
Monday, May 23, 2022

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan announced the food self-sufficiency rate in 2020 on August 25, 2021. The food self-sufficiency rate was 37.17%, the lowest level ever. From now on, it was 79% in 1960, about 62 years ago, but it has been declining consistently since then. Entering the Heisei period, it fell below about 50% in 1989, and the decline is clear even after that. In 2000, it had been around 40%, but due to inflation caused by supply restraints, Japan also has a lot of stagflation (import prices, soaring prices, depreciation of the yen, economic stagnation). In the current situation of the Japanese economy, inflation is high despite deflation. Prices are under upward pressure despite the economic downturn. Concerns about emergencies are also real. All we have to understand is that we have never been slacking off. I want to entrust my dreams to my children, young people, who work for the food, stability, and well-being, and who will bear the future. Isn't it just that one heart? It seems that the Japanese people's willingness to work is praised by all over the world and is eye-catching. However, I feel uncomfortable that the foundation that has been passed down from generation to generation has become abnormal every day. What makes you feel worth living? What is support? Isn't it the same for everyone to struggle every day? Green Production Land, 2022 Problem (Act No. 68 of 1974: Amendment of the Green Production Land Law in 1992), During a recession, prices of products and labor, which would not normally rise too much, rise, resulting in soaring overseas prices and the economic downturn in Japan. Review the consumption tax (national equality) reduction now. In the 49th House of Representatives general election held in October 3rd year of Reiwa, the turnout of national elections was 43.21% for teens, 36.50% for 20s, and 47.12% for 30s. I am. (The turnout rate for all age groups is 55.93%.) In the 25th House of Councilors election held in July of the first year of Reiwa, 32.28% were in their teens, 30.96% were in their 20s, and 30s were in their 30s. It is 38.78%. (The turnout of all age groups is 48.80%) In this way, the voter turnout of young people is low compared to other age groups in all elections, so the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is particularly interested in young people. In addition to working on election enlightenment and sovereignty education, we will work closely with related organizations to improve the turnout, but the immediate dwindling birthrate and an aging population is an issue. The Children's and Family Affairs Agency reports directly to the Prime Minister and is an external agency of the Cabinet Office. It has a full-time minister and has the "recommendation right" to encourage ministers of other ministries and agencies to make improvements. Welfare-centered fields such as nursery centers, child allowances, and child abuse prevention measures handled by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the Cabinet Office will be transferred. On the other hand, it seems that the fields such as kindergarten and compulsory education will be left behind by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology because adjustments have been difficult. The kid's and Family Affairs Agency and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will jointly create guidelines and guidelines that set standards for kindergarten education and nursery school childcare. It seems that the aim is to receive common education and childcare at all facilities. Regarding the hazing issue, it seems that the two ministries and agencies will share information on serious cases and take integrated measures. Upper Organization, Cabinet Office, Overview Established April 1, 2023 (planned) Predecessor, Cabinet Secretariat, Cabinet Office, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Child and Family Affairs Bureau, National Public Safety Commission, National Police Agency, Life Safety Bureau.

