
Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The author was called up at the age of 19 and entered the regiment in Yamagata. And the subject of his childhood, he says, was "rejection of the state and the military." Is that why the draft dodger is the main character? By Saiichi MARUYA (1925-2012): Kawade Shobo Shinsha Publishers inc. Grass for My Pillow (Columbia University Press): Translation studies, Dennis Keene (1934-2007); The Death of a former lover who lived a fugitive life and was also a lifesaver-Uwajima. 1992 The Noma Award for the Translation of Japanese Literature.

The Shonai Plain of Yamagata Prefecture is nurtured by the flow of the Mogami River and the Akagawa River, which have different sources, and is surrounded by Mt. Chokai to the north, the Dewa Sanzan (Mt. Haguro, Mt. Gassan, and Mt. Yudono) to the east, and the Asahi Mountain Range to the south. Surrounded by large sand dunes on the west side facing the Sea of Japan, it is one of Japan's leading granary areas. Humans settled in this area as far back as the Paleolithic and Jomon periods, and the southern hills and foothills are dotted with ruins of the hunting lifestyle of those days. In the Kofun period, people settled in the low-lying wetlands of the plains and began a life of growing rice under the control of powerful clans. At the end of the Heian period, a manor called Oizumiso was established in this region. At the beginning of the Kamakura period, the Muto clan ruled as the head of Oizumi-sho, and since then it flourished as the center of the region throughout the Middle Ages.However, in the Tenbun era (1530s), the Muto clan sought a stronghold during the war and built Onoura Castle (currently known as Onoura Castle). Oyama). Furthermore, since the medieval period, Mt. Haguro had been a major force in the area, and the Muto clan is said to have served as the head of Mt. Haguro, and to have provided great protection to Noh Kurokawa. After the fall of the Muto clan, Shonai came under the control of the Echigo-Uesugi clan, and in 1591) Daihoji Castle was established as a political base by Kanetsugu Naoe, a military commander of the Uesugi clan. 


Phyllostachys pubescens
It grows fast and is said to become bamboo; 竹 in 10 days. From that, the word “Bamboo Shoot; 竹の子, 筍” was applied. Being a young stem extending from the underground stem of Bamboo. “Meng Zong”(Originally from Jiangxia County, Jingzhou, he is one of the twenty-four Filial Exemplars)≒ Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens)
On May 23, 2019, 13 5th graders from Kogane Elementary School in Tsuruoka City experienced rice planting in five ares of paddy fields at Seiryu-ji Temple in Tsuruoka City. Four employees of Tsuruoka Green Farm Co., Ltd., which provides the farmland, and the deputy manager of agricultural economics at the time of JA Tsuruoka Minami Branch served as lecturers, and glutinous rice "Koyuki glutinous rice" (glutinous rice developed independently by Yamagata Prefecture, As the name suggests, it has a beautiful whiteness and luster, sweetness and chewy like powdered snow.” Registered on October 30, 2009. No anthocyanin color on the leaf auricle. Posture of flag leaf blade (initial observation) is upright. Heading period (50% heading) is medium. , excluding floating rice) is slightly long, the length of the main axis is slightly long, the number of ears is slightly small, the distribution of awns is only at the tip, the number of trichomes on the outer glume (spikelet) is medium, the color of the tip of the outer glume (Tip color) (Spikelets) are red, the degree of curvature of the main axis is drooping, the ear shape is spindle-shaped, the maturity stage is medium, the glaze color is yellowish white, the length of the glumes is medium, the glume color is yellowish white, Paddy 1000 grain weight is medium, no phenol reaction in grain, brown rice length is medium, brown rice width is medium, brown rice shape is semicircular, brown rice color is white, brown rice aroma is absent or very weak, leaves medium green color, stigma color white, culm thickness medium, awns present, awn color (initial observation) yellowish brown, longest awn length very short, panicle extraction degree Axis is well extracted, endosperm type is glutinous, endosperm amylose content is type 1, impaired cold tolerance is strong, ear germination is easy, lodging resistance is slightly strong, grain shedding is difficult, blast resistance presumed gene The type is Pi-k, the field resistance to ear blast is strong, the field resistance to leaf blast is slightly weak, and the field resistance to bacterial leaf blight is medium. Compared to the control variety "Hime no Mochi Rice", the applied variety "Koyuki glutinous Rice" has a red color of the tip of the outer glume (spikelet) and has strong resistance to cold, etc. Distinction is recognized in. Compared to the control cultivar "Dewa no Mochi Rice'', the color of the tip of the outer grain (tip color) (spikelet) is red, the weight of 1000 grains is medium, and the disordered cold resistance is stronger. It is said that the distinction is recognized by being. Tsuruoka City Kogane Elementary School (School districts: Seiryuji district, Takizawa district Kamiyamadani district, Kanaya district, Yasada district, Kotobuki district, Nakahashi district, Minda district, Kosaka district, Shinseki district) The school educational goals are lively, warm and golden. Child. Fostering children who are proud of their hometown gold and carve out their own future. Shonai Plain, Yamagata Prefecture: It is nurtured by the flow of the mogami river and Akagawa river from different sources. To the north Mt. Chokai : Dewa Sanzan (Three Mountains of Dewa ; Shrine-Mt. Haguro, Mt. Gassan, Mt. Yudono) to the east-It is said that Koteko's son, Prince Hachiko, escaped from the capital at the discretion of Prince Umayado (Prince Shotoku), and became the founder of Dewa Sanzan (Three Sacred Mountains of Dewa) in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture. South is surrounded by mountains in the Asahi mountain range(寒江山, 小朝日岳, 平岩山, 鳥原山, 祝瓶山 etc.)- One of Japan's leading granary areas, with large sand dunes on the west side facing the Sea of Japan. Humans settled in the Region as far back as the Paleolithic and Jomon periods. Southern hills and foothills : The ruins of hunting life at that time are interspersion. In the Kofun period, people also settle in the lowlands of the plains. He started his rice-growing life under the control of a powerful family. At the end of the Heian period, a manor called Oizumi-sho was set up in this region. “Gikeiki”, 大泉荘大梵寺を通せ給ふ - Description, Daibonji Temple later became known as Daihoji Temple. Eventually it will become the center of Oizumi-sho. At the beginning of the Kamakura period, Mr. Muto ruled as lord of a manorof Oizumi-sho. Since then, it has prospered as a regional center throughout the Middle Ages : In the 1530s, seeking harm during the war : Take up residence at Oura Castle (now Oyama). From the Middle Ages, Mt. Haguro was a major force here. It is said that he also served as a steward and protected Kurokawa thickly(Inherited for more than 500 years by the parishioner ; It is divided into an upper seat and a lower seat, which are Noza (farmer) of the guardian Kasuga Shrine. Oral biography of the 56th Emperor Seiwa. Designated in 1976 as a national important intangible folk cultural property.). After the fall, Shonai will be under the control of Echigo Uesugi. In 1591, Kanetsugu Naoe built Daihoji Castle as a political base. The Naoe army attacked the Yamagata Castle fiercely, and finally besieged the Hasedo Castle, the advance-guard station of the Yamagata Castle (the Battle of Dewa in the Keicho Era or the Battle of Hasedo). As a result of the Battle of Sekigahara, Yoshiaki Mogami, the lord of Yamagata, ruled Shonai in 1601. Daihoji Castle is maintained as a retired castle : In 1603, the name was changed to Tsurugaoka Castle. Entering the Edo period, Mr. Mogami was confiscated in 1622. Instead, Tadakatsu Sakai (140,000 koku of rice in Fudai Daimyo)entered the country as the lord of the Shonai clan. The castle town is maintained with Tsuruoka as the residence-To build on the basics. The Shonai clan has Akumi District and Tagawa District. This is administratively divided into Kawakita Misato and Kawanami Five Streets. 中川通, 櫛引通, 京田通, 山浜通 - The Shonai clan was ruled by the Sakai clan for about 250 years. From the Restoration down to the present. In 1869, Mr. Sakai repatriates the edition.etc. “平成の大合併” - 鶴岡市, 藤島町, 羽黒町, 櫛引町, 朝日村, 温海町が合併 - 平成17年10 月1日に, 新鶴岡市が発足 - With an area of 1,311.53 km2, it is the largest city in Tohoku. Formulated a comprehensive plan in January 2010.“藤沢周平(Mr. Tomeji Kosuge)”, Born December 26, 1937. 旧東田川郡黄金村大字高坂 ; Oaza Takasaka, Tsuruoka City - 暗殺の年輪, 1973 ; 文藝春秋, 又蔵の火, 1974 ; 文藝春秋, 闇の梯子, 1974 ; 文藝春秋, 檻車墨河を渡る, 1975 ; 文藝春秋, 改題 : 雲奔る 小説・雲井龍雄 ; 中公文庫, 竹光始末, 1976 ; 新潮文庫, 時雨のあと, 1976 ; 新潮文庫, 義民が駆ける, 1976 ; 中央公論社, 講談社文庫,冤罪,1976 ;新潮文庫,暁のひかり,1976 ;文春文庫,逆軍の旗, 1976 ; 文春文庫, 喜多川歌麿女絵草紙, 1977 ; 講談社文庫, 闇の穴, 1977 ; 新潮文庫, 闇の歯車, 1977 ; 講談社, 長門守の陰謀, 1978 ; 講談社文庫, 春秋山伏記, 1978 ; 家の光協会, 角川文庫, 一茶, 1978 ; 文藝春秋, 神隠し, 1979 ; 新潮文庫, 雪明かり, 1979 ; 講談社文庫, 回天の門, 1979 ; 文藝春秋, 驟り雨, 1980 ; 新潮文庫, 橋ものがたり, 1980 ; 新潮文庫, 出合茶屋 神谷玄次郎捕物控, 1980 ; 双葉社, 改題: 霧の果て, 1985 ; 文春文庫, 闇の傀儡師, 1980 ; 文藝春秋, 夜の橋, 1981 ; 文春文庫, 時雨みち, 1981 ; 新潮文庫, 霜の朝, 1981 ; 新潮文庫, 密謀, 1982 ; 新潮文庫, よろずや平四郎活人剣, 1983 ; 文藝春秋, 龍を見た男, 1983 ; 新潮文庫, 海鳴り, 1984 ; 文藝春秋, “白き瓶-小説 / 長塚節”, 1985 ; 文藝春秋, 花のあと, 1985 ; 文春文庫, 風の果て, 1985 ; 文春文庫, 決闘の辻: 藤沢版新剣客伝, 1985 ; 講談社, 潮田伝五郎置文, 1985 ; 東京文芸社, 本所しぐれ町物語, 1987 ; 新潮文庫, 蟬しぐれ, 1988 ; 文藝春秋, たそがれ清兵衛, 1988 ; 新潮文庫, 市塵, 1988 ; 講談社(日本歴史文学館), 麦屋町昼下がり, 1989 ; 文藝春秋, 三屋清左衛門残日録, 1989 ; 文藝春秋, 玄鳥, 1991 ; 文藝春秋, 天保悪党伝, 1992 ; 新潮文庫, 秘太刀馬の骨, 1992 ; 文藝春秋, 夜消える, 1994 ; 文春文庫, 日暮れ竹河岸, 1996 ; 文藝春秋, 漆の実のみのる国, 1997 ; 文藝春秋, 静かな木, 1998 ; 新潮社, 未刊行初期短篇, 2006 ; 文藝春秋-鶴岡市青龍寺金峯, 高坂字大台, 滝沢字薬師嶽, “藤沢”字荒沢 : Designated date : April 23, 1941-Management organization name : Tsuruoka City(S17・6/23) : Historic site scenic spot natural monument-高さ約460 m,東には羽黒山, 月山, 湯殿山の翠を列ぬるあり北には鳥海山の巍峩たる雄姿を挺んづるあり西には日本海の渺茫たるあり其の北部には飛嶋の浮べるあり頂點竝高處よりの視界に入るもの更に舊庄内の田野大半遠く連なるあり最上の長川之を串流して海に注げるあり我邦展望の壯觀として洵に稀有に屬す山上に此の如き地點多く上中下位に依つて各々其の景觀を殊にす山亦佳林を帶び其の中幽致に富める地尠からず. “鶴岡市青龍寺” - 銅造如意輪観音坐像 : Prefectural designated cultural property October 25, 1955-金峯山博物館. 六所神社の獅子頭6面 : Prefectural designated tangible folk cultural property December 1, 1998. “黄金産孟宗” - A long time ago, when building the main shrine of Kinbou Shrine : A palace carpenter who came down from Kyoto brings in bamboo stock from Kyoto : It started when I planted this at the foot of Mt. Kinbou, a corner of the Shonai Plain. “Kogane Area”, Since the west side is blocked by Mt. Kinbou, the westerly wind and the west sun do not hit. “孟宗” - It is also moderately moist and dislikes the soil drying out. It is in good condition and grows in nourishing thaw water and is fresh. It has a sweet taste and a low harsh taste. "Golden moso bamboo; Phyllostachys heterocycla f. holochrysa" : Golden form of the genus Moso bamboo. The culm height and diameter are almost the same as Mosouchiku. The yellow (golden) color of the culms shines paler in younger bamboos. Same as moso bamboo In addition, it has fine leaves, short internodes, and slightly drooping shoots, making it the best ornamental bamboo, and bamboo shoots are also used as food. “竹の子”, Young shoots of Bambusoideae. New bamboo shoots in early spring are essential items that color the seasons and are used in various dishes. The main edible bamboo shoots are Moso bamboo ; Phyllostachys edulis. Phyllostachys nigra var. Henonis; Henon bamboo has a low harsh taste and a good texture. Phyllostachys bambusoides ; Japanese Timber Bamboo has black spots on the skin. In addition, there are various types such as Sasa kurilensis (Sasa kurilensis (Rupr.) Makino et Shibata) that grows in cold regions. Seasoned bamboo shoots(Ramen ingredients)is lactic acid fermented bamboo shoots from Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro. For other cooking uses, The tips are vinegared, seasoned, soup, the central part is simmered, stir-fried, fried, and the root is sliced and cooked, making it ideal for rice and sashimi; sliced raw plant. Do not leave what you have dug out.(COOH-COOH); Oxalic acid and other harshness will increase, so it is recommended to remove it as soon as possible.


