【Product name】
Choshi spring cabbage
Brassica oleracea var. capitata
【Wholesale area】
Shinmachi, Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture (Choshi Vegetable Federation, JA Group Chiba, JA Chiba Midori Farming Center Choshi), This producer is Hiroyuki IWAI
【Origin of name】
It comes from cabbage, the etymology of “caput” Latin. The winding of the head is loose and fluffy, and the inside is light green, and it goes on sale in ‘Spring.’ It is flat and tight, and the outer leaves are green, but the inner leaves are white. Because it tends to become sweeter when exposed to cold or frost.
【Major features】
The limitation of relying on railway operators to maintain local public transportation has also been addressed, and the involvement of local governments along the railway lines is also being questioned. However, while the financial situation of local governments is tight and financial support from local governments and the national government is expected, there is a possibility that the number of local lines will be discontinued in the future. The country is planning to set a direction by July 2022. The spread of the new coronavirus infection, which has been prolonged for more than about three years, seems to have hit many railway operators, including major railway operators in urban areas. It seems that some companies, such as West Japan Railway Company (JR West), have been forced to significantly reduce their business, such as closing branch offices and reducing the number of trains in operation. Even before the Corona disaster, the local line had a serious decrease in the number of users due to the declining population and declining birthrate in the area along the line, and it was always in danger of survival due to deficit management. It has become. In addition to considering revitalization measures to increase the number of users, it is also considering a drastic review such as switching to buses with a view to discontinuing lines. The population decline in local cities where local lines with high publicity are located is drastic, and it will decrease to about 70% of the population in 10 years from now, and to about 50% in 20 years. It seems that some cities are expected to be there. CHOSHI City, Chiba Prefecture, is located at the easternmost point of the Kanto region and is surrounded by the sea. It is unusual for a city in the Kanto Plain to have a cool oceanic climate in the summer and a warm oceanic climate in the winter. The average annual temperature is 15.7 ℃, and the minimum temperature exceeds 2.4 ℃ even in the cold season, which is a warm winter climate. The temperature difference in winter is large between the coastal area and the inland area of the city, and in the eastern part of the coastal area, spring cabbage is actively cultivated by taking advantage of the warm winter climate. It seems that it is cultivated in the center. The topography consists of a lowland along the Tone River and the Hokuso Plateau, and the soil is covered with the Kanto Loam Formation. Paddy fields spread along the Yatsuda and Tone Rivers in the mountains of the plateau, and the fields are formed in a flat plateau area, which is suitable for agricultural work. The types of cabbage are roughly divided into “spring cabbage” and “cold cabbage”. Choshi’s cabbage is “spring cabbage”. Above all, the production of Choshi’s spring cabbage shipped from October to June is the highest in Japan. It is impressive that the leaves are loose and soft. Notably, its freshness and sweetness are wonderful. Spring cabbage tends to become sweeter when it exceeds the wintering season because it stores sugar so that it does not freeze. It seems to be suitable for raw food such as salad and Quick Pickled. Of course, if you cook it quickly, you will feel the sweetness and you will be able to eat it deliciously. “Lighthouse stamp” from Choshi is famous as a brand from Choshi shipped by JA Chiba-Midori. JA Chibamidori Choshi Vegetable Association consists of 604 farmers, and produces and ships various vegetables with three items of cabbage, radish, and corn as pillars. Located 100 km from Tokyo, it is a city of agriculture, fisheries, commerce and industry, and a tourist city at the easternmost point of the Kanto Plain. Blessed with abundant resources in a warm climate. Overview of Choshi City Agriculture: Agricultural land area is about 2870 ha, of which paddy fields are about 846 ha and fields are about 2020 ha. The cultivated land ratio is about 34.2%, and the cultivated area per house is 198.1 a. The number of farm households is 1449 houses, the number of full-time farmers is 640 houses, and the full-time rate is 44.2%. Japanese radish is a tunnel cultivation that is cultivated by covering vinyl materials for sowing after October. Surrounded by the sea on three sides and the warm winter climate, it