Excerpt from Noda City Agricultural Products Branding Promotion Council. For vegetable production in Higashi Katsushika, the Meiji era was an era in which the production area was greatly advanced in response to the increase in demand for vegetables in Tokyo under the capitalist economy. Not only has the variety and quantity of vegetables increased, but we have also endeavored to introduce new varieties of the same type, incorporated hotbed cultivation into the cultivation method to extend the shipping time, and introduced crop rotation to centralize production / shipment and land use. It seems that efforts have been made to promote rationalization. Quantitative production had already progressed in the first year of the Meiji era, but with the gradual increase in sweet potato, taro, japanese white radish, carrot, burdock, 'eggplant', pickling melon, cucumber, squash, etc., green onion, watermelon, oriental Production of melon, ginger, mitsuba greens, etc. is increasing fashionably under the increase of supply and demand. In the first year of the Meiji era, mitsuba greens increased rapidly in Hongo, and cultivation increased in Takagi and Kamagaya centering on the eight pillars, and it was sold to the Tokyo market and local merchants, and its production area was permanent. From the latter half of the 1887s, vegetables in this area became popular. Eggplant seems to have been the number one producer of fruit vegetables in this area throughout the Meiji and Taisho eras. In 1891, the planted area was 76.8 hectare, the yield was 187 tons, and the production value was 2,496 yen. In 1919, it was 112.9 ha, 1,004 tons, 71,871 yen, and in 1925, it was 196 ha. The number of crops has increased since the Taisho era. The main production areas in the Taisho era were Matsudo, Noda, Abiko, Funabashi, Chiyoda, Kimagase, etc., and the variety was one parent of "Sinkuro eggplant (A fixed species that is one parent of Senryo No. 2 eggplant and is also called the prototype of medium-length eggplant. Distributed mainly in the Kanto region over 50 years ago)". , Sennari eggplant, Torvum eggplant , etc. US President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., who is visiting Japan, announced on May 23, 2022 that a new economic partnership "Indo-Pacific Economic Framework; インド太平洋経済枠組み" led by the United States will be launched.

【Product Name】
Eggplant, the blessing of the earth in Chiba Prefecture north
Solanum melongena L.
【Production / wholesale area】
Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture, Gagoko City, Noda City (JA Chiba Tokatsu, Noda District Economic Center (Nakazato)), Funabashi City (JA Group Chiba)
【Derived from the name】
It is said to have originated in the Tohoku region of the Republic of India, and is said to have been introduced from China before the 8th century. Since the Heian period, it has been cultivated as ‘Nasubi’ for over 1200 years. The etymology is “To grow up” because the number of fruits increases, and “Summer fruit” that can be harvested in the summer.
【Major features】
The election for members of the Noda City Assembly in Chiba Prefecture was voted on May 22, 2022, with 35 candidates running for a fixed number of 28, 21 incumbents, and 7 newcomers. The average age of the winners is 57.11 years old, by party, Komei Party 5, Liberal Democratic Party 2, Constitutional Democratic Party 2, Communist Party 2, Democratic Party for the People 1, Citizen Network Noda 1, Tsubasa Party 1, Independent 14, and 4 women. there were. The term of office is four years from May 31, and the monthly fee for members of the Diet is 450,000 yen (as of 2020, according to the National Association of Chairpersons of the City Council). The number of voters on the day was 127,391. It seems that the turnout was 40.35%, which is 2.7 points lower than the previous time (2018). Is it a manifestation of political distrust? Is it the negligence of the citizens? I think there is a problem with the election system. The influence of the Decreasing birthrate and aging population has greatly expanded the range of age groups with voting rights, leading to unfair voting, which is happening in every municipality. The country seems to have room to revise the system as soon as possible. According to the 2020 census, Noda City had a total population of 152,638, a population increase / decrease rate of minus 0.62%, and an average age of 48.5 years, ranking 541st in Japan and 20th in the prefecture. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Local Finance Survey (2020), the budget scale is 72,824.76 million yen for revenue and 70,496.3 million yen for expenditure. Located in the northwestern part of Chiba prefecture. In Kashiwa City, the reason why I was taken care of when I was a child. It was a city of memories and a land I dreamed of, although it was due to my father's work. It's nostalgic, and I can see the changing scenery like yesterday. The outline is that the distance from east to west is about 18 km, the distance from north to south is about 15 km, and the area is 114.74 km2. The terrain is generally flat, with urban areas and satoyama formed around the wide plateau of the Shimousa Upland(Hokusô Upland: It is one of the leading agricultural areas in Chiba prefecture. In particular, vegetable cultivation boasts one of the highest production in Japan. Many Yatsuda(paddy field at valley bottom)eroded in a dendritic manner from the surrounding area.). 北部: 布施弁天, あけぼの山公園, 西部: 県立柏の葉公園, 東部: 手賀沼, 南部: カタクリ(Erythronium japonicum Decne.)(Natural Monument (Nationally Designated) ), 観音寺(牡丹), 法林寺(大銀杏).トーランス市(アメリカ, 姉妹友好都市), グアム(アメリカ,姉妹友好都市), キャムデン(オーストラリア, 姉妹友好都市), 承徳市(中国,姉妹友好都市), つがる市(青森県,ふるさと交流都市), 綾瀬市(神奈川県, 姉妹友好都市), 只見町(福島県ふるさと交流都市).「下陰をさがして呼ぶや親の馬」小林一茶, 小金原(松戸市): 小金牧,「根芋」; Shoot potatoes are soft-white cultivated taro buds. It is a precious vegetable cultivated only in Kashiwa City, and I have never seen it. We hope to see you again. During the Edo period, there was a lot of boating from Choshi in the Pacific Ocean, going up the Tone River via Sekiyado, going down the Edo River and heading for Edo Bay.  However, there was a shallow water in a part of the “Edo River”, and large ships could not navigate, and it was said that it was a detour in terms of distance. In the Meiji era, the Tone River and the Edo River were short-circuited, and the Tone Canal was planned so that large ships could navigate. Construction began in 1888 and opened in 1890. Designed and directed by Dutch engineer Mr. Lowenhorst Murder. After the death of Mr. Seiichiro Hirose, a canal madman and hydraulic engineer. The Tone Canal has a total length of about 8.5 km and passes through the current three city areas of Kashiwa, Noda, and Nagareyama. The heyday of the canal was around 1910, and since the Taisho era, it has declined with the development of rail freight car transportation. After that, hydraulic control measures began to be taken, and in 1941, the canal was widened and the embankment was raised, and about 6,000 cherry blossom trees peculiar to Japan were cut down. The area along the canal around the “Canal Bridge” was developed as “Canal Waterside Park” in 1987, and is now surrounded by greenery and is a healing place for people who come for cycling or walking. In addition, about 150 cherry blossom trees are planted on both banks of this area, making it a famous place for cherry blossoms and vivid. Along the embankment, there are restaurants, sake breweries, and miso soy sauce shops that were founded in the Meiji and Taisho eras, and many people will feel the history of the canal. In 1911, the Chiba Prefectural Light Railroad (currently Tobu Railway) Noda Line, which connects Kashiwa and Noda, was opened with the investment of Noda's soy sauce brewer. The current “Canal Station” was opened near the intersection with the Tone Canal. Under the bridge, there is a coal storage yard where coal was transported by ship from the Joban area, where it was transshipped to railroad freight cars. 