
Tuesday, February 7, 2023

From the Cabinet Office of Japan, citation. Society 1.0/hunting society: A society where people live by hunting. Society 2.0/agricultural society: A society where people lead a stable life by cultivating and harvesting food. Society 3.0/Industrial society: A society where industrialization has progressed, such as the mass production of standardized products by machines. Society 4.0/Information Society: A society in which the spread of the Internet has made the transmission and processing of information central to the economy. Society 5.0/Super Smart Society: A society that develops with a system that highly integrates virtual space and real society. Through the Internet of Things, all people and things will be connected, various knowledge and information will be shared, and by creating unprecedented new value, we will overcome these challenges and difficulties. In addition, AI will provide the necessary information when needed, and technologies such as robots and self-driving cars will overcome issues such as the declining birthrate and aging population, depopulation in rural areas, and the gap between rich and poor. Through social innovation, we will break through the sense of stagnation that has hitherto existed and create a society where people can have hope, a society where people respect each other across generations, and a society where everyone can play an active role comfortably.

【Product name】
Citrus unshiu
【Jurisdiction area】
Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, Tarami Town, Isahaya City, Saikai City, Togitsu Town, Nishisonogi District, Nagayo Town (JA Nagasaki Seihi, Kotonoumi Ikiriki Fruit Sorting Place (Funatsu, Tarami Town, Isahaya City), JA Zennoh Nagasaki)
【Reason: Origin of the name】
From the growing area and the beautifully shining flesh.
【Major features】
Nagasaki City: Today's situation surrounding food, agriculture, and farming villages is due to changes in the environment surrounding agriculture, such as the decline and aging of farmers, the devastation of farmland, the increase in production costs, and the diversification of distribution and consumption. , the arrival of a declining population and super-aging society, climate change due to global warming, etc., and globalization due to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, etc. Under these circumstances, in March 2020, the government approved a new Basic Plan for Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas, aiming to achieve the food self-sufficiency rate target of 53% in FY2032. In the basic plan, we are deeply concerned about the sustainability of Japan's agriculture and farming villages. By strengthening the production base of agriculture, the role of stably supplying food in response to changes in demand and the multifaceted functions of agriculture and farming villages will be demonstrated in the future, and the appeal of Japan's food and agriculture will be enhanced. In order to continue to shine both domestically and internationally, it seems that the important theme is to show the way to sustainably develop food, agriculture, and farming villages, stabilize the lives of people including the next generation, and contribute to the international community. In addition, Nagasaki Prefecture has formulated the 3rd Nagasaki Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Villages Revitalization Plan, which indicates the vision and policy direction of Nagasaki Prefecture's agriculture, forestry and farming and mountain villages from FY2021. Production areas due to productivity improvement, etc. “Measures for production areas” to maintain and expand. It is said that measures to secure local employment and income will be developed as the two wheels of a cart. Furthermore, as the trend of the times, there is a shift to a new lifestyle due to the outbreak of epidemics, a growing desire to return to the countryside seeking a base of life in rural areas rich in nature, and international goals aiming for a sustainable and better world. Various changes are being made, such as efforts to achieve SDGs and advances in ICT technology through the use of robots and AI. In addition, the city of Nagasaki is undergoing major changes, such as the opening of the Nagasaki Shinkansen and his MICE facility, and in order to connect these to the expansion of the non-resident population, the DMO has been organized and started. It seems to be the place. Based on this situation, Nagasaki City has made more concrete measures in the agricultural field in the overall plan, including the "Nagasaki City Fifth Comprehensive Plan [Early Basic Plan]", in accordance with the characteristics and background of Nagasaki City. We devise "the second Nagasaki City agriculture promotion plan [first term plan]" to show figure that future agriculture should aim at and the realization method. State-run Isahaya Bay Reclamation Project: In the coastal area of ​​Isahaya Bay, volcanic ash sediment from the Aso-Kuju mountain range is washed into the Chikugo River and other estuaries, and is supplied to the inner part of Isahaya Bay by the counterclockwise current of the Ariake Sea. It is said that tidal flats accumulate as much as 5 centimeters per year in many coastal areas. In the coastal area of ​​Isahaya Bay, drainage channels and estuaries are clogged by the sedimentation of this tidal flat, and the elevation of the tidal flat is higher than that of the hinterland, making it difficult to drain the hinterland. The tidal flats have been reclaimed to secure drainage, and the reclaimed land has been utilized as agricultural land. The accumulation and reclamation of this tidal flat were repeated to form the current Isahaya Plain. Historically, it seems that land reclamation began around the end of the Kamakura period in 1330. In addition, since it is geographically prone to torrential rains and is also a frequent typhoon area, disasters have occurred many times, including the Isahaya flood in 1957, and have suffered damage. In particular, the Isahaya Plain area, which has been repeatedly reclaimed and has many low-lying areas below sea level, is affected by the Ariake Sea's 6-meter tidal range, which is the largest in Japan. Because it is not possible, it is prone to flooding and flood damage, and coastal areas have suffered from storm surges caused by typhoons. Agriculture began on the reclaimed land in Isahaya Bay in April 2008, and currently 39 farming entities are developing environment-friendly farming on approximately 670 hectares of flat, large-scale farmland of 6 to 3 hectares per plot. Potatoes, onions, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, cherry tomatoes, etc. are cultivated and harvested on the mineral-rich reclaimed land. It seems that he is working on environment-friendly agriculture as a farmer working on environment-friendly agriculture such as. About 11 years ago, in 2012, the harvested area exceeded 1,200 hectares. There is a wide variety of items, with more than 50 types of crops being cultivated, and the shipped agricultural products have received high praise from market officials. In addition, agricultural machinery, greenhouse facilities, and the like are also large-scale precisely because the farmland is large-scale. Producers have so far invested heavily in the introduction of facilities and machinery, and are working hard on pioneering agricultural management. On March 30, 2020, Nagasaki National University and Saikai City announced the Agreement on Collaboration and Cooperation in the Fields Related to Ocean Energy. In July 2014, based on the government's "Action Policy for Promoting the Use of Marine Renewable Energy (May 2012)," the waters surrounding the Goto Islands in Nagasaki Prefecture were designated as "Ocean Restoration," conducting power generation demonstration experiments using tidal currents and wave power. It has been selected as a “Possible Energy Demonstration Field”. Since then, the prefecture has been working to strengthen cooperation between industry, academia, and government in fields related to ocean energy. We are working on development research and utilization research of ocean energy. This time, in promoting efforts centered on the sea area around "Enoshima", which is located between the Goto Islands and the Nishisonogi Peninsula, we will work with Saikai City, a municipality in the northern part of the Nishisonogi Peninsula, to conduct research on a symbiotic model of ocean energy and the fishery industry. In order to promote the fisheries industry and revitalize the local economy, it seems that they decided to collaborate and cooperate in fishery coordination and regional development. Nagasaki has prospered as a center of innovation related to the sea due to its historical and geographical characteristics. In March 2014, the Nagasaki Marine Industry Cluster Formation Promotion Council was formed by volunteers from the local industrial world in order to actively and proactively promote the entry of companies in the prefecture into the new marine industry field centered on marine renewable energy. In the three years since its establishment, joint research on the development and improvement of hydraulic tidal power generation equipment has started, and efforts have been made in cooperation with local companies. Wind power generation and tidal power generation are assumed as marine renewable energy. We will investigate the impact on the surrounding environment and fisheries when these renewable energy power generation is implemented in the same sea area. The agreement period is until March 31, 2021, after which it will be renewed every year. In July 2014, the Cabinet Office selected offshore Enoshima and Hirashima in Saikai City as a marine renewable energy demonstration field for tidal current power generation. In addition, the city formulated a zoning plan as a suitable site for large-scale wind power generation due to the favorable wind conditions with wind speeds exceeding 7.0 m / s, and in March 2020, citizens, businesses, and the government cooperated to promote Revised the Saikai City Renewable Energy Utilization Plan. Saikai City 2022 Business Plan: As a basic policy, Japan's farming population is declining every year, and the aging of farmers is also progressing. In Saikai City, the number of farmers is decreasing and the population is aging. However, for farmland with suitable conditions, farmers and corporations who want to expand their scale use the farmland intermediary management business to rent farmland and make effective use of it. Under such circumstances, the Saikai City Agricultural Promotion Public Corporation is currently working on the Omodaka area, where the farmland infrastructure development project is currently underway, and the Otawa area of ​​Saikai Town, which is conducting promotional activities aiming for the adoption of the project in FY2024. We would like to cooperate with the project promotion committee members of the Amakubo area of ​​Saikai Town, which is planning to establish a promotion committee, and seek the cooperation of related organizations to promote the project with the aim of early completion of the farmland infrastructure development project. In addition, in the Shirasaki and Komukae districts of Nishisonogi Town, where the construction of the farmland infrastructure development project is currently underway, the farmland that has been completed and developed will continue to be lent to farmers as soon as possible so that farming can start. Agricultural land use rights were also established quickly. It is a "farming support project" that we are working on as a measure to reduce the labor of farming. As for the plowing, paddy field and rice planting work, we expect further expansion of users in the future. Regarding the promotion of the 6th industrialization, we will continue the new product development project using the agricultural products of Saikai City, which we have been working on jointly with the students of the food processing department of Seihi Agricultural High School, so that we can become a new special product of Saikai City. It seems that we are going to do product development. Regarding new crops such as avocados and olives, we will continue to work with production groups and each council. Forming a production area through close cooperation, active participation in cultivation seminars and local workshops, soliciting applicants for cultivation, as well as mediation of farmland with an environment suitable for cultivation of each crop using the farmland intermediate management business. It is said that he wants to help with. In March 2011, the town of Togitsu in Nishisonogi County drew up the "Fifth Togitsu Town Comprehensive Plan" with a future image of "Togitsu, a city where everyone wants to live." As a guideline, various efforts have been made with various actors such as residents, business operators, and organizations. Under such circumstances, Japan is currently in the phase of population decline for the first time since 2008, and the population decline is expected to accelerate further in the future, reaching 120 million in 2026 and falling below 100 million in 2050. Is assumed. Under these circumstances, the aging of the population will progress further, and it is assumed that the elderly population will peak in 2040, when the so-called baby boomer junior generation will become elderly. These demographic changes will bring about major changes in both the supply and demand of services, and in particular will exacerbate the shortage of workers in various fields, which has already become a problem, and have a major impact on the sustainability of services themselves. Fear. In addition, changes and challenges that could threaten the sustainability of local communities have arisen, such as the frequent occurrence of large-scale natural disasters in recent years and the recent global spread of epidemics. On the other hand, these social changes and issues are also exposing the vulnerability of urban areas, including the Tokyo metropolitan area, and the harmful effects of population concentration. 2.0), industrial society (Society 3.0), and information society (Society 4.0). We will achieve both economic development and the resolution of social issues through systems that highly integrate cyberspace (virtual space) and physical space (real space). A human-centered society. It refers to a new society, and was first proposed in the 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan as the future society that Japan should aim for. The 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan (FY2016-2020) 5th Science Key points of the Basic Technology Plan: This plan was formulated for the first time after being reorganized into the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI). Regarding the current situation, the evolution of ICT, etc., is changing the structure of society and the economy on a daily basis. With the advent of the 1990s, we recognize that the need to promote science and technology innovation is growing as domestic and international issues increase and become more complex. While there have been achievements symbolized by the Nobel Prize winning projects such as LEDs and iPS cells, the weakening of "fundamental power" in science and technology, and stagnation in government investment in research and development have been pointed out. Against this background, Chapter 1 focuses on the ability to anticipate the future and take strategic action (foresight and strategy) and the ability to respond appropriately to any change (diversity and Under the basic policy that emphasizes flexibility), it has set four goals for the country: sustainable growth and self-sustaining development of local communities, ensuring the safety and security of the country and its citizens, and prosperous and high-quality development. Achieving quality of life, responding to global issues and contributing to global development, and sustaining the creation of intellectual assets: Chapters 2 to 5 of the 5th Basic Plan aim to realize such a nation. Four pillars: Future industrial creation and social transformation: In order to bring about major changes on our own and lead the era of major change, we will strengthen research and development that creates discontinuous innovations and create new value and services. Further deepen the series of efforts to realize a "super smart society" that is being created one after another ahead of the rest of the world. The trend toward returning to rural areas is increasing due to factors such as the shift to a new lifestyle and the establishment of new lifestyles. Since the census of 2015, when the population of Togitsu turned to decline for the first time, Togitsu has positioned the issue of declining population as the most important issue. Various measures have been taken, such as improving the educational environment, promoting the health of the elderly, developing social infrastructure such as roads that form the basis of life, and revitalizing the region by expanding the non-resident population. As a result, the population increased slightly until 2017, but after that, the employment rate of university students in the prefecture. The population as a whole continues to decline due to the worsening of the economy and the decrease in the number of employees due to the slump in key industries. Under these circumstances, in March 2020, the 2nd Togitsu Town Comprehensive Strategy for the five-year period from fiscal 2020 to fiscal 2024 was announced in order to continue to promote measures to combat population decline and the construction of sustainable social infrastructure. Formulated to. In the future, in order for the town to respond to social changes and issues and promote sustainable town development, it is necessary to proactively incorporate new perspectives and ideas such as SDGs while looking ahead to the medium to long-term future. It is important to build a plan that is consistent across all fields. As a guideline for each resident to face urban development as their own problem, businesses and organizations in various fields such as prefectures, municipalities, industry, government, academia, and financial institutions should work together to tackle the issue. Town general plan is formulated. In Togitsu, there are many farmers who mainly grow fruit trees such as citrus, loquat, and grapes, and there are not many farmers who mainly grow vegetables. However, vegetable cultivation takes a short time to harvest, and in terms of sales, the town seems to be blessed with a location close to the consumption area centered on Nagasaki City. New specialty product: Olea europaea, which has penetrated into Japanese food culture due to rising health awareness. However, domestic olives are attracting attention because most of them are imported. In Nagayo Town, cultivation began about 15 years ago as an agricultural product to replace mandarin oranges. Currently, the amount of harvest is increasing steadily, and it seems that the amount of production is top class even in Kyushu. The warm and well-drained growing environment is suitable for olive production, and the quality of the olives is high. This has enabled us to provide fresh olive oil that has not been oxidized. In addition, it seems that the development of olive-related products is progressing. Olive-related products include oil, pickled olives, edible olive oil (processed products), cosmetics, and soaps. Local Situation and Issues Collaborative Organizations: Project Effects, Future Issues. Bank, Agricultural Planning Division, Nagasaki Prefectural Central Promotion Bureau, Management Consulting, Branding Support. Purpose / Goal: Establishment of a sustainable management system for processing plants, expansion of sales channels and employment. Brush up existing specialty products and develop new specialty products. Establish and sell olive products as a new specialty product of Nagayo Town. Business features: Shortage and aging of agricultural workers, deteriorating management of mandarin orange farmers, Decline of specialty products of Nagayo, aging of the organization, loss of opportunities for women to play an active role due to lack of workers, participation in agriculture mainly by the young generation, creation of regional brands, development of high value-added products, active participation of women Participation. Nagayo Town Life Research Group + Olive Promotion Council, Nagayo Town Life Research Group Processing Department / Olive Shipping Department, establishment of organization, increase in number of employees (1 person in processing department, 6 people in olive shipping department) ), improved business conditions and profitability, brushed up existing processed products, differentiated from competing