
Sunday, October 17, 2021

From the flower burial(Beyond the Blossoming Fields Author:Mr. Junichi WATANABE)published by Shinchosha in July 1975, there was a woman who aspired to a distant and fragile medical path in the early Meiji era, when her academic-loving daughter had a strong tendency to be a shame of her family. Ms. Ginko OGINO, Japan's first female doctor. Unable to endure the humiliation of her husband's illness being diagnosed by the opposite sex, she overcame various prejudices and obstacles to qualify as a doctor and social movement to save a woman suffering from the same suffering. Also participated in. Covered with blood and sweat, it was a feature film that brilliantly pursued the life of the turbulent life that was desperately alive, and received a lot of feedback from readers. However, it was her intention to marry the pastor Mr. Yukiyoshi SIKATA and follow her to Hokkaido, so at least it wasn't unfortunate. Even so, I can get a glimpse of the strength of her will. Immanuel Church is a small church built on the land where the couple and Christians tried to build a utopia after 1891. In the forest of Immanuel hill, which means “being with God” in Hebrew, it is said that it conveys the breath of history with a monument. Ms. Ginko was born in Tawarase, Kumagaya City in 1851 at the end of the Edo period. She got married at the age of 18, but she got an unexpected illness and divorced in about two years. She was keenly aware of the need for a female doctor because she had been treated for gynecology at this time, and decided to become her doctor. However, at that time, women were not allowed to take the medical practice examination, and they struggled to revise the system. At that time, “Ryo no Gige; Official Annotation of the Yoro Ordinance. Volume 10, Volume 30. Based on the proposal of Dr. Myobo-Nukada no Imanari-Ko in 826. From 829, 12 people including Minister of the Right Kiyohara no Natsuno-Ko were compiled by the order of Emperor Junna, completed in 833, and the following year, the official authority of the Yoro Code. It was enforced as an interpretation and had regulatory power equivalent to the text of the decree.” It is like Saitama's great man Mr. Hokiichi HANAWA who edited this and passed it on to future generations.

Setana Town is located in the southwestern part of Hokkaido, in the northern part of the Hiyama Promotion Bureau, facing the Sea of ​​Japan. Shimamaki Village is to the north of Setana Town, Imakane Town is to the east, Yakumo Town is to the south, and Okushiri Island is across the Sea of ​​Japan to the west. The terrain is mountainous in the north and south, with the first-class river Shiribeshi River flowing between them, and in the north there are 1,000 m-class mountains such as Mt. Kariba (1,520 m), the highest peak in southern Hokkaido, and in the south. Yurappu peak (1,277 m: Kenichi Peak: Altitude 1,277m-Hokkaido: Oshima Peninsula --Yamakei Online / Mountains and Kayasha In the central part of the Oshima Peninsula, Kitahiyama-cho (currently Setana-cho, Kudo-gun) and Kumaishi-cho (currently Yakumo-cho, Futami-gun) ) Boundary, it is a mountain of granite.) and Shiromizu Peak (1,136 m: It is a mountain that extends to the south of Mt. Yurappu, and is the main peak of the Shiramizu mountain range in the “Donan Alps” where the mountain trail was excavated by Kumaishiyama Lecture.) are connected. From Mt. Kariba in the north to the coast, it is designated as Karibamottadori Natural Park, and part of the coastline in the south is designated as Hiyama Prefectural Natural Park. The total area of ​​the town seems to be about 638.69 km2. The etymology is the Ainu word “Setarushuppenai (dog river)” is abbreviated to “Setanai (dog valley)”, and it is said that it was converted to “Setana”.

【Product name】
Kita Kamui
Solanum tuberosum L.
【Producing area】
Imakane Town, Setana District, Hokkaido, Setana Town, Kudo District(JA Imakane Town)
【Origin of a name】
In 1893, the “Kita” Hokkaido Colliery and Railway Company in Hokkaido was named together with the name of the mining area that was applied for, Kamui.