seems to be cultivated with a tunnel cover of about one vinyl even in the cold season. It grows warm even in the cold season, and its meat is fine and soft, and it has a fresh taste. It’s raw and crispy, with a good balance of sweetness and spiciness, so salads and grated radish are recommended. The pungent ingredient isothiocyanate seems to have the effect of promoting the secretion of gastric fluid and helping the gastrointestinal function. Efficiently removes these heat-sensitive ingredients, and has abundant excellent all-purpose ingredients such as antipyretic action, bactericidal action, blood smoothing effect to prevent blood clots, and antioxidant effect to beautify the skin. Amsmelon is famous as a variety of Choshi melon. The feature is that the skin has vertical stripes like grooves and has a coarse mesh. The flesh is sweet, fragrant, and has a good texture, and although it is a popular brand among melons, it is useful as an agricultural product that can only be handled by producers who have established reliable technology. In addition, it seems to be called a phantom melon because it has a short market period and rarely goes out of the city. It is a gold seal with a sugar content of 16 degrees or more. In addition, it has won the “16th Japan Agricultural Award” and has always been highly evaluated in the national market. Bumblebee is used for pollination and application of organic fertilizer to make delicious tomatoes with a strong taste like red jewels. It seems that they are cultivated using green mulch and white mulch to secure the soil temperature and weed. It seems that the cultivated tomatoes are mainly “Rinka 409”, “House Momotaro”, and “Gohobi(From Sakata Seed Corporation, Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtendahl: Fries f. Sp. (F: R-1,2), Fusarium oxysporum f. Sp. Radicis-lycopersici., ToMV (Tm-2 type), Verticillium dahliae Klebahn, Fulvia fulva (Cook) Ciferri, Stemphylium lycopersici, S. solani resistant to Nematoda insect resistant large tomatoes for red ripening shipment. The grass is rather strong and has stamina until the latter half of cultivation in Nakate. Chuck fruit, window fruit, hollow fruit, and streak rotten fruit are less likely to occur, flower drop is small, and the quality rate is high. The fruits have a high waist and are excellent in color and color. It is a jadeite and has excellent longevity. The taste is good, rich and has a high sugar content. Good fruit set, low temperature hypertrophy, high yield. It seems to be most suitable for forcing / semi-forcing cultivation.)”. In Choshi, there are restrained crops, spring crops, and overwintering crops, and the varieties are changed according to the cropping type, and tomatoes that match the season are cultivated. Choshi watermelon was designated as a crop to replace sweet potatoes in 1967 by the Chiba Prefecture Horticulture Promotion Production Center Development Project, and promoted the formation of production areas. At that time, the planted area was expanded by shipping aiming at the middle of the early shipping production area and the Tohoku region, centering on “Shimaoh Watermelon”, and it seems that it became one of the prefecture’s leading production areas at one time with 450 ha. The varieties are famous for “Kodai” and “Blackjack”. The characteristic of “Blackjack” is that the skin is black and there are very few seeds. The flesh is red and crispy, and it has a high sugar content and an excellent texture. The efficacy of watermelon is to remove swelling due to diuretic action and tend to be high in potassium, which excretes excess sodium in the body. Choshi corn is delicious because minerals derived from seawater ride on the sea breeze and fall into the fields. The more minerals in the soil, the more active the photosynthesis and the more sugar is produced, so it is sweet. I heard that it will be shipped from July to August. Cultivation of “sweet corn” began in 1945, and “Golden Cross Bantam”, “Peter corn”, “Canberra”, “Mirai”, and “Gold Rush 86” were introduced in 2008. Currently, the annual shipment volume is 500,000 cases (case / 5 kg), and the area seems to be expanding in recent years. “地球の丸く見える丘展望館”, Located at the top of Mt. Atago, the highest in the northeastern part of the prefecture. I realized that the earth is round in the scenery seen from the rooftop observation space. Sunny day – You can see Mt. Fuji and Mt. Tsukuba in a 360-degree panorama. In addition, Byobugaura has a view of more than a dozen wind turbines. “補陀洛山 満願寺”, Established by Tokudo Saint, inheriting the history and tradition of pilgrimage since its inception. Shingon Buddhism (company or religious order founded in such a way): Principal image, Ekadasamukha (eleven-faced Avalokitesvara) Bodhisattva : Production By Mr. Horin Matsuhisa / Mr. Sorin ; Statue height 1 length 3 shaku, beautiful statue engraved on Japanese bishu cypress. 