Phyllostachys heterocycla f. pubescens) is famous as a super-large evergreen bamboo of the Poaceae, Poaceae, Madake genus, Mosouchiku species. In the latter half of the Edo period, the Shimazu clan (now Kagoshima Prefecture) imported from China in the Qing Dynasty via the Ryukyu Kingdom (now Okinawa), and Tenshoin (Atsuhime: Midadokoro of the 13th shogun of the Edo Shogunate, Tokugawa Iesada) The person who became (a nobleman's wife) (1836-1883) is said to have been planted in the garden of Sengon-en, a villa of the Shimazu clan, and now cultivated throughout the country. It grows rapidly, reaching a maximum height of 25m in 3 months. The young bamboo that grows from the rhizome is edible as bamboo shoots, and the culms are poor in physical strength and workability, so they are used as materials for small items such as bamboo blinds and bamboo blinds.


The famous Shuhei Fujisawa said that the taste of the season that comes to mind every May is “Moso soup,” a local dish that represents spring in Shonai. In the Shonai region, "Moso bamboo" is loved as a seasonal ingredient that colors the dining table in spring. In particular, the Yutagawa River is said to be the northernmost region of the Moso bamboo grove, and the "Yudagawa Moso" harvested here is known throughout Japan for its moist red clay soil and cold melted snow. It seems to grow into a well-known good quality bamboo shoot. About 20 minutes by car from Tsuruoka Station. Yudagawa Onsen, which is blessed with the fruits of the land and sea and is easily accessible from the city, is famous as a popular hot spring town as Tsuruoka's inner parlor. Together with Yunohama Onsen and Atsumi Onsen, it is known as one of the three famous hot springs in Shonai. It has a long history and is said to have been opened in 712. It is said that white herons used to heal their wounds in the hot springs that gushed out in the reedbeds, and in the olden days it was called "white heron hot springs." In 2001, it was designated by the Ministry of the Environment as a "National Hot Spring Resort" for its excellent spring quality and environment.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Poet Akiko Yosano (1878-1942) visited the Chiba Prefectural Higher School of Horticulture (now the Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University) in June 1924. 60 tanka is composed of tanka titled 10 species. Alley of Papaver rhoeas: kashu-ruiko (1925-1926) and her husband Hiroshi Yosano (Tekkan) (1873-1935)'s poem one tanka are engraved. He spends his boyhood in exile away from his parent's home after his father's business failed. He was adopted by Anyoji Temple (Oriono, Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka City) of the Honganji sect of Jodo Shinshu sect in Osaka. There he studied Buddhist scriptures and Chinese classics, but at the age of fifteen he left his foster home and spent more than a year at Anju-in Temple in Kunitomi, Okayama City, relying on his older brother Daien Wada(雲伝神道の相承, 慈雲尊者の相承, 神道灌頂について三種: 私立感化院). After that, Hiroshi embarked on the path to modern tanka. It seems that he first went to Tokyo in August 1892.

It is located approximately 20 km from the city center, and is approximately the same distance from Kichijoji, which is a popular place to live. Despite its proximity to the city center, the city is full of nature and parks. ​There are also plenty of sports facilities, libraries, childcare support facilities, hospitals, etc. There are many flower beds in Matsudo City that are maintained and managed by citizens. As part of its flower-filled campaign, the city is promoting the creation of a city filled with flowers, in which citizens are responsible for day-to-day flower bed management, and the city provides support such as providing flower seedlings. In order to maintain and manage flower beds neatly, weeding and watering are indispensable, but there is great joy in seeing the flower beds beautifully colored with flowers that we have grown ourselves.