【Major features】
The Imakane Imakane Agricultural Cooperative in Hokkaido unified the potatoes planted in the town into “Baron Potato” in 1953, and began shipping under the name “Imakane Danshaku” in 1955. After that, he said that he worked on brand building such as increasing the starch content of the same variety to be shipped (hereinafter referred to as “Lyman value”) to 13.5% or more. As a result of these efforts, Imakane Oshaku was registered in the Geographical Indication (GI) Protection System (Note 1) by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in September of the first year of Reiwa. I hear that JA Imakane Town is taking this opportunity to expand its sales strategy by focusing on the development and export of processed products with the aim of further strengthening the brand. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has formulated the “Intellectual Property Strategy” since 2007, and is strategically promoting intellectual property-related measures for agriculture, forestry and fishery products and foods. In the “Intellectual Property Strategy 2020”, In order to increase the added value of Japan's agriculture, forestry and fishery products and foods, and to promote the sixth industrialization in rural areas and regional revitalization through international competitiveness, new varieties of plants, The result of technological development, design, naming (trademark), on-site technology and know-how, regional brand and food culture, etc. It is necessary to protect these from counterfeit and pirated products as well as to protect them. The history of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries began with the establishment of the “Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce” in 1881. This is the fifth oldest ministry that still exists, after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance (currently the Ministry of Finance), the Ministry of Justice (currently the Ministry of Justice), and the Ministry of Education (currently the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) for more than 130 years. It is a ministry with a history of. At the time of its establishment, in addition to agriculture, forestry and fisheries, commerce and industry were included as jurisdiction fields, but in 1925 the commerce and industry field was separated into the newly established “Ministry of Commerce and Industry (currently Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)”. The name was changed to “Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry”. In 1943, when the momentum of the war increased, it seems that the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce became the “Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce” by integrating the fields under the jurisdiction of the “Ministry of Commerce and Industry” other than the munitions industry. Furthermore, in August 1945 after the end of the war, the name was changed to “Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry” again, and in 1978 it became the current name “Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries”. The current Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is composed of the “Main Ministry” consisting of the Minister's Secretariat, 5 Bureaus, the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Technology Council, and the Local Branch Offices, and the “External Agency” consisting of the Forestry Agency and Fisheries Agency. I would like to describe what I was able to confirm as the basic philosophy of the Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau. Food is the source of support for life and is the basis of national life that is indispensable for even one day. Based on the idea that it is most important to protect the health of the people by valuing the consumer's point of view, we will ensure the safety and stable supply of food and give consumers a sense of trust in food. Implement such a policy. The dining table is made up of various food imports from all over the world, in addition to domestically produced agriculture, forestry and fishery products. Measures to improve food safety and prevent diseases and pests on livestock and crops are closely related to international trade. Implement these measures based on scientific grounds, in line with international standards, and in accordance with the concept of risk analysis. In order for the people to have a safe diet, in addition to supplying safe food, it is necessary to provide information on food, including safety, so that consumers can gain the trust of food. Provide accurate information and exchange opinions in the process of creating measures to improve food safety. For individual foods, we will promote easy-to-understand labeling so that consumers can select foods based on accurate information. In addition, we will promote dietary education that cultivates the ability to think and make decisions about food by oneself so that each and every citizen can lead a healthy diet throughout their lives. Well, let's get back to the story. Imakane Town, located in the northwestern part of the Oshima Peninsula in Hokkaido, is within the jurisdiction of about 180 km from Sapporo City. Along the Shiribeshi River, one of the clearest streams in Japan, there is a well-drained fertile agricultural land formed by volcanic eruptions such as Mt. Usu. The