products, increased production volume and expanded sales channels by training existing farmers and new farmers for olives and other agricultural products, and stabilized Management (presentation of business model) Improving recognition and branding as specialty products, developing competitive new processed products, securing manpower and developing local communities. Integration of promotion organization (female-only food processing group) (olive producer). It was ultimately selected in July 2006 and authorized under the name Mikan Norin No.17 ‘Tsunokagayaki mandarin orange’ in March 2008, and subsequently registered as a new cultivar (No. 17970) under the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act of Japan on 19 March 2009. The tree has medium vigor, and its shape is intermediate between upright and spreading. The fruit weighs about 180 g and has an oblate shape. The rind is dark orange with an average thickness of 2.7 mm, and has moderately easy peelability. The fruit surface is intermediate between smooth and rough. The fruit ripens in late January at Minamishimabara, Nagasaki, Japan. The soluble solids content (Brix) in juice is high (about 13%) and the acidity decreases to about 1 g/100 mL in the ripe fruit. The flesh is soft and juicy, with distinctive flavor. The β-cryptoxanthin content in the flesh is high (an average of 2.18 mg / 100 g fresh weight(FW; Gram force weight(The mass of 100 g is always considered as a load of 0.98 N: kg/ m/s2; Sir Isaac Newton: Same as the amount of ingredients (mg) in 100 g)) . The fruit sometimes contains a few seeds. High-quality fruits that ripen 1 to 2 months earlier could be produced in greenhouse under energy-saving cultivation, with a weight of more than 200 g and a Brix of about 13%. In young trees, protrusions “navel fruits” are likely to occur on the apex of the fruits, especially in facility cultivation, so it is necessary to remove them at the time of fruit thinning. etc. From the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries variety registration. As a summary of the plant characteristics of the registered variety, the tree shape is medium, the density of branches and shoots is dense, the tree size is medium, the tree vigor is medium, the thickness of the branches is medium, the length of the branches is short, Internode length is medium, thorns on branches are a little less, leaf blade is lanceolate, leaf blade is not wavy, leaf blade size is quite small, leaf length is medium, leaf blade width is considerable. Narrow, maximum leaf shape index, somewhat distinct reticulum veins, no winged leaves, slightly short petiole length, thin petiole thickness, single inflorescence, flowers (buds). The weight of the petals is light, the shape of the petals is spindle-shaped, the length of the petals is short, the width of the petals is narrow, the color of the petals (outside of the petals) is white, the number of petals is 5, and the degree of filament separation is small. Partially united, some pollen is absent, fruit shape is oblate, fruit apex is flat, fruit apex radial groove is absent, apex concave ring is absent, peduncles shape Spherical surface, few radial grooves in the stem, medium solidness of the core, small size of the core, medium weight of the fruit, dark orange color of the pericarp, medium size of the oil vesicles, oil sac density is medium, oil sac is convex, unevenness of the fruit surface is medium, skin thickness is extremely thin, skin ratio is extremely small, difficulty of peeling is medium, the hardness of the funnel membrane is soft, medium shape of spoon, medium size of spoon, dark orange color of spoon (flesh), some amount of juice, fairly high sweetness, medium acidity, some amount of aroma, seeds low in number, early budding, early flowering, early maturity, medium biannual fruitiness, low epidermal development, medium cracking, medium storability. The applied variety "Tsunokagayaki mandarin orange" is distinguished from the control variety "Miyauchi Iyokan(was discovered in 1955 from one branch of Citrus Iyo in the mandarin orange garden run by Yoshimasa MIYAUCHI, and based on this branch, seedlings were cultivated by grafting and efforts were made to cultivate it. , It seems that it turned out to be a bud mutation with very good traits. After that, a survey by the Ehime Prefectural Fruit Tree Experiment Station and the Onsen Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Cooperative (currently Ehime Central Agricultural Cooperative) confirmed its excellence. The seedlings were registered with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and it seems that they have been attracting attention nationwide. Compared to the conventional iyokan (species of citrus fruit, Citrus iyo), its characteristics are abundant, less biennial results, ripening about 20 days earlier, more fruiting, larger fruits, and softer flesh. It seems that there is a lot of fruit juice, the skin is thin and dark orange, glossy and beautiful, and the number of seeds is small. Species of citrus fruit, Citrus iyo) is cultivated not only in Ehime prefecture but also in other prefectures, and seems to be well received. Currently, most of the Citrus iyo cultivated in Japan is a variety called “Miyauchi iyokan”, and its share seems to be about 90% of the total. As I mentioned earlier, it started in 1955. It is said that he, who was cultivating citrus fruits in Hirata Town, Matsuyama City, noticed the change of branches due to spontaneous mutation; and raised them. After that, it is one size larger than the conventional Iyokan, and the flesh tends to be soft and sweet. In addition, it has been found to be a variety that is good for producers when it can be harvested in large quantities and ripen quickly. Iyokan was originally born as the eldest son of Masamichi NAKAMURA (Hagi feudal retainer or warrior) in Chinto, Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. It seems that a private silkworm training center was established near his home, but the year of establishment is unknown. In 1892, Sung Chinto (commonly known as Heijiro NODA), who had been exiled from Korea, came to Hagi to rely on him. After that, many people who wanted to learn silkworm technology came from Korea, and the technology was spread to his place. In 1919, he and Kinzaburo KADA, a businessman from Hagi, and Tsubaki. Township Higashibun Village (currently Hagi City Chinto) Established Yamaguchi Prefecture's first silk mill in Ueno. During this time, he served as a county council member and a prefectural council member. He also runs a farm such as an apple orchard and died in the mirror castle that he moved to in 1930. The remains are buried at the Nakamura family graveyard at Ryuzoji Temple in Nakamura, Hagi City. There seems to be a garden lantern dedicated by.) It is a fruit called Anado Oranges discovered by. Even if it has the name Iyo, it seems that it was a fruit from Yamaguchi prefecture. Yasunori MIYOSHI, the son of village headman in Mochida, brought back this fruit to grow in Matsuyama. He used the money at that time for 50 yen, and now he spends about 5 million yen to buy saplings. It seems that the seedlings brought back from Hagi were spliced and distributed free of charge to nearby farmers. Mr. Miyoshi is a pioneer of agriculture in Japan, who has been involved in the cultivation of pears, peaches and apples, and has contributed to the spread of fruit horticulture, with the aim of cultivating various fruits other than iyokan. He has a lot of hobbies, and at that time he went to high collar and was riding a bicycle in 1897. It seems that Iyokan, which was supposed to be an excellent citrus fruit at that time, had a problem that it had a bad fruit, but Mr. yasunori seems to have opened the way for Iyokan specialization in Ehime. Umekichi KOIKE of the Shingon sect Chisan school Taisanji Temple, Nadamu KUTSUNA of Nishinakajima Yoshiki (Nakajima Town), etc. An old grower, he continues to this day thanks to the efforts and thoughts of his predecessors. “Iyokan” spread to Hojo City and Nakajima, centering on the Jokita area (Shiomi, Wake, Horie) in the northern part of Matsuyama City, and the formation of production areas was promoted. The old country name of Ehime prefecture, “Iyo”, was unraveled and named, “Iyokan(Citrus iyo)”. The varieties found in Mr. Yoshimasa Miyauchi's field are named after the discoverer. He was transformed from a salaryman to a fruit farmer, and it was a great discovery for about five years, a century. Entrusting the future to the younger generation, how did he live for about 86 years from his birth on January 30, 1914 to 2011, and what did he want for the future of Japan? I would like to ask, but he is no longer there.)" in that the weight of the fruit is medium and the thickness of the pericarp is extremely thin. Compared to the control cultivar 'Setoka mandarin orange', it is distinguished by its maximum leaf shape index and flattened fruit shape. Otemon Gakuin University opened the "Faculty of Regional Studies" in 2015 to explore regional issues from various angles, and in April 2020, learn about agricultural business and regional development under the themes of "food" and "agriculture". It seems that "Food and Agriculture Management Course" has been newly established. In the future, we will create a place for practical learning that will lead to regional revitalization through internships with local companies that are responsible for regional revitalization, including farming experience and fieldwork to learn agricultural business at the same faculty. Seems to be considered. Saikai City has set the promotion of agriculture, forestry and fisheries as an important policy, and has made large plots of agricultural land to eliminate idle farmland and improve productivity, and established a farming support system to increase stable farming and new farmers. It is focusing on efforts to increase the population of the city by revitalizing the industry, and seems to be aiming for further revitalization including human exchange through cooperation. It is the first time for the city to conclude a cooperation agreement with a university, and it is the first time for the university to conclude a cooperation agreement with a local government in Kyushu. In the future, the mayor will accept students at business establishments in the city, provide a place for learning through actual agricultural experience, etc., and discover new agriculture, forestry and fisheries from citizens' exchanges with students and universities. He answered that it would be useful for activation. Japan's food self-sufficiency rate has declined significantly. In these days when the economic downturn is being called for, it is a strong statement of intention and I feel strongly. It seems that Togitsu Town, Nishisonogi District will relocate the aging town school lunch center No. 1 kitchen (hamada Township) to the town-owned land of Togitsu No. 10 construction zone (hinamigo) and rebuild it. It seems that construction will start in 2022 and aim for completion by 2023. According to the Board of Education, of the two kitchens in the town, the first kitchen was constructed in 1977, and it seems that about 44 years have passed, and it seems that it is aging. Currently, it seems that they are cooking about 1500 meals for one elementary school and two junior high schools. The new first kitchen is a steel-framed one-story building with a total floor area of 1882 m2. Cooks and delivers about 2,000 meals for all four municipal schools. International standard for food hygiene management "HACCP (Food poisoning bacteria contamination and foreign matter contamination by the food business operator himself, after understanding the hazards, etc., in the whole process from the arrival of raw materials to the shipment of products, those harmful factors Hygiene management techniques that control processes that are particularly important for removal or reduction and ensure product safety. Codec, a joint venture of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). It is operated in accordance with the internationally recognized one announced by the committee and recommending its adoption to each country)." In addition to introducing a dry system that keeps the floor dry at all times, it seems that a dedicated cooking room will be set up to handle allergic foods. I heard that the construction cost is about 1.9 billion yen. Children are a treasure of our country. The future is left to them. And what can we adults do now? Every day is a day of conflict. “Agricultural cooperative Nagasaki-Seihi”, Located in southwestern Nagasaki prefecture. The main agricultural products are Mandarin oranges(Production accounts for about 60% of the prefecture's production), which make up the majority of the prefecture's produce, and Loquat, which boasts the highest production volume in Japan. JA original brand of beef cattle “Dejima-Barairo” : 2012 - The 10th National Wagyu Ability Exhibition : Japan's number one and highly rated by the market. Producers registered in the Nagasaki Japanese Beef Cow Producer Registration System. It's defined as a generic term for Japanese beef cow produced for the purpose of fattening. It can be raised with great care and affection in a blessed natural environment, which is relatively cool in summer and relatively warm in winter. The origin of japanese beef cow in Nagasaki is old, Bovine bones and teeth from the Yayoi period 2,200-2,300 years ago were discovered from archeological sites in Nagasaki Prefecture. Since it is an introduction to Nagasaki, I will introduce it from a city that I have a deep feeling for (although it is not in the jurisdiction). “Nagasaki City”, In the southeastern part of Nagasaki, people lived by hunting and fishing from the Jomon Period to the Yayoi period and the Kofun Period about 6000 years ago. Relics from the Jomon period have been excavated from 田上名 and 本郷名, and relics from the Yayoi Period have been excavated from the precincts of Mt. Matsuo Muryo-in Gyokudaiji Temple(浄土宗; 理残)and 千々名. In terms of culture, it is said to have been influenced by China and Korea for a long time. From now until about 800 years ago, it was called "Toyagaura", including the islands scattered from Tomachi to the southern mothers, centering on Fukahori. From the end of the Kamakura period, Kanto Kazusa no kuni(Corresponds to the current Isumi City, Chiba Prefecture)Fukahori went down to this place, changed the place name to Fukahori, and ruled for generations until the latter half of the 16th century. During the Edo period, it became the Fukahori branch of Saga Nabeshima, and now you can see the remains of the samurai residence that retains the remnants of that time. In the area where the Nagasaki Highway passes, there is a Kanmon Bansho, and there are still Bansho Bridges that retain their remnants. In addition, Mogi, which is the starting and ending point of the Mogi Highway, has developed as an important port connecting Amakusa, and even now, there are places that retain the remnants of those days, and it is full of charm. On the route from Kokura to Nagasaki, a series of highway landscapes over the post station and the pass are developed. Along the Hachiro River, Yagami inn, Yagami Shrine, Honjin Ruins, and Yakuyashiki Ruins retain the remnants of the past, and the Himi Pass has a steep, broken pass. Agricultural village landscape of Funaishi : In Koga / Matsubara's Ueki no Sato, you can see a garden nurtured by the history of 400 years of planting technology. Podocarpus macrophyllus, which is 600 years old (Thunb) There are excellent things such as the dry landscape garden of Lamb. Var. Maki Sieb., The mansion garden of Gyosenkaku, and high-class potted plant. Amiba / Toishi fishing village and Makishima island landscape : Located in the inner part of Tachibana Bay, it consists of Aba fishing port, Toishi fishing port, and Makishima, and the aquaculture raft of the cove is symbolic. Mt. Fugendake becomes a landmark of the area, and the natural coasts such as the rocky areas of Makishima, offshore islands, and Louis XIV rocks of Amiba, and the stone-framed embankment of Toishi fishing port shine in the area. Mogi townscape : The main streets of Wakana Bridge and along the Mogi Kaido, which once prospered in the inn town, are lined with townhouses, mansions, and warehouses with shutters, forming a simple and attractive town, and a scenic harbor. The river mouth is impressive. Mogi loquat is planted in a stepped field on a steep eastern slope of the Nagasaki Peninsula, and in early spring, the scenery of wearing a bag of fruits develops as if white and yellow flowers bloomed in the spread of Amakusa Nada. Fukahori samurai residence : As the site of the Nabeshima clan castle town in the Fukahori territory of the Saga domain, the medieval and early modern land divisions, digging divisions, and clan ports remain. The townscape of the samurai residence can be seen, and the town division is important as an indication of the connection with the Saga domain. Nagasaki Port, which forms the center of the city today, was opened in 1571 by Mr. Omura, who unified the local samurai who had been assigned to the Nishisonogi area, with Fukaeura as the gateway to foreign trade. After the 1639 Sakoku Ordinance was issued, it will have the privileged status of being the only open port open overseas in Japan. Dejima, where the Dutch trading house was located, contributed greatly to the modernization of Japan as a window for trade with Europe and for academics and culture in Western Europe. In 1859, when the Shogunate allowed free trade, the area from Oura to Dejima was created as a foreign settlement. Especially in the Higashiyamate and Minamiyamate districts, many Western-style buildings such as Oura Catholic Church, Glover House, and Ringer House are preserved, and the scenery that makes you feel exotic is still exciting. It is said that in the modern era, the industry centered on shipyards has developed by taking advantage of the good natural ports. The shipbuilding industry became the main industry of Nagasaki City as the Nagasaki Steel Works, which was completed in 1861 and originated from the “Navy Training Center” established in 1855, was acquired by Mitsubishi in 1887 to expand its business. It was decided to grow. Landscape of Dejima during the isolation Period, landscape of Tojin Yashiki : It is a historical remains that shows that there was a window for international exchange in the isolation system, and some buildings and the surrounding stone walls on the south side are currently being restored. The waterside of the Nakashima River is dotted with Ishibashi bridges from Fukurobashi / Meganebashi to the Futami River. The riverside sidewalks are well maintained and offer a good waterside landscape. The waterside area of the Doza River is famous as the place where Dejima, Shinchi, Nagasaki Kaisho, Satsuma feudal lord's residence, etc. were once established. Landscape of the remains of the town building during the Uchimachi and Tomachi periods : The Ishigaki group that remains outside the street between the prefectural office and the city hall is a valuable historical remains that tells the process of formation of the former town of Nagasaki, and conveys the history of the three generations of Edo, Meiji, and modern times to the present day, and makes it a cityscape. Gives a personality and satisfies the glitter. Townscape and landscape of temples and shrines and Chinese temples that required Suwa Shrine : Surrounding the town of Nagasaki, there are a series of temples and shrines at the foot of the mountain, and To-ji Temple are scattered around, creating a quiet, solemn and stately atmosphere. Machiya architecture group and landscape of Kunchi festival(It is a festival dedicated to thank the harvest and is the name of the autumn festival in northern Kyushu): Many buildings such as townhouses, merchant houses, restaurants, and mansions can be seen in the former Maya district centered on Nakadori and the Nakashima River opposite bank, oil shop district, and Maruyama District. Machiya in the Odori-cho area can be seen in between the Nagasaki town building and the kunchi event that is still popular today. Former Maruyama red-light district restaurant, number check, cobblestone townscape : There are many buildings with excellent designs such as the Fukusaya(Founded in the first year of 1624, Castella head family)at the entrance and Kagetsu, Aoyagi, and the number check where you can feel the remnants of the prostitution quarter. Settlement landscape of Oura, Higashiyamate, and Minamiyamate during the opening period : Many Western-style buildings built in the early modern period remain on coastal streets, carriageways, slopes, and Yamate streets. In addition, temples and shrines are built in the area of Oura