
Sunday, November 7, 2021

The contribution of Japanese immigrants to Brazil is, above all, agriculture. I heard that it was the Japanese who popularized potatoes (Batata: Rodrigo Pinheiro da Silva, a former soccer player from Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, who immediately remembered him), tomatoes, fruits, flowers, and poultry farming. There is. And it seems that the giant Japanese agricultural cooperative Cotia Industrial Association and the Nanbaku Agricultural Cooperative Central Association (Sur Brazil) were particularly powerful in supporting the development of Japanese agriculture. Both agricultural cooperatives reigned in the postwar Brazilian agricultural industry. It was established on December 29, 1929 as a Jukely union by 49 Japanese farmers in the Jukely district north of São Paulo. In August 1933, the name was changed to the Jukely Agricultural Producers Association following the enactment of the Brazilian Union Law. Although internal conflicts continued, it seems that when Genichiro Nakazawa became the managing director in February 1939, the development progressed steadily (until November 1973, excluding the war period, until December 1984, when he died from the same month. Chairman). After Brazil declared war on Japan, Japanese were banned from becoming union officers, but Nakazawa expanded the business volume as an assistant to the board of directors without hindering the operation of the union, and in 1946 the entire state of São Paulo. Has come to be the scope of activity. In 1954, it expanded not only to São Paulo but also to Parana and Minas, so it was renamed as Cooperativa Central Agrícola Sul-Brasil, “Sur Brazil Agricultural Cooperative Central Association”, etc.). Reorganized into a single cooperative and a central association in 1969 to comply with the “New Union Law”. In the 1970s, it continued to develop, such as developing the Cerrado and expanding into Tohoku, and it seems that it became a huge agricultural cooperative along with the Kotia Industrial Association Central Association. However, I heard that it was disbanded on March 30, 1994 due to a slump in business due to an increase in debt due to the turmoil in the Brazilian economy in the latter half of 1980. In addition, agricultural cooperatives were born one after another in the Japanese community from the latter half of the 1920s to the 1930s, when the Consulate-General of Japan in Sao Paulo gave a subsidy to encourage the establishment of the Japanese industrial union as a model. I heard that.

Since Fagopyrum vulgare became widespread during the Genroku (October 23, 1688 to April 15, 1704) era, spicy radish as a condition was actively cultivated, and dried daikon radish and dried leaves were added to rice during the Edo period. It seems that breeding has also progressed. Nowadays, all-purpose radish such as dried daikon strips, pickles, and simmered dishes have become a representative vegetable indispensable to Japanese life. The Nakate Miura system (Miura Daikon) was completed on the Miura Peninsula in 1923. The Miura District Agricultural Association was established in 1902, and it seems that improvement activities have become active. Under these circumstances, the local “Koenbo (Hasse Town)” and “Nerima (Tokyo)” were crossed, and “Nakate Miura” was completed and became “Miura Daikon”. It seems that breeding is continuing.