Brassica rapa var. rapa
Because the root part looks like a head (rank).
In Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, it seems that urban-type suburban agriculture is being carried out against the background of the location close to a large consumption area. Tourist agriculture such as pear, grape, green soybean, and sweet potato digging seems to be popular. There are three inland industrial parks in the city: Kita-Matsudo, Minoridai, and Matsuhidai. It seems that he has been trying to attract companies on the condition that the industry does not emit smoke and pollution, and has also tried to accumulate industry. Also, in recent years, the content industry promotion project has been certified as a regional revitalization plan by the Cabinet Office, and it seems that the city is actively working to attract the content industry. The city reportedly had 1.21 million tourist arrivals in 2016. In spring, various events are held in each area, such as cherry blossom festivals, fireworks festivals, and Matsudo festivals held at five locations in the city. In the Matsudo area, there is the "Tojo Residence", which is designated as an important cultural property of the country. In the Yagiri area, the ferry boat "Yagiri no Watashi" that has been in operation since the Edo period still remains. The Kogane area has many historical and cultural resources such as "Hodoji Temple" and "Tozenji Temple". In addition, the national government is promoting efforts to strengthen the competitiveness of agriculture by making agriculture a growth industry. However, the foundation of agricultural management is weakening due to a shortage of farmers, a decrease in agricultural land due to urbanization, and the promotion of free trade in agricultural products such as the TPP(環太平洋パートナーシップ). Efforts to hand over agriculture to the next generation and strengthening of farm management power are required. In addition, in order to revitalize the society and regions with a declining population, the Basic Plan for Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas (based on the Basic Act on Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas, establishes policies that the government should work on in the medium to long term regarding food, agriculture and rural areas). Based on changes in the situation, it is supposed to be changed approximately every five years.On March 31, 2020 (Tuesday), a new basic plan for food, agriculture, and rural areas was approved by the Cabinet.) We are working to turn the agriculture and food industries into growth industries and to promote the maintenance and demonstration of their multifaceted functions. As a measure for the sustainable development of agriculture, management development through the incorporation of agricultural management, etc., and full operation of the Agricultural Land Intermediate Management Organization (a "reliable intermediate receiver of farmland" established in all prefectures in 2014) to become a bearer collection of farmland. It seems that they are working on consolidation, consolidation, and restructuring of agriculture-related organizations (agricultural cooperatives and agricultural committees). In addition, measures to ensure a stable supply of food include ensuring food safety, promoting food education and expanding consumption of domestic agricultural products, promoting the sixth industrialization, exporting agricultural, forestry and fishery products and foods, and promoting the overseas expansion of the food industry. , the production, processing and distribution process of agricultural products. It seems that they are working on building a value chain in It is well known that there is a growing public awareness of food safety and security, and that many consumers choose domestic products based on safety, quality, freshness, etc. In addition, the number of people who place importance on their diet as an important point in their lives is increasing, and what they expect from agriculture is a greater supply of safe food and a supply of good-quality, fresh, and delicious food. There are many people who have high expectations for. Chiba Prefecture's agriculture promotion has produced a wide variety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products thanks to its warm climate and favorable location in the metropolitan area. It seems that the prefecture is making various efforts to realize "strong agriculture, forestry and fisheries that support the region". In the promotion of urban agriculture, in order to promote highly profitable agriculture, it seems that efforts are being made to support various farmers, make effective use of limited farmland, and create facilities for advanced use. Also, since mutual understanding between farmers and local residents is necessary for the promotion of urban agriculture, exchanges between farmers and local residents will also be promoted. Agricultural promotion in the Higashi Katsushika(Tokatsu)area: Located in the northwestern part of Chiba Prefecture, Matsudo City, Ichikawa City, Funabashi City, Noda City, It seems that there are nine cities, Kashiwa City, Nagareyama City, Abiko City, Kamagaya City, and Urayasu City (under the jurisdiction of the Higashi Katsushika(Tokatsu)Agricultural Office). The total area of the nine cities is 539.7 km2, which is 10.5% of Chiba Prefecture. In addition, the population is about 2.73 million people, accounting for about 44% of the population of Chiba Prefecture, and it is an area where urbanization is progressing even in Chiba Prefecture. Agriculture in the Higashi-Katsushika(Tokatsu)area is characterized by its suburban agricultural zone, and the basic promotion policy is to preserve excellent farmland and secure diverse farmers. Develop measures to promote urban agriculture in which farmers and citizens are in harmony. According to Chiba Prefecture's Basic Policy for Development of Areas for Promoting Agriculture, Higashi Katsushika(Tokatsu)Agricultural Office jurisdiction is It seems to be defined as a region. In addition, the city promotes the voluntary management improvement of farmers who train successors of agriculture, etc. seems to be growing. The training of certified farmers is important for the stable development of agriculture in Matsudo City. It seems that it is an initiative. As of May 2018, there are 165 certified farmers. In addition, it seems that he is promoting a field marriage business with the theme of "cultivating love and vegetables in the field". Through farm work, while getting to know each other's personalities, in addition to helping farmers find spouses, they aim to cultivate an understanding of agriculture among participants and discover new farmers. On November 20, 2022, the Matsudo City Council election (constant number of 44) due to the expiration of the term of office was voted, and it seems that the lineup of new members was decided at midnight on the 21st. Sixty-four candidates ran for office, and as a result of fierce verbal warfare, 12 of the 27 newcomers were elected for the first time, and it seems that six former employees have returned to office. On the other hand, it seems that three of the 29 incumbents have sworn to make a comeback. Yagiri green onion has won the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award three times at the National Agricultural Products Fair. In 2007, the Matsudo City Agricultural Cooperative Association acquired a regional collective trademark. On April 2, 2007, the Matsudo City Agricultural Cooperative applied to the Patent Office, and on December 7, 2003, "Yagiri green onion'' acquired a regional collective trademark as green onion produced in Yagiri, Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture. It is said that green onions began to be actively cultivated in the Yagiri district around 1870 or 1871. When I received the seeds of "Senju green onion" from the former Tokyo Prefecture Shimosuna Village (now: Koto Ward, Tokyo) and cultivated it, the soil was cultivated with a moderate mixture of sand and dry soil with moisture washed away by the river. Since it was the most suitable for the season, plantings were expanded year by year, and it seems that it began to be sent to the market from around 1879 and 1880. According to the Agricultural Administration Division of the Matsudo City Economic Promotion Department, there are also Yagiri green onion, "Bozushirazu green onion,'' "Summer green onion,'' and "Oku (evening) green onion.'' Kogane (Consists of a relatively undulating plateau, the Saka River(A river in the Tonegawa River system that flows through the northwest. It is also used as part of the Kita-Chiba Headrace, flowing through the three cities of Nagareyama City, Matsudo City, and Ichikawa City, and pouring into the Edo River.)that runs along the east and west edges of the area, and the lowland area around the Fuji River(Class A river in the Tonegawa River system that flows through Matsudo City, Kashiwa City, and Nagareyama City). Farmlands are spreading in the urbanization control areas along the Saka River and the Fuji River. Also, during the Warring States period. Small it is an area with many historical heritages such as Hondoji Temple(It is the site of the mansion of the Genji's prestigious Hiraga family (it is famous that Tomomasa's father, Yoshinobu, followed Minamoto no Yoshitomo during the Heiji War). With the cooperation of Soya (1224-1291), the Jizo-do Hall in the territory was moved to this place and became the Hokke-do Hall. In the past, this mountain was called "Romon Sancho Sanbon'' along with Choeisan Honmonji Temple in Ikegami and Chokosan Myohonji Temple in Hikigaya, Kamakura.)and Tozenji Temple(Approximately 540 years ago, in 1481, Gyorensha Kyoyogutei Shoun of the Jodo sect of Buddhism (later founded by Shonin, initially in Negiuchi (1 km northeast of this area). , was moved to its current location and was considered one of the Kanto Eighteen Danrin in the early Edo period. It has a vast precinct and many buildings. In 1722, when major renovations were completed, the main hall, Hojo, and Kyozo (Kannondo) were built. ), bell tower, Kaisando, Shojoin, Toshogu, Chinjusha, Sanmon, Daimon, and 8 other dormitories, and more than 20 temples.), which prospered under the protection of the lord Takagi clan, and Kotokuji Temple(It is a Soto sect temple and is called Kinryuzan. Founded in 1462 by Takagi Echizen no Kami Tanehiro in Kurigasawa. In 1537, Takagi Shimo no Kami Taneyoshi moved the temple to this place and opened it. It was a big temple that received 200 koku of rice as a cemetery for successive generations of the Takagi clan. Received a letter of redemption of 20 koku of rice from the temple, and apparently had a branch temple nearby. It is the Seven Deities of Good Luck of Matsudo Historic Site Shichifukujin.), where the tombs of the Takagi clan are located.) area, there is "wake green onion'', which has been improved based on the cultivation technology that has been continued around Hondoji Temple since the Edo period, and was registered as a trademark on October 1, 2004. It is shipped as "hydrangea green onion" to Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, etc. Regional collective trademarks are intended to maintain the credibility of business operators for local products, etc. Introduced on April 1, 2006 with the aim of revitalizing the economy, it relaxes the registration requirements for character trademarks consisting of regional names and product (service) names that are often used as "regional brands." System Data (trademark registration No. 5096123, Yagiri, Trademark: Yagiri green onion, Right holder: Tokatsu Central Agricultural Cooperative (Kamihongo, Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture), Designated Goods or Designated Services: Green from Yagiri, Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture onions.) In Matsudo, the production of green onions is thriving in various parts of the city. It is said to have been ranked 6th among municipalities nationwide, and 1st in Chiba Prefecture (produced in 2005). Among them, green onions produced in the Yagiri area are known nationwide as 'Yagiri green onion'. The best-loved Yagiri green onion seems to be in season in January and February. There's something fashionable about being ahead of Wase, and Yagiri green onion seems to hit the market all at once around November. Grown in ideal soil, this soft-eating, thick-rooted, excellent agricultural product is grown in soil rich in moisture, giving it a sweet, thick, and aromatic flavor. Furthermore, the sugar content is 11 to 12 degrees, which is almost the same as fruit. During cooking, allylic oxidation (an oxidation reaction that begins with hydrogen abstraction at the allylic position of unsaturated hydrocarbons), which is a pungent component, is caused by heat. Because it is conjugated and stabilized with electrons, it breaks easily compared to other C-H bonds). You can also enjoy the spiciness when you eat it raw, but when you cook it, the thick, smooth sweetness stands out. The secret to its popularity is its softness, freshness, and balance of sweetness and spiciness. Chiba Prefecture is the No. 1 nationwide with 60,000 tons of green onions. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 2017 statistics. Incidentally, the production volume in Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture in FY2006 was 7820 t. Phylogeny Group system "By this system, angiosperms (Angiospermae: New Engler, Magnoliophyta: Cronquist, Angiosperm: APG system) are divided into a group of primitive dicotyledonous plants, eudicotyledons, and monocotyledons. Monocotyledonous plant" Published in 1998. New classification system.In particular, from chloroplast DNA analysis to information. Sulfide (diallyl disulfide) (defense mechanism using the action of TRPA1) ≒ Allyl disulfide (C6H10S2) is said to have strong bactericidal and sedative effects. The entire city of Matsudo is a city planning area, and agriculture in Matsudo consists of both agricultural land within urbanization control areas and agricultural land within urbanization promotion areas. Farming is carried out on the farmland on the other side, and it has become a high-value-added agricultural management with a large amount of agricultural output relative to the area of cultivated land. Seems to be Using the Matsudo agricultural product brand symbol mark "Minori-chan", we are promoting safe and secure agricultural products and environmentally friendly agriculture, and are working on branding Matsudo agricultural products. The main agricultural products are “Yagiri green onion” and “Hydrangea green onion”, which are brand agricultural products representing Matsudo city. Highly rated. In addition, it seems that the sixth industrialization efforts are being made, such as the development of processed products using "hydrangea green onion". In recent years, efforts have been made to brand “green soybean,” which is one of the leading producers of green soybeans in Chiba Prefecture being produced. It has been a specialty pear production area since the Meiji era, and is known as the origin of 20th century pears. Currently, many varieties of pears are cultivated in the city, including Kosui Pear, Hosui Pear, Akizuki Pear, and Kaori Pear. Harvest from mid-August to mid-October Every year, many families and groups visit the tourist pear farm in search of fresh pears. Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture is located within 20 kilometers from the city center, and is located in the Tokatsu area (northwestern part) of Chiba Prefecture. It borders Katsushika Ward, Edogawa Ward, and Misato City in Saitama Prefecture across the Edo River to the west, Ichikawa City to the south, Kamagaya City to the east, and Kashiwa City and Nagareyama City from the east to the north. The area of the city is 61.38 square kilometers, with 11.4 kilometers from east to west and 11.5 kilometers from north to south, forming a diamond shape. In addition, it is about 20 kilometers from the city center, about 30 minutes by train, and continues to develop as a residential city in the metropolitan area. Matsudo city is served by 6 railway lines: the JR Joban Line (interconnected with the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line), the JR Musashino Line, the Shin-Keisei Electric Railway, the Tobu Railway, the Ryutetsu Railway, and the Hokuso Railway. In addition, National Route 6 traverses almost the center along with the JR Joban Line, making it a major arterial road connecting the city center with the Joban and Tohoku areas. Furthermore, in March 2015, direct operation of some trains on the JR Joban Line to Tokyo, Shimbashi, and Shinagawa (nickname: Ueno Tokyo Line) was realized, making commuting to work, school, and outings in Tokyo and the direction of the Tokaido Line possible. , In addition to becoming more convenient, the Tokyo Outer Ring Road (Gaikan Expressway) between Misato Minami Interchange (IC) and Takaya Junction (JCT) opened on June 2, 2018, providing access to the bay area and Kanto region. It seems that it is expected to improve accessibility to the area, revitalize the local economy, alleviate traffic congestion in areas along the outer ring road, and improve the safety of community roads. Matsudo Citizen's Honor Award (established July 1, 1999): Masao Sugiura, Yagiri ferryman (awarded in August 1999) Born in 1923, from Matsudo City, lived in Yagiri, passed away in 2009 (85 years old), inheriting the tradition of the Yagiri Ferry that has continued since the Edo period, he worked hard to preserve the Yagiri Ferry for many years as a boatman, and seems to have spread the name of the city as a famous tourist attraction all over the country. In 1961, Takesada Tokugawa (1888-1957: Japanese naval officer, peerage. Final rank in the navy is Naval Engineer Lieutenant Admiral. Doctor of Engineering. Viscount. Professor at Tokyo Imperial University.) (now Tojogaoka Historical Park) is donated to the city. Tojo is the name of a place that originated in an old medieval castle. In 1884, Tojo mansion, the villa of Akitake Tokugawa-Shimizu, the last lord of the Mito clan, was built on this land, and it became the residence of the Matsudo Tokugawa family. Currently, the site of the former Matsudo Tokugawa family, including the Tojo residence, is maintained as "Tojogaoka Historical Park". In 2005, it was selected as one of the 100 Best Views of Fujimi in Kanto, and in 2007 as one of the 100 Best Historical Parks in Japan. The garden of Tojo mansion faces the south of the guest room of Tojo-tei, and is a Western-style garden with a wide, gently undulating lawn, rounded trimmed azaleas, and surrounded by trees. The lawn garden, which is often seen today, seems to have been fashionable since around 1884, when this garden was built, using Western-style tastes. In addition, the Western-style gardens from the early to the middle of the Meiji period are not well known, and there are many points that are not clear, but the Tojo mansion garden has a clear year of landscaping. A comparison of the photograph taken in 1889 and the current state confirms that the state at the time of landscaping is still well preserved. For these reasons, the Tojo mansion garden is one of the earliest surviving Western-style gardens, and is considered to be the forerunner of Japanese-Western style gardens, which became popular after 1887. Known as Brassica campestri, one of the seven spring herbs, turnips are said to have originated in Afghanistan and the Mediterranean region, and have been cultivated in Europe since pre-Christian times. Said to have been introduced to Japan from China during the Yayoi period, the Nihon Shoki (a Japanese history book written in the Nara period) is one of the oldest surviving historical books, along with the 'Kojiki', and is said to have been completed in the 4th year of Yoro.)” has a long history, including a description that Emperor Jito encouraged its cultivation as a crop to supplement the staple food. Turnip varieties, which are excellent agricultural products, can be broadly divided into large turnips (such as pickled sliced radishes) that are widely cultivated in western Japan and small turnips. There are various theories as to why small turnip cultivation took root in the northern part of the prefecture. It seems that there is also a strong theory that it crossed the Edogawa River and settled in the prefecture during the period. Chiba Prefecture is said to be the top producer of turnips in Japan. The harvest volume in 2016 was 36,000 tons, which was far ahead of Saitama Prefecture, which ranked second, and accounted for nearly 30% of the national share. The main turnip production areas in the prefecture are Kashiwa City, Tonosho Town in Katori District, and Matsudo City. Among them, Kashiwa City boasts the highest production volume in Japan by municipality, and shipments reach their peak as winter approaches. Urban suburban agriculture: Matsudo's agricultural products are famous for pear cultivation that began in the 20th century, yagiri green onions, hydrangea green onions, and Hinokuchi-Oishita small turnips. In addition, green soybean, strawberry, type of rape, cabbage, japanese white raddish, spinach, tomato, carrot, etc. As an aside, Katsushika-Kanamachi small turnip, Miyama small turnip: Brassica rapa, domestically harvested, Noguchi seedlings (Kosedo, Hanno City, Saitama Prefecture) in 1951. From the 1955s to 1940s, it has been awarded the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Award in the "Kanamachi style small turnip category" sponsored by the Japan Seedlings Association / National Species Examination Committee. Tokinashi small turnip: Tsuru new seedlings (Chuo, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture), high-quality Goku-wase small turnips that can be thrown at any time of the year. Suitable for growing in plastic tunnel. The roots are oblate with a diameter of 4 to 5 cm, uniform, and have few root splits. The skin is pure white and shiny, and the flesh is soft and rich in sweetness, making it ideal for pickles and salads.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The fuel, U (92), is a pellet (approximately 10mm in length and 8mm in diameter) that is fired like pottery, and is a small cylinder of uranium that has been fired into a ceramic. The fuel used in nuclear power plants. Is a mixture of approximately 4% fissile uranium 235 and approximately 96% non-fissionable uranium 238). About 360 of these pellets are stuffed into a 4m-long thin tube (fuel rod), and 264 of these are bundled together to form a fuel assembly. The reactor vessel contains 157 fuel assemblies. Dozens to hundreds of bundles, 50 to 80 fuel rods per fuel assembly for BWR, and 200 to 300 rods for PWR. Used for 3 to 4 years in the core. Since the fuel assemblies removed from the reactor vessel contain unburned uranium (actinide) and newly generated plutonium (element with atomic number 94), these useful resources are recovered at the reprocessing plant. Therefore, it will be temporarily stored in the spent fuel pool of the power plant until it is transported to the reprocessing plant.