Catholic Church, and buildings of different religions are close to each other. Landscape around Nagasaki Port and the port from Yamate (Mt. Inasa, etc.) : The Uragami and Nakashima rivers pour into Nagasaki Port, which has a sense of depth from north to south, and you can see a variety of landscapes according to changes in tide level, season, and time. In addition, it has an excellent view from the mountains and hills surrounding Nagasaki Port, such as the Megami Large Bridge(Cable-stayed bridge on Prefectural Road No. 51 Nagasaki South Circular Line and Rinko Road Megami Ohashi Line.)at the port entrance and the seven high mountains of Nagasaki. The northwestern region is famous for the arrival of Portuguese ships from 1565 to 1570 before the opening of the port of Nagasaki. During the Edo period, there was a platform for monitoring foreign ships entering Nagasaki. It is a district where the Urakami Highway passes, and it is said that the bansho as the entrance to Tenryo Nagasaki was set up around the present Chitose Town, and it was the cornerstone of transportation. The Sino-Japanese War broke out in 1937, and after entering World War II in 1941, an atomic bomb was dropped in 1945. Under the slogan of “Peace from Nagasaki”, the site of the drop was a collection of purified goods from Nagasaki citizens, various parts of Japan, and other countries, and in August 1955, a peace prayer statue and a peace park were constructed. Townscape from Mt. Iwaya : It is one of the seven high mountains of Nagasaki and has been worshiped as a mountain of worship since ancient times. From the summit of 475 m above sea level, you can see east and south, and from the vicinity of Akasako, you can see Nagasaki city, Inasayama, Nagasaki port, Koyagi, Io Island, and if the weather is nice, Unzen and Amakusa. It is known for its rich nature, where you can feel the topographical features of Nagasaki in the basin. Fault coast and fishing port on the Kakuriki Nada : In the steep fault scarp area, capes and coves alternate in and out, and the beauty of nature is excellent. Especially at dusk, the small islands floating in the sea shine in the setting sun, creating a beautiful sunset landscape. In the cove, there are fishing villages such as Shikimi, Teguma, Oe, and Koura, which are characterized by the shape of the river port. Among them, the Nagasaki fishing port is one of the leading bases for the production and distribution of marine products. Landscape of Peace Park / Atomic Bomb Fall Center and A-bombed Remains : It is a historical place that symbolizes a rare event in human history, such as the dropping of an atomic bomb on a city, and is a place that seeks the abolition of nuclear weapons and peace and becomes the face to send to the world as a peaceful city. The Kinkai district is located in a scenic spot facing the quiet Katagami Bay and Muramatsu Bay, and has ancient ruins and a mountain castle from the end of the Middle Ages. For 300 years from the end of the Warring States period to the Meiji period, it belonged to the domain of Mr. Omura, who was a Christian Daimyo, and belonged to Nagasaki prefecture after the abolition of the domain. From Tone facing Nagaura to Nagaura, which leads to Oguchi Seto to Omura Bay, there is a Jishoji temple where Migeru CHIJIWA's younger cousin marina connected hermitage, Shiogama Shrine, Sansha Shrine, Nagaura Cemetery Olympic Tower, etc. Historical historic site remains. In addition, there are stone masonry slopes using heated stones and masonry groups of masonry walls scattered around, and you can see sloped houses where you can feel the lifestyle culture of the time. Livelihoods such as “Nagaura watermelon”, pearl farming, and stone industry have prospered. From the latter half of the 1970s, residential land development progressed as a commuter town in the city center, and it developed as a settlement base blessed with a good natural environment. In addition, the population has increased accordingly. Coastal landscape of Katagami Bay and Omura Bay : There is a wide variety of scenic beauty, such as the distant view of Omura Bay seen from the middle of the mountains and the Odo Peninsula, the shape of the bay from all over the hills along the coastline, and the view of the opposite bank from the coastal road. Hojuzan Jishoji Temple (the Nichiren sect of Buddhism) Built in 1658 by the chief retainer of the Omura domain, Yasumasa ASADA, to mourn the bodhi of the Grandmother Jishoin; Baptismal name: Donna Mariina. The Asada family is a family that has been in the important position of the Omura clan chief retainer for generations) And the landscape of the masonry settlement : Historical sites are gathered, and you can see the Jishoji temple, Shiogama Shrine, Sansha Shrine, and Nagaura Cemetery Gorinto, where Migeru Chijiwa's cousin Marina connected hermitage. You can see a village with a masonry slope made of warm stones and a masonry wall. Nagaura-Odo agricultural and fishing village landscape : Greenhouse cultivation that makes the best use of the few flatlands and gentle slopes is often seen. In the rias-style peninsula of Odo, terraced fields with warm masonry stone walls develop, and the pearl farming fishing villages and the landscape of paddy fields by the sea shine. Sotome District : There are many cultural assets such as ancient ruins such as Shitsu ruins and Miyata burial mounds, medieval Kamiura-related historic sites, modern Omura clan-related historic sites, modern social welfare and religious historic sites, and so on. The Christian culture remains strong around. Christian culture remains strong around Shitsu and Kurosaki. In Kamiura, ancient cultures such as temples built in the early Edo period and shrines with a long history are concentrated. In particular, the history of Christianity is one of the cultural characteristics of the Sotome district, along with the activities of the French missionary Father de Rotz during the Meiji era. In addition, there are resources such as rice terraces in Onakao, stone houses in Makino, and stone walls in Maruo, which are reminiscent of life at that time. Matsushima Coal Mine Co., Ltd. started coal mine development in Ikeshima in 1952, and started commercial coal production in 1959. It has evolved from a semi-agricultural and semi-fishing village to a town whose core industry is the coal industry. However, in November 2002, the Ikeshima Coal Mine, which was the last coal mine in Kyushu, closed. Nomozaki District(A town in Nishisonogi District by 2005) : Located at the tip of the Nagasaki Peninsula (Nagasaki Peninsula), the southernmost tip of the mainland of Kyushu, the northwestern part passes through the Goto Nada and overlooks the Goto Islands. The southwest is overlooking the East China Sea, which is the eastern China Sea, and the east is surrounded by the sea on three sides facing the Shimabara Peninsula and the Amakusa Islands, overlooking Tachibana Bay and Amakusa Nada. In Nomozaki, where you can see the scenery from a panoramic view, a Tomi Bandokoro was set up to monitor the entry and exit of foreign ships during the isolation period. In addition, important ports such as Kabashima, Wakimisaki, and Takahama were designated as Tenryo (directly controlled by the Edo Shogunate). The Kanonji road from Kanonji Temple, which is said to have opened “Gyoki” in 709, to Nagasaki is used for smuggling of Nagasaki merchants, and many relics that are said to have been donated by them are left at Kanonji. Sanwa District : Set net fishing has been active for a long time, centering on the Kayaki and Tameshimachi fishing ports, and the lively Kayaki yellowtail and blackberry mussels are famous. In recent years, aquaculture has become the mainstream, and it seems that it has changed from “fishing to catch” to “fishing to grow”. Kayaki smithing, which is said to have started in the Edo period, is a notable traditional craft in the area. A disciple of Yoshida Samanokami Naotane, a swordsmith at the time, used mosquito-fired water and clay that are suitable for quenching blades. We made good quality cutlery, and it became popular for generations. Today, four blacksmith craftsmen continue to follow traditional techniques, and along with the Nanban board, the specially patterned kitchen knife “Wazamono; sharp sword” is a special product. The place name Koyagi is said to be derived from the legend of Koyagi Kobo-Daishi. Originally, it consisted of two islands, Koyagi Island and Kagenoo Island, and during the Tokugawa period it was the territory of the Saga Domain, the Nabeshima branch domain, and Fukahori. Since the Meiji era, the coal and shipbuilding industries have been declining, and the population during the peak period (during the war) was over 20,000. However, due to changes in the socio-economic situation after the war, shipbuilding disappeared in 1955 and coal disappeared in 1964, and it became stagnant. The prefecture reclaimed the Koyagi Fukahori area for seaside industry from 1966 to 1971, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. acquired the former shipyard facility in 1967. In 1972, it was revived by starting full-scale operations with the completion of the state-of-the-art factory. During the isolation period, the place where the Dutch ships and Táng ships that entered and exited Nagasaki Port from Tomidake on Iojima Island were watched. The Iojima Lighthouse, located at the northernmost tip, was installed at eight locations nationwide when the Edo Treaty was signed with the four countries of the United Kingdom, the United States, France, and the Netherlands in May 1866, at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate, one. This is considered to be the first valuable structure in Japan for an iron-built Western-style lighthouse. In the modern era, the population increased rapidly due to the opening of the coal mine in 1941. However, the coal mine that led to the island's prosperity closed in 1972 and the population plummeted. In recent years, the resort facilities have been expanded since 1989, taking advantage of the scenic and abundant nature and the gentle climate rich in humanity, and it is loved as a resort island. It is said that the Heike Ochimusha settled in 1185, and then in 1695, a person named Mr. Goheita discovered coal. With the help of Mr. Fukahori, it was commercialized from around 1710, and the curtain of the coal mine era in Takashima was opened. It seems that the Takashima Coal Mine began full-scale operation in 1868 when Mr. Thomas Glover began development as a joint venture with the Saga Domain. He dug a shaft 43 m deep and used a steam engine to mine coal, which was called the “Hokkeiseiko” and was the first Western-style shaft in Japan. After that, the coal mine was transferred to Yataro IWASAKI of Mitsubishi Corporation in 1881, and the operation under the management of Mitsubishi began. Since then, Mitsubishi is said to have expanded its business and prospered based on the profits obtained from coal mined in Takashima. Therefore, it is well known that it is said to be one of the birthplaces of Mitsubishi. ‘Isahaya City’, It is located almost in the center of the prefecture. It faces three seas with different characteristics: the tidal flat Ariake Sea in the east, the inland sea Omura Bay in the west, and the open sea Tachibana Bay in the south. The Honmyo River is the only first-class river in the prefecture that flows through the beautifully towering mountains of the Tatara Mountains and the central part of the city. Downstream of it is a vast reclaimed land, blessed with a rich and diverse natural environment. The Isahaya Plain, formed by reclamation for more than 400 years, is the largest breadbasket in the prefecture. The fertile hills are a specialty of vegetables, strawberries and mandarin oranges. It has an industrial park, which is one of the prefecture's leading industrial clusters, and has the second largest shipment value of manufactured goods in the prefecture. One city and five towns merged on March 1, 2005. We are promoting town development aiming at the realization of “Isahaya, a creative city where humans shine”. It is warm all year round, with little winter snow, and has a good balance of rich nature and transportation access. With a total area of 341.79 km2, annual average temperature, about 16.4 ° C, annual precipitation of about 2,329. The oldest archaeological sites in the city include the Nishiwakudo site (Tsukuba Town), the Takano site, and the Kakizaki site (Kaizu Town), which are located in the southern part of Omura Bay. It is a Paleolithic site, which corresponds to the period of knife-shaped stone tool culture from about 30,000 years ago to about 15,000 years ago. The Jomon Period began about 10,000 years ago, when the scope of hunting and food was expanded by the invention of bows and arrows and pottery. The Kawgashira site (Yunoo Town) is located at an altitude of about 360 m, and two residences in the early Jomon period were discovered, revealing the state of life in the mountains. Uki Shell Mound (Matsusato Town) is a shell mound from the middle to late Jomon period overlooking Tachibana Bay. It was excavated by Kosaku HAMADA of Kyoto University in 1925, and is said to be the birthplace of Nagasaki archaeological studies. The Ikiriki Ruins (Tarami Town) is located in the inner part of Omura Bay, and is known as one of the leading ruins in the prefecture representing the early Jomon period about 6,000 years ago. During the Yayoi period, waves of new culture such as rice cultivation and metalware rushed from the continent, making a big leap from the traditional hunter-gatherer society, and food production began in earnest. One of the new cultures is the burial method called dolmens, but there are the Hukantake dolmens (Warigoi Town) and the Izaki dolmens (Konagai Town) in the city. In the Kofun period, tumuli were built along the coasts of the Ariake Sea and Tachibana Bay. Zenjinsan tumulus (Takaki Town), Omine tumulus and Nagatoonizuka tumulus (Konagai Town) are tumuli with horizontal hole type stone chambers. The Omine tumulus is famous as the only tumulus in this prefecture with a stone shelf in the stone chamber. The Taika Reform in 645 drastically changed the structure of the nation, and the government centered on the emperor directly controlled the land and people throughout the country(complete state ownership of land and citizens System (proclaimed by the Taika reforms) (Ritsuryo period: Among the laws, the criminal law stipulates crimes and their penalties, and the administrative law stipulates the rules that officials should follow in politics)). The biggest project was the implementation of the group field system, which was a grid-like division of land to facilitate the provision of Kubunden; land distributed to all citizens from which yields were taxed by the government and tax collection. Traces of this remain at the Taibarujori site (Nakaoki / Saiwai Town), Onojori site (Munekata / Nagano / Kawauchi Town), and Tayuijori (Iimori Town). In the Nara period, the Ritsuryo government established a station road on which fast horse runs and a station house, which is the connecting organization, in order to maintain close communication between the central and local areas. According to the "Engi-shiki", there are four stations in Nagasaki prefecture: 新分 (Sonogi District), Funakoshi, Yamada, and Wild Bird (Takaki District), and it is assumed that “Funakoshi” was in Funakoshi Town. In the Kamakura period, “Isahaya Village” first appeared in the document “Yawata Usa Shrine Okagami: 八幡宇佐宮御神領大鏡”, which is said to have been made around 1197 and is stored in Usa Jingu, Oita Prefecture. It is written that Miyatoki FUJII, the main lord of Isahaya Village, donated this region, which was originally a public territory, as a villa of Usa Jingu at the end of the Heian period. During the period of conflict between the North and South Dynasties, the villa forces have completely disappeared, and a fierce change of lords is taking place. On the south side of the Umoretsu River, Mr. Saigo, whose residence is Uki Castle, is in the Southern Court, and on the north side, Mr. Isahaya, whose residence is Funakoshi Castle, is in conflict with the Northern Court. The North-South dynasty was united in 1392, and then Naoyoshi Saigo appeared at the beginning of the Warring States period. The world of fierce Warring States was put to an end. After that, Mr. Saigo will rule this region for about 100 years until the beginning of the Edo period. Mr. Saigo built Takaki around 1474, and to prevent the invasion of foreign enemies, he built branch castles such as Oki Castle (Nakaoki Town), Ejo (Moriyama Town), Masaki Castle (Masaki Town), and Furuta Castle (Zenjuji, Takaki Town). I built it. He has excellent civil engineering skills and has been working on irrigation canal maintenance, reclamation. By the time he was a grandson, Sumitaka became a powerful family alongside Mr. Arima of Shimabara, Mr. Matsuura of Hirado, and Mr. Omura. After that, Hideyoshi gave Ieharu Ryuzoji of Chikugo-Yanagawa a red seal of 22,000 stones of Isahaya area because Nobunao Saigo did not obey the order of Hideyoshi's capture of Shimazu in 1587. Ieharu urged Mr. Saigo to surrender Takashiro, but he did not obey it, so he attacked Takashiro and Mr. Saigo routed toward Shimabara. After that, Mr. Ryuzoji changed his surname to “Isahaya” and the era moved to the Edo period. The Saga domain was originally the territory of Mr. Ryuzoji, but in 1607 the Saga domain was established with Katsushige Nabeshima as the first generation. Mr. Isahaya was in the position of “kinship apposition; 御親類同格(Excluding the Saga Domain, Nagasaki Prefecture in the Edo period consisted of the Shimabara Domain (Shimabara Peninsula), the Omura Domain (Sonoki Region), the Hirado Domain (Matsuura Peninsula, Hirado Island, and Iki), the Hirado Shinden Domain, the Fukue Domain (Goto Islands), It is divided into the Tsushima Fuchu clan (Tsushima), the Isahaya encampment of the chief retainer of the Saga clan, the Tomie encampment of the Goto family, and the imperial fief (Nagasaki).)” and played a part in the feudal affairs as “Saga domain Isahaya territory” for about 260 years until the Meiji era. The Isahaya area at that time was almost the same as the current Isahaya city, except that part of Tarami Town was included in the Omura Domain. The Saga domain carried out three-part landing twice in 1610 and 1621 for financial reconstruction, and the initial 22,000 koku of rice decreased to more than 10,000 koku of rice. In addition, the control system for Isahaya territory has been strengthened politically and economically by establishing the Saga magistrate's office. Floods frequently occurred in the Honmei River, and many lives were lost, especially in the floods of 1699, and the following year, a drought struck. In memory of the victims of these disasters, the 7th lord Shigeharu carved 500 Arhats in Bucheon. Even under these circumstances, the wisdom and high technical capabilities of the worshiping ancestors Isahaya were demonstrated everywhere. Newly reclaimed rice field development by reclamation was actively carried out, and Noriyoshi Yamazaki (Kawauchi Town), Matsumoto Siro Saemon (Iimori Town), Jinemon Jinno (Moriyama Town), etc. left great achievements and became a major foundation of today's agriculture. In addition, the Meganebashi Bridge, which was bridged in 1839, was completed as a result of the people's long-cherished desire to create a bridge that never flows and the advanced technical capabilities of an arch-type stone bridge. The Nagasaki Highway, which was established in the early Edo period, connects Nagasaki and Kokura to Nagasaki, Tarami, Isahaya (Eisho inn), and Omura. Also, with Isahaya as a turning point, there were Tara Highway and Takezaki Kaido from Takaki (Yue-inn) to Konagai, and Shimabara Highway to Moriyama. Isahaya has prospered by taking advantage of its geographical conditions as a transportation hub where these land and sea routes are concentrated and passed. City Designated Cultural Property : 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 島原の乱戦没者追悼碑, 西小路町, 昭和54年4月1日,有形文化財 / 建造物 : 愛宕山の肥前鳥居, 宇都町, 昭和56年8月28日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 愛宕社宝殿と三重塔, 宇都町, 昭和60年1月31日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 旧早川家住宅, 小野島町, 平成5年7月23日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 化屋 / 阿蘇神社の二の鳥居と三の鳥居, 多良見町, 平成10年7月3日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 十六善神社の一の鳥居と二の鳥居, 多良見町, 平成10年7月3日, 有形文化財 / 建造物伝 : 円通寺跡の石塔群, 多良見町, 平成10年7月3日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 井樋尾「御境石」多良見町, 平成11年7月27日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 化屋名塩浜跡石碑, 多良見町, 平成11年7月27日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 慶師野の将棋墓, 森山町, 平成14年4月3日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 