【Product name】
Lady salad
Raphanus sativus var. hortensis
【Production area, wholesale area】
Mito, Hasse Town, Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture (Miura City Agricultural Cooperative)
【Origin of the name】
I heard that it was named after a woman because it has a beautiful red color and is suitable for salads.
【Major features】
Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, is famous as one of the leading outdoor vegetable producing areas in Japan, where radishes, cabbage, and squid are cultivated, taking advantage of the warm climate with an average annual temperature of 15.5 degrees Celsius and annual sunshine hours of 2100 hours. The Miura Agricultural Cooperative aims to establish distinctive agriculture that responds to competition between production areas and diversifying consumer needs through the development of new varieties, the introduction of production technology with less environmental impact, and the development of processed agricultural products. Seems to be. For example, Miura radish is famous for daikon radish, but we are working to expand the production of “lady salad”, which has been developed as a variety, in order to make a new daikon radish for small and tastier salads. Its characteristic is a beautiful red color with a pink tinge on the outside and pure white on the inside. You can eat the whole skin, and it seems that the size is 300-350 g per bottle. In addition, it seems that “Radish distilled spirits” using Miura radish as a processed product are also on sale. Since 1977, breeding has started with the aim of “expanding radish consumption” and “miniaturizing and better taste”, and “Lady Salad” was born, which was developed exclusively for salads (by application). This product was cultivated by crossing Miura radish with American and German radishes. By eating the whole skin, you can get more anthocyanins than white radish. It seems that about 140,000 cases have been shipped from mid-October to the end of March. In developing radish varieties for different purposes, in addition to lady salads, they are also developing “kozakura radishes,” “awazakura radishes,” and “new lady salads.” Within the jurisdiction of the Agricultural Cooperative, radish (about 786 ha: shipment is lady of pleasure Miura radish at the end of December, Japanese white winter radish from early November to February, spring radish from late February to early April), cabbage (Approximately 740 ha: Early spring cabbage Late November to mid-March, Spring cabbage March to late May), Summer watermelon (Approximately 386 ha: July to August), Pumpkin (Approximately 126 ha: June to August), Melon It seems that farming centered on open-field vegetables such as (55 ha: late June to July) is being carried out. Of these, winter-spring radish and early spring / spring cabbage are designated production areas of the country, and watermelon is a designated production area of ​​the prefecture. Recently, Wax gourd, Bitter ground fruit, summer welsh onion, tomatoes, etc. are also cultivated, and it seems that mandarin orange picking and strawberry picking are also carried out. According to the 2005 Agriculture and Forestry Census, the area of ​​cultivated land is about 1190 ha (of which about 1170 ha is ordinary fields), and of the 11.1 billion yen in agricultural output in the same year, radish is 48.5%, cabbage is 26.2%, watermelon is 12.4%, and pumpkin is It seems that 3.6% and melons accounted for 1.8%. Aiming for natural taste and healthy vegetables, in terms of sales, it is said that it is further focusing on special products in cooperation with Yokosuka Hayama Agricultural Cooperative. The Miura City Agricultural Cooperative Shipping Association is organized in 3 locations at the Misaki Branch, 9 at the Hasse Branch, 3 at the Kamimiyada Branch, and 3 at the Matsuwa Branch. Seems to hold. Of these, the spring cabbage shipping group “Matsuwa” formed a spring cabbage shipping group of 68 farmers in the Matsuwa area in 2002, and in collaboration with “Miura D.S.W Co., Ltd.”, deep sea water off Miura. Cultivated spring cabbage (irrigated during the seedling raising period and transplanting period, and sprayed on the foliage once or twice after planting in the field), and shipped with the indication “Use deep sea water off Miura” on the shipping box. It seems that it is. As an aside, Matsuwa mackerel is the brand name of chub mackerel landed at the Matsuwa, Minamishitaura Town, fishing port in Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture. I heard that it got its name because it was landed at the Matsuwa fishing port. Start fishing at dawn. It seems that a single fish can be put into an ice-covered fish tank without touching it. It seems to be famous as a luxury mackerel brand that grows in the Bungo Channel and is named alongside Seki Saba, which is landed in Saganoseki, Oita Prefecture. It is said that July and after is the season when it is delicious with fat, but the catch is small and it is prized, and it seems that market officials call it “golden mackerel”. If it is sold at a fish store, it will be nearly 10 times the price of a regular Scomber japonicus. The Matsuwa mackerel season is from August to the end of December. Why don't you try it when you visit here? Now, let's move on and briefly explain the traditions and cultural properties of Miura City. Nationally designated cultural property : 諸磯の隆起海岸 : 天然記念物, 三崎町諸磯字石打, 昭和3年3月24日, チャッキラコ(Registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage on September 30, 2009.): 重要無形民俗文化財, 三崎, 花暮仲崎, 昭和51年5月4日, 赤坂遺跡 : 史跡, 初声町三戸, 平成23年3月8日, 三戸のオショロ流し : 重要無形民俗文化財, 初声町三戸, 平成23年3月9日. Prefectural designated cultural property : 菊名の飴屋踊り : 無形民俗文化財, 南下浦町菊名, 昭和30年11月1日, 刀銘津田越前守助広 : 工芸品, 初声町下宮田, 昭和32年2月19日, 漣痕(波調層) : 天然記念物, 海外町, 昭和32年2月19日, 城ヶ島のウミウ, ヒメウ及びクロサギの生息地 : 天然記念物, 三崎町, 城ヶ島赤羽根海岸, 昭和35年5月31日, 毘沙門洞窟弥生時代住居阯群 : 史跡, 南下浦町毘沙門, 昭和35年11月4日, 銅鐘 : 工芸品, 三崎, 昭和44年12月2日, 三浦市海外町のスランプ構造 : 天然記念物, 海外町, 昭和53年9月1日, 木造薬師如来及び両脇侍立像 : 彫刻, 初声町和田, 昭和53年11月17日, 城ヶ島漁撈用具コレクション : 有形民俗文化財, 三崎町城ヶ島(旧城ヶ島分校海の資料館), 昭和57年2月9日, 三番叟面 : 有形民俗文化財, 三崎, 平成7年2月14日, 海南神社本殿幣殿及び拝殿1棟ほか附棟札2枚 : 建造物, 三崎, 平成23年3月22日. City designated cultural property : 薬師如来立像 : 彫刻, 白石町, 昭和42年3月28日, 和田義盛の肖像(非公開) : 彫刻, 南下浦町上宮田, 昭和42年3月28日, 諸磯遺跡 : 史跡, 三崎町諸磯字新堀, 昭和42年3月28日, 埴輪(人物一体) : 考古資料, 向ヶ崎町, 昭和42年5月29日, 子持勾玉(一括) : 考古資料, 初声町三戸, 昭和42年5月29日, 笹塚不動明王像 : 彫刻, 南下浦町上宮田, 昭和44年3月26日, 切妻造妻入形横穴古墳 : 史跡, 南下浦町菊名, 昭和44年3月26日, 海南神社面神楽 : 無形民俗文化財, 三崎, 昭和46年1月21日, 鰐口 : 工芸品, 初声町下宮田, 昭和47年8月31日, 地蔵菩薩座像 : 彫刻, 栄町, 昭和49年12月10日, 地蔵菩薩立像 : 彫刻, 南下浦町金田, 昭和56年1月10日, 旧三崎小学校城ヶ島分校 : 建造物, 三崎町城ヶ島, 昭和62年1月30日, 海南神社夏祭りの「行道(お練り)獅子」, 無形民俗文化財 : 三崎, 平成4年4月30日, 阿弥陀三尊来迎図絵画, 三崎, 平成4年4月30日, 阿弥陀如来立像(非公開) : 彫刻, 初声町下宮田, 平成11年5月25日, いなりっこ : 無形民俗文化財, 三崎, 平成14年4月1日, 会津藩士とその家族の墓碑(37基) : 歴史資料, 城山町27基 向ヶ崎町2基, 平成18年4月1日, 白石町, 1基, 三崎町諸磯2基, 圓照寺文書2点 (北条氏規朱印状/ 向井政綱寄進状) : 古文書, 三浦市三崎, 平成18年4月1日, 大浦山洞穴遺跡の骨角器/ 貝製品と卜骨155点 : 考古資料, 初声町入江(三浦市文化財収蔵庫), 平成18年4月1日, 海南神社の大イチョウ雌雄各1本 : 天然記念物, 三崎, 平成21年4月1日, 擬宝珠 : 工芸品, 三崎, 平成21年4月1日, 向井将監一族の石塔群 : 歴史資料, 白石町, 平成25年4月1日. 赤坂遺跡出土品(第8次調査) : Excavated items from the middle and late Yayoi period-考古資料 : 初声町入江(三浦市文化財収蔵庫), 平成29年1月10日, 海南神社 夏例大祭 : 無形民俗文化財, 三浦市三崎, 平成29年6月12日, 三浦の農耕(業)関係用具 : 有形民俗文化財, 初声町入江, 令和2年3月31日. Nationally registered tangible cultural property : Former Hasegawa family house owner / stone warehouse / Garden gate and inner wall: Registered tangible cultural property, Mito, Hasse Town, December 5, 1st year of Reiwa. The genealogy of the rise and fall of the Miura Clan, which dates back to the feudal era of the Middle Ages, is nothing but the history of Miura's prosperity and rise and fall for about 450 years. The story of the clan's activities and sorrows, including Genji, Hojo, and Ashikaga, during the heyday of the Kamakura Period and the destruction of the Muromachi Period, is an honor of Military Family. The fierce battle with Soun Hojo-Ko at Arai; Misaki Castle, the Aburatsubo that became the end of the Miura clan, lasted for three years. Yoshiatsu; 道寸 Miura-Ko, Mr. Arajiro's parent and child's bravery, and the tragic story that most of the road dimensions and officers decayed into Aburatsubo Bay at the time of the fall of the castle are still in the appearance of a quiet cove. I'm keeping it. Ancient, Jomon, Yayoi, and Kofun period ruins are widely distributed in the city. In the early Kamakura period, the Miura clan, including Yoshimori WADA-Ko, was active. Also, during this period, three palace of cherry blossoms, camellia, and peaches were opened in Misaki, and many important people including Minamoto no Yoritomo-Ko visited. A banquet is held by planting cherry trees on Jogashima and Hozoyama in Misaki. During the Edo period, it was a busy port town and was gradually developed as a fishing port, which laid the foundation for the formation of a city as a pelagic fishing base in recent years. In 1590, when Mr. Gohojo was destroyed by Hideyoshi-Ko's attack on Odawara Castle, Ieyasu-Ko left the Tokai region in response to Hideyoshi-Ko's intention, and the former territory of Gohojo, the six Kanto countries Kozuke,. It is reported that the territory was changed to Kazusa, Shimosa, Sagami, Musashi, Izu and entered Edo Castle. Ieyasu-Ko placed the Hatamoto in a place that can be reached overnight from Edo, and in the distance, mainly selected the meritorious people of the Tokai era as daimyo and placed them on the Tokaido line. Miura District; The Miura Peninsula is under the direct control of all but some of the flagship territories, and Nagatsuna Hasegawa-Ko was invited by Suruga as the deputy head of the government, and a camp was set up on the shores of Uraga Bay. In 1594, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's nationwide land survey was conducted all over the country, and Kokudaka of rice was seized in Miura District. His servant, Masafusa Moriya(Former Takeda retainer)-Ko, was involved in the inspection of Kikoba Village as a substitute for Nagatsuna-Ko, the deputy chief of each. It is believed that many of the indigenous people who have been indigenous to the area since ancient times have been incorporated into Ieyasu-Ko's Military and agricultural separation policy and have become village officials. On the other hand, the Shogunate placed four ship magistrates, Masatsuna Mukai-Ko, Kagetaka Ohama-Ko, Takanori Mamiya-Ko, and Magobei Chiga-Ko, in Misaki, the southern tip of the Miura Peninsula, as a restraint at the mouth of Edo Bay. Mr. Mukai(Mr. Imagawa, Mr. Takeda, Mr. Tokugawa)was given the position of magistrate of the ship, and his power was famous in the sea of ​​Sagami. In 1615, when the TOYOTOMI army was settled by the Siege of Osaka, the three were assigned to Edo, leaving only Mr. Mukai, who left the footsteps of the clan on the Miura Peninsula for a long time. “Misaki, Hashirimizu Guardhouse” : The Shogunate established various checkpoints to maintain security, and set up a maritime security action at Misaki and Hashirimizu as a maritime security at the mouth of Edo Bay. It is said that ascending ships were monitored in Misaki and descending ships were monitored in Hashirimizu. Direct retainer of a shogun acts as a magistrate at both bansho, and concentricity is in charge of the practice. The magistrate of Miura and Hashirimizu Bansho not only takes charge of all the work related to the sea, but also the deputy head of Miura District, Nagatsuna Hasegawa-Ko and Nagashige-Ko (nephew of Nagatsuna) died between 1596 and 1614. The camp is abolished. It is reported that in 1648, both magistrates also served as deputy officials except for a part of Miura District, and oversaw the village administration by paying the annual tribute rice under the direct control of the shogunate. As for the change of lords, the lords who rule here have changed with the times since Ieyasu-Ko entered the Kanto region. In 1590, Hideyoshi-Ko unification of the whole country and Miura District became under the direct control of Mr. TOKUGAWA. Land inspection is conducted in Nobi Village and Sugaruya Village in 1591. In 1600, the De Liefde was washed ashore in Bungo, and Mr. William Adams was sent to Uraga. Hemi Village to Mr. Anjin Miura (Mr. Williams Adams) from 1600 to 1614. After the fall of Osaka Castle (the destruction of Toyotomi) in 1615, Mr. Mamiya and others Misaki were withdrawn to Edo, and Mr. Chiga and Mr. Ohama were also withdrawn to Edo. Reconstruction of Shinbuji Yakushido in Numama Village in 1622. 1632 Tadakatsu Mukai-Ko, ordered to Hashirimizu number, Yoriki six horses, concentric thirty people are entrusted. In 1639, itabi-type Koshinto was built at Sogenji Temple in Kugyo Village (the oldest Koshinto in the city). 1641 Masakata Mukai-Ko, Otsu, and Morisaki were given 1,000 koku and became a Hashirimizu ship magistrate. 1660, Shinzaemon Sunamura-Ko begins development of Uchikawa Shinden. 1665, Shinzaemon-Ko Build a monument on the Yawata River tide embankment. 1667 Sunamura-Ko completes 585 Ishiyo Uchikawa Shinden. 1674 Mukai Shogen Masakatsu-Ko died (Tadakatsu's sixth son), buried in Otsu Village Teisho-ji Temple A fish wholesaler in Edo Odawara, Honmoku Kanazawa Territory and Miura 17gaura argue for entry and exit. 1679 Uchikawa Shinden divided into two (later Zenroku group, Yobei group). 1683 Takeyama Fudoson moves from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain 1688 Higashiurawa's Subashiri (fry of mullet) fishing is subject to 13 tax; 貫: 1300両= 13000匁= 約48.75 kg. 1691 Uraga Tomyodo's expenses are charged to the dried eel wholesaler 1692 Uraga is divided into Higashi Uraga and Nishi Uraga. 1696 Misaki and Hashirimizu magistrates are abolished. 1703 Minami-Kantou, Tokai earthquake, tsunami wrecked Uraga, Higashi-Uraga's dried eel wholesaler was damaged, and the gate of Daimei-ji Temple in Kanaya village was destroyed. 1720 The Shimoda magistrate is abolished and a magistrate's office is set up in Uraga. First magistrate Hori Okinokami Toshio-Ko, Yoriki 10 people, Concentric 50 people 1721 Inspection of kaisen begins at Uraga guardhouse. 1739 Higashi-Uraga's dried eel wholesaler, unpaid due to past luck, pleaded with Uraga magistrate's office again. 1740 Boso Mikuni's dried eels have been declining to the top of the hierarchy that they should be landed in Higashiuraga. 1750 Matsudaira Yamato no kami Tomonori-Ko occupies 32 villages in Miura District. 1777 Shogoro Edoya asks Uraga to open a laundry shop (prostitute business). After that, on January 1, 1955, Misaki Town, Minamishitaura Town, and Hasse Village merged to form “Miura City”, which continues to this day. “Minamishitaura Town Agricultural Cooperative" will be added on April 1, 1969. “Japanese ⌈Aokubi (greenhead)radish」”, It is said that it was first cultivated as Miura radish since the Meiji era. Initially, the surrounding area was from the sea, and transportation was carried to Tokyo by ship, but at the end of the Taisho era, transportation was shifted to automobiles. Along with the advancement of cultivation techniques under the guidance of agricultural associations, voluntary unions were formed by producers. Mainly on sale in the Tokyo market. In the latter half of the Showa 30's(1950s), the number of farmers who own private and transport vehicles increased, and individual shipments increased. Agricultural cooperatives will strengthen joint shipping and sales, and in 1978, 3 million cases, more than half of which will be jointly shipped, will be reflected. Introduced in 1979 in light of consumption trends such as miniaturization, weight reduction, and sweet taste. Since it sells higher than “Miura radish”, it became mainstream in the latter half of the 1970s.)and agriculture centered on open-field vegetable cultivation in the suburbs of the Tokyo metropolitan area. 野菜生産出荷安定法,(Act on Stabilization of Production and Shipment of Vegetables), 昭和四十一年,法律第百三号,(Act No. 103 of 1966): We are striving for planned production and shipment such as vegetable price stabilization business. Radish grows lush even in winter and is shipped mainly from December to March. It is said that the shipping time is decided by dividing into the conventional Miura radish (White), Winter radish and Spring radish, and the cultivation method is decided for each variety. Producers strives for proper use of chemical fertilizers, healthy soil preparation, and soil conservation. Competitive plant, green manure crop planting, manure building installation. There is no dedication to ensuring a stable organic fertilizer. There are seventeen collection and shipping areas in the jurisdiction, and Producers bring in individually selected radishes. The staff in charge inspects and receives the goods, and the union decides the shipping quantity by market and transports it to the market. For vegetables in Miura, the producers are thoroughly booked in the control management diary. We cultivate open-air cultivation that makes full use of the warm nature of the Miura Peninsula to provide delicious radishes. Require an extraordinary effort and involvement. The boughs that bear most hang lowest. I think so too. The better the person, the more humble. Typical industry: Fisheries centered on the Misaki fishing port(Specified Type 3 Fishing Port; Designated on March 21, 1960. Act on Development of Fishing Ports and Grounds, Act No. 137 of 1950(漁業漁場整備法, 昭和二十五年, 五月二日, 法律第百三十七号,漁業法, 昭和二十四年, 法律第二百六十七号)): The term “Japanese port” as used in this Act shall mean those ports and harbors for which port and harbor area was publicly noticed, pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1, Article 9 of Ports and Harbors Act (Act No. 218 of 1950) including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph 2, Article 33 of the said Act, and fishing ports as provided in Article 2 of Act on Development of Fishing Ports and Grounds (Act No. 137 of 1950). In the Taisho era, a tuna longline fishing boat equipped with a diesel engine appeared, and it seems that the motorization and size of the fishing boat progressed rapidly. Kaneda Bay morning market: Direct sales of fishermen, farmers, and producers Seasonal ingredients and specialty products are crowded and crowded. Anniversary, every Sunday 5: 50-7: 30 May-September: Every Saturday 12: 00-16: 00, Ends as soon as sold out. December 29th (Sat) and 30th (Sun) at the end of the year, big sale at the end of the year (held from 5:50 as soon as there are no more products. Reopening date, from 5:30 am on Sunday, June 7, R2 (scheduled to be held every Sunday thereafter). A venerable place that has been held since 1987. Marine recreation, which shows a wide variety of areas, is also adding new attractions as a tourism product. Due to the influence of the Kuroshio Current, the winter is warm, with an average annual temperature of 15.5 degrees Celsius, annual rainfall of 1,500 mm, and annual sunshine hours of more than 2,100 hours, which belongs to the oceanic climate. The cultivated area is 1,791 hectares, of which more than 98% are fields (including orchards,2012). Agriculture centered on open-field vegetables that take advantage of the warm climate is active as a core industry. In particular, Japanese radish: Boasts the largest planted area, yield, and shipment volume in Japan,(Japanese radish with a greenish head)and cabbage(It is one of the best producing areas in Japan and produces autumn / winter cabbage and spring cabbage. It has the second oldest history after radish and is said to have started around 1890. In the olden days, winter cabbage was cultivated, which was flat and tightly headed. In the first half of the 1965's, the soft and sweet spring cabbage that has been cultivated until now was introduced in the winter cropping type. Raising seedlings on the ground is the mainstream. Compared to cell-molded seedlings, it takes time and effort to take measures against pests such as soil disinfection. However, since it does not require special facilities or materials, it can be manufactured at low cost. I heard that spring cabbage, which is planted in severe winter, which cannot be rooted by plug seedling, can also be raised. Since the optimum planting period is long, it is possible to plant plants even if the harvest of the previous crop is around due to typhoons or unseasonable weather.)are Famous as one of the largest production areas in Japan, and are famous as nationally designated production areas(1980). There are many vegetables and fruits, but recently, autumn and winter vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower are also produced. On October 1, 1965, “Hasse Town” and “Misaki Town” merged to form “Miura city Farmers' Cooperative.” Minamishitaura-machi Agricultural Cooperative will be added on April 1, 1969. “Spring cabbage” country designated production area ; Cultivation is the second oldest after Radish and is said to have started around 1892. Previous, the mainstream was the Toran(寒玉, 冬藍) Winter Cabbage, which was flat and tightly headed. The first half of the 1965's(Winter cropping) : Introduced the soft and sweet Spring cabbage that has been cultivated until now : Then, the cropping pattern with early spring was established.Spring cabbage is from 1965, ‘early spring cabbage’ is 1980. Seeds every year from late September to mid-October : Planted from late October to mid-February : It is expected to be harvested from early March to early May. It is characterized by being sweeter and softer than early spring cabbage. It is popular as a variety suitable for raw food such as salads. Cultivation at the right time for growth is essential for spring cabbage. The damage from pests is small, and the number of times the drug is sprayed is small. After spring cabbage, mid-early cabbage will also be shipped in mid-May. Root decay disease and damping-off are diseases that become a problem at the seedling raising stage. Drugs are commonly used to prevent this.Availability of solar heat as a resource conservation method with less burden on the environment-Part of the Miura Peninsula. In connection with that, we are working on a soil disinfection method. Soil solarization ; Apply fertilizer and maintain it so that it can be seeded. By covering the nursery with vinyl, the soil temperature rises. In addition, it can kill bacteria that are sensitive to high temperatures and control weeds. Cost reduction by using old vinyl used for cultivation of Melon and Watermelon. In addition, by covering, the surface of the soil can be kept moist. It becomes very good as a seed condition with summer wisdom. I hear that raising seedlings on the ground is the mainstream in production areas. Ground seedling raising ; Compared to cell-molded seedlings(plug seedling), measures against pests such as soil disinfection are required. This is a lot of work and effort. However, it does not require any special facilities or materials, so it seems that it can be made at low cost. Plug seedling- Spring cabbage that is planted in the cold season when it cannot survive can also be raised. In addition, the optimum period for planting tends to be long. Planting is possible even if the harvest of the previous crop is around due to typhoons and inclemency. In the area, three croppings in two years rotation cropping are performed. And the turnover rate of the field is very high. In order to speed up shipping, “Intercession” in part. It's a task that must maintain the system. For intercropping, the ridges of radish or cabbage are set wider than usual. Planted between ridges before harvesting the previous crop ; Spring Cabbage. The previous radish is harvested from December to January. The planting time is around mid-November before that : Before the previous radish is harvested, it is intercropped in the furrows. There is also an example of planting spring cabbage as an intercropping of early spring cabbage. Harvest ; The stock is sufficiently headed and pushed from above to harden, and this is done in sequence. It is divided into about 3 times to wait for it to grow to large(L)size. Pack the stock in a 10 kg cardboard box(8 pieces L size center)and go to the collection and shipping area. Everyone cooperated(Agricultural cooperative / Municipal / prefectural related organizations)in 2008 to promote and practice GAP(Good Agricultural Practices)- Formed a promotion subcommittee. Workshops have been held since the fall of 2009. Distribute check sheets to each producer. Raised mainly using organic fertilizer ; Surrounded by the sea, it is exposed to plenty of sunlight and is soft even in winter. Approximately 3.1 million cases (Approximately 3,500 large trucks) have been shipped. The union sells sweet, fluffy and soft spring cabbage on an online shopping site. The freshness is the best because it is harvested in the morning and shipped that day. By all means, everyone should try it. It was cultivated from the middle of the Meiji era, and increased rapidly from around 1957 due to the spread of grafting cultivation. The varieties are “Fujihikari TR” and “Matsuri Bayashi 11” for Otama Ball, and “Himekansen” and “Madderball” for Small Ball Watermelon. Wax gourd and Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida are mainly used as rootstocks, and planting is from early April to early May, and there are two cultivation methods: tunnel pruning and non-pruning “Okkabuse cultivation”; Cultivation method that simplifies ventilation work by cultivating in a vinyl tunnel with ventilation holes. In addition, in order to improve the quality, there seems to be some prior cultivation in which a tunnel is made at the tip of the vine during the fruit set period. The harvest period is from late June to mid-August, and the yield is about 5,000 kg per 10 a. Watermelons on the Miura Peninsula have a crispy texture and a unique juiciness, and are highly evaluated by the market and consumers. “Small ball watermelon from Miura city”, The flesh is as crisp as a large watermelon, and the skin is dark green with thick stripes and clear. The pericarp is thin and about 3 mm, but it has sufficient hardness and tends not to crack in a few things. It is known as a variety with significantly less fruit cracking during transportation and physiological fruit cracking during growth. Little is in season in summer, and the quality of the second fruit is the same as that of the first fruit. It has a sugar content of 13 degrees or more and a strong crispness, and has the best taste. The varieties are mainly grown in greenhouses and large tunnels, but they are also suitable for harvesting in August for outdoor cultivation and October to December for controlled cultivation. It has few seeds and is easy to eat, it is sweet to the edge of the skin, and it is kind to nature because the skin is thin and there is little kitchen waste. From Marutane Co., Ltd., headquartered in Ebisunocho, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. “Miura Citizens' Folklore Series” : 海辺の暮らしー浜諸磯民俗誌ー, 三浦市沿岸(浜諸磯)の漁撈習俗緊急調査, 1985年, 2, 海辺の暮らしー城ヶ島民俗誌ー, 三浦市沿岸(城ヶ島)の漁撈習俗緊急調査, 1986年, 3, 海辺の暮らしー松輪民俗誌ー, 三浦市松輪地区民俗調査, 1987年, 4, 海辺の暮らしー三戸民俗誌ー, 三浦市初声町三戸地区民俗調査, 1988年, 5, 海辺の暮らしー上宮田 / 菊名民俗誌ー, 三浦市南下浦町上宮田 / 菊名地区民俗調査. 1989年, 6, ちゃっきらこ風土記ー漁師町の民俗ノートー, 内海延吉氏による国指定重要無形民俗文化財ちゃっきらこ, 1990年, 7, 海南神社の面神楽ー上巻ー, 三浦市指定無形民俗文化財面神楽について, 1991年, 8, 海南神社の面神楽ー下巻ー, 三浦市指定無形民俗文化財面神楽について, 1992年, 9, 城ヶ島村沿革各誌, 明治20年に城ヶ島村在住の加藤泰次郎氏が城ヶ島村の地誌等を編纂した「覚え書き」の原本コピー, 1993年, 10, 城ヶ島の御船唄上巻, 三浦市城ヶ島に伝承されてきた御船唄の調査, 1994年, 11, 城ヶ島の御船唄下巻, 三浦市城ヶ島に伝承されてきた御船唄の調査, 1994年, 12, 三浦相撲, 「第53回かながわ夢国体」の相撲競技開催を記念して, 伝統ある三浦相撲に関する資料の収集 / 展示を行った “三浦相撲展” の解説書, 1998年, 13, 三戸民俗誌2, 三浦市初声町三戸地区の子供組と若者組に関する民俗調査の報告, 2002年, 14, 三浦三崎のチャッキラコ, ユネスコ無形文化遺産 / 国指定重要無形民俗文化財 “チャッキラコ” についての解説書, 2009年, 15, “三浦菊名 / あめや踊り”, 県指定重要無形民俗文化財 “菊名の飴屋遅り” についての解説書, 2011年, 16, “三浦 / オショロ流しの三戸”, 三浦市初声町三戸地区の生産と生業(農 / 漁業)寺院と檀家についての解説書, 2012年, 17, “海南神社 夏例大祭”, 市指定重要民俗文化財, 海南神社夏例大祭, についての解説書, 2018年, 18, “旧初声村の暮らしと農具”, 市指定重要民俗文化財「三浦の農耕(業)関係用具」についての解説書, 2020年. Algorithm: For agricultural cooperatives, shipping distribution is one of the most troublesome tasks. It seems that it will grasp the amount of shipments shipped from farmers the next day, decide the shipment quantity for each delivery destination such as the market, and decide how to load the packages on which shipping company's truck. This work is basically done manually. In the case of Miura Agricultural Cooperative, the farmer first informs each shipping station of the next day's shipping schedule, and each shipping station contacts the agricultural cooperative. The agricultural cooperative entered the quantity received from all shipping offices into Excel, decided the quantity to be shipped to about 50 markets from Hokkaido to Osaka, and made a vehicle allocation schedule based on that. With the advancement of IT in agriculture, a system has emerged that significantly shortens the time required to create delivery schedules for shipments, which is one of the most difficult tasks of agricultural cooperatives. It takes only one second to do the work that took eight hours a day. It will be introduced by Miura City Agricultural Cooperative Association (hereinafter Miura City Agricultural Cooperative) and Cybozu Inc(Developed in collaboration with Cybozu Lab Co., Ltd. (Location: Chuo Ward, Tokyo, President: Teppei Sato, hereinafter Cybozu Lab).  Temporarily implemented from April.)in Kanagawa Prefecture. It seems that it will be possible to schedule vehicle allocations faster and more efficiently than humans can calculate using a unique algorithm. I've heard that the part that takes the longest time is the part that schedules vehicle allocation. At the agricultural cooperative, it seems that the work of determining the shipment quantity for each market after grasping the shipment quantity of the farmer is completed in about 2 hours, but it seems that it takes about 8 hours for mid-career staff to make a schedule for dispatching the vehicle after that. Even a veteran takes 5 to 6 hours, which is a heavy burden, so I heard that this part was systematized in the winter of 2018 in cooperation with Cybozu.

