, the salt industry was prospering by taking advantage of this characteristic climate. The alpine region centered on Mt. Tsurugi in the Shikoku Mountains belongs to the “Japanese coastal climate”, which is cold and has a lot of rainfall. In this alpine region, the northwest monsoon is strong, and in winter it snows enough to ski. In addition, it is cool and comfortable in summer, and is suitable for summer, hiking, and mountain walking. The southern part belongs to the “Pacific climate”, which is warm and has a lot of rainfall. This area is warm throughout the year, but it has a lot of rainfall. From Hiwasa to Nukumisafin Beach in Toyo Town, Kochi Prefecture, there are many of Japan's leading surfing spots, and it seems that surfers are crowded on weekends. In ancient times, when Mr. Inbe pioneered the Yoshino River basin, millet grew well, so this area is called Awa no Kuni, while the areas around Katsuura, Naka, and Kaifu Sangun in the south are called Naga no Kuni. It is said that it has become. In the Taika Reform, these countries were collectively called “Awa no Kuni”. At that time, the Kokufu was located in the western area of present-day Tokushima City (currently Kokufu Town Fuchu), where the Kokushi lived, and this became the center of politics. In the Middle Ages and the Kamakura period, the shogunate appointed the guardians of Mr. Sasaki and Mr. Ogasawara (later Miyoshi). During the Muromachi period, Mr. Hosokawa was in power, but after the Onin War, Awa became the time of Mr. Miyoshi, and Nagayoshi temporarily expanded to Kinai. However, it soon declined, and Chosokabe Motochika, who came out of Tosa, conquered Shikoku. Chosokabe was defeated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was aiming for national unification, and Hachisuka Iemasa was sealed by Awa. Mr. Hachisuka set up a castle in the current Shiroyama area, and since that time, Tokushima Castle has become the center of politics and culture. For about 300 years in the Edo period, he made a fortune by monopolizing indigo, salt, sugar, and leaf tobacco. Even in the early modern period, the Tokushima domain also owned Awaji. In the Meiji era, when Tokushima Prefecture was established by the abolition of the feudal clan, Tsuna District was separated from Awaji. Soon after the name was changed to Myodo Prefecture, it came to have jurisdiction over the entire Awaji area. Then, in 1873, Sanuki Province was merged, but in 1875 Sanuki Province was separated and Kagawa Prefecture was relocated. In 1876, Myodo prefecture was abolished, and the whole Awaji prefecture was merged with Hyogo prefecture, and the remaining Myodo prefecture was merged with Kochi prefecture. In March 1881, Tokushima Prefecture was relocated to this day. 万葉集の巻6の歌「眉の如 雲居に見ゆる 阿波の山 かけて漕ぐ舟 泊知らずも: 如眉 雲居尓所見 阿波乃山 懸而榜舟 泊不知毛: The mountains of Awa that can be seen beyond the clouds that hang like long eyebrows. You can see the boat rowing towards it. I don't know where I'm going to stay: 春三月幸于難波宮之時歌六首 - 998番歌 - 船王」Naruto City in March 1947 (renamed Naruto City in May of the same year), Komatsushima City in 1951, Anan City in 1958, Yoshinogawa City in October 2004, Mima City, Tsurugi Town, Naka Town in March 2005, In April of the same year, Awa City was born, and in March 2006, Miyoshi City, Higashi Miyoshi Town, Anan City (Anan City, Nakagawa Town, and Hanoura Town were merged), Minami Town, and Kaiyo Town were born. Currently 8 cities, 15 towns and 1 village. Taking advantage of the warm climate and the blessed natural environment centered on the plains along the Yoshino River, for vegetables, “Naruto Kintoki Sweet Potato,” “Carrot,” “Lotus root,” and for fruit trees, “Mandarin,” “Sudachi,” and “Nashi pear.” Production is thriving. It seems that many orchids, tulips and lilies are also cultivated in the flowers. I hear that even now, we are promoting efforts to make consumers eat eco-friendly agriculture and safe and secure agricultural products. “Green House oranges” from Tokushima are characterized by their thin skin, softness and sweetness. Since it is cultivated in a house where the temperature and moisture are controlled, it is a little smaller than the mandarin oranges grown in the open field, but it has a good reputation for its high sugar content and good taste. In addition, it has a good balance of moderate acidity and sweetness. Greenhouse mandarin is a variety created by adjusting the heating temperature of house mandarin as a