国指定有形文化財(建造物): 旧吉田家住宅, 主屋, 書院, 新座敷, 長屋門, 向蔵, 新蔵, 道具蔵, 西門, 8棟, 花野井, 柏市, 平成22年12月14日, 国指定有形文化財(絵画): 紙本墨画淡彩弄玉仙図, 岩佐勝, 以筆1巻, 柏市柏(千葉市美術館保管), 公益財団法人摘水軒記念文化振興財団, 平成21年7月10日, 県指定有形文化財(建造物): 東海寺本堂 / 楼門 / 鐘楼, 3棟, 布施, 東海寺, 平成18年3月14日, 県指定有形文化財(建造物): 旧手賀教会堂, 1棟, 手賀, 柏市, 平成24年3月16日, 県指定有形文化財(絵画): 聖画3面, 手賀, 日本ハリストス正教会手賀正教会, 平成24年3月16日, 県指定有形文化財(彫刻): 木造大日如来坐像, 1躯, 松ケ崎, 覚王寺, 昭和50年3月28日, 県指定有形文化財(彫刻): 木造阿弥陀如来坐像, 1躯, 増尾, 万福寺, 平成1年3月10日, 県指定有形文化財(彫刻): 木造聖観世音菩薩坐像, 1躯, 柳戸, 弘誓院, 平成3年2月15日, 県指定有形文化財(歴史資料): 妙法蓮華経板木(開結とも), 51枚, 柳戸, 弘誓院, 平成12年2月25日, 県指定無形民俗文化財 : 篠籠田の獅子舞, 篠籠田(西光院), 篠籠田三匹獅子舞保存会, 昭和50年12月12日, 県指定記念物(史跡): 藤ケ谷十三塚, 藤ケ谷, 柏市, 昭和53年2月28日, 県指定記念物(史跡): 北ノ作1 / 2号墳, 片山, 個人, 平成7年3月14日, 国登録有形文化財(建造物): 伊藤家住宅主屋ほか, 6件, 増尾, 個人, 平成30年11月2日, 国登録有形文化財(建造物): 染谷家住宅主屋ほか, 8件, 鷲野谷字稲荷内, 個人, 平成31年3月29日, 国登録記念物(名勝): 旧吉田氏庭園, 花野井字原, 他, 柏市, 平成24年9月19日. “Abiko City”, At present, the oldest documentary “Abiko” that refers to the city of Abiko is the 1313 “尼しんねん譲り” (Miike document: Kashiwa City History Collection) at the end of the Kamakura Period. It is believed that the will on the inheritance of the land) says “Shitsusa no Kunihiko no Mura” (Abiko Village, Shimousa Province). This shows that the city area was called “Abiko” at least in the Kamakura period. According to official documents from the Nara and Heian Periods before that, it was called “Soma District, Shimousa”, and the place name Abiko was not confirmed. In ancient times, “Abiko” was like a family name or surname (kabane), which is related to bloodlines and occupations, and seems to have been used as a personal name. Although the notation is different, the records of the people “阿毘古” and “我孫公” are left. Okimi and the influential tribes of the Yamato region, who had great power in the Japanese archipelago during the Kofun Period (3rd to 7th centuries), took control of the local tribes in each region and lived there under the direct control of abundant land. There is a history of having people pay tribute. At that time, it is speculated that the land and the people living there were named “Abiko”. This is probably the reason why place names and personal names such as “我孫子”, “安孫子”, and “吾孫子” are recognized all over the country, including Osaka and Nara Prefecture. The Suijinyama tumulus (Mt. Kouya, a 69-meter-long front-rear tumulus in the latter half of the 4th century. The largest tumulus in the northwestern part of Chiba prefecture) was built in Abiko. An archaeological excavation was conducted by the University of Tokyo in 1965, and swords and glass tube balls and small balls were excavated. It is thought that there was a person who was connected to the Yamato administration from the early Kofun Period, so it is not left as a letter, but it is thought that the place name was given because of the deep connection with Okimi and the Yamato administration. Abiko in Chiba Prefecture is about 20 m above sea level, the longest north-south extension is about 4 km, the east-west extension is about 14 km, and the area is about 43.15 km2. Geographically, it is located in the northwestern part of Chiba prefecture, with Inzai city in the east, Kashiwa city across Teganuma in the south and west, Tone river in the north, Toride city in Ibaraki prefecture, and Tone town in Kitasoma district. It becomes a long and narrow horseback-shaped land sandwiched between Teganuma and the Tone River, and the nostalgic scenery passes through my head. Abiko Town, Fusa Town, and Kohoku Village merged into Abiko Town in April 1955, and the city system came into effect in July 1970. Blessed with abundant water and greenery, it is about 40 km from the city center and a short distance of 35 minutes on the Joban Line. The role of people who commute to the metropolitan area as a residential area has increased, and my best friend also lives with his beautiful wife. 竹内神社例大祭 ; 布佐: 令和2年2月28日指定, 第18号 - Every year on September 14th, the festival is held for three days, including the holiday of Respect for the Aged Day. There is one shrine portable shrine, and one float and one children's portable shrine in each town. There are many attractions to entertain residents and tourists, such as the shrine where the portable shrine descends down the precincts of Takeuchi Shrine and the float competition where all the floats gather. The designated finding is "A part of the appearance of the town (river bank) that prospered from the early modern period to the modern era in the Fusa area of Abiko city is well conveyed to the present, and it is still the most grand festival in Abiko city, and it is the duty town. It is maintained on a rotating basis. It comes from the viewpoint that it is worth making it a city-designated cultural property as an intangible folk cultural property of the city in telling the history. 