
Friday, September 13, 2024

Shigeto TANI (Ephemeris; Astronomy / Shinto) - Second rank order of the 1st class Viscount; Toyonori YAMAUCHI: Cosin Rido SANJO (first rank in the hierarchy of the government highest possible order of merit duke) : Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is awarded the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Chrysanthemum and the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Chrysanthemum, the fourth person to receive this honor since the war. Graduated from Seikei University → Study abroad at the University of Southern California. He worked in New York when he was a salaryman at Kobe Steel.

Who is responsible?

The role of children's cafeterias: Children's cafeterias are free or low-cost cafeterias that children can go to alone, and they play a role in providing meals to children, eliminating the problem of eating alone, providing food education, and even providing a place for community interaction. The two pillars of their activities are child poverty countermeasures and community exchange hubs. Children's cafeterias are a voluntary and independent initiative initiated by the private sector, and are said to have started in 2012 with the efforts of a greengrocer in Ota Ward, Tokyo. In the eight years since their inception (2020), the number has exceeded 3,700 nationwide, and their recognition has increased to the point that 80% of the public responded that they have heard of the term "children's cafeteria." In the 2023 survey, the number of children's cafeterias nationwide increased by 1,768 from the previous year to 9,131, bringing the total number of public junior high schools and compulsory education schools nationwide to 9,296. This is almost the same as the previous survey. This is the largest increase since the survey began in 2018. From the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "2023 School Basic Survey (Preliminary Values)"

【Product name】

TOSA zamboa


C.grandis Osbeck forma Tosa.

【Production area/wholesale area】

Kochi Prefecture Takaoka District (Kosai District), Agawa District (Niyodogawa District), Aki City (Aki District), Hata District (Hata District), Kami City (Kami District)

【Origin of name】

Derived from Chinese, it refers only to pear-based and obovate-shaped ones. All are the names of the 文, 旦, actors who were planting trees. By Masao Iwamasa. He served as a agricultural faculty Prof. of univ., Which is known as the degree of kyushu university. Also, theory derived from Qing Dynasty ship master, Xie Citrus Maxima.

【Main features】

Kochi Prefecture seems to be soliciting donations from everyone who agrees with the purpose in order to continue to support the efforts of the "Kodomo Shokudo". It seems that the donations received will be accumulated in the "Kochi Prefecture Children's Cafeteria Support Fund" together with the prefectural expenses and will be used to subsidize the organizations that operate the "Children's Cafeteria". (Donations to the prefecture are subject to donation deductions, etc.) A children's cafeteria actually exists to stop poverty and declining birthrate throughout Japan. The reality is that it refers to a community where local residents and local governments take the lead in providing meals to children for free or at low prices. In addition, it seems that it is possible for office workers who return late and families who do not have time to do housework to gather and eat, not just as a place to provide meals for children. In this way, the creation of a "place where many people gather" seems to function as a place for communication among local residents. It is a famous story that the children's cafeteria started with voluntary and voluntary efforts from the private sector. “Shimanto Town, Takaoka District, Kochi Prefecture”, Kubokawa Town, Taisho Town, and Toowa Village merged-Born on March 20, 2006. It is located in the middle reaches of the Shimanto River, which flows from east to west. The southeastern part faces Tosa Bay. It is an area of 43.7 km east-west, 26.5 km north-south, and a total area of 642.28 km2. Forests account for 87.1 % and fields account for 4.8 %.Many of the settlements are located along the Shimanto River and its tributaries, along rivers and on plateaus. Eastern Shimanto Town (Formerly Kubokawa Town): Located on the Konandai plateau at an altitude of 230 m in the Shimanto basin, which flows southward in the central part.In addition, about 2,000 ha of agricultural land has spread. The center (formerly taisho town) is located in the northern part of the Hata district, "Kitaha Region". The Shimanto River arrives in the plain. It can be seen slightly along the Yusuhara River, but most of it is occupied by forests.Western (Formerly Toowa Village): The Shimanto River meanders from east to west in the center. Agricultural land is scattered along the basin, and forests occupy about 90% of the total area. “Niyodogawa Town, Agawa District”, The prefecture's Agawa Village, Ikegawa Town, and Niyodo Village merged-August 1, 2005. It is located in the northwestern part of the prefecture, about 50 km from Kochi City. In addition, it is about an hour and a half by car. Located between Kochi City and Matsuyama City when viewed over a wide area. The area where Japan National Route 33 and Route 439, which connect each other's cities, intersect. It is blessed with beautiful nature across the Shikoku Mountains to the north and the Niyodo River to the east and west. The Niyodo River, which flows through the town, originates in Kumakogen Town, Ehime Prefecture. Collect many tributaries such as Choja River and Doi River and pour them into the Pacific Ocean. The terrain has an elevation of about 100 m to 1,800 m and forms a mountainous area. The villages are scattered along the river or at the foot of the mountain. The altitude difference is large, and the average temperature is around 15 ° C in the mountains. It seems that there is some snowfall in winter. Also, there is a lot of rain during the East Asian rainy season. From summer to autumn, there is a lot of heavy rain due to the effects of typhoons. It is a relatively warm and rainy area, with annual precipitation reaching 2,500 mm. Taking advantage of the site conditions-The satoyama industry, including agriculture and forestry, has been the mainstay for a long time. Tea-processing industry-It boasts one of the largest outputs in the prefecture and is known as a tea area. “Aki City”, A garden city located about 40 km east of the prefectural capital Kochi City. Japan National Route 55 crossing the south-Form the largest urban area in the eastern part of the prefecture. South faces Tosa Bay : The north is backed by the Shikoku Mountains and borders Tokushima Prefecture. The Aki River and Ioki River flow south to the Center : The Aki Plain extends into the basin. The plain has been open as an agricultural area since ancient times. The system of land subdivision in ancient Japan is laid down by the allotment of rice paddies for cultivation during the cultivator's lifetime (ritsuryo system). “Wamyo Rijosho” made in the 10th century-The Tamatsukuri and Kurodori settlements also existed. Medieval era-Minister of the Left, Soga no Akae lost to jinshin war and swept away by Tosa : Mr. Aki, a landlord who called himself a descendant, has occupied the Aki region for generations. The end of the Warring States period-Shikoku Unity loses the battle with Motochika Chosokabe and perishes-Tosa seven was proud of its authority and prestige among the great tribes : It's been about 300 years before it perished. After that, Chosokabe's era lasted for about 30 years. In the Edo period, it was designated as the Tosa domain. Tameshige Goto, a senior vassal of Daimyo-Kazutoyo Yamanouchi, knew and acted on Aki.Since then, successive generations have dominated until the Meiji era. After the feudal affairs, small villages, townships, and uras merged repeatedly. In 1889, it was integrated into nine villages according to the policy of the central government. The merger has been repeated until now. Agriculture : Take advantage of abundant water, long daylight hours and warm climate. Facility gardening that grows crops in greenhouses is popular. Eggplants, green peppers, green peppers, Japanese ginger, etc. are cultivated. The production of winter and spring eggplant is thriving, making it one of the leading production areas in Japan. Agriculture of environmental conservation type-We are working ahead of the rest of the country. Pest control using natural enemy insects that do not rely solely on chemically synthesized pesticides. Agriculture is being carried out with a reduced burden on the environment.In the Hilled rural area, mainly ‘Yuzu’, the production volume is the highest in Japan. “Kuroshio Town, Hata District”, Located in the southwestern part of the prefecture, in the eastern part of the county. The area of the town is 188.46 km2. Unique to southern countries-It is warm and has a lot of rain, with an annual average temperature of 17 degrees and an annual precipitation of around 2800 mm. Taking advantage of this climate, agriculture is flourishing. In the Ogata area, protected horticulture, floriculture(Lily, Gypsophila), and paddy rice have been mainly practiced from early on. Among them, facility cucumber, facility leek, etc. are known. Also, in the Saga area, “Tosa bonito single fishing fishery” is flourishing. In recent years, perfect sun-dried salt is also a typical special product. Shimeji mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms are cultivated and are delicious. The coastline with beautiful sandy beaches and rocky shores and lush mountains spread out. Utilizing natural resources-Whale watching, making Seared Bonito slices etc., Experience-based sports tourism and promotion of tourism utilizing Tosa Seinan Great Park. In addition, many people come from inside and outside the prefecture.In a town full of nature, a 4 km sandy beach is likened to an “art museum. ”You can see, play and enjoy something almost all year round. Symbolize the town : Tree, Kuromatsu / Magnolia compressa. The flowers are lily / camellia japonica. The bird, Kentish plover / silvereye. “香美市” : It was merged with Tosayamada Town and Kahoku Town and Monobe Village to form Kami City on March 1, 2006. It extends from the commuter town area of Kochi City to the mountainous area with abundant nature. It is a town with a vast area of 538 km2. Famous spots for fresh greenery and autumn leaves “Befukyo” and “Nishikuma Gorge”, “Mt. Miune”. Kami City Mr. Yanase Takashi Memorial Hall Anpanman Museum and Poem & Märchen Gallery, Nationally designated natural monuments and historic sites such as “Ryugado Cave.” Many tourists come to the tourist spots from outside the prefecture. Tosa forged cutlery and fluff of historic traditional industry. Taking advantage of the blessings of nature-New varieties of yakko green onion, leek, ginger, oba, peach (Karikari-Momoko) : Production of shiitake mushrooms and Yuzu ball, which has the largest shipment volume in Japan, is also active. Kochi University of Technology in the city : Collaborate with local industry and local communities-Mutual cooperation and exchange between industry, academia and government : Expected to revitalize new industries along with Kochi Techno Park. “Tosa Pomelo”, Hoga, Kajiki Town, Former Aira District(Present : Aira City), Kagoshima Prefecture : It originated from an old tree that was there. It is considered to be the same variety or group as Citrus Otachibana of Experiment Station. Hoga Pomelo label on Kochi Fruit Tree Experiment Station-Asakura, Kochi City opened in 1929. This is a raw tree sapling. Kochi Prefecture accounts for more than 90% of the national total, of which Tosa City accounts for about half. Expected to be harvested from trees and stored and ripened before shipping in December and January. When grown late, the sugar content increases. It tends to be easily damaged by the cold and does not have a unique flavor. In the case of overwintering on a tree, it is in a ‘granulation’ state due to the cold. Therefore, it is stored and shipped in the ‘field burial. ’The fruit is astonishingly large and has a warm color like the sun. In addition, the unique refreshing scent that floats in the air is pleasant.


It is a citrus fruit that is produced mainly in Tosa City, Kochi Prefecture, which has been around since autumn. It is said that it has traveled from China and Taiwan to Japan, and is distributed in Tosa City under the name "Tosa Buntan". There are two other varieties, "Greenhouse Pomelo" and "Crystal Pomelo". "Greenhouse Pomelo" is cultivated in a greenhouse and has a high sugar content, which is useful as a gift during the year-end gift season. Compared to Tosa Pomelo, "Crystal Pomelo" has a greener skin, a lot of juice and juiciness, and the flesh is soft.


It is one of the specialty fruits of Kochi prefecture, and is characterized by its unique refreshing aroma and crisp texture. When you eat one grain, the small, crispy fruit pops and the juice spreads in your mouth. There are "Tosa Pomelo" and "Crystal Pomelo" cultivated in greenhouse are from October to December, and "Tosa Pomelo" cultivated in the open field is mainly from January to April. We are shipping.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

1873: Otsukihara reclamation is a state-owned Asaka reclamation project. Implemented as a breeding industry policy and vocational training, raising and using livestock, introducing Western farming objective. Yabuki reclaims the original area of ASAKA canal-IWASE pasture is sixth patriarch of dairy farming

神炊館神社(おたきやじんじゃ) - 建弥依米命, 石背国造神社(いわせくにつこじんじゃ) ,  白方神社 

It is held every year on July 14th. It is said that if you offer two cucumbers, a local specialty of Sukagawa, take home another cucumber as a talisman, and eat it, you will not get sick for a year. The deity enshrined is said to be Toyotarihiko(豊足彦), the 17th kuni no miyatsuko of Ishibe Province. According to ancient records, he was enshrined in Asahigaoka and called Iwase Tenno for his virtue in life, and he also came to be called "Kuuri Tenno-sama" (Cucumber Tenno) because he had a large cucumber field in life. One year, an epidemic spread through this region, and people thought it must be the worship of the god, so they welcomed his spirit from Asahigaoka, held a ceremony, and offered cucumbers, and the epidemic dissipated, and it is said that no one was ever infected with the epidemic after that. Since then, once a year, a temporary hut is built in the square, two cucumbers are offered, and if you take one of the cucumbers that has been offered and eat it, it is said that you will not get sick. This is a traditional event: Sukagawa City Minami Town, Oma Town, Taimatsu Street.

【Product name】
IWASE cucumbers


Cucumis sativus L.

【Production and wholesale location】

Okubo Muronuki, Sukagawa City, Fukushima Prefecture (Shirae area)

【Origin oe name】

"Hu" of cucumber is another name for different races in ancient China. It has been cultivated since the Heian period via China. “木瓜”, “黄瓜” It was named because it turns yellow when ripe. The name of the area that has been produced in Iwase, Sukagawa for generations.