西川内堤改修記念碑, 多良見町, 平成16年4月26日, 有形文化財 /工芸品 : 肥前長崎の焼物, 東小路町, 平成19年2月1日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 市杵島神社の馬頭観音, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 有形文化財 /彫刻 : 金泉寺の千手観音像, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 田結観音寺の聖観世音菩薩像, 飯盛町, 平成3年5月21日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 唐比権現の神像と仏像, 森山町, 平成15年8月11日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 旧荘厳寺木造阿弥陀三尊立像, 金谷町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財/絵画 : 江の浦 / 熊野神社の天井絵と絵馬, 飯盛町, 昭和63年12月20日, 有形文化財 / 絵画 : 諫早家歴代肖像画, 西小路町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財 / 絵画 : 林公琰肖像画, 飯盛町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財 / 石造 : 物代官モクどんの石棺, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 有形文化財 / 石造 : 物唐比権現石塔群, 森山町, 平成15年8月11日, 有形文化財 / 歴史資料 :唐比のくり舟, 森山町, 昭和56年7月14日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 高屋家文書, 多良見町, 平成12年8月23日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 円満寺の東照宮様寺法拾五ヶ条御垂範, 多良見町, 平成15年2月25日,有形文化財 / 古文書 : 化屋組記事簿, 多良見町平成16年4月26日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 喜々津村, 漁業組合関係書類, 多良見町, 平成17年2月18日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 多良嶽山観世音菩薩縁起并讃, 高来町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 太良嶽縁起, 高来町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形民俗文化財 : 天祐寺の六地蔵石幢, 西小路町, 昭和52年3月5日, 有形民俗文化財 : 田原の六地蔵石幢, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 有形民俗文化財 : 開の辻の六地蔵石幢, 下大渡野町, 昭和56年8月27日, 有形民俗文化財 : 慶巌寺の磨崖仏三十三観音, 城見町, 昭和59年7月26日, 有形民俗文化財 : 久山の磨崖仏三十三観音, 久山町, 昭和59年7月26日, 有形民俗文化財 : 水ノ浦のスクイ漁場, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 無形民俗文化財 : 本村浮立と白塔掛打, 森山町, 昭和60年5月31日, 天然記念物 : 津水 / 熊野神社の植物群, 津水町, 昭和52年3月5日, 天然記念物 : 天初院のヒゼンマユミ群生地, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 天然記念物 : 向島のノアサガオ群生地, 飯盛町, 平成12年1月12日, 天然記念物 : 長里 / 阿蘇神社のヒゼンマユミ群生地, 小長井町, 平成17年2月14日, 天然記念物 : 池下のアコウ, 飯盛町, 平成3年5月21日, 天然記念物 : “伊木力のコミカン”, 多良見町, 平成15年2月25日, 天然記念物 : 群のクロガネモチ, 多良見町, 平成16年4月26日,名勝 : 金比羅山頂, 小野町, 昭和52年3月5日, 名勝 : 川下の牛のはなぐり, 飯盛町, 昭和63年12月20日, 史跡 : 御手水観音の磨崖仏群, 御手水町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 善納岩陰, 湯野尾町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 本明石棺群, 本明町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 大村街道, 破籠井町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 大峰古墳, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 城山古墳群, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 南平墓石群, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 岩宗墓石群, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 若杉春后居宅跡, 森山町, 昭和56年7月14日, 史跡 : 善神さん古墳, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 史跡 : 金泉寺の石垣と墓石群, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 史跡 : 横津の石槨, 飯盛町, 昭和63年12月20日,史跡 : 飯盛鬼塚古墳, 飯盛町, 平成12年1月12日, 史跡 : 土橋貞恵墓地, 森山町, 平成14年4月3日, 史跡 : 陣野家墓地, 森山町, 平成14年4月3日, 史跡 : 上井牟田の歴代庄屋の墓, 森山町, 平成14年4月3日, 史跡 : 柏原古墳群, 森山町, 平成15年8月11日, 史跡 : 中里虚空蔵さん, 多良見町, 平成17年2月18日. Construction of Ikiriki Dam: Completed in 2007 (located in Yamagawauchi, Tarami Town, Isahaya City, Nagasaki Prefecture). It is a multi-purpose dam built on the Yamagawauchi River in the Rikikawa River system. Upon completion, not only will the flood control safety in the Ikiriki River basin be improved, but it will also be possible to supply new tap water and to stably draw water from the Ikiriki area, which is known as the "village of mandarin oranges," where agriculture is thriving. It had been. In Nagasaki Seihi area, the cultivation calendar (improvement technology) of the area is created. The crops for which the calendar is created are as follows for each specialty (crops, vegetables, fruit trees, flowers, livestock). Prefectural Central Promotion Bureau Saikai Office(Jikibago, Seihi Town, Saikai City). Crop : Early paddy rice, normal paddy rice, normal paddy rice (granule, emulsion, wettable powder system). Vegetables : Elevated cultivation of strawberry, Sachinoka (seedling) (main field), asparagus (1st year) (2nd year and after), onion, set onion, spring broccoli, autumn broccoli, winter carrot, harvested carrot, spring Daikon, Autumn / Winter japanese white radish, Greenhouse Nira, Spring pumpkin, Suppressed pumpkin, Forcing / semi-forcing cucumber, Summer / Autumn cucumber, Winter / Spring tomato, Cherry tomato (Forcing), Summer / Autumn eggplant, Momordica charantia; 苦瓜, Sweet corn, Shishitou, fava bean, Spring onion, Suppression kidney beans, snap peas, Broccoli, Winter cabbage, Spring cabbage, Autumn / Winter cabbage, Spring cabbage, Lettuce, spinach, Brassica juncea var. integrifolia; 高菜, Brassica junce; leaf mustard, chinese mustard, Turnip, Fruit and vegetable onion, Tomato, Watermelon, Lotus root, Eshalot, Garlic, Okura. Fruit tree : Citrus unshiu, Midnight citrus, Kawachi late-ripening citrus (e.g. pomelo) in the facility, Greenhouse mandarin orange, Greenhouse oranges, Greenhouse loquat, Nashi pear, Grape, Figs, Peaches, Plum, Kiwi fruit, Persimmon, Ume, Chestnut. Flower and ornamental plants: Iwa no Hakusen, Zinba (White Chrysanthemum shipped in November + 2 times cut, December shipping + 2 times cut, January shipping + 2 times cut, April shipping) Sei no Issei (白輪菊), Sei no Nami (summer-autumn), Small chrysanthemum, Statice, Turkish ginkgo, Snapdragon, Shikimi, Stock, Sunflower, Hozuki, Eucalyptus. Kuchinotsu, Minamishimabara City, Fruit Tree Experiment Station, Citrus Club (Kuchinotsu, Minamishimabara): It takes about 15 years to develop and nurture. Friends of Nagasaki Yearning Mandarin ; "Setoka oranges" : It is famous as a tangor that was bred by crossing "Murcott Orange" with kiyomi Orange with Angkor No. 2 Oranges of the breeding system. A small-nucleus variety with large fruits, soft and juicy, aroma, high sugar content and good taste. Middle-aged Citrus L. matures from January to February. The fruit surface is smooth, the fruit shape is oblate with a high waist, and the skin is orange to dark orange. Thin, easy to peel, with a medium aroma similar to Angkor Orange or Murcott Orange. The flesh is dark orange, the sac is thin, the flesh is soft and juicy, and the number of seeds tends to be small, about 0-5. And it seems that parthenocarpy(Ovary wall and flower bed enlarge and form fruit without fertilization)is strong. The fruiting is good and it is easy to get results every year. Strong tendency to streptomyces spp., Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri. It is Susceptibility against citrus tristeza virus (ctv), and the incidence of stem pitting(Easily propagated by Toxoptera citricida Kirkaldy, and also propagated by cotton aphids at a low rate)is high. Since one ball is heavy, it is necessary to manually support it so that the branches do not break due to its own weight as it grows. Application No. 10852 Date of application 1998/04/09 Date of publication of application 1999/03/18. Registration number 9398 Registration date 2001/10/18. Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act, Act No. 83 of May 29, 1998: 25 years of breeder's rights; National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, NARO. Unique sweetness, chewy texture, and wonderful fragrance. The fruit shape is oblate, the skin is orange to dark orange, the thickness is thin, and the peeling is medium to easy. The fruit surface is smooth, but it seems that oil vesicles are conspicuous. There is a medium scent of Murcott Oranges. The flesh is orange, the sac is extremely thin, and the flesh is soft and juicy. The ripening period is February and the taste is rich. The sugar content of fruit juice is about 12 to 13, and the citric acid content seems to be 0.8 to 1.2 g / 100 ml at the appropriate ripening stage. Male sterile and parthenogenetic, the fruits are usually nucleated. Since the maturity period of Setoka is the extremely cold season in February, I heard that it is suitable for warm citrus cultivation areas where fruits can overwinter on trees, or for institutional cultivation. In addition, since the tree vigor is a little weak, it seems necessary to maintain and strengthen the tree vigor by paying attention to proper fruit set and thoroughly managing fertilization. There are many splinters (thorn, leaf spine, prickle) on the branches, and because the skin is thin, it is easily scratched and difficult to cultivate, so it is loved and carefully cultivated as a high-class citrus fruit. In early February 2022, Madoka MORIYASU, a former HKT48 talent from Nagasaki City, was appointed as PR ambassador for Nagasaki STRAWBERRIES (announced graduation at the "Hakata Nanairo" performance on March 6, 2021). Until April of this year, it seems that the deliciousness of the prefecture-produced strawberries produced by JA Nagasaki Prefecture Strawberry Subcommittee (JA Zen-Noh Nagasaki) is being conveyed through TV commercials. The subcommittee is composed of about 880 JA strawberry producers in the prefecture. The commercials in which she appears will be aired in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagasaki Prefecture, etc. The heart-shaped citrus fruit "Meyer Lemon" is exhibited at the antenna shop AGRI+ to promote Nagasaki fruits to visitors. Since 2014, he has been working on the production of heart-shaped "Setoka mandarin orange" with the cooperation of producers in the prefecture, referring to precedents outside the prefecture. I chose the shape of a heart in consideration of Nagasaki's famous brand "Peach Castella" and Valentine's Day. It seems that it will spread as a new product targeting children and women. The promoters stated their goals for the future, saying, "In the future, we want to improve the accuracy of heart-shaped mandarin oranges and lemons. We also want to make efforts to increase the number of fruits produced in Nagasaki Prefecture, in addition to heart-shaped fruits." The Meyer lemons used are hybrids of lemons and oranges. A variety with mild acidity in the flesh and less bitterness and astringency in the skin. It will be on display until mid-February 2023, after which it will be on sale. In addition to the heart-shaped “Meyer Lemon,” the heart-shaped “Setoka mandarin orange” will also be on display.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Stevia farming is a method of growing delicious vegetables and fruits using stevia, which is also used as a sweetener. By mixing the extract into the soil, it seems to have the effect of proliferating useful microorganisms in the soil, encouraging the roots of plants to grow healthily, and activating them. As a result, everyone thinks that the sugar content, vitamins, and minerals that control the sense of taste and bring about deliciousness will increase, and that the inherent umami of vegetables and fruits will ripen and become sweeter. Also, when sugars such as stevia are sprayed on the leaves, they are taken up by the leaf cells and transported to other parts of the plant. As it travels through our beloved plants, it is partly used for respiration, partly for other chemical compounds, and partly for building new cells. Furthermore, research results indicate that part of the absorbed sugar is translocated to the fruit and becomes a component of sweetness.

The new child and child-rearing support system was created to expand the quantity and quality of early childhood school education, childcare, and local child-rearing support. The Japanese Cabinet Office has announced that it is working to provide support that can be used by all families who need it and that children can grow up more prosperously. The Kishida administration is stepping up measures to support child-rearing, including doubling the child-rearing-related budget. However, concrete measures have been postponed, and there seems to be no financial support at the moment. Last year, 2022, a lot of attention was focused on education and parenting policies. The Children and Families Agency, which was decided to be established in April 2023, is expected to break down the silos of each ministry and agency and become the command center for policies centered on children. In addition, the key word is "income restrictions," but today the Cabinet has begun to consider abolishing them. As the birthrate continues to decline year by year, we cannot go back in time. Opposition parties, ruling parties, bureaucrats, politicians, people who control local politics, let's put our lives on the line to protect our country!

【Product name】
Princess Yayoi
Fragaria × ananassa
【Wholesale land】
Hokota City, Ibaraki Prefecture(Daishoji FARM: Ibaraki Prefecture Yamasa Shipment Association) 
【Name Reason】
"The taste does not deteriorate even after March (Yayoi Spring)." In other words, from the strawberries that can still be eaten deliciously in the season after this.
【Major features】
Strawberries from Ibaraki, bursting with flavor, are one of the major horticultural crops in Ibaraki Prefecture, and the number of shipments in 2021 will be the 7th largest in Japan. It is cultivated throughout the prefecture, mainly in Hokota City, Namegata City, and Chikusei City. I've heard that the background behind the boom in strawberry cultivation in the northern Kanto region was countermeasures against the off-season for farming in winter and back crops for rice cultivation. That's why even now it seems that there are more rice fields than fields. In addition, Hokota City is the number one producer of strawberries in Ibaraki Prefecture. Hokota strawberries are rich in minerals and are very sweet, even for those who are particular about their taste buds. Gunma Prefecture's original cultivar "Yayoi Hime Ichigo" was registered in 2005, and is now cultivated nationwide from Hokkaido to Okinawa. In Joshu Gunma Prefecture, strawberries are cultivated in many areas of the prefecture, including Fujioka City and Tomioka City in the west, Ota City and Tatebayashi City in the east, and Shibukawa City and Numata City in the north. It is said that it boasts the 13th largest shipment volume nationwide. The excellent agricultural products produced by the producers are the main varieties among them, and it seems that they account for about 80% of the total. In recent years, it seems that an increasing number of strawberry farmers are working on pest control using natural enemy insects as an effort to reduce the use of chemically synthesized pesticides. Natural enemy insects are one of the means of controlling agricultural pests, but since they are naturally occurring organisms, they are environmentally friendly and can reduce the use of chemical pesticides, so it seems that it is possible to grow crops while maintaining the ecosystem. In addition, it seems that natural enemy insects that catch and eat insects as food are called predatory natural enemies. It seems to refer to insects such as "Princess stinkbugs'' that catch thrips, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, and leafminers and kill them by sucking their body fluids, and "ladybugs'' that prefer to prey on aphids. In addition, it seems that natural enemy preparations that are mainly used today are roughly divided into "natural enemy insects" (including phytoseiid predatory mites) and "natural enemy nematodes" according to the type of organism used as the active ingredient. It seems that there are also different classifications of "predatory natural enemies" and "parasitic natural enemies" depending on the difference in ecology, whether they eat or lay eggs. Most are limited to use in greenhouse cultivation, but I have heard that some natural enemy preparations can also be used in outdoor cultivation, including fruit trees. I forgot to mention that in Gunma Prefecture, Yayoi Hime Strawberries grown in Fujioka City and Tomioka City start shipping in early December, and reach their peak from March to May. Yayoi Hime was created by crossbreeding “Tonehoppe Strawberry” from Gunma Prefecture and “Tochiochime Strawberry” from Tochigi Prefecture. Then, it is told as a famous story. It is the main variety in Gunma Prefecture, and is characterized by its "strong flavor" compared to other varieties. Effect of Roof Sprinkling on Strawberry Variety 'Yayoi Hime' Raising Greenhouse Environment and Harvest Start Time : Excerpt from Gunma Prefectural Agricultural Technology Center Research Report No. 16 (2019): Effect of roof watering on nursery nursery greenhouse environment, harvest start time and yearly yield. As an inexpensive and simple facility cooling method for seedling greenhouses, we examined the effect of roof watering using the vaporization heat of water sprinkled from a watering tube installed on the roof of the greenhouse. It seems that by sprinkling water on the roof of the nursery house during the daytime on a sunny day, it was possible to suppress the temperature rise in the greenhouse by an average of 2°C. In a year when the temperature in early September is normal or above normal, strawberry flowers can be grown by sprinkling water on the roof. Sprout differentiation is promoted, the start of harvest is earlier, and the yield within the year is increased. The temperature in Gunma Prefecture rises year by year for a long period of time. According to observations by the Maebashi Local Meteorological Observatory (Ote Town), the average annual temperature has risen by 1.9°C per 100 years, and the number of midsummer days (with a maximum temperature of 30°C or higher) has increased by 36 days per 100 years). This change. In addition to global warming, the heat island phenomenon caused by urbanization is also thought to have an impact, and it seems that the temperature is expected to rise further in the future. This rising trend in temperature. In particular, it seems that it is becoming difficult for many items to grow vegetables in greenhouses in the summer. One of those items is strawberries. In the forcing type, which accounts for most of the strawberry production in the prefecture, summer is the seedling raising period. Seedlings are sometimes grown outdoors, but in recent years, it seems that more and more seedlings are grown inside facilities to avoid the risk of disease outbreaks. Since flower bud differentiation is induced by low temperature and short days in strawberries, it seems that it has been expected that flower bud differentiation will be induced by a drop in temperature after mid-August. However, due to the rising temperature trend in recent years, There is a growing tendency for high temperatures to continue even after mid-August, and there is concern that the flower bud differentiation of strawberries will be delayed. flower bud differentiation. A delay leads to a delay in the start of harvest. Strawberries tend to be shipped at a higher unit price the earlier they are shipped, so delaying the start of harvesting is disadvantageous for management. In particular, the cultivar "Yayoi Hime Ichigo" bred in Gunma Prefecture has the characteristic that the flower bud differentiation time is late among the varieties for forcing cultivation, so further delay in flower bud differentiation due to high temperature will have a big impact on management. For this reason, in raising seedlings of strawberry "Yayoi Hime". It seems that countermeasures against high temperatures are becoming an important issue. In addition, as a cooling method that lowers the inside temperature of the greenhouse below the outside air, a refrigerator that mechanically cools (or heat pump for both cooling and heating pump), evaporative cooling that cools by evaporating water, such as fine fog cooling and pad and fan, and methods that use the heat of groundwater. However, these facilities have high installation and maintenance costs, and there seems to be a risk of overinvestment in small-scale management entities. Although less effective than these cooling methods, roof watering seems to be a simple way to control the temperature rise inside the greenhouse. In addition, roof watering is a technology that cools the inside of the greenhouse by sprinkling water on the roof of the greenhouse, and the heat of vaporization when the sprinkled water evaporates cools the surface of the roof to the wet bulb temperature. The installation cost is low, and it seems that it can be easily installed and removed by combining materials available at home centers. Therefore, in this study, roof watering to strawberry seedling greenhouses seems to have investigated the effects of temperature inside the greenhouse and the differentiation of strawberry flower buds. Development and dissemination of dried processed products using the cultivated variety "Yayoi Hime Strawberry" (Gunma Prefecture, Dry Yayoi Hime Association established in 2013, whole Gunma Prefecture): Development of additive-free dry processing technology Gunma Prefecture agricultural technology. It seems that the premise is that it will be done at the center, and the equipment will be a small hot air dryer that is inexpensive and easy for producers to use. In addition, it will be a place where producers, processors, and sellers can share information and work together to improve each other. As a result, it seems that Dry Yayoi Hime Council has been launched. It seems that the goal of the initiative is to increase income by utilizing unused products and to promote sales of fresh fruits by improving the name recognition of the variety by enabling PR activities even during the period when there are no fresh fruits. In addition, as a feature of the initiative based on the aggressive agriculture, forestry and fisheries, it is not only the development of drying processing technology, but also the establishment of a council to organically connect producers, processors, and sellers, which had previously existed as dots. It seems This will promote establishment in the region, expansion of areas where we are working, and development of new demand advance. It seems that this is an initiative by a variety of business operators, including secondary and tertiary business operators that utilize the ideas of companies in addition to efforts led by farmers. As a further height and growth, we will train the second processing leaders, and train the second processing leaders with the initial processors involved in the establishment of the council as leaders. Enhancing the production and distribution system, stabilizing the quality at a high level, holding information exchange meetings, ensuring thorough compliance with quality standards, and raising awareness through eye alignment meetings. As a new secondary processed product, we are responding to new inquiries such as French restaurants and French pastry shops. According to a research report, the effect of carbon dioxide application on yield and quality in the cultivation of Gunma Prefecture-grown strawberry cultivar Yayoi Hime will be examined for three years from 2020 to 2022. When the carbon dioxide gas concentration in the greenhouse was controlled at his 600 ppm, the number of fruits and the average weight per fruit increased, compared with no application. 