Impression that it contains a lot of water. It is recommended for those who are on a diet because it is low in calories and has a satisfying taste. Contains a large amount of anthocyanins in the skin. Since the leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, potassium, calcium, β-carotene, etc., it is more effective to eat the leaves together with the roots. 

In 2013, he applied for the “Project to Expand Japanese Food” sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and was certified as a “model area” by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. While pursuing the future vision of Miura City's agriculture, fishery and tourism industries, we are developing various initiatives.

Breeding for the purpose of expanding radish consumption and “miniaturizing and better taste” is further developing

Saturday, November 6, 2021

The Honai region is the production center of Gobioidei, and there are many millionaires who are blessed with mineral resources and are interested in the breeding business. It seems that it was. This sailing ship carried rice from Nagasaki and Miyazaki to Osaka and traded local specialties, so it can be said to be the source of voyage and commercial development. There were many outpatient stimuli, and it seems that the locals also showed an enterprising spirit. Uwa Spinning Company was established in Kawanoishi in 1887 as the first spinning industry in the Shikoku region. At first, it was a small factory with a spinning machine with a weight of over 2,000, but after that, it developed into a factory with a weight of over 10,000. Its establishment seems to have left a great achievement in laying the foundation for the development of commerce and industry in Honai Town. The reason for the establishment of the company was that Mr. Masataka Hyodo, who played a central role, was asked by Sadaoki Yano, who was born in Kawanoishi, about the pattern of foreign yarn imports and the promising spinning industry, and was recommended to establish the company. It seems that it was said.

Yawatahama City, Ehime Prefecture is located at the base of the Sadamisaki Peninsula at the western end of Ehime Prefecture, facing Kyushu across the Bungo Channel (Uwa Sea), and is a port town boasting one of the highest landings in Shikoku. Warm climate and terraced field (A field created in a staircase on a slope such as a hillside. It seems to be found in a densely populated area on a flat land. In the case of paddy fields, it is called a terraced rice field.) Setouchi Citrus cultivation that makes the best use of the coastal topography of the sea is flourishing, including branded oranges known throughout the country such as “Hinomaru”, “Maana”, “Kawakami”, “Mitsuru”, and in recent years “Beni Madonna” “Setoka”, “Kanpei”, etc. It is known as the number one citrus kingdom in Japan for citrus production. No, it is a world-famous production area.