【Main features】

It seems that the 75th Prefectural Fire Fighting Convention was held in Sukagawa City on June 4, 2022, where firefighters in Fukushima Prefecture gathered together to renew their pledge to fire and disaster prevention in the area. As a measure against the new coronavirus infectious disease, the number of participants was limited to about 400, but it seems that the firefighters who gathered at the tournament for the first time in three years confirmed their high aspirations to ensure the safety and security of the area. Chairman Yoshida of the Fukushima Prefecture Fire Fighting Association, who sponsored the event, said, There is a strong need to respond to large-scale and complicated disasters. Must be. “Sukagawa City” is located in the center of Fukushima Prefecture. The official report was announced on January 18, 2005 regarding the abolition of Sukagawa City and Iwase Village on April 1, 2005, which had been applied to the Governor of Fukushima Prefecture on November 12, 2004. Similarly, the official report of Sukagawa City and Naganuma Town was also announced, and the merger of Sukagawa City, Naganuma Town and Iwase Village was officially approved, and the merger of cities, towns and villages created a city with a population of more than 80,000. Fukushima Airport is located in the eastern part, and the Tohoku Expressway is located in the central part. Surrounded by the Abukuma Mountains and the Ou Mountains, the central part has a flat terrain and is a green area with the Abukuma River and the Shakado River. The average annual temperature is 12 degrees Celsius, and the annual rainfall is 1,300 mm, which is relatively warm and has little snowfall. It is one of the leading summer and autumn vegetable producing areas in Japan where many items such as cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, and green beans are cultivated. Due to the relatively high temperature and summer weather in July and August with the rainy season in between, and the autumn weather, which is relatively unaffected by the cold wind from the northwest, the area is suitable for growing cucumbers, and the yield of summer and autumn cucumbers is high. It is the best in the whole country. Every July, there is a cucumber festival “Kiuri Tenno Matsuri”, which can be called a “cucumber town”. The “Kiuri Tenno Festival” is held every year on July 14th in the center of Sukagawa City. It is said that if you bring two cucumbers, which is a special product of Sukagawa, and bring back another cucumber instead of an amulet, you will not get sick for a year if you eat it. The deity is said to be Miyatuko Hotarahiko, the 17th generation of I wase no Kuni. According to the old record, due to his virtue during his lifetime, he was enshrined in Asahigaoka and was called Iwase Tenno, and since he had a large cucumber field during his lifetime, he became known as “Kiuri Tenno-sama”. One year, a plague spread to this region, and people thought that it was the worship of Tenno Iwase. It seems that no one is suffering from the plague. Then, once a year, a temporary store is built in the open space, and two cucumbers are raised and one cucumber is offered to return home. It is a traditional event that it is said that eating it will not cause illness. In Sukagawa City, cucumber cultivation began in 1954, and under climatic conditions suitable for cultivation, the efficiency of shipping was improved as the movement to form housing estates intensified. It has been designated and has formed the largest summer and autumn cucumber producing area in Japan from 1970 to the present. Since 1970, the cultivation method has been improved rapidly, grafting cultivation and house cultivation, which are now common, have become widespread, and the varieties of agricultural cooperatives in the jurisdiction have been unified. In 1992, the rationalization of shipping standards progressed, but due to the impact of the collapse of the bubble economy, the sales amount, which had been steadily increasing until then, seems to have been sluggish. However, in 1993, winter and spring cucumbers became designated as vegetable production areas, and can be shipped throughout the year. In 1994, an automatic fruit sorting facility went into operation to consolidate the fruit sorting work of each grower. Since then, we have been actively promoting cost reduction, but the problems such as the recent price slump and the aging of growers are issues. As a general cultivation method for summer and autumn cucumbers in the area, open-field cultivation (open-field ordinary cultivation) has been adopted. Although it is greatly affected by weather conditions, it requires less materials and is used by about 80% of growers (at that time: about 60 hectares). Cucumbers dislike over-humidity and poor ventilation in the soil, so it seems important to take measures against drainage in the fields. Specifically, since there are many fields that have been converted from paddy fields in the region, drainage ditches will be dug deeper around the fields and the ridges will be raised so that moisture can be easily managed. A dark pipe with a diameter of 50 to 60 cm for drainage is embedded between the ridges, and a tube or pipe is installed in the ridge in case of drought to enable watering. It is said that high-yielding growers in the area plow soil compost or rye in the fall and winter. Soil compost is made by burying rice straw in the soil to compost it, and uses 2000 kg of rice straw, 100 kg of lime nitrogen, and 60 kg of yorin; Phosphoric acid, silicic acid, magnesium, lime(Molten fertilizer)per 10 ares of field. Sprinkle rice straw cut into small pieces of about 10 cm on the field, sprinkle water, sprinkle lime chisso and yorin, and then reverse plow. Lime chisso and yorin are used for the purpose of promoting the decomposition of rice straw in order to prevent growth disorders that occur when compost is immature. On the other hand, for rye plow, 6 to 10 kg of rye is seeded per 10 ares to make green manure, covered with soil very shallowly, and then compost, bitter lime, yorin, etc. are sprayed in late April of the following spring. It is then cultivated and is done to avoid continuous cropping obstacles. When the true leaves begin to appear 10 to 12 days after sowing, seedlings are “grafted” to make up for the weaknesses of weak cucumbers. In the district, for cucumber varieties, if a certain amount of labor can be secured, varieties with vigorous lateral leaf development and high yield are selected. In this case, be careful not to delay the defoliation. On the other hand, if there is a shortage of labor, labor-saving varieties are selected. Also, if certain diseases are likely to occur in the field, disease-resistant varieties may be selected. Similarly, the variety of rootstock (lower plant: pumpkin seedling) that is grafted with the scion (upper plant: cucumber seedling) is also selected in consideration of the field condition and compatibility with the scion. Seedlings produced by grafting are often infected with viruses during the seedling raising period, so when raising seedlings in a house, cover the openings with an insect repellent net to prevent the invasion of pests. In this case, the air permeability will deteriorate, so thorough control should be taken to prevent diseases caused by over-humidity such as “downy mildew: Pseudoperonospora cubensis”. I heard that the seedling raising period in the house is about one month. Fertilize and mulch the ridges at least 1 month before planting. Mulch aims to secure soil moisture in addition to suppressing the growth of weeds. When 3 to 4 true leaves appear, the quality of rooting greatly affects the subsequent growth, so it is said that they will be planted on a calm and warm day. Immediately before planting, it is important to soak the seedlings in liquid fertilizer and thoroughly water them, and as a countermeasure against pests, the chemicals are mixed with the soil in advance. In the jurisdiction, about 30 days from planting to the start of harvesting is considered appropriate, and for rooting, which is the most important after planting, watering the plant roots (planted seedlings) about 3 times in 10 days after planting is performed. It promotes the vertical growth of roots and produces strong seedlings that are not affected by changes in weather conditions. Yield is said to be related to the “grass appearance” that is determined by the management of female flowers until flowering. The ideal grass shape is that the side branches are well developed, and in addition to that, daily checks such as whether the tendrils are thick and energetic, the leaf color is glossy, and the flowers are facing upward are important, and it grows. Depending on the situation, watering, leaf thinning, fruit thinning and topdressing are performed, and the harvest is reached 2 months after seeding. JA Yume Minami (formerly JA Sugakawa Iwase) has been promoting the cultivation of summer and autumn cucumbers with an insect repellent net (about 1 mm) since 2003. It was introduced as a countermeasure against abnormal weather such as high temperature and cold summer with reference to the efforts of the Aizu region, but it also has the effect of reducing the outbreak of diseases by preventing the invasion of pests, and stable production compared to normal open-field cultivation. It has become possible. Specific merits are not only heat retention effect and avoidance of high temperature, but also reduction of acute wilt disease (Phomopsis black root rot of cucurbit; viral disease in which roots rot and die rapidly) due to pests, and roots after planting because they are not easily affected by wind. The tension is good and hail can be completely prevented. In addition, the number of times of spraying pesticides such as pesticides is reduced by about 30%, and pesticide-reduced cultivation becomes possible. It is important to note that the dew on the leaves dries slowly, so it is necessary to control “downy mildew; Pseudoperonospora cubensis” and “brown spot disease; Corynespora cassiicola (Berkeley and Curtis) Wei” caused by insufficient ventilation. In this case, it is important to maintain a field with sufficient drainage measures and to widen the space between the insect repellent net and the columns to improve ventilation. In addition, since honeybees are released in the net, it is required to use pesticides that have little effect on bees, and since the wind weakens and humidity is secured, the occurrence of side branches becomes vigorous, so diligent defoliation Is required. Although there are some precautions, the growth is promoted and the grass vigor is stable, so the yield and A-grade product rate are higher than in normal open-field cultivation, and the harvest period is extended, which improves the income of growers. Is also connected. The number of farmers cultivating insect repellent nets was 24 (about 3 hectares) in 2003, but increased to 114 (about 20 hectares), which is about 10% of the total, in 2006. The standard facility cost is about 1 million yen per 10 ares, and JA Sugakawa Iwase at that time planned to expand the number of cultivated farmers to about 30% by utilizing subsidy projects in Fukushima Prefecture and other areas. Pollination by releasing honeybees in the net: At the former JA Sugakawa Iwase, in March 1996, in order to save labor in shipping work, a large automatic fruit sorting facility “Kyurinkan” with a daily processing capacity of 90 tons was opened. Started operation. A large facility with a total area of 57,138 km2 (about 1.2 Tokyo Domes), about 40% of the cucumbers harvested in the jurisdiction are sorted and shipped. With the completion of the facility, many farmers were pleased with the fact that they were freed from the fruit sorting and boxing work that they had done so far, and that they had more time to spend with their families and reduced chronic fatigue. At peak times, the entrances are lined up: Looking at the specific flow to shipment, first of all, farmers pack the harvested cucumbers in a dedicated container equipped with a bar code production control system, and at the entrance on the first floor of the facility. I brought it in. After the container is automatically cooled in the pre-cooler, it is transported to the fruit sorting line on the second floor, and each one is checked for size and shape with a dedicated camera, and eight types of standards are used at a speed of three per second. Was sorted out. After that, the boxes are automatically packed in two stages (48 in total) of 24 in a shipping box assembled by a machine in the facility, and after being visually confirmed by the workers, two are added manually and one box is added. It seems that a total of 50 bottles were shipped. Dedicated container for barcode management, cucumbers are sorted one by one, size and shape are determined by a dedicated camera, and two cucumbers are added at the final confirmation. In addition, in order to prevent dandruff (a phenomenon in which the tip expands significantly due to high temperatures), the quality is maintained by a unique initiative of covering the box with moisture-absorbing paper. In addition, bar code management has created a mechanism (traceability system) that allows each box to identify “who brought in the cucumbers at what time”, and has endeavored to improve quality. Moisturizing moisture-absorbing paper, quality maintenance is the first shipment, and before and after “Marine Day” in late July, when the shipment of open-field cucumbers peaked, 100 people are selected and shipped instead of 70 people. , Mainly shipped to Keihin and Kansai areas. Every year, one out of every two cucumbers distributed in the Keihin area from July to August is said to be from Sukagawa. The farmer's market "Hatakenbo", which is a direct sales office, sells fresh vegetables and fruits and handmade processed products. For fruits and vegetables, the producer sets the price himself and handles everything from bagging to delivery. At the time of sale, the “name of the producer” is clearly stated, and it is possible to see at a glance who produced it, and many farmers are participating, saying “I am glad that you can buy it directly.” The operation is completely separated from JA Sugakawa Iwase at that time, and the abundant ideas unique to the direct sales office are utilized in the sales strategy. “Hatakenbo” with the catchphrase “Second rice field and field” : Staff with “food education sommelier” qualifications are stationed at the direct sales office and propose delicious ways to eat to consumers. Introducing the locally popular “cucumber miso soup” and recently the deeply seasoned “cucumber tsukudani”. In addition, many products using cucumber, such as dressings and alcohol, are gaining popularity. Light green noodles called "Kyumenbo", which is made by kneading fresh cucumber juice and blending locally produced Koshihikari rice flour to increase the chewy texture, are on sale. When you put it in your mouth, the refreshing aroma of cucumber spreads, and in addition to the commercially available noodle soup, there is also a “special miso sauce” developed for this product, and a variety of ways to eat it originates from Sukagawa, the home of cucumber. Has been done. These products are made from non-standard cucumbers, which have no problem in taste and nutrition but are bent, which contributes to the effective use of resources. Voices of local producers: Due to normal open-field cultivation, they have been plagued by pest-derived diseases such as aphids for many years. Since it was possible to receive administrative support, insect repellent nets are now being introduced in all fields. Insect repellent net cultivation increased the yield by about 30% and the rate of A-class products. In the past, the harvest season was until mid-October, but it is now possible to harvest until late October. The factor is that the stress on the cucumber is reduced and the life is extended. Not only pests but also wind, rain, sunlight and temperature difference, the insect repellent net has the effect of reducing stress. Cucumber is a vegetable that takes time to harvest. As the insect repellent net improves the growth, it is essential to remove the leaves to improve ventilation, and in the case of the intense heat like this year, the cucumbers get tired from the heat, so use liquid fertilizer containing amino acids, etc. I will spare no effort. Since “the yield cannot be expected without much effort,” the number of cultivated plants was reduced in order to actually balance the working hours. Even so, it seems that the same yield as before is secured by cultivating insect repellent nets. In addition, it seems that they have been working on the cultivation of bloomless cucumbers that do not produce white powder (bloom) on the surface from early on. Use bees for pollination. Cucumber fruits are more pollinated by bees, and it is said that the work of bees is indispensable for the production of good products. Organic fertilizers are used extensively in Sukagawa's proud summer and autumn cucumber cultivation, which boasts the highest production in Japan, and it has an excellent balance of well-balanced moisture and firmness, crisp texture and sweetness. City-designated tangible cultural property building: Iwase Ranch Tamaki Maize Reservoir(Iwase Bokujo corn Chozosho): In 1880, in the wilderness area called Rokukenbara from Kagamida Village to Maedagawa Village in Iwase District, a cultivated land directly managed by the Imperial Household Ministry of the Imperial Household was set up, and livestock farming equipment and dairy cows were imported directly from the Netherlands. European-style farm management has started. It is a thatched-roof warehouse with a stilt lattice wall that was built at this time. Currently, there are two remaining buildings, with a floor area of 33 km2 on the east side and 59.433 m2 on the west side. Since it is a stilt type with a floor height of 90 cm, it is possible to protect things inside the refrigerator from moisture and small animals, and moderate air enters and exits from the grid-like wall surface, and it seems that it was suitable for storage and storage of food and the like.