Ikata, a town where the wind of joy is fragrant: Located on the Sadamisaki Peninsula, the westernmost tip of Shikoku. The Uwa Sea side to the south is a coastline of gentle white sand, while the north Seto Inland Sea side forms a ria coastline, where people live their lives amidst beautiful nature. The hometown is blessed with a warm oceanic climate with an average annual temperature of 16℃. In order to inherit and nurture this hometown, which is full of warm humanity, and pass it on to tomorrow, each of us is working to create a town filled with vitality and moisture. In order to overcome the unique topographical conditions of the Nanyo region, which is a steeply sloping area facing a ria coastline, the Nanyo region has accumulated unique ideas and know-how over many years, and has cultivated high-quality and diverse citrus fruits. In addition to achieving this goal, the city has established a sustainable citrus farming system, including creating a unique system and stocks that can respond accurately to various environmental changes, and is famous as a major producer of branded citrus fruits.

【Product name】
Citrus reticulata
Futanazu, Ikata Town, Nishiuwa District, Ehime Prefecture (Nishiuwa Agricultural Cooperative, Misaki Citrus Joint Fruit Sorting Committee)
【Origin of name】
Shiranuhi Town, Uki City, Kumamoto Prefecture is said to be the birthplace. It was probably named after the place name. Dekopon(Citrus reticulata Siranui)is a registered trademark owned by the Kumamoto Prefecture Fruit Agricultural Cooperative Association. Under the umbrella of the japan horticultural agricultural cooperative association: Shipped through an agricultural cooperative association with JA and citrus production. Only those who meet certain standards to maintain high quality can use the name. It was shipped through the National Federation of Citrus Agricultural Cooperatives with a sugar content of 13 degrees or more and an acidity of 1 degree or less.
【Major features】
Shikoku Electric Power’s Ikata Power Station Unit 3 (PWR, 890,000 kW) resumed power generation at 18:00 on December 6, 2021 for the first time in about two years. After entering regular inspections in December 2019, in January 2020, the Hiroshima High Court received a provisional injunction to suspend operation. It was unable to operate because the installation deadline for the “Severe Accident Response Facility” (special heavy facility) was reached. In February 2020, Shikoku Electric Power filed an objection to the Hiroshima High Court, and since then, has endeavored to assert and prove the safety of the aircraft, and in March 2021, received a decision to revoke the provisional injunction order to suspend operation. In addition, the special heavy facility started operation on October 5th. Ikata Unit 3 seems to have restarted the reactor on December 2, ahead of the winter power demand season, and has resumed power generation. After the final inspection (comprehensive load performance inspection) by the Nuclear Regulation Authority, full-scale operation was resumed. According to a report compiled in October by the Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, which verifies power supply and demand, the reserve margin for power supply in the Shikoku area this winter warned that “beware of trouble with generators” nationwide. At 3.9% in February, the situation was extremely severe, barely exceeding the 3% required for stable supply. In particular, the deficit of four companies including Tohoku Electric Power, Chugoku Electric Power, and Hokuriku Electric Power is the largest ever, with Tokyo Electric Power Holdings (HD) falling into the red of 650.9 billion yen in 2022. However, Shikoku Electric Power Co. is the only company to post a profit as it is able to reduce fuel costs through the operation of Unit 3 of the Ikata Nuclear Power Station (Ikata Town, Ehime Prefecture). Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident Based on the overview of the new regulatory standards, Shikoku Electric Power. On the day of enforcement, it seems that Ikata Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 submitted an application for conformity review to the standards. Application for permission to change the installation of a nuclear reactor based on the Reactor Regulation Act. At the same time, it seems that there was prior consultation with Ehime Prefecture regarding changes to equipment, etc. based on the safety agreement. Then the Nuclear Regulation Authority. After about two years of review at review meetings, field surveys, and public comments, on July 15, 2015, permission was granted to change the installation of the nuclear reactor on the basis that it complied with the standards. In Ehime Prefecture, along with the review by the Nuclear Regulation Authority, It seems that the nuclear safety subcommittee, which consists of experts in nuclear reactor engineering and earthquake engineering, has confirmed safety. After about two years of deliberations, in August 2015, it was confirmed that the results of deliberations by the Nuclear Regulation Authority were appropriate. March 11, 2011, Pacific Ocean in the Tohoku region. A large tsunami caused by an offshore earthquake hits the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Company, causing an accident in which a large amount of radioactive material leaks. In this accident, the tsunami and earthquake caused the safety functions to go out all at once. The loss and subsequent severe accident could not be stopped. The Nuclear Regulation Authority, which was established after the accident, not only learned the lessons from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, but also based on the latest technical knowledge and the safety standards of international organizations such as the IAEA (Vienna, Austria: International Atomic Energy Agency). A new regulatory standard for nuclear power plants with enhanced measures against accidents was formulated and enforced on July 8, 2013. The seismic performance “Earthquake ground motion determined by specifying the epicenter” seems to have been selected through scientific research for each of the three earthquake generation mechanisms. Measures without specifying the epicenter. The seismic motion to be determined is the epicenter and active faults and difficult past inland. Observation records of crustal earthquakes. 2004 Hokkaido Rumoi branch office Nanbu Earthquake (Area of shifted part × amount of shift × hardness of rock ≒ Mw5.7), 2000 Western Tottori Earthquake (Mw6.6) seems to have been selected(Standard Seismic Motion Safety evaluations are being conducted based on new understanding as a result of surveys of earthquakes and geological features covering a broad range of details [Earthquakes with specifi ed epicenters at each site] Based on active fault evaluation by the Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion [Earthquakes with unspecifi ed epicenters] Based on the results of examination of the Hokkaido Rumoi–Nanbu earthquake, a new standard seismic motion of Ss-2 (620 gal) has been added. 「Standard seismic motion used for mission-critical base-isolated structures」The Ss-L (400 gal) standard seismic motion for use in anti-seismic designs for mission-critical base-isolated structures was added for use in creating base-isolated structures that can withstand a mild, drawn-out earthquake Standard Tsunami Rather than assuming that our current store of knowledge and data is all there is, our safety evaluations are conducted from the perspective that something may occur that exceeds what is known. The standard tsunami has been reevaluated to cover tsunamis stemming from an interplate earthquake (Mw 9.1) in the Ryukyu Trench, to a generator (in the vicin-ity of the sluice gate) maximum high-water mark of around 5 m above sea level (at high tide). The generator’s maximum run-up height, taking into account the difference between land subsidence and the tide level, is around 6m above sea level. A protective wall has been placed around the seawater pump area. At 5 m above sea level with a retention dam located in front of the sluice to allow the water to drain when the wave recedes as well. Response to New Standards (main efforts at the Sendai nuclear power plant) Standard Seismic Motion for the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant Speed (cm/s2) Period (s) Ss-1 standard seismic motion (540 gal) Ss-2 standard seismic motion (620 gal) formulated based on Examination of the Hokkaido Rumoi–Nanbu earthquake Outline of the Hokkaido Rumoi–Nanbu Earthquake Ryukyu Trench (Assumed interval) Nagasaki Spur fault Sendai Nuclear Power Plant Seawater pump area Barrier wall Barrier trench Retention damz Date: December 14, 2004 Rumoi Magnitude(Seismic Activity for All of Japan during December 2004): Mw5.7 Established position of standard tsunami). Also, the design basis seismic ground motion is the maximum quake that is expected to affect the site based on the geology, ground structure, seismic activity, etc. of the site of the nuclear power plant and its surroundings. The design basis seismic ground motion for the Ikata nuclear power plant was changed from the conventional 570 Gal to 650 Gal (cm/sec2, the standard gravity on the earth is 980 Gal) or more, seismic intensity 5 upper, and about 200 Gal or more, seismic intensity 6 weak. , about 350 Gal or more, seismic intensity 6-upper, about 600 Gal or more, seismic intensity 7). An earthquake that occurred with its epicenter in Aki-nada, and caused relatively great damage in Hiroshima Prefecture, the eastern part of Yamaguchi Prefecture, and Ehime Prefecture, which were close to the epicenter. We confirmed that the effects of oceanic intra-plate earthquakes such as the “N-year Geiyo earthquake” or a name with the year) are appropriately set, taking into consideration the uncertainties of natural phenomena. The shaking caused by an earthquake is greatly affected by the characteristics of the observation point (distance from the epicenter and geological structure). Even for earthquakes of the same magnitude, the closer they are to the epicenter, the stronger the tremors, and the farther away they are, the smaller the tremors. In fact, during the Iyonada earthquake that occurred on March 14, 2014, 230 Gal was observed at Minatoura, Ikata Town, which is only 4 km away from the Ikata power plant. It was 45 ~ 56 Gal. For this reason, design basis seismic ground motions are created based on thorough investigations of active faults, plate conditions, and underground geological structures around the nuclear power plant that serves as the epicenter. It does not seem to be something that should be applied as is. Tsunami resistance performance includes the specific source of tsunami (wave source) and its impact assessment (maximum water level). Nankai Trough earthquake +2.45m. Earthquake caused by submarine active fault (Median Tectonic Line fault zone ~ Kyushu side fault zone approx. 130 km) +7.56 m. Five landslides +6.35 m near the site. Mt.Tsurumi collapsed +2.24 m. Furthermore, taking into consideration the overlap of the Nankai and marine active faults, +8.12m. A standard tsunami is a tsunami that affects the site due to earthquakes, landslides, volcanic phenomena, etc. around the site of the nuclear power plant. It seems to be the largest tsunami expected to hit. The maximum water level of the standard tsunami at the Ikata Power Station was raised from 4.09 m to 8.12 m in the process of national review. It seems that they have confirmed that the effects of the collapse of Mt. As a flow of tsunami resistance evaluation, the tsunami height used for tsunami resistance design seems to be 8.7 m, considering the maximum water level of the standard tsunami, ground subsidence and tidal level variation, but the building with important safety facilities is installed at a site height of 10 m, so it seems that there is no risk of being affected by a tsunami. The water level caused by the standard tsunami varies depending on the location, and the highest water level near the Ikata Power Station site is estimated to be +8.12m at the judgment point. In tsunami resistant design. In addition, ground subsidence and Consideration of tidal variation and the water level is +8.7m evaluation. Cause of tsunami (target tsunami Selection), Tsunami evaluation (calculation), Selection of standard tsunami Confirmation of safety against standard tsunami. Interplate earthquakes, crustal earthquakes caused by active faults in the ocean, landslides on land and under the sea, slope failures, volcanic phenomena, combinations of factors (Ocean intra-plate earthquakes are excluded because their epicenters are deep and do not cause large changes to the seafloor, so they do not produce large tsunamis.) Numerical simulations are conducted with uncertainty taken into account. Formulation−On sites where facilities belonging to Class S (the highest seismic resistance) are installed, run-up waves due to the standard tsunami must not reach or flow from the ground. An important safety mechanism due to a decrease in water intake due to water level fluctuations. No effect on ability etc. T.P. : Tokyo Bay mean sea level. Futanazu is an agricultural village centered on citrus cultivation. Ikata Town, Nishiuwa County, is located on the Sadamisaki Peninsula, the westernmost point of Shikoku. The Uwa Sea side to the south is a coast of gentle white sand, and the Seto Inland Sea side to the north forms a ria coastline, where people’s lives are alive in beautiful nature. Blessed with a warm maritime climate with an annual average temperature of 16°C, it is full of local love. It seems that each and every one of us is striving to create a town full of vitality and moisture in order to inherit, nurture and pass on this hometown full of warmth and kindness to future generations. Citrus farming system in Ehime and Nanyo: Date of certification as Japanese Agricultural Heritage: February 15, 2019. Certified organization / Organization name: Ehime Prefecture Nanyo Regional Agricultural Heritage Promotion Council / Organizational structure: (Municipality) Uwajima City, Yawatahama City, Seiyo City, Ikata Town, Ainan Town, Ehime Prefecture (Agricultural organizations) Nishiuwa Agricultural Cooperative, Higashiuwa Agricultural Cooperative, Ehime Minami Agricultural Cooperative, Nanyo Water Land Improvement District Union (Cultural organizations) Yawatahama City Cultural Association, Machimi Folk Museum (Natural Organization) NPO Kawauso Revival Project (Tourist Organization) Uwajima City Tourism Association, Minato Koryukan (Yawatahama Minato), Seiyo City Tourism Association, Ainan Town Tourism Association, Uwajima Industry Promotion Public Corporation (Kisa) Iya Hiroba) (Exchange groups) Shikoku Seiyo Geopark Promotion Council, NPO Sada Promontory Tourism Association, Ainan Green Tourism Promotion Council (Regional promotion organizations) Uwajima Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Yawatahama Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Honai Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ikata Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Seiyo City Chamber of Commerce, Yoshida Mima Chamber of Commerce, Tsushima Town Chamber of Commerce, Ainan Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Certified area name: Ehime Prefecture Nanyo area (Uwajima City, Yawatahama City, Seiyo City, Ikata Town, Ainan Town 3 cities and 2 towns). Explanation of the location of the certified area Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) North latitude (extreme north) 33° 32′ 29″ (extreme south) 32° 57′ 08″ East longitude (extreme east) 132° 35′ 24″ (extreme west) 132° 05′ 30″ Access from major cities to certified areas: From Ehime Prefectural Office (Matsuyama City), it takes about 50 minutes to Yawatahama City and about 1 hour and 30 minutes to Uwajima City (by JR train). Geographical features: A typical Rias coastal zone with steep mountain footings reaching the coast and a complex coastline.)) Population (including beneficiaries) 182,895 (including 6,730 unshiu oranges and 5,783 other citrus fruits). Ikata Town is located on the Sadamisaki peninsula, which is the longest and narrowest peninsula in Japan, jutting out into the Hoyo Strait, at the westernmost point of Shikoku. A unique history and culture that has been polished by its peculiar topography and rich nature seems to be deeply rooted in this town. There are 32 designated cultural properties in the town (1 nationally designated cultural property, 2 prefecturally designated cultural properties, 29 town designated cultural properties) and 3 nationally registered cultural properties. Sadamisaki Lighthouse (shono): A white lighthouse that towers over the westernmost point of Shikoku and the westernmost tip of Japan’s longest and narrow Sadamisaki Peninsula. Only 13.5 km away is the Kanzaki Lighthouse in Oita Prefecture, which serves as a signpost on the sea and illuminates the ships going. Built in 1918, expanded in 1941. Reinforced concrete construction, construction area 82 m2, height 18 m, 1 unit. Suga Park: Suga Park is a sandbar in Mitsuku Bay. In addition to enjoying sea bathing and camping, ‘the Seto no Hanayome Matsuri(Minatoura: An annual summer festival held every August in front of the Seto townspeople center. At the venue, you can enjoy a bridal show and a song show related to the bride of Seto.)’ held in August every year features windsurfing, barbecues, fireworks displays, and more. You can enjoy recreational fish such as horse mackerel and grunt mainly in spring and summer. Setokaze no Oka Park: From the observatory, you can see the magnificent scenery of the windmills along the ridge and the beautiful nature of the Sadamisaki Peninsula. The JA Nishiuwa Misaki Citrus Cooperative Fruit Sorting Group (Misaki Co-Selection) is a medium-sized citrus fruit that takes advantage of the mild climate surrounded by the Uwa Sea and the Seto Inland Sea on the Sada Misaki Peninsula, which has Cape Sata, the southernmost tip of Shikoku, and an environment suitable for cultivation. famous for the cultivation of Kiyomi Tangor, jointly selected by Misaki, is a combination of Japanese Wenzhou mandarin oranges and foreign citrus fruits. It is a memorable variety that will remain in the history of Japanese citrus fruits, as the pioneer of the varieties that were introduced, and also the parent of these. Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd.’s P-Plus is used to deliver the juicy taste to consumers nationwide. The Misaki Citrus Cooperative Sorting Committee is a group of farmers who deliver citrus fruits grown in the Misaki district of Ikata Town. The area used to be a municipality called Misaki Town, Nishiuwa County, but in April 2005, it merged with Ikata Town and Seto-cho on the peninsula and became Ikata Town. Located at the tip of Sadamisaki Peninsula, which is said to be the longest and narrowest in Japan, it is the closest town in Shikoku to Kyushu. In addition, National Route 197, which runs through the peninsula, used to be so difficult that it was called. Don’t go on a terrible road. , It seems that you can go from Misaki to Yawatahama in less than an hour. The Melody Line, which runs near the summit, is known as a scenic driving course, and is said to be visited by many tourists. In addition, ferries run every hour from Misaki Port in the center of the district to Oita Saganoseki Port in Kyushu, and every six hours to Beppu Port. The Misaki area, which is close to the sea, is also rich in seafood, and it seems that the cape horse mackerel and cape mackerel, which are caught in the same waters as the Seki horse mackerel and Seki mackerel, are their specialty. There are restaurants that serve fresh seafood in the area, and many tourists visit promontory for this purpose. The Sadamisaki Lighthouse is about ten kilometers from Kyushu on the other side of the river. It seems that this sea area has been watched over since the Taisho era. The Sadamisaki Peninsula was formed on Japan’s largest fault, the Median Tectonic Line, as a way to create fields that are piled up to the sky. I had to build up the fields. These terraced fields of stone walls were made by our predecessors who carried rocks on their shoulders while carrying bumps on their shoulders, and they seem to be widely seen in the Sadamisaki Peninsula and its surroundings. Its scale seems to be comparable to that of ancient ruins around the world. Monorail seems to be active for transportation because there is little room to build a road in the park. The transport vehicle has a device that stops at the end point, and it seems that it can be transported even if the operator is not attached to the transport vehicle. Also, the wind that runs across the ocean mercilessly attacks the trees. It’s not uncommon for typhoon-like strong winds to blow, and when a real typhoon hits, it’s said that the tide can swirl up and kill trees with salt. It seems that places where delicious citrus can be grown are also prone to natural disasters. In order to prevent the fruit and trees from being damaged by the wind, this place seems to be protected by a windbreak fence that makes it look like a Western castle. It seems that people living on the Sadamisaki Peninsula used water from wells (communal wells) and valley rivers until water supply facilities were built. However, due to the lack of water volume and quality, we tried to filter it with gravel, but due to the small size of the water, it became turbid when it rained and the water quality was polluted. It seems there were many. Among the peninsula, the former Misaki town is said to be Nanyo’s most water-poor area, and in Kushiya Shono, meteoric water facilities were installed to filter rainwater and use it for drinking. From the 1945s to the 1955s, a simple water supply system was installed, making daily life more convenient and improving hygiene. However, when water shortages hit in the summer, water facilities became unusable in some districts, and it seems that there were times when daily life was hindered without water trucks supplying water. The struggle to solve the water problem in this area seems to have continued until the Nomura Dam was completed in 1982 and Nanyo water was delivered to the former Misaki town in 1992. The Kawanagata area is said to have been an agricultural and fishery community facing the Uwa Sea, on the south side of the eastern part of Sadamisaki in Ehime Prefecture. The Uwa Sea side of Sadamisaki is a ria coastline with many ingress and egress along the coastline, and villages have developed at the head of the bay at the back of the bay. During the Edo period, it belonged to the Uwajima domain. In addition to agriculture, the main industry in this area seems to have been sardine fishing on the coast. Sardines were processed into dried sardines, and it seems that they were an important source of revenue as a monopoly of the clan. According to “Seikai Junken Magazine(予陽塵芥集 野沢弘通編述, 伊予国旧蹟考 宍戸大成編述)”, around 1661-1688, Kawanaga Taura had 37 houses, 78 boats (including 60-80 masonry piles and 2 boats, and 76 fishing boats), and the number of main water (sailor) was 408 (including 62 people (62 role sailor), but it seems that the number of main waters and boats included those of neighboring ura. In addition, in this area, peddling and migrant work have been done since ancient times during the off-season for agriculture and fishing in winter, and it seems that there was a migrant worker to a sake brewery known for ‘Ikata chief brewer at a sake brewery’. There are countless mansions, and you can see that the wealth accumulated during the Uwajima clan’s monopoly on dried sardines still remains today. The image of a fishing village is hardly felt in the townscape. Now, most of them are salaried workers, many of the households are citrus farmers, and some of them are engaged in fishing. “Shiranuhi Orange: Sumo Mandarin” : You have to give a lot of nutrition, and you need to irrigate and fertilize well when the flowers bloom and become young. Born in 1972 in Minamishimabara (Kuchinotsu Town), Nagasaki. It is famous as a fruit born by crossing “Kiyomi Orange(Citrus unshiu × sinensis)” and “Ponkan(Nakano No.3 Satsuma Mandarin: Citrus reticulata var poonensis (Hayata) H.H. Hu; It is cultivated in Nepal, South East Asia countries, southern China, Taiwan, and Japan. It is said to be native to the ‘Suntara’ region of India. It was first introduced in Japan in 1896 when Taiwan Governor General Mr. Sukenori Kabayama sent seedlings to Kagoshima for transplantation.)”. After ripening well on the tree, store for half a month to a month. It seems that the sourness will be removed and the sweetness will increase. Cultivation of Citrus Unshiu, which uses less water to increase sugar content, requires a slightly different cultivation method. Since around 1975, the native Shiranui Town and the surrounding area have been searching for citrus fruits to replace Amanatsu(Citrus natsudaidai); sweet form of Chinese citron. Iheard that the shipping period of medium late-ripening citrus (e.g. pomelo) is from February to the end of May. After that, it seems that it could not be shipped because it was difficult to keep it fresh. Under these circumstances, the Ehime Prefectural Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Institute Fruit Tree Research Center Mikan Research Institute and the Kumamoto Prefectural Agricultural Research Center Fruit Tree Research Institute have jointly developed a technology that can be shipped until summer with manufacturers of materials and chemicals. Use of MA packaging, a packaging technology that keeps freshness for a long time with special packaging and antibacterial preparations, minimizes respiration of fruits and vegetables, and prolongs freshness. Since fruits and vegetables are still alive and breathing after harvesting, they consume nutrients and may lose their freshness. Therefore, it seems that the film material with fine pores on the surface will be wrapped in this film material to make the air inside low oxygen and high carbon dioxide. By suppressing breathing, it slows down the aging of the skin and flesh and keeps the freshness. So to speak, it seems that mandarin oranges are in a half-hibernating state. Another technique is the application of an extract preparation of the perennial plant “Capillary wormwood; Artemisia capillaris” of the Asteraceae family. I heard that Capillary wormwood extract is safe and has been approved for use in foods, and contains ingredients with antibacterial activity. By applying this extract to the peel of medium late-ripening citrus (e.g. pomelo), it seems that the effect of suppressing rot and peel damage can be obtained. By combining these materials that help maintain freshness with the storage temperature control for each variety, it seems that summer shipments can be realized. According to the voices of the people concerned, it took nearly 10 years to jointly research with the company on the temperature to be controlled for each variety and the difference in the amount of the drug to be applied to the pericarp, and to put it into practical use. The development effort would have been immeasurable. This shipping technology began to be introduced in the market in 2012, and it seems that full-scale commercialization is progressing. Ikata Town is a major producer of mandarin oranges representing the citrus kingdom of Ehime. The sun pouring down from the southern sky, the reflection from the Uwa Sea that spreads below us, and the reflection from the stone walls of the terraced fields. Give me Shiranui mandarin oranges have a lovely silhouette with a distinctive silhouette that pops out around the hem. Those with a sugar content of 13 degrees or more and C6H8O7 of 1% or less and shipped from JA all over Japan are known under the brand name “Dekopon.”