【Product name】
Japanese Fuji persimmon
Diospyros kaki Thunb.
【Production area】
Yawatahama City, Ehime Prefecture
【Origin of the name】
Cultivation began in 1928, the year of the enthronement of the Emperor Showa, and it is said that the persimmon was named after the shape of Mt. Fuji, which is characterized by its divine red color and sweetness.
【Major features】
Japan's proud Mt. Fuji was designated as a World Cultural Heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO in June 2013. The name of Mt. Fuji seems to have been expressed in various ways since ancient times. The most common is “Fujiyama”. It seems to mean the one and only high peak that cannot be compared with others. It seems that it means that there is no end of snow on the top of the mountain all year round, but it seems that there is no snow on Mt. Fuji in the summer. It seems that he may have expressed that he never runs out of size. It is famous for the song “Tagonoura Yu, if you look at it out of the house, it's pure white, and the snow falls on the inexhaustible Takamine” by Yamanobe no Akahito in the Manyoshu. Manyo Song Monument in Fujinokuni Tagonoura Minato Park: A song that overlooks Mt. Fuji, carved into eight stone pillars of Matsuno stone (commonly known as “bale stone”) from Minami Matsuno, Fuji City, and arranged in the shape of Mt. Fuji. The inscription seems to be from the Jingu Bunko Hon Manyoshu (Jingu Bunko collection), which is believed to be a copy of 1546. It seems that the cultural value of the inscription is enhanced by engraving the manuscript Man'yogana as it is. It seems that this monument was erected in 1983 at Tagonoura Harbor Fuji Pier (former ferry terminal) after the place name “Tagonoura”. In 2012, it was relocated to the “Fujinokuni Tagonoura Minato Park” that was maintained by Shizuoka Prefecture at that time, and is now popular with visitors to the park. In addition to this, it seems that the characters “Fushi” and “Fuji” are used in the Manyoshu, but since Man'yogana is a kind of Ateji, it seems that it was only called “Fuji”. “Mt. Fuji” seems to come from the legend of immortality, like the story of Taketori(Princess from the Moon, The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter: The story of the Heian period. One volume. “Genji Story” has “Princess Kaguya Legend” (area overgrown with weeds) and “Taketori's old man” (picture-matching (with card games,etc.)), and is titled “Taketori Old Man Story”. There seems to be a manuscript. The date of establishment and the author are unknown, but it is believed that it was created by male intellectuals between Jogan (859-877) and Engi (901-923) in the first half of the 10th century.). Some people say that the name "Fukujuyama" has become dull, and that the name comes from ”Fujiyama”, but both seem to be letters. Today's writing of “Mt. Fuji” means a mountain rich in samurai, and is thought to be from the Kamakura period when Bushido developed. Regarding the origin of the name, there seems to be a theory that it came from the Ainu word “funchi” (god of fire = volcano) and the Malay word “fuji” (wonderful). It is believed that Mt. Fuji is called “Fuyo; Nelumbo nucifera” because of the shape of the summit crater. The current shape of Mt. Fuji is formed by three generations of volcanic activity: Mt. Ashitaka / Koomitake volcano, Old fuji volcano, and Shinfuji volcano. It seems that Koomitake volcano stopped its activity more than 100,000 years ago. Old fuji Volcano is the volcano that became the foundation of Mt. Fuji today, and is said to have been active from about 100,000 to 10,000 years ago. The activity of New Fuji volcano, which formed the current Mt. Fuji, is said to have started about 10,000 years ago, and it is believed that more than 100 eruptions were repeated during the 10,000 years leading up to the 1707 Hoei eruption. That's it. Around 10 am on December 16, 1707 (Sun history), Mt. Fuji erupted from the southeastern slope, and the eruption smoke rose to 20,000 m above the sky. Traces of this eruption still remain as the “Hoei crater”. The eruption continued intermittently for 16 days until dawn on December 31, and lapilli and ash were carried by the westerly wind and poured into northeastern Shizuoka prefecture, Kanagawa prefecture, Tokyo, and the Boso Peninsula more than 100 km away. It seems. In Subashiri Village (Oyama Town, Shizuoka Prefecture) at the eastern foot of Mt. Fuji, 37 houses were burned down by the hot volcanic rocks that fell, and the remaining 39 houses seemed to have collapsed due to the weight of volcanic ash exceeding 3 m and repeated volcanic earthquakes. In Minasegawa Village (Yamakita Town, Ashigarakami District, Kanagawa Prefecture), I heard that 12 out of 80 villages collapsed due to ash fall of 80 to 90 cm. A large amount of volcanic ash fell on the town of Edo (Tokyo), and it became dark even in the daytime, and it was said that candles had to be lit. It seems that the ash fall that accumulated 2 to 5 cm became fine dust with each strong wind and soared, and many people suffered from respiratory diseases and even suffered from sequelae. The death toll from the eruption has not been recorded, but it took years to remove the volcanic ash that had accumulated on the cultivated land even after the eruption. The river into which the volcanic ash flowed rises, causing frequent flooding, which seems to have afflicted farmers for a long time. The Hoei eruption is called a “Plinian eruption((Italian Vulcanian eruption) An eruption that is more violent than an eruption that feels like an explosion that blows sticky lava fragments far away, and erupts with a height of 10 km or more)”, and when magma is pushed up from an underground magma chamber, the pressure decreases and foams, and a huge amount of volcanic stones, volcanic ash, and volcanic gas are blown out. However, it seems that the magma did not leak. In the past, it seems that magma was leaked in the “Strombolian eruption(An eruption of less sticky basalt and andesite magma splashing from the crater every few seconds to tens of seconds)”. It has not been clarified what kind of pattern the next eruption of Mt. Fuji will be, but in the “Mt. Fuji Volcano Disaster Prevention Map” (hazard map) created in 2004, the area where the crater can occur, the range where lava flows, and the debris flow are shown. It seems that the range of occurrence has been specified. The scale is so large that there are records that a large amount of volcanic ash has accumulated in the town of Edo. The lateral volcano (elevation 2,693m) created at this time is called Mt. Hoei. Mt. Fuji is the standard Mt. Fuji seen from the Shizuoka side, and Mt. Hoei is located on the right shoulder. However, it seems that Mt. Hoei can be seen in front in Susono City, and on the left side in Gotenba City and Oyama Town. By the way, it seems that Mt. Hoei cannot be seen from the northern part of Fujinomiya City or the Yamanashi Prefecture side, which is just west or north of Mt. Fuji. The time when the activity of New-Fuji volcano started corresponds to the early Jomon period, and it seems that human beings lived around Mt. Fuji. The 1707 Hoei eruption is said to have been the last and largest eruption of recorded history. The country of origin of persimmon is China, which is endemic to Southeast Asia. It is reported that it was mainly native to the Yangtze River basin. It is said that the name of the persimmon was already mentioned in the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, which are said to have been introduced to Japan around the Nara period and were written around this time. It was cultivated in the Heian period and was presented as a Dried persimmon. It has been cultivated in various parts of Japan since ancient times, and its name differs depending on the region, and it seems that it had a very rare influence on the climate and folk culture. In Ehime prefecture, it is said to be the birthplace of “Fujigaki persimmon” and “Hachiya, Minokamo city, Gifu prefecture”, and is called “Hachiyagaki persimmon”. “Fuji Persimmon” was found in 1927 at the farm of “Mr. Saburozaemon Benjo” in Yawatahama, Ehime Prefecture, and a large and fast-colored one was discovered in “Hachiyagaki Persimmon”, and this branch was grafted. I heard that it was propagated. It seems that the distribution of seedlings began the following year. It is a persimmon that has been cultivated since 1928, the year of the enthronement of the Emperor Showa, and is characterized by its divine red color and sweetness. Ehime Prefecture “Ehime / Nanyo Citrus Agricultural System” (Region: Uwajima City, “Yawatahama City”, Seiyo City, Ikata Town, Ainan Town) However, on February 15, 2019, it was certified as a Japanese agricultural heritage. This is a system in which the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries certifies areas (agriculture, forestry and fisheries systems) that operate important and traditional agriculture, forestry and fisheries in Japan. Although it is a certified standard, the agriculture, forestry and fisheries system to be applied for contributes to the food and livelihood security of the local community. Agricultural biodiversity applies The agricultural, forestry and fisheries system is rich in biodiversity and genetic resources that are globally important for food and agriculture. Local traditional knowledge system The local traditional knowledge system provides “regional valuable and traditional knowledge and customs”, “original adaptive technology” and “agricultural, forestry and fisheries industries such as biophasic, land and water”. Maintaining a “supporting natural resource management system”. Culture, values ​​and social organization The cultural identity and climate associated with the agricultural, forestry and fishery system to be applied for are firmly established and belong to the region. Characteristics of landscapes and seascapes, having landscapes and seascapes that have developed over the years through the interaction between humankind and the environment. Resilience to change, In Japan, where there are many natural disasters, many agriculture, forestry and fishery systems have endured natural disasters and responded to changes over the long history. Maintaining high resilience to disasters, etc. in order to preserve the agriculture, forestry and fishery system and pass it on to the next generation. Participation of various actors, participation of various actors as well as local residents in order to maintain and revitalize traditional agriculture, forestry and fisheries and related culture and ecosystem conservation systems in response to the decrease of bearers and social changes Inheriting the agriculture, forestry and fisheries system through a new system by. Promote the Sixth sector, utilize the historical value of the agriculture, forestry and fishery industry system, agriculture, forestry and fishery products, traditional culture, landscape, etc., and revitalize the region by promoting the branding of agricultural products and the promotion of tourism, etc. It is mentioned that the agriculture, forestry and fishery industry system is being preserved. Fuji persimmons are astringent at the time of harvest, are de-astringent processed with alcohol, and are shipped as regional brand persimmons. Compared to other varieties of persimmon, Fuji persimmon has few seeds and few fibers, so you can enjoy a mellow texture and elegant taste, so it is also popular as a gift. It's a method of removing astringency, but it's a good idea to stuff the persimmon calyx and calyx together in the tool. When packing, be careful not to scratch it. After stuffing, sprinkle shochu over the entire surface. Place a newspaper or a different straw on the surface and cover it to absorb the evaporated water. It is recommended to completely seal with adhesive tape. Place in a warm place for about 6 days. Spread the persimmons out in a straw mat and dry them. If the fruits are large or small, it is effective to pack the large ones on the bottom and the small ones on the top. It seems that you can use pharmacy alcohol instead of distilled spirits(Shochu). In this case, 150 cc of 30% alcohol is used per 10 kg of astringent persimmon. When the material is scarce, it seems that you can also use a plastic bag. Put shochu on the calyx of the persimmon, stuff it in a plastic bag, and seal it. Place this bag in a warm place in the sunlight or hang it. Atagogaki, Hagakuregaki, Yokonogaki, etc. are hard to come off, so put a plastic bag (0.1 mm) in the tool and pack the persimmons. Let's explain the origin of special products, though it is simple. ”Yawatahama City”, Ehime Prefecture”, It is located in the western part of the prefecture, at the base of the Cape Sadamisaki Peninsula, with a total area of ​​132.65 km2. The north faces the Seto Inland Sea, and the east is Ozu City. Adjacent to Seiyo City in the south and Ikata Town in the west. The southern half of the west side is for Kyushu across the Bungo Channel (Uwa sea). The coastline forms a rias coastline(A submergent coastline with a complex narrow bay.). Scenic landscape. City flower: Narcissus L. (1753)(Narcissus tazetta bulb), It grows naturally in the mountains throughout the city, and the fragrance and appearance of the flowers symbolize the city. The place name is from the Yoro era (717-724), and it is said that the origin is that Hachiman Ogami(From samurai families nationwide, such as Seiwa Genji and Kanmu Taira, the god of luck (the god of martial arts) “Yumiya Hachiman”) was erected on the beach of this place. The district was based on the delta area of ​​the Senjo River that runs through the center, and reclamation work was already carried out during the Tensho era (1573-1592). Since then, the city has been expanded from sea to sea due to repeated landfills. Goby(Gobioidei)cultivation and shipping industry have been active in the former Honai area since the Edo period. In the Meiji era, commerce and industry such as mining, shipping, and spinning developed under the new government's policy of promoting the breeding industry. “The development of the wholesale market for marine products and the expansion of production of mandarin oranges and other citrus fruits”. After World War II, the fishing industry developed dramatically and is famous as a base for the trawl fishery. After that, while expanding the facility as a connecting port connecting Kyushu and Shikoku, the production of citrus fruits, mainly mandarin oranges, will become the main crop of the city. In the latter half of the 1970s, the fish market facilities in Okishinden were improved and it became a popular marine product distribution base. From 1980, the Nanyo Water Supply Authority started supplying water supply, and the water shortage in summer was alleviated. On March 28, 2005, the former Yawatahama City and the former Honai Town will be added to create a new Yawatahama City. 

It is sweetened by obtaining a manufacturing process that changes tannin from soluble to insoluble by treating it with alcohol such as shochu. The flesh is smooth orange and seems to have few black spots (skibuol) and seeds compared to other persimmons. Tannin (a method that efficiently decomposes into fragments with mercaptoethanol) is a type of polyphenol that is the main component of persimmon astringency, and has antibacterial and antiviral effects that inactivate pathogens such as influenza, norovirus, and O-157. Seems to be considered.

It is a native variety and is also called “Koshu Hyakume Persimmon”. It is a bell-shaped astringent persimmon, and it is a big fruit that weighs more than 500 g. Currently, in Japan, it is the fourth largest persimmon variety in Japan after “Fuyu”, “Hiratanenashi”, and “Wase Tone”, with a 6% share. It is mainly made in Fukushima, Miyagi and Yamanashi prefectures.

The Kunigi / Ujina area is the only area in Japan that produces “Fuji persimmons”. The light of the sun shining down, the light reflected from the beautiful sea, the light reflected from the glaring terraced fields, the light reflected from the maintained garden road, the light that comes from the sweat of effort raised with strong will and passion. A fusion of producers and nature, this product is wonderful.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

JA Kochi Prefecture has 12 JAs (JA Tosa Aki, JA Tosa Kami, JA Tosa Reihoku, JA Nankoku City, JA Nagaoka, JA Toochi, JA Kochi Haruno, JA Tosashi, JA Cosmos, JA Tsunoyama, JA Shimanto, JA Kochi Hata) and the federation function were integrated and born on January 1, 2019. Taking advantage of the highly productive, high-quality, warm, rainy and sunny climate in the jurisdiction, horticultural agriculture is being developed mainly in winter and spring vegetables in the plains. In the mountainous areas, horticultural agriculture that takes advantage of the cool weather conditions in summer and unique rice cultivation are being carried out, and agriculture that takes advantage of the characteristics of the region is spreading. In recent years, we have been actively engaged in agriculture that is friendly to humans and the environment, such as pesticide-reducing cultivation using natural enemy insects (those that are higher than those that are lower in the food chain).

Mihara Village, Hata District, Kochi Prefecture, is said to be the farthest from Tokyo in terms of time. Villagers value the connections between people that have been forgotten a little in modern times, do not go against nature, take care of seasonal ingredients, and live in a way that preserves the traditional “food” culture and daily activities. Here is the original scenery of Japan that used to be everywhere. Among them, Tosa inkstone is known all over the country for its good quality, and is called “Tosa Tankei Inkstone” and is gaining high popularity. In 1966, calligrapher Mr. Kenkichi Araya discovered his inkstone gemstone in Shitagiri, Mihara Village, and production began. Made from good quality black slate(Mesozoic Cretaceous Formation about 60 million years ago), it is as highly regarded by calligraphers as Chinese Tankei stone. War of Onin (1467 in the Muromachi period) Emperor's chief advisor Norifusa Ichijo-Ko escaped from the war from Kyoto, and went down to Tosa Kunihata Villa, where the Ichijo family was, and now Tosa Shimanto City (former Nakamura City), Tosa He started the Ichijo family and later built a cultural city called Little Kyoto in Tosa. It is said in the literature that Ichijo, a literary and noble calligrapher, found a good quality inkstone here and used it for a long time. Declining demand is a major challenge for many traditional crafts. Tosa Inkstone in the village is using this issue as a springboard to create new ways of working and living for craftsmen.