14-29% yield at 400 ppm, 5-10% increase at 400 ppm. In addition, the cost-effectiveness associated with the application of carbon dioxide seems to have improved, as the revenue accompanying the increase in sales exceeded the necessary expenses for both 600 ppm and 400 ppm. In addition, the measurement of carbon dioxide concentration in the greenhouse and the effect of carbon dioxide application on yield and quality were investigated. In recent years, there have been cases in which environmental control technology has been introduced at greenhouse fruit and vegetable production sites to improve productivity, and it seems that the interest of producers is increasing. Environmental control technology can improve can be cultivated efficiently. Expected effects include an increase in yield due to an increase in photosynthetic rate and suppression of pests by controlling humidity. Strawberry cultivation in Gunma Prefecture continues to decrease in the number of producers and the production area. As a means to overcome the current situation, It seems that the introduction of the environmental control technology mentioned above is expected. Among the environmental control technologies, carbon dioxide is said to be particularly effective in growing strawberries. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse is higher than that in the outside air. Seems to be on the decline. Therefore, it seems that the carbon dioxide required for photosynthesis is in short supply. Carbon dioxide application is a technology that actively increases the concentration of carbon dioxide gas in greenhouses by applying liquefied carbon dioxide raw gas or by burning LP gas or kerosene, increasing the efficiency of photosynthesis. In the prefecture, it seems that there are few producers who apply carbon dioxide during the daytime, but I hear that there are high expectations for carbon dioxide application technology to revitalize the production area, as it is an effective means of increasing yields. National and prefectural research institutes have reported on the effects of carbon dioxide application on the yield and quality of strawberries, but there seems to be little knowledge about the effect on 'Yayoi Hime Strawberry', the main variety in Gunma Prefecture. However, even in Hokota City, the number of farmers gradually adopting this cultivation method seems to be increasing. ステビア農法(stevia farming) : It has been used as a medicinal herb since ancient times, and incorporates stevia, a known sweetener. By using fertilizer, the sweetness of stevia affects strawberries, increasing the sweetness, rich in vitamins and minerals, and tending to improve the shelf life. In addition to detoxifying and decomposing pesticide residues and dioxins, it greatly reduces the amount of nitrate nitrogen and activates the function of organic fertilizer. Research shows that the health of people living in the area has improved. ステビア;アマハステビア: Stevia rebaudiana 栽培(Histamine(ヒスタミン)is an active amine with the molecular formula C5H9N3 and a molecular weight of 111.14, and has been studied for its effective detoxification.)It's an Asteraceae plant native to Paraguay and is rich in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Decomposes residual chemical substances by giving stevia extract, which has the effect of detoxifying dioxin and nicotine, to crops. In order to activate effective microorganisms, the soil that easily holds moisture and nutrients in the aggregate structure is activated.「A microorganism that retains a large amount of inorganic nitrogen.」Prevents pathogens and absorbs nutrients needed by crops. In addition, many hair roots cause absorption of calcium and magnesium, which makes plant physiology difficult. There is a tendency to produce healthy, long-lasting crops with good tension and strong tree vigor and less susceptibility to disease. The leaves contain sweet components such as stevioside and rebaudioside, which are surprising because they show about 300 times the sweetness of sugar.『やよいひめ』は, 1997年に群馬県園芸試験場(現: 群馬県農業技術センター, 佐波郡東村)において,(「とねほっぺ」×「とちおとめ」)に「とねほっぺ:(Nyoho(女峰)is bred to the selection line of the United States introduction type and raised.)」を, 交配. After being selected from the seedlings, we continued to investigate the characteristics while proliferating and confirmed in 2001 that the characteristics were stable. The filing date is November 21, 2001, which is the date of publication of the application, March 25, 2002. The variety registration date is 2005/01/19, and it will be about four years later.(Fragaria L.; 登録番号12576, 群馬県前橋市大手町一丁目1番1号)The fruits are cone-shaped and large, and the color of the peel is bright red, which is suitable for forcible cultivation with short dormancy.(Famous as an original variety of Gunma prefecture)It features a refined orange-red color, a large, firm pulp, and a good balance of sweetness and sourness. At a supermarket in Tokyo, I look at Vegetables from Hokota in love. Present: Mayor of Kishida. The purpose of formulating this plan as the current situation and issues regarding the agriculture and livestock industry and the sixth industrialization in Hokota City. While it is becoming difficult to secure profits due to sluggish sales prices of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and soaring prices of production materials, farmers, foresters and fishermen are working to integrate production, processing, and distribution (sales) using local resources as materials to increase their income. It seems that the 6th industrialization is progressing in various places, such as regional businesses in collaboration with secondary and tertiary industries. The city will also utilize the characteristics of agricultural and livestock products produced in the city to develop new products for the sixth industrialization, processing technology for such products, market development, and support measures for the city. In order to make the agriculture and livestock industry a further growth industry, this plan was formulated. Currently, due to geography and topography, the city is located in the southeastern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, from the northernmost part to the central part of the Rokko area, the prefectural capital Mito City, The Kashima Coastal Industrial Zone is within 30 km, Tsukuba Science City is within 50 km, and the capital of Tokyo is within 90 km. Oarai Town and Ibaraki Town in the north, Omitama City and Namegata City in the west, and the south Kashima City borders on the Kashima Sea to the east, stretching 24 km north-south and 17 km east-west. The eastern coast of the city is formed by the Kashima plateau, and the southwestern part is formed by the Namekata plateau, and the area around Shin-Hokota station in between is the central city. Route 51, National Route 354 leading to Namegata City, and the Oarai-Kashima Line of the Kashima Rinkai Railway connecting Mito City, Oarai Town, Mito City, and Kashima City. There are 6 stations: Tokushuku Station, Shin-Hokota Station, Kitaurakohan Station, and Taiyo Station. In addition, the Hokota River, Tomoe River, and Oya River flow, and paddy fields spread out in their tributaries. The area is blessed with a rich natural environment, bordering on Hinuma Swamp to the north, Kitaura Swamp to the south, and Kashima Sea to the east. It will be repeated later, but it is important, so write it down. In addition, the city's agricultural output is high even within Ibaraki Prefecture, which is a production base for agricultural products in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and is the number one producer in Japan. It is one of the leading agricultural areas in the country where various items such as melons, rice, vegetables, and fruit trees are produced. In recent years, price competition with imported agricultural products, intensifying competition between domestic production areas, consumer trends seeking freshness, deliciousness, and pesticide-free products, changes in the government's long-adopted rice production adjustment policy, and environmental impact It seems that the nature of agriculture is also changing with the times, such as the development of sustainable agriculture with less waste. In order to aim for an agricultural city in such an era, he argues that it is necessary to always start from the consumer's point of view and consider how agriculture should be from production to distribution and consumption. In particular, the development of agriculture that coexists with the environment is an urgent issue for the city. It seems that they are trying to strengthen the  On February 21, 2006, the Environmentally Friendly Agriculture Rokko Region Promotion Council (Prefectural Rokko Regional General Office Agriculture and Forestry Section), the Hokota City Regional Recycling Agricultural System Development Promotion Council (Hokota City), and the Hokota Region Soil Development A compost application demonstration by the Movement Promotion Liaison Council (Hokota Regional Agricultural Improvement and Extension Center) is being held using a field and a vinyl house in Funaki, Hokota City. In addition, we are also involved in the production and stable supply of high-quality rice, the maintenance of fields such as soil improvement necessary to convert from rice cultivation to highly profitable agricultural products, and the improvement of productivity by improving fields (soil preparation) to prevent continuous cropping failures. Looks like it needs to be worked on. As the number of people engaged in farming is increasing and the number of people engaged in agriculture is declining and aging, the living environment is changing, such as mixed living in rural villages, and abandoned farmland is becoming scattered. Apparently. Under such circumstances, it seems that the securing of bearers has become an urgent issue for the sake of a stable food supply into the future. At the same time, I hear that the establishment of an agricultural management system that meets the needs of the times and the effective use of abandoned farmland are becoming issues. In terms of livestock, it boasts one of the highest output values ​​in Japan, and seems to maintain stable management. However, due to the threat of livestock epidemics such as foot-and-mouth disease and avian influenza, and the growing interest in environmental issues, it seems that thorough breeding management will become an issue in the future. Furthermore, it seems that it is in a difficult situation, such as the damage caused by the scattering of radioactive materials due to the earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear accident, as well as the damage caused by rumors, the aging population, and the lack of successors. Therefore, by supporting safe and secure agricultural products, corporatizing agriculture, and promoting sixth industrialization through collaboration with commerce, industry, and tourism, we will improve the added value of high-quality and abundant agricultural products, It seems that it is necessary to proceed to generate income and further grow agriculture. The construction of a humanitarian bridge on the Taiyo Elementary School road in Hokota City, Ibaraki Prefecture, which will open on April 6, 2022, has been delayed, and the method of attending school for some children has not been finalized. It seems that he held a briefing session for the parents of the target children at the Taiyo Community Center in Japan and showed an alternative plan. At the briefing session, the 7th overpass (a bridge that straddles the railroad track), which has no sidewalk over the Kashima Rinkai Railway Orai Kashima Line, near the same small school, or about 300 m southeast of the small school, is green. It seems to be a plan to use one of the 8th overpass with the roadside belt. In both cases, as a safety measure, it seems that the staff of the City Education Committee will be on the lookout when going to and from school. Since the width of the 7th overpass is narrow, the construction of the humanitarian bridge was planned to be completed in line with the opening of the school as a safety measure for children commuting to school on foot. At the school briefing in February, he reported a delay in construction. The city board of education considered a plan to transfer about 30 affected children by public bus until the completion, but it seems that the related budget was not approved at the March regular meeting of the city council. Parents have requested and commented that the overpass will be closed when going to and from school, and the 8th overpass will be a detour. It is strange that safety measures have not been taken at this point. It seems that there were voices blaming the delay in responding. Children are the treasure of the future. I frankly think that my parents are right. At the beginning of the briefing session, the superintendent of education apologized, “We apologize for the great concern and inconvenience.” The city board of education will squeeze the details of the alternatives based on the opinions of the briefing session and will hold the briefing session again. Regarding this issue, it seems that a petition for the development of a safe school route has been submitted to the city, etc., along with the signatures of 1434 people. Due to the delay in the construction of the humanitarian bridge and the undecided method for some children to go to school, the City Board of Education held a parent information session at the Taiyo Public Hall in Kumiage on the night of April 2, and the route to use the 7th overpass Seems to have agreed. The consent was obtained for a section of about 350 m on the city road, including the 7th overpass over the Kashima Rinkai Railway Orai Kashima Line on the southeast side of the same small area. Since there are no sidewalks on the overpass, when going to and from school, city board staff and small teachers will be on the lookout for the bridge at three locations, the start and end points of the bridge, the middle point, and two intersections that connect to the bridge. It seems to urge the vehicle to detour or stop. Since the completion of the humanitarian bridge is not yet in sight, it seems that other safety measures will be considered while responding by standing. The superintendent of education said, “Protecting the safety of children is the first priority. Although the immediate response has been decided, we would like to continue to cooperate with schools and parents to take safety measures.” There is also an opinion that things outside the school, school routes and school groups are the territory of kid's associations and parents. Whether it is within the category, teachers should allocate other working hours. It's a pity to be eaten even in such a place. There seems to be some opinions that the local government should do something if the construction is delayed. It seems that there are 169 road bridges managed by Hokota City by March 2020. Of these, the number of bridges that were erected before 1960 and have been in service for more than 50 years is as small as 2.4% (4 bridges) of the total, but the number of bridges has increased sharply since the 1970s, especially from 1970 to 1990. It seems that 102 bridges account for about 60% of the total number of bridges that have been in service for about 20 to less than 40 years because the construction has been energetically advanced until the year. As for the current status of managed bridges, most of the bridges have been in service for 30 to 40 years, followed by 40 to 50 years, except for unknown years of service, and most of the bridges have been in service for less than 40 years. It seems. There are only a few bridges with a service life of 50 years or more, which is a guideline for the useful life, and the bridges in Hokota City seem to be relatively young. However, about 27% of bridges will be in service for 50 years or more in 10 years, but about 73% of bridges will be in service for 50 years or more in 20 years, and 87% of bridges will be in service in 30 years. It seems that it will be over 50 years. Not only Hokota, but if it is in charge of local administration, it will never disappear and it will be an important matter for future town development. Against this background, it seems indispensable to take measures to reduce the cost of repairing and replacing bridges, which are expected to increase in the future, as much as possible. In order to reduce the financial burden in the future and ensure the safety of road traffic, the city seems to have formulated a bridge life extension repair plan in March 2013 and proceeded with the repair based on the plan. In addition, the 8th amendment of the general account to add 360.47 million yen was submitted to the 4th regular meeting of the city council from December 3 to 18, 2020, and on December 4, 129.5 million yen(Proposed additional 9th ​​amendment to add 129.5 million yen on December 4th). In the 8th amendment, the installation project cost of children's playset in the city gymnasium, the survey of the humanitarian bridge that will be the school route of Taiyo Elementary School, the design consignment fee, etc. It is recorded. The Japan-Indonesia Economic Partnership Agreement has been signed between the two countries on cooperation in a wide range of fields such as liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, movement of natural persons, energy and mineral resources, intellectual property, and improvement of business environment. Under the agreement, it will come into effect on July 1, 2008. HE Heri Akhmadi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia to Japan and others visited Hokota City Hall in Ibaraki Prefecture on March 18, 2022 to deepen exchanges in fields such as agriculture and education, and met with Mayor Kishida. It seems. As of February 2022, 544 people are living in Hokota, where agriculture is flourishing, including accepting technical intern trainees from the country. At the meeting, opinions were exchanged on the actual situation of the trainees. Akhmadi said, “I wish I could deepen the cooperative relationship with Hokota City in agriculture and education.” He positions the acquisition of Japanese as important as a preparation for the trainees who come to Japan, and hopes that he will cooperate by dispatching instructors to educational institutions. As part of that, it seems that they have shown cooperation for a friendship city tie-up between local governments. Mayor Kishida seems to have agreed, "There are more Indonesian people in the city, so I would like to continue to have a connection." At the same time, we are promoting special products such as melons and sweet potatoes, which boast the highest agricultural