position of potato production in Imakane Town in Hokkaido is less than 1% in terms of planted area, production volume, and shipment volume, and it can be said that it is rare in terms of quantity. The production volume since 2014 has increased by more than 45% compared to more than 50 years ago, and has been changing from 8,000 tons to 12,000 tons. In addition, the amount of food shipped is also changing synergistically. Production in 2020 was 8820 tons, down 16.3% from the previous year, and shipments were 6972 tons, down 22.8% from the previous year. Why? That is, the cultivated area and production volume depend on the weather factors of the year. In particular, according to agricultural cooperative officials, the production volume will increase or decrease on the scale of 1000 tons depending on the weather. In addition, the future cropping prospects are based on future price trends that have been sold after GI registration. I want to go back further. Production began around 1891, but I hear that potatoes with white skin have been highly evaluated in the market since that time. In 1967, a system was established in which seed potato producers and edible potato producers were distinguished, and producers who had acquired the skills and knowledge necessary for seed potato production were cultivated specially in seed potatoes. Implementation of cavity inspection. In 1995, the Lyman value (starch value; (%) = 214.5 ✕ (specific gravity -1.050) + 7.5, specific gravity = (air weight) / (air weight-water weight)) will be shipped at 13.5% or more. , Worked on further quality improvement. In addition, before shipping, producers always store in the air for about a week, and even after shipping to JA Imakane Town, store in the air for at least 5 days to prevent peeling and scratches, and harvest. We are also trying to maintain the quality later. Even after shipping, I frequently visited the markets and retail stores where the products were shipped. In addition to directly confirming the quality of “potatoes, which are characterized by their natural melting and crunchiness,” we also put effort into certifying the production area, such as putting a golden seal in a box as proof that we cleared the shipping standards, not only at the production site. We are also working to maintain and improve quality in the market, and have earned high trust not only from market participants but also from consumers. When the popular “Baron” was selected as an excellent variety in Hokkaido, the potatoes cultivated from 1953 were unified to “Baron Potato” only. In 1955, the introduction of joint sorting work made it possible to ship products of uniform quality, so we started shipping to the market under the name of “Imakane Danshaku Potato”, and since then, we have made various efforts to improve quality throughout the production area. Continue. In the first year of specialized cultivation in 1967, the area was 245 ha (edible 75 ha, seed 170 ha) and the production was 5,500 tons. In 2017 (Heisei 29), the area is 375 ha (edible 307 ha, seeds 68 ha), and the production is expanding to about 12,000 tons. Although the production volume is small compared to other production areas in Hokkaido, it has established itself as a brand production area in the Kanto and Tokai markets, which are the main shipping destinations, due to its high quality and rarity. It is also registered as a trademark. Imakane Otoko Shaku, Designated Goods or Designated Services, Class 31, Imakane Town, Setana District, Hokkaido and the surrounding area, Danshaku Potato, Trademark Registration, Registration Number, No. 6031227. Geographical Indication Protection System: G1, Registration Number, No. 86, Registration Date, September 9, 2019, Registration Application Number, No. 177, Registration Application Date, May 14, 2019 , Name of registered producer group, Imakane Agricultural Cooperative. “Kita Kamui” (Potatoes crossed between “Yellow Shark”, which was selected and raised in 1982, and “Toya”, which was selected as a recommended variety in 1992.) By the way, my mother was It's a variety that has been selected and bred with the aim of producing a variety that is easy to make and has been registered in July 1992. It does not discolor when peeled or cut, and does not need to be soaked in water. The seeds of Sakata are selected and grown from seeds introduced from the Pan American Seed Company in 1982. It's Presumed that the gene of “Rasit Burbank” is contained. It is a variety that has been carefully cultivated from the tests that were tested in the Seedling individual selection in 10 years. Since 2004, it has been tested under the strain name of “HP01” in the selection test of imported varieties of horse bells in Hokkaido, and the practicality as a variety has been examined (It has the resistance gene H1 and is highly). resistant, and its scab resistance is weak. Resistance in the plague field and Y mosaic disease resistance(Potato virus Y (PVY))are weak. Tuber rot resistance is also slightly weak.), 2007, it is said that it was certified as an excellent variety in Hokkaido. It has a plateau climate at the foot of Mt. Compared with the control variety “Baron Potato”, the spread of anthocyanin coloring on the inner surface of the corolla is absent or minimal, and the depth of the tubers is Distinguishing is recognized because it is a