Surrounded by the Uwa Sea and the Seto Inland Sea, it has a warm climate, well-drained soil, and plenty of sunlight, all of which make it ideal for growing citrus fruits. In addition, since it is a frost-free area where no frosts fall, citrus fruits that have a great influence on the juicy taste that survives the winter are born as a result of the efforts and love of the producers. Like humans, plants also breathe, are bathed in plenty of light, and are naturally nurtured by their growers. I think that this natural event will be happy.

Dekosuke mandarin orange: A unique sourness harmonizes with the solid sweetness, and the unique taste that makes you feel the refreshing sweetness that other citrus fruits do not have stands out. In addition, the skin can be peeled by hand, and there are almost no seeds. Contrary to the seemingly tough appearance, the skin is surprisingly easy to peel, and the sac is soft, so you can easily eat it as it is regardless of age or gender. Loved without fail.

Generic term for varieties other than unshu mandarin oranges that are usually harvested from January to May
Middle-late-ripening citrus (e.g. pomelo) production zone at the tip of Sadamisaki Peninsula (Kiyomi Tangor, Sunfruit, Amanatsu, Dekopon, Iyokan, etc.). Kiyomi Tangor is one of the leading producers of Kiyomi Tangor in Japan. The quality of Kiyomi, which is cultivated in frost-free conditions on the peninsula, is high, and it is popular as a juicy citrus fruit in spring. I can understand the meaning of being pleased by everyone.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

KAMATA historical spot; Early Heian period, steelmaking-iron slag, Haji ware, Sue ware, earthenware (tuyere): It has an iron-making furnace and a blacksmithing furnace in the workshop; Nihon shoki(三十巻, 720年成立. 舎人親王らの編. 天武天皇の時, 「古事記(712年に太 安万侶が, 編纂)」と前後して編纂開始. 巻一, 二が神代編. 巻三以下は歴代天皇紀. 持統天皇(686-697年在位: 皇室史上3人目の女性)までの歴史, 歌謡を除いて, ほぼ純粋な漢文体)-Amaha bellow-Manaka-hi Fukiko-Leather bellows; Wamyoruiju-Nunoki Kaha-Tatara (large Fuigo) Iron sand + Iron ore ≒ Clay furnace = CO2 + C → 2CO

From April 1, 2022, the age of majority will change from 20 to 18. When children reach adulthood, they will be able to enter into various contracts on their own (mobile phone contracts, rental contracts, loan contracts, etc.) without their parents' consent, but they will also be responsible for those contracts. There are also malicious businesses that target adults who lack social experience and have recently lost their protection. In order to avoid consumer troubles, it is important to learn about contracts, know the various rules, and have the ability to carefully consider whether the contract is necessary.

【Product name】
Nadaro Red
Cucumis melo L.
【Producing area】
Oto, Hokota City, Ibaraki Prefecture (JA Hokota)
【Origin of name】
From the red meat melon produced by the ‘NADARO’ subcommittee.
【Major features】
On March 29, 2016 (Tuesday), the Ibaraki Prefectural Fruits and Vegetables Brand Production Area Designation Certificate Issue Ceremony was held at the Ibaraki Prefectural Rokko Agriculture and Forestry Office. In Hokota City, JA Ibaraki Asahi Village Melon Section, JA Ibaraki Asahimura Earl’s Melon Section, JA Hokota Melon Section Melon Section, JA Hokota Melon Section Earl’s Section, and JA Hokota Strawberry Section are redesignated as fruit and vegetable brand production areas. It is In addition, the JA Hokota Horticulture Committee has designated three production areas: Japanese mustard spinach, mizuna, and spinach. The brand production area system is a system in which, amid intensifying competition among production areas, fruit and vegetable production areas representative of Ibaraki Prefecture, which are highly evaluated in the market for their high quality, reliability and safety, and can meet diversifying needs, are designated as brand production areas. It seems that you can receive a designation from. In Hokota City, which boasts the largest strawberry planting area in the prefecture, the JA shipped the first strawberries of the season on November 1, 2022 at the central vegetable selection area in Tokushuku, the city. According to the same JA, the variety is “Tochiotome Strawberry”, and although it was shipped about a week later than last year when it was shipped early, it seems to be growing well and the quality is good. Shipments are expected to peak around February or March next year and continue until around the end of May. “Hokota City, Ibaraki Prefecture,” Located in the Rokko region in the southeastern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, it is one of the leading agricultural areas in Japan, blessed with a vast Pacific Ocean and abundant green land. Agriculture, which takes advantage of the flat terrain and mild climate, is a key industry and a food supply area for the entire metropolitan area. Not only fruits such as melons and strawberries, which are famous nationwide. Japanese mustard spinach, Spinach, mizuna greens, Tomato, Carrot and other vegetables, which are known all over the country for many items.‘大戸; Oodo’s Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn(Indian soapberry)’: City natural monument-The light candy-colored fruit is impressive. When peeled, a black seed appears from inside. The seeds are used for the black balls on the wings of the New Year play battledore and shuttlecock. The real skin was used as a detergent in the past. That’s because when you rub it in water, bubbles form and it’s suitable for removing dirt. Minowa: ‘Tokushuku Castle: Designated as a city historic site’, Built by Mr. Tokushuku’s first Chikamoto at the end of the Heian period. He had been Shimotsuke no jo (local official for the Shimotsuke Province) before, but, by his merit of hunting down TAIRA no Masakado, he was promoted to Jushiinoge (Junior Forth Rank, Lower Grade) and appointed to the post of kokushi (provincial governors) for the Shimotsuke and Musashi Provisions as well as Chinju-fu shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North) and increased his power. After passing through the castle monument, climb the stairs at the entrance, and you will see a waist from the southwest to the south on your right. When you climb the stairs, you will find the main shrine, the Inari Shrine, the stone monument of “Tokushuku monument to the memorial service”, and the Hokyointo. etc. Father Narimoto Kashima is the 7th generation from Taira no Kunika(Takamochi did not return to Kyoto after he served out his term, and his sons Kunika filled the post of Hitachi no daijo (Senior Secretary of Hitachi Province) and Yoshimasa of Chinju-fu shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North)), who follows the tradition of Emperor Kanmu, and governs Kashima District at the will of the Hitachi Daijo clan.Tokushuku’s second generation(The ancestor of Mr. Anbo. Based in Kamata(烟田)Castle Ruins)Hidemoto’s eldest son, Toshimoto, transferred the area including Awa and Hokota. In February 1336, he proceeded into the Urizura-jo Castle, and fought against Sadayoshi SATAKE and others of the Northern Court side, in cooperation of the Naka-Kawanobe family group lead by Haruhisa ODA, Michitoki NAKA, the Daijo family group lead by Tsuneyasu HIROHASHI, Takamoto DAIJO, and Nobumasa NAGAOKA, and the Chiba family group lead by Tanehira SOMA, among others. In 1486, when Tokushuku was the 9th Michimoto, he was attacked by Mr. Edo(Shigemichi fiercely attacked the Daijo clan who had their base in Fuchu), who is based in Mito Castle. etc. 歴史・伝統文化,『鉾神社夏祭り大祭』は,およそ400年以上の歴史をもつ鉾田最大の祭礼で, 8月の最終の金, 土, 日に行われる. 勇壮な神輿とともに山車や獅子舞が市内を巡行し, 街は, お囃子の音に包まれる.『厳島神社(Itsukushima (Miyajima): Island centering on Itsukushima-jinja Shrine existing in Hatsukaichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture.)』は,子生の弁天様の名で親しまれている神社で, 1078年(承暦2年), 安芸宮島の厳島神社より分霊を迎えられたのが始まりと言われている. 貴重な建築物で, 県指定の文化財となっている.『無量寿寺』は, 806年(大同元年),「平城天皇(When Emperor Heizei had a conflict with his brother, Emperor Saga, and tried to move the capital in Heian kyo back to Heijo kyo, Emperor Saga petitioned the deity that he would dedicate his daughter to Kamo no Okami (a guardian god of the capital) as ‘Areotome’ (a woman to join in the ceremony held at the Kamo-jinja Shrine for welcoming gods) if he had a chance of winning.)」の勅願所として建立された. 1221年(承久3年)から3年間, 親鸞和尚(Selected and described by Shinran, the founder of the sect)が,この寺で教えを広めたと言われる.『大儀寺』は, 684年(貞享元年)仏頂禅師が, 廃庵となっていた, 大儀庵を復興させ改められた. 禅師は「Basyo Matsuo」と親交があった事が伝えられる.『釈迦如来立像』は,「大蔵福泉寺」所蔵の国指定重要文化財として貴重. 檜の寄せ木造りで, 像高は165.5cm. 背光の部分にも,十二体の仏像の浮彫が施され,作成は鎌倉時代末期と推定されている. Developed during the Edo period as a key point for land and water transportation connecting Edo with the Tohoku and Hitachi regions. The traffic of humans and horses and the distribution of goods centered on marine products became popular, and agricultural products were also shipped to the Edo area. Minowa;箕輪(Former Asahi Village), It is right next to the producer’s field. Mizu shrine and Yagami shrine: It’s small, quietly blended into the area, and has an old-fashioned atmosphere like “the god of the village Guardian”. When you go up the old stone stairs, there is a stone monument next to the shrine, and the origin of the shrine is engraved. Yamato takeru no mikoto is eastern expedition-Take a boat from Kashima City Tsunoori (formerly Ono Village) and land near Kamigama, Hokota City. After that, I went inland and took a rest for a while on the south bank of Hinuma(Brackish water lake of Nakagawa water system). Then, when he departed, he gave the villagers a Crossbow (a stone bow that shoots an arrow). It is said that this shrine was dedicated to the villagers and built a small shrine. Nihonshoki(Chronicles of Japan); 日本武尊, Kojiki(Records of Ancient Matters); 倭建命, Hitachi Fudoki (description of the culture, climate, etc. of Hitachi province; approx. 720 CE); 倭武天皇. Various names and notations are confirmed in these documents. Legend has it that he wore one of the three sacred treasures, the Nagi-sword, and worked hard to settle the nations. The route and place of stay of Tosei are different between Kojiki and Nihonshoki. There are various theories about this, but there was also a legend that stopped by this place near Hinuma. etc. 茨城県鉾田市の「Hokomaru」君は, みんなの心が丸くなれるようにという願いから生まれた,鉾田の「ほ」の字がモチーフのマスコットキャラクター. 一般公募により, 2008年に誕生し, 人気を得ている. “NADARO Red Melon”, Recently, the number of honeybees is decreasing, which is becoming a problem in society. Bee and wild honeybees being kept have been declining for decades(Bees play a very important role in the production of fruits, vegetables and nuts. More than 75 percent of the world’s food crops depend, to some extent, on pollination. ). “There has been a worrisome decline in the population of pollinators, especially bees and butterflies, mainly due to intensive agricultural practices, changes in land use, pesticides (including neonicotinoid insecticides), alien invasive species, diseases, pests, and climate change”. Bees are very clever insects, so they tend to stop on the flowers that bloom that day. Natural mating: The flowers are beautifully pollinated, and the original characteristics of the melon stand out in the pulp and meat quality. Some species have better taste and sugar content than the other. harvest; The hardest thing is listening to the temperature control and raising it in winter. When it gets warmer, you have to open and close the house so that the temperature doesn’t rise too much(At the end of last year, sow the seeds, endure the cold winter in the house, and grow carefully.). If the temperature’s low, the honeybees will not work, and if the humidity’s high, a clean net (knit pattern) will not enter. The melon cultivation made me realize that it is important to accumulate daily steady work. I respect the farmers who grow plants (living things) just like agriculture.