【Product Name】
Chinese Kale
Brassica oleracea Alboglabra Group
【Jurisdiction area】
Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture, Sukumo City, Tosashimizu City, Hata District (Kuroshio Town, Mihara Town, Otsuki Town) Shimanto Town, Takaoka District (JA Kochi Prefecture, Hata District)
【Derived from the name】
Jierantsai is a cruciferous vegetable native to China, which is a member of the cabbage family but does not head. Make young stems edible.
【Major features】
Kochi Prefecture is located in the southern part of Shikoku. The Shikoku Mountains are connected to the north, and the fan-shaped terrain facing the Pacific Ocean to the south has a total area of ​​7100 km2, accounting for 38% of the total area of ​​Shikoku. I hear that 84% of the prefecture's land area is occupied by forests, and the proportion of mountainous areas has reached 95%. On the other hand, the average annual temperature is 17.0 degrees Celsius, the annual rainfall is 2548 mm, and the annual sunshine is 2154 hours. Under such location and natural conditions, paddy rice, vegetables, fruits, livestock products, etc. are produced for agriculture, and Kochi Prefecture Agriculture is a facility gardening with high production efficiency that intensively uses narrow cultivated land. It seems that it is the core division of. In addition, ginger, eggplant, garlic, japanese ginger, and shishito pepper occupy the largest share in the whole country, and okra and cucumber also occupy a high share in the whole country. Kochi Prefecture Agricultural Cooperative Hata District Agricultural Economic Center, which has jurisdiction over Sukumo City, Shimanto City, Tosashimizu City, Kuroshio Town, Otsuki Town, and Mihara Village, is relatively active in producing open-field vegetables such as okra and broccoli. It seems to be a region. Regarding the shipment volume of okra in 2018, it seems that Kochi prefecture as a whole accounted for 1113 tons, of which about 40%, 457 tons. Even in the Hata district of Kochi prefecture, the production of okra is active in Sukumo City, and I hear that the producer subcommittee called “JA Kochi Prefecture Hata District Sukumo Subcommittee” is the center of production. Okra is native to the African continent and has been cultivated in Egypt for over 2000 years, and it is said that it entered Japan from the end of the Edo period to the beginning of the Meiji era. It seems that Sukumo City was established as an okra producing area around 1975. Until then, it was mainly paddy rice, but it seems that okra cultivation using paddy fields has begun as a crop that can generate stable profits. The reason is that it was thought to be suitable for warm and humid areas because it is vulnerable to cold and resistant to heat, dryness, and humidification.Initially, it seems that 30-40 households started outdoor cultivation. In 2013, there were 141 producers and the cultivation area reached 14 ha, but recently it has decreased due to the aging of the producers, and in 2018 it is said that the number of producers is 96 and the cultivation area is 9 ha. The main cropping types are house and open field (including tunnel) cultivation, but it seems that open field cultivation accounts for the majority. Sowing is done from February to April, and it seems that it will be harvested in about 70 days. It is said that it continues to ship from house cultivation to open field cultivation, mainly from April to early November. The optimum temperature for germination rate is 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, and it seems that the germination rate tends to decrease as the temperature decreases. The pale yellow flowers bloom(When giving a gift, it has a good meaning as a gift for a loved one.)about 60 days after sowing, and it seems to be harvested about 5 days after the flowers fall. In the hot summer months, the pods seem to grow about 4 cm a day. It is said that they are harvested every day because the fiber develops when the harvest is delayed and the taste is significantly impaired. Especially during the peak season from July to August, I hear that the harvest is done twice in the morning and evening. Therefore, it seems that the shipment volume will increase from July to August, and after September, the shipment volume will decrease as the temperature drops, and the shipment volume will be small in November. I also heard that the plant height at the end of harvest will be about 2 m. In order to ship early in the open field cultivation, it is said that mulching and a water bottle duct (hot water bottle: Originally from China, it seems to have been called “warming pan”. “Shoken 
Journal” (a diary written by Kiko Daishuku, a priest of the Rinzai sect in the middle of the Muromachi period, at Kaieji Temple in Sakai(大坂), where he spent his last years. An article from 1484-86 still exists). From the description of “warming pan” on October 9, 1486, it seems that it was already in Japan at least in the middle of the Muromachi period. Furthermore, it is written that it was imported during the Kamakura period.) are installed in the tunnel to raise the soil temperature, improve the germination rate and promote growth. Since continuous cropping reduces soil fertility and causes pests such as Nekobu nematode(Pratylenchus; penetranscobb's root-lesion nematode, Meloidogyne incognitasouthern(incognita); root-knot nematod), which reduces the yield. Therefore, when cultivating in the same field, paddy rice is cultivated for 3 years and then okra is cultivated to suppress the occurrence of Meloidogyne incognitasouthern. At the same time, it seems that they are trying to maintain the soil fertility. In addition, as an eco-friendly agriculture, producers have devised a cultivation method and are working on a difficult cultivation method called eco-cultivation that does not rely on pesticides as much as possible. JA Kochi Prefecture Hata District The variety shipped within the jurisdiction is “Early Five”. The characteristic of this product is that it has a clear pentagon and the meat quality is soft. From Takii & Co., Ltd., the plant height is medium and low, the internode length is medium and short, and the leaf size is medium and small, which is a relatively compact grass shape, so it seems that it is easy to cultivate in a house as well as in tunnel cultivation and open field cultivation. The pod color is dark green and seems to have excellent color gloss. Since the pods are less bent, it is said to have high marketability. In the case of direct sowing, there is no need to worry about late frost. Then sow. It is recommended to sprinkle 4 to 5 grains in one place and cover the soil to 2 to 3 cm. If the soil temperature in the field cannot be secured sufficiently at the time of sowing, raise seedlings. Sprinkle 4 to 5 grains in a 9 cm plastic pot and cover with soil about 1 cm. The germination is aligned by controlling the soil temperature at about 25 to 30 ° C. When there are about 3 true leaves, it seems better to plant them in the field, being careful not to cut the roots. Sufficient compost is applied in advance and deeply cultivated to create soil with good water retention and drainage. Topdressing should be started when one or two fruits are harvested, and care should be taken not to run out of fertilizer. Over-humidity in the early stages of growth tends to cause poor growth and dieback, and conversely, extreme drying tends to cause core clogging, so management is performed to maintain appropriate humidity. In addition, it is said that after the flowering and pod setting period, irrigation will be carried out as appropriate to maintain the grass vigor. In addition, it is said that it can maintain the yield until the latter half of cultivation and expect high yield because it has strong heat resistance and stamina at the same time as it pods a lot from the low node. In the jurisdiction, it seems that all the fruits are jointly selected to unify the quality. Producers will start harvesting in the field at sunrise, and will put the harvested products in containers and bring them to the fruit sorting plant. After that, the fruit sorters at the fruit sorting plant sort, pack the net with a machine, and stop the top of the net with a paper seal. According to the standard, 6 to 7 L's and 8 M's are packed, and each package weighs 5.6 kg before being delivered to the pre-cooler. We mainly ship M products with a length of 8.5 to 10.5 cm. In addition, the fruit sorting plant seems to be operating from April to November with 30 fruit sorting staff and 24 machines. The shipping volume is 2.6 tons per day on the days when the peak season is high, and the average is 1 ton. It seems that the products are packed and then delivered by truck. The main delivery destinations are Tohoku, Keihin, Chukyo, Hokuriku, Keihanshin, and Chugoku-Shikoku, and I hear that most of them are shipped to Chukyo and Keihanshin. It has been pointed out that the fruit sorting plant used to be a cause of quality deterioration because it had no air-conditioning equipment and had to perform fruit sorting work in the summer when the temperature inside the plant was high. For this reason, the subcommittee is discussing and introducing air conditioning equipment in FY2016, and is working on temperature control so that quality does not deteriorate. “Okra”, a specialty of Kochi prefecture, seems to be classified according to plant height, shape (round pods and seeds, pentagonal species, polygonal species), and pod color and length. There is a large difference in plant height depending on the variety, and some trees grow quite large in the tropics, and some pods have a length of nearly 20 cm. Looking at the main cultivars in Japan, green pentagonal varieties account for the majority, but it seems that there are also native varieties of round pods and red pods at direct sales offices. The optimum temperature for cultivation is as high as 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, and it is a perennial plant in the tropics, but it is an annual plant in Japan. JA Kochi Prefecture's Eastern Open-Air Vegetables Subcommittee has cultivated broccoli and cabbage as back crops for paddy fields. However, because it is a complementary item by producers who mainly grow paddy rice, the shipment volume is small and it is vulnerable to competition with other production areas, and the sales unit price seems to be unstable. Therefore, it seems that it was desired to introduce new promising items to replace them and to make them into production areas. Under these circumstances, he focused on “Chinese broccoli,” which can be cultivated in wet fields, has little competition with other production areas, and is expected to be in demand in the market. It is a kind of Chinese vegetable that is a member of cabbage and broccoli and is also called Chinese broccoli. I heard that the subcommittee started cultivating on a trial basis in 2009, and in 2011, set up the “芥藍; Kairan” department within the subcommittee and started full-scale production. However, since it is a new item, there are many unclear points in terms of cultivation, so the average yield is low and the number of growers seems to have been a problem. It seems that there is a reality that we have been working on securing the target yield by establishing cultivation technology and making “芥藍菜” a production area by expanding the area. In consultation with JA Kochi City, the rice cultivation department in the Kera and Otsu areas was selected as a cultivation promotion target in order to dig up new producers in 2015. In addition, I heard that they used the workshops of each subcommittee to explain the characteristics and outline of cultivation and enlightened them to introduce new products. At the beginning, 6 people showed interest in new planting, so as a result of individual interviews, 4 people started cultivation at 45 a. In order to acquire the skills of new growers at an early stage, we gave priority to on-the-spot guidance, and it seems that fertilizer and irrigation were properly performed and the plants grew smoothly. It seems that the number of producers in 2015 was 15 and the cultivated area expanded to 165 a. Since it is a newly introduced item, it seems that the cultivation management technology adapted to the area has not been established. Therefore, it seems that the appropriate fertilizer management model was formulated by organizing and analyzing past fertilizer management and yield data. In addition, it seems that the planting and harvesting methods were reviewed, and the cultivation calendar was revised and presented. I heard that at cultivation seminars and field study meetings, the level of the entire subcommittee was improved by instructing management methods according to the growth stage as well as basic cultivation techniques. The outbreak of “Plasmodiophora brassicae” reduced the yield, which seems to have been a big problem at that time. It seems that it has been seen in broccoli cultivation, but it was difficult to control it because of soil infectious diseases. Therefore, as new measures, correction of soil pH (degree of acidity and alkalinity) with alkaline materials such as converter slag and “decoy radish” : lump-reduced radish is a resistant variety, so it develops after primary infection (root hair infection). It does not seem to (skin layer infection). Therefore, it is said that it will reduce dormant spores in the soil and lead to suppression of root hair disease. Also, due to the effect of “flusulfamide agent” etc., the decoy effect on the spores sleeping in the soil cannot be expected. However, it seems that a decoy effect can be expected in the fields damaged by Plasmodiophora brassicae, where the bacteria are actively active. I heard that a field demonstration test is being conducted on a control method that reduces the density of pathogens in the field using. As a result, the control effect was confirmed in the interim survey using the test plant, and it is planned to continue the survey in the future. Furthermore, it seems that it is shipped mainly to the Kanto market, where demand is high, but it seems that there are some cases where the freshness is slightly reduced around October at the beginning of harvest. Therefore, it is said that the production subcommittee is working together to maintain quality, such as improving the harvesting / adjusting method, packaging method, and pre-cooling temperature. As for the packaging method mentioned earlier, partial packaging seems to be a patented technology developed by the Kochi Agricultural Technology Center, although the mechanism is not clear from the name alone. It seems that it was developed by its predecessor, Mr. Yoshitaka Suzuki, in cooperation with packaging equipment manufacturers and distributors. As the name implies, it seems to refer to a partially bonded packaging form. It seems that it means to wrap it with a very small gap without sealing it. Fruits and vegetables are constantly breathing, so if they are completely sealed, oxygen will be lost and they will not be able to breathe. On the contrary, it seems that if you are in normal air, you will breathe too much and consume energy. By putting air (oxygen) in a bag to make the inside of the bag low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide, respiration and production of aging hormones are suppressed. In addition, it is a well-known fact that the rate of decrease in freshness slows down. Therefore, it was known that lowering the oxygen concentration would make it last longer. It seems that the big advantage of partial seal packaging is that it can be realized at low cost. It seems that the main body of the packaging machine is expensive, but since it is possible to realize partial seal packaging just by changing the relatively inexpensive tooth mold, it is possible to introduce it at low cost, and I heard that it was widely adopted by each agricultural cooperative and market in the prefecture. Duplicate, but please forgive me. Freshness preservation technology by partial seal packaging: Developed “partial seal packaging” as a simple and low-cost freshness preservation packaging method. Obtained a patent in 2001 (Patent No. 3259166). A method of adjusting gas permeability by leaving fine voids in the welded part when mechanically packaging fruits and vegetables with a film. By changing the size of the void, it seems that the amount of gas permeated in the bag can be adjusted to a small amount. The inside of the bag becomes hypoxic and high carbon dioxide, the respiratory action of fruits and vegetables is suppressed, and a high freshness-maintaining effect appears. Since this packaging can be carried out simply by replacing the center seal roller of the packaging machine, it seems easy to introduce the technology to the production area. Welsh onions were shipped in Styrofoam containers, but the development of this packaging method has made it possible to ship in cardboard boxes, significantly reducing shipping material costs. I often see them lately. This method has been introduced as a practical technology in the production areas of garlic chives, green onions, and green onions. Also for Chinese Kale introduced this time. Exports of agricultural products are subject to harsher conditions than domestic distribution, so the freshness of agricultural products has declined significantly, and it seems that they are forced to use airmail, which has high transportation costs. At the Kochi Agricultural Technology Center, in the research project “Establishment of super-partial freshness-preserving packaging technology for fruits and vegetables” from 2008 to 2009, freshness-preserving packaging for sea mail, whose transportation cost is 1/10 of that of air mail. Developed the technology. We have improved the partial seal packaging to handle shipping that takes about a week, and have also conducted export tests for net melons, high sugar content tomatoes, garlic chives, green onions, etc. to Taiwan, Malaysia, and Hong Kong. In Japan, there were scenes of encountering high temperatures, but after being delivered to the Leafa container, it remained in a low temperature and high humidity environment of around 3 ° C and 80%, and it was found that it was hardly placed in high temperatures even after arriving in Taiwan. That's right. It seems that the softening inhibitory effect of netmelon and high sugar content tomato, and the green retention effect of garlic and green onion were confirmed. I heard that the handling of luggage was rough by sea, and some cardboard boxes were crushed or torn. In addition to this, the person in charge was in the process of developing freshness-preserving packaging technology for okra, broccoli, brassica flower, asparagus, etc.

Bolting is easy, using young leaves and growing flower stalks, but it is also possible to eat from a young age. Isothiocyanate derived from Brassicaceae does not exist in vegetables as it is, but in the state of tasteless and odorless glucosinolate (mustard oil glycoside) and indole-3-carbinol (C9H9NO) in the cell. Clearly isolated. In addition, since cells are destroyed by eating, they are produced by the action of an enzyme called myrosinase that exists in different places. Since test results have shown that it has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects, expectations for the prevention of chronic diseases in cruciferous vegetables are increasing.