output by municipality in Japan. Indonesia is the ally of ASEAN and its headquarters is located in Jakarta. It is a leader in both name and reality in Southeast Asia, which is developing rapidly. In 2011, the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono administration announced the master plan for large-scale infrastructure development plans, "Economic Development Acceleration / Expansion Master Plan (MP3EI)". By increasing the nominal GDP by 2025 by about 6 times compared to 2010, it has set a high goal of becoming one of the world's 10 largest economies. However, the plan is scheduled for 2015, along with six corridors running through the archipelago, Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali-Nusa Tungara, and Papua-Marc, along with ICT, oil and gas, and steel. It was in the name of developing 22 major economic activities such as transportation vehicles. The investigation of the master plan began in May 2011, and the plan was approved by the steering committee of the Japanese and Indonesian government ministers in October 2012. By arranging sub-centers around Jakarta, the Jakarta metropolitan area as of 2030 with the goal of shifting from a centralized structure in the central city area of Jakarta to a multi-polar decentralized structure, alleviating traffic congestion and improving disaster prevention resistance. City vision is stipulated. In addition to the city vision, the overall plan for infrastructure development that the Jakarta metropolitan area should achieve by 2020 and the identification of 45 priority infrastructure projects, of which 20 early implementation projects that should be implemented early will be promoted. It was mentioned. In addition, the Indonesian economy is recovering in the headwind of the new coronavirus, and the inflation rate is also on a moderate upward trend. However, according to a recent survey, the economic growth rate in 2020 is -4.5%, which is the lowest after the war due to the influence of the new corona virus. Going back, the economic growth rate in 2019 is as low as -0.7%. This was a big negative due to the impact of the new Corona in the first quarter of 2019 after the decline due to the reaction to the introduction of the consumption tax in the fourth quarter of 2018. In addition, the economic growth rate in 2018 was 0.2%, the lowest in the last four years. Don't forget to ask. According to the Rokko Regional Office Union Fire Department in Ibaraki Prefecture, a boat carrying two men who were conducting a water quality survey on Lake Hinuma overturned about 700 m off the south bank around 3:00 pm on February 6, 2022. It seems that a man walking along the lakeshore found men who were caught in a boat and asked for help, and asked a nearby fisherman to help him by phone. The two went to rescue on a fishing boat and cooperated to pull up the men. Unfortunately, one person died in the accident, and one was diagnosed with hypothermia but survived. At the time of the accident, the wind was strong and high waves were rising, and the temperature was low. At the presentation ceremony held at the same station in Awa, the city, the chief firefighter thanked the two men who carried out rescue operations under adverse conditions, saying, “Neither of them could have been saved without a prompt response from the two.” is doing. They told officials that they couldn't pretend they didn't know as a person. On March 7, we presented a letter of appreciation to two men in Minowa, Hokota City, for their achievements in saving lives in a water accident. Pure Green Agri® Co., Ltd. seems to be making various efforts to maintain the quality of agricultural products. It seems that the safety of agricultural products is ensured by sharing technical information on a daily basis, improving the level of each union member, and conducting quality inspections once a week and a variety review meeting. It owns a vast farm of over 50 ha and seems to be confident in its supply. I hear that you are particular about providing a stable supply of high-quality vegetables and fruits. From J-PlatPat, Registration No. 4668895, Registration Date: May 2, 2003, Registration Bulletin Issue Date: June 3, 2003, Publication Date: September 19, 2002, Application Number: Commercial Application 2002-72403, Filing date: August 9, 2002, Prior application right generation date: August 9, 2002, Renewal application date: June 21, 2013, Renewal registration date: October 22, 2013, Duration Expiration date: May 2, 2023, Trademark (for search): Pure Green Agri, Name (reference information): Pure Green Agri, Right holder, Name or Name: Pure Green Agri Co., Ltd., Address or whereabouts: Hokota Town, Kashima District, Ibaraki Prefecture, Law classification: 2001 revision of the law, International classification version display: 8th edition, Number of classifications: 1, Classification of goods and services and designated goods or services, similar group code, fruits, vegetables, seeds, sugar Crop, tree, grass, turf, dried flower, seedling, seedling, flower, grass, bonsai, 32D01 32D02 32D03 32E01 33C01 33D01. Registration number: No. 4846850, Registration date: March 18, 2005, Registration gazette publication date: April 19, 2005, Publication date: July 29, 2004, Application number: Commercial application 2004-61822, Application date : June 21, 2004, prior application right generation date: June 21, 2004, renewal application date: February 13, 2015, renewal registration date: February 16, 2016, expiration date: 2025 March 18, Trademark (for search): § Let's eat vegetables, name (reference information): Yasaio-tabeyo, Yasaio-tabeyô, figures, etc. Classification: 26.4.4; 26.4.6; 26.4.18; 26.4.19;; 27.5.11; 27.5.21;, Law classification: 2001 revision of the law, International classification version display: 8th edition, Number of classifications: 1, Classification of goods and services and designated goods or services , Similar group code, fruit, vegetables, seeds, sugar crops, trees, grass, turf, dried flowers, seedlings, seedlings, flowers, grass, bonsai, 32D01 32D02 32D03 32E01 33C01 33D01. Registration number: No. 4918535, Registration date: January 6, 2006, Registration gazette issuance date: February 7, 2006, Publication date: June 9, 2005, Application number: Commercial application 2005-42160, Application date : April 26, 2005, prior application right generation date: April 26, 2005, renewal application date: January 20, 2016, renewal registration date: April 12, 2016, expiration date: 2026 January 6, Trademark (for search) : Universal Konegi, Name (reference information): Banno Konegi, Manno Konegi, Banno, Manno, Figure, etc. Classification: 5.9.8; 5.9.23;;; 29.1 .12, right holder, Additional information: Colored, Law classification: 2001 revision of law, International classification version display: 8th edition, Number of classifications: 1, Classification of goods and services and designated goods or services, similar group code, green onion, green onion seeds, Green onion seedlings, 32D01 33C01 33D01. Registration No. 5886251, Registration Date: October 7, 2016, Registration Bulletin Issue Date: November 8, 2016, Publication Date: March 8, 2016, Application Number: Commercial Application 2016-19355, Application Date : February 9, 2016, date of prior application right: February 9, 2016, expiration date: October 7, 2026, trademark (for search): PGA. B \ PURE GREEN AGURI, name (reference information): Pijii Abi, Pijii, Pure Green Agri, Pure Green, Pure, Green Agri, Agri, Figure, etc. Classification: 5.3.11; 5.3.15; 5.3.16; 5.13.25; 26.1.2; 26.1.3; 26.1.20; 27.1.1; 27.1.12;;;; 29.1.11, Additional information: (591) Colored, Law classification: 2011 Law, International Classification Edition Labeling: 10th Edition, Number of Classifications: 1, Classification of goods and services and designated goods or services, similar group code, fruits, vegetables, seeds, sugar crops, trees, grass, turf, dry Flower, seedling, sapling, flower, grass, bonsai, 32D01 32D02 32D03 32E01 33C01 33D01, and 4 other trademark registrations were confirmed. Pure Green Agri seems to have acquired Hokota City's original GAP (Good Agricultural Practice) and “Hokomaru GAP” certification. It seems that Hokomaru GAP visits union member's homes to perform audits and guidance. In addition, I hear that each union member undergoes a pesticide residue inspection and soil inspection at least once a year. It seems that he participates in pesticide training and receives guidance on prevention of accidents caused by pesticides and proper use. In addition, the “cultivation management table” is published once a month on the website. In the cultivation management table, the house number cultivated from sowing to shipping, the fertilizer (chemical / organic) used there, and the name and amount of pesticides are described. You can easily access it from the QR code on the wrapping film. I hear that they are trying to grow safe and secure vegetables by disclosing information openly without hiding it. It seems that traceability is also in place. Representative Director: Mr. Takahiro Kimura, Union, Date of establishment, February 20, 2018 Sales start, Timing, May 2018 Items to be sold Mizuna greens, type of rape, spinach, garland chrysanthemum, chinese spinach, strawberry, cherry tomato, parsley trading Financial institution Joyo Bank. The producers introduced this time are Mr. Naoki Nogami Product name: Type of rape, Spinach, Variety: Spring Senbatsu, Mirage is good. “Hokota City, Ibaraki Prefecture,” Located in the Rokko region in the southeastern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, it is one of the leading agricultural areas in Japan, blessed with a vast Pacific Ocean and abundant green land. Agriculture, which takes advantage of the flat terrain and mild climate, is a key industry and a food supply area for the entire metropolitan area. Not only fruits such as melons and strawberries, which are famous nationwide. Japanese mustard spinach, mizuna greens, spinach, tomato, carrot and other vegetables, which are known all over the country for many items. Oodo's Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn(Indian soapberry): City natural monument - The light candy-colored fruit is impressive. When peeled, a black seed appears from inside. The seeds are used for the black balls on the wings of the New Year play battledore and shuttlecock. The real skin was used as a detergent in the past. That's because when you rub it in water, bubbles form and it's suitable for removing dirt. Minowa: ‘Tokushuku Castle: Designated as a city historic site’, Built by Mr. Tokushuku's first Chikamoto at the end of the Heian period. He had been Shimotsuke no jo (local official for the Shimotsuke Province) before, but, by his merit of hunting down TAIRA no Masakado, he was promoted to Jushiinoge (Junior Forth Rank, Lower Grade) and appointed to the post of kokushi (provincial governors) for the Shimotsuke and Musashi Provisions as well as Chinju-fu shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North) and increased his power. After passing through the castle monument, climb the stairs at the entrance, and you will see a waist from the southwest to the south on your right. When you climb the stairs, you will find the main shrine, the Inari Shrine, the stone monument of Tokushuku monument to the memorial service, and the Hokyo into. etc. Father Narimoto Kashima is the 7th generation from Taira no Kunika(Takamochi did not return to Kyoto after he served out his term, and his sons Kunika filled the post of Hitachi no daijo (Senior Secretary of Hitachi Province) and Yoshimasa of Chinju-fu shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North)), who follows the tradition of Emperor Kanmu, and governs Kashima District at the will of the Hitachi Daijo clan. Tokushuku's second generation(The ancestor of Mr. ANBO. Based in Kamata Castle Ruins)Mr. Hidemoto's eldest son, Toshimoto, transferred the area including Awa and Hokota. In February 1336, he proceeded into the Urizura Castle, and fought against Sadayoshi SATAKE and others of the Northern Court side, in cooperation of the Naka-Kawanobe family group lead by Haruhisa ODA, Michitoki NAKA, the Daijo family group lead by Tsuneyasu HIROHASHI, Takamoto DAIJO, and Nobumasa NAGAOKA, and the Chiba family group lead by Tanehira SOMA, among others. In 1486, when Tokushuku was the 9th Michimoto, he was attacked by Mr. Edo(Shigemichi fiercely attacked the Daijo clan who had their base in Fuchu), who is based in Mito Castle. etc. 歴史 / 伝統文化,『鉾神社夏祭り大祭』は, およそ400年以上の歴史をもつ鉾田最大の祭礼で, 8月の最終の金, 土, 日に行われる. 勇壮な神輿とともに, 山車や獅子舞が市内を巡行し, 街は, お囃子の音に包まれる.『厳島神社(Itsukushima (Miyajima): Island centering on Itsukushima-jinja Shrine existing in Hatsukaichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture.)』は, 子生の弁天様の名で親しまれている神社で, 1078年, 安芸宮島の厳島神社より分霊を迎えられたのが始まりと言われている. 貴重な建築物で, 県指定の文化財となっている.『無量寿寺』は, 806年, 平城天皇(When Emperor Heizei had a conflict with his brother, Emperor Saga, and tried to move the capital in Heian kyo back to Heijokyo, Emperor Saga petitioned the deity that he would dedicate his daughter to Kamo no Okami (a guardian god of the capital) as 'Areotome' (a woman to join in the ceremony held at the Kamo Shrine for welcoming gods) if he had a chance of winning.)の勅願所として建立された. 1221年から3年間, 親鸞和尚(Selected and described by Shinran, the founder of the sect)が, この寺で教えを広めたと言われる.『大儀寺』は, 684年, 仏頂禅師が, 廃庵となっていた, “大儀庵” を復興させ改められた. 禅師は, “Basyo Matsuo(Mr. Kigin KITAMURA's one's Student)” It is told that there was a friendship with. “Shaka Nyorai Statue” is valuable as a nationally designated important cultural property of “Okura Fukusenji Temple”. It is made of cypress parquet and the statue height is 165.5 cm. Twelve Buddha statues are also embossed in the backlit part. , Created at the end of the Kamakura period. Developed during the Edo period as a key point for land and water transportation connecting Edo with the Tohoku and Hitachi regions. The traffic of humans and horses and the distribution of goods centered on marine products became popular, and agricultural products were also shipped to the Edo area. Minowa(Former Asahi Village), It is right next to the producer's field. Mizu shrine and Yagami shrine: It's small, quietly blended into the area, and has an old-fashioned atmosphere like “the god of the village Guardian”. When you go up the old stone stairs, there is a stone monument next to the shrine, and the origin of the shrine is engraved. Yamato takeru no mikoto is eastern expedition - Take a boat from Kashima City Tsunoori (formerly Ono Village) and land near Kamigama, Hokota City. After that, I went inland and took a rest for a while on the south bank of Hinuma(Brackish water lake of Nakagawa water system). Then, when he departed, he gave the villagers a Crossbow (a stone bow that shoots an arrow). It is said that this shrine was dedicated to the villagers and built a small shrine. Nihonshoki(Chronicles of Japan); 日本武尊, Kojiki(Records of Ancient Matters); 倭建命, Hitachi Fudoki (description of the culture, climate, etc. of Hitachi province; approx. 720 CE) ; 倭武天皇. Various names and notations are confirmed in these documents. Legend has it that he wore one of the three sacred treasures, the Nagi-sword, and worked hard to settle the nations. The route and place of stay of Tosei are different between Kojiki and Nihonshoki. There are various theories about this, but there was also a legend that stopped by this place near Hinuma. 造谷 - 厳島神社本殿 : Konaji Ground -Worshipped deity ; 市杵島姫命(A pillar of the Three Goddesses of Munakata, the god of water.)- It is said that the company welcomed the spirit from Itsukushima in Aki on New Year's Day in 1265. Inferred from the fact that it is closely related to the HITACHI Mr. Hei clan. Naturally, it can be considered from the former Asahi village area. “御累書年代記写”, 1809 ; “承暦二年(Joryaku, 1078年)子生山弁才天之此訳造谷村 ‘龍蔵院 硯録に在之由也” - Benzaiten(Also wealth and water)was enshrined in the land of Tsukuriya. However, Nakajima and Yatsuda(Reservoir)theory are influential. Transferred to a Konaji - In August 1672, everything from the Shrine building to the trees in the precincts was burnt down. Therefore, there are no records related to shrines. The main shrine was designated as a prefectural cultural property in March 1968. The hall of worship was designated as a village cultural property in September 1973. Pent roof built atop the stairs of a shrine or temple : The dragon sculpture is made of one piece of wood -Middle Edo. 樅山神社, 愛宕神社大権現 : Founded in 807 -A copy of the building tag of 853 remains. 吉田(大掾; 鹿嶋)成幹の子,(Eldest son)徳宿親幹(Kunika style)Later, Disappeared in the 1486 Momiyamagahara battle. It was erected and restored in 1600, and was fully repaired in 1983 - City designated cultural property. “Hokomaru” from Hokota City, Ibaraki Prefecture, was born from the desire to make everyone's hearts round. Hokota's “Ho” character is the motif of the mascot character. It was born in 2008 and has gained popularity through open recruitment. Designated tangible cultural property : 県, 厳島神社 本殿, 子生,県, 無量寿寺 本堂, 鳥栖, 県, 無量寿寺 鐘楼, 鳥栖, 県, 無量寿寺 山門, 鳥栖, 市, 主石神社 本殿, 大和田, 市, 厳島神社 拝殿, 子生, 市, 樅山神社 本殿, 樅山, 市, 玉沢稲荷神社 本殿 / 拝殿, 冷水, 市, 八幡神社 本殿, 飯島, 市, 息栖神社 本殿, 二重作, 市, 永福寺薬師堂, 上幡木, 市, 鉾山神社 本殿, 上幡木, 市, 近津神社 本殿, 大蔵, 市, 光福寺 楼門, 梶山, 市, 八幡神社 拝殿, 飯島, 絵画 : 国, 紙本著色拾遺古徳伝, 鳥栖, 県, 紙本墨画維摩居士像 附 徳川光圀 書状4通, 松平頼救 跋1枚, 大蔵, 工芸品 : 市, 石祠 祭神市杵島姫命, 鹿田, 彫刻 : 国, 木造 釈迦如来立像, 大蔵, 県, 木造 如意輪観世音坐像, 汲上, 県, 銅造 薬師如来立像, 梶山, 市, 金銅大仏坐像, 借宿, 市, 銅像 三体仏, 安房, 市, “石造 諏訪青山の地蔵菩薩, 柏熊, 市, 木造 薬師如来坐像, 柏熊, 市”, 木造 如意輪観世音坐像, 安房, 市, 木造 千手観世音立像, 烟田, 市, 木造 両脇侍立像, 烟田, 市, 木造 宝冠釈迦如来坐像, 青柳, 市, 木造 十一面観音坐像下, 冨田, 市, 木造 薬師瑠璃光如来座像, 阿玉, 市, 木造 十一面観音立像, 札, 書跡 : 無量寿寺御文書, 鳥栖, 市, 医書(瘍医大全), 徳宿, 考古資料 : 市, 弥生式ツボ, 徳宿, 市, 烟田氏の墓碑, 烟田, 市, 縄文, 注口土器, 塔ケ崎, 市, 梶山古墳群4号墳出土遺物, 汲上, 記念物 : 史跡 : 市, 三階城跡, 安房, 市, 徳宿城跡, 徳宿, 市, 中居城跡, 中居, 市, 白鳥の里, 中居, 市, 大峰山古墳群, 中居, 名勝 : 市, 大儀寺境内全域, 阿玉, 天然記念物 : 県, 無量寿寺のボダイジュ, 鳥栖, 県, お葉つきイチョウ, 中居, 市,  沼尾神社の欅, 徳宿, 市, 諏訪神社樹叢, 安房, 市, 安祥寺の榧並木, 安房, 市, 谷越神社樹叢, 飯名, 市, 無量寿寺樹叢, 鳥栖, 市, かたくり群生地, 青柳, 市, 無量寿寺の斑入銀杏, 鳥栖, 市, 無量寿寺の焼榧, 鳥栖, 市, 三渡神社の御神木, 秋山, 市, 大戸のムクロジ, 大戸, 市, 秋山の榊, 秋山, 市, 野友の椎, 野友, 市, 青柳のもち, 青柳, 市, 国都神神社御神木「椎」, 上太田, 市, 飯田「もち」, 鹿田, 市, 勝下 「イスノキ」, 勝下, 市, 樅山「ヒサカキ」, 樅山, 市, 八幡神社樹叢, 飯島. The former Funaki Elementary School was closed in the spring of 2016. The old Yoshino cherry tree that blooms in the middle of the schoolyard is a famous cherry blossom that goes along with the history of the school. According to “Public Relations Hokota”, the school opened in 1909, and the cherry blossoms in the center of the schoolyard are old trees over 100 years old. Currently, the school building has been demolished, but the cherry blossoms seem to remain. The nearest stations in the vicinity are Kashima Asahi Station (Kashima Rinkai Railway) : Distance: 4167 m (52 minutes on foot), Tokushuku Station (Kashima Rinkai Railway) : Distance: 4605 m (57 minutes on foot). Last but not least, the spinach producer Mr. Junichi OTSUKA is Pindone. It is developed and sold by Sakata Seed Corporation, a long-established seed company. Although it is a characteristic, it has excellent low-temperature extensibility, and it seems that it tends to grow easily when it is warm. By distributing the growth to many leaves, the growth due to warmth is minimized. The characteristics that are resistant to cold and can cope with warmth seem to be very effective not only in green house cultivation but also in open-field cultivation in autumn and winter, which are easily affected by weather. It seems that the large number of leaves also leads to the goodness of the size of the leaves. Not only did the yield increase, but it also seemed to be easier to pack in FG bags and look better in the packaging. It can be cultivated with peace of mind, can be harvested easily, and is of high quality and yields. It seems to be the best variety for both producers who find it difficult to cultivate and those who want to aim for even higher profits.  Managed in the same way as normal autumn-sown varieties. Since it is not a type that requires water to grow, it seems that irrigating it so that it does not become too dry is sufficient for green house cultivation. In warm regions, it can be cultivated without covering in the open field, but in the January-February shipment of open-field cultivation in general areas, it seems that covering cultivation with punch film etc. is good. The Ibaraki Prefecture Hokota City Tourism & Local Products Association is implementing a project in collaboration with the idol training game "Idolmaster: Shiny Colors (Shanimas)" produced by the game giant "Bandai Namco Entertainment (Shiba, Minato Ward, Tokyo: Bandai Namco Future Research Institute)". In addition to selling limited goods at two specialty product direct sales stores in the city, it seems that life-size panels of game characters were installed at each store until December 25, 2022.