The Asahi area in Hokota City, Ibaraki Prefecture is an area where upland farming is the center and greenhouse horticulture using vinyl greenhouses is thriving. The climate is mild, and the soil is the Kanto loam layer (a stratum consisting of volcanic ash that fell during the period of active volcanic activity about 130,000 to 20,000 years ago) and is distributed throughout the country. For this reason, it seems that there are different names depending on the region. Kyushu’s Shirasu and Kanto loam are representative of this. The formation age is classified as the Pleistocene, and it is a very old and stable stratum. The age when this volcanic ash was deposited is It seems that it can be broadly classified into two types: 130,000 to 60,000 years ago, when the sea level was relatively high and volcanic ash fell on the entire wetland. It is said to be called a layer (equivalent to Shimosueyoshi loam), etc. After that, the earth entered an ice age.During the ice age, much water freezes, so the sea level drops sharply. This state continued until about 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. Subsequently, volcanic ash continued to fall during this time. For this reason, the volcanic ash seems to have fallen on land and deposited. This is the stratum generally called the Kanto loam layer. In addition, its characteristics vary greatly depending on the region, and the loam layer is generally viscous. It is soil the soil particles are fine, and they contain minerals called clay minerals. When these are placed in a sedimentary environment for a long time (tens of thousands of years), they are chemically bonded to create a unique character. Loam layer Similarly, because special bonds are created between particles, it is a strong and firm ground, and it seems to be suitable as a supporting ground for buildings.) It has good drainage and a large temperature difference between day and night. The cultivation of melons and tomatoes is thriving. In addition, efforts are being made to introduce highly marketable crops and improve cultivation techniques, and it is highly praised as a region with many successors and a very high desire for cultivation. Among them, melons are one of the leading production areas in Japan, and Ibaraki Prefecture is the number one production area for melons. The three products of spring melon, earl’s melon, and tomato are designated as a production area for fruits and vegetables in Ibaraki Prefecture.


Honeybees are much more efficient than human labor, and they are very clever insects that always stop at flowers that bloom that day. It does the work of mating on behalf of the farmer. And the crossbreeding process is very labor-intensive, and it is difficult to tell which flowers have pollen and which do not. As you know, melon flowers bloom around dawn, but pollen from male flowers lasts only a few hours, so it seems that they will not bear fruit unless mating is done by mid-morning. Honeybees are doing it properly every morning as if they know this menstruation.


I heard from a farmer I know that if the melons in the Greenhouse are pollinated at the same time as much as possible, the fruits will grow evenly and a lot of good fruits will be harvested. If the pollination is uneven, the fruit setting position will not be aligned vertically, and the size of the fruit will also vary, resulting in a decrease in yield and quality. Therefore, it seems that they alternate hope and fear every year for the weather during the pollination season. Female melon flower The ovary at the base swells and grows into a large melon. Thanks to the honeybees, if the mating goes well, the ovary of the female flower will grow, but it seems that some of them wither and fall off on the way. In addition, there are some fruits that are deformed due to poor pollination or various reasons, so they are made to bear fruit on three nodes. In the end, it seems that only one will be left and the rest will be cut.

Contributing to the self-sufficiency rate of feed-TMR: Nature is the mother, famous water is the father, Hachimantai beef of Japanese black cattle: Aiming for branding In 2009, the City Beef Promotion Council, the city, JA, producers, retailers, etc. Established as an organization by. Using the relatively cool weather conditions, it is the best production area in Japan for Ashiro gentian, Nishine spinach, and tomatoes., etc., filling the gap in the short period of horticultural promotion in agricultural policy, and continuing to the present, playing a role of a bridge to the development of vegetable production areas. Ginga no Shizuku Rice: Hokuriku No. 208 × Ou No. 400

During the Jomon period, from about 6,000 to 4,000 years ago, Iwate Prefecture had two pottery cultures, cylindrical pottery and large wooden pottery, separated by 40 degrees north latitude, and these pottery developed while influencing each other. Hachimantai City is located at 40 degrees north latitude, where two cultures meet, and pottery that combines both cultures has been unearthed from ruins in the city, indicating that there has been cultural exchange since ancient times. In 1975, prior to the construction of the Tohoku Expressway, excavations were conducted by the Iwate Prefecture Buried Cultural Properties Center in the former Nishine Town, former Matsuo Village, and former Ashiro Town before the merger with Hachimantai City. The artifacts excavated from that time have returned home for the first time in about 40 years and are on display at our museum. In addition, we have familiar pictures to help guide you through agricultural work, such as stone circles from the late Jomon period and shading clay figurines excavated from Matsuo Kamaishi stone circles, agricultural tools, household goods, and zodiac animals that are easy to understand even for people who cannot read or write. The "Tayama Calendar (1860: An illustrated calendar published in Tayama Village, Kazuno District, Southern Region (currently Ashio Town, Ninohe District, Iwate Prefecture), dating from the mid-Edo period)'' which represents the "Tayama Calendar'' is also on display. Introducing the footprints of the people who lived in Hachimantai City in ancient times, mainly using archaeological materials excavated from ruins in Hachimantai City as well as photo panels of remains of pit dwellings discovered in the ruins.