Cucumber cultivation began in earnest in Sukagawa City in 1954, and under climatic conditions suitable for cultivation, the efficiency of shipping was improved as the movement to form a housing complex intensified, and in 1966, vegetables for summer and autumn cucumbers. It has been designated as a designated production area and has formed the largest summer and autumn cucumber production area in Japan from 1970 to the present. Since 1970, the cultivation method has been improved rapidly, and grafted cultivation and greenhouse cultivation, which are now common, have become widespread, and it seems that the varieties of the agricultural cooperatives in the jurisdiction have been unified.


It seems that it is cultivated for a long time from March to December by combining open field cultivation and green house cultivation. The cucumbers produced by the rich soil and delicious air are fresh. The original taste of cucumber is tightly packed. Although it is the time of year, greenhouse cultivation starts in late March and ends in mid-December. Open-field cultivation starts in late June, peaks in mid-August, and ends in mid-October.


"Iwase Cucumber", which was designated as a production area in 1966, is crispy due to the summer weather around July to August, which is relatively hot and the rainy season, and the autumn weather, which is relatively unaffected by the cold wind from the northwest. It produces a fresh and fresh taste. In addition, in order to produce this excellent agricultural product, it is important to take measures against drainage in the field because it dislikes over-humidity and poor ventilation of the soil. Specifically, since there are many fields that have been converted from paddy fields in the region, drainage ditches will be dug deeper around the fields and the ridges will be raised to facilitate water management. It seems that a dark pipe with a diameter of 50 to 60 cm for drainage is embedded between the ridges, and a tube or pipe is installed in the ridges in preparation for drought to enable irrigation.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Minamoto no Yoritomo established the Kamakura Shogunate, seized power over the country, and established a military government. A man descended from the Seiwa-Genji and Kawachi-Genji clans became the head of the military government; the head of the Shogunate; and established himself as Seii Taishogun. The Genji (Kamakura) - Minamoto Tameyoshi, Yoshitomo, Yoritomo, and Yoshitsune - were the ones who really launched the military government that lasted for about 700 years. They were organized for self-defense in local communities where the Ritsuryo system was in disarray. The ragtag warriors of the rugged eastern region destroyed the Heike clan in the capital, who had become aristocrats, and established a military government. Did the Genji, like the Heike, aim to enjoy success in imperial society as military aristocrats?

BLOF Theory = Ecologically Harmonious Agriculture Theory

Supply of amino acids based on crop physiology, supply of mineral fertilizers based on soil analysis and fertilization design, formation of soil aggregates using solar curing treatment, suppression of soil pathogens, supply of water-soluble carbohydrates

Supply of amino acids ≒ In conventional cultivation using chemical fertilizers, crops synthesize amino acids using inorganic nitrogen absorbed by crops and carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis, and then synthesize proteins. On the other hand, BLOF theory utilizes amino acids, which are nitrogen with carbohydrates, so carbohydrates are not needed for protein synthesis, and the surplus carbohydrates can be used for plant fiber, root acid, and crop nutrients (starch, sugar, organic acids, antioxidants) that strengthen the plant body, resulting in high quality and high yields while maintaining a strong body that can resist pests. Supply of minerals ≒ Minerals are identified through soil analysis to determine whether they are in excess or insufficient, and fertilization is designed and applied in appropriate amounts based on the analysis results. Minerals are elements necessary for photosynthesis and control various biochemical reactions, so if nitrogen is effective when there is a shortage of minerals, crops will grow weakly and become more susceptible to pests and diseases, so fertilization management is done with minerals first and nitrogen second. Solar curing is the process of applying semi-ripe compost and fertilizer (NPK, minerals) to a field, then watering it properly, applying mulch, and curing it at an accumulated temperature of approximately 450 to 900 degrees. A granular structure is formed in the soil, improving the roots of crops and increasing photosynthetic ability, resulting in high quality and abundant harvests. Beneficial microorganisms that are antagonistic to soil disease bacteria are multiplied in the soil, preventing the occurrence of disease. Soil fertility is improved by supplying water-soluble carbohydrates, and by making the most of that fertility, high quality and abundant harvests are achieved.

※Because they utilize amino acids, which are nitrogen-containing carbohydrates, they do not require much of the carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis for protein synthesis.

How about BLOFware®.Doctor(Japan Biofarm Co., Ltd.'s farming support cloud service)?

【Product name】

concentrated tomatoes

Solanum lycopersicum L.
【Production area】

Matsuki, Sakano Town, Komatsushima City, Tokushima Prefecture (Kashiyama Farm Ltd.)

【Origin of name】

Glucose and fructose are the sugar components contained in commonly cultivated tomatoes, which are already ripe and red when they are growing on the seedlings. In order to increase the sugar content, it is necessary to have a concentration effect that suppresses the inflow of water into the fruit due to water stress, etc., as well as an osmoregulation that exerts the function of actively storing components such as sugar and salts in order to prevent the outflow of water from the fruit. There seems to be. It has not been officially decided from what level of fruit sugar content to call high sugar content tomatoes, but it seems that tomatoes with a fruit sugar content of about 8% or more are called.