1974年, 弘法大師縁の坂東27番飯沼山圓福寺本尊写しの尊像 : It was created and enshrined as. “Special sacred place of 88 places sacred place in Kanto – ふだらくや, ふくじゅむりょうの, わだつみゆ, しおさしよする, まんがんのてら”, By the purification of related people who prayed for pilgrimage to the sacred sites of various countries including the Bando pilgrimage – Founded in 1976. “Soil making technology, chemical fertilizer reduction technology, pesticide reduction technology”. The purpose’s to make cultivation policies, cultivation standards, and cultivation plans(JAちばみどり). “千葉県銚子市”, 三方を水に囲まれ, 利根川河口から君ケ浜, 犬吠埼, 屏風ケ浦に, 至る海岸線が絶景である. Paleolithic : 旧石器時代, People started living on the peninsula about 15,000 to 23,000 years ago. “Choshi fishing port”, “Cool in summer and warm in winter”. “田中玄蕃”(石橋源右衛門氏: 旧海上郡飯沼村)氏が醤油 :1616年(元和2年)(ヒゲタ醤油株式会社, 創業者)“浜口儀兵衛”氏:西濱口家 : 1645年(正保2年)(旧紀伊国有田郡広村 : 現和歌山県有田郡広川町)から, 移住. The soy sauce industry in the Choshi area developed around the Genroku period Edo era. Following its roots, “red cabbage” is said to be native to Western Europe, and came to Japan in the late Edo period and early Meiji era.(呼名: 牡丹菜)It is said that the vegetables were slower to spread than the “cabbage” that is generally available. The spring cabbage from Choshi City began trial production in 1953. The field crops at that time were mainly sweet potatoes and wheat. Vegetables are cultivated for private use in the eastern region. It seems that some farmers were selling to the city. The production of wheat, which was the center of winter production, is unstable due to the fall of autumn : The price of sweet potatoes made in summer also fluctuated significantly. Results of trial and error ; Income is more stable than wheat cultivation without reducing sweet potatoes. Do not require a higher level of skill than ordinary crops. Items that can be cultivated in groups. As a result of examination based on the conditions, introduction of Brassica olercea and Cabbage as new products : Rotate / labor / cooperative cultivation etc., Consensus that it is adapted to the Choshi area. However, even if the cultivation is tried, the producer does not have the cultivation technique. In addition, it is expected that it will be difficult to carry out a large area of a single house. In particular, there is a great deal of anxiety about the sale and transportation of Cabbage.Selection of cropping type and variety when starting cultivation in 1954 : Along with the probability of cultivation technology, the purpose is to investigate various problems : Visit the advanced areas of Fuji City and Shizuoka Agricultural Experiment Station : Training on cultivation techniques and sales system. The following year, we conducted market research in the Tohoku region (Aizuwakamatsu Market). Check the arrival status and quality of long-distance transportation. I was confident and confident that I could compete well with the advanced Fuji cabbage. The results of the exhibited fields and the experiences of the farmers are summarized, and the advice of the diligent farmer. It was obtained based on cultivation techniques. Then, we created and unified cultivation standards suitable for the Choshi area. Market trend – April shipments are sold at a higher price than May shipments. Repeated discussions and examinations regarding shipment in April : Change policy to introduction from normal cultivation type to very early cultivation type. Work on full-scale dissemination and take the first step in spring cabbage cultivation. Continued installation of exhibition fields, dissemination of cultivation techniques, formation of organizations : Daily discussions on shipping materials, transportation support, sales measures, etc., Collect group cultivation, establish a joint sales system, and gather supporters of joint sales : Under the guidance of the Chiba Prefectural Sales Federation, we developed the first joint sales. Due to the hard work and enthusiasm of the pioneers at that time from production to sales. 1957年7月1日, ”灯台印甘藍”の銘柄 : “Lighthouse sign” is a trademark : Establishment of Choshi Vegetable Shipping Association – Preparation to build the current Choshi vegetable production area. Designated vegetables producing area : Designated as a special production area in Chiba prefecture in 1961. The following year, it was designated as a national horticultural specialty. Subsequently, in 1966, it received a national designated production area. By receiving these designations, it will be a momentum to expand the production area. Achievements in the last 10 years – A pre-cooler that can pre-cool cabbage in about 100,000 cases per day is installed. New and delicious Choshi Vegetable can be delivered from the field to the table. In addition, the credit rating will be improved. “Choshi Vegetable Federation”, Plant cabbage, radish, corn, etc. From early