strategic product to fill the period when fruit market is low. Low-warming cultivation is almost the same as warming cultivation, but it is a method of lowering the temperature setting than warming cultivation and accelerating the growth of mandarin oranges by about 1 to 2 months compared to open-field cultivation. I will restate the areas introduced in the past. “Komatsushima City, Tokushima Prefecture”, Located in the eastern part of the prefecture. The fertile plains and calm sea are attractive. And it is a locality blessed with abundant water and clear air. The sea area facing the Kii channel is a treasure trove of ingredients. The fishing industry is thriving, agriculture in the south and industry in the coastal areas : Active industries that take advantage of each terrain and characteristics. It is also the birthplace of Awa fireworks from the Awa clan. “Komatsushima Port Festival” held in summer : It is a big event in the city and is loved by people inside and outside the city. April 1951 Merged with Tatsue Town, Naka District. The city system was enforced in June, and the port city of Komatsushima City was born here. Later, Sakano Town merged in 1956 to become the current city. History unravels-Excavation of shell mound, excavation of bronze bell, Discovery of ancient burial mounds, etc. From the Jomon era to ancient times, many highly cultural people lived there. Later Keicho, After Hachisuka entered Japan, Taihei continued and Kanaiso newly reclaimed rice field was cultivated. Dyer and indigo merchants are active: Ordered how to accept the silver bills of the clan, etc. These prospered as the commercial and financial centers of Awa. During the Heian period, there were Shinohara countryside(前原, 江田付近), Nii countryside(新居見付近), and Yogo countryside(田野芝生付近). Of these, Shinohara Countryside was once the manor of Ninnaji Temple in Kyoto. This Temple is located in Kyoto's “Komatsu Countryside” and is named after this temple. From here, it is thought that the place name of “Komatsushima” was born. 金銅装甲冑片 - Designated as a city Tangible cultural property on May 25, 2016. 田浦町子安観音塚古墳出土 : It is considered to be the middle of the Kofun period. 鉄地金銅製甲冑片4点(三角板鋲留短甲片1, 小札鋲留冑片1, 錣片2)三角板鋲留短甲片, Official painter of the tokushima clan in the edo period - 守住貫魚 - Recorded in 1854 (Kaei 7), 古甲図 : It is considered to be part of the Tokushima Prefectural Museum collection). “金銅装短甲 / 金銅装冑”, Excavation case - Remain in the old drawing - 大仙陵古墳(伝 / 仁徳天皇稜 ; Tourist spots Emperor Nintoku Kofun is one of Kofun, the Emperor's Mausoleum, located in Sakai, Osaka - 大山古墳 ; Unesco world heritage site): Only, and tells its rarity. “甲冑” - From the idiosyncrasy, we can see the deep relationship between the Kinai central government and the region in the middle of the kofun era. “金剛寺跡板碑”, Designated as a two tombstones tangible cultural property on September 29, 2020. 櫛渕町字佐山に所在する, 金剛寺跡に建てられていた, 結晶片岩製の板碑, 五輪塔が半浮彫りされている五輪塔板碑(Length 156 cm, width 41 cm, thickness 8.3 cm)と “南無阿弥陀仏” の, 6字名号が刻まれている名号板碑(Length 147 cm, width 36 cm, thickness 3.7 cm), It is thought that it was made during the Nanbokucho period and the Muromachi period. Among the itabi monuments that remain in the city area, they are the oldest and largest. Learning advanced organic agriculture with active rice and vegetable making : We support people who are starting new agriculture, such as the komatsushima organic farming support center and farming and settlement support. Blessed with fishing grounds on the Kii channel, there are plenty of seafood.Crepe, daggertooth pike conger (muraenesox cinereus), shrimp, crab, etc. “小松島漁業協同組合”, For those who are interested in fishing, I also have a fisherman experience. In the central city area, which prospered as a port town, vacant stores are conspicuous and quiet. Citizen activities to support small business startups : There is also support for starting a business, such as a business to create liveliness in the central city area. His land was once known as the land associated with Minamoto no Yoshitsune. This is the place where he left Watanabe no Tsu with the aim of subduing the Heike Family and landed from his life. He continued to march towards Yashima without a break, driving Heike's army out of Yash ima by surprise attack. After landing, it is said that the white flag, which is the symbol color of Genji, was raised at Mt. Hata (elevation 20 m), and now the equestrian statue of YOSHITSUNE, which is 6.7 m