I hear that the roots are broccoli cultivated on the Mediterranean coast, which has been mutated or improved to its present form. In Japan, Shizuoka was the first to cultivate, and it seems that it is spreading mainly in the Kanto region after that.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Nagasaki Prefecture GAP is the first prefecture in Japan to promote GAP (Agricultural Production Process Management) in order to reduce the environmental load in the agricultural production process, the safety of agricultural products, and the maintenance and promotion of the health of consumers and farmers. ), And also has introduction / management guidelines and inspection styles (check sheets), and embodies the form of agriculture that Nagasaki Prefecture should aim for in accordance with the “Nagasaki Prefecture Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Promotion Ordinance, which is friendly to people and the environment.” Formulated to further promote. Efforts of agricultural workers and government agencies to increase the momentum for GAP initiatives such as expanding exports and developing agricultural human resources.

I heard that the site of the Katashima torpedo launch test site by the sea in Mitsugoe Township was the remains of a military facility opened in 1918, about 103 years ago, and was responsible for the performance inspection of torpedoes. It is said that there are some remains that have already disappeared in Kawatana Town. During the war, the “red brick warehouse” at the site of the Kawatana Navy Arsenal, which had spread throughout Momozugo, was so old that it could not be repaired or relocated, and the town seems to have demolished it in January 2020. The arsenal was opened in October 1942 as a branch factory of the Sasebo Naval Arsenal. The following year, he became independent and mainly manufactured the “Type 91 aviation torpedo” that was also used in the attack on Pearl Harbor. The feelings of the local residents are strong, but the wartime remains in the town are not limited to Kawatana, but are important in the history of Japan. Not only whether the remains will be a tourism resource, but also the perspective of preserving cultural properties must be considered. Because it is a small island country, it is important to step on it so as not to extinguish the lights of traditions and cultures that our predecessors left behind for us. We must never be involved in war again, but I think that a peaceful world is the prosperity of humankind and the way to believe. Hopefully, don't fall into the developing world from developed countries.