白樺文学館; 緑 - From the Taisho era to the early Showa period, Abiko was famous for having many prominent cultural figures such as Naoya Shiga, Saneatsu Mushanokoji, Soetsu Yanagi, and Bernard Leach(Famous as an English ceramist, he contributed to the establishment of the Japan Folk Crafts Museum.). It takes root in the area as a recommended spot related to history. 白樺派 : It is known as one of the literary thoughts that took place around the douujinshi “Shirakaba (Shiga wrote in his diary that Saneatsu Mushanokoji and Naoya Shiga discussed the publication)”, which was first published in 1910. Also, the writers who are thought to have shared that philosophy and style. Among the main members of the Shirakabaha school, Takeo Arishima(生まれ出づる悩み), Rigen Kinoshita(紅玉, 一路), Ton Satomi(極楽とんぼ), Soetsu Yanagi(木喰行道, 妙好人), Torahiko Kori(萱野二十一, 道成寺, 秋夕夢), Yoshiro Nagayo(青銅の基督), and Saneatsu Mushanokoji(荒野, お目出たき人, 人間万歳, 真理先生, 新しき村)are believed to have been ideological central figures. Although it was discontinued in August 1923, it was missed as a literary magazine and art magazine. City Flower: Azalea, Established on July 1, 1970 : Since it is popular with Sakura and resistant to heat and cold, it was designated as a symbol of the growing city on the anniversary of the enforcement of the city system. City Tree: Zelkova, Established on July 1, 1970 : The figure of the tree that rises toward the sky and grows is designated as the anniversary of the enforcement of the city system as an image of the future of the city. “Noda City” : The area is 103.55 km2, and topographically, the Tone River and the Edo River branch off at the northernmost tip of the city, and the Tone River to the east, the Edo River to the west, and the Tone Canal to the south surround the river on three sides. It is about 60 km around this embankment, and it is well known as a natural environment that is ideal for walking and jogging as a cycling course. Form a town rich in history, culture and nature. Looking back on history, the northern part prospered around the castle of the Sekiyado Domain, which had a river barrier as the gateway to the big city of Edo, and the southern part was the soy sauce brewing industry that supported the food culture of “Edokko” along with agriculture. In addition, the soy sauce brewing industry has developed, and even now, the urban area is dotted with buildings from the Taisho Era to the early Showa Period, and it is very emotional. In addition, there is a memorial hall that honors former Prime Minister Kantaro SUZUKI, who led the Pacific War to the end, and Kinjiro SEKINE, the 13th master of modern shogi, who has established a system of talented masters. The Edo Shogunate placed great importance on Sekiyado Castle and placed Fudai Daimyo in Sekiyado for generations. It is well known that the feudal lord lasted for eight families and 23 generations until the end of the Edo period. Among them, Kuze's reign was the longest, and he occupied an important position in the shogunate as he took important positions such as the old and middle ages. Sekiyado Castle in the Edo period hardly exists, but there is a “Chiba Prefectural Sekiyado Castle Museum” that imitates the castle tower, and I have visited it several times. While introducing the history of river improvement and water transportation under the theme of the history of the clan and “Rivers and related industries,” it is an important facility for exhibiting materials related to the people in the basin and the rivers and learning about their hometown. Kantaro SUZUKI was born in Fuseo, Izumi Province (currently Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture), the eldest son of the Sekiyado Domain, Yutetsu SUZUKI(His maiden name is KURAMOCHI, commonly known as Tamenosuke.), and returned to Sekiyado in 1872. It seems that he moved to. In 1923, he was admiral of the Navy, and later served as Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Fleet and Chamberlain of Emperor Showa. He was appointed Prime Minister on April 7, 