Gunma Prefecture has released the analysis results of the prefecture's strawberry "Yayoi Hime Strawberry". Compared to "Tochiotome Strawberry'' from Tochigi Prefecture and "Amaou Strawberry'' from Fukuoka Prefecture, it is said to have a stronger sweetness and larger grains. Launched at the end of 2019, the G-analyze & PR team (analyzes ingredients related to taste and health of agricultural and livestock products produced in Gunma Prefecture, communicates the results to consumers, and reports consumer reactions to agricultural production sites and technical guidance) A project team consisting of officials from the Prefectural Department of Agricultural Administration and research, sales promotion, and production promotion of agricultural and livestock products. The taste of strawberries was quantified and evaluated in eight items: sweetness, sourness, richness, strength of taste, umami, richness, astringency, and lingering aftertaste. When the three varieties were analyzed under the same conditions, it seems that Yayoi-hime-ichigo exceeded Amaou-ichigo and Tochiotome-ichigo in seven items, excluding sourness. Each grain of this superior produce weighed an average of about 20 grams, apparently more than the other two varieties. It seems that the health functional ingredients such as polyphenols and vitamin C, which have antioxidant properties, were about the same as the other two varieties.

Yayoi Hime Strawberry produced by Mr.  Makoto, the second generation owner of Daishoji Farm. The strawberries he makes are so delicious that everyone from children to adults is addicted to eating one.
Stevia farming is a generic term for dioxins (Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds), polychlorinated dibenzoparadioxins (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF), and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCB). It is a chemical that is released when plastic is burned in a garbage factory. It is said to be the strongest and worst poison created by mankind. When this substance enters the body, it causes various diseases such as cancer. In addition, there are cases where babies do not grow up in the womb and babies born with malformations when they enter the body of women.) and nicotine (C10H14N2: alkaloid A type of highly neurotoxic poison. As a chemical substance, it is designated as a poisonous substance. It is contained in tobacco leaves and is taken into the body from smoke when smoking. Nicotine in the blood spreads rapidly throughout the body. Center When it binds to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) in nerves, it acts on a neural circuit called the reward system and brings about a feeling of comfort. This mechanism causes strong drug dependence, which makes it difficult to quit smoking. In addition, it has a strong vasoconstrictive effect, which constricts capillaries and raises blood pressure. It is addictive, and if a child accidentally eats tobacco leaves, he or she may become poisoned and even die.) By giving crops a stevia extract, which has the effect of detoxifying toxins, etc., the residual chemical substances are decomposed and effective microorganisms are activated. In addition, since many microorganisms that retain a lot of inorganic nitrogen gather in the rhizosphere, it seems that the soil is reborn so that it can prevent pathogens and absorb nutrients when the crops need it. In addition, since many hair roots are produced, calcium and magnesium are absorbed in a large amount, and it seems that physiological disorders of the plant do not occur. As a result, the roots are well stretched, the trees are strong, and the crops are healthy and long-lasting, making them less susceptible to disease.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

The Chiba Eco(Engineering Change Order)Agricultural Product Certification System was started in 2002 as an agricultural product certification system unique to Chiba Prefecture that considers environmental conservation and food safety and security. Chemically synthesized pesticides and chemical fertilizers are used less than half of the usual amount. In hydroponics, only chemically synthesized pesticides are said to be less than half of the usual amount. The producers of "Chiba Eco Agricultural Products" carefully record their work, such as "what pesticides were used and when." In addition, two inspections are conducted before cultivation and before harvest. "Chiba Eco Agricultural Products" starts cultivating after planning the cultivation work in advance and undergoing an inspection. In addition, before being harvested, it seems that they will be shipped after confirming once again that they have been cultivated according to the standards. "Chiba eco-agriculture" is an eco-friendly farming method that uses less than half of the usual amount of synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and supports us from the ground up. One of the environmental measures that Japan has already adopted is the "Global Warming Countermeasure Tax," which is a type of carbon tax that is levied on the use of fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas. The global warming countermeasure tax started on October 1, 2012, and as of February 2022, the tax rate is set to be 289 japanese yen per ton of carbon dioxide emissions.

慕香和歌集: On March 17, 1844, it was dedicated at the time of the 250th anniversary of the death of Yoshimasa Kiso at Chizan School of Shingon Buddhism Tozenji Temple in Shimousa Province. According to one theory, the city name "Asahi'' is a descendant of Yoshinaka Kiso, who was called "Asahi Shogun,'' and he wrote a poem about him who died here. 信濃より いつる旭をしたひきて 東の国にあととどめけむ. This poem was written in 1844 by Kengyo Ashihara (1797-1857: an acupuncturist in the late Edo period) who claims to be a descendant of the Kiso family. After serving the clan, he gained the trust of the three branches of the Tokugawa family (Owari, Kii and Mito) and was appointed court physician (of the Shogun and his household, Edo period). Takamasa Nonoguchi, a scholar of Japanese classical literature in Kyoto at the "250th anniversary of the death of Yoshimasa.'' (1793-1871), a collection of 400 poems submitted at that time, which is designated as a cultural property of the city.

【Product name】
Chiba cherry tomatoes
Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme
【Wholesale land】
Kamakazu, Asahi City, Chiba Prefecture(JA Chiba Midori, Farming Center Asahi Fresh Green, JA Zennoh Chiba)
【Origin of name】
A theory that it originated from the zitomate of the Aztecs, a Mesoamerican civilization that prospered in central Mexico in North America for about 95 years from around 1428 to 1521, became cimate in Spain, and became a tomato in the 17th century. It seems to be derived from the fact that was called tomati.
【Major features】
On March 12, 2011, I still vividly recall the front of JA Chiba Midori's Iioka branch in Asahi City, Chiba Prefecture, which was buried in rubble and mud. Ever since that time, the people of the region have been honest, have a strong faith in reconstruction, and their warm eyes are still fresh in our memory. Chiba Midori Agricultural Cooperative is located in the northeastern part of Chiba Prefecture, in a warm area with high agricultural productivity with various soil conditions such as sandy loam, loam, clay soil, and volcanic ash soil consisting of the Toso Plateau and the Kujukuri Plain. JA was born in January 2001 as one. As a production area that has been built up over many years, the members of the cooperative work hard at production while learning from the hardships and efforts of their predecessors, and bring benefits to us. The production situation in the jurisdiction is divided into upland farming, rice farming, livestock farming, dairy farming, fruit trees, and plants, and it seems that a wide variety of agricultural products are produced and sold. Taking advantage of the characteristics of early cultivation of rice, we are working on specially cultivated rice with reduced pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and for vegetables, we produce 60 items a year, including outdoor and indoor vegetables, and have many branded products. Agricultural product sales in FY2020 were 22,637,870,000 yen for horticulture, 1,776,450,000 yen for agricultural products, and 3,853,280,000 yen for livestock. As of the end of December 2022, the number of union members is 20,854, supporting future children from the Japanese dining table. As an overview of green onion production in the Sosa area, long onion cultivation in the jurisdiction has a long history, and it seems that it began in the Hikari-machi district (now Yokoshibahikari-machi) in the 1955s. Currently, the cultivation area has expanded to Sosa City and Asahi City, and it seems that the long green onions produced in the jurisdiction are branded as high-quality "Hikari green onion". Cultivation is in autumn / winter, spring, satsuki satsuki, and summer, and 700,000 cases are shipped annually. In 1994, a central collection and shipping facility equipped with a pre-cooling storage facility began operation, enabling further quality improvement and shipping in accordance with customer requests. In recent years, the company has faced various challenges, such as an increase in cheap imported green onions, outbreaks of pests that are difficult to control, and the aging of producers. It seems that they are working to maintain and improve the brand's production area. “地球の丸く見える丘展望館”, Located at the top of Mt. Atago, the highest in the northeastern part of the prefecture. I realized that the earth is round in the scenery seen from the rooftop observation space. Sunny day-You can see Mt. Fuji and Mt. Tsukuba in a 360-degree panorama.In addition, Byobugaura has a view of more than a dozen wind turbines. “補陀洛山 満願寺”, Established by Tokudo Saint, inheriting the history and tradition of pilgrimage since its inception. Shingon Buddhism (company or religious order founded in such a way): Principal image, Ekadasamukha (eleven-faced Avalokitesvara) Bodhisattva : Production By Horin Matsuhisa / Sorin ; Statue height 1 length 3 scale(90.909 cm), beautiful statue engraved on Japanese bishu cypress. 1974年, 弘法大師縁の坂東27番, 飯沼山圓福寺本尊写しの尊像 : It was created and enshrined as. Special sacred place of 88 places sacred place in Kanto - ふだらくやふくじゅむりょうのわだつみゆしおさしよするまんがんのてら, By the purification of related people who prayed for pilgrimage to the sacred sites of various countries including the Bando pilgrimage-Founded in 1976. “Soil making technology, chemical fertilizer reduction technology, pesticide reduction technology”. The purpose's to make cultivation policies, cultivation standards, and cultivation plans(JAちばみどり). “Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture,” 三方を水に囲まれ,利根川河口から君ケ浜, 犬吠埼, 屏風ケ浦に, 至る海岸線が絶景である. Paleolithic : 旧石器時代, People started living on the peninsula about 15,000 to 23,000 years ago. “Choshi fishing port”, "Cool in summer and warm in winter". “田中玄蕃”(石橋源右衛門: 旧海上郡飯沼村)が醤油: 1616年(元和2年)(ヒゲタ醤油株式会社, 創業者)浜口儀兵衛:西濱口家: 1645年(正保2年)(旧紀伊国有田郡広村: 現和歌山県有田郡広川町)から, 移住. The soy sauce industry in the Choshi area developed around the Genroku period Edo Era. City designated tangible cultural property (building) : 猿田神社本殿1棟, 猿田, 猿田神社, 昭和30年12月15日-常灯寺本堂1棟, 常世田町, 常灯寺(Shingon-shu Chizan-ha)昭和54年3月2日-海上八幡宮本殿1棟, 柴崎, 海上八幡宮, 平成2年3月16日4国-内野家住宅洋館1件, 長山町,個人, 平成11年7月8日-犬吠埼灯台1件, 平成22年4月28日-磯角商店主屋1件, 飯沼町,個人, 平成26年12月19日-旧犬吠埼霧信号所霧笛舎1件, 犬吠埼, 平成26年12月19日-滑川家住宅主屋ほか2件, 野尻町, 個人, 平成29年6月28日-旧西廣家住宅(治郎吉)主屋ほか, 川口町, 株式会社ランス, 平成30年3月27日-石上酒造米藏ほか5件, 田中町,個人. “Asahi City”, Yoshimasa KISO(19th descendant of General Asahi Yoshinaka KISO), a Sengoku warrior who ruled the area after the fall of the Muromachi Shogunate. 開基 : 殿玉山 西徳院 東漸寺, 1593(Shingon-shu Chizan-ha). 懸仏: A three-dimensional statue of Buddha(旭市指定文化財), 木曽義昌公遺跡(旭市指定文化財). It is said that he had good politics and was loved by the lords. Takamasa Nonokuchi(Okuni)-Kyoto poet: Time has passed and he visited in 1852 and wrote a poem. “信濃よりいづる旭をしたひ来て東のくにに跡とどめけむ”, I remembered Yoshimasa. Full of vigor and vitality (like the rising sun) (vigour); It also comes from the desire to develop with momentum in the future. Located in the northeastern part of the prefecture. It is located within 50 km from Chiba City and 80 km from the city center. The southern part faces the beautiful bow-shaped Kujukuri beach. ‘干潟八万石(Approximately 5,100 hectares of farmland changed from sea due to reclamation in 1670: 辻内 刑部左衞門-井戸野と仁玉間の排水路工事; 新川が完成, 椿海の排水開始)’, In the north(Boso Peninsula), a farm belt and a gentle hill zone, Hokso tableland, spread out. The surrounding area develops as an urban area. And the annual average temperature is 15 ℃, which is a warm climate. In industry: Institutional horticulture, livestock, rice farming, open-air vegetables, etc.Including active agriculture, fisheries, commerce, industry, etc., grow in a well-balanced manner. July 1, 2005: 旭市 / 海上町 / 飯岡町 / 干潟町(Area 130.45 km2), Born by merger. Expected to develop in the future as a nucleated city in the Toso region. 旧石器時代: 約25,000年前-桜井遺跡, 縄文時代前期: 約6,000年前-九十九里海岸低地の形成, 縄文時代中期 / 後期: 約4,500年前-仲島遺跡, 坊之場遺跡, 古墳時代後期: 6〜7世紀頃-東総地域最大の前方後円墳- 御前鬼塚古墳, 鏑木古墳群等, 大化元645年: 房総-安房 / 上総 / 下総, 下総国-香取 / 海匝 / 海上, 鎌倉時代前期: 13世紀-東庄 / 三崎庄(千葉氏一族), 建長年間1250年頃: 然阿良忠(Ryochu Nena; 記主禅師)- 海匝 / 印旛地域(浄土宗)平安-鎌倉時代中期: 木造伝聖観音立像 / 木造阿弥陀如来(立像 / 絹本著色釈迦涅槃図)etc. 1826年: 宮負定雄-平田篤胤, “農業要集”, 1838年: 大原幽学-先祖株組合 ≒ “農業協同組合” - 長部村で結成, 1871年: 新治県, 1873年: 千葉県誕生, 1888年: 石橋太郎兵衛, 千本松喜助氏-揚繰網開発, 1889年: パリの万国博覧会- 濤川惣助(七宝家)- 名誉大賞受賞, 1879年: 総武鉄道-成東銚子間開通, 1912年: 穴澤松五郎- “穴澤式改良甘藷苗床; 改良増収穴沢式甘藷栽培法: 西ケ原刊行会, 1935”, etc. “Sosa City”, Located in the northeastern part of the prefecture.January 23, 2006: 八日市場市 / 野栄町, Was born by merging. It is about 70 km from Tokyo. The total area is 101.52 km2. It is famous as a city with abundant greenery and blessed nature and history. The northern part is a plateau with a complex terrain in which paddy field at valley bottom is intricate: A lot of nature of village-vicinity mountain is left. The southern part is flat land and most of it is rural except for urban areas: It faces the Kujukuri coast where which beautiful stretch of sandy beach dotted with pine trees continue. The climate is a warm oceanic climate: An average annual temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, cool in summer and warm in winter, a very comfortable place to spend.In addition, almost no snowfall can be seen even in winter. Legends and folk story : 駒まね, 薬師堂, 弘法の井戸, 火伏開運大黒天, 長者塚, 権左が西国, 古能葉稲荷大明神, 愛宕神社の天馬, 小詰, 雷塚, 田祖白石稲荷大明神, 火傷塚, 種われの梅, 昆布子のお女郎, 瑞董, 幸右衛門のおばあさん, 円静寺の忠犬, ゆるぎの松, 祟石, 飯高の供養塔, 裸詣り, 般若が原, 大寺の龍尾寺, 大浦瘡神, 曽我兄弟の墓, 木積の龍頭寺, 人魂の森, 薬王寺の薬師如来, お地蔵さま, 疣神様, 椿海, 新川「鎌数伊勢皇大臣」, 河童の証文松, 八百比丘と身払きの道祖神, 大根畑, 六社大神御神宝 “玉石” の由来, 西野田の鎮守六所大明神, 浅間神社と長貴さま, 円長寺の仁王様, 西宿鎮座八雲神社の不思議, 庄八, 朗生寺, 神沼のおっつあん, 尾合橋, チロリン橋, 子安神社. “Nara Todaiji Shoso-in Treasure Repository” - 庸調(So(租)-yo-cho in japan was a system modeled after china’s.)- The 741 record found in the special products delivered to the imperial court is the oldest. History book of the early Heian period; “Shoku Nihon Koki”- From the end of the 5th century to the beginning of the 6th century(畿内): 物部木蓮子の弟の物部小事(父; 物部布都久留). Current Kanto region: Bando- He was given a part of Shimousa Province by the imperial court for his merit. 