【Product Name】
Aji Hope, Prefectural Central Dream No. 1
Citrus unshiu (Swingle) Marcow.
【Jurisdiction area】
Isahaya City, Omura City, Nagasaki Prefecture, Higashisonogi Town, Higashisonogi County, Kawatana Town, Hasami Town (JA Nagasaki Prefecture Central, JA Zenno Nagasaki)
【Derived from the name】
Occurrence of summer branches, removal of lining vinyl, heating, promotion of coloring and prevention of sunburn etc. Satsuma oranges that have been lovingly raised through various processes.
【Major features】
Nagasaki Prefecture is located in the westernmost part of the mainland, in the northwestern part of Kyushu. It has a prefecture area of ​​213 km east-west and 307 km north-south. A major topographical feature is that about 80% of the land consists of peninsulas and islands, and the land is rich in undulations, so it seems that the land is scarce. The average annual temperature in the northwestern part of the Shimabara Peninsula, which is the main production area of ​​potatoes, is 15.7 degrees Celsius, and the annual rainfall is 2300 mm. It is an area with a long frost-free period from early April. In addition, many typhoons approach and land, which can cause enormous damage to agricultural products, and it is said that farming is carried out under severe land and weather conditions. In the prefecture, the spring potatoes, which are called “new potatoes” in the market and are shipped from April to June, seem to start harvesting starting from Fukue Island in the Goto Islands. It seems that it will move to the northwestern part of the Shimabara Peninsula and will reach the end in the Iimori district of Isahaya city on the opposite bank. I heard that all of them are cultivated in warm regions facing the sea. It is said that Nagasaki Prefecture's potatoes entered Nagasaki Port from Java (now Indonesia) in 1598 by the Dutch. After that, I heard that it has been cultivated all over the country while being used as a famine crop during several famines. According to records since the beginning of the modern era, about 500 ha was cultivated at the end of the Meiji era, and it seems that the largest area was 2987 ha in 1945 and 8570 hectares in 1954 immediately after the end of the war. However, from the following year, it started to decrease, and it is said that it will be 4000 ha in 2013. Cultivation is divided into five cropping types, mainly in the autumn cropping from September to December and the spring cropping from March to June, which can secure the optimum temperature for growth, resulting in five cropping patterns, and the harvest is in November. It seems to be mid-June of the following year. Autumn cultivation is mainly cultivated on the Shimabara Peninsula, and the shipment volume is about 5,500 tons. Since it is cultivated in the open field, it is easily affected by the drought in autumn, and the yield is small due to the time of the typhoon, so the crop seems to be unstable. Autumn mulch cultivation seems to be cultivated in the warm areas of the Shimabara Peninsula, where the first frost is delayed. The shipment volume is about 4500 tons. Winter tunnel cultivation is mainly cultivated on Fukue Island, and the shipment volume is about 300 tons. Previously, it was actively planted on the Shimabara Peninsula, but it seems that it has shifted from tunnels to non-woven solid coating due to the inability to secure yields for the labor and cost. At the southern tip of the Shimabara Peninsula, which is the main cropping type of the prefecture and is a frost-free area, it seems that the harvest is from late April to mid-June when the rain falls. The shipment volume was about 37,000 tons in 2015. Since the yield is affected by frost damage, it seems that a non-woven solid coating is used as in winter crops in order to secure a stable and early shipment volume. Since it is cultivated twice a year in spring and autumn, unique varieties suitable for double-cropping in warm regions are cultivated. In 1971, the high-yielding and tasty “Dejima” was cultivated in both spring and autumn, and in 1978, the extremely high-yielding “Nishiyutaka(In 1970, at the Nagasaki Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry Center Aino Potato Center, artificial mating of “Dejima” as a mother and father “Chokei No. 65” was carried out (Saikai No.15). In 1978, it was registered as a variety as “Bareisho Norin No.23”. Suitable for warm southwestern regions, excellent in fertility. Expected to grow and harvest in spring and autumn(Since the crops were swollen and the yield was high, the cultivation increased rapidly especially in spring mulching since 1985.)The flesh is pale yellow and the flesh is moist. The leaf color's dark green, which is slightly darker than “Dejima”. The leaflets are a little thick inside and reach a little sparse. 「Plasmodium resistance major gene: Epidemic resistance leading gene」Ralstonia solanacearum(bacterial disease of eggplant: To provide a bacterial wilt disease resistant inducer which contains a compound indicating resistant induction activity against a bacterial wilt disease as an effective component, and a bacterial wilt disease prevention method using the compound. -Patent Office), Bacterial soft rot(soft rot pathogen: To provide a mass production method of seed potato seedlings, capable of preventing rot and soft rot of a rooting zone to increase probability of survival, and mass-producing at one time nondisease seed potato seedlings capable of increasing percentage of rootage when planting. To provide a method for increasing tubers such as calla tubers or the likes, achieved in increasing tubers such as calla tubers or the likes in a warm area such as Japan or the like, by inhibiting generation of soft rot and activities of endotrophic mycorrhiza. -Patent Office)In addition, it is slightly stronger than “Mother: Dejima” and has moderate or higher resistance to tuber rot. Weak to powdery potato common scab (spongospora subterranea, causative strain, 16S rRNA gene (Prokaryote, gene sequence) or 16S rRNA gene to amplify between ITS region (Ribosomal DNA; rDNA; Eukaryote), a novel primer pair, And a method for detecting and identifying the causative strain of potato scab using them.(NEW PRIMER PAIR FOR AMPLIFYING BETWEEN ITS REGIONS FROM 16SrRNA GENE OR 16SrRNA GENE OF POTATO SCAB-CAUSING STRAIN, AND METHOD FOR DETECTING AND IDENTIFYING POTATO SCAB-CAUSING STRAIN WITH THE NEW PRIMER PAIR- Patent Office), From Potato mop-top virus, it is transmitted by tuber brown ring pattern disease. Somewhat weak resistance. However, the field resistance is quite strong. Since there's little dehiscence of potatoes and little breakage of foliage due to the wind, it's widely suitable for the second cropping area in western Japan.)” was cultivated, and it is said that it is now the main variety of round varieties. On the other hand, as soil diseases such as Spongospora subterranea and Pseudomonas solanacearum, and resistant varieties such as Globodera rostochiensis, “Aiyutaka(According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries variety registration, this variety was bred by crossing “Dejima” with “Chokei No. 108”. The potato shape is oval, the skin color is white yellow, and the flesh color is pale yellow. Potato cyst nematode It is a variety suitable for cooking with resistance. The flora is slightly upright, the individual weight type and the number type are slightly individual weight type, the stem length is short, the thickness is medium, the stem color (primary color) is green, the number of branches is slightly small, and the leaf color is The density of green and leaflet is medium, the number of hair mushrooms on the leaves is small, the number of flowers is rare, the flower color (primary color) is reddish purple, the flower color (secondary color) is white, and the distribution is even. The length of the branch is a little short, the depth of the potato set is a little shallow, the length of the potato is a little long, the flatness is weak, the shape is oval, the skin color is white-yellow, the rough skin is slippery, the eyes The depth is extremely shallow, the flesh color is pale yellow, the dormant period is a little short, the dying period is medium, the early hypertrophy is a little fast, the upper potatoes are quite heavy, the number of upper potatoes is medium, and the average weight of one upper potato is a little. Large, slightly sticky to medium flesh, medium resistance to Y mosaic disease, weak resistance to epidemic field, and putative genotype of potato cyst nematode resistance is H1. Compared to “Digima”, it has a shorter stem length, a reddish-purple flower color with white stripes, and a potato cyst nematode resistance putative genotype(Derived from the strain “CPC1673” cultivated in the highlands of South America, “Atlantic”, “Aiyutaka”, “Sayaka”, “Toya”, etc. have the “Rx”1 gene: Potatoes.) of H1, so it is compared with “Nishiyutaka”. Then, it is said that the distinction is recognized by the fact that the flower color is reddish purple and white stripes are included, the rough skin of the epidermis is slippery, and the putative genotype of potato cyst nematode resistance is H1.)” was cultivated in 2002 and “Sanjumaru(The origin of the variety name is that it has three excellent characteristics: “resistant to pests”, “high yield”, and “good appearance”. Announcement of variety registration application in August 2010.)” was cultivated in 2010. May queen is cultivated in spring crops and seems to ship about 8,000 tons from mid-May to June. The annual sales amount varies greatly depending on the year, and it seems that it is an item with large price fluctuations, but the handling volume has remained relatively stable at 40,000 to 50,000 tons in the past 10 years (as of 2015). Seems to be there. This is because more than 80% of the handling volume utilizes ALIC's designated vegetable price stabilization business, so risk management when the market selling price falls functions and reproduction is secured. This seems to be because it greatly contributes to the maintenance of production area and quantity. The shipping period is from November to July, and the main shipping time is from May to June. It seems that the occupancy rate of Nagasaki potatoes in the Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market in 2014 was 46% in May and 56% in June, and 72% in May and 82% in June in the Osaka Central Wholesale Market. Nagasaki Prefectural Central Agricultural Cooperative is located in the southern part of Nagasaki Prefecture. It has jurisdiction over 2 cities and 3 towns: Isahaya City, Omura City, Higashisonogi Town, Kawatana Town, and Hasami Town. The climate is mild, with an average annual temperature of 16.3 degrees Celsius, precipitation of 2294 mm, and sunshine hours of 1866 hours. Winters are also relatively warm, with snowfall only once every few years. It is said that various agriculture such as vegetables such as onions, potatoes and strawberries, livestock and fruit trees are being developed in the jurisdiction. Onions in the Isahaya area are cultivated in the Isahaya Plain, including the Isahaya reclamation, from the hills at the foot of the Tara Mountains. JA's Onion Subcommittee produces from ultra-early onions for fruits and vegetables to processed and commercial onions. Seeding begins in mid-September, planting is carried out from November to December, and from late March to June. It seems to ship until the middle of the beginning. It has been cultivated in this area since 1901, more than 100 years ago, and in 1973, it was designated as a designated vegetable production area, and full-scale co-sale shipments began. Since then, he has continued efforts to meet the needs of club members, such as improving the fruit sorting area, and is said to maintain a co-sale rate of almost 100% even now. Looking at the shipping destinations, it seems that the Kansai market such as Kobe, Osaka and Kyoto is 70%, the Chushikoku market such as Hiroshima is 20%, and the Kyushu market such as Fukuoka is 10%. In the subcommittee, the number of producers is decreasing due to the aging of the club members, and it seems that the number of club members, which exceeded 300 in 1998, fell below 200 in 2013. However, during this period, the cultivation area increased from about 70 ha to 90 ha due to labor saving by introducing machines, and the shipment volume exceeded 4000 tons in 2011. In addition, it is said that it has newly worked on the production of processed and commercial onions, and the sales amount exceeded 400 million yen in 2014. Recently, I heard that the number of members in 2016 was 176, the planted area was 108 ha, and the production volume was 3116 tons. It seems that the subcommittee introduced environmentally friendly cultivation technology with the aim of producing safe and secure onions in the wake of the transaction with the co-op that started in 1996. In 2002, we started analysis of residual pesticides. In 2003, he thoroughly recorded the history of pesticide application, and in 2004, he was certified as an environmentally friendly farmer (as recognized by law). Furthermore, since 2010, it is said that it has been working on the acquisition of Nagasaki Prefecture GAP(Good Agricultural Practice)for the purpose of risk management in agricultural work processes and maintenance of producers' health. In addition, since there is an Isahaya Bay reclamation pond, which is a closed water area, and improvement of water quality is an issue, green manure crops such as solgo are cultivated after harvesting onions to prevent soil runoff and conduct soil analysis. It seems that they are working to purify the water quality of the preparation pond by striving for proper fertilization. The subcommittee has been producing early-maturing onions for fruits and vegetables for many years, but the labor was concentrated on planting and harvesting, making it difficult to expand the cultivation area. Therefore, since 2012, since the shipping time is late, the cropping type has been extended, the concentration of labor can be avoided, and the shipping preparation work has been simplified at a fixed price. Since 2014, it is said that it is trying to improve income and stabilize management by expanding the cultivation area by utilizing the processing and commercial vegetable production base strengthening project, which is a public offering project of the Agriculture and Livestock Industries Corporation. In addition, the subcommittees hold general meetings, shipping councils, branch-specific roundtable discussions, production promotion competitions, shipping eye-matching meetings, and fairs, as well as pest control patrols and study meetings for new varieties and fertilizers. , Active activities such as demonstrations of new machines are underway. I explained the actual situation of the agricultural cooperative with reference to the materials, but next I would like to move on to the introduction of the jurisdiction and the area. “Isahaya City, Nagasaki Prefecture”, It is located almost in the center of the prefecture. It faces three seas with different characteristics: the tidal flat Ariake Sea in the east, the inland sea Omura Bay in the west, and the open sea Tachibana Bay in the south. The Honmyo River is the only first-class river in the prefecture that flows through the beautifully towering mountains of the Tatara Mountains and the central part of the city. Downstream of it is a vast reclaimed land, blessed with a rich and diverse natural environment. The Isahaya Plain, formed by reclamation for more than 400 years, is the largest breadbasket in the prefecture. The fertile hills are a specialty of vegetables, strawberries and mandarin oranges. It has an industrial park, which is one of the prefecture's leading industrial clusters, and has the second largest shipment value of manufactured goods in the prefecture. One city and five towns merged on March 1, 2005. We are promoting town development aiming at the realization of “Isahaya, a creative city where humans shine”. It is warm all year round, with little winter snow, and has a good balance of rich nature and transportation access. With a total area of ​​341.79 km2, annual average temperature, about 16.4 ° C, annual precipitation of about 2,329. City Designated Cultural Property : 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 島原の乱戦没者追悼碑, 西小路町, 昭和54年4月1日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 愛宕山の肥前鳥居, 宇都町, 昭和56年8月28日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 愛宕社宝殿と三重塔, 宇都町, 昭和60年1月31日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 旧早川家住宅, 小野島町, 平成5年7月23日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 化屋 / 阿蘇神社の二の鳥居と三の鳥居, 多良見町, 平成10年7月3日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 十六善神社の一の鳥居と二の鳥居, 多良見町, 平成10年7月3日, 有形文化財 / 建造物伝 : 「円通寺」跡の石塔群, 多良見町, 平成10年7月3日,有形文化財 / 建造物 : 井樋尾「御境石」多良見町, 平成11年7月27日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 化屋名塩浜跡石碑, 多良見町, 平成11年7月27日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 慶師野の将棋墓, 森山町, 平成14年4月3日, 有形文化財 / 建造物 : 西川内堤改修記念碑, 多良見町, 平成16年4月26日, 有形文化財 / 工芸品 : 肥前長崎の焼物, 東小路町, 平成19年2月1日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 市杵島神社の馬頭観音, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 金泉寺の千手観音像, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 田結観音寺の聖観世音菩薩像, 飯盛町, 平成3年5月21日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 唐比権現の神像と仏像, 森山町, 平成15年8月11日, 有形文化財 / 彫刻 : 旧荘厳寺木造阿弥陀三尊立像, 金谷町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財 / 絵画 : 江の浦 / 熊野神社の天井絵と絵馬, 飯盛町, 昭和63年12月20日, 有形文化財 / 絵画 : 諫早家歴代肖像画, 西小路町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財 / 絵画 : 林公琰肖像画, 飯盛町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財 / 石造 : 物代官モクどんの石棺, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日,有形文化財 / 石造 : 物唐比権現石塔群, 森山町, 平成15年8月11日, 有形文化財 / 歴史資料 : 唐比のくり舟, 森山町, 昭和56年7月14日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 高屋家文書, 多良見町, 平成12年8月23日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 円満寺の東照宮様寺法拾五ヶ条御垂範, 多良見町, 平成15年2月25日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 化屋組記事簿, 多良見町平成16年4月26日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 喜々津村, 漁業組合関係書類, 多良見町, 平成17年2月18日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 多良嶽山観世音菩薩縁起并讃, 高来町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形文化財 / 古文書 : 太良嶽縁起, 高来町, 令和元年11月1日, 有形民俗文化財 : 天祐寺の六地蔵石幢, 西小路町, 昭和52年3月5日, 有形民俗文化財 : 田原の六地蔵石幢, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 有形民俗文化財 : 開の辻の六地蔵石幢, 下大渡野町, 昭和56年8月27日, 有形民俗文化財 : 慶巌寺の磨崖仏三十三観音, 城見町, 昭和59年7月26日, 有形民俗文化財 : 久山の磨崖仏三十三観音, 久山町, 昭和59年7月26日, 有形民俗文化財 : 水ノ浦のスクイ漁場, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 無形民俗文化財 : 本村浮立と白塔掛打, 森山町, 昭和60年5月31日, 天然記念物 : 津水 / 熊野神社の植物群, 津水町, 昭和52年3月5日, 天然記念物 : 天初院のヒゼンマユミ群生地, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 天然記念物 : 向島のノアサガオ群生地, 飯盛町, 平成12年1月12日, 天然記念物 : 長里・阿蘇神社のヒゼンマユミ群生地, 小長井町, 平成17年2月14日, 天然記念物 : 池下のアコウ, 飯盛町, 平成3年5月21日, 天然記念物 : “伊木力のコミカン”, 多良見町, 平成15年2月25日, 天然記念物 : 群のクロガネモチ, 多良見町, 平成16年4月26日, 名勝 : 金比羅山頂, 小野町, 昭和52年3月5日, 名勝 : 川下の牛のはなぐり, 飯盛町, 昭和63年12月20日, 史跡 : 御手水観音の磨崖仏群, 御手水町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 善納岩陰, 湯野尾町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 本明石棺群, 本明町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 大村街道, 破籠井町, 昭和52年3月5日, 史跡 : 大峰古墳, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 城山古墳群, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 南平墓石群, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 岩宗墓石群, 小長井町, 昭和52年9月26日, 史跡 : 若杉春后居宅跡, 森山町, 昭和56年7月14日, 史跡 : 善神さん古墳, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日, 史跡 : 金泉寺の石垣と墓石群, 高来町, 昭和62年3月2日,史跡 :横津の石槨, 飯盛町, 昭和63年12月20日,史跡 : 飯盛鬼塚古墳, 飯盛町, 平成12年1月12日, 史跡 : 土橋貞恵墓地, 森山町, 平成14年4月3日, 史跡 : 陣野家墓地, 森山町, 平成14年4月3日, 史跡 : 上井牟田の歴代庄屋の墓, 森山町, 平成14年4月3日, 史跡 : 柏原古墳群, 森山町, 平成15年8月11日, 史跡 : 中里虚空蔵さん, 多良見町, 平成17年2月18日. “Omura City, Nagasaki Prefecture,” Located in the northwestern part of Kyushu. In ancient times, the Christian daimyo “Sumitada Omura-Ko” ruled. In the Meiji era, the 46th Infantry Regiment was stationed. The Naval Air Corps was established in the Taisho era. In the Showa period, the 21st Navy Air Factory, which boasts the best in the Orient, was established. During this period, it prospered as a military city. April 1, 1889 : The act of the City, town, and village was carried out. There were eight villages in one town. In 1925, one town and one village merged to form Omura Town. Furthermore, in 1939, Nishi-Omura and Takematsu Village merged with Omura Town. Installed by Navy Air Factory on February 11, 1942 : Five villages merged with Omura Town and the city administration was enforced. After that, in 1963, Mururo Township, Higashisonogi Town, was