high, is placed. There is no doubt that it is a sacred place for fans. The stage of the story is the area overlooking the north side from there. The battle was fought around the area facing Komatsushima Port such as Komatsushima Town, Higaino Town, and Chuden Town, and further north, around the banks of the Katsuura River that flows through the southern part of Tokushima City. "KASHIYAMA Farm", which is rooted in this area, felt the need to produce a new form of agriculture that suits the changing times, and seems to have been searching for a new form of agriculture as soon as possible. It seems that he has been working on the introduction of smart agri that utilizes scientific know-how and data management, and has been actively working on the sixth industrialization that can handle everything from production to sales. And now, the activity base is expanding overseas. In addition, it seems that the crops will surely respond as much as they have done their hands. As an indispensable existence for each employee, we take pride in our work, cultivate local land, and protect and nurture agriculture. Delivering the delicious agricultural products produced in this way to many people. We value the philosophy nurtured in the Japanese climate, and connect agriculture to a new generation through efficient agricultural management that is world-class with cutting-edge agricultural technology. "Coral tree tomato" which can be said to be a signboard product (It seems that it is grown by solution cultivation that was originally developed with the aim of becoming the best tomato in the world. Ceramics made by drying, compression-molding, and baking malt feed, which is a by-product of beer production, jointly developed by Nippon Air Conditioning Co., Ltd. Hot air circulation carbonization in the manufacturing process. The law (patent pending) is adopted), which contains abundant minerals that are the decisive factor for the growth of tomatoes. The optimum fertilizer content is carefully controlled by a computer, and water that has passed through a special water purifier is used. It seems that a rich taste is born with a high sugar content with little miscellaneous taste. Coral tree tomatoes filled with solid fruit meat and rich sweetness and rich taste "exquisite balance of sweetness and acidity", restaurants all over the country And tomato fans have a lot of confidence) seems to have been born about 20 years ago. It seems that the current chairman has proposed to use malt ceramics, which is carbonized malt husks that are dried and compressed from beer pomace, for hydroponic cultivation of tomatoes. We have established our own cultivation method by devising various ideas such as incorporating an integrated environmental control system. In addition, I hear that it is a symbolic agricultural product of a farm that quickly adopts IT technology, cultivates it scientifically and logically based on data, seeks out the form of agriculture in a new era, and connects it to the next generation. "Coral tree tomato", which has a refreshing sweetness and deep richness, seems to have a central control panel that manages the temperature, humidity, amount of solar radiation, carbon dioxide concentration, etc. in the green house. Not only does it have a high sugar content, but it also uses a special water purifier to eliminate unpleasant taste by using high-purity clean water, and it seems that flavor is added by its own cultivation technique. It has a refreshing sweetness and seems to have a non-persistent taste. The sugar content is 8 degrees or more, and it seems that the sugar content is measured by making full use of the sugar content sensor. The standard is divided into three according to the sugar content, and it seems that only those that meet strict standards can be shipped as the "Coral Tree Tomato" brand. Also, it seems that the size is automatically sorted using the camera sensor. This seems to make it possible to provide tomatoes according to the customer's intended use. Last but not least, Kashiyama Farm continues to take on the challenge of producing new forms of agriculture that suit the changing times. Producing tomatoes, rice, shiitake mushrooms, type of rape, wheat, etc. through efficient and collaborative agriculture, such as the introduction of smart agri that utilizes scientific know-how and data management in agriculture as soon as possible. With technology, ideas and passion, we are connecting