little shallow. Compared with the control variety “Toya”, the distinction is recognized by the fact that the skin color of the tubers is light beige and the flesh color of the tubers is white. The shape of the buds is spherical, and the degree of anthocyanin coloring at the base of the buds is medium. The application for registration was made in 2008), and the variety was registered in 2010. Starch is easily saccharified by storage, has a surprising sweetness, and tends to be hard to boil. Generally, baron varieties have the advantage of powdery, chewy texture that Japanese people like. Among them, Imakane Baron Potato has a Lyman value of 13.5% or more, which is 10% of the average value of other baron varieties. High degree. Therefore, the chewy texture is excellent. In addition, it melts naturally and has a nice texture, and the skin is white and the color is beautiful. There is little variation in quality, and the shape and appearance are good, so the yield when peeling is high. Due to its high quality, it has been evaluated as top-class in both quality and taste by people involved in the fruit and vegetable market, and the fact is that it is traded at a price that is more than 20% higher than the baron varieties of other production areas in the market. We also smile. In addition, according to agricultural cooperative officials, the baron varieties have drawbacks such as “vulnerable to diseases”, “low yield”, and “time to sort” compared to other potato varieties, which puts a burden on producers. I heard that. As of June 2020, 62 households belong to the household, and the average age is 52 years old. Of these, 20 producers are in their 20s to 40s. The subcommittee stated that it is important to “share information and not create people who are behind in technology in order to improve the quality of Imakane as a whole”, and it is related to quality improvement for the people involved in the subcommittee once a month. We hold meetings and annual study sessions for producers. So, does the good quality stand out? In addition, every year from June to July, sick and poorly grown strains are manually extracted one by one, and Lyman's value is measured on a regular basis. There are also groups such as the “Early attendant Potato Promotion Association (shipped from August to September)”, and they are also working individually. As a rule at the time of shipment, in order to prevent mixing with edible potatoes at the time of sorting, Imakane Otoko Shakumo is divided into seeds (seed producers and original seed producers) and edible growers as well as other potato cultivation. “Specialized cultivation” is carried out. Seed producers are required to manage cultivation more thoroughly than they can eat, and it is said that the same producers are trying to improve their skills as “professionals” every year, such as potato virus disease and strain confirmation. In addition, by purchasing the original seeds from the breeding and livestock management center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, raising the original seeds with the above-mentioned original seed producers, and using disease-free (virus-free) seed potatoes produced by the seed producers, the total amount will be updated every year. According to a survey by the Agriculture and Livestock Industries Corporation, the producers first sort the shape and size before shipping to the fruit sorting plant. In the case of raw food, nearly 40% is excluded at this stage. According to agricultural cooperative officials, JA Imakane Town is the only case in Japan where such strict selection is carried out at the producer stage. Next, in the sorting at the fruit sorting plant, dozens of skilled part-time staff manually exclude those that are slightly malformed or have scratches from the fruit sorting line (belt conveyor) in three stages. In addition, the precision camera distinguishes the shape and size on the line, and the infrared sensor confirms whether there is a cavity in the core of the potato and sorts it. Producers will inspect the soil in the fields where they will plant potatoes next year and inspect for potato cyst nematodes (hereinafter referred to as “neutral”). In addition, it is said that the entire producers' subcommittee will patrol each planted field before harvesting. Furthermore, regarding seed potatoes, virus strains are checked daily, and it seems that only seed potatoes that have passed the epidemic prevention inspection three times a year are used as seed potatoes. Before shipping, producers always store in the air for about a week (storage in a cool and dark place), and even after shipping to JA Imakane Town, store in the air for at least 5 days to prevent peeling and scratches. It seems that they are trying to maintain the quality after harvesting. In addition, after shipping, he frequently visits the market and supermarkets to directly check the quality of Imakane Baron Potato, and he is also focusing on certificate of origin, such as putting a certificate sticker that meets the shipping standards in a box. Although it is originally a fertile land, livestock and rice cultivation are also active, so as mentioned above, each producer is working to create more fertile soil through farming cooperation. It seems that the soil is inspected before the potatoes are harvested, the situation before fertilization