【Main features】

An ancient Yoshitsune legend passed down through time: When Yoshitsune's army visited Komatsushima to subjugate the Taira clan, the white flag of the Genji clan was put up on the flag mountain on the boundary between the fields and the lawn to raise the morale of the army. At the top of the mountain, there is a 6.7 meter tall equestrian statue of Yoshitsune (Miyano-mae, Shibo Town, Komatsushima City). there is During the Genpei War, a battle between the Taira clan and the Genji clan, he made many achievements as a genius of war. The three most famous battles are the Battle of Ichinotani, the Battle of Yashima, and the Battle of Dannoura, which destroyed the Heike clan. It is said that during the Battle of Yashima, Yoshitsune, who set sail from the port of Osaka, first landed at Komatsushima. Yoshitsune's aim was to covertly land his terracotta horses on Shikoku in order to surprise the enemy from behind. Arriving at Komatsushima in a storm, Yoshitsune gathered his retainers on each warship and raised the white flag, the symbol of Genji, to raise the morale. At this time, the place where he gathered his retainers was called 'Seigo', and the place where he raised the white flag was called 'Hatayama', and the name of the place remains today. The army finally began to march to Yashima, and the road they traveled at this time was the Yoshitsune Highway. It is said that he defeated Kumayama Castle and Sakurama Castle, which were on the Heike side, crossed the Osaka Pass on the prefectural border, and reached Yashima in one night. Among them, about 10 kilometers in Komatsushima City, which connects places related to Yoshitsune, is named "Yoshitsune Dream Road", and information boards and signposts are built. "Heisei Tanuki(badger)Battle Pom Poko (1994 Hata Office / Studio Ghibli / NH, Original / Screenplay / Director Isao Takahata, Planning Hayao Miyazaki, Producer Toshio Suzuki, Theme Song: 上々颱風 / 3th Shincho Kokontei / Makoto Nonomura / Yuriko Ishida / Norihei Miki / Nijiko Kiyokawa / Shigeru Izumiya / Hayao Miyazaki Takehiro Murata / Gannosuke Asiya / Kobuhei Hayashiya(9th Shozo) / Akira Fukuzawa / Katsura U.S.A. The cloud funding project was started in May 2022, saying that the Kincho deity with extraordinary spiritual powers (Kincho Shrine) in Komatsushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, which became the model for the movie, is in danger of collapsing due to aging. It seems that they are calling for donations. Kincho Tanuki, which appears in this movie, is a shrine that became a model for "Ecstatic Family 2" in addition to "Heisei Tanuki Battle Pom Poko", and seems to be known as a place loved not only by tourists but also by local residents. As the 2017 urban park redevelopment plan progressed, there was an article saying that the shrine would be relocated or demolished to become a parking lot, and local conservation activities have begun. While the signatures of the petition were gathered, it seems that the policy of local survival was changed with the change of the mayor in 2020. After that, a general incorporated association was established to maintain and manage the hall of worship surrounded by the entrance gate and the fence of shrine and to pass on the culture. However, it seems that the existing hall of worship, main shrine, etc. have deteriorated severely, some of the roofing tiles have fallen off, and the ceiling and floor have been rotted due to leaks. It seems that repairs were not enough each time, and the danger of collapse due to an earthquake was pointed out. Therefore, it seems that a part of the repair work has come to call for support by launching a crowdfunding project. In the prefecture, starting with Awa-Akaishi (Mugi Line, Komatsushima City) in 2014, it will proceed at a pace of almost one station a year, and in 2021, Awa Handa (Tokushima Line, Tsurugi Town, Mima District), Awa Nakashima (Mugi Line, Anan). It seems that it targets three stations, City) and Fuchu (Tokushima Line, Tokushima City). If you have a strong love for Tokushima, it seems that JR Shikoku, which you use every day, is demolishing dilapidated station buildings one after another in order to reduce strikes. Since 2014, 12 stations in 4 prefectures in Shikoku have been targeted, and it seems that the station building that has been popular for many years has disappeared at 8 stations, which is the largest number in Tokushima prefecture. Although local residents are lonely, the company seems to be planning to demolish other stations after consulting with the local government. Around 2014, the company has begun discussions with local governments to rebuild an aging wooden station building. It seems that the old station building was demolished from the station where the direction was decided, and a simple facility with an aluminum roof and an enclosure was installed. All of them are only large enough to fill up with a few to a dozen people. Most stations seem to have no toilets. The local economy in a pandemic continues to decline, but the reality is clear that it is serious before that. Tokushima Prefecture cites changes in the female population, the progress of unmarried and late marriage, and the progress of late birth as the causes of the declining birthrate. Changes in the female population The female population in Tokushima Prefecture (15 to 49 years old) decreased by 55,000 in 2013 compared to 1985. According to the latest survey results (as of April 1, 4th year of Reiwa), the number of households is on a slight increase, but the total male and female population is on a downward trend. Tokushima is located in the eastern part of Shikoku, facing Kii Suido in the east, Kagawa prefecture in the north, Kochi prefecture in the south, and Ehime prefecture in the west. There are many mountains and it occupies about 80% of the total area of 4,146.65 km2. There are many mountains over 1,000 m. The highest mountain in the prefecture is Mt. Tsurugi in the Shikoku Mountains, which is the second highest mountain in Shikoku at an altitude of 1,955 m. The Tsurugi mountainous district centered on Mt. Tsurugi is a watershed that divides the prefecture into north and south. As it flows eastward, it creates a wide, wedge-shaped Tokushima plain. The Sanuki Mountains, north of the Yoshino River, are generally low, alluvial fans are developed at the foot of the mountain, and the land is high. The southern slope mountains of the diversion ridge are abundant forest areas, there are few wide flatlands, and the mountains are rocky coasts directly in the sea south of Anan City, which is in sharp contrast to the sandy beaches of Tohoku, and the sea is deep. , Has a suitable terrain as a harbor. Although the north-south length is less than 100 km, the climate is complex and diverse due to the influence of the terrain. The average annual temperature is warmest in the southeastern coast and cooler in the western mountains. There is a temperature difference of about 4 degrees between the coastal area and the mountainous area, and the annual rainfall in the northern part to the Yoshino River and the Sanuki Mountains is relatively small at less than 1,500 mm, and it belongs to the warm and dry “Setouchi climate”. There is. In the past, the salt industry was prospering by taking advantage of this characteristic climate. The alpine region centered on Mt. Tsurugi in the Shikoku Mountains belongs to the “Japanese coastal climate”, which is cold and has a lot of rainfall. In this alpine region, the northwest monsoon is strong, and in winter it snows enough to ski. In addition, it is cool and comfortable in summer, and is suitable for summer, hiking, and mountain walking. The southern part belongs to the “Pacific climate”, which is warm and has a lot of rainfall. This area is warm throughout the year, but it has a lot of rainfall. From Hiwasa to Nukumisafin Beach in Toyo Town, Kochi Prefecture, there are many of Japan's leading surfing spots, and it seems that surfers are crowded on weekends. In ancient times, when Mr. Inbe pioneered the Yoshino River basin, millet grew well, so this area is called Awa no Kuni, while the areas around Katsuura, Naka, and Kaifu Sangun in the south are called Naga no Kuni. It is said that it has become. In the Taika Reform, these countries were collectively called “Awa no Kuni”. At that time, the Kokufu was located in the western area of present-day Tokushima City (currently Kokufu Town Fuchu), where the Kokushi lived, and this became the center of politics. In the Middle Ages and the Kamakura period, the shogunate appointed the guardians of Mr. Sasaki and Mr. Ogasawara (later Miyoshi). During the Muromachi period, Mr. Hosokawa was in power, but after the Onin War, Awa became the time of Mr. Miyoshi, and Nagayoshi temporarily expanded to Kinai. However, it soon declined, and Chosokabe Motochika, who came out of Tosa, conquered Shikoku. Chosokabe was defeated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was aiming for national unification, and Hachisuka Iemasa was sealed by Awa. Mr. Hachisuka set up a castle in the current Shiroyama area, and since that time, Tokushima Castle has become the center of politics and culture. For about 300 years in the Edo period, he made a fortune by monopolizing indigo, salt, sugar, and leaf tobacco. Even in the early modern period, the Tokushima domain also owned Awaji. In the Meiji era, when Tokushima Prefecture was established by the abolition of the feudal clan, Tsuna District was separated from Awaji. Soon after the name was changed to Myodo Prefecture, it came to have jurisdiction over the entire Awaji area. Then, in 1873, Sanuki Province was merged, but in 1875 Sanuki Province was separated and Kagawa Prefecture was relocated. In 1876, Myodo prefecture was abolished, and the whole Awaji prefecture was merged with Hyogo prefecture, and the remaining Myodo prefecture was merged with Kochi prefecture. In March 1881, Tokushima Prefecture was relocated to this day. 万葉集の巻6の歌「眉の如 雲居に見ゆる 阿波の山 かけて漕ぐ舟 泊知らずも: 如眉 雲居尓所見 阿波乃山 懸而榜舟 泊不知毛: The mountains of Awa that can be seen beyond the clouds that hang like long eyebrows. You can see the boat rowing towards it. I don't know where I'm going to stay: 春三月幸于難波宮之時歌六首 - 998番歌 - 船王」Naruto City in March 1947 (renamed Naruto City in May of the same year), Komatsushima City in 1951, Anan City in 1958, Yoshinogawa City in October 2004, Mima City, Tsurugi Town, Naka Town in March 2005, In April of the same year, Awa City was born, and in March 2006, Miyoshi City, Higashi Miyoshi Town, Anan City (Anan City, Nakagawa Town, and Hanoura Town were merged), Minami Town, and Kaiyo Town were born. Currently 8 cities, 15 towns and 1 village. Taking advantage of the warm climate and the blessed natural environment centered on the plains along the Yoshino River, for vegetables, “Naruto Kintoki Sweet Potato,” “Carrot,” “Lotus root,” and for fruit trees, “Mandarin,” “Sudachi,” and “Nashi pear.” Production is thriving. It seems that many orchids, tulips and lilies are also cultivated in the flowers. I hear that even now, we are promoting efforts to make consumers eat eco-friendly agriculture and safe and secure agricultural products. “Green House oranges” from Tokushima are characterized by their thin skin, softness and sweetness. Since it is cultivated in a house where the temperature and moisture are controlled, it is a little smaller than the mandarin oranges grown in the open field, but it has a good reputation for its high sugar content and good taste. In addition, it has a good balance of moderate acidity and sweetness. Greenhouse mandarin is a variety created by adjusting the heating temperature of house mandarin as a strategic product to fill the period when fruit market is low. Low-warming cultivation is almost the same as warming cultivation, but it is a method of lowering the temperature setting than warming cultivation and accelerating the growth of mandarin oranges by about 1 to 2 months compared to open-field cultivation. I will restate the areas introduced in the past. “Komatsushima City, Tokushima Prefecture”, Located in the eastern part of the prefecture. The fertile plains and calm sea are attractive. And it is a locality blessed with abundant water and clear air. The sea area facing the Kii channel is a treasure trove of ingredients. The fishing industry is thriving, agriculture in the south and industry in the coastal areas : Active industries that take advantage of each terrain and characteristics. It is also the birthplace of Awa fireworks from the Awa clan. “Komatsushima Port Festival” held in summer : It is a big event in the city and is loved by people inside and outside the city. April 1951 Merged with Tatsue Town, Naka District. The city system was enforced in June, and the port city of Komatsushima City was born here. Later, Sakano Town merged in 1956 to become the current city. History unravels-Excavation of shell mound, excavation of bronze bell, Discovery of ancient burial mounds, etc. From the Jomon era to ancient times, many highly cultural people lived there. Later Keicho, After Hachisuka entered Japan, Taihei continued and Kanaiso newly reclaimed rice field was cultivated. Dyer and indigo merchants are active: Ordered how to accept the silver bills of the clan, etc. These prospered as the commercial and financial centers of Awa. During the Heian period, there were Shinohara countryside(前原, 江田付近), Nii countryside(新居見付近), and Yogo countryside(田野芝生付近). Of these, Shinohara Countryside was once the manor of Ninnaji Temple in Kyoto. This Temple is located in Kyoto's “Komatsu Countryside” and is named after this temple. From here, it is thought that the place name of “Komatsushima” was born. 金銅装甲冑片 - Designated as a city Tangible cultural property on May 25, 2016. 田浦町子安観音塚古墳出土 : It is considered to be the middle of the Kofun period. 鉄地金銅製甲冑片4点(三角板鋲留短甲片1, 小札鋲留冑片1, 錣片2)三角板鋲留短甲片, Official painter of the tokushima clan in the edo period - 守住貫魚 - Recorded in 1854 (Kaei 7), 古甲図 : It is considered to be part of the Tokushima Prefectural Museum collection). “金銅装短甲 / 金銅装冑”, Excavation case - Remain in the old drawing - 大仙陵古墳(伝 / 仁徳天皇稜 ; Tourist spots Emperor Nintoku Kofun is one of Kofun, the Emperor's Mausoleum, located in Sakai, Osaka - 大山古墳 ; Unesco world heritage site): Only, and tells its rarity. “甲冑” - From the idiosyncrasy, we can see the deep relationship between the Kinai central government and the region in the middle of the kofun era. “金剛寺跡板碑”, Designated as a two tombstones tangible cultural property on September 29, 2020. 櫛渕町字佐山に所在する, 金剛寺跡に建てられていた, 結晶片岩製の板碑, 五輪塔が半浮彫りされている五輪塔板碑(Length 156 cm, width 41 cm, thickness 8.3 cm)と “南無阿弥陀仏” の, 6字名号が刻まれている名号板碑(Length 147 cm, width 36 cm, thickness 3.7 cm), It is thought that it was made during the Nanbokucho period and the Muromachi period. Among the itabi monuments that remain in the city area, they are the oldest and largest. Learning advanced organic agriculture with active rice and vegetable making : We support people who are starting new agriculture, such as the komatsushima organic farming support center and farming and settlement support. Blessed with fishing grounds on the Kii channel, there are plenty of seafood.Crepe, daggertooth pike conger (muraenesox cinereus), shrimp, crab, etc. “小松島漁業協同組合”, For those who are interested in fishing, I also have a fisherman experience. In the central city area, which prospered as a port town, vacant stores are conspicuous and quiet. Citizen activities to support small business startups : There is also support for starting a business, such as a business to create liveliness in the central city area. His land was once known as the land associated with Minamoto no Yoshitsune. This is the place where he left Watanabe no Tsu with the aim of subduing the Heike Family and landed from his life. He continued to march towards Yashima without a break, driving Heike's army out of Yash ima by surprise attack. After landing, it is said that the white flag, which is the symbol color of Genji, was raised at Mt. Hata (elevation 20 m), and now the equestrian statue of YOSHITSUNE, which is 6.7 m high, is placed. There is no doubt that it is a sacred place for fans. The stage of the story is the area overlooking the north side from there. The battle was fought around the area facing Komatsushima Port such as Komatsushima Town, Higaino Town, and Chuden Town, and further north, around the banks of the Katsuura River that flows through the southern part of Tokushima City. "KASHIYAMA Farm", which is rooted in this area, felt the need to produce a new form of agriculture that suits the changing times, and seems to have been searching for a new form of agriculture as soon as possible. It seems that he has been working on the introduction of smart agri that utilizes scientific know-how and data management, and has been actively working on the sixth industrialization that can handle everything from production to sales. And now, the activity base is expanding overseas. In addition, it seems that the crops will surely respond as much as they have done their hands. As an indispensable existence for each employee, we take pride in our work, cultivate local land, and protect and nurture agriculture. Delivering the delicious agricultural products produced in this way to many people. We value the philosophy nurtured in the Japanese climate, and connect agriculture to a new generation through efficient agricultural management that is world-class with cutting-edge agricultural technology. "Coral tree tomato" which can be said to be a signboard product (It seems that it is grown by solution cultivation that was originally developed with the aim of becoming the best tomato in the world. Ceramics made by drying, compression-molding, and baking malt feed, which is a by-product of beer production, jointly developed by Nippon Air Conditioning Co., Ltd. Hot air circulation carbonization in the manufacturing process. The law (patent pending) is adopted), which contains abundant minerals that are the decisive factor for the growth of tomatoes. The optimum fertilizer content is carefully controlled by a computer, and water that has passed through a special water purifier is used. It seems that a rich taste is born with a high sugar content with little miscellaneous taste. Coral tree tomatoes filled with solid fruit meat and rich sweetness and rich taste "exquisite balance of sweetness and acidity", restaurants all over the country And tomato fans have a lot of confidence) seems to have been born about 20 years ago. It seems that the current chairman has proposed to use malt ceramics, which is carbonized malt husks that are dried and compressed from beer pomace, for hydroponic cultivation of tomatoes. We have established our own cultivation method by devising various ideas such as incorporating an integrated environmental control system. In addition, I hear that it is a symbolic agricultural product of a farm that quickly adopts IT technology, cultivates it scientifically and logically based on data, seeks out the form of agriculture in a new era, and connects it to the next generation. "Coral tree tomato", which has a refreshing sweetness and deep richness, seems to have a central control panel that manages the temperature, humidity, amount of solar radiation, carbon dioxide concentration, etc. in the green house. Not only does it have a high sugar content, but it also uses a special water purifier to eliminate unpleasant taste by using high-purity clean water, and it seems that flavor is added by its own cultivation technique. It has a refreshing sweetness and seems to have a non-persistent taste. The sugar content is 8 degrees or more, and it seems that the sugar content is measured by making full use of the sugar content sensor. The standard is divided into three according to the sugar content, and it seems that only those that meet strict standards can be shipped as the "Coral Tree Tomato" brand. Also, it seems that the size is automatically sorted using the camera sensor. This seems to make it possible to provide tomatoes according to the customer's intended use. Last but not least, Kashiyama Farm continues to take on the challenge of producing new forms of agriculture that suit the changing times. Producing tomatoes, rice, shiitake mushrooms, type of rape, wheat, etc. through efficient and collaborative agriculture, such as the introduction of smart agri that utilizes scientific know-how and data management in agriculture as soon as possible. With technology, ideas and passion, we are connecting agriculture nurtured in the Japanese climate to a new generation. “Anan City”, Located on the eastern central coastline. It faces the Kii channel in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the south. The north borders Komatsushima City and Katsuura Town. The west consists of mountains and alluvial plains at the eastern end of the Shikoku Mountains. Most of the city area is mountainous, with a total area of 279.39 km2. It occupies 6.7% of the whole Tokushima prefecture and has a vast city area. In March 2006, Nakagawa Town and Hanoura Town were incorporated.There is a central city area around Tomioka Town, which has been a castle town for a long time. Also, in Tachibana Town, which has Tachibana Port, which has prospered as one of the three Awa ports. Sub-center urban areas are formed respectively. Furthermore, the coastal area has been a base for fishing since ancient times. Today, it is in the limelight as a base for industrial development and as a marine recreation area. We have entered a new era of exchange with the opening of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge. The city is in the southern part of the prefecture along with the industrial development of the coastal area : Politics / Economy / Education / Culture / Tourism : It continues to make steady progress as a central city. 国指定 : 有形彫刻, 木造男神立像1軀, 長生町宮内, 八桙神社, 明治44 / 8/9, 有形彫刻, 木造大己貴命立像1軀, 長生町宮内, 八桙神社, 明治44 / 8/9, 有形書跡, 紙本墨書二品家政所下文附紺紙金泥法華経八巻1巻8巻, 長生町宮内, 八桙神社, 明治43 / 8/29, 有形考古, 流水文銅鐸1口, 山口町, 個人, 昭和37 / 2/21,無形民俗,阿波人形浄瑠璃, 阿南市, 阿波人形浄瑠璃振興会(中村園太夫座), 平成11 / 12/21, 記念物史跡, 阿波遍路道(太龍寺道, かも道,太龍寺境内いわや道, 平等寺道), 阿南市阿南市, 平成22 / 8/5, 平成25 / 3/27, 追加指定, 平成25 / 10/7, 追加指定, 平成29 / 2/9, 追加指定, 記念物史跡, 若杉山辰砂採掘遺跡1件, 水井町阿南市, 令和元 / 10/21, 天然記念物, 弁天島熱帯性植物群落1件, 橘町小勝阿南市, 大正11 / 3/8. “Nakagawa Town”, It faces Kii channel in the east and Minami Town and the Pacific Ocean in the south. It borders Naka Town in the west and Komatsushima City and Katsuura Town in the north. The terrain is a mountainous area that extends to the eastern end of the western Shikoku mountain range. It consists of an alluvial plain and a delta formed by the eastern Naka River basin. “Hanoura Town”, Mainly on flat ground with Nakagawa River as the belly and Mt. Hanoura as the back. Area, about 8.9 km2. Focusing on the rice area, which has been called Miyakura for a long time : In 1889 中庄 / 古庄 / 岩脇 / 古毛 :(中野島村)The five villages in the above were combined to form Hanoura Village. Town system came into effect in 1918, 1954 Incorporated the Akemi district of Ono Village(富岡町). Tosa Road penetrates the center of the city : Together with the water transportation of the Nakagawa River(長川), it has prospered since ancient times as a transportation hub. The area around the coast is called Naka District : In ancient times with Kaifu County ; 長の国 - Along with Awa country, it was an independent cultural area that bisected the ancient Tokushima Prefecture.