incorporated and continues to the present day. Then, in May 1975, the world's first Marine Airport was completed. NAGASAKI EXPRESSWAY opened in 1990, and KOBA SMART IC opened in 2018. The Kyushu Shinkansen West Kyushu Route is scheduled to open in 2022. Promote town development that takes advantage of the convenience of transportation access. Omura Boat Race Ground : Established on April 6, 1952 as Japan's first speedboat racecourse. A motorboat race has begun in Omura Bay. There are twenty-four places nationwide, but the city is the birthplace of boat racing. A large-scale vision will be installed in 1996. It is popular as a state-of-the-art leisure facility. Prunus lannesiana ‘Mirabilis’(Nationally designated natural monument), A rare variety of cherry blossoms discovered and named from the village cherry blossoms of Omura Shrine. There are many Sepals and petals, and all flowers are double-flowered. Kuroda five inches carrot(About 6.5 centimeters long)Carrot original species breeding society : Omura City specialty. Japan's only breeding group for the original species organized by Farmers. Around the end of the Taisho Period, Mr. Tadashi KURODA of Kuromaru Town introduced Maruyama-Gosun from Japan Agriculture and Forestry. Nagasaki-Gosun was also cultivated in the same area. Mr. Kuroda and Mr. Yoshida repeat seeding from 1935 to 1945. Then, the Natural Crossing is cultivated by improving the color of the core. In 1973, KURODA Gosun was cultivated in about 50% of the total area of ​​carrot designated production areas nationwide. In 1960, a training group was formed. This variety has very strong heat resistance-Summer sowing type varieties. The root color is the darkest of the carrot varieties, deep red-orange to the center. It has a very high CAROTENE content, and the meat is soft and has no carrot odor. The taste is the best, especially as a healthy food such as raw food and juice. City tangible cultural property : 本経寺大村家墓碑群, 古町, 有形文化財 : 大村出土のメダリオン「無原罪の聖母」, 大村市歴史資料館内, 有形文化財 : 大村市原口郷出土のキリシタン墓碑, 大村市歴史資料館内, 有形文化財 : 旧楠本家住宅, 玖島, 史跡 : 大村今富のキリシタン墓碑, 今富町, 史跡 : 五教館御成門, 玖島, 史跡 : 大村藩お船蔵跡, 玖島, 天然記念物 : 多良岳センダイソウ群落, 黒木町, 天然記念物 : 五ヶ原岳ツクシシャクナゲ群落, 大村市五家原岳周辺, 天然記念物 : 大村神社のクシマザクラ, 玖島, 天然記念物 : 大村城跡のマキ, 玖島, 天然記念物 : 玖島崎樹叢, 玖島. “Higashisonogi Town, Higashisonogi District’, It is located almost in the center of the prefecture. The town of Green Tea, Mandarin Oranges and Whales.It is also known as the gateway to Nagasaki Prefecture, where people, products and information gather. It used to be the post town of the Nagasaki Highroad and the starting point of the Hirato Highroad. A town crowded with many merchants, samurai, and sometimes foreign visitors. Hundreds of years from the beginning of the Edo period to the Meiji era : It prospered as a center for whaling and whale meat trading. Landed whales were being sent to various parts of Kyushu. In addition to the historical features of these highways and whales, there are many places in the town, you can also see many old burial mounds and ruins. In addition, about three hundred Neophocaena phocaenoides(Finless porpoise ; Dorsal finless dolphin : Whale companion)inhabited Omura bay at that time. ‘Camphor tree’ : It is an evergreen tree that is extremely historically related and has a fragrance. Selected based on the symbolism of the town, historical background, and those that match nature-Established on October 23, 1989. Cosmos : A herb of annual plants. Flower language “girl's chastity, girl's affection.” It was selected based on its ease of cultivation and gentleness. In addition, there is strength in simplicity and evokes a refreshing feeling-Established on October 23, 1989. The town has a mild climate throughout the year. Fertile farmland spreads from the plains to the mountains. Famous for green tea, mandarin orange, strawberry, asparagus, beef cattle and rice. Among them, Green tea is branded as “Sonogi Tea” and represents the prefecture. Highlands with an altitude of 150 to 350 m overlooking Omura Bay and slopes in the deep green mountains : There is a tea plantation, and the total area is about 400 ha. It occupies 55% of the tea plantation area in Nagasaki prefecture. Approximately 440 t(440,000 kg)of dried tea leaves are produced annually by 270 farmers in the town. This accounts for 60% of the prefecture's production and is rooted in local industry. Sonogi TEA : It refers to Nagasaki Tamaryokucha, which follows the traditional flow of hand-roasted green tea fired in hot pans after a short withering (common Chinese technique) : It is called steamed ‘Tamaryokucha’ because of the finishing method. It is very rare, with only about 3% share of the national Green TEA production. Unlike sencha, the external appearance has a round shape like a magatama : It is characterized by its mellow taste with less astringency. We will make various efforts to make more people aware of this deliciousness. Persons involved in the town, including the Promotion Council : PR activities at events, campaigns, etc., Promote brand establishment and further spread. In July 2016, the town enacted the “Shaza Cafe Ordinance.” ZEN's word for hospitable, “Sit down and enjoy TEA.” This ordinance is for celebrations, banquets, dinners, etc., the idea is to spread the habit of toasting cold tea with water in a glass(TEA's toast ordinance). Increase opportunities for Children to interact with TEA and foster a love for hospitality and hometown. Understanding of local industry development and local patriotism through increased consumption. The purpose is deep and interesting. Roadside station-Sonogi's villa : We sell(Including tea)specialty crops, fresh vegetables / fruits, box lunch, etc. It is close to Higashisonogi IC and is crowded with many people every day. Adjacent restaurant : Whale meat, dago-jiru set meal, japanese mixed rice, etc.,it is popular because you can enjoy local meals. Closed days December 31st-January 3rd. Soon, local governments and others have expressed a sense of crisis about climate change. Working on measures “Climate emergency declaration ; Climate emergency declaration” : Junior high school students in the town are collecting signatures to get them out in the town. Christian tombstones in Higashisonogi Town (2 units): Sedo Township : Designated as a prefectural tangible cultural property on February 26, 2001. 1643年(寛永20年)-“元和七年, 一瀬志ゅ阿ん”, A historic site designated by the prefecture in 1962, and donated by an individual in 2000. “Kawatana Town”, It is located almost in the center of the prefecture. It is famous as a scenic town facing Omura Bay. To the east, Mt. Kokuzo, an altitude of 608 m, rises. The source Ishiki River joins the beautiful Kawatana River. It flows into Omura Bay while flowing through the central part of the town. Its clean stream and abundant amount of water harmonize with the deep green mountains and the beautiful sea. Throughout its long history, it has supported people's lives and enriched their lives. “Kawatana hometown museum”, This facility is located within the arts and sciences center. The purpose is to preserve local materials and pass them on to future generations. It opened in 1984. Inside the building, the house with thatched roof is reproduced, and living tools are displayed.In addition, the armor handed down to Kawatana's house, which was the territory of Omura : Has been run with farm horses -Pictures that record the state of agriculture and materials of farm tool. Ein Olympic Tower(Town designated tangible folk cultural property): Inscription of 1297 -It is said to be the oldest in the prefecture for which the year of production is known. This stone is called chlorite-schist ; Chlorite / serpentine / epidote. It has been produced for a long time around Saikai City on the Nishisonogi Peninsula of the prefecture. Minamoto no Nagamori-Ko's widow nun at the end of the Kamakura period. “Houa(Lacquer)” : Built during life for Holding a memorial service for oneself(Doing Buddhist affairs for the afterlife of oneself before life). “Green Tohi Fresh Market”, Clear stream firefly rice, Nagasaki Wagyu beef, asparagus, strawberries(Sachinoka, Toyonoka, Mitsuko), Agricultural and livestock products such as small skewered tomatoes, tea, mandarin oranges, and persimmons : Processed food using local agricultural products etc. Also, sea cucumber caught in the blessed Omura Bay. 川棚町教育委員会 2010 『麻生瀬(Asoze)遺跡2』川棚町文化財調査報告書2, 圓場整備遺跡概要種別時代, 縄文時代, 縄文土器, 弥生時代中期後半の成人甕棺墓, 古代末から中世初期にかけての掘立柱, 弥生時代, 甕棺墓2, 箱式石棺墓2, 弥生土器, 甕棺, 管玉1, 集落, 古代(細分不明), 掘立柱建物, 中国産輸入陶磁器, 中世(細分不明), 掘立柱建物, 滑石製品. “Hasami Town”, Located in the northern part of Higashisonogi District, almost in the center of the prefecture.Sasebo City in the west and Kawatana Town in the south. Adjacent to Takeo City and Ureshino City in Saga Prefecture in the east. The north borders Arita Town, Nishimatsuura District, Saga Prefecture.East-west 10.5 km, north-south 7.0 km, circumference 33 km. Total area 56.00 km2. It is also the only town in the prefecture that does not face the sea. It has prospered(hasami porcelain : Climbing kiln from the Edo period)as one of the best kimono towns in Japan with a tradition of 400 years. Approximately 10% or more of daily tableware used in ordinary households. There are about 400 offices related to earthenware in the town. Many people are engaged in ceramic-related work. It is also focusing on the modernization of agriculture. The prefectorial farmland consolidation farming village improvement model project is also implemented as the first in the prefecture. About 80% or more of the 650 hectares of paddy field have been reorganized. An integrated rice and wheat work system has been established that connects work with large agricultural machines and rice processing facilities. The surplus labor force of the farmer generated by this : Linked to employment in the ceramics-related industry, which is a local industry : A place where agriculture and industry continue to develop together.Kokuzo Mountains to the south, East and North to the Jiniroku Mountains : 100-500 m mountains of the Kobotake mountain range undulate in the west. Kawatana River extending from east and north to south-southwest in the center -Orishikise, Shuku, Tanokashira, Takebeda, Hirano : Along this line, each district forms a flat part. In addition, paddy fields are cultivated with a series of slightly dense villages. Forests are from upland fields on slopes -It reaches the top of the mountain and surrounds the entire town to form a forest resource area.Geological features ; Third layer hills and liparite type -Mountainous areas such as undulations scattered everywhere. The alluvial flat part enters between them, forming a complicated terrain. “Hizen wave Sami ceramics kiln trace” : 5 old kiln ruins and 2 Ceramic-related ruins -Designated as a national historic site on September 6, 2000. Hatanohara kiln trace (Muragi Township) Mitsunomata Township celadon kiln trace (Mitsunomata Township) Nagatayama kiln trace (Iseki Township) Nakaogo Noboru kiln trace (Nakao Township) Nagaomoto Noboru kiln trace (Nagao Township) Sarayama government office trace (Nagao Township) ) Mitsunomatago Ishikawa Pottery Stone Mound (Mitsunomata Township)'. The history of Nagasaki Mikan is that in 1780 (Tenmei era), the lord of the Omura feudal lord, Prince Omura Junjin, was the Satsuma feudal clan's “Nagashima Mikan” (Izumi-gun (former)). : Higashimachi) Wenshu Mikan in Nagaogo Town) was cultivated by Mr. Yuiemon Tanaka, Mr. Rinemon Tanaka, and Mr. Tsuguemon Nakamichi in Ikirikimura, Mitsunomatago (currently Tarami Town, Mitsunomatago). listening.(Citrus Unshiu has heard that the seeds brought back from China by the envoy to Tang China began to bear fruit and were found in Kagoshima.)It is said that “Ikiriki-based Citrus unshiu” has been cultivated from the Ikiriki region and has been cultivated, and saplings have been shipped nationwide. In 1876, mandarin oranges were sold by hand in the castle town. In addition, from around 1887, the production area of ​​mandarin oranges was expanded in'Ikiriki Village', and even today, the area is the main production area in Nagasaki Prefecture. From 1961, “Fruit Tree Agriculture Promotion Special Measures Law Enforcement (Cabinet Order No. 145)”, the Nagasaki Prefecture Citrus Promotion Plan was formulated, and the citrus cultivation area increased rapidly throughout the prefecture. Demand for fruit trees in Japan is generally declining and stagnant, and there is a growing tendency for small quantities to be sold as other items and for good quality. Many fruits, including mandarin oranges, are in overproduction. There are increasing demands from other countries to expand imports of fruits and fruit products. In order to achieve sound development, it is necessary to deal with the overproduction trend of fruits.Induce production that responds to trends. Fostering independent fruit tree farmers who can be the core players in the production area. And it is necessary to further strengthen the constitution of fruit tree agriculture. The system for promoting fruit tree agriculture was strengthened(Partial amendment of Law No. 15, July 1, 1985). To the prefectural governor, the then Vice-Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(After retiring, he will assume the post of chairman of the Norinchukin Bank.). In 1597, Nagasaki was the first onion to land in Japan by a Portuguese ship. The production of early-maturing onions is thriving, and it has a good reputation for its freshness and good taste. I hear that potato was introduced from Jakarta to nagasaki by a Dutch ship in 1598. It boasts the second largest production volume after Hokkaido, and Minamishimabara City is one of the leading production areas in the prefecture. Cultivation started in earnest in the Meiji era, and now it is cultivated based on two crops, spring and autumn, taking advantage of the warm climate. Asparagus officinalis was introduced to Nagasaki as ornamental from the Netherlands during the Edo period. There are spring and summer seasons, and spring asparagus grows slowly over time, so it has a strong sweetness and is rich in minerals and especially vitamin C. Summer asparagus has a beautiful light green color because it grows at a stretch due to the blessings of the daytime sun, and it is soft to the vicinity of the root. I hear that the bright red tomatoes were introduced to Nagasaki from the Netherlands at the end of the 17th century”. City jurisdiction, Kuidetsu, Takematsuhonmachi, Ozato Town, Matsubarahonmachi. City designated historic site : Ozato-伝 Mr. Doi Suzuta's Tomb, Conflict with ‘Sumisaki Omura’-Ko : Master-Slave Relationship. City designated memorial : Matsubarahonmachi-Shaso at Matsubara Hachiman Shrine Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J.Presl, The 15th Emperor Ojin 品陀和気命(Homudawake no Mikoto), 大物主神-Mt. Miwa in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture ;(Koshinto), There are some shrines even today, such as Omiwa-jinja Shrine, which enshrines Mt. Miwa in Nara Prefecture, that regard mountains themselves as the kami's Shintai or Yorishiro (an object capable of attracting kami). Assuming from the high possibility of large kofun (tumulus) being a tomb of leader (great king) of the time by the chronological order of kofun and others, the following kofun tumulus show there was a sovereignty in this region (present day Sakurai City and Tenri City): Yamato-kofun Tumulus Clusters and Yanagimoto Otsuka Tumulus built at the foot of the Mt. Miwa, in the southeast of Nara basin in the early Kofun period (from about the middle of the third century to the early fourth century), and large scattered kofun with the hill length of 300 meters to 200 meters such as Shibutani Mukoyama-kofun Tumulus (identified as a mausoleum of Emperor Keiko), Hashihaka-kofun Tumulus (surmised by some researchers to be a grave of Himiko : There is a theory that Unabi Hime no Mikoto, the sixth-generation Hikohoakari mentioned in A Family Tree of the Amabe Family(A shrine house of ‘Kono Shrine’ located in Miyazu City, Kyoto Prefecture. ‘籠名神社祝部氏係図’ with ‘籠名神宮祝部丹波国造海部直等氏之本記’ : Designated as an important cultural property in June 1975 and a national treasure in June 1976.), was Himiko.), Andonyama-kofun Tumulus (identified as a mausoleum of Emperor Sujin), Mesuriyama-kofun Tumulus, and Nishitonotsuka-kofun Tumulus (identified as the grave of Tashiraka no Himemiko). “Aji Hope Mikan”, Registration 4759341, (Business application 2003-061885), Title (Reference information) Category Applicant / Right holder / Holder, Nagasaki Prefectural Central Agricultural Cooperative, Application date, International registration date, 2003/07/24, Registration Sun, 2004/03/26. Sugar content of 11.5 degrees or more: Taking advantage of the warm climate, the inside of the pipe where mandarin oranges with high sugar content are made has a high mulch coverage, and high quality mandarin oranges are produced. The actual situation, “Wase Iwasaki”, was discovered in 1968 by Mr. Denichi Iwasaki of Nakaura Nango (currently Saikai City), Saikai Town, Nishisonogi District, Nagasaki Prefecture, as a sport of “Wase Okitsu” in the field. It is a polar Wase variety. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Seedling Law has not yet been confirmed. In the field of Mr. Tsuguo Ozaki of “Sasebo unshu”, Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture, a branch change was confirmed from the 15-year-old tree of “Wase Miyagawa”, and it was discovered in 1975. In 1993, the virus-free: Once infected, plants cannot be excluded from immunity and cannot escape the virus for the rest of their lives. In 1998, it seems that the sale of seedlings to the Mikan production area in Nagasaki Prefecture became popular. The harvest season is expected from late November to early December, and it is a Nakate type, which is about 10 days later than “Wase Miyagawa”. Effects of Sheet-mulching and Rootstock on Flowering in Satsuma Mandarin 'Sasebo Unshiu',In this study, the effects of sheet-mulching and rootstock on expression of Citrus FLOWERING LOCUS T (CiFT), number of flowers, and yield were investigated in satsuma mandarin 'Sasebo Unshiu' grafted on trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.) or 'Hiryu' (Flying Dragon) for several years. In the analysis of data from a plural year, rootstock and sheet-mulching had no influence on CiFT expression or the number of flowers. On the other hand, in the analysis of data from a respective single year, significant differences were detected in CiFT expression and the number of flowers in some years. Trees both with and without sheet-mulching tended to flower in alternate years, and the pattern in trees with sheet-mulching were opposite to those without sheet-mulching. In the year when trees with sheet-mulching produced more flowers than the average number, those without sheet-mulching had fewer than the average number of flowers, and vice versa. The alternate bearing index in each tree showed that the annual change in the CiFT mRNA level was significantly greater in trees with than without sheet-mulching. These results suggest that sheet-mulching cultivation makes annual floral induction unstable in 'Sasebo unshiu' although this instability has no effect on the number of flowers or yield. Citrus Research Station, NARO Institute of Fruit Tree with Tea Science and Fruit Tree and Tea Research Division, Agricultural and Forestry Technical Development Center, Nagasaki Prefectural Government and Horticultural research (Japan), 2019.

Vitamin C, which is abundant, can be expected to have the effect of increasing resistance to diseases such as colds. It is widely known that it is involved in immunity because it is abundant in white blood cells and lymphocytes that fight viruses and bacteria that have entered the body. The pigment component β-cryptoxanthin seems to have the effect of promoting antibody production and boosting immunity. Vitamin P (Flavonoid; quercetin(C15H10O7), C28H34O15: polyphenol; Glycotransfer works in cooperation with vitamin C to regulate the permeability of the capillary membrane so that it does not become too permeable.) Expected. Blood flow improving effect, LDL cholesterol lowering, anti-allergic effect, immunity up, etc.

Kudamono 200: Consists of related organizations for fruit production, distribution, and consumption, as well as specialists in agriculture, medicine, dietary guidance, cooking, etc. In order to establish fruit as an indispensable food in our daily diet, we are developing an exercise to recommend the intake of 200g (edible part) of fruit per person per day. I heard that the standard intake of 200g is 2 for mandarin oranges and 1 for apples.