【Product name】

Hachimantai violet
Allium sativum L.
【Producing area】
Hachimantai City, Iwate Prefecture (JA Zennoh Iwate)
【Origin of name】
“Wamyo Ruijusho’s a dictionary compiled in the mid Heian period”, the oldest encyclopedia in Japan compiled in the middle of the Heian period, has the description “Hiru”. It was in the early Muromachi period that it came to be called “garlic”. It is said that the etymology is “ninjoku” in Buddhism, which hates odors. The Hachimantai Violet Garlic was selected from the cultivar called ‘Hachimantai’, which was cultivated in the former Matsuo Village before Hachimantai City was merged.
【Major features】
In the Matsuo-Hachimantai area, Hachimantai City, Iwate Prefecture, Japan Heavy Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., and Geothermal Engineering Co., Ltd. were entrusted with a geothermal development promotion survey (2006-2008) by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). In 2010, JFE Engineering Co., Ltd. was added as a trustee, and it seems that they have explored the possibility of geothermal power generation by conducting a survey of the development potential by the same promotion survey. In 2011, Japan Heavy Chemicals, Geothermal Engineering, and JFE Engineering invested in Iwate Geothermal Co., Ltd. As natural energy that can be stably supplied regardless of the time of day or season, geothermal power generation is currently attracting particular attention toward the realization of a decarbonized society.However, geothermal power generation is relatively small in scale and geothermal resources are limited. It seems that it should be a power plant rooted in the community) was established. After that, Mitsui Oil Exploration Co., Ltd. and Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security each made additional investments as shareholders. The Matsuo Hachimantai Geothermal Power Plant started operation in January 2019, the first new operation of a geothermal power plant with a generating capacity of over 7,000 kW in Japan in 22 years. Annual power generation is equivalent to the power consumption of about 15,000 ordinary households. The Hachimantai City Matsuo Mine Museum was built in 1981 as the “Matsuo History and Folklore Museum” to preserve and display materials related to the archeology, folklore, and Matsuo Mine of the former Matsuo Village area. From April 2014, it has become a tourist facility specializing in the preservation and exhibition of materials from the Matsuo Mine, which is said to be a paradise above the clouds. Matsuo Mine is located at an altitude of about 900 m on the east side of Iwate Prefecture in Towada-Hachimantai National Park. From the end of the 19th century to 1969, it existed in the former Matsuo Village, Iwate County, Iwate Prefecture (now Hachimantai City). The main mineral is sulfur, and pyrite is also produced, and it seems that at one time it was the largest sulfur mine in the East. After that, the Matsuo Mine was seriously affected by sulfur recovered from heavy oil desulfurization, and in 1969 all employees were laid off, and the mine was effectively closed rice field. The product is bright yellow sulfur, which is mainly used as a raw material in a wide range of fields such as synthetic fibers, synthetic fibers, paper manufacturing, pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals, medicines, and dyes. Masudaya, a trading company in Yokohama, joined the company in 1911 and took control of the business. After that, full-scale mining began with a large amount of investment. In 1934, the Matsuo Mining Railway was laid from Higashi-Hachimantai Station to Obuke Station on the Hanawa Line. In addition, the site of the open-pit Matsuo Mine has been certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as a “modern industrial heritage useful for regional revitalization”, and the materials stored here have been certified as a “recommended industrial heritage” by the Society of Industrial Archeology. Forests have been devastated by open pit mining and muck deposition. Iwate Prefecture has restored the plant to the level of grassland through pollution control work, but due to the poor quality of the soil, the plant would decline without fertilization every few years, making it difficult to continue to flourish. Regarding the entry of trees from the surrounding forests, the distance from the forests is far and the humus layer is underdeveloped, so the seeds do not settle and grow roots, and the areas are partially bare. A mat of moss (lichen) that grows on the ground appears to have made seed implantation more difficult. According to research conducted by the Tohoku Region Environment Planning Research Association, an association of academic experts in the prefecture, artificial tree planting is necessary until the trees begin to grow independently at the site of the former Matsuo Mine. It seems that if left as it is, the grassland will continue to decline and become bare again. In 1986, after a company in the prefecture made a proposal to Iwate Prefecture to start test planting on the open pit site, several groups, including the Tokanken, conducted test planting on a small area. After that, from 2002 to 2004, the Torinken carried out tree planting activities on a trial basis. Since 2005, the general public has been invited to participate, and the number of participants has increased year by year, reaching 200 in 2004. As for the tree species, it seems that native species around the mine site, such as birch, Akigumi, Japanese maple, and Japanese rowan, are planted. In addition, the Michinoku Office of the Moribito Project Committee was established in April 2006 to grow seedlings in pots in the prefectural forest. I hear there is. Under these circumstances, on February 1, 2008, the “Matsuo Mine Restoration Forest” was established on the grounds that it was necessary to establish a council to provide guidance and advice to other organizations as well as implement forestation activities and environmental studies regarding the restoration of the Matsuo Mine site council has been established. Hachimantai Violet Garlic is the only indigenous garlic species in Iwate Prefecture, and Hachimantai City registered its seeds and seedlings in 2017. The average ball weight is 120 g, which is about 20% heavier than the general variety, and the purple outer skin is impressive. Cultivation is done in October, and it seems that buds will appear in early spring when the snow melts after overcoming the harsh winter. Every year, the garlic harvested from the fields in July is dried for about three weeks, and shipments begin in mid-August. The city has excellent strains of “butterbur scape”, “hosta montana”, “garlic” and “gyoja garlic” that have been selected by individual growers for over 30 years. While trying to expand the cultivation area for these edible wild plants, it seems that they have aimed to establish Hachimantai City’s own brand by registering varieties. Cultivation is mainly done by hand, so it is mainly small and medium-sized producers, and in recent years, the aging population has led to the fact that the production has been sluggish. In addition, there is a large variation in yield and quality among producers, and it seems that they were struggling because they were not able to make the most of the excellent characteristics of “Hachimantai Violet Garlic”, which is advantageous for the production of large ball standards, which can be expected to have a high unit price. Iwate Agri Venture Net (Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture: Excerpt from Agricultural Innovation Support Section, Agricultural Extension Technology Division) Until now, garlic cultivation in the Hachimantai region was mainly done by small and medium-sized producers, mainly by hand, so mechanization It seems that there were no examples of the introduction of the system in the region. Under these circumstances, since 2018, two agricultural corporations in the jurisdiction have been considering the expansion of garlic production as a useful turnover item for full utilization of rice paddies. This seems to have led to a movement to tackle large-scale cultivation by introducing a mechanized system as a transfer item. In addition, in order to popularize large-scale cultivation using a mechanized system, a field survey of the mechanized integrated system is conducted to clarify labor saving. From the results of the field survey, out of the work that can be mechanized, the mechanization of each of the work of “laying mulch”, “seed sorting / planting / soil covering”, “spraying chemicals”, and “adjustment before harvest / drying” It seems that it became clear that the total work time can be reduced by 62.7% compared to the conventional system by introducing it. In addition, with regard to the demonstrated machine, it seems that the introduction of a mechanized system was promoted by holding a labor-saving machine on-site demonstration and having the producers see the actual machine work. In addition, in order to take advantage of the excellent characteristics of “Hachimantai Violet Garlic”, we have solved the problem of inconsistencies in yield and quality among producers, and cultivated for stable production of large ball standards, which can be expected to have a high unit price. In order to improve the technology, it seems that they conducted a field survey on the actual situation of garlic cultivation and a field demonstration of fertilization. Based on the cultivation conditions identified in the survey, the planting density, fertilization, etc. suitable for large ball standard production are formulated, and cultivation materials are created and guidance is provided to improve cultivation techniques. In addition, it seems that the producers’ farm field tours were held to improve and upgrade their cultivation techniques. As a result of efforts to expand production, the planted area increased, mainly in large-scale management entities that introduced the mechanized integrated system, from 249 a in 2018 before the introduction of the mechanized system to 1,211a in 2021 (as of December 2021) and increased significantly. In terms of sales, large bali standard single-packaging has also started, and in 2021, it will be sold at around 1,500 japanese yen / kg. It has been found that “Hachimantai Violet Garlic” contains more allicin, a functional ingredient, than ordinary varieties, and it seems that the movement towards branding is becoming active. Demand is also increasing, centering on large ball standards, and it seems that producers and related parties are focusing their efforts toward a more stable supply together with the production areas. In addition, it seems that they will be dried for 3 weeks, stored in a freezer of -2 degrees, and will be shipped in such a way that they do not sprout. In addition, this excellent agricultural product is difficult to grow, and in the past most of it was not of a quality that could be marketed. Under such circumstances, it is no exaggeration to say that men who fell in love with Hachimantai Violet Garlic continued to improve it by hand for more than 60 years, resulting in the high-quality garlic that it is today. Garlic is said to have originated in Central Asia and was used in ancient Egypt around 3200 BC, where it is said to have been used as a kind of tonic for the workers who supported the construction of the pyramids. It is believed to have been introduced to Japan from China in ancient times, and has been cultivated for medicinal purposes for at least 1,000 years. Because the smell was not liked, it was not considered edible, and it seems that Buddhist monks, court nobles, and samurai, who disliked the strong smell, forbade eating it. It seems that it was after the Second World War that the use of Chinese cuisine and Western cuisine became popular. From the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Variety Registration website, the name of the registered variety, Hachimantai Violet Garlic, the name of the variety at the time of application publication, application number 25393, application date 2010/11/26, application publication date 2011/01/28, Registration number 26172, registration date 2017/08/14, duration of breeder’s right 25 years, expiration date of breeder’s right Name of the person who raised the registered variety, Tokiya Endo, Export restriction Designated country No production restriction Designated area Outline of plant characteristics of registered variety, slightly upright plant, green leaves The shading of the leaves is dark, the leaves have a lot of wax, the leaves are slightly long, the leaves are extremely wide, the anthocyanin coloring at the base of the leaf is strong, and the thickness of the base of the leaf is very thick. , Presence or absence of flower stalks, maximum size of stalks, shape of longitudinal cross-section of stalks is wide and oval, color of outer skin of stalks is pinkish white, number of stalks is small, size of stalks The color of the outer skin of the scales is purple, the color of the flesh of scales is light yellow, the harvesting period is very late, and the bud stage is very late. The applied variety “Hachimantai Violet” is distinguished from the control variety “Iwate Native (Hachimantai)” in that the size of the stems is the largest and the size of the stalks is the largest. Is recognized. Compared to the control cultivar “Fukuchi White Garlic(One piece is large, the color is white like snow, the surface is firm and the fruit is firm. Fukuchi Village, Sannohe County, Aomori Prefecture (currently Fukuchi District, Nanbu Town), and it seems that it was named after its beautiful whiteness like snow.)”, it is distinguished by having the largest bulb size, the largest size of the stalks, and the purple outer skin color of the spores. It is accepted. Hachimantai City belongs to the Ou mountain range, which lies between 39 and 40 degrees north latitude and 140 and 141 degrees east longitude, and is a mountainous area with peaks ranging from 1,300 to 1,600 meters above sea level. The water system merges with the flow from the Kitakami mountain range located in this area to form the Kitakami River, which flows south through the central part of Iwate Prefecture and flows into the Pacific Ocean at Ishinomaki City. , the largest river in the Tohoku region. The climate is of the highland type, with an annual average temperature of about 6°C, and it is said that the temperature often drops below -15°C during the harsh winter from late December to early March. The snowstorms at this time of year are ferocious, with gusts of wind speeds of 20 m or more blowing on a daily basis. It is a godsend, and the annual rainfall has been around 2,000 mm in recent years, with the maximum seasonally from July to September and the minimum from January to March. Adjacent to the former Matsuo Mine is Hachimantai, which boasts one of the richest natural landscapes in Japan. Hachimantai belongs to Towada-Hachimantai National Park, and is a vast plateau with mountains such as Mt. Morohidake, Mt. Ofuka, and Mt. In the past, there was a time when plants around the mine withered due to sulfur refinery gas from the Matsuo Mine and lost their greenery. However, due to restoration work after the mine was closed, greenery has returned. Thanks to tree planting activities by the general public, trees are starting to grow little by little. Hachimantai is dotted with wetlands and crater lakes where mining plants grow, and is home to many animals. In addition, flowers bloom from spring to summer, fall foliage in autumn, and frost-covered trees in winter. Geologically, Hachimantai is one of the shield volcanoes and is located on the northern border of Iwate and Akita prefectures. Hachimantai volcano (elevation 1,613 m) is the center, followed by Ofukadake volcano (elevation 1,541 m) in the south row and Chausudake volcano (elevation 1,578 m) in the east row. Matsuo Mine is located almost at the southern foot of Mt. Chausu and consists of lava flows and clastic rocks such as pyroxene andesite, olivine pyroxene andesite and a small amount of dacite. In the central part of the forest, there is a remarkable alteration body in the northwest direction, and there are sulfide ore deposits and sulfur deposits, and hot springs and high-temperature geothermal areas are widely developed in the surrounding area. The city not only utilizes geothermal resources for power generation, but also uses geothermal steam, hot spring heat, and hot water to promote new industries and tourism in the region. In addition to realizing a recycling-oriented society that utilizes renewable energy such as geothermal power generation and small hydroelectric power generation, realization of a sustainable region where people, living things, and nature coexist by reassessing the traditional culture and natural resources of the region. seems to be aiming for Scenery of the former Matsuo mine at the time of establishment, Matsukawa geothermal power generation. Located adjacent to Morioka City, Tohoku Automobile Co., Ltd. The area is highly accessible with roads and the JR Hanawa Line traversing it. Towada is also famous as one of the leading ski resorts in Japan. Richness of Hachimantai National Park. It is also blessed with natural beauty. Prior to 1970, the city was It prospered as a sulfur mining area. After the mining industry declined and closed, the creation of a new industry in the area was sought. The development of hot springs was promoted by making use of the mining technology of the mining industry. At that time, geothermal resources were discovered, and Japan’s first commercial geothermal power plant, the Matsukawa Geothermal Power Plant, was established. The mining industry, which had been extremely prosperous, declined and the local economy stagnated. Geothermal power is used not only for power generation, but also for various industries such as dyeing and agriculture. We aim to create a circular economy in which diverse resources are circulated, such as reviving symbiotic landscapes and making use of them for tourism. Utilizing the abundant geothermal energy of Hachimantai, we developed a dyeing method using geothermal steam. It seems that the unique technology and products that provide dyed fabrics with beautiful gradations called “geo-color” are attracting attention from overseas. Inspired by the seasonal nature of Hachimantai National Park, its colors. The theme is to express on cloth. In addition to local souvenirs and sightseeing, fashion shows have been held at the Iwate Prefectural Office and Tokyo Roppongi in the past. Utilizing the hot water supplied from the Matsukawa Geothermal Power Plant, we aim to realize year-round agriculture that can be cultivated throughout the year regardless of the season, even in heavy snowfall areas. Specifically, we will regenerate farmhouses that have become unused due to abandonment of farming and use hot water for heating. It seems that they are working on basil cultivation that they used. Launched a smart farm project that started with a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Hachimantai City and introduced the latest agricultural technology such as vertical hydroponics and IoT control system. It seems that they will practice “profitable agriculture” that makes effective use of local resources and will also lead to the entry of new farmers. Taking in retired racehorses and providing aftercare after retirement. In addition, we use the geothermal heat of Hachimantai to compost the manure of retired horses made from horse manure. Since compost has a high affinity with mushroom cultivation, they are working on the production and sale of mushrooms, aiming to realize recycling-oriented agriculture. Furthermore, it is also possible to make use of existing resources, such as by reusing marine containers as horse stalls. I am conscious. In addition, it seems that there are high expectations for future applications, such as research on using the fungus bed to eliminate plastic. The history of farming that has lived with horses is being reviewed. MATOWA (horse and wheel), Based on the concept of “touching nature through horses, touching people, and meeting oneself”, we offer a variety of experiences related to horses, such as horseback riding and workshops. They are also working on activities to restore and maintain the environment of Noshiba and Rhododendron japonicum in Appi plateau, aiming to revive the landscape where horses and nature coexist. The rural area in the northern part of Iwate Prefecture seems to have been regarded as a low-production area in the past because of its predominance of fields and production of millet. Today, however, it has transformed into a vegetable-producing area in summer and autumn, taking advantage of the cool climate. Due to the outbreak of sesame disease due to continuous crop failure and the emergence of soft cabbage suitable for eating raw in Nagano and Gunma Prefectures, production areas of Nanbu Kanran declined sharply around 1963. Reorganization of production areas by fruit and vegetable sales companies In the upland farming area in the northern part of Iwate Prefecture after the decline of the “Nanbu Kanran Vegetables” production area, the government and agricultural cooperatives encouraged the production of stable crops such as upland rice and beets, and processed crops. Under such circumstances, it seems that the fruit and vegetable sales company established by the former ‘Nanbu Kanran Vegetables’ production area brokers promoted the reconstruction of the vegetable production area in the area. While exchanging information with traders in urban markets about successor crops to cabbage, he focused on lettuce and short-root carrots, for which demand had begun to surge at the time, and promoted the production of these crops while providing cultivation guidance. Based in the former Nambu Kanran production area, we have enhanced collection and delivery facilities and pre-cooling facilities, and are far from railway stations, making Ashiro Town (now Hachimantai City), Kuzumaki Town, Karumai Town, and Sawauchi Town, which were previously thought to be difficult to produce vegetables. Expanded vegetable production areas to mountainous areas such as villages and Kawai villages (now Miyako city).


It was selected from the cultivar called ” Hachimantai Garlic,” which was cultivated in the former Matsuo Village before Hachimantai City merged and boasts one of the largest sizes in Japan. So, it seems that the outer skin is purple.


While producing excellent garlic cultivation, it seems that small and medium-sized producers are the main ones because it is mainly manual labor, and in recent years, the aging of the population has progressed, so the production has been sluggish. In addition, there is a large variation in yield and quality among producers. It seems that there was also a situation where evaluation was not obtained.


Among the work that can be mechanized, among the work that can be mechanized, “mulch laying”, “seed sorting / planting / covering soil”, “chemical spraying”, and “harvest / pre-drying adjustment” are mechanized. It seems that it is possible to reduce the total work time by 60% or more locally compared to the conventional system by introducing it.