Concentrated tomatoes are carefully selected with a sugar content of 8 degrees or higher. It has a rich flavor and is full of sweet and rich umami. Once you start eating, you won't be able to stop with just one ball. Normal fruit tomatoes are grown in soil, and the general cultivation method is to grow them with as little water as possible.


"Coral tree tomato" was born about 20 years ago. The current chairman came up with the idea of using malt ceramics, carbonized by drying and compressing the malt husk, which is the lees of beer, for hydroponic cultivation of tomatoes. A unique cultivation method has been established through various ingenuity, such as incorporating an integrated environmental control system. It is widely recommended as an agricultural product that symbolizes Kashiyama Farm, which quickly incorporates IT technology and cultivates scientifically and logically based on data, explores the form of agriculture in the new era, and connects it to the next generation.


Kashiyama Nouen seems to have felt the need to create a new form of agriculture that fits the changing times, and has been quick to search for a form of agriculture for the new era. It seems that they have worked on the introduction of smart agriculture that utilizes scientific know-how and data management, and have actively worked on the sixth industrialization that can handle everything from production to sales. And now, we are expanding our bases of activity overseas.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Fukusai Hayashi (head DAIGAKU, 1801-1859), who was the head-boy of a private school at the Shoheizaka place of study, was a scholar who was entrusted with negotiations with foreign countries by the shogunate, especially Matthew Calbraith Perry (father of the steamship navy). It is still handed down that the negotiations with him were splendid. In negotiations with him, the United States pressed for commerce under the pretense of protecting human life, but Fukusai refused, stating that human life is human life and commerce is commerce. Both Ibaraki and Tokyo's Sengoku are convenient places to live, and there are many historic parks in the surrounding area. Such a blessed environment is perfect for raising children.

Self-willed: He seems to be very selfish, acting only for his own convenience and what he likes, without any consideration for others.

At the time, the Americans described him as a serious and reserved person, but his inner strength was evident in the negotiations. There was no doubt that he thought Japan would become a strong rival in the future(墨夷応接録). During the long-term negotiations, he went to Edo Castle and returned to Uraga, reporting on the progress of the negotiations to such people as Abe, the senior councilor, and Tokugawa Nariaki(1800~1860), the lord of the Mito domain and a member of the naval defense committee. On March 3 (March 31, 1854), the Treaty of Peace and Amity between the United States and Japan was signed in Yokohama Village.