is grasped, and the fertilizer composition suitable for the soil is considered and sprayed. In addition, after harvesting (around October), the soil is prepared by sowing green manure and plow in compost to prevent soil erosion and runoff. In addition, producers are obliged to rotate of crops such as wheat, soybeans, and sugar beets for four years, and it is said that they maintain an environment adapted to potatoes by preventing the growth and invasion of nematodes. It is clear that Imakane Baron Potato is based on the history built up by the former producers, and that feeling is still passed down to young producers. It is an abbreviation for Global Farmer / Fisherman / Forestry / Food Manufacturer Project. It was registered in 2021 for the export project of Japanese agriculture, forestry and fishery products promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and is actively working on collecting information on exports. First of all, it wants to increase exports to countries with many Japanese residents, such as Singapore, which has a record of exporting hundreds of kilograms. Producers involved in agriculture, fishing, forestry and food processing. Sellers such as trading companies and distributors. And the government. We will work together to export. The view that it was born for that reason. We will deliver the necessary and optimal information by communityizing enthusiastic producers nationwide and diagnosing them. He also wants to actually create successful export cases by supporting the formation of production areas and matching with vendors. Unlike domestic shipments, exports have various procedures, regulations, language hurdles, and unique commercial distribution, making it difficult for individual players to achieve continuous results. To overcome these challenges, we provide services that allow individual players to find business partners and bridge business negotiations. At the same time, the government, JETRO, etc. will work together to provide one-stop support for the efforts of these communities. It seems that JA Imakane Town's efforts to brand Imakane Baron Potato and sales strategies are going well, but Imakane, which will take more effort from producers due to the aging of producers, is a future issue for producers. Some say that it will be difficult to plant a male brand. In response to the issue, the RTK (Real Time Kinematic-GPS) base station was set up and started operation from April 2nd year of Reiwa with the full subsidy of Imakane Town. From 2021, it is said that a project to subsidize about 50% from the town for the introduction of agricultural work equipment to utilize the RTK(One of the measurement methods called “relative positioning”, It is a technology that receives signals from four or more satellites with two receivers, a fixed station and a mobile station, and it is more accurate than single positioning by exchanging information between the two receivers and correcting the deviation. I hear that it is possible to obtain location information. Although there are some errors, the biggest feature is that the range can be kept within just a few centimeters. It seems that it will be widely used mainly in fields where more accurate position information is required, such as agricultural machinery, construction machinery, and automatic navigation of drones.)base station will be implemented. I'm really looking forward to the news. It should be remembered that in March 2020, the United States requested Japan to lift the import ban on raw edible potatoes, and the value-added sales strategy is noteworthy for stakeholders and consumers, voice. I would like to continue to pay attention to trends such as future sales strategies of Imakane Baron Potato, the top brand of potatoes. In addition, while the Japanese government is actively promoting the expansion of exports of agricultural, forestry and fishery products, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry have signed an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA; In addition to trade liberalization, agreements aimed at strengthening a wide range of economic relations, including investment, movement of people, protection of intellectual property, rule-making in competition policy, and elements of cooperation in various fields.) with Japan in April 2021 to promote the export of GI products. Simplify export procedures to 14 countries / regions such as Thailand and Indonesia. Last but not least, since we are also focusing on the production of Japanese black beef in the jurisdiction, we will sell “Imakane Baron Potato Japanese Black Beef Curry” at the same time as the GI registration in September 2018. Sales were strong and 18,000 meals were produced at that time. From October 2020, it is said that it has started selling as a set with the packed rice “Imakane saturated rice” that was commercialized online in the same area where high quality rice is produced. Currently, he is also developing “Imakane Otoko Baron Potato Salad” in collaboration with famous chefs and potato salad researchers. Enjoy it once!

Blackening after cooking is less “fine” than “Baron tuber”. The taste is medium to top, which is comparable to that of “Baron tuber”, and the potato salad processing suitability is as good as that of “Sayaka Potato”.

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