1945, leading the Pacific War to the end of the war, and although he was in office for only four months, he returned to Sekiyado after a major role and lived a quiet life. In his hometown, it is a famous story that he started the “Agriculture Study Group” focusing on dairy farming using grass on the riverbed and held lectures by specialized lecturers by taking advantage of the characteristics of the area. Therefore, Noda City is still active in dairy farming and takes root in the area. The “Kuntaro Memorial Hall” was opened in 1963 to widely introduce the achievements of the old man, and many relics such as formal wear and daily life items are exhibited, fascinating as a valuable museum. Sekine has been a strong shogi player since he was a child, and by the time he entered elementary school, he had no match for the locals. At the age of 11, he moved to Tokyo with the aim of becoming a professional shogi player, and after repeated training, he was promoted to 4th dan in 1891 and 8th dan in 1905. It was around this time that the third match with Sankichi Sakata, who became the model for the movie “Osho(VS Sankichi SAKATA; 吹けば飛ぶよな 将棋の駒に: コロムビアレコード, The lyrics are Yaso Saijo, the composition is Tooru FUNAMURA, and the song is Hideo MURATA, released in November 1961.)”. This is a Japanese movie released on October 18, 1948, and it is no longer produced. In 1921, after becoming a 13th generation master at the age of 53, he abolished the hereditary system and the whole life master system that had continued for 340 years, and established a championship master system. He laid the foundation for the prosperity of today's shogi world, such as establishing the Japan Shogi Taiseikai, the predecessor of the current Japan Shogi Association, and is widely known as the “father of modern shogi.” As an information dissemination base for shogi, the “關根 Meijin Memorial Hall” constantly displays about 40 items related to masters, and holds about 2,400 books on shogi from the Edo Period to the present day. Next to the memorial hall, there is a 52 tatami mat room where anyone can easily point to shogi, which is unbearable for fans. Knowing Soy Sauce Museum : At the museum opened by “Kikkoman” in the factory, you can enjoy learning about the color, taste, and aroma of soy sauce while observing the factory until the soy sauce is made. 野田市教育委員会(鶴奉) 2021 “令和2年度 野田市内遺跡発掘調査報告” : 上野馬込遺跡, 第15次(花井新田字三丁歩), 宅地造成, 集落, 古墳 / 近世(細分不明) 時代. 山崎貝塚周辺遺跡, 第25次, 分譲宅地, 集落, 縄文時代, 縄文時代土器. 中野台貝塚, 第5次 / 本調査(字行人谷), 個人住宅, 貝塚, 縄文時代, 縄文時代竪穴建物1, 土坑, Pit, 縄文時代: 土器, 縄文時代: 石器. 岡部館跡(山崎字梅台), 宅地造成, 城館, 中世(細分不明), 近世(細分不明) 時代, 古墳時代土坑1, 縄文時代土器, 石器, 古墳時代中期土師器. 東新田野馬土手(山崎字殿山), 戸建分譲, 中世(細分不明), 近世(細分不明) 時代, 中世~近世野馬堀1. 山崎貝塚周辺遺跡, 第26次, 個人, 集落, 縄文. 岩名新屋敷遺跡(字宮田), 個人住宅, 縄文 / 中世(細分不明), 近世(細分不明) 時代, 中近世溝1, 縄文時代土器, 中近世土師質土器. 溜井遺跡, 第4次(吉春字溜井), 駐車場, 縄文 / 中世(細分不明), 近世(細分不明) 時代, 中近世塚1. Excerpt from Noda City's homepage, Carolina horsenettle; Solanum carolinense, which was labeled as a bad eggplant. It feels sorry to see it blooming pretty, but contrary to its beauty, there are many sharp spines on the stems and leaves, and it seems to be very painful to touch it. In addition, the fertility is strong, and the torn rhizomes and roots are revived immediately after only a few centimeters remain, so it seems that eradication will be difficult if they invade at once. Therefore, it is said that we are bad. It grows normally throughout the city. It seems to be especially common in places that are easily affected by human activities, such as urban areas, agricultural lands, and riverbeds. The place of origin is said to be North America, and it seems that they came to Japan with grass at the end of the Meiji era. It is the same family as the vegetable eggplant, and sometimes it produces yellow round fruits after the flowers, but this is inedible. Also, the source of strong fertility seems to be the rhizome that runs horizontally in the ground. When this is torn, it seems that the torn rhizomes will be revived and begin to grow. When the soil is cultivated, it breaks apart and spreads over a wide area, and it seems that it will become even more energetic and unmanageable. The flower color is pale bluish purple, and