【Project name】
Sengoku cucumber
Cucumis sativus
【Within the jurisdiction】
Joso City, Shimotsuma City, Yachiyo Town, Yuki District, Ibaraki Prefecture (JA Joso Hikari, JA Group Ibaraki)
【Origin of the name】
It was named after the former Chiyogawa village (currently Shimotsuma city) and the former Ishige town (currently Joso city) where it was produced. The surface is dark green with a beautiful luster.
【Main features】
Sengoku cucumbers have a soft, juicy skin and a pleasant texture. To produce high-quality cucumbers, the producers are meticulous about soil preparation and cultivation techniques, and they meticulously record cultivation histories. In addition, it seems that producers and related parties gather regularly to check quality and confirm standards so that standards and quality are unified throughout the production area. Harvesting is carried out early in the morning every day, after which each fruit is strictly sorted, sorted, and boxed by the hands of each producer. In addition, it seems that they are careful to handle it carefully so as not to lose its freshness. When it is packed in a box and brought to JA's collection point, it undergoes a strict quality check by JA again and is shipped on the same day, so the quality is unified and it is very fresh, which pleases us. In 1982, Ibaraki Prefecture started the "Fruit Brand Producing Area Designation System'', and designates production areas that meet strict requirements such as sales amount and market price as "brand producing areas.'' So far, 60 production areas have been designated throughout the prefecture. In the future, in cooperation with JA, municipalities, Zen-noh Ibaraki and other related organizations, we will promote production areas (quantity and quality) that can better meet consumer needs, maintain and develop brand production areas, etc. It seems that we will carry out cultivation designated as a production area aiming for. Joso Regional Agricultural Promotion Councils, etc.: Regional agricultural revitalization councils are established based on municipal areas to promote rice production in response to local demand. The aim is to contribute to the promotion of structural reforms in paddy field agriculture and the creation of crop production areas that make use of paddy fields. There are 44 regional agricultural revitalization councils in the prefecture. Agricultural Promotion Areas: Based on the Law Concerning the Development of Agricultural Promotion Areas, agricultural land areas (agricultural land areas within agricultural promotion areas) are established in order to conserve and effectively utilize superior farmland. As a general rule, farmland is not allowed to be converted into agricultural land, so if it is unavoidable to use the land for purposes other than agriculture, it is necessary to apply for exclusion from the agricultural land area in advance and obtain permission. From 2022 to 2025, Basic Policy for Promoting Agriculture in the West of the Prefecture - Realization of Strong Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - June 2022: From the Ibaraki Prefecture West Agriculture and Forestry Office. In terms of natural and social conditions, the Western Prefecture Agricultural and Forestry Office jurisdiction consists of 10 municipalities: Koga City, Yuki City, Shimotsuma City, Joso City, Chikusei City, Bando City, Sakuragawa City, Yachiyo Town, Goka Town, and Sakai Town. With an area of 1,031 km2 and a population of 532,000, it is less than 20% of the prefecture, and is dotted with historical small and medium-sized cities. Located within 40 to 80 km from the Tokyo metropolitan area, the JR Mito Line and National Route 50 run in the northern part of the jurisdiction, and in parallel, National Routes 125 and 354 run east-west in the south. In the north-south direction, Kanto in the east. The railway Joso Line, National Route 294, and National Route 4 run to the west, and prefectural roads and municipal roads connecting these major arterial roads are also maintained. Furthermore, in recent years, such as the Kita Kanto Expressway and the Metropolitan Inter-City Expressway. A wide-area transportation network has been developed. Due to its proximity to central Tokyo and its proximity to Tsukuba Science City across the Kogai River, industrial parks and other secondary and tertiary industries have been located within its jurisdiction and urbanization has progressed. Prefectural area 6,097 km2, prefectural population approximately 2,845,000 people (Source: Ibaraki Prefecture population and household (estimate) monthly report as of February 1, 2021) Overview of agriculture in the jurisdiction, production status With the average annual temperature of about 14°C, annual rainfall of about 1,200 mm, and annual sunshine hours of about 1,900 hours, the area is suitable for agriculture. The plateau is a dry-field farming area representative of the prefecture where lettuce, green onion, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, etc. are produced, and large-scale open-field vegetable management utilizing employment is being carried out. In addition, the production of small watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, zucchini, bitter melons, and other fruit vegetables such as pears, which boasts the largest shipping volume in Japan, is also thriving, forming one of the nation's leading horticultural production areas. More than half of the regional agricultural output occupies. In addition, the Tonegawa River flows in the southwest of the jurisdiction, and the Kinugawa River and Kogai River flow through it, and fertile paddy fields spread in the river basin. In addition to paddy rice, wheat, soybeans, and buckwheat account for 60 to 70% of the planted area in this prefecture. Production of and progress in land-use agriculture. In terms of livestock, producers of "Hitachi Beef" account for 25% of the entire prefecture, and designated producers of the prefecture's brand pork "Rose Pork" account for 80%. A producer in Bando City serves as the chairman of the promotion council, and beef cattle and pig farming are thriving in this area. The total number of farm households in the western part of the prefecture has decreased by more than 50% to 20,182 over the 25 years from 1995 to 2020. In particular, the number of commercial farm households has decreased from 31,605 in 1995 to 10,472 in 2020, one-third. Decreased to In addition, among commercial farmers, the percentage of full-time farmers whose household income is based on farm income is 26.4% (2020), and this percentage has remained the same since 2000. Decreased by 54% from 6,417 units to 2,926 units. The jurisdiction seems to be proud of its mission to stably supply safe, secure and high-quality Chinese cabbage, which is required as a production area boasting the largest production volume in Japan. In addition, it seems that they are working to establish a position as a production center that will serve as a supply base for Chinese cabbage. In recent years, while problems such as residual pesticides on agricultural products have emerged, JA Group Ibaraki publishes its production history on its website so that it can provide safe and secure agricultural products to consumers. Furthermore, in order to strengthen the traceability system of fruits and vegetables, it seems that they regularly hold seminars on bookkeeping of production history to promote safe and secure Chinese cabbage. The shipping destinations are mainly wholesale companies in the Keihin area, and it seems that they are also widely shipped to Tohoku, Keihanshin, Hokkaido, etc. As an initiative in recent years, in cooperation with Zen-Noh Ibaraki Prefecture Headquarters West VF Station, contract transactions have been carried out mainly for processing work such as pickles traders, and it seems that they have been working since 1996 in the old days. It seems that it is working closely with JA's designated wholesale company and VF station to secure customers and promote contract transactions to expand sales. The green ball cabbage introduced this time is a ball type and weighs about 1 kg. The season is from April to May, and it seems that it is cultivated mainly in Ibaraki and Nagano prefectures in Japan. Since it is vulnerable to the cold, it tends to rarely appear in winter. The feature is that the leaves are firmly rolled up to the inside, and the inside is green and glossy. Also, it is soft for its thickness. In a small form, it is the brand name of cabbage. Nutrients are the same as ordinary cabbage, but carotene seems to contain twice as much as ordinary cabbage and about 1.2 times as much potassium. Ibaraki Prefecture is the fourth largest cabbage producing area in Japan, and most of it seems to be concentrated in the western part of the prefecture where JA is located. In order to promote advantageous sales of cabbage produced in Ibaraki Prefecture, the "Ibaraki Prefecture West Area Agricultural Promotion Council" was organized at 4JA (Kita Tsukuba, Joso Hikari, Iwai and Ibaraki Mutsumi) in the west area of the prefecture, and every year in June and November. It seems that they are holding tasting events twice at Daejeon Market. First ceremonial offering of rice by newly-enthroned Emperor (court rituals held to pray for the well-being of the country and the people and bumper crops: A series of ceremonies will be held on May 8, 2019, three of the Imperial Palace. At the Palace Sanctuaries, His Majesty the Emperor tells the ancestors and gods of the imperial family about the date of the coronation and the central ritual. Probably because of the prestigious connection between the production area and the producer. The Joso Hikari Agricultural Cooperative (JA Joso Hikari) supports the farming and living of its members in two cities and one town, Joso City, Shimotsuma City, and Yachiyo Town, Ibaraki Prefecture. In the jurisdiction, the production of fruits and vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, pears, and watermelons and pig farming are flourishing, centering on the production of rice. In particular, pear production in Shimotsuma City has formed a major market-shipping production area that makes use of the organizational strength to ship almost all of it to the market. In Ibaraki Prefecture, which is the second largest producer of pears in Japan, Shimotsuma City is famous as one of the largest pear producing areas in the prefecture. However, in recent years, the consumption of pears has decreased due to consumers' departure from fruits, and the market price has been sluggish. Shimotsuma City is not an attractive production area for young producers because the name of “Shimotsuma Pear” is low in the market, and there are problems such as the aging of producers due to lack of successors and the decrease in yield due to aging trees. It seems. We aim to raise the name of Shimotsuma Pear and make it a pear that can be selected by the market. With that in mind, young producers and JA Joso Hikari first changed the soil preparation, such as using high-quality organic materials (horse manure) in a unified manner, and used eco-friendly pheromone agents as a way to prevent pests. Worked on. In 2008, a volunteer young producer formed the “Shimotsuma Pear PR Project Team”. We launched “Shimotsuma Kanjuku Pear”, which is particular about the texture and the original flavor of the pear. It is said that the producers themselves negotiated the transaction price directly with the domestic mass retailer buyers and put effort into the production area PR such as tasting PR at the store and holding a pear hunting event. The popularity of Shimotsuma Pear has risen, and the market price has gradually increased. Producers said around June 2018 that they were able to revitalize the production area. On the other hand, in anticipation of a decrease in domestic consumption in the future, it seems necessary to consider exports and decided to aim to develop overseas sales channels. Participated in the trade fair “SME Thailand Expo” held in Thailand in September 2013. We investigated taste preferences and suggested purchase prices using a tasting questionnaire. In October of the same year, 660 kg was exported to Singapore and a tasting PR was conducted locally, but the transaction ended in a single year. In July 2014, we visited Japanese restaurants in Bangkok, Thailand and held business talks. However, the amount of pears that could be exported remained small at 130 kg. It is said that the turning point came when “Jetro” Ibaraki opened in June 2014 while exports were sluggish. I was introduced to the “JETRO” business meeting in Malaysia held in September of the same year and entered immediately. Participated in advance business negotiation skill seminars and learned how to present prices and transaction conditions to overseas buyers. At the business meeting, I was able to meet Japanese company buyers who are interested in Japanese pears. In October of the same year, he also participated in the “JETRO” business meeting in Thailand. I got a good feeling that any business talk would lead to a transaction, but after returning to Japan, I did not receive a reply even if I sent an e-mail to an overseas buyer, so I was consulted by the director of JETRO Ibaraki. He immediately made an international call to the buyer to confirm his intention to trade, and as a result, he was able to export 260 kg of pears to Malaysia. However, he was still worried that the transaction would end in a single year. In April 2015, JETRO Ibaraki conducted a project to invite overseas buyers from Malaysia and Thailand. It seems that they realized the high quality by having them inspect the production site as well as the business negotiations. In addition, he thought that it was important to increase opportunities to actually meet with overseas buyers in order to continue transactions, and he said that he decided to go abroad directly when deciding price negotiations and export schedules. As a result, it was able to increase exports to 6.7 tons to Malaysia and 1.3 tons to Thailand. When I felt the need to develop a new export partner country in order to realize a further increase in exports, I was informed that the import of Japanese pears would be lifted in Vietnam. Aiming at January 2017, when the import ban will be lifted, the garden registration will be carried out ahead of the rest of the country. It seems that a trial export was carried out in March of the same year. In July of the same year, he participated in a business meeting hosted by JETRO in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and was promoted to many local retailer buyers for tasting. In Vietnam, we challenged to deal with local buyers and expanded to export 105 tons(105000 kgs)in the first year. Regarding local sales promotion, it is said that local consumers have received a great deal of interest by utilizing the “Japan Fair 2017 Ibaraki Prefecture Pear Promotion Event” held by JETRO in Ho Chi Minh City in September of the same year. Until now, we have been focusing on local sales promotion, increasing pear fans by picking pears for inbound tourists, and aiming for a production area selected from overseas. Business: Collection and shipment of fruits (pears, grapes, etc.) and vegetables, sales, market development, etc. Purpose: Export, Target countries / regions: Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Canada, Indonesia. “Long, slender eggplant club” : JA Joso Hikari: Agricultural production is broadly divided into rice-growing areas in the east and upland-growing areas in the western Sarushima plateau. In the past, paddy rice, wheat, upland rice, and Pear were actively produced. Since the period of high economic growth, vegetable production has increased as a suburban production area in response to the increase in urban population. The main production of Chinese cabbage was planted shortly after the war, and the production center was formed in earnest with the establishment of the vegetable price stabilization system in 1966. Currently, in addition to Chinese cabbage, horticultural crops such as lettuce, cabbage, and melon are actively produced, and vegetables account for nearly 60% of the sales of agricultural and livestock products, rice field. In addition, since the 1965's, there was a period when contract cultivation of leaf tobacco and tomatoes for processing was actively carried out in the jurisdiction, and since there are many production area markets and purchasers, it can be said that it is a production area familiar to contract transactions. Eggplants are rotated with other vegetables to avoid continuous cropping, and are also produced in combination with winter vegetables (Chinese cabbage, lettuce, cabbage, etc.). Considering that the market price continues to be sluggish and the price is not reflected even if differentiation is attempted, the ratio of contract transactions to the total shipment volume of long, slender eggplant is reduced to about 30% in order to diversify the risk of farm management. I want to. The association at the time of 2008 was composed of six producers as a subcommittee that responded to processing and commercial demand. At the “3rd Domestic Vegetable Production and Utilization Expansion Excellent Business Award” held on March 23, 2010, contract transactions were carried out for 7 years through strong cooperation between the three parties; long, slender eggplant club, National Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives Ibaraki Prefecture Headquarters Horticultural Department VF (Vegetable Fruit) Station (hereinafter, “Zen-Noh Ibaraki Prefecture Headquarters VFS”), Maruhachi Co., Ltd., in order to reduce distribution costs. Introduced a shipping form suitable for processing and commercial use, introduced cultivation technology that enables stable shipping for a long period of time, established a system for stable supply throughout the year in cooperation with production areas in other prefectures, and labor effort by simplifying standards. In recognition of its mitigation, it has been awarded the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Production Bureau Director's Award. It originated in India today and is cultivated in China around the 5th and 6th centuries. It was introduced to Japan around the 8th century. It was introduced to Europe in the 13th century and in North America in the 16th century, and it seems that it was not as important as other vegetables. Is it from a beautiful outline? In the Edo period, the technology to make the first eggplant in a little bit started. It seems that the shogunate issued a ban because it was bought and sold at such a high price. When it was introduced to Japan, it was called Kunlun Purple Gourd (Indian Purple Gourd). Cultivation begins under the name “Rangoku Eggplant” in the Shosoin document of the Nara period. It seems that it has reached the present with a semi-forced pry that it is converted from good taste in summer to “make” and “live” and is auspicious. The harvest time and season are from July to October. The decisive difference from the eggplants on the market is the green stems and calyx. It is a place where there are few seeds, the flesh is tight, and it does not easily crumble. It seems that there are 180 varieties of eggplant in Japan, probably because it has been cultivated in Japan for a long time. By the way, it is said that there are more than 1000 varieties in the world. “Slender eggplant”, A variety that is vertically longer than the ‘Senryo eggplant’. Since there is no bulge that protrudes long under the calyx (the part of the neck without seeds), it is possible to take a large number of the same size when sliced into round slices. Since the waistline is short, it does not easily collapse and looks good. Although it varies slightly depending on the place of origin, it gives the impression that the skin is relatively thinner than ordinary eggplants. “Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture”, Located in the southwestern part of the prefecture, within 55 km from the city center. Tsukuba City / Tsukubamirai City is adjacent to the east, and Bando City is adjacent to the west. The north borders Yachiyo Town and Shimotsuma City, respectively. It extends about 20 km from north to south and about 10 km from east to west. I heard that the area is 123.64 km2. The altitude is about 5 to 24 m, and it has a Pacific climate. In addition, it is a calm and comfortable environment to live in throughout the four seasons. The Kinugawa River, a first-class river, runs almost in the center of the city. The lowlands in the east are vast paddy fields and the west is hiliy areas. Villages and fields, flatland forests spread out. Residential parks, industrial parks, golf courses, etc. have also been created. Urban functions are being strengthened as a suburban maintenance zone. Road system ; National highway 294 is maintained north and south of the city, and national highway 354 is maintained east and west. There are also major local roads and general prefectural roads that connect with surrounding municipalities. In addition, the KENOH EXPRESSWAY has opened in the central part of the city. The development of a wide-area road network is underway. Railroad ; The north-south Kanto Railway Joso Line runs. Toride and Shimotsuma / Chikusei-Connect with Tsukuba Express in Moriya. The commuting area is expanding due to the shortening of the time required to reach central Tokyo. City trees, flowers, birds : Quercus glauca, Laurel forest, which has grown a lot as a virgin forest since ancient times. It is an evergreen, beautiful and powerful foliage, and is deeply rooted in the region. It is also planted as a hedge for wind and fire protection. Even, hard and sticky materials are often used for materials such as agricultural equipment. Since ancient times, he has been closely associated with daily life and has supported everyone. Cerasus Mill., It is a representative of Japanese flowers and is popular because of the beauty of the flowers. In particular, Cerasus jamasakura, which grows naturally on the plateau, is regarded as a symbol of agriculture. Since ancient times, it has been cherished with a deep connection to the lives of farmers. Cherry tree of Hachimanbori (Prunus yedoensis) : Sakura, which was familiar to the citizens, has disappeared, and there are many voices of its resurrection. We hope that the city will become a famous place for Cherry Blossoms again. Horornis diphone, A beautiful cry that conveys early spring. It is a familiar bird that has been called poetry since ancient times.The natural environment is good, and it seems that the cry is often heard even in urban areas. It is suitable for a city aiming for a natural city that is in harmony with such a beautiful environment. Joso Kinugawa River Fireworks Festival : It has been popular with the citizens for many years as a summer tradition. Since 2008, the name has been changed to the current name and the event has been held. The ten thousand fireworks are a masterpiece, and I have visited them several times. Toyoda Castle(region exchange center): The Mr. Kanmu-Heishi(Taira clan)who ruled the region from the end of the Heian period to the Sengoku period. Mr. Toyoda, It is named after the historical fact that the castle was built on the banks of the Kokai River that flows to the east. 寿亀山天樹院弘経寺(Mt. Jugizan-Tenjuin Gugyoji-Temple ; Pure Land sect (of Buddhism)): It prospered as a central temple(Jodo sect)in the Kanto region during the Muromachi period. Founded in 1414 by Tanyo Richo-saint. The Princess Sen(Ieyasu's Tokugawa granddaughter): There is a tomb containing sacred bones. Many beloved items, including the portal, are carefully preserved in the temple. A famous place for Sakura and Lycoris radiata. Every April, the “Tenju Festival" is held on the same day as the “Mitsukaido Princess Sen Festival.” A Sutra-copying party is also held on the 4th Saturday of every month. Concerts that match the flowering time of cluster amaryllis have also been well received. Mitsukaido Climate Museum / Sakano Family Residence, Main house and Front gate (Yakui-mon) are designated as national important cultural properties. The drawing room(Gepparou), which was built as a detachment, is valuable as a modern japanese architecture of Taisho era. It seems that it has been open to the public since 2001. Birthplace of Takashi Nagatsuka, A representative poet of the Araragi school, a student of Mr. SHIKI Masaoka. The author of the immortal work novel “Bauernliteratur ; soil, 1910.” Related to Mr. Soseki Natsume and Asahi Shimbun. It is designated as a historic site in the prefecture, and only the drawing room can be visited. Local brew, At that time, there were three ‘sake breweries.’ YAMANAKA Sake Brewery has been in business for over 200 years. Sake name “Only daughter” ; Sake made with sincerity to raise an important only daughter. NOMURA Brewery was founded in 1897. “Tsumugi beauty”, A gem that maximizes the taste of rice without additives. In addition, it brings out a rich and rich taste. TAKEMURA Sake Brewery is a long-established store for about 260 years. Brews and sells sake “Kyo no Yume, Fujiryu, and Ruri.” Rice crackers, : There are many rice cracker shops, so it's fun.The SAKURAI rice cracker shop carefully bake sun-dried dough. It is a simple dish with an irresistible aroma of soy sauce. MOTOHASHI rice crackers are a long- established store that has been dedicated to senbei for 80 years. We carry out everything from rice purchase to flour milling, dough making, and baking. Carefully bake one by one at the storefront over charcoal. The taste is different depending on the shop, so immerse yourself in the afterglow from each taste. 常総市教育委員会 2007 菅生城址(水海道栄町)常総市埋蔵文化財発掘調査報告 : 県営畑地帯総合整備事業(担い手支援型)菅生地区に伴う埋蔵文化財発掘調査報告書巻次, 集落, 城館, 平安, 竪穴建物2, 土師器, 灰釉陶器, 鉄滓, Investigation of the ruins of a castle in the 16th century, which is said to be the residence of Mr. Soma / Mr. Yokose. 主郭部を除いてほぼ全面調査を行い, 船着場の可能性がある深掘と後北条氏の影響下で増強された畝堀, 角馬出, 横矢掛けの虎口等が検出. 集落, 城館, 中世(細分不明)時代, 堀8, 土塁3, 地下式壙2, 井戸5, 土坑(木橋基礎)3, 土坑(土坑列含む)15, 掘立柱建物2, 竪穴1, かわらけ小皿, 内耳鍋, 擂鉢, 瀬戸美濃, 常滑, 銭貨, 鉄砲玉, 鉄滓, 石臼, 茶臼, 硯, 砥石. Designated cultural property : 建造物国, 坂野家住宅(主家 / 表門), 大生郷町, 昭和43年4月25日, 絵画県 : 絹本着色御廟天神画, 大生郷町, 大生郷天満宮, 昭和35年12月21日, 絵画県 : 絹本着色神酒天神画, 大生郷町, 大生郷天満宮, 昭和35年12月21日, 絵画県 : 紙本着色北野天神縁起絵巻, 大生郷町, 大生郷天満宮, 昭和35年12月21日, 絵画県 : 紙本着色三十六歌仙絵, 大生郷町, 大生郷天満宮, 昭和35年12月21日, 工芸品県 : 阿弥陀如来懸仏, 水海道諏訪町, 個人, 昭和35年12月21日, 史跡県 : 長塚節生家, 国生, 個人, 昭和30年6月25日, 彫刻県 : 木造如意輪観音坐像附紙本墨書書状2通, 豊岡町乙, 法性寺, 平成7年1月23日, 彫刻県 : 木造聖徳太子立像, 附修理銘札3枚, 彩色奉加帳2冊, 菅生町, 無量寺, 平成19年11月16日, 無形民俗文化財県 : 大塚戸の綱火, 大塚戸町, 大塚戸芸能保存会, 平成11年11月25日, 絵画市 : 千姫姿絵, 豊岡町甲, 弘経寺, 昭和56年12月10日, 絵画市 : 絹本著色十一面観音像, 大生郷町, 大生郷天満宮, 昭和59年3月15日, 絵画市 : 絹本著色了誉聖冏像, 豊岡町乙, 法性寺, 昭和62年10月1日, 絵画市 : 渡辺備前守元義肖像画, 古間木, 個人, 平成2年1月8日, 絵画市 : 菅公天神縁起絵巻, 馬場, 天満社, 平成2年1月8日, 絵画市 : 絹本著色嘆誉良肇上人像, 豊岡町乙, 安養寺, 平成25年 2月21日. 建造物市 : 弘経寺鐘楼, 豊岡町甲, 弘経寺, 昭和58年 3月1日, 建造物市 : 弘経寺経蔵(八角輪蔵), 豊岡町甲, 弘経寺, 昭和58年3月1日, 建造物市 : 一言主神社本殿, 大塚戸町, 一言主神社, 昭和59年3月15日, 建造物市 : 八幡神社本殿, 水海道橋本町, 八幡神社, 昭和59年3月15日, 建造物市 : 水海道天神社本殿, 水海道天満町, 水海道天神社, 昭和59年3月15日, 建造物市 : 日枝神社本殿, 菅生町, 氏子総代会長, 昭和63年9月19日, 建造物市 : 別雷神社本殿, 菅生町, 氏子総代会長, 昭和63年9月19日, 建造物市 : 高札台 鴻野山, 個人, 平成2年1月8日, 建造物市 : 高札台 崎房, 個人, 平成2年1月8日, 建造物市 : 旧報徳銀行, 水海道支店水海道, 宝町, 常総市, 平成18年12月22日, 建造物市 : 坂野家住宅書院, 大生郷町, 常総市, 平成18年12月22日, 工芸品市 : 紫龍石の硯, 豊岡町甲, 弘経寺, 昭和56年12月10日, 工芸品市 : 弘経寺 扁額, 豊岡町甲, 弘経寺, 昭和56年12月10日, 工芸品市 : 鉄切付盛上黒塗碁石頭縹糸素掛威(二枚胴具足(てつきりつけもりあげくろうるしごいしがしらはなだいとすがけおどし), 豊岡町甲, 弘経寺, 昭和56年12月10日, 考古資料市 : のろ流出孔栓, 内守谷町, 個人, 昭和58年 3月1日, 考古資料市 : 羽口, 内守谷町, 個人, 昭和58年 3月1日, 考古資料市 : 金剛界大日三尊像板碑, 中妻町, 個人, 昭和58年 3月1日, 考古資料市 : 蔵持建長銘板碑, 蔵持, 蔵持自治会, 平成17年12月22日, 考古資料市 : 西福寺の建長銘板碑, 新石下, 西福寺, 平成17年12月22日, 史跡市 : 千姫の墓, 豊岡町甲, 弘経寺, 昭和56年12月10日, 史跡市 : 累の墓, 羽生町, 法蔵寺, 昭和59年 3月15日, 史跡市 : 六所塚, 蔵持, 香取神社, 平成2年1月8日, 史跡市 : 菅生城址, 菅生町, 常総市ほか, 個人3名, 平成21年10月23日, 書籍市 : 紺紙金泥阿弥陀経, 豊岡町甲, 弘経寺, 昭和56年12月10日, 彫刻市 : 金銅阿弥陀如来立像, 豊岡町甲, 弘経寺, 昭和56年12月10日, 彫刻市 : 木造如来立像, 曲田, 曲田公民館, 平成13年12月1日, 彫刻市 : 木造如来立像及び二脇侍立像, 豊田, 宗心院, 平成13年12月1日, 彫刻市 : 木造正観音菩薩立像, 豊田, 長楽寺, 平成13年12月1日, 彫刻市 : 木造阿弥陀如来坐像, 本石下, 川端自治会, 平成13年12月1日, 彫刻市 : 木造薬師如来坐像, 大房, 東弘寺, 平成13年12月1日, 天然記念物市 : 弘経寺のスギ (来迎杉), 豊岡町甲, 弘経寺, 昭和56年12月10日, 天然記念物市 : 大塚戸のムクノキ, 大塚戸町, 一言主神社, 昭和56年12月10日, 天然記念物市 : 鹿小路のタブノキ, 内守谷町, 個人, 昭和62年10月1日, 天然記念物市 : 諏訪神社のケヤキ, 水海道諏訪町, 諏訪町町内会, 平成14年4月1日, 天然記念物市 : 大日塚大ケヤキ, 鴻野山, 香取神社, 平成2年1月4日, 天然記念物市 : 峯薬師様大椎, 篠山, 峯薬師堂, 平成2年1月8日, 天然 記念物市 : 稲荷神社大ケヤキ, 新石下, 稲荷神社, 平成2年1月8日, 天然記念物市 : 菅生沼タチスミレ群落, 菅生町, 常総市, 平成28年12月23日, 工芸技術市 : 石下結城紬, 工芸技術, 新石下, いしげ結城紬工芸技術保存会, 昭和56年12月7日, 工芸技術市 : 木版画, 新石下, 個人, 平成17年 3月1日, 工芸技術市 : 木版画, 本石下, 個人, 平成17年 3月1日, 無形民俗文化財市 : 内守谷本郷馬鹿囃子, 内守谷町, 内守谷本郷芸能保存会, 昭和59年 3月15日, 無形民俗文化財市 : 長ノ入の獅子舞 (馬鹿囃子), 内守谷町, 長ノ入鬼怒囃子保存会, 平成元年12月10日, 無形民俗文化財市 : 水海道神楽, 水海道栄町, 水海道神楽保存会, 楽々会, 平成11年4月14日, 無形民俗文化財市 : 石下天神ばやし, 原宿, 石下天神ばやし保存会, 平成2年1月8日, 無形民俗文化財市 : 石下飴屋踊り, 本石下, 石下郷土芸能保存会, 平成17年 3月1日, 無形民俗文化財市 : とんだやばやし (神田囃子) , 新石下, とんだやばやし保存会, 平成21年10月23日. “Shimotsuma City”, On June 1, 1954, Shimotsuma Town, Kamitsuma Village, Fusakami Village, Toyokami Village, and Takasai Village merged to form the city. Prior to this, Shimotsuma Town, Taiho Village, and Tobanoe Village were merged on April 1, effectively merging one town and six villages. Then, on January 1, 2006, it merged with Chiyokawa Village, Yuki District and continues to the present day. In addition, the history of this region is old, and it is said that people have lived there for about 10,000 years, but the place name of “Shimotsuma” first appeared in the literature in 935, “Wamyo Ruijusho.” Furthermore, it was not until the Kamakura Period that the word SHIMOTSUMA was written, and from that time to the present, it occupies an important position as the center of the west of the prefecture and has contributed to the region. Located in the southwestern part of the prefecture, about 60 km from Tokyo. It borders Chikusei City in the north, Joso City in the south, Tsukuba Science City and Chikusei City in the east, and Yachiyo Town in Yuki District in the west. Located at 139 degrees 58 minutes east longitude and 36 degrees 11 minutes north latitude, at an altitude of 23.40 m, it is famous as a garden city blessed with greenery and water. With a total area of 80.88 km2, it has a rectangular shape close to a square, most of which is formed of relatively fertile land, with a sand swamp in the center, the Kokai River in the east, and the Kinugawa River in the west, with abundant water resources. The average temperature in summer is 24 ℃, the average temperature in winter is 4 ℃, and the average precipitation is 175 mm in summer and 40 mm in winter. Mild climate. Mainly complex management that combines fruit trees (pears, etc.), vegetables (watermelon, Chinese cabbage, etc.) and livestock (pig farming, beef cattle, etc.) with paddy rice as the axis. Ibaraki Prefecture is one of the most popular pig farming areas in Japan, and Shimotsuma is especially famous as a famous production area. Since the pig farming industry has been active for a long