on, work on the use of compost and green manure for soil preparation. At the same time, the organization has made efforts to reduce chemical fertilizers and chemically synthesized pesticides. Toward the spread of environment-friendly agriculture : 2002, reduced pesticides, reduced chemical fertilizers, etc. “ちばエコ農産物認証制度” : いち早く, Ecology農業産地の指定と, ちばEcology – 農産物の認証(2003) : Currently, the largest cabbage and radish in the prefecture. Making soil mainly by administering compost : Soil-enhancing crops such as oats are incorporated into the crop rotation system. Perform soil diagnosis and assemble fertilization design before compost administration. Anti-neutral plants such as marigold are incorporated into the crop rotation system. Medium-cultivation weeding by hand or by machine without the use of herbicides. Cover the soil surface with vinyl during high temperatures in summer : Simple solar disinfection – Unreasonable modeling – Set an appropriate sowing date to avoid pest damage. Choshi Electric Railway (Headquarters: Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture) announced on September 27, 2021 that it will enter the electric power business and start providing “Choshi Electric Railway Denki” jointly with Choshi Electric Power. Applications are being accepted from October 1st (Friday). Choshi Electric Railway operates trains between Choshi and Togawa in the city, but the management of the railway business continues to be difficult due to a decrease in users, and the food business mainly sells “wet rice cracker” and “Mazui stick”. It seems that they are building a management model that makes profits. Other topics such as rust preventive paint and “tickets made from real kelp” (limited edition) are attracting attention. The new entry is the electric power business, which seems to be supplied jointly with Choshi Electric Power Co., Ltd., which also has its headquarters in the city. I’ve heard that Choshi Electric Power has strengthened its ties with Choshi Electric Railway, such as developing a special plan in which part of the charge is returned to Choshi Electric Railway. Yamasa Soy Sauce (Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture) plans to raise the price of all soy sauce products and some processed soy sauce products from March next year on the 16th.

According to JA Chiba Midori Farming Center Choshi, the types of cabbage are roughly divided into “cold” and “spring”, and Choshi is “SPRING CABBAGE”. The feature is that the winding is loose and soft. Choshi City seems to be the best in Japan with a production volume of more than 80,000 tons from October to June every year. In particular, cabbage harvested in the spring is said to increase in sweetness because it stores sugar so that it does not freeze when the winter season is over. According to the producers, there are few typhoons in 2022 and it seems that the growth is not bad. Demand for the food service industry is declining due to the corona slump, and it seems that they are concerned about price slumps.

The trial production of spring cabbage in Choshi City began in 1953. It seems that the field crops at that time were mainly sweet potatoes and wheat. Vegetables are cultivated for private use in the eastern area, and some farmers sell them to the city (the prices are cheaper than the prices mentioned at the beginning and the prices shown, and they are sold at a discount. Also, they are sold by carts, etc. It seems that it was done as a way of putting products on the market, pulling them, and selling them.) The production of wheat, which was the center of winter cultivation, is unstable due to the fall of autumn (withering and ripening), and the price of sweet potatoes in summer is also fluctuating significantly. It has a long history of being studied by its predecessors, mainly by young people such as the Agricultural Research Association.

Regarding the designated production areas, it was designated as a special production area in Chiba prefecture in 1961, and was designated as a national horticultural special production area in 1962. Subsequently, in 1966, it was certified as a designated production area of the country. By receiving these designations, it seems that it has become a momentum for expanding the production area. Furthermore, in 1994, in order to develop businesses such as production and sales under a more fulfilling organization, the Choshi Agricultural Cooperative Daine Subcommittee and the Choshi Agricultural Cooperative Corn Subcommittee, which had been active as organization by item, were reorganized and integrated into “JA”. “Choshi Vegetable Union” was established, and it seems that an organization called “Choshi Vegetable Union” has been established due to the name change due to the merger of agricultural cooperatives.
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