agriculture nurtured in the Japanese climate to a new generation. “Anan City”, Located on the eastern central coastline. It faces the Kii channel in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the south. The north borders Komatsushima City and Katsuura Town. The west consists of mountains and alluvial plains at the eastern end of the Shikoku Mountains. Most of the city area is mountainous, with a total area of 279.39 km2. It occupies 6.7% of the whole Tokushima prefecture and has a vast city area. In March 2006, Nakagawa Town and Hanoura Town were incorporated.There is a central city area around Tomioka Town, which has been a castle town for a long time. Also, in Tachibana Town, which has Tachibana Port, which has prospered as one of the three Awa ports. Sub-center urban areas are formed respectively. Furthermore, the coastal area has been a base for fishing since ancient times. Today, it is in the limelight as a base for industrial development and as a marine recreation area. We have entered a new era of exchange with the opening of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge. The city is in the southern part of the prefecture along with the industrial development of the coastal area : Politics / Economy / Education / Culture / Tourism : It continues to make steady progress as a central city. 国指定 : 有形彫刻, 木造男神立像1軀, 長生町宮内, 八桙神社, 明治44 / 8/9, 有形彫刻, 木造大己貴命立像1軀, 長生町宮内, 八桙神社, 明治44 / 8/9, 有形書跡, 紙本墨書二品家政所下文附紺紙金泥法華経八巻1巻8巻, 長生町宮内, 八桙神社, 明治43 / 8/29, 有形考古, 流水文銅鐸1口, 山口町, 個人, 昭和37 / 2/21,無形民俗,阿波人形浄瑠璃, 阿南市, 阿波人形浄瑠璃振興会(中村園太夫座), 平成11 / 12/21, 記念物史跡, 阿波遍路道(太龍寺道, かも道,太龍寺境内いわや道, 平等寺道), 阿南市阿南市, 平成22 / 8/5, 平成25 / 3/27, 追加指定, 平成25 / 10/7, 追加指定, 平成29 / 2/9, 追加指定, 記念物史跡, 若杉山辰砂採掘遺跡1件, 水井町阿南市, 令和元 / 10/21, 天然記念物, 弁天島熱帯性植物群落1件, 橘町小勝阿南市, 大正11 / 3/8. “Nakagawa Town”, It faces Kii channel in the east and Minami Town and the Pacific Ocean in the south. It borders Naka Town in the west and Komatsushima City and Katsuura Town in the north. The terrain is a mountainous area that extends to the eastern end of the western Shikoku mountain range. It consists of an alluvial plain and a delta formed by the eastern Naka River basin. “Hanoura Town”, Mainly on flat ground with Nakagawa River as the belly and Mt. Hanoura as the back. Area, about 8.9 km2. Focusing on the rice area, which has been called Miyakura for a long time : In 1889 中庄 / 古庄 / 岩脇 / 古毛 :(中野島村)The five villages in the above were combined to form Hanoura Village. Town system came into effect in 1918, 1954 Incorporated the Akemi district of Ono Village(富岡町). Tosa Road penetrates the center of the city : Together with the water transportation of the Nakagawa River(長川), it has prospered since ancient times as a transportation hub. The area around the coast is called Naka District : In ancient times with Kaifu County ; 長の国 - Along with Awa country, it was an independent cultural area that bisected the ancient Tokushima Prefecture.


Concentrated tomatoes are carefully selected with a sugar content of 8 degrees or higher. It has a rich flavor and is full of sweet and rich umami. Once you start eating, you won't be able to stop with just one ball. Normal fruit tomatoes are grown in soil, and the general cultivation method is to grow them with as little water as possible.


"Coral tree tomato" was born about 20 years ago. The current chairman came up with the idea of using malt ceramics, carbonized by drying and compressing the malt husk, which is the lees of beer, for hydroponic cultivation of tomatoes. A unique cultivation method has been established through various ingenuity, such as incorporating an integrated environmental control system. It is widely recommended as an agricultural product that symbolizes Kashiyama Farm, which quickly incorporates IT technology and cultivates scientifically and logically based on data, explores the form of agriculture in the new era, and connects it to the next generation.


Kashiyama Nouen seems to have felt the need to create a new form of agriculture that fits the changing times, and has been quick to search for a form of agriculture for the new era. It seems that they have worked on the introduction of smart agriculture that utilizes scientific know-how and data management, and have actively worked on the sixth industrialization that can handle everything from production to sales. And now, we are expanding our bases of activity overseas.

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