time, there are many butcher shops in the city, focusing not only on meat but also on processing, and each shop is competing for taste. Pears, which represent the taste of autumn, are a specialty of the producers, and their main varieties are red pears, such as Kosui with plenty of sweetness, Hosui Pears with a slight acidity, and Niitaka Pears with large and soft fruits. Among them, “Shimotsuma Sweet and ripe Pear”, which is a limited-time shipment of Kosui Pears fully ripe on the tree, is a gem. After two years of trial production, "Pear Liqueur" that makes the most of the delicate scent of Kosui Pear is also recommended for consumers. Blessed with water, land and climate, it is valuable as one of the leading rice fields in the prefecture. “Koshihikari rice” produced in the city is well-received by consumers as delicious and decorates the table. “Milky Queen rice”, which is now widely produced and has a pleasant texture, is said to have originated in Shimotsuma and is famous as a representative variety. In addition, while working on the development of processed agricultural products such as local beer, natto, ham, and sausage using locally produced agricultural products, we will also ship to the agricultural products direct sales offices of “Roadside Station” and “Yasuragi no Sato” Producing area consumption is being promoted. “Tabanka Festival” : It is a strange festival where you can get rid of disasters by bathing in sparks that can only be seen here in Japan. It is said that its origin is a drama of the fact that when the Daihoji-Temple Bettobo Kenryoin broke out in 1370 (Oan 3), the fire was extinguished using “Tatami; Japanese straw floor covering” and “Nabebuta; Pot lid”. It is said to be a drama of the story. Daiho Hachimangu(大宝; 主祭神: 誉田別命; 応神天皇; 足仲彦命; 仲哀天皇; 気長足姫命; 神功皇后) is famous as the oldest Hachimangu in the Kanto region. This Tabanka Festival, which is held here on September 12th and 14th every year, is also known as the “Wax Gourd Festival” and presents the wax gourd to the shrine. On the tatami mats arranged in a tomoe shape in front of the shrine and the pot lid in the center, “Kawarake (flat plate)” with rice and winter gourd is placed. It is said that a young man in white costume, who is the role of the festival, throws it in front of the hall of worship. It is said that the person who picks up the crushed Kawarake fragments at this time does not get sick, and the worshipers compete to pick them up. It is said that the name came from the banging sound that was emitted at this time. Next, the role holding Torch, who received the torch fire of Great Taimatsu, runs around the precincts while swinging around. It is said that if you are exposed to the sparks of fire, you will be spared the disaster of fire, and worshipers and others will be bathed in cheers. 国登録有形文化財 : 建造物 : 二水会館(旧水海道町役場), 水海道天満町, 常総市, 平成9年12月12日. 五木宗レンガ蔵, 水海道元町, 個人, 平成12年 4月28日, 建造物 : 武道館(旧水海道小学校雨天体操場兼講堂), 水海道栄町, 常総市, 平成15年 7月1日. 下妻市教育委員会 2017 “市内遺跡7” 下妻市埋蔵文化財調査報告書13 : 千草B古墳群第3次; 高道祖字千草, 工業団地造成, 古墳, 古墳時代, 古墳6, 溝状遺構10, 土坑14, 性格不明遺構12, 縄文土器, 土師器, 埴輪, 土師質土器, 磁器. 山神西遺跡; 皆葉字柴野, 個人住宅建築, 集落, 奈良 / 平安時代, 溝状跡1, 土師器, 須恵器, 土師質土器. 柴崎遺跡第3次; 村岡字柴崎, 個人住宅建築, 集落, 縄文, 古墳時代, 溝状遺構1, 土坑2, ピット状遺構3, 縄文土器, 土師器, 磁器. Historic site cultural property : 建造物国 : 大宝八幡宮本殿, 大宝, 大宝八幡宮, M39.04.14, 史跡国 : 大宝城跡, 大宝, S09.05.01, 史跡県 : 駒城跡, 黒駒, S10.11.26, 彫刻県 : 金銅阿弥陀如来三尊像, 高道祖, 常願寺, S37.02.26, 彫刻県 : 木造聖徳太子立像, 下妻乙(栗山), 光明寺, S59.03.08, 彫刻県 : 木造観世音菩薩立像, 肘谷, 肘谷地区, S59.03.08, 彫刻県 : 木造十一面千手観音座像, 下妻乙(小野子), 小野子自治区, H11.1.25, 工芸品県 : 瑞花雙鳥八稜鏡, 大宝, 大宝八幡宮, S40.02.24, 工芸品県 : 銅鐘大宝, 大宝八幡宮, S59.03.08, 考古資料県 : 丸木舟, 大宝, 大宝八幡宮, S59.03.08, 史跡市 : 横瀬夜雨の生家, 横根, 個人管理, S52.03.22, 史跡市, 多賀谷城本丸跡(旧名下妻城), 本城町, S52.03.22, 史跡市 : 浅間塚古墳, 黒駒, 個人管理, S52.03.22, 史跡市 : 小島草庵跡, 小島, S52.03.22, 絵画市 : 絹本著色愛染明王像, 下妻丙(大町), 円福寺, H08.12.26, 彫刻市 : 木造釈迦涅槃像(寝釈迦像), 下妻丙(大町), 金林寺, S61.03.31, 彫刻市 : 木造阿弥陀如来立像, 下妻戊(田町), 雲充寺, H08.12.26, 建造物市 : 石造五輪塔, 黒駒, 個人管理, S54.11.05, 建造物市 : 今泉不動堂, 今泉, 今泉不動尊, 氏子総代, H08.12.26, 古文書市 : 多貿谷氏発給文書, 下妻乙(栗山), 光明寺, H08.12.26, 古文書市 : 親鸞伝絵, 下妻乙(栗山), 光明寺, H08.12.26, 古文書県 : 親鸞門侶交名, 下妻乙(栗山), 光明寺, H19.11.16, 古文書市 : 吉澤家文書, 長塚ふるさと博物館, H08.12.26, 天然記念物市 : 親鸞御手植の菩提樹, 下妻乙(栗山), 光明寺, S52.03.22, 天然記念物市 : 明空御手植の柊, 下妻乙(栗山), 光明寺, S52.03.22, 天然記念物市 : 下妻神社の大欅, 下妻乙(西町), 下妻神社, 氏子総代, S52.03.22, 無形民俗市 : 大宝八幡宮十二座神楽, 大宝十二座神楽保存会, S57.01.08, 無形民俗市 : 大町はやし, 下妻丙(大町), 大町はやし保存会, S54.11.05, 無形民俗市 : 平方はやし, 平方, 平方はやし保存会, S54.11.05, 彫刻県 : 銅造薬師如来立像, 皆葉, 無量院, H7.1.23, 古文書市 : 宗任神社領朱印状, 本宗道, 宗任神社社家, H元.3.17, 古文書市 : 覚幸嶋十二郷豊田三十三郷惣高, 本宗道, 宗任神社社家, H元.3.17, 考古資料市 : 法光寺の板碑, 下栗, 法光寺, H元.3.17, 絵画市 : 絹本著色東方朔図(円山応挙), 大園木, 個人管理, H2.3.17, 考古資料市 : 石造五輪塔, 下栗, 法光寺, H2.3.17, 考古資料市 : 薬王寺の板碑, 宗道, 薬王寺, H2.3.17, 天然記念物市 : 無量院の大ケヤキ, 皆葉, 無量院, H2.3.17, 史跡市 : 村岡柴崎古墳1号, 村岡, 個人管理, H2.10.8, 史跡市 : 村岡柴崎古墳2号, 村岡, 個人管理, H2.10.8, 無形民俗市 : 村岡の高灯籠, 村岡, 満徳寺檀徒衆, H5.2.25, 絵画市 : 明治諸家画帖全19図, 大園木, 個人管理, H5.2.25, 彫刻市 : 石造十三仏伊古立, 伊古立地区, H8.1.18, 歴史資料市 : 青龍権現老樹碑鎌庭, 鎌庭, 香取神社氏子, H14.11.18. “Yachiyo Town, Yuki District”, Jomon pottery, stone tools, and dwelling traces have been found in archaeological sites such as Kuriyama, Ozaki, and Niedo. During the Nara Period, the Kinugawa River, which had been winding around the west side of the Kawanishi District, was renovated to form the current Kinugawa River. In the Heian Period, iron making was carried out at Ozaki Maeyama, farm tools and weapons were made, and a samurai corps was formed. It was around this time that the Taira no Masakado turmoil occurred, and even in Yachiyo Town, Kuriyama, Ashigaya, Hiratsuka, etc. are treated as battlefields. At the end of the Warring States period, the eastern half of the town, including Sugenoya, Waka, and Ozaki, was under the control of Mr. Tagaya, and from the north to the west was under the control of Mr. Yuki. In the Edo Period, due to the change of lords, the Yachiyo area came to have a complicated control of Mibu territory, Koga territory, imperial fief, Hatamoto domain and so on. In the Kyoho period(1716-1736)in the middle of the Edo Period, Iinuma and Yamakawa Swamp will be reclaimed and Yoshida irrigation will be completed. After the abolition of the feudal clan after the Meiji Restoration, the municipality system was enforced in 1889, and the old villages of Anjo, Shimoyuki, Nakayuki, Nishitoyoda, and Kawanishi were born, establishing the foundation of the autonomy system. After that, with the aim of expanding the transportation economic zone and strengthening local administration and finance with the rapid growth after the war, in 1955, the former five villages and Sanwa village Narita merged to form Yachiyo village. With the enforcement of the town system in 1972, it became Yachiyo Town. It is located in the center of the Kanto Plain, southwest of Ibaraki Prefecture, about 60 km to the capital Tokyo, about 70 km to the capital city of Mito, and about 20 km to Tsukuba, a city where science and technology are concentrated. It is adjacent to Shimotsuma City across the Kinugawa River in the east, Koga City in the west, Yuki City in the north, Joso City and Bando City in the south, and National Highway No. 125 runs east to west in the center of the town. The terrain is 7.7 km east-west, 12.4 km north-south, and the total area is 58.99 km2. The terrain is generally flat, with paddy fields open in the eastern part and upland fields in the western part, with the mountain river flowing through the central part of the town as the boundary, and a small amount of flatland forest remains. Wide area above sea level (eastern end) 139 ° 51' (West end) 139 ° 57'(South end) 36 ° 07' (North end) 36 ° 14'58.99 km2 (East and West) 7.7 km (North and South) 12.4 km (Maximum) 29.8 m (Minimum) 18.7 m. Regarding the weather, the average annual temperature is around 14 ℃, and the annual rainfall is around 1,250 mm. In winter, the northwest monsoon blows, but the amount of snowfall is extremely small and the climate is warm. Taking advantage of the flat and fertile land, warm climate, and location conditions near the capital, agriculture is regarded as the core industry, and mainly vegetables, rice cultivation, fruit trees, livestock, and other suburban agriculture are being developed, and the main areas of the metropolitan area. Famous as a food production base. In addition, it is one of the leading horticultural production areas in the prefecture, and among them, Chinese cabbage boasts the largest production volume in Japan, and net-based melons are also cultivated, and pears have been designated as a brand production area(1992年; Akuto Pear))in the prefecture. The town boasts one of the largest melon production in the country, and when the time comes, the scent of sweet melon overflows throughout the town. In recent years, in addition to outdoor cultivation, we have also adopted house cultivation to make sweet and delicious melons. From May to June, many varieties such as Prince, Kinsho, Homerun, Takami, and Quincy are cultivated as spring melons. Among them, Takami Melon, which is the most produced in the town, is a large ball, juicy and has a high sugar content, has a long-lasting meat quality, and is often used as a souvenir and is appreciated. From September to October, Earl's melon is cultivated as an autumn-suppressing melon. Earl's melon is cultivated with strict control of temperature, humidity, water, etc., and only one fruit is produced per plant, giving it a rare and luxurious texture with a smooth texture. As the name Akuto Pear suggests, it grew up in the sober land of the Kinugawa River, bathed in the pure sunlight. Kosui is cultivated in August, Hosui in September, Akizuki in October, and Niitaka. Yachiyo Chinese cabbage is a hot pot dish that is often eaten in the cold season, and is a supporting role of the hot pot. The town boasts the highest production in Japan, producing autumn-winter Chinese cabbage and spring Chinese cabbage, and harvesting and shipping peaks from late October to mid-June. Autumn-winter Chinese cabbage has a softer fiber when exposed to frost, and the sugar content of the leaves increases, so the sweetness also increases. Spring Chinese cabbage is characterized by its freshness and fluffiness. Vitamin C is not lost even when salted, and good intestinal bacteria such as lactic acid bacteria are produced, so there are great expectations for an intestinal regulation effect. In addition to melons, pears and Chinese cabbage, the town produces a lot of delicious vegetables throughout the four seasons. In addition, because it is flat and has good water access, rice cultivation is also popular, and the far-reaching golden countryside occupies about 40% of the total crop harvest area. Chinese cabbage pickled in kimchi, which uses the highest production of Chinese cabbage in Japan, countryside miso, which uses locally produced soybeans, and rich, handmade natural brewed soy sauce that takes advantage of the blessed climate and water quality, have gained popularity for consumption. In addition, there are many flavors of hometown such as handmade dried natto and chewy udon, which gives a simple taste. 県指定建造物 : 佛性寺観音堂 / 仁王門(附観音堂宮殿1基 / 棟札1枚), 2棟, 栗山, 佛性寺, 平29.12.25, 県指定彫刻 : 木心乾漆如来形坐像(付乾漆断片64片), 1躯, 栗山, 仏性寺, 昭57.3.4, 県指定彫刻 : 木造十一面観音立像, 1躯, 大字八町, 新長谷寺. 八千代町教育委員会, 株式会社地域文化財コンサルタント 2009 “菱毛道西遺跡(大字平塚)” 八千代町埋蔵文化財調査報告書13 : 株式会社エフピコ工場建設に伴う遺跡の発掘調査, 工場建設, 集落, 古墳時代, 竪穴住居跡, 土師器: 坏, 甕他, 須恵器: 坏, 甕他, 石製品: 紡錘車他, 土製品: 土玉, 土錘他, 集落, 平安時代, 竪穴住居跡, 土師器: 坏, 甕他, 須恵器: 坏, 甕他, 灰釉陶器: 高台坏埦, 鉄製品: 釘他, 瓦片, 羽口. The Ishige district of Joso City (former Ishishita Town) is a large rice paddy area with the Kinu River in the center, the Kokai River in the east, and the Iinuma River in the west. On the other hand, utilizing this rich land, vegetable management is also actively carried out, and various high-quality vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, lettuce, and zucchini are produced. In particular, the cucumbers produced in the Ishige area have been popular with consumers for nearly 60 years under the brand name of "Sengoku Cucumber", one of the prefecture's leading long-established production areas. "Sengoku cucumber" is cultivated in the adjacent former Chiyogawa village (now Shimotsuma city) and the former Ishishita town. It was named after 1000 koku of rice harvesting and 10000 koku of rice harvesting. The production area has a long history, starting with open-field net cultivation in the 1955s, shifting to greenhouse cultivation in steel-framed greenhouses in the late 1955s, overcoming the oil crisis and two floods in the Showa and Heisei eras, and in 2019, 21 households was working on cultivation of 28 ha. In the production area, in order to stably deliver delicious cucumbers to consumers, we combine a warm cropping type (harvest period: January to June) and a controlled cropping type (harvest period: September to November) and ship them every year. Combining cultivation techniques cultivated over many years of experience with soil preparation that actively uses organic materials, this excellent agricultural product has received high praise from actual consumers, including the market, for its taste and quality. In the production area, it seems that they are working on contract cultivation of cucumbers that are harvested in the morning, in order to make the taste of "Sengoku cucumber" even more prominent and to let consumers enjoy the rich aroma and taste. Each farmer puts the cucumbers harvested in the early morning into containers, collects and ships them, and arranges them in supermarkets in Tokyo on the same day to deliver them to the dining table is increasing. Cucumbers are said to be difficult to differentiate from other products, but the tireless efforts of producers have led to the production of high value-added cucumbers. Like other production areas, this production area seems to be facing the issue of having to take measures such as cultivation area and revitalization due to the aging of producers. As part of this countermeasure, a study group called "Green Mates" has been organized within the subcommittee, centered on the young producer Shichinohe, and is working hard on research and technical study on a daily basis. In recent years, in particular, efforts such as environmental control such as the application of carbon dioxide gas and trial cultivation using "Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot." Adults are 0.3 mm long and pale yellow in color. Eggs are about 0.15 mm in size, milky white, and prefer to lay eggs on the tips of hairs on the underside of plant leaves. It often preys on eggs and larvae of whiteflies and 1st instar larvae of thrips (it cannot prey on 2nd instar larvae and adults of thrips that are larger than itself). It prefers high temperatures and humidity, and its optimum temperature for activity is 28°C. It can survive by eating plant pollen even when there are no pests to feed on, so it goes well with green peppers, which have a lot of pollen. On the other hand, in tomatoes, tomatine (C50H83NO21: an alkaloid glycoside with a structure similar to that of solanine contained in the sprouts of potato tubers during storage.Then, it is toxic to humans, but it has recently been found that tomatine is an ingredient that insects dislike, and it seems that it is difficult to use it because plants dislike the substance secreted by synthesizing tomatine to prevent insects from eating it. Is expected to spread and revitalize the entire production area. Nurtured by continuous high technology and rich land, it will continue to be popular with consumers as a delicious cucumber that represents Ibaraki.