匝瑳郡; さふさごおり- It is reported that the descendants named themselves Mr. Sosa Monobe. Return to a bright and beautiful city. Agriculture is land-use and intensive. In addition, mainly paddy rice, planting trees and facility vegetables such as tomatoes and strawberries: Open-air vegetables such as welsh onion, dairy, pig farming, poultry farming, etc. Complex management that combines them develops. In particular, the production of plants boasts one of the largest cultivated areas in Japan. It is said that it started in the Meiji era, and in the Taisho era(Podocarpus macrophyllus; 犬槇), it became a full-fledged occupation. “Yokoshibahikari Town, Sanbu District”, Located in the northeastern part of the prefecture. Kujukuri Beach, with its white sands in the south, and gentle hills in the north.The average annual temperature is 15 degrees Celsius, with cool summers and warm winters, with a pleasant climate. On March 27, 2006, sambu district yokoshiba town and Sousa District hikari town merged. The scenery of Kujukuri Beach, where the Pacific Ocean spreads magnificently, and the Kuriyama River, which flows through the central part of Yokoshibahikari Town, shines. It is a long and narrow terrain from north to south, and as it progresses from the flat coast to the plateau, it becomes slightly inland and the temperature difference. In general, it is blessed with natural conditions suitable for agriculture, which is cool in summer and warm in winter. Complex management that combines open-field vegetables and facility horticulture is flourishing centering on paddy agriculture. Paddy rice is the main crop, and sweet corn and leek are well known as open-field vegetables, such as tomatoes, squashes, and broccoli. There are also strawberry growers, and many are harvested from December to May and are popular. Working on high-profit crops, cherry tomato, melon in the greenhouse. Hydroponic mitsuba(Cryptotaenia canadensis (L.) DC.subsp. japonica (Hassk.) Hand. Mazz. (1933) cultivation, and in recent years, flower cultivation such as Cyclamen persicum has been carried out to improve management efficiency. Both pig farming and dairy farming are actively carried out. Speaking of representative agricultural products, welsh onions(Allium fistulosum L. var. bouddhae Prokh.). From around 1968, the cultivation of autumn and winter welsh onions became popular as a back crop of wheat, and in 1972, it was designated as a national production area. Plateau fields in the Houme Area and Kotabe Area were develoed from the 40's to the 1950's. After that, the cultivation method was improved and the brand continued to shine. Let's explain the product. The top of the representative crops is green onion. From around 1968, autumn and winter green onion cultivation became popular as a back crop of wheat. In 1972, it was designated as a national production area. The fields will be improved from about 40 to 50 years, which will support the cultivation of green onions. Currently, both spring onions and autumn / winter green onions. 国指定無形民俗文化財: 鬼来迎, 虫生鬼来迎保存会, 昭和51年5月4日, 国指定記念物(史跡): 芝山古墳群, 大字中台字外記, 芝山仁王 観音教寺(天台宗)他, 昭和33年6月28日, 県指定有形文化財(彫刻): 木造薬師如来立像1躯, 宮川, 薬王院(真言宗智山派), 昭和29年3月31日, 県指定有形文化財(彫刻): 銅造阿弥陀如来及び両脇侍立像3躯, 小川台, 隆台寺(真言宗智山派), 昭和29年3月31日, 県指定有形文化財(彫刻): 木造阿弥陀如来坐像1躯, 木戸, 観音院(浄土宗), 昭和33年4月23日, 県指定有形文化財(彫刻): 銅造阿弥陀如来及び両脇侍立像3躯, 篠本, 殿谷山 新善光寺(真言宗智山派), 昭和57年4月6日, 県指定有形民俗文化財, 広済寺の鬼来迎面13面, 虫生, 慈士山 広済寺(真言宗智山派), 平成14年3月29日, 県指定記念物(史跡): 海保漁村先生誕生之處, 北清水他, 昭和14年12月15日, 県指定記念物(天然記念物): 町原大銀杏, 木戸台字町原, 平成31年3月5日. Choshi, Iioka, Unakami, Asahi, Sosa-Chiba Prefecture products corn is in season from mid-June to mid-July. Main varieties: ゴールドラッシュcorn(A variety developed and bred by Sakata Seed Co., Ltd. It is a yellow-grain variety with all yellow grains, and has been on the market since around 2002.), 味来corn(Developed in the United States, it is so popular that it has a very strong sweetness and soft skin, so it is also called Miracle Sweet Corn. It has a higher sugar content than other varieties, and is said to have an average sugar content of 12% or more. You can taste the strong sweetness even if you eat it raw, and it will increase even more if you heat it, and if you eat it boiled, the sweetness and juiciness will stand out even more. In addition, the arrangement of the grains is uniform, and the grains are well loaded, and the grains seem to grow to the tip.), 恵味G-corn(Raised by Shimizu Seed Co., Ltd. in Ichiba, Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture. The yellow grains are glossy and the grains are well packed. Naka-Wase yellow variety matures about 88 days after sowing in proper cultivation. It has a strong sweetness, and the grain skin is soft, and the taste is particularly excellent. Since the sugar content is low and the skins are slow to shrivel, there is a wide range of suitable harvesting periods and the ability to maintain freshness is said to be outstanding.), ピュアホワイトcorn(Developed by Snow Brand Seed Co., Ltd. (Atsubetsu Ward, Hokkaido), a member of the Megmilk Snow Brand(雪印メグミルク)Group, it is a Nakate variety that can be harvested in about 88 days after sowing, and it bears fruit all the way to the tip. White grains that do not become dull even when boiled, have a strong sweetness, and the skin is soft and easy to eat. It seems to be suitable for restraint cultivation.). Annual shipment volume, 667,000 cases (1 case = 5 kg). Musical program: 猿田彦(さるたひこ), 鈿女(うずめ), オカメ, 手力雄命(たぢからおのみこと), 稚児(ちご)(幣束の舞), 八幡(はちまん), 三宝荒神(さんぽうこうじん), 榊葉(さかきは), 稚児(ちご)(扇の舞), 田の神、保食神(うけもちのかみ), 種子蒔(たねまき), 鯛釣(たいつり), 出雲切(いづもきり). At Kamakazu Ise Grand Shrine, there is a massive entrance gate that is so big that you can look up. In the background, there are cherry trees with light pink buds and lively stalls lined up, creating a scenery suitable for the annual spring festival. This is a shrine where the spirit of the Ise Kotai Jingu Shrine was transferred in March 1672 to pray for the camellia sea reclamation project, known for its tidal flat of 80,000 koku of rice. Kamakazu shinto music, which has been performed since the middle of the Edo period, is a shinto music that prays for a "huge harvest" for all crops to grow abundantly. , green and yellow) are enshrined. Twelve seats shinto music is performed by more than ten shinto music masters, and currently two types of children's shinto dance are added. In 1965, it was designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Chiba Prefecture. One of the three companies solicited for the completion of the tidal flat of 80,000 koku of rice by reclamation of the Tsubaki Sea. At the regularly held festival in spring, "Kamakazu no shinto music", a cultural property designated by the prefecture, is dedicated. There is a "Peanut Monument" in the precincts, and war ruins are mixed nearby. 1672年に, 伊勢内宮荒木田の神主梅谷長重の創立. 祭神は, 天照皇大神を祀る. 千葉県内ではここだけという伊勢皇大神社の分社. 敷地902坪の境内には, 本殿(萱葺神明造), 幣殿(銅板葺), 拝殿(銅板葺神明造), 社務所(亜鉛板葺平家造)が建ち並ぶ. 江戸時代1667年に, 伊勢桑名の藩士辻内刑部左衛門などにより, 下総の国椿の海とよばれていた広大な湖の開発工事(干拓事業)が起工され, 梅谷長重により大業の完成を祈願. 地元では「お伊勢さま(天照皇大神)」として広く親しまれているようだ. JA Chiba Midori Tideland Horticultural Association cherry tomatoes (Subsection (suppression): Registration date, Reiwa January 13, 2022, Number of registrations 17. Soil improvement by applying organic matter such as ripe compost for soil preparation, appropriate based on soil analysis By practicing proper fertilization, they are trying to cultivate tomato's original power. It seems that they are working on cultivation in compliance with the unified fertilization standards and pest control standards considered by all producers. As a method to reduce the use of pesticides, greenhouse Insect repellent nets are installed at the ventilation openings, etc. to prevent pests from entering. Adhesive sheets are installed to attract and kill invaded pests with color. Lanotape, etc., is used to control pests without direct contact of pesticides with crops. In order to supply safe and excellent agricultural products, we use as little pesticides as possible and try to grow in consideration of the natural environment. Since 2004, we have been working on cultivating "cherry tomatoes", which are more safe agricultural products, and now we are promoting "Fukusei". Asahi City's tidal flat district (former tidal flat town), which is close to the Tokyo metropolitan area, is located in the northeastern part of Chiba Prefecture, within a range of about 80 kilometers from Tokyo, and has an average annual temperature. Blessed with a relatively mild climate of about 15 degrees Celsius, this area is rich in agriculture. Because it is close to the Tokyo metropolitan area, a wide variety of fresh vegetables are shipped to the market. As the birthplace of the world's first agricultural cooperative, Asahi City's tidal flats The district was the birthplace of the world's first agricultural cooperative, the Ancestral Kabu Association. Inheriting the spirit of the cooperative founded by Yugaku Ohara, the area continues to focus on promoting agriculture and boasts a wide variety of agricultural products. From the inspection system, the producers carefully select and sort the fruits before shipping. In addition, it seems that they are inspecting the entire amount of each pack at the time of shipment to the market. Improvement of cultivation technology and quality, cultivation seminars, assessment meetings. It seems that they hold regular study sessions such as, etc., strive to improve cultivation techniques and quality, and produce tomatoes that will please consumers with love. Limited to varieties discussed in the subcommittee. "Lovely Ai Mini Tomato" (Vilmorin Mikado Co., Ltd., according to Vilmorin Mikado Co., Ltd., excels in extremely low fruit cracking rate), which is resistant to "Fulvia fulva (Cook) Ciferri(The affected sites are mainly on leaves. Occurs rarely on stems, flowers and young fruits. Small pale yellow spots with unclear outlines appear on the upper side of the leaves at first, and gray-yellow to greenish-brown velvety fungi grow densely on the underside. The lesions enlarge and change from gray-green to gray-purple, and similar fungi appear on the surface of the leaves. Tomato sooty mildew (announced as a special report in April 2005 in Aichi Prefecture) is a disease that exhibits symptoms very similar to leaf mold. Leaf blight and sooty mildew may occur together. If symptoms such as those described above are observed in leaf mold-resistant cultivars, the possibility of sooty mildew seems to be high.)", which was difficult to control. It has a high quality rate. It is easy to cultivate because it does not produce abnormal stems.It has a high sugar content, less acidity in low temperatures, and a refreshing acidity in high temperatures that makes it easy to eat. Fruit weight is around 15-20 g. The fruit shape is a ball, and the fruit color is bright red. The fruit bunches are a high-yielding variety that can easily produce double fruit bunches, making it suitable for large production areas. There is no warping of the calyx, and it is good to store after harvesting. Highly resistant to tomato mosaic virus (Tm-2a), wilt race 1 and race 2, half wilt, leaf blight (Cf9), root rot wilt. Moderate disease resistance to root-knot nematodes. It seems that they are aiming to produce high quality tomatoes. Chika cherry tomatoes are also grown. JA Chiba Midori Iioka Mini Tomato Subcommittee (suppression): Registration date, April 8, 2022 Number of registrations: 10. Varieties: Sun cherry pure cherry tomatoes(According to Tokita Seed Co., Ltd., it has mold (Cf-9) resistance, virus disease (TMV-Tm2a) and wilt race 1 resistance, spot disease resistance, and root-knot nematode resistance. It is an easy-to-cultivate cultivar that is resistant to abnormal stems and core retention. The flower clusters are mainly single, but after the 3rd and 4th tiers, they are mainly double. Stable fruiting with 20 to 35 fruits per inflorescence. Each fruit weighs around 18 g, and the sugar content is stable at around 8%. It seems to be suitable for restraint, overwintering, and forcing cultivation.), etc. Chemical nitrogen content (kg / 10 a) 11kg Reference: 1/2 of conventional Quantity: 11 kg Chemically synthesized pesticides (ingredients) used: 40 times Reference: 16 times, which is half the usual number. JA Chiba Midori is located in the northeastern part of Chiba Prefecture, and has a variety of soil conditions, such as sandy loam, loam, clayey soil, and volcanic ash, consisting of the Toso Plateau and the Kujukuri Plain. It was established in January 2001 as one. As a production area built up over many years, the members of the cooperative work hard at production while learning from the hardships and efforts of their predecessors, supporting the foundation of Japanese agriculture. The production situation within the jurisdiction is divided into upland farming, rice farming, livestock, dairy farming, fruit trees, and plants, and a wide variety of agricultural products are produced and sold. Taking advantage of the characteristics of early cultivation, we are working on specially cultivated rice with reduced pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and we produce 60 types of vegetables annually, including outdoor and indoor vegetables, and many branded products embrace.

Asahi City can be roughly divided into the "coastal sand zone" bordering the Kujukuri coast, the "alluvial flat zone" including vast tidal flat cultivated land, and the "eastern Hokuso plateau zone" of the alluvial Kanto loam zone located in its hinterland. The tidal flat area belongs to the alluvial flat zone and the "Eastern Hokuso Plateau Zone". The field soil of the plateau is volcanic ash, the soil is loam, and the soil fertility is moderate. As for weather conditions, the average annual temperature is around 15°C, the annual rainfall is around 1,600 mm, and it is famous for its mild climate with almost no snow cover.

The tidal flats in Asahi City, which are under the jurisdiction of the same JA, are centered on upland farming, and in particular, greenhouse horticulture using vinyl greenhouses is popular. Japanese yam, a root vegetable, grows on the northern plateau at an altitude of 40 m to 50 m, edible chrysanthemum, Shishito pepper, and pickling melon, which began as rice paddy conversion crops in the 1965s in the southern paddy area at an altitude of 2.5 m to 5 m, and sandy loam soil. , cucumbers and cherry tomatoes are thriving.
Asahi City's JA Chiba Midori Tidal Flat Mini Tomato Committee is about
A shipping organization consisting of 40 producers, with many young producers. In recent years, we have improved the yield per unit and the rate of excellent products.
For this purpose, the necessity of environmental control has been recognized again, and it seems that the introduction of environmental monitoring equipment and carbon dioxide application machines in the facility is progressing. Environmental control is a technology that promotes the growth of plants by adjusting environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide concentration within the facility to make it easier for plants to photosynthesize and suitable for growth. "Integrated Environmental Control Study Group NEXT". A producer in his thirties who introduced an environmental control system propulsively As a research group voluntarily formed by 11 young cherry tomato producers in the region, it is highly evaluated by those involved. In addition, by holding regular on-site review meetings once a month, we aim to deepen understanding among members about environmental control technology and establish technology. Seems to be In addition, they invite lecturers from environmental control equipment manufacturers to learn appropriate management methods that match the growth of plants, such as fertilization management and water management, which change due to environmental control. Participating young producers are to improve the cultivation environment while observing the results of tallying As a result, the yield increased by about 1.5 times compared to before environmental control was implemented. He is surprised and happy to hear that there are some producers who have achieved yields of 20 t / 10 a. In addition to the further increase in yield and the improvement of the excellent product rate, I have heard that they will continue to hold regular study sessions and on-site review meetings with the aim of standardizing cultivation management technology at a high level. In addition, in order to use equipment related to environmental control more efficiently, it seems that they are studying more appropriate management by accumulating analyzes of research member's facility environment data and yield data. In addition, the entire JA Chiba Midori Tidal Flat Mini Tomato Subcommittee disseminates the compilation of environmental control technology introduction cases by research members so that producers who are working to introduce new equipment related to environmental control can use the equipment smoothly.