the shade of the color seems to differ depending on the strain. There is also a strain that bears white flowers, which seems to be called Shirobana horsenettle. It is a perennial and has a long rhizome. The stem is 40-70 m high, bends at each node, and has tan spines. The leaves are velvety dense with stellate hairs on both sides and have sparse spines on the central vein. The flower branches have several to 10 flowers per node. The corolla is sharp and has hair on the back, the corolla is 5 fissures, 2.5 cm in diameter, white to pale purple, and yellow and longer than the filament. Fruits are spherical, 1.5 cm, orange-yellow when ripe. Chromosome number 2n = 24.

It seems that there are many high-temperature species such as melons and eggplants that originate in the tropics and subtropics. In addition, it seems that the harvest period under natural conditions is limited for strawberries due to their short-day nature and dormancy. For these reasons, it seems that the cultivation of fruits and vegetables in a facility that controls the environment using hothouses, greenhouses, etc. was quickly introduced and progressed. As a result, forcing cultivation, semi-forcing cultivation, seasonal cultivation, tunnel precocious, precocious, and normal cultivation in the open field have been developed using the facility, and many fruit vegetables can be produced year-round. The season for this excellent produce is from early summer to early autumn. It will start lining up in stores around June. In addition to the general eggplant "Senryo eggplant", a round shape "round eggplant", a long "long eggplant", a chunky light green "blue eggplant" (general term with a greenish skin color), etc. Actually, there seem to be many kinds.

Northern part of the prefecture: Located in the northwestern part of Chiba prefecture, it consists of 6 cities, Matsudo city, Noda city, Kashiwa city, Nagareyama city, Abiko city, and Kamagaya city. Adjacent to Saitama Prefecture and Tokyo. The area is 379.22 km2, which is about 7.4% of the total area of ​​Chiba prefecture, and the population is about 1.52 million, accounting for 24.2% of the total population of Chiba prefecture. Housing development, including the construction of large-scale housing estates, has progressed since the 1955s, and many commuters and students live in Tokyo as a commuter town in the center of Tokyo. In the olden days, it seems that the area is thriving with commerce and industry due to the use of water transportation in the Edo and Tone river systems such as Noda's soy sauce and Nagareyama's sweet sake, and after the war, due to the development of railways and road networks that were developed along with high economic growth. On the other hand, urban agriculture that makes the best use of high productivity is also being developed against the background of large consumption areas in the metropolitan area, and green onions, pear, spinach, turnip, green soybeans, etc. are proud of the top class production in the whole country and are well known.

March 15, 2022, Noda City homepage updated. Continuing from this year, it seems that the basic water charges for two months (July and August meter reading) will be fully exempted in 2022 for the purpose of reducing the financial burden on the citizens. In addition, we have been considering a support system centered on young couples without children, in order to target households that have not been the target of financial support so far, not limited to support measures related to the new coronavirus. , It is difficult to set the target requirements for each of those households, and there is concern about the future due to the new coronavirus infection and the high prices caused by Russia's military invasion of Ukraine. Since the feeling of blockage is widespread among the citizens, the support that should be provided now should be prioritized to reduce the financial burden on the citizens widely without specifying the target. In 2022, it seems that two more months (September and October meter reading) will be added